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BY SUNIL AHIRWAR (101110063)









Back ground

2. Introduction 3. Aim 4. Objective 5. Scope

6. Limitation 7. Methodology 8. Explanation

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What is vastu shastra Why we should follow vastu shastra o How vastu shastra works

9. Vastu shastra for residence

BACKGROUND Vastu as a legend in Matsyapurana, was born out of the sweat of Lord Shiva, while fighting and killing a giant called "Andhkasur. A spirit originated out of the perspiration of Lord Shiva and consumed all the blood from the body of the devil. His hunger was still not satisfied. He then undertook penance. Lord Shiva was impressed and highly Satisfied by his penance and offered him a boon:Whoever constructs building on Earth shall offer pooja (worship) to him and make offerings if they want to enjoy health wealth, wisdom and prosperity in their new building. However only those people who do not offer you prayers shall be at your mercy and you may trouble them in anyway. There is a possibility that these stories were added in the olden scripts only to scare people and make them conscious about the subject. The science of vastu Shastra is however no mythological story and has stood the test of time for thousands of years. Vastu Shilpa is divided into two parts: (1) Deva Shilpa: It deals with all aspects of temple and religious activities including idol,yagna etc. (2) ManavShilpa: It deals with houses, residential buildings,schools, commercial buildings etc. Reference:-Book by-Dr. radhakrishnanshrimaliBRIHAD vastu shastra

Vastu means land to live on and Shastra has reference to harmony and balance of man with nature. Vastu Shastra teaches us on how we can lay out our house design so that we as human beings can get the maximum benefits of the natural forces given-off by nature. Basically, this system deals with the five elements in Indian Mythology namely, air, water, earth, fire, and sky which are believed to be sources of natural power. Sky something that denotes space, a vacuum endless and infinite yet holds an unimaginable power that can reach our earthly existence. Air the gasses biologically needed by all living things on earth whether for subsistence or for ecological balance. Water believed to be rainfall from the skies which filled up the gaps and low lying areas of the Earth. Earth that which was formed out of the molten rocks and which attracts all other elements because of its great magnetic force. Sun the bearer of fire and the main source of life on earth. It plays an important part in vastu shastra since it is worshipped as the personification of God being the potential source of creation.

The `Vastu art and the interior decoration are complementary to each other. Building, being a PrayojakaVaastu (functional Vastu), the decoration of the interior and exterior must be planned according to the functional efficiency of the needs of the occupants. Just as Vastu purushamandalamof any plot, there is such an auspicious considerationfor every room. i.e., every room has got its own Vastu purushaMandalam.The household gadgets and furniture etc. May be

arranged in such a way that a right type of balance and coordination is established between each other.

AIM Location of rooms & spaces in residential building according to principals of vastu shastra to achieve good health and prosperity. OBJECT 1. What is vastu shastra & why we should follow its rules. 2. Types of buildings where rules of vastu shastra can be apply like -bed room ,drawing room, kitchen, dining room, study room, main entrance etc. 3. Placements of rooms according to direction. 4. Placements of furniture according to direction. 5. Treatment of rooms for positive and healthy environment. SCOPE 1. The term pepper covers only. Residential building. Office building. Hotel and restaurant building.

& School building. 2. Principals of vastu shastra for interior design only. 3. This term pepper follows the rules of vastu shastra as continue from ancient period in India. LIMITATIONS 1. Its not covers exterior of buildings and landscaping of surroundings. 2. This concepts of vastu shastra is help full for only interior of buildings. 3. This term pepper not related to particular a single religion it is for whole human beings. METHODOLOGY Before start writing this term pepper I go through the few books of vastu shastra like BRIHAD VASTU SHASTRA BY- Dr. Radha Krishnan Shrimali, Suresh Shrimali. THE POWER OF VASTU ASLI PRACHIN LAL KITAB BY- PanditShashi Mohan Bhel.

I use to refer some journal pepper of VASTU SHILP SHASTRA BY- Smita Gupta. I also took some help from internet and by some website I site I got some data about vastu shastra. Already designed examples.& group discussion and with the help of teachers. And By vastu shastra consultancy firm. I collect the data and then I compile this term pepper.

EXPLAINATION WHAT IS VASTU SHASTRA Vaastu shastra is an ancient science which helps one to get the natural benefits freely offered by the five basic elements of the universe in which we all live. These basic elements are Akash (SKY), Prithvi (EARTH), Paani (WATER), Agni (FIRE), and Vayu (WIND). Vastu Shastra can be applied by keeping in harmony with these basic five elements of nature. It is an edifice science that was developed by our learned people thousands of years ago. Its application today is purely architectural and its principles are based on becoming one with nature.

The main direction and angle East - Sunrise Direction - God: The Sun. North - East-on the left hand side - God: Mammon. West - East direction opposite - God: Varun. South - north direction opposite - God: Yama. Northeast - East - North Club - God: Shiva. Fire angle - East - southeast corner - God: God of fire. Aerial angle - north - west corner - God: Air. Neshrty angle - south - west corner - God: Father. Central angle - the part between the four universally - God: Brahma.

WHY WE SHOULD FOLLOW VASTU SHASTRA Our sages and saints in India always wanted to ensure happiness and prosperity not only to mankind but to everything living being in this world. Nowadays we hear a lot about the importance of ecologypollution free environment , nature and all in big seminars and conferences. The ancient relics say that Vaastu is based on two forces "positive" and "negative" which are constantly interacting with each other on the surface of the land. These forces should get disturbed whenever any structure is erected on a vacant land, to maintain a balance.If there are more positive energies (forces) than the negative energies, the result of such a construction would yield more benefits to the inmates leading to a more successful, healthy, wealthy and peaceful life, contrary to this if the negative energies dominate the premises the effects could be negative. Reference:-

HOW VASTU SHASTRA WORKS The seers and sages of ancient India carefully observed the effects of the five elements (earth, water, fire, air, and space) on the human organism and environment. In a natural environment all five elements are in balance. As soon as the environment is altered by the introduction of a structure, however, this balance is disturbed. Any such disturbance then affects the health, wealth, and happiness of those who live and work inside the building. Over thousands of years the sages collected such observations of natural balance and imbalance within environments. The resulting body of knowledge is the science of Vastu Shastra. In a sense, Vastu is yoga for the home or office. Yoga balances the five elements in the body through postures and breathing exercises that eliminate stress. Vastu extends this principle by balancing the five elements to eliminate stress in a physical environment. Using the principles of Vastu, you can bring any building into balance, attract beneficial energy, and enhance prosperity and abundance. In this way, your home or office will become a haven, a sanctuary where you feel productive, healthy, and at peace. The ancient seersobserved that everybuilding is a livingorganism having its own energy field. They called the spirit of the building Vastu Purusha.

In any structure the five elements must be in balance to gain the support of nature. Each of these elements is associated with a particular direction (earth, southwest; water, northeast; fire, southeast; air, northwest; space, the central area). The interplay between these elements and the directions affects you on every level of existence. Each of the five elements, together with the directions north, south, east, and west, has a specific planetary influence as well, making a subtle but profound impact on your daily life. Refrence:-

The Compound Walls and Gates VASTU SHASTRA FOR RESIDENTIAL BUILDING 1.1 The Main door The main door should be in east or north direction,Northeast direction is dedicate to god shiva so its brings power and prosperity to house. Width of the main entrance should be larger than the other doors because it welcomes the positive energy. I should be beautiful, attractive and obstruction free. It should have auspicious symbols of anyreligious beliefs depicted on it. (eg: Om, Swastika, Water pot, Ganesha, Jesus, Allahetc ). Theground in front of the door and the passage leading to the main door must be clean and tidy. The sound of the breaking and stick of the door invites sorrow its a drag on progress.


1.2 Drawing room It should be in North-West, South or west direction. In the traditional drawing rooms mattresses, covered with white sheets of cloth are spread in the entire room and round pillows are kept in South and West walls. Similarly, in the modern drawing room, the furniture should be kept in South and West directions. As far as possible the open space should be maximum in North and East direction. The furniture and gadgets must be placed near the South or West of the rooms. The north and east areas should be free. The furniture should not touch the walls. A minimum gap of 6 (15 cm) should be provided between the wall and the furniture. TV must be in the South east corner and a minimum distance of 10 feet (3.0 m) should be kept by the viewer from the TV.

1.3 Meditation room The ideal location of the meditation room is the Ishanya(North East). Meditation or prayer can be conducted facing either North, East. (Never face South). If direct sun light is coming from east is best. Damaged idols and pictures of thedead should not be placed in the meditation room. The sanctity of this room must be maintainedalways.the position of the meditation room should not be in front of toilet and main entrance, it should not be below the store room.

1.4 Study room The study room is to be located on the North west. If the study room and place of worship room are adjacent then it is considered most beneficial.In order to create a befitting cultural atmosphere in the study room, inspiring pictures or real pictures of great men, the Goddess of Saraswatior words of knowledge must be put up. The other beliefs related to study are (a) A mirror should not be kept in the study table and the table should not touch the walls. Water picture may be kept in the North east. Books may be kept in the west or south west or south sides. While studying, one should face North.

1.5 Kitchen The kitchen can be arranged in the South East (god of fire) or North East(god shiva). The house wife should face east direction while cooking. The drinking water pot or water sources can be set in the North side orNorth east corner. Condiments, flour, pickles, pulses, rice etc. should be in the Southern part ofthe kitchen. Fridge, mixer etc should be at the South east. There is a belief that while

cooking,theback of the house wife should not be towards the Kitchen door. The picture of Annapurnaamata should be in the kitchen.


1.6 The Dining Room In olden days the meals were taken in the kitchen itself but now the dining room has become an integral part of the drawing room. However the dining table should be kept in South-East.It is believed that facing east direction while eating is auspicious. The dining table should not be elliptical or hexagonal. The back of the chair should not be triangular in the upper portion. In Japan even today the Indian style is adopted and they sit on the floor for eating with an 18 (45cm) high dining table. This is good for digestion of food from the yoga point of view as well. It is better to revive our old style system of eating with sitting on a floor wooden seat. 1.7 Bed rooms While construction a bed - room, directions should be specially chosen. The directions according to which rooms should be constructed are as under: North - West The room in this direction is suitable for guests and girls. South - West The Chief of the house should have his room in this direction. North - East No bedroom should be situated in this direction. In such situation there is a possibility of increase number of girls in the family South-East No bedroom should be located in this direction. The children do not take interest in studies.There is no sound sleep. People have much anger. Decisions are generally taken hurriedly. West There is a possibility of birth of larger number of girls in the family..

While Sleep keeping the head either in East or in South directions. One should not keep his head or feet to the main door or the door of the bed room. Broken mirrors or generally mirrors with reflection of the bed are not believed to be auspicious. The cupboards or wardrobes should be in Neshrty angle and their opening should be in mammon direction Pictures of deities should not be kept in the bedroom. Composite picture or Radha and Krishna (symbol of love) can use in the bedroom.



1.8 Latrines or bath rooms Never place latrines or bath rooms in the North east. It may be built in the South or in the West. Toilets below the staircases are also not good. If unavoidable, bath rooms can be provided under the stairs. Toilet seats must be placed in the South side of the toilet such a way that one may face north during action.

1.9 Windows These should be opposite to the doors so that both the positive and negative cycles could be completed. This provides happiness and progress to the family. .1.13Stair Case According to the principles of Vastu Shastra the staircase can be constructed in any direction except North-East. If in some old house, the staircase is in the North-East, then a room should be constructed in South-East to lessen its ill-effects. 1.14The Overhead Water Tank 1. Contrary to underground water tanks, the overhead water tank should be placed Southwest as the best location or West corner as an alternative location in the corner buildings. Neither should the overhead water tank be placed in the middle of the building roof. 2. Placing the overhead water tank in the Northwest corner is acceptable only if the tank is small and located about a meter away from the buildings corner roof. 3. In the correct location, the overhead water tanks should be placed elevated on a platform about a meter from roof level.

4. If possible choose overhead tanks that are light colored and not made of plastic. If plastic tanks could not be avoided, make it black or dark blue plastic to avoid microbial growth usual in water containers. 5. Ideally, there should be a separate water tank for the kitchen where water is used for food handling and for the bathroom where water is used for general cleaning purposes.

OTHER COMMON TIPS Too many walls inside a house block the energy flow, according to Madras-based GanpatiSthapati, the foremost of the traditional architects. Demarcating areas for the bedroom, kitchen, etc. without separating them by walls is a good idea. Each door and window should have a corresponding one on the opposite side, to allow proper energy flow, not just cross-ventilation. long corridors break them with wind chimes, plants, hanging lights,mirrors and screens. Extensions should be carried out in the NE, leaving some empty space in this direction. If the compass needle keeps moving to the left or right without stopping, or it cannot steadily point to the north south direction, it means there is a ghost in the vicinity! Clear out clutter (which impedes chi's flow): old clothes, shoes, books, tapes, letters and photographs. Old saint or guru says bring in as many of the five elements (metal, fire, wood, water and earth) as possible. The more light fittings,the better. Air conditioners mean heat exchange, place them in the SE. If the TV set is placed in the SW direction, you will be glued to it. Better put it in the NW. Granite and quartz emit negative energies, whereas sandstone and marble, positive ones. To balance yin and yang, don't use entirely warm or cool colors for furniture, furnishings and wall paint. Refrence:-



CONCLUSION Vaastu Shastra is an effective & versatile way to make a radical difference in our life. It plays an important role in health, happiness & harmony. Vaastu Shastra is not a magic, but only the pure science of structures, vibrations & energy. It is a multipurpose and all encompassing way to look at human problems. Vaastu is the art of living in harmony with the environment. It is a way to create a balanced and harmonious environment by personalized& modern methods. A correct vaastu gives out positive energy that helps the environment work in our favour. Vaastu is a simple, practical technique to identify and deal with hidden energies in our surroundings, imbalances & stagnating circumstances. Vaastu can be used for every room, every house, every shop industry, town planning, tour, cities and even for earth. Vastu can be used for micro as well as for macro level. When the elements are balanced in our environment, opportunities will come. Hence the vastu shastra is important in our life.



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