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1 Simon Ribeiro

Simon is running for U.S. Congress in the 9th Congressional District of Illinois situated
on the north side of Chicago and Chicago’s northern suburbs, from the Lakefront to
O’Hare Airport.

Simon Ribeiro was born in Tallahassee, the Capital of Florida, on Mother's Day
Sunday, May 10, 1981. His family moved to Rochester, in Upstate New York, and in
the summer of 1986 they moved to Evanston, Illinois (just north of Chicago). Simon has
lived in Evanston for over 22 years. He also resided in Chicago and Skokie during his
College studies.

His Father
Professor Gerardo Ribeiro, a world-renowned concert violinist, had taught at
numerous Universities after Studying at the prestigious Julliard School of Music in New
York City. He won numerous international competitions, and soloed with major world
orchestras and venues. He taught at Central Michigan University, Florida State
University, the University of Rochester's Eastman School of Music, and is currently
teaching at Northwestern University.
Prof. Ribeiro is also teaching at the Chicago Music Institute, the Meadowmount
Music School in New York, and the Lake Forest Music School in Illinois. In 2001 he
was awarded the Presidential Scholars Teacher Recognition Award from the White
House's Commission on Presidential Scholars. In 2000, he won the highest Civilian
Title of Commander from his native Portugal.
His Mother
Professor Joanne D'Amato, a linguist and musician, had taught at the State
University of New York in Italian Literature and Film. She also served as a High School
Teacher in English, Italian, and Spanish. She was an outstanding Concert Pianist when
she met her violinist husband.
Her eldest brother, Alfonse M. D'Amato, became the first Italian-American to
represent New York in the U.S. Senate. Her other brother, Armand P. D'Amato served
in the New York State Legislature and operated a successful law and real estate
business. Both brothers are practicing attorneys.
Simon’s education mounted mostly on outside reading, documentaries, and
travels. He graduated from Evanston Township High School in June 2000. Simon
graduated from Oakton Community College and Northeastern Illinois University in May
2005. He earned a bachelors degree in Political Science.
In 2004, Simon interned for Chicago Alderman Margaret Laurino and Illinois State
Representative John C. D'Amico.

In 2005, Simon passed the rigorous U.S. State Department's Foreign Service Written
Exam, and became a U.S. Diplomat Corps Candidate.

In 2006, Simon became the youngest Congressional Candidate in U.S. History winning
nearly 2,400 votes on his Primary Run and earning 3rd place in the Final Election.

In 2007 to 2009, Simon served as a Deputy Voting Registrar, Election Judge Election
Equipment Manager for the Cook County Clerk’s Office.

In 2009, Simon filed to run for Alderman of Evanston. But he withdrew, so he could run
again for U.S. Congress in the Special Election.

In 2010, Simon plans on taking the 9th Congressional seat, so he can better represent
the people in Congress!

Faith & Community Service

Simon Ribeiro is of the Roman Catholic Christian Faith.
He served as an Alter Server, Eucharistic Minister, speaker, youth leader, and
community volunteer.
Simon has worked as a School Teacher, Swim Coach, and Lifeguard in the Illinois
Public Schools and many other community institutions.
He has been a mentor to many children and an advocate for better schools and human
achievement. He has worked and volunteered at the following:

Chicago Public Schools,
Evanston & Skokie Public Schools,
Northwestern University,
Northeastern Illinois University,
Cook County Clerk’s Office
Platform Issues

Social Services

Universal Healthcare: Single National Government-payer healthcare that is
Free, High-Quality, Efficient, Comprehensive, Preventative and Compassionate.

Universal Education, Job Training and Job Placement that is
Free, High-Quality, Efficient, Comprehensive, and Compassionate from
Pre-School all the way up to College and any Vocational Training needed.

Universal Retirement Pension System that is
Free, High-Quality, Efficient, Comprehensive, and Compassionate.

National Security
Protect Borders, Coasts, Air & Sea Ports, and Sensitive Sites with Military Force.
Replace State IDs to One National ID (a modified Passport ID).
Enforce Immigration and Criminal Law with a strong Military and Police.
Reform Immigration policy to better suit the economy, welfare system, drugs and crime.

Foreign Policy
Bann speculative Preemptive War (End the War in Iraq).
Open Diplomatic Relations with Iran, North Korea, Cuba, and Venezuela.

Economics & Jobs

Fair Trade
End unfair trade policies.

Fair Immigration
End Undocumented Work and Social Security Fraud (ID Theft).
End the “Race to the Bottom” of Wages, Benefits, Safety, and Environmental
Universal Job Application
Create a digital and paper standardized job application form that includes résumés,
transcripts, certifications, licenses, ID, medical information (such as TB checks),
clearance and any other relevant job-hiring information in order to foster faster hiring,
promotions and transfers. This information can be put on to a single ID.

Government Reform
Equalize Access for all Political Parties by establishing
Equal Signature Requirements,
Equal Debate Participation,
Equal Media Coverage (Increasing FCC mandated Public Service Announcement time
and Freely & Equally dividing it to Political Candidates’ advertisements).
Bann Ear-Mark Legislation (National Tax Money being Diverted to Non-National Goals).
Bann Gerrymandering & Affirmative Action Re-districting by replacing it with
Rectangular Grid-locked Districts or Districts that take in whole municipalities and/or
significant political subdivisions in order to Ensure Geographical, Community and
Population Integrity.
Replace all Forms of Taxes, Tolls, and Fees from all Levels of Government to a Single
10% Flat Federal-Municipal Final Sales Tax.
Half, 5%, goes directly to the municipality and the other half, 5%, goes to the nation.
This tax would be already calculated in the advertised item price.

An automatic beginning-of-the tax year consumption tax rebate, a “Pre-bate,” will be

dispensed out to all individuals.
This can be used as a stimulus or savings and will counter the heavier tax burden felt
on poorer consumers.

A Graduated Progressive Income/Investment Tax on income brackets:

0% tax rate on the $0 to $150-thousand income bracket.
10% tax rate on the $150-thousand to $200-thousand income bracket.
20% tax rate on the $200-thousand to $400-thousand income bracket.
25% tax rate on the $400-thousand to $600-thousand income bracket.
30% tax rate on the $600-thousand to $1-million income bracket.
35% tax rate on the $1-million to $10-million income bracket.
40% tax rate on the $10-million to $100-million income bracket.
50% tax rate on the $ 100-million to $infinity income bracket.
Laws & Regulations Streamlining
Streamlining State Laws & Regulations Systems to One Federal Law & Regulation
Bann legal sanctioning of Traditional or Gay or Polygamous Marriage.
Allow consenting adults to marry, divorce, separate, or annul privately without state
Only Child-Custody should be a family state sanctioned practice.

Criminal Justice
Legalizing Alcohol, Cigarettes, Arms, Marijuana, Prostitution, Gambling and other Non-
Violent Activities with Obvious Regulations (All law-abiding adults should be able to own
or use these with appropriate regulations).

Transportation & IDs

A modified Passport ID will serve as the only ID you need. It will contain all necessary
information on one’s status such as residency, driver’s license, insurance information,
and medical emergency information. One can add on more information like transcripts,
résumés, cover letters, standardized job applications, certifications, licenses, for job and
school admissions on the ID at a government facility to ensure authenticity and

Family Planning
Birth Control should remain legal.
This option can prevent or reduce Unwanted Pregnancies, Abortions, Infanticide, Child
Abuse, Welfare Fraud, Parental Negligence, Court Cases, Punitive Payments Plans,
DCFS cases, Prison Incarceration, and Crime.
Abortion options should continue to be at the discretion of the mother and doctor.
Condoms and other safe-sex birth control contraceptives should be made accessible to
prevent or minimize costly and tragic disease transmissions and unwanted pregnancies.
Simon Ribeiro

Simon Ribeiro

510 Sheridan Road # 211
Evanston, Illinois 60202 1-773-620-8768

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