J.K. Financial, Inc.

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J.K. Financial, Inc. J.K. FINANCIAL, INC. Happy Thanksgiving!

Happy Halloween!


A special four part series, newsletter theme
Just as the last newsletter had a theme of pen- within a year.
sions, this newsletter is devoted to interest rates. While this is extremely good news for our
You know we have great concerns that interest economy, this will result in higher interest rates,
rates will rise in the future. Our concern is that if correct, for mortgages, checking and money
investors be aware of the extreme danger that market balances, but much lower values for lon-
lurks in longer term dated fixed income instru- ger term fixed income instruments.
ments if interest rates rise rapidly. Just be careful. See our “Coiled spring” article
Recently, in a gathering with Michael Cox, for- on Page 5 for more information.
mer Chief Economist for the Dallas Fed and cur- We wanted to give you a bit broader invest-
rently Director, O’Neil Center for Global Markets ment and wealth management topics. We hope
and Freedom at Southern Methodist University, you enjoy.
he stated that he expected inflation to be at 4-5%

Required minimum distributions waived this year (2009)

As the end of 2009 taxes paid) assets. butions is to pay taxes. along these lines are Roth
comes, one thing we do The logic behind this Fret not, as we will not conversion and contribu-
not have to fret about was to allow investors be calling you for those tions. Next year, a few
is RMD’s or Required the opportunity to gain annual distributions this of the rules concerning
Minimum Distributions. traction back in their year but next year will these investments are
RMD’s are the govern- investments as the mar- certainly be back to the changing and in order
ment’s requirement for kets smartly recover. In norm. Enjoy the slightly not to confuse you, we
those of us 70 ½ or older effect, this is a tax break lower taxes to the IRS this will update those rules
to take funds from our as the main reason we are year. next year (2010).
IRA or other qualified (no forced to take IRA distri- Follow up points


Sneak peak: What we learned
Part 1: Inflation...best known secret
Part 2: Consumer Price Index
Part 3: Inflation factors to look for
Investors over age
Consumer Price
Coiled spring..... Careful! 5 50 opting for extra
Part 4: Our probability of inflation 6 catch-up payments Index Average Since
So what did you do this summer? 7 available for 401k 1928. (CPI) A proxy
J.K. Financial, Inc., John voted Five Star and other retirement for Inflation.
Investment Advisor 7 contributions!

Sneak peak:
What we learned over the last business cycle
FIVE THINGS TO Donald recently com- at what happened over the be available over the next
KNOW piled the chart below last recession. Not to let the quarter and will most likely
about inflation (small preview version), secret out but we were so further support our thesis.
c Inflation is too which we know is a bit pleased by the data com- The gist of the chart
busy, but forms the the- piled from S&P, ICI and shows two investor classes
much demand
sis for our next newslet- Telechart that we wanted acting at differing times.
chasing too little ter in which we review to give you a sneak pre- Can you figure out how
supply. our predictions from the view. Another reason we we may infer this? If not,
prior year, formulate a few want to hold off until our we will explain in the next
hypothesis for the coming next newsletter is to add newsletter.
c The Fed attempts year (2010) and take a look additional data which will
to maintain a 2-3%
rate of inflation.

c The CPI mea-

sures inflation
as experienced
by consumers in
their day-to-day
living expenses.

c Higher interest
rates may signal
the possibility of
inflation coming
around the corner.

c We think in-
flation will rise Pension success, follow up from our last newsletter
and take several We are happy to thank those of you with Yes, just as the old EE bonds mature, we have
years to stop as feedback and research in discovering your found pension benefits that mature as well.
pension information from our last newsletter There has been no uniform age and no extreme
the economy (quarter 3, 2009). Your research and discovery notification to the investor that we can deter-
overheats and -- yes, there were found pensions -- actually mine as of this time.
helped us uncover an even more important In such cases, immediate action is necessary
begins showing pension item. as pension owners may actually be penalized
signs of supply/ The following only applies to individuals for their procrastination. If you have a vested
who are not yet taking pension benefits but do yet untapped pension, dust off the folder and
demand mis- have a vested benefit. take a look for key words such as “Freeze” or
matches. We have found several situations where “No More Accrual.” If you have questions, feel
pension benefits actually stop earning a benefit free to e-mail us or give us a shout.
to their owner. What, you may be asking?

Part 1
INFLATION: one of the best known secrets
ith much talk of inflation, and to be as much with that dollar as he/she previ-
fair, much coming from our mouths ously could. While the annual rate of infla-
as well, we decided to post a series of tion has fluctuated greatly over the last half
thoughts concerning inflation. century, ranging from nearly zero inflation
to 23% inflation, the Fed actively tries to
What is inflation? Investorwords.com has the maintain a specific rate of inflation, which
following definition: is usually 2-3% but can vary depending on
circumstances, opposite of deflation.”
“The overall general upward price move-
ment of goods and services in an economy, In less technical terms, too much demand chas-
usually as measured by the Consumer Price ing too little supply.
Index and the Producer Price Index. Over
time, as the cost of goods and services in- What is the long term inflation rate as mea-
crease, the value of a dollar is going to fall sured by the CPI (Consumer Price Index)? 2.75%
because a person won’t be able to purchase

Tax strategies for year end er


W Tax Guide

It’s not too early

be fi

to think about

next year’s taxes 0 U.S.
ual the invest-
As we enter the Fall, we market’s negative movement the “tax tail wag
begin working on tax loss over the last two years, it is ment portfolio dog.”
selling and capital gain neu- still possible to have capital
tralization strategies. gains taxes due. There are always surprises
that we miss and gains that
As many of you are most Our tax strategies involve slip through at the last min-
certainly aware, Uncle Sam attempting to realize the ute but as our thoughts turn
wants his fair share of our current maximum deduct- to helping minimize taxes,
gains on taxable investments ible amount ($3,000) in losses we thought it informative to
we have realized over the while not sacrificing the relay and remind you of our
calendar year. While it may integrity of the investment strategies in advance.
be unthinkable, given the portfolio, and never letting

Part 2
Consumer Price Index (CPI) ...
a measure of inflation?
What is the CPI? enced by consumers in their goods and services to consum-
The Consumer Price Index, day-to-day living expenses; ers. Finally, there are specialized
according to the Bureau Of the Producer Price Index (PPI) measures, such as measures of
Labor Statistics which has an measures inflation at earlier interest rates.
excellent web site at www.bls. stages of the The “best” measure
gov, is a measure of the average production The CPI mea- of inflation for a given
change over time in the prices process; the sures inflation as application depends on
paid by urban consumers for Employment the intended use of the
experienced by
a market basket of consumer Cost Index data. The CPI is gener-
goods and services. (ECI) measures consumers in their ally the best measure
Is the CPI the best measure of it in the labor day-to-day living for adjusting payments
inflation? market; the BLS expenses... to consumers when the
Inflation has been defined as International intent is to allow con-
a process of continuously ris- Price Program sumers to purchase at
ing prices or equivalently, of a measures it for imports and today’s prices a market basket
continuously falling value of exports; and the Gross Domestic of goods and services equiva-
money. Product Deflator (GDP Deflator) lent to one that they could pur-
Various indexes have been measures inflation experienced chase in an earlier period.
devised to measure different by both consumers themselves Release time is 8:30 ET, about
aspects of inflation. The CPI as well as governments and the 13th of each month for the
measures inflation as experi- other institutions providing prior month.

Update from Q3 newsletter

Nouriel In our last newsletter (quar-
ter 3, 2009), we commented that
be here sooner rather than later.

Roubini more Nouriel Roubini, a noted econ-

omist, was one of our favorites,
Here is the link to the inter-
view: http://www.cnbc.com/id/
yet we did not totally agree 232?play=1&video=1212550416
in line with with his timing of a recovery.
It is nice to have Mr. Rou-
our view He has revised his com-
ments, stating the recovery may
bini now closer to our original


Part 3
Inflation factors to look for as leading indicators
We have spoken of the concerns of higher of that debt into another more perceived steady
interest rates and the headwinds that higher rates currency can have dramatic effects on the value
create. of our U.S. dollar, effectively creating a possible
head fake in our inflationary watch.
Being that most investor’s memories do not
stretch for many decades, we continue to men- Commodity prices rising While not a directly
tion interest rates and their prevailing value as a linked inflation effect, as the value of the U.S. dol-
possible leading indicator for inflation. lar goes down, commodity prices may rise. Think
the price of oil!
Here are our inflationary watch dogs that
would signal the possibility of inflation coming Wage pressures Unthinkable at this point
around the corner: in the business cycle, workers in an inflationary
environment are often apt to push for higher
Higher interest rates We have mentioned this wages to accommodate the lower value of their
before and a current poll is in the works for your paycheck.
In our last, and most important part of this
A lowering of the value of our U.S. dollar Be series, we outline OUR thoughts on the possibil-
aware that foreign countries own much of our ity of inflation and our thesis of why or why not
government debt. The warning or actual transfer inflation may occur.

Coiled spring being held down…Careful!

The Federal Reserve meeting chase a total of up to $1.25 tril- Yes, here we are again, wor-
press release, (see link below) lion of agency mortgage-backed rying about interest rates but
gives us a bit of concern from an securities and up to $200 billion please be aware there are un-
artificial market force. of agency debt by the end of intended effects when we have
http://www.federalre- the year. In addition, the Fed- government intervention (we
serve.gov/newsevents/press/ eral Reserve is in the process of do agree with the current gov-
monetary/20090812a.htm buying $300 billion of Treasury ernment policy.) Like a coiled
Here is the meat of the release securities. To promote a smooth spring, or rattlesnake, interest
in case you have trouble with transition in markets as these rates may be held down cur-
the link: purchases of Treasury securities rently via artificial, non-market
“As previously announced, are completed, the Committee forces.
to provide support to mortgage has decided to gradually slow We are investing accordingly
lending and housing markets the pace of these transactions and warn that great risk may
and to improve overall condi- and anticipates that the full be in long dated fixed income
tions in private credit markets, amount will be purchased by instruments!
the Federal Reserve will pur- the end of October.”

Part 4
Our probability of inflation and thesis why
At this point we in the late 70’s and ing our country into a cards.
have a good idea of took a lot of criticism second “double dip” Point 2: Obama is
what inflation is, why for doing so. Current- recession. Bernanke is extremely smart and
it happens, the lead- ly, Volcker is chair- a student of econom- knows time is of the
ing in- man of the ics and specializes in essence in turning
dicators The Great De- Economic the Great Depression; our country around
and it’s Recovery we find this possibil- in order to be re-
pression lasted Board and ity possible but un- elected. He currently
So in longer and was may pro- likely. has two years to get
our opin- deeper due to an vide valu- 60% chance: the country in shape
ion (and able insight Inflation rises and in order to thwart his
early recovery
only time into a soft, takes several years to opponents in the next
will tell being squashed non infla- stop as the economy election. We think
if we are as the govern- tionary overheats and be- he will error on the
correct), recovery. gins showing signs side of too hot of an
ment became
here is 15% of supply/demand economy, rather than
our prob- over confident of chance: mismatches. take a chance of a
ability of the recovery and The gov- Our key thesis for slowdown near elec-
coming hiked rates too ernment this event is two fold: tion time.
inflation extracts 1) where Only
and most fast, throwing too much, we have Obama is ex- time will
impor- our country into too quickly been, 2) tell if we
tremely smart
a second “double and throws re-elec- are cor-
why. us back tion. and knows time rect in our
25% dip” recession. into an- Point 1: is of the essence thesis and
chance: other reces- Given the probabili-
in turning our
No sion. amount ties but we
inflation and the Little known, and of dollars, country around have out-
government is able mostly by historians, compa- in order to be re- lined the
to extract the recent the Great Depression nies lost, possibili-
stimulus perfectly. lasted longer and and em- ties in our
While difficult, it is was deeper due to an ployment opinion
not impossible for a early recovery be- figures and will
perfect outcome con- ing squashed as the we have experienced, update them in the
cerning the next few government became we think it highly future as new facts
years. over confident of the likely an error on arrive. We hope you
Paul Volcker was recovery and hiked the too hot side or have enjoyed this
able to stop inflation rates too fast, throw- inflationary, is in the four part series.

So what did you do this summer?

John... John and family had an early
retreat to Destin with John’s dad. He
Looking into the fall, the CFA
Presidency is going to keep John
Retreat to and his wife, Pam, spent the remain- hopping, with numerous meetings,
Destin, pool der of the summer at the pool with travel and board related duties.
time, school for the kids. Sophia started Pre- Fall also marks the official start
K five days a week, begin- to a heavy sports season, which
the kids, ning Aug. 31. Pierce headed John and family are always glad
Presidency, lots to his big sister’s school to see, although the days with
of sports -- different class of course -- twice a shorter hours of sunlight are not so
week. pleasant.
Cathy... Beach time with
Cathy Kitzman spent the first by playing in her pool with her daughters,
week of June relaxing at the beach black Lab, Cody. The highlight of staying cool
with her two daughters, soak- the summer was seeing Paul Mc-
ing up the sun and reading Cartney in concert.
in Texas heat,
suspense novels. The remain- Fall plans include spending McCartney in
der of the summer was spent time with family and friends and concert, more
trying to stay cool in the Texas heat treating each new day as a blessing. family time

Donald... Donald and Randi had a quiet but They are looking forward to the
Quiet, fast fast-paced summer. Unfortunately, much improved Fall weather that
the fun summer travel plans were they will see in Houston, which will
summer, long delayed until Labor Day week- hopefully allow them to prepare
weekend in end. They were able to enjoy for the Susan G. Komen Race for
Charlotte, a long weekend in Charlotte, the Cure 5K in October. Donald
Komen 5K North Carolina, spending time will also have his fingers crossed
race... Red Sox with family. They even got to the Red Sox will make another
make a side trip to Virginia to do trip to the World Series.
in World Series? some mountain biking.

New news:
J.K. Financial, Inc., John voted Five Star Investment Advisor by Texas Monthly

U pon receiving a con-

gratulatory call from
a peer, we found that Texas
J.K. Financial, Inc. and John
Kvale, among many others, a
five star investment advisor.
knowledge of this.
We have always thought
highly of Texas Monthly
Monthly, in the most recent We are very flattered by the Magazine and now we even
monthly publication, voted nomination and had no prior think higher!


DALLAS, TX 75225
Phone: 214-706-4300
Fax: 214-706-4262
E-mail: cathy@jkfinancialinc.com

( Check out our Blog

www.street-cents.com )
The opinions voiced in this material are for general information only and are not intended to provide
specific advice or recommendations for any individual. To determine which investments may be ap-
propriate for you, consult your financial advisor prior to investing.

Office NEWS: Parting thoughts: Sites to visit

Our website at www.jkfi- Your referrals are certainly welcome.
nancialinc.com is undergo- We are always very happy to visit with • http://www.nytimes.com
ing major improvements. In friends and contacts concerning their • http://finance.yahoo.com
the near future keep an eye finanical goals and needs.
out for continued additional
resources on our website. We selectively offer new clients en-
Complete archived Newslet- gagements, and find that about one Dates:
ter viewing, in-house edu- in four have similar philosphies and
eventually become new clients. Halloween is Oct. 31.
cational pieces, and much
more, as we enhance our Thanksgiving is Nov. 26.
company website. Our goal is to help every person we
visit with, either within our firm or 14th Annual J.K. Finan-
We appreciate your com- possible other related direction. Given cial, Inc. Holiday Party,
ments and hope you are the terrific network of financial con- Sunday Dec. 13, 3:30-5:30
continuing to enjoy our blog tacts we have established over the past p.m. at Dallas Athletic
email update. Feel free to twenty years, we feel very comfortable Club --
share with a friend or col- in the ability to confidently help al- Cowboys football game
leage. most any person in need of assistance. will be playing for your
viewing pleasure.

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