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International Business MMS (Prof Bharat Nadkarni)

Question Bank 1. Describe Ray ond !ernon"s Product #ife $ycle theory of international trade and e%&lain 'hy an inno(ator and e%&orter has to turn i &orter at later sta)e of P#$. *. Define +lobalisation and describe the sta)es in the e(olution of +lobal co &anies. ,%&lain 'ith e%a &les- the dri(in) and restrainin) forces of )lobali.ation. /. State the characteristic features of 0ransnational ,cono y- as e%&lained by Peter Drucker. 1. Describe (arious arket entry strate)ies International Business 'ith e%a &les. in

2. Define 3Multinational $or&oration" (MN$). ,%&lain the erits and de erits of Multinational $or&orations. $ritically e%a ine the role of MN$"s in the international econo y.

4. ,%&lain the forces influencin) co &etition in an international business5 6. 7 fir 'hich &lans to )o international has to ake a series of strate)ic decisions. ,laborate 'ith e%a &les. 8. ,%&lain 'hy the need to e%&ort is crucial and describe the institutional fra e'ork to &ro ote e%&orts in India. 9. :hat role Business ,thics and $SR &lay in )lobali.ation5 ;o' 'ill it hel& <r)anisations in sustainable Business5 1=. :hy is >DI i &ortant for host and ho e country5 Discuss the >DI en(iron ent in India in last *= years. 7lso su))est ho' to increase in'ard >DI. 11. Discuss the conte &orary theories of International trade 'ith suitable e%a &les. ;o' can the Porter"s Dia ond odel of co &etiti(e ad(anta)e be used to assess co &etiti(e ad(anta)e for India for 7)ro based &roducts 5 1*. ?:0< ai s at re o(in) non tariff barriers and reducin) tariff barriers.@ If so- critically e(aluate

achie(e ents and &roble areas 'hich :0< has to encounter in order to succeed in the abo(e obAecti(e. 1/. State )eneral a)ree ents incor&orated in :0< and discuss their i &act on Indian industry and trade 'ith s&ecial focus on sectors. 11. Discuss any t'o of the international issuesBC

a. Intellectual &ro&erty ri)hts b.$urrent trends and a&&lication of &urchase &o'er &arity theory. c. + *= and i &act on India"s forei)n trade. d.Most >a(oured Nation (M>N) status D 7d(anta)es and Disad(anta)es e. Product #ife $ycle theory in International Business. 12. 7ny indi)enous or)ani.ation beco e )lobal or)ani.ation in en(iron ent. ,%&lain seEuential &rereEuisites to e er)e as )lobal &ractical illustrations. has &otential to today"s business ste&s 'hich are cor&oration 'ith

14. Discuss the econo ic- cultural- social- &olitical and technolo)ical en(iron ent of international

business as it &re(ails today. Dra' lessons for Indian co &anies 'ishin) to )o )lobal. 16. :hich are the key en(iron ental factors rele(ant to International Business5 ,%&lain each factor 'ith e%a &les. 18. 19. #o)istics in International Business Mer)ers F 7cEuisitions

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