Meet The Candidates 2014

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Hello Carolinas District, My name is April Harper and I am from Conover, North Carolina.

My major is English Education with a concentration of Humanities and Social Sciences. I am a transfer student from Catawba Valley Community College to North Carolina State University. Before joining CVCCs Circle K, I had the pleasure of being in Phi Theta Kappa, PTK, Honors Society. I created an event called the Community College Completion Corps, which is a project designed once a year for PTK members to help members commit to complete a degree at a Community College. For the project, I had former Baltimore Ravens football player Justin Harper come to the community college to speak to the students about the importance of attending college. Also, I had the opportunity to establish a scholarship for PTK members to get members more involved through PTKs four tenets: scholarship, leadership, fellowship and service. While actively participating in PTK I joined Circle K. Mrs. Shields encouraged me and others to join to rebuild the club. After joining, a week later I attended the District Convention in Winston, North Carolina. On the last day of the convention, I noticed that we were the only community college that was chartered. Our club felt like we were out of place because we were in the same room as these known universities and no one knew us. I still remember Mrs. Shields telling us that we were going to turn our club around. In one year, we were able to increase our membership from 5 to 20 and made our goal of completing over 500 service hours for the year and then raising our goal to 700; after raising the service goal we completed that goal as well. With our hard work throughout the year we earned seven awards at the 52nd District Convention. One of them was the Distinguished Circle K Member award that I received. The Distinguished Circle K Member award is named after Bob Prongay, past Kiwanis Governor and friend of every Circle K member in this district. He exemplified caring throughout his life and it is an honor to present this award in his name. Clubs nominated members whom they believed to exemplify the idea of a model Circle K member. Not only was such an honor receiving the award, but an honor to receive it from Bob Prongays wife Lou. Student Leadership Academy helped me learn the skills of how to become an effective leader. I was taught how to utilize my skills by becoming approachable, using conflict resolution skills, doing service to the campus and learning how to communicate effectively with administration of the college.

Being the first member of CVCCs Circle K to participate in this leadership opportunity I told Mrs. Shields that this should be a requirement of our officers to participate in this experience to help our officers become effective leaders. I continued Circle K by becoming the Fundraising Chair at North Carolina State University. While participating in two collegiate organizations I have been blessed with the knowledge of creating events of my own. Being in Circle K International for three years has taught me how to make things happen on an adult perspective. My collegiate organization experience would enable to me to perform as District Governor. I have ideas such as chartering another Circle K organization at Mitchell Community College in Statesville, North Carolina. Have an affiliation with the new Boys and Girls club in Statesville, North Carolina. Be able to support other clubs in my District such as Duke and other organizations who are fighting to stay an active club. I want to create more service events to get more involved with our preferred charities. I would like to see our district raise more money for the Eliminate Project and the Six Cents Initiative fund by doing Interclubs. Lastly, I would like to see our District increase membership. The way I would make these ideas happen is by promoting this information with emails and talking with everyone at district events. I would participate in events with each club to model how important it is to establish a positive relationship with each club. I would take others ideas into consideration and making things happen by contacting organizations and to create more service projects and fundraisers for the district. Most of all, I will continue to fulfill my duties that I have committed in every area that I have participated with a respectful and joyful attitude.

Yours in Service,

April Harper
April Harper

Hello Carolinas District! My name is Ashley Synger and I am thrilled to announce my candidacy for the office of District Governor. I am currently a senior at UNC- Wilmington and will graduate in December this year with a Bachelors of Arts in Psychology with a minor in Political Science. I am from Goldsboro, North Carolina where I attended Wayne Early/Middle College High School as well as Wayne Community College. I got my official start with Kiwanis when I became a member of my high schools Key Club during my freshman year. It was during that year I experienced my first round of Kiwanis events, including Fall Rally and Key Clubs District Convention. It was also that year that I took a leap of faith to develop leadership skills by running for Lt. Governor. From my experiences of being on the district board for Key Club, I can surely say that I gained a new understanding as to how Kiwanis and all of its Service Leadership Programs work from the inside as well as getting to know how they are done on the general membership side. When I arrived at UNCW, it was an automatic thought to join Circle K; as others may have passed by the booth or the meeting hall, I couldnt think of a better organization to start my college career with. Quickly, it started to feel like home, as Kiwanis has been for me for the past five years. With each service project and meeting I attended during my first year, I really started to see two of the three tenets, Service and Fellowship, come to life. This past year, I was fortunate to see and fulfill the third tenet, Leadership, by being on the district board for Circle K. My time as Lt. Governor of the Coastal Division this service year has helped me grow tremendously. Not only have I learned how the Circle K District Board operates, but I have gained communication skills as well as learned the value of persistence, which I believe could all help me in my bid for governor. Along with being a Lt. Governor, I had the opportunity to sign on as the Laws and Regulations Committee Chair in October. Through this position, I have gained even more organization skills and knowledge about how the policy codes and bylaws structure the Carolinas District of CKI. Though it seems that my time on the Board seems all business, I have certainly made lasting friendships and great memories with everyone in the Carolinas District. I have decided to announce my candidacy because I have learned so many things throughout my years being with Kiwanis programs. I feel well equipped with the necessary skills and information to do a proficient job as

Governor. As a candidate for Governor, I hope to give back through servant leadership- putting the members of the Carolinas District first when considering matters of the district. Some of my goals for this upcoming year, if I were to be elected, include: creating a better way to disperse information out to general members, an accountability program for clubs and district board members, and improving the training required for club officers. By running for District Governor of the mighty Carolinas District, I hope that everyone sees my enthusiasm and dedication to not only Circle K, but to Kiwanis International as well. To be elected as Governor would be an enormous honor and I know I would be up for the many challenges that come along with the position. I look forward to meeting all of you at this years District Convention in the wonderful city of Winston-Salem, North Carolina and to talk with you a bit more about my ideas for the 2014-2015 service year! In the meantime, if any of you have questions, please do not hesitate to contact me in any way you see fit. Thank you for your consideration. Yours In Service,

Ashley Synger
Ashley Synger

Hey Carolinas District! My name is Lakeesha Dawn Miller and I am a senior in Human Biology at North Carolina State University. In 2011, starting my first semester at NCSU, I knew I wanted to join at least one club to get involved somehow. Thank goodness I came across that CKI booth! I have been a member of the amazing NCSU Circle K club for three years now and have had a blast! After Fall DLSSP 2011 and DCON 2012, I realized that I didnt want to be just a member anymore, and was so motivated to get more involved in my District. So to start off easy I decided to apply for a Carolinas District Committee Chair position, specifically the Conferences & Conventions committee. I got the position along with my awesome co-chair, Abby Taylor. Little did I know it was going to be a little more work than I thought! However, being a committee chair on the 2012-2013 Carolinas District Board was one of the best and most rewarding experiences of my life. The next year, I decided to step it up and run for the position of District Secretary for the 2013-2014 year. Fortunately, I got the position, and I have enjoyed every minute of it. In fact, I enjoyed it so much that I have decided to run again for the 2014-2015 Carolinas District Secretary Position! I have learned and perfected various skills that will benefit me as the District Secretary. As Con-Con Chair, as you can imagine, I had a numerous amount of smaller duties that I kept up with. For Fall Call Conference, some smaller tasks included: setting up the service project, getting food donations, keeping track of and distributing tickets/wristbands, etc. My main duties were keeping track of the registration records and budget. I received all the registration forms and kept several spreadsheets organizing the records, one containing master list of all the registrants and pertinent information. I also received all of the registration payments and kept track of all the finances in a budget that I made into a spreadsheet as well. For DCON 2013, I also am in charge of keeping registration in order and receiving registration fees, ad purchases, and donations. My co-chair and I are also responsible for overseeing the DCON sub-committees that help us plan and implement the convention. These organizational, leadership, and social skills that I have learned in carrying out my responsibilities in planning these events will help me better execute my tasks as District Secretary. From participating in board meetings and attending district events as a District board member, I have gained extensive knowledge and experience in how to represent this District properly and what is expected of me in this position of leadership.

My duties as the 2013-2014 Carolinas District Secretary included: recording minutes in District Board meetings, collecting Club Monthly Reports, collecting District Board Monthly Report forms, and keeping tracking of district membership, service hours, Kiwanis family hours, etc. I also aided the District Governor, as well as the rest of the district board, with any other relevant tasks. I also represented the Carolinas District Board to the best of my ability at Key Club District Convention 2013, and all Carolinas CKI district events. Now that I have served a term as District Secretary, I know the ins and outs of this position and furthered my knowledge on this district and what it takes to be on the district board. Serving for a second term will also allow me to improve on my performance from my first term and accomplish the goals that I was not able to my first time around. Obtaining the role of District Secretary again will allow me to grow as an Executive Board member. I plan on continuing to keep up-to-date records of club members, service hours, interclubs, etc. and to keep track of our progress toward our district goals. I will also continue to keep a well-organized and detailed record of minutes, CMRs/MRFs/BMRs, schedules, and any other information I am responsible for. I will try to make myself even more available as much as possible to other district or club officers that may need my assistance. I plan on putting aside at least 3-5 hours every week to devote to CKI duties. I also plan on continuing to represent this District the best way possible in my home club, all of the District events and board meetings, as well as other K-Fam events. I have had so much fun being a part of Circle K, this amazing district, and the District Board these past two years and I hope to continue serving the Carolinas District to the fullest! I cant wait to see everyone at DCON 2014!

Yours in Service,

Lakeesha Dawn Miller

Lakeesha Dawn Miller

To my dear Circle Ker, This letter is written as an application of the position of District Bulletin Editor. This is my second year as Circle Ker. Since the first time I engaged in the events held by CKI, I have the strong feeling that I would like to stay with great organization for the rest of college years and even my rest of life. As an international student from China, sometimes I will feel lonely and hopeless. However, Circle Kers made me feel like at home. I still remember my first DLSSP. I was kind of surprised how people from different background and region are gathering just because one simple aim: live to serve, love to serve. I think now it is time for me to contribute. As a Studio Art major student, I think I have higher qualification than other members to make bulletin and newsletter. If I elected as District Bulletin Editor, I will try my best to make the monthly bulletin, newsletter, or even website (if needed) more artistic and attractive. I have noticed another role of the club bulletin is to briefly remind members of the club's activities. I think I can complete this task well because current I am the secretary of Wake Forest Circle K Club, so most of time is me to email our club members to attend meetings or events. Hope you can give me this chance to serve this great organization! Thank you. Sincerely,

Jier (Yolanda) Qiu

Jier (Yolanda) Qiu

Carolinas District, My name is Katie Musselman and I am running for the position of Blue Ridge Lieutenant Governor (LTG). I chose to run for Blue Ridge LTG because I feel as if it is the next logical step in my progression. I have been the president of Catawba Valley Community College for the last year, and I have never loved an organization more than I do this one. I have seen my home club at its lowest, and helped build it to its highest. I think our division is strong, but there is always room for improvement, and I would love to help make Blue Ridge even stronger! Like I said before, I was the President of my home club this past year, and the year before that, I was the publicity officer. Our club went from 5 members to 18 members in one year, and I can proudly say that I helped build our club to that number. I am also involved in a program at school called Student Leadership Academy (SLA). SLA is a program that helps students identify their leadership traits, learn how to manage conflict, develop decision-making skills and enhance communication skills. I would like to use the skills Ive learned from being president of my club, along with the skills Im developing from participating in Student Leadership Academy, to better assist the clubs in the Blue Ridge division. One thing that is very important to me is the ability to communicate the needs of not only the officers in each club, but also the members, because YOU are who keeps this district strong! If elected as Blue Ridge LTG one thing I would really like to do is get another school in our division chartered. I have visited with Western Piedmont Community College, and they are eager to get a CKI on their campus! With enough hard work and follow-up, along with help from the divisions officers, I believe we could get a CKI on that campus THIS YEAR! I love this organization so much, and I believe with my leadership qualifications, past experiences, and my outgoing personality, I would be a perfect fit for this position. Yours in Service,

Katie Musselman
Katie Musselman

Dear members, My name is Joshua Wiggins, and I am seeking a position as Capital Division Lieutenant Governor for the Carolinas District of Circle-K International. My journey within the Kiwanis Family began my freshman year of high school, when I joined Key Club International, our high school counterpart. I fell in love instantly, and quickly began furthering my involvement on the district level. I served as Key Club Lt. Governor for the 2011 2012 year, followed by District Governor for 2012 2013. While serving as Governor, I was able to learn more about every branch of the Kiwanis Family, including Circle-K; and during the end of my term, I was privileged to not only attend Circle-Ks District Convention, but to fall in love again, this time with Circle-K. Because of this newfound love, I knew I wanted to join this wonderful organization. I now attend North Carolina State University, where I actively serve in Circle-K. Although I enjoy serving as a general member of Circle-K, I always knew I would become more involved on the district level. That is why I began serving as Kiwanis Family Relations Co-Chair, shortly after joining. Because of my past experience within the Kiwanis family, and my newly acquired knowledge of Circle-K; I feel confident in my ability to serve as Lieutenant Governor for the 2014-2015 year. If elected Lt. Governor, my hope will be to implement my knowledge of this organization, as well as my leadership abilities, so that I may perform this position to the best of my ability. Through this, my hope is to inspire others, promote growth, and serve you, so that we can make a difference in this world. Yours in service,

Joshua Wiggins
Joshua Wiggins

Carolinas District, Clubs havent always meant much to me. Im not sure if has been because of a lack of immersive high school clubs, or just a lack of interest on my part. Regardless, Circle K International has been the first club Ive truly cared about. My brother was a large part of Campbell Universitys Circle K (8 years ago) and he always spoke highly of his experience in the club. Following suit, soon after entering college I went on a hunt for UNCWs Circle K International club. Shortly after getting in contact with the club president I was able to obtain the Fundraising chair position. I didnt hold the Fundraising chair lightly though, as soon as receiving the position I started to plan large-scale events. I quickly learned how hard it is to get college students to participate in anything, but regardless, I went through with my plan of an on-campus haunted trail. Between the first moment I had the idea and actually hosting the haunted trail, there was only one month. I had one month to get this ball rolling and I was a little over a month into the first semester of college. It wasnt easy, but the trail ended up being a success. The trail raised money for UNICEFs Trick-or-Treat fund, and the trail also helped collect cans for our local food drive. This is the drive I have toward Circle K, and I want to take it further than the UNCW level. So far I have been successful in taking my step beyond UNCW. After a couple months of being the fundraising chair I was given the opportunity to become the Sponsorship Subcommittee Chair for the Carolinas District. Thankfully, Ive been able to become the Treasurer in UNCWs CKI and work on my responsibilities as Sponsorship Chair at the same time. Ive come to realize, through my predecessor, that other Circle K clubs arent making as much of a difference as ours. With all that said, I would like to take my next step and become the Lieutenant Governor of the Coastal Division. My desire as the Lieutenant Governor is to expand the aspiration to make a difference to the clubs who may have lost their motivation. I can understand some clubs not being very successful. Sometimes UNCW struggles with membership here and there, but it all it takes is a couple really determined members to pull through the hard times. I want to push struggling clubs in the right direction to help Circle K as a whole. I understand the responsibility of being a Lieutenant Governor, and Im ready to make a larger difference.

Yours in Service,

Elias Hellstrom

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