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*** No early dismissals after 12:00 pm on Friday February 1! t"# $eginning %onday we will "a&e student id badge "olders for sale for '1.00 Upcoming Events here at AK Coffee with Switzer Thursday, February !, "# $ %&!# am AK 'edia Center Everyone (e)come* +everse ,omecoming (ee- .egins /e0t (ee-* T1shirts wi)) be on sa)e during )unch for 2 34## 5ur annua) Sadie ,aw-ins 6ance wi)) be he)d, Saturday, February 3th %&## 1 #&## AK 7ym Tic-ets wi)) be on sa)e for 2 # 8cash on)y9 this coming wee-* :)ease ma-e sure that you have arranged transportation for your student to )eave campus by #&## pm prompt)y4 Any students staying to he)p c)ean up must be pic-ed up by #& 3 pm*

AK :erforming Arts :resents& Seussica) 'arch "# th ; "" nd %&## pm

Students received their registration cards, along with information that will be helpful in completing this process, this past Friday. Registration cards will be due on (ednesday

February 12t". It is important that students talk to their current teachers this week to determine the best course placement for them next year to ensure the appropriate level of rigor for each course they register for. Once registration cards are collected on the 12t" students will meet with counselors to have any uestions answered and to complete the registration process. )"ursday February *t", we hosted our +, Fair. !he fair began at !:-0pm for rising 11t" and 12t" grade students, and *:-0 pm for rising .t" and 10t" grade students. !he fair allowed parents and students to visit up to " #$ course information sessions to learn more about what each #$ course has to offer. Students who register for these courses will not be able to drop them next year. Students who did not attend the #$ Fair can stop by Students Services to pick up the #$ contracts. Students can also pick up the #$ information sheets from any #$ teacher of the sub%ect they are interested in.

/ew )ate sign1in po)icy* Written notes are no longer acceptable!

Beginning Second Semester, students who are late will only be allowed into class with a parent escort or a doctor/dentist note. This policy includes student drivers also. This policy has been put into place due to the high number of late students with forged notes. This policy will be in place until the tardy numbers are reduced!

#ttention Seniors& !he transcript re uest form for mid'year grades is now available in Student Services. (id'year re uests will be prepared after first semester)s *lass Rank and +$# are calculated. !he information is pro%ected to be available mid'February. !here will be no charge for the mid'year transcripts sent to universities you have previously applied to this school year. (id'year transcripts should only be sent to universities that have re uested this information. ,,-oth .* State and /.*'*hapel 0ill want you to self'report your mid'year grades, please do not re uest a mid'year transcript. !he #rdrey 1ell $!SO is offering ten 23444 scholarships to graduating seniors who will be furthering their education at either a two year or four year program. # minimum +$# of 5.6 7un'weighted8 is re uired, and applications are now available in Student Services. !he deadline to apply is (arch 59th. ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, ,

Students and $arents are invited to&

)"e /"arlotte National /ollege Fair

0unday %arc" . 201!

12:00 p.m. to !:00 p.m. 1)"e ,ar23 (formerly t"e /"arlotte %erc"andise %art) 4ndependence 5all 2600 7ast 4ndependence $l&d

Sponsored by the .ational #ssociation for *ollege #dmissions *ounseling

,re-8egister for t"e /ollege Fair : ;og on to prior to fair : Register : $rint off the barcode identification and bring to fair : <ach college will scan the barcode to access information allowing more time for 3x3 conversation. )"e +$/9s of /ollege ,lanning # free workshop for high school students = their parents 0aturday %arc" 1st 201>&44 am ? 3&44 pm at @ueens /niversity. !his program, sponsored by the Southern #ssociation of *ollege #dmission *ounseling, #*!, the *ollege -oard, and the .ational Society of 0igh School Scholars, will offer sessions covering the college search process, the college application, the factors colleges consider, preparing for a college fair, scholarships and financial aid, and standardiAed test options. ,lease register at and follow t"e lin2 to 1%ini /amp-/ollege 3 w"ere you will also find directions and additional information. 577:0 F;8 0<//700 at <N/-/5+,7: 54::

0eels for Success is a one'day summer program to help academically'talented, rising sop"omores and =uniors prepare for college. Over the course of the day, students will learn techni ues for approaching the #*!, explore the *arolina campus and its wide' ranging academic opportunities, as well as learn how to manage the college application process. !hey)ll also get the chance to connect with other outstanding students from across the country. !his program is free to students, although we regret that we cannot provide transportation assistance. 5ow do 4 nominate a student> !o nominate your outstanding students, simply direct them to the 0eels for Success website. !he website contains instructions on how to apply and a link to the application. !he deadline for submitting applications is February 5B, 5439. ("o is eligible for nomination> 0eels for Success is designed for high achieving rising sophomores and %uniors from diverse backgrounds, including underrepresented students, first'generation college students, and those from rural areas or disadvantaged backgrounds. Students should be academically motivated, rank in the top 34C of their class, be enrolled in a curriculum that includes 7or will include8 #$DI-Ddual enrollment courses, foreign language, and advanced mathematics. 0eels for Success nominees should show active involvement in extracurricular activities and have demonstrated leadership. ("en will students 2now if t"ey "a&e been selected> Students will be emailed their decision by #pril E4, 5439. ?uestions> $lease visit our website or email us any uestions at +ttention @uniors: <N/ A /"apel 5ill ,ro=ect <plift ,rogram /.*' *hapel 0ill is once again hosting $ro%ect /plift which is designed for students from underrepresented populations and also prospective first'generation college students, along with individuals from disadvantaged backgrounds. Students should be academically motivated, rank in the top 54C of their class, be enrolled in a curriculum that includes #$ course7s8, foreign language, and advanced mathematics. $ro%ect /plift nominees show active involvement in extracurricular activities and have demonstrated leadership. (5+) 40 ,8;@7/) <,:4F)> $ro%ect /plift is a special program that enables high'achieving rising seniors to experience college life on the *arolina campus. Students spend two days visiting classes, meeting with

faculty and staff, interacting with *arolina students, and participating in cultural and social activities. !here is a nonrefundable 256 program fee which includes all meals, housing, t'shirt, and program materials 7does not include travel costs8. -y attending $ro%ect /plift, you will have an opportunity to attend classes, talk with professors, and experience life on a college campus. Gou will also learn about admissions procedures and how to afford a college education. $ro%ect /plift will challenge and encourage you to become a leader. Gou will leave wanting to know more about yourself and others and how to make a college experience work for you. !he /niversity of .orth *arolina at *hapel 0ill is a committed and inclusive community of people who want to make life successful. $ro%ect /plift will be held on four dates this summer& (ay 55'59 (ay 5>'E3 Hune 6'I Hune 35'39 If you are interested in being nominated for this program, please see (rs. Sartwell in Student Services by Jednesday, Hanuary 36th. 4f you "a&e any Buestions or concerns about a teac"er or a class listed below are t"e email addresses for t"e administrators responsible for eac" grade. .t" Crade @ennifer 0c"roeder" 10t" Crade $obby Frenc" 7arl.frenc" 11t" Crade $ridgets.noa" 12t" Crade Eolanda $urnette ******************************************************************************** * #rdrey 1ell now has a twitter accountK Gou can find us F#rdrey1ell0S #nother great way to keep you informed.

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