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Recommendation Letter Organization Approval Letter Acknowledgement Exec tive S mmar! Ta#le o$ Content% Li%t o$ Fig re% Li%t o$ Ta#le% A##reviation C(apter ) Introd ction 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 1.5 1.6 1. 1.! Introduction to Bank Importance of Bank Commercial Bank in Nepal Function of Commercial Bank Profile of Prime Bank Capital Structure of PCBL Corporate Structure of Prime Bank Product and Ser"ice# of Prime Bank 1.!.1 Con#umer Bankin% 1.!.2 FC& 'enominated (ccount 1.!.3 Con#umer Lendin% 1.!.4 Prime *emit " I II III I" "&"II "III I' '&'I )&*+ ) 1 1 2 2 3 4 5 6$1 6 1) 11 1

1.!.5 Prime +IS( 'e,it Card 1.!.6 S-. Bankin% 1./ 1.1) 1.11 1.12 1.13 +i#ion0 -i##ion# and +alue# Board of 'irector# of PCBL (rea of Stud1 2,3ecti"e of Stud1 *e#earc4 met4odolo%1 1.13.1 Source of 'ata 1.14 1.15 1.16 1.1 Limitation of #tud1 2r%ani5ation of #tud1 'uration of #tud1 Placement

1 1 1! 1/ 21 21 21 21 22 22 23 23

C(apter * Anal!%i% and Activitie% /er$ormed 2.1 *e#pon#i,ilit1 of cu#tomer #er"ice department 2.1.1 Interaction 6it4 Cu#tomer 2.1.2 *ecord 7eepin% 2.1.3 8#in% S1#tem Soft6are 2.1.4 *ecei"in% P4one Call# 2.1.5 2t4er CS' 9a#k# 2.2 2.3 -arketin% (nal1#i# of -arketin% "i

*,&-. *, 24 24 24 25 25 25 2 2


Competitor (nal1#i# 2.4.1 Competitor# anal1#i# in term# of current po#ition 2.4.2 Competitor# anal1#i# in term# of product and #er"ice offered

2!$32 2! 3) 32$33 32 33 33$35 35$3


.n"ironment (nal1#i# 2.5.1 .:ternal .n"ironment (nal1#i# 2.5.2 Internal .n"ironment (nal1#i#

2.6 2.

S;29 (nal1#i# Contri,ution of Prime Bank to t4e econom1

C(apter Concl %ion and Recommendation 3.1 3.2 Conclu#ion *ecommendation#

-0&-1 -0 3! 3/ ,2

Bi#liograp(! Appendix& I Li#t of Commercial Bank Appendix& II 2"er"ie6 of Sa"in% (ccount# and Loan# < (d"ance# Appendix&III -ana%ement team of PCBL Appendix&I" Financial Statement of PCBL


1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 2.1 2.2 2.3

Capital Structure of PCBL Fi:ed depo#it of PCBL Board -em,er of PCBL ;ork duration of Intern#4ip Competitor# anal1#i# in term# of current po#ition

/age No3
4 1) 2) 23 2/ 3) 36

Competitor# anal1#i# in term# of product and #er"ice offered *ole of PCBL to Nepale#e .conom1


S3N 1.1 1.2 2.1 2.2 Title
Fi%ure of Capital Structure Fi%ure of Corporate Structure Competitor# in term# of current po#ition Competitor# in term# of product and #er"ice# offered

/age No3
4 5 2/ 31


(BBS (>C (IC (L (9BB( B2' C( C.2 C2 C2(S CS' '?F' FNCCI ?L' ?@* @*' I.P.2 = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = : (n1 Branc4 Bankin% Ser"ice# (ccount (%riculture Input# Corporation# (uto Loan (utomated 9eller -ac4ine Bac4elor in Bu#ine## (dmini#tration Board of 'irector# Current (ccount C4ief .:ecuti"e 2fficer Central 2ffice Central 2ffice (ccount Section Cu#tomer Ser"ice 'epartment 'eput1 ?eneral -ana%er Fi:ed 'epo#it Federation of Nepale#e C4am,er of Commerce and Indu#tr1 ?old Loan 'epartment ?eneral -ana%er @uman *e#ource @uman *e#ource 'epartment Initial Pu,lic 2fferin%

I9 Ltd. LC -IS -NC N(BIL NIC N*B 2' PCBL P? P?C P?L PS SC9 S-S SS( S;IF9 S;29 9A99

= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =

Information 9ec4nolo%1 Limited Letter of Credit -ana%ement Information S1#tem -ulti$National Corporation# Nepal (ra, Bank Limited Nepal Indu#trial and Commercial Nepal *a#ta Bank 2"er draft Prime Commercial Bank Limited Prime ?old Sa"in% (ccount Prime ?old Certificate Prime ?old Loan Prime Sa"in% (ccount Smart card 9ec4nolo%1 S4ort -e##a%e Ser"ice Staff Salar1 (ccount Societ1 for t4e ;orld6ide Inter$,ank Financial 9elecommunication Stren%t4 ;eakne## 2pportunitie# 94reat# 9otal Aualit1 -ana%ement 9ele%rap4ic 9ran#fer


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