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This PowerPoint 2007 template produces a 42x90 professional
poster. It will save you valuable time placing titles, subtitles,
text, and graphics.

Use it to create your presentation. Then send it to for premium quality, same day
affordable printing.

We provide a series of online tutorials that will guide you
through the poster design process and answer your poster
production questions.

View our online tutorials at:
(copy and paste the link into your web browser).

For assistance and to order your printed poster call at 1.866.649.3004

Object Placeholders
Use the placeholders provided below to add new elements to
your poster: Drag a placeholder onto the poster area, size it,
and click it to edit.

Section Header placeholder
Use section headers to separate topics or concepts within your

Text placeholder
Move this preformatted text placeholder to the poster to add a
new body of text.

Picture placeholder
Move this graphic placeholder onto your poster, size it first, and
then click it to add a picture to the poster.


This PowerPoint template requires basic PowerPoint (version
2007 or newer) skills. Below is a list of commonly asked
questions specific to this template.
If you are using an older version of PowerPoint some template
features may not work properly.

Using the template

Verifying the quality of your graphics
Go to the VIEW menu and click on ZOOM to set your preferred
magnification. This template is at 50% the size of the final
poster. All text and graphics will be printed at 200% their size. To
see what your poster will look like when printed, set the zoom
to 200% and evaluate the quality of all your graphics before you
submit your poster for printing.

Using the placeholders
To add text to this template click inside a placeholder and type
in or paste your text. To move a placeholder, click on it once (to
select it), place your cursor on its frame and your cursor will
change to this symbol: Then, click once and drag it to its
new location where you can resize it as needed. Additional
placeholders can be found on the left side of this template.

Modifying the layout
This template has four different
column layouts. Right-click your
Mouse on the background and
click on Layout to see the
layout options. The columns in the provided layouts are fixed
and cannot be moved but advanced users can modify any layout
by going to VIEW and then SLIDE MASTER.

Importing text and graphics from external sources
TEXT: Paste or type your text into a pre-existing placeholder or
drag in a new placeholder from the left side of the template.
Move it anywhere as needed.
PHOTOS: Drag in a picture placeholder, size it first, click in it
and insert a photo from the menu.
TABLES: You can copy and paste a table from an external
document onto this poster template. To make the text fit better
in the cells of an imported table, right-click on the table, click
FORMAT SHAPE then click on TEXT BOX and change the
INTERNAL MARGIN values to 0.25

Modifying the color scheme
To change the color scheme of this template go to the Design
menu and click on Colors. You can choose from the provide
color combinations or you can create your own.

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! Multiple electronic databases were searched using
keywords of India in conjunction with autism/
autistic, Asperger, and pervasive developmental
disorder. Rett and childhood disintegrative
were also used.
! Four key Indian journals that are not fully
indexed were manually searched at libraries in
India from the beginning of their publication:
" Indian J of Pediatrics, Indian J of Psychiatry, Child
Psychiatry Quarterly, and Indian J of Clinical
" Idiot savant and Childhood schizophrenia
were also included for consideration if
appearing in these four journals, in order to
reflect historical usage of terms.
! Dissertations, theses, and conference
presentations were excluded.
! Articles eligible if meeting one or more criteria:
1. Authored by a researcher located in India
2. Appeared in an Indian journal
3. Used an Indian subject population
Arucles revlewed
AL leasL one auLhor wlLh
amllauon ln lndla (n=161)
are noL lndlan
no auLhors wlLh amllauon
ln lndla (n=27)
are noL lndlan
As autism awareness continues to grow globally, a
burgeoning research literature is emerging from
countries in which previous studies and reports
of ASD were limited. A review of literature
within a specific country or region offers a way to
synthesize often disjointed areas of work, and
can serve as a useful tool for researchers both in
the country of the review as well as geopolitically
similar areas in the world.

In contrast to other low and middle income
(LAMI) countries, India already has an extensive
research literature on ASD. This study presents a
comprehensive review of published literature
related to India dating between 1944 and 2010.
The breadth of research emanating from India provides
a rich base by which to understand ASD in a LAMI
setting. While studies mirror many of the same trends
as research in the U.S., unique cultural issues can also be
identified, such as a focus on issues related to language
and family adjustment. The advantages of a
comprehensive review of literature within a single
country include the opportunity to link together
disparate areas of research and inquiry and identify
clear areas for future investigation.

Exclusion Criteria:
" Articles published in an Indian journal but not using
an Indian population or not having any India-
specific content and the author resided outside of
India at the time of publication
#Intended to exclude those articles for which
an Indian journal may have merely been used
as a vehicle for publication
0 20 40 60 80 100
Crlgln of publlcauon
locus on ASu
1amara C. ualey
, h.u., nldhl Slnghal
, h.u., Merry 8arua

WesLaL, uurham nC, uSA, 1amaraualey[
Acuon lor Auusm nauonal CenLre for Auusm, new uelhl lndla, Acuonforauusm[
2?A#* B!%/$&?* :,#"&C%&# ,' D'C,+E 2 3"*!&%F%'#,G% 6%G,%H "I $F% J,$%&+$?&%
=K!% L%&/%'$
uescrlpuve 43.8
Cvervlew 19.0
LxperlmenLal/1reaLmenL-CuLcome 11.9
Ceneuc 10.7
Lpldemlologlcal 4.8
CLher (e.g., lnsLrumenL developmenL/
valldauon, lmaglng)
" Publications were primarily articles (88%) with some
letters to the editor (8%) and editorials (4%)
" Focus on ASD directly (80%) but also occur in the
context of other disorders, disabilities and topics
" Primarily appear in Indian journals (67%); In 81
different publications total
" Are authored exclusively by Indians in most cases
" The rate of publications has increased dramatically
over time, with 24 articles published in 2010 alone.
0 20 40 60 80 100
Crlgln of publlcauon
locus on ASu
Lllglble (n=167) noL Lllglble (n=20)
What are characteristics of participants?
" Single case studies common (29% of studies)

number of ubllcauons by ?ear
1 2-10 11-30 31-30 31-70 71-90 91-110 111 or
ASu aruclpanLs
number of paruclpanLs
3.3 3.3
uSM-lv or uSM-lv-18
lCu-9 or lCu-10
Auusmspeclc Lool
noL menuoned, specled or dened
How is ASD diagnosed for research publications?
" Evolved over time, from Nine Points of the British
Working Party to the ADI-R
" Heavy reliance on CARS (N=20 studies)
" Other autism-specific tools include Rimland form,
ABC, CHAT, and less well-known measures
" 30% do not state criteria and 40% of studies do not
identify any procedure (e.g., parent interview,
0 20 40 60
noL provlded
Above 18 years
12-18 years
6-11 years
2-3 years
under 2
aruclpanL Age
" Extremely wide range of topics of focus among the
descriptive studies (see accompanying examples)
" Treatment studies include medication, parent
intervention, yoga, alternative and augmentative
communication, dietary interventions; however, fewer
examples of educational strategies and limited rigor in
" Genetics a growing area in India; especially of interest
because of consanguinity
" Epidemiological studies based on record review in
hospitals and EI settings
What type of studies have been published?
" Focus on younger and
latency aged children
" Extremely limited data
on adults
Dimensions developed for coding:
ASD focus
" Primary vs. secondary
Origin of publication
" India vs. outside
" India vs. outside
Type of publication
" Article, letter, editorial or other
Characteristics of participants
" Sample size, age, source of recruitment
Type of study
" Descriptive; Treatment/Intervention;
Instrument development/validation;
Epidemiological; Genetic; Other
Disorder of focus and terminology
" PDD, Autism/autistic; Autistic disorder/ASD;
Retts; Childhood Disintegrative Disorder;
Aspergers; PDD-NOS; Early infantile autism/
Kanners autism; Childhood psychosis/
childhood schizophrenia etc
Process & criteria used to confirm diagnosis
" Clinical examination; parent interview
" DSM, ICD, Autism-specific tool, other
Interrater reliability, !=.81-.96
1944 1
Serles 1
Serles 2
Serles 3
Serles 4
Serles 3
Serles 6
Serles 7
Serles 8
Serles 9
Serles 10
rlmary Secondary
WlLhln lndla CuLslde lndla
Lxcluslvely lndlan wlLhln lndla A 8
A: AL leasL one auLhor wlLh amllauon ouLslde lndla
8: All auLhors have amllauon ouLslde lndla
1940 1930 1960 1970 1980 1990 2000 2010

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