Personal Information: Witec Smaranda 11, A3 Bis, Blvd. Chisinau, Bucharest, Romania 0040722597553

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Curriculum Vitae Witec Smaranda 11, A3 bis, Blvd. Chisinau, Bucharest, Romania 00407 !"7!!3 smaranda.#itec$%mail.


Witec Smaranda




. /uro0ean 1nion, 00 2 013 ( htt03++euro0ass.cede*

4a%e 1 + 5

7anuar- 013 2 0resent

Vice0resident o* 6erritorial Structure Bucharest, ,ational 8r%anisation o* Social Wor9ers 2 Romania Social #or9 0ro*ession develo0ment *or the Bucharest social #or9ers ,ational 8r%anisation o* Social Wor9ers 2 Romania Social #or9 Vitae 0ro*ession develo0ment Curriculum Witec Smaranda

15 o* 7anuar- 01 : 30 o* A0ril /&0ert senior : trainin% coordinator 013 6rainin% coordinator *or 40 social *ield e&0erts *or develo0ment and vaidation o* 10 ne# occu0ational standards in the social *ield3 trainin% 0ro%ram, needs assesment, material develo0ment, trainers selection, trainin% su0ervision, or%ani;in% and su0ervisin% *or technical assistance in im0lementin% 0ro<ect activities =>ualit- 8ccu0ations in Social Services=, contract identi*ication number3 48S)R1+7"+1.4.+S+!!71? 4riorit- A&is 1 =/ducation and 6rainin% in Su00ort @ro#th and )evelo0ment o* Ano#led%e2Based Societ- =Ae- area o* intervention 1.43 =/uro0ean >uali*ications=. ,ational 8r%anisation o* Social Wor9ers 2 Romania 6rainin% 10 o* 7anuar- 2 0resent Researcher C8S6 Action BS1105 , 8**ender Su0ervision in /uro0e, international action Cinistr- o* /ducation, C8S6 Action Research in 0robation *ield

1" o* Se0tember 011 : 0resent 6rainer )evelo0ment o* trainin% materials and deliver-, 1 da- + session 2 Values in social #or9 or%anised b- Social Bnte%ration Association ever- monthsD trainin% session *or social #or9ers 2 6echniEues dro0out 0revention and reinte%ration Social Bnte%ration Association,6Fr%u CureG, Ro;elorStreet, nr.13A 6rainin% 1st o* 7une 011 : 30 o* 7une 011 6rainin% e&0ert Curriculum materials develo0ment and im0lementation o* 0ractical trainin% *or social #or9 0ractice tutors in Bucharest. 4ractice 0ro%ram *or social #or9 students =Child 0rotection 2 *rom theor- to 0ractice= : 4racti4ASS, no. contract3 48S)R1+"0+ .1 + S+51"!7, co2*unded b- /uro0ean Social 'und throu%h the Sectorial 80erational 4ro%ramme Human Resources )evelo0ment 0072 013, 4riorit- A&is . Iin9in% li*elon% learnin% and the labor mar9etD Area o* Bntervention .1. 6ransition *rom school to #or9. 1niversit- o* Bucharest 6rainin% 1st o* A0ril 011 : ? o* A0ril 011 6rainer )evelo0 trainin% materials, trainin% and evaluation o* 0artici0ants *rom )@AS4C CaramureG 2 100 em0lo-ees or%ani;ed in 4 one da- sessions, in the *ield o* emer%in% needs o* children and -outh, Baia2Care. ,ational Bnstitute o* Social Wor9 6rainin% 1 o* ,ovember 010231.10. 013 Resercher 'rom What Wor9s to Who Wor9s in 0robation services, research 0ro<ect *unded b- the /&ecutive A%enc- *or Hi%her /ducation and 1niversit- Scienti*ic Research, contract no. "+0 .0?. 010. 1niversit- o* Bucharest, 'acult- o* Sociolo%- and Social Wor9, Research Center in Human Resources Cana%ement Research 4ro%ram3 Human resources 4ro<ect3 Research 0ro<ects to stimulate the *ormation o* -oun% teams *or inde0endent research 4ro<ect code3

nd o* Au%ust 010231 o* Ca013

/&0ert entre0reneurshi0 /ntre0reneurshi0 com0onent coordinatator *or 1! communit- resources centers in 1! rural areas 2 to develo0 non2a%ricultural entre0reneurial activities, 48S)R1+?3+!. +S+!!5"! 2 =Communit- Resource Centres 2 strate%ic tool to im0rove the situation o* vulnerable %rou0s in rural areas =*inanced b- the /uro0ean Social 'und in Romania. Coordination o* 0ro%ram im0lementation to develo0 entre0reneurial s9ills and mentorin% 0ro%ram 0artici0ants , e&0ertise and technical assistance Communit- )evelo0ment A%enc- JKm0reunLM, Cihai /minescu Street,150, sector , Bucharest Social, entre0reneurshi0 /&0ert senior : trainin% coordinator . /uro0ean 1nion, 00 2 013 ( htt03++euro0ass.cede* 4a%e 6rainin% coordinator *or 40 social *ield e&0erts *or develo0ment and vaidation o* 10 ne# occu0ational standards in the social *ield3 trainin% 0ro%ram, needs assesment, material develo0ment, trainers selection, trainin% su0ervision, or%ani;in% and su0ervisin% *or

1st o* ,ovember 010230 o* Se0tember 011


Witec Smaranda

. /uro0ean 1nion, 00 2 013 ( htt03++euro0ass.cede*

4a%e 3 + 5

8ctober 00 : 8ctober 01

4h) in sociolo%'acult- o* Sociolo%- and Social Wor9, 1niversit- o* Bucharest, Romania Sociolo%- ,Vitae re*u%ees, resettlement, social research Curriculum Witec Smaranda Social entre0reneurshi0, 8ccu0ational certi*ication, ,ational >uali*ication Authorit/ntre0reneur in social econom- =*or 0ro*essionals in the social econom- in the Bucharest 2 Bl*ov, or%ani;ed #ithin the 0ro<ect= RB/S 2 Social /conom- ,et#or9 incubators 2 strate%ic a00roach to human resource develo0ment =, 48S)R1+?4+5.1.+S+!3505, co /uro0ean Social 'und throu%h the Sectoral 80erational 4ro%ramme Human Resources )evelo0ment 0072 013, #hose bene*iciar- is the /uro0ean Association *or Human )evelo0ment. /ntre0reneurshi0 in social economCaster de%ree 2Caster in Communit- 7ustice Administration 'acult- o* Sociolo%- and Social Wor9, 1niversit- o* Bucharest, Romania and b- the Association Iiasisoin 8**ice *or 1niversit- Coo0eration in )evelo0ment *or a %rant o**ered b- the 1nited States A%enc- *or Bnternational )evelo0ment at Io-ola 1iversit-, Chica%o, 1SA, com0leted #ith a certi*icate o* attendanceO Communit- <ustice administration )e%ree in social #or9 'acult- o* Sociolo%- and Social Wor9, 1niversit- o* Bucharest, Romania Social #or9 6rainer o* trainers Civil Societ- )evelo0ment 'oundation /mer%in% needs o* children and -outh 6rainer o* trainers, 64

!2 ? o* Ca- 01

8ctober 000 2 'ebruar- 00 NCarch2A0ril 001, CB41SA scholarshi0 in Criminal 7ustice,

8ctober 1""5 2 7une 000

,ovember 00" 2 'ebruar- 010

7ul- 005


I)A Consultants SA N@reeceO in 0artnershi0 #ith )evelo0ment 4artners /BR N/BRO N@reeceO, Bernard Bruhnes Bnternational NBBBO N'ranceO, Resource and Bn*ormation Center *or Social 4ro*essions NCri0sO NRomaniaO, Cinistr- o* Wor9s, SolidaritLGii Social and 'amil-, ,ational Authorit- *or Child 4rotection
Ca- 005

4HAR/ 0ro<ect =/ducational Cam0ai%n on ChildPs Ri%hts= Bnternational trainer, 64 Com0etence )evelo0ment ,et#or9 4rocess, CenedQ9 2 Hun%arian Association *or Ci%rants, Buda0est, Hun%ar-


7ul- 00!

Cainstreamin% @ender R A%e A#areness 2 re*u%ee issues, 4art 6#o 6rainer o* 6rainers, 64

64 4HAR/ R82 00 +0002!? /ducational Cam0ai%n on 'amil- Advisor- Bssues and Child Ri%hts =+ )ele%ation o* the /uro0ean Commission, ,ational Authorit- *or Child 4rotection, @overnment o* Romania Family Advisory Issues and Child Rights.

7ul- 00!

Bnternational trainer, 64 Com0etence )evelo0ment ,et#or9 4rocess, CenedQ9 2 Hun%arian Association *or Ci%rants, Buda0est, Hun%ar-


Se0tember 004

Cainstreamin% @ender R A%e A#areness 2 re*u%ee issues, 4art 8ne South 6rainer ,ational A%enc- *or Su00ortin% South Bnitiatives, 1niversit- =Vasile @oldis=, Arad

7une 004

Ieadershi0 Certi*ied trainee Re*u%ee Studies Centre, 1niversit- o* 8&*ord,Human Ri%hts /ducation Centre, Charles 1niversit- at 4ra%ue C;ech Helsin9i Committee 4s-cho Social Bssues in Re*u%ees Assistance

Ca- 003

Certi*ied trainee in 4ro<ect Cana%ement 1niversit- o* Bucharest, Romania 4ro<ect Cana%ement 4s-chothera0eut level 1 . /uro0ean 1nion, 00 2 2013 ( htt03++euro0ass.cede* Romanian Societ- o* /&0eriential 4s-chothera06rainin% in e&0eriential 0s-chothera0-

1""7 :1""?

4a%e 4+5 Ievel 1

Curriculum Vitae PERSONAL SKILLS Cother ton%ueNsO 8ther lan%ua%eNsO Romanian

Witec Smaranda

/n%lish 'rench

S4/AAB,@ WRB6B,@ S0o9en S0o9en Iistenin% Readin% interaction 0roduction C1 C1 C1 C1 C1 Re0lace #ith name o* lan%ua%e certi*icate. /nter level i* 9no#n. B B1 B1 Re0lace #ith name o* lan%ua%e certi*icate. /nter level i* 9no#n. Ievels3 A1+ 3 Basic user 2 B1+ 3 Bnde0endent user 2 C1+ 4ro*icient user Common /uro0ean 'rame#or9 o* Re*erence *or Ian%ua%es B1 B1


Communication s9ills

/&cellent relational s9ills, team#or9 abilit- and to stren%then the team, and coordination
@ood anal-tical s9ills, mediation and communication, o0erational and mana%erial

8r%anisational + mana%erial s9ills

Abilit- to #or9 in multidisci0linar- teams, national and international. S9ills 0lannin% tas9s, monitorin% and 0ro<ect mana%ement. /&0erience in %rou0 d-namics. Com0etent in or%ani;in% and moderatin% events 2 national and international con*erences, seminars and #or9in% %rou0s Ieadershi0

7ob2related s9ills

14 -ears in international and national trainin% and develo0ments 0ro<ects )esi%n and deliver- o* lar%e and com0le& trainin% and develo0ment 0ro%rams 4ro<ect mana%ement 4ro<ect evaluation Strate%ic leadershi0 Cana%erial roles and *unctions s9ills Cana%erial communication )evelo0in% and motivatin% teams Communication s9ills Sales 0rocess and s9ills 80erational e&cellence 6rain 6he 6rainers 646 s0ecialist Social research and social develo0ment 0ro%rams 80erational 0rocesses develo0ment and mana%ement Hi%hl- e&0erienced in trainin% 0ro%rams develo0ment and mana%ement @ood command o* Cicroso*t 8**iceT tools, Bnternet 2 2

Com0uter s9ills 8ther s9ills )rivin% licence ADDITIONAL INFORMATION

. /uro0ean 1nion, 00 2 013 ( htt03++euro0ass.cede*

4a%e ! + 5

Curriculum Vitae 4ublications 4resentations 4ro<ects Con*erences Seminars Honours and a#ards Cembershi0s Re*erences

Witec Smaranda

Chapters in !!"s Smaranda Witec Who works in the probation service in Romania : collective cha0ter in Understanding Penal Practice, edited b- )urnescu, Boan and Cc,eill, 'er%us, Routle%e, 1nited Ain%dom, 013 First process of refugees resettlement in Romania p! "#$%$"&' in Applied Research in (ocial Work) Nedited b- Ia;ar 'lorinD Bu;ducea, )oruO, 1niversit- o* Bucharest 4ublishin% House , 01 Refugees Counseling N0. 5?2 ?5O in Counseling in (ocial Work , Nedited b)umitrascu, HanibalO, 4olirom, Basi, 01 *alues and principles in probation N0. 3?723""O in Probation%+heory) ,aw and Practice) 4olirom Nedited b- )urnescu, BoanO, Basi, 011 Aspects of Refugee Assistance N0. 53125!5O in (ocial *ulnerable -roups, etited b )oru Bu;ducea, 4olirom, Basi, 010 .ducation in Romania) /utcomes for Policy Change /PC'0 .uropean Common 1onitoring)Analysis and Recommendations) 1igrant Integration Policy Inde2) 1IP.3 III, Britich Council, B,6B 4ro%ramme, 00" (ocial Work 4etween Rediscovery and Further 5evelopment N00. 1"321"?O in Social 4olic-,Social #or9, Sociolo%- 2 coordinator3Constantinescu Cornel, 4itesti 1niversit- 4ublishin% House, 003 Aspects of 6uvenile delin7uency in Romania, 0ublished in =Social Wor9 durin% 6ransition 2 4roblems and Solutions =, 1,BC/', Chisinau 000, Coldova State 1niversitArti#$es% Smarada Witec, @ina Blie, Social Wor9 Ca%a;ine 1 + 003 2 (ocial assistance for refugees Smaranda Witec, Social Wor9 Ca%a;ine 1+ 003 2 International 5ay of Refugees Smaranda Witec, Social Wor9 Ca%a;ine, no. + 00 2 8ustice for 1inors Smaranda Witec, Social Wor9 Ca%a;ine, no. + 00 2 (ocio%educational and Psychotherapeutic Activities for 8uvenile /ffenders from Prison Rahova Man&a$s% Smaranda Witec : coautor, Working 1ethodology +raining Programs tu (upport ,iberation and Post%Penal Assistance of Persons who have Committed Crimes) as a result o* the 4hare 005 0ro<ect JContinued the )evelo0ment o* the 4robation S-stem Bn Romania =, Bucharest, 00" Smaranda Witec : coautor, 6rainin% 0ro%ram in social #or9 0ractice, 4asic knowledge and skills for social referents at the local public authority level ) Social Services Bnstitution Buildin% in Romania 4HAR/ 4ro<ect, Bucharest, 00! Smaranda Witec, .thics of the Profession of (ocial Worker, 'acult- o* Sociolo%- and Social Wor9, 1niversit- o* Bucharest, 00!, 005, 007, 00?, 00", 011, 01 , 013, 0a%e 50 Smaranda Witec, (ocial Work for Refugees, 'acult- o* Sociolo%- and Social Wor9, 1niversit- o* Bucharest, 003, 004, 00!, 005. 007, 00?. 00", 011, 01 , 013, 1"0 0. Me' ership% Romanian ,ational 8r%anisation o* Social Wor9ers

A,,/U/S 8n reEuest

. /uro0ean 1nion, 00 2 013 ( htt03++euro0ass.cede*

4a%e 5 + 5

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