Invasive Species As Ecological Threat

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Invasive Species as
Ecological Threat:
Is Restoration an Alternative to
Fear-based Resource Management?
by Paul H. Gobster

Communicating our
I nvasive species is a hot topic in the
USDA Forest Service these days. Along
with wildfire, land conversion and
What I have been finding is that
while ecological restoration and the sci-
ence and management of invasive species
unmanaged recreation, Chief Dale Bos- share many of the same goals and con-
worth has called invasive species one of cerns, there is a fundamental difference in
the “Four Threats” needing the attention how the two fields are conveyed to the
fears about invasive of Forest Service land managers and public. This difference relates to the use of
researchers (USDA Forest Service 2004). fear as a mechanism for gaining public
My unit of the Forest Service, the North support and motivating behavioral change.
Central Research Station, has responded In the pages that follow, I attempt to iden-
species is tricky to the call by focusing a portion of our tify the dimensions of this difference and
research capacity on invasives. As a social suggest what it might mean for talking
scientist, I began looking for my niche in about and dealing with invasives in the
the issue by searching the literature for context of restoration programs, with the
business, but what had been done on the social aspects goal of improving the success of these
of invasive species. programs with people in mind.
Not much, I soon concluded. Most
work tends to focus on risk assessment and
ecological restoration economic impact analysis (Pimental and Fear Factors
others 2000) or the ethics of exotic species The Aliens-L listserv is an energetic
removal (Throop 2000). There are also forum of invasion biologists and other
some general outlines, done mostly by ecol- specialists that “seek and share informa-
offers a positive ogists, documenting the human causes and tion on invasive species and the threats
consequences of introductions (McNeely which they pose to the biodiversity of our
2001). Few social scientists, however, have planet” (IUCN 2003). As part of my ini-
looked at invasives within the context of tial foray into the world of invasives, I
alternative message. questions considered of central importance found this worldwide network of acade-
to understanding the human dimensions of mics and practitioners a good place to
natural resource management—how peo- hear about the latest species to crawl,
Keywords: Invasive species, ecological ple perceive, value and act toward nature, swim, or spread outside its recognized
restoration, fear, resource management and what these imply for programs and home boundaries. More importantly to
policies. A few years ago, I began looking at my research, I also discovered a rich sub-
these questions as they applied to ecological text about how invasives are or should be
restoration projects (Gobster 1997, Gobster defined—what is considered natural, nat-
and Hull 2000), and now thought it might uralized, and alien; how species are valued
be worthwhile to do the same for invasives. (and devalued); and how invasives

Ecological Restoration, Vol. 23, No. 4, 2005 ISSN 1522-4740 E-ISSN 1543-4079
©2005 by the Board of Regents of the University of Wisconsin System.


portions (Asian longhorn beetle in Chi-
cago, emerald ash borer in Detroit), these
articles do their best to raise our anxieties
(Figure 1).
In some respects we are accustomed to
the media’s use of fear as a device to grab
our attention. But as I began to read more
widely, the more pervasive the invasive
fear seemed to be. Such is the case with
the recent crop of popular titles on the
subject. Among the books now gracing my
office bookshelf, the covers on A Plague of
Rats and Rubbervines (Baskin 2002), Killer
Algae (Meinesz 1999), Nature out of Place
(Van Driesche and Van Driesche 2000),
and Alien Invasion (Devine 1998) feature
blaring titles printed over pictures of
creepy creatures and smothering vegeta-
tion (Figure 2). Inside, science writers por-
Figure 1. The creature that ate Chicago. Often enlarged to monstrous proportions, photos of
tray a world gone awry, as cherished places
insects, such as this Asian long-horned beetle, are prime examples of how the media help to
across the world succumb to onslaughts of
instill fear and loathing for invasive species among the public. Photo by James E. Appleby.
alien invaders. Brown tree snakes that
Used with permission.
slither into people’s homes and attack
babies in their sleep, attempting to swal-
information is communicated to the pub- native species we love. Often coupled with low them whole. Tree species, such as
lic by scientists and the media. photos of the unwanted invader baring its melaleuca and Norway maple, that seed so
Of these and other topics, it was the fangs, teeth, or tusks (pythons in the densely that nothing else will grow.
last one that most captured my attention, Everglades, feral pigs in Hawaii), choking Marauding bands of feral pigs that can lay
particularly the newspaper articles for- out a tree or wetland (English ivy in waste to a farmer’s crop in a single night.
warded by contributors from around the California, purple loosestrife in the These are just a few in a litany of examples
world. Here is a small sample of headlines Midwest), or enlarged to monstrous pro- that cumulatively press an apocalyptic
culled from the archives in a month’s time:
• Ring-necked parrots take over Ger-
many and southern England (Anony-
mous 2004a)
• Experts monitor crazy ant impact
(Anonymous 2004b).
• Sironga swamp threatened as ‘magic
tree’ swallows up rivers (Nyasato 2004)
• Giant rats invade Florida Keys: 9-pound
rodents could threaten native species
(Anonymous 2004c)
• Alien invaders, a global environment
under attack (Feanny 2004)
I could have slipped in “Attack of the
Killer Tomatoes” among these without
some readers noticing the fakery, for each
real title has the potential to challenge the
sensationalism of this famously bad 1978
sci-fi horror film. While this cult classic
was done blatantly tongue-in-cheek, these
news selections seem designed to inspire
genuine fear among the public reader- Figure 2. The covers of these recent popular books about invasive species, with their blaring
ship—fear that real aliens of a kind are titles printed alongside pictures of creepy creatures and smothering vegetation, seem
invading our homelands and harming the designed to play on the fears and anxieties of potential readers. Courtesy of Paul H. Gobster.


vision upon the reader. Well-written and 2004) have found, I also saw invasives- identify three likely reasons, then from my
engaging, these books contribute much in related issues described using war-like perspective as a social scientist point to
the way of understanding the issues for lay terms (“combat,” “attack,” “onslaught”), major drawbacks inherent in each as a
audiences, but, nonetheless, are guaran- terms referring to a species’ introduced sta- strategy, discussing how they may work at
teed to produce nightmares if used as bed- tus (“alien,” “biological foreignness,” cross-purposes in gaining support for man-
time reading. “xenodiversity”), and terms connoting a aging invasive species.
Academic journals, such as Biological lack of health or purity (“noxious,” “biopol-
Invasions, BioScience and Diversity and Dis- lution,” “macrofouling”).
tributions, take a more measured and objec- My motivation here is not to play Urgency
tive outlook, describing the patterns of word police but to critique how informa- First, those concerned about invasives
spread and impacts of various invasives tion on invasives is communicated to the may use fear in communicating to the
and evaluating attempts to reduce or con- public. Ecologist Ingo Kowarik (2003) public because it gives invasives the sense
trol their populations. But, even in these contends that there “is a long tradition in of urgency needed to spur people into
more subdued expositions, I sensed that invasion ecology of misusing scientific action. Stacked up against global warm-
scientists were using fear to help make ing, the reintroduction of charismatic
their case. Many of the articles I read began megafauna and other high-profile envi-
with a sentence identifying the problem of The issue of xenophobia ronmental issues, most invasive species
invasives as one of “ecological threat” to don’t draw the attention of the average
nature. By itself, this seems like a rather perhaps most vividly person. The fear factor pumps up the vol-
neutral way to describe the perceived state ume and calls our attention that some-
of affairs. It is the adjectives attached to it exemplifies the fallout thing in nature is seriously out of whack.
that tint the scientific prose with shades of This interpretation agrees with
fear. Here is one particularly colorful exam- that can accrue from research on “fear appeals” by psychologists
ple: “Exotic species probably pose the working in the areas of persuasive commu-
greatest, most insidious and fastest-growing the language of nications and social marketing. Fear
threat to global biodiversity (Williamson appeals present people with scary warnings
1996), with alien terrestrial plants being introduced invasives. and other threatening information to
responsible for extensive and far-reaching arouse fear and invoke a change in attitude
changes in natural ecosystems” (Zalba and or behavior (Ruiter and others 2001).
Villamil 2002, p. 55). terms by loading them with negative con- Studied and applied mainly in the context
To better understand what was hap- notations” (p. 306), and while such a of health issues, such as smoking and AIDS,
pening, I electronically searched the back strategy can help evoke concern and sway the latest research shows that appeals that
issues of Biological Invasions (1999-2004) perceptions, it may also carry some costs. produce the highest levels of fear tend to be
to examine how scientists described inva- The issue of xenophobia perhaps most most effective, especially when the
sive species issues. Using terms from news vividly exemplifies the fallout that can intended recipients have the ability or are
clippings and books I mentioned, and accrue from the language of introduced given the tools to make recommended
from David Theodoropoulos’s controver- invasives, with untold hours spent by changes (Witte and Allen 2000).
sial book Invasion Biology: Critique of a invasion biologists, restorationists, and Yet the increasing popularity of fear
Pseudoscience (2004), I compiled a list of others refuting claims that their work is appeals in marketing also raises important
50 words implying fear and other concepts part of a “Nazi connection” and an exten- issues about the ethics of their use. Gerard
of negative value. Of the 239 articles I sion of human ethnic cleansing (Groen- Hastings and his colleagues (2004) cite a
searched, “threat” and its variants were ing and Wolschke-Bulmahn 1992, Egan number of ethical issues that have applic-
used 331 times in 100 documents. “Fear,” and Tishler 1999, Subramaniam 2001, ability to how information about inva-
“danger,” “menace,” “insidious,” “destruc- Simberloff 2003). While I think the fear sives is communicated to the public.
tive,” “urgent,” “crisis,” and “disaster” factor is less serious a charge, it is one that Some negative repercussions from fear
were less-often-used terms one also might seems to have enough substance to specu- appeals relevant to invasives include:
associate with fear. Highly loaded words late why it is used and what effect it might • Collateral damage from mass-media
such as “evil,” “horrible,” “deadly,” have on furthering the goals of invasive messages: Hastings and his colleagues
“killer,” “vicious,” “choking,” “ugly,” species management programs. state that any deliberate creation of
“nasty,” and “pernicious” that I saw in anxiety has ethical implications, and
books and news clippings were not pre- thus fear campaigns should carefully tar-
sent in these articles or appeared only in Reasons and Repercussions get only those individuals and groups
quoted text or references. As Theodorop- Why do the media, science writers, and who are most able to enact change.
oulos (2004) and others (Chew and scientists use fear to communicate to the There may be social value in creating
Laubichler 2003, Colautti and McIsaac public about invasives? In this section I awareness about invasives among the


cession ecology and restoration ecology,
and may prevent its adherents from deriv-
ing a more general theory of invasibility.
On a more public level, discussions of
invasive species also tend to dissociate
any positive value from the species of con-
cern. Yet many species now disparaged as
invasive aliens were intentionally brought
in from other places because of their util-
itarian or aesthetic qualities. Some of
these uses persist, others remain part of a
species’ historical legacy, and in some
cases species that have become residents
of natural areas fill an ecological role as
food or habitat for native species (Ewel
and Putz 2004, Shapiro 2002). Without
understanding these positive values,
efforts to eradicate or ban invasive species
can meet with opposition (Blossey 1999).
Figure 3. Pretty flowers or nasty invaders? Children are especially vulnerable to fear appeals. Not only does the science and man-
They can have unsettling experiences when told that plants, such as this non-native Oxalis, agement of invasive species fail to
will soon wipe out “real” nature. Insensitivity in communicating information about invasives acknowledge the positive side of the equa-
can further separate nature into good and bad. Photo by Paul Gobster tion, it seems as though everything about
the field is drenched in negativity. The
general public, but fear appeals deliv- neighborhood, risking further spread of fear-inducing, negative conceptual and
ered through mass-media messages can the insect across the city by uninten- operational language of the field has
produce a lot of “collateral damage” or tional transport or as souvenirs (Anti- already been mentioned, but the activity of
unnecessary worry among people who pin and Dilley 2004). invasive species management seems even
cannot affect the situation. more negatively charged. Managers spend
• Exploitation of vulnerable audiences: their days taking things out of ecosystems,
Some audiences may be disproportion- Establishing the Discipline often using fearsome instruments of
ately affected by fear appeals. Children, of Invasion Biology death—herbicides, sharp blades, fire, guns,
especially those who don’t have a lot of A second reason why those working on traps, and even electrocution devices.
familiarity with nature, already hold invasives may play the fear card is because Looking through the eyes of the public,
substantial fears and negative percep- they may feel it will help to further estab- one might easily surmise that the main goal
tions toward insects, animals, and lish the field of invasion biology in the eyes of the field is killing. While programs based
storms (Bixler and Floyd 1997). To also of the public and the scientific community. on threats and negativity might gain peo-
be told that the pretty purple loosestrife Like restoration ecology and conservation ple’s attention, they often fail to capture
or furry feral cats will soon wipe out biology, invasion biology is a youthful sci- the support needed for long-term success.
“real” nature could be an unsettling ence and its adherents must work to define
experience (Figure 3). Lacking the con- its boundaries as an important and separate
ceptual maturity to handle this infor- area of study. But can focusing on the A Creeping “Culture of Fear”
mation, nature is further separated into “alien threat” help solidify the scientific A final reason why I think fear has become
good and bad. understanding of invasions? In a critique of a part of the public discourse about inva-
• Maladaptive responses: Fear appeals invasion biology, Mark Davis and his col- sives relates to what some sociologists and
can sometimes backfire. Efforts in leagues (2001) contend that scientists’ others have referred to as a growing “cul-
California to demonize eucalyptus trees “preoccupation with a few conspicuous ture of fear”— the widespread perception
as “America’s largest weeds” (Williams invaders has contributed to the belief that of persistent threat that results in societal
2002) has produced a bumper crop of invasion is a unique phenomenon” that is changes in attitudes and behavior. Some
advocacy groups that have thwarted driven in part by “funding and publication consequences of living in a culture of fear
eradication efforts. Scary warnings pressures [that] prompt ecologists to pro- include increased feelings of victimization
about an outbreak of the Asian long- mote new and exciting research themes (p. (Altheide 2002), mistrust of individuals
horned beetle in Chicago, broadcast 100).” Such a strategy, they conclude, is and institutions leading to destabilization
daily by the media, helped bring serving to further isolate invasion biology of civil society (Sparks 2003), redesign of
throngs of “tourists” to the affected from other related disciplines, such as suc- private and civic spaces that minimizes


culture, infrastructure, and the
When might fear appeals be justified? An environment, yet they receive
far less attention and fewer
example with the Emerald Ash Borer resources. Scientists and the
U.S. government must work
When might a fear-based strategy for EAB still within reach, a targeted cam- together to implement a compre-
communicating invasives problems to paign aimed at campers and second- hensive approach to biosecurity
the public be justified? One instance home owners and using fear appeals as that addresses not only bioterror-
might be to prevent the establishment of part of an overall strategy might be war- ism, but also the more common
new populations of a species where peo- ranted. Campground and resort registra- incursions of invasive alien
ple likely to be most responsible for tion data could be used to identify species. This approach should also
spreading it can be identified. The previous visitors from the quarantine address the potential for the deliber-
Emerald Ash Borer (EAB) has resulted zone, and property tax bills might be ate use of invasive alien species as
in the death of millions of trees since its used in the same way to identify second- agents of bioterrorism. (2003, p.
discovery in southeast Michigan in 2002. homeowners. Urgently worded messages 307, emphasis added).
When invasive species managers discov- and photographs showing the dire con- While it is not my intent to diminish the
ered that vacationers from this region sequences of EAB spread (for example, a seriousness of either bioterrorism or inva-
were transporting EAB larva in firewood camper standing in front of his tent sur- sive species issues, I think it is a mistake to
they were carrying to campgrounds and rounded by dead trees and stumps) could confound the two. Post-9/11 efforts to
second homes into northern Michigan, be accompanied by threats of hefty fines bring federal invasive species programs
Indiana, and Ohio, they launched a 15- for lack of compliance. Importantly, under the Department of Homeland
county firewood quarantine and infor- messages must tell people how their Security, opposed early on by a large group
mational campaign about it in the media actions can effectively prevent spreading of scientists organized by the Union of
and through signs posted at State Parks, EAB. Incentives (for example, a coupon Concerned Scientists (Windle 2002),
highway rest stops, and other areas. Yet a for a free basket of firewood at any state reflects the operational difficulties of such
Memorial Day 2004 “firewood blitz” con- park) might also be used to give people a merger. An investigative report by The
ducted at key vacation-area rest stops an attractive alternative. St. Louis Post-Dispatch (Lambrecht 2004),
using highway signs instructing motorists Any threat-based campaign should corroborated by a Government Account-
to stop for a “firewood check point” avoid demonizing the species of con- ability Office study on agroterrorism (US
found more than 40 percent were cern; it is simply a plant or animal that GAO 2005), found that staffing levels for
unaware of the quarantine and that has been taken out of its natural habitat agricultural inspector positions at United
many were transporting firewood from and controls. Instead, the focus should States border operations has dropped
the quarantine zone to all parts of be placed on the human activity respon- markedly since this function was merged
Michigan, including six cases where sible for that species becoming a prob- with customs and immigration activities
EAB larvae was found (Kellogg 2004). lem and the consequences that can under Homeland Security’s “One Face at
With the environmental and eco- result from continued unthoughtful the Border” strategy. With the emphasis
nomic stakes so high and with the action. now on catching terrorists rather than
opportunity to slow the spread of the Paul H. Gobster catching invasive species, many agricul-
tural and natural resource officials feel that
a critical frontline in preventing invasions
contact with strangers (Maher 2003), and about in the same breath as accidentally or has been compromised.
restrictions placed on individual choice purposely introduced plants and animals My primary concern about linking
and freedom (Robin 2004). that may invade natural areas. For exam- invasive species with bioterrorism, how-
The terrorist attacks of September 11, ple, in their 2003 article “Bioinvasions, ever, is that such a strategy may work to
2001 have done much to spread a culture bioterrorism, and biosecurity,” ecologists remove one of the last symbolic refuges—
of fear across American society and engen- Laura Meyerson and Jamie Reaser state: natural environments—we have from the
der a heightened suspicion toward the Despite their high profile and rising culture of fear. People have long
“other” (Freyd 2002). But it was the potentially devastating conse- looked to natural environments for mental,
anthrax scares that followed a month after quences, bioterrorist acts are rel- physical, and spiritual restoration in times
the attacks that likely extended this fear atively unpredictable, rare, and of stress, and more recently environmental
into the environmental arena, including thus far small-scale events. In psychologists have begun to document
how we might think about and treat inva- contrast, biological invasions are these powerful benefits of interaction with
sive alien species. It wasn’t long before ter- occurring daily in the United “nearby nature” (Kaplan and Kaplan
rorist-introduced biological weapons, such States and have significant 2005). In the days and weeks following
as anthrax and smallpox, were being talked impacts on human health, agri- 9/11 people all over the United States


gathered in parks to mourn and seek solace jects, the preceding discussion has as much additional problems that restorationists see
in the beauty of nature (Cronon 2002). In relevance for the field of ecological restora- threatening natural areas today.
New York City, for example, attendance at tion as it does for invasion biology. Are What separates communications
local parks and botanic gardens rose as restorationists also prone to using fear about restoration from those focusing on
people came to see nature as a safe and about invasives to generate public support the science and management of invasive
pleasant outlet for healing (Miller 2001, for their work? In a similar analysis of species, however, is not just the degree of
Stewart 2001). By extending a culture of media stories, popular books, and academic fearful and negative language. In the
fear into the realm of the natural environ- journal articles focusing on ecological restoration writings I also found a wealth
ment, it is questionable whether scientists restoration I found some evidence of this of counterbalancing language that I felt
much more positively and effectively
communicates the importance of restora-
tion endeavors. This language embodies
metaphors, values, and motivations relat-
ing to restoration and can be grouped into
the following categories:
• Ecological- Restoration has intrinsic
value in its aims to improve the health
and diversity of ecosystems and protect
species that are native, rare, and/or
endemic. These classic landscapes have
heritage and legacy value and restoration
work strives for authenticity.
• Functional- Restoration projects sup-
port a range of other environmental
goals that aim to increase sustainability
for ecological and human goals. These
projects supply various environmental
services, such as wetlands for flood con-
trol, wildlife habitat and water quality
improvement, and do so in a manner
that is economical and environmentally
• Humanistic- Restoration projects
Figure 4. Restorationist Jake Sigg leads a spring “wildflower walk and weed pull” at San
enhance people’s outdoor enjoyment and
Francisco’s Bayview Hill. When many first-time participants are in attendance, beginning
use and are appreciated for their beauty
restoration workdays with an instructive and experiential tour can help increase people’s
and for bringing people closer to nature.
appreciation of the natural values of the site and the context in which invasive species man-
Native ecosystems help reestablish peo-
agement is needed. Photo by Paul Gobster
ple’s sense of place in landscapes that
have otherwise grown increasingly
generic and homogeneous.
and managers will gain resources or public happening, though not to the extent that I • Integrative- Engagement in restoration
support to more effectively manage inva- did with work focusing solely on invasives.1 volunteer stewardship activities instills a
sive species. It is quite possible, however, Some restorationists see invasives as severe sense of pride and dedication in people in
that it could change the way we as a soci- threats that can destroy entire ecosystems their altruistic efforts to rescue nature.
ety perceive and experience natural envi- if vigilant fights against them are not kept Through the ritual and performance
ronments, and do so in a way that erodes up. Others view particular species, such as aspects of restoration, we come closer to
the restorative benefits that such environ- buckthorn, as the bane of restoration pro- understanding and achieving community
ments can uniquely provide. jects, describe them with terms like “rapa- with other humans and with nature.
cious” and “choking,” and charge them In the context of restoration, inva-
with “bringing a cancer on the land.” One sive species management becomes a step-
Restoration and the reason why restorationists may not seem as ping-stone to achieving these broader
fearful about invasives is because they have goals and values. Restoration in this way
Reframing of Invasives other things to express their fears about. can help to “reframe” the issue of inva-
Because the management of invasive Land fragmentation, development, fire sives and thus improve success in dealing
species is often central to restoration pro- suppression, and illegal plant collection are with management problems on the


ground and public support in the commu- refocusing on the bigger picture of restora- were removing native white ash, bass-
nity. For example, in attempting to gain tion’s positive values and activities, inva- wood, black cherry, and northern arrow-
community support for management of a sive species management thus becomes a wood trees from savannas and woodlands
prairie in Montana, Chris Woodall and means to an end rather than an end in were told that the trees were natives but
colleagues (2000) found that it was neces- itself. The importance of this reframing “offsite” or “out of the region” (Gobster
sary to reconceptualize the project from became apparent to me on a restoration 1996). Without frequent burning, prairie
that of a state-mandated weed control workday I attended last year at San and savanna landscapes in many parts of
effort to one focused on restoration. The Francisco’s Bayview Hill (Figure 4). The the east are constantly being invaded by
authors state: “…the key to the resolution day began with a hike of the area led by woody plants, many of which are native
was a reaffirmation of an ecosystem man- local restorationist Jake Sigg, who spoke (Askins 2001). And native deer and other
agement scheme in which a grassland eloquently of the beauty, diversity, and his- animals can seriously overbrowse vegeta-
ecosystem would be restored, not a list of tory of the site and its need for protection tion if populations are not held in check.
species eliminated” (p. 40). and management. Invasives issues emerged In all of these cases, it seems like a better
This idea of reframing is central to naturally from the questions and discussion, argument would be to stress the values of
the work of linguistics expert George and after a lunch break attendees were balance and diversity within an ecosystem
Lakoff, who has developed and applied invited to stay for a “weed pull” to remove to keep particular species from dominat-
ideas of linguistics to public policy mat- oxalis and other invasive plants present on ing. This is a strategy Steve Packard and
ters, including the environment. Accord- the site. This contrasts with a workday I his colleagues have adopted in their con-
ing to Lakoff, words are powerful symbols attended some years ago in southeast trol of invasives at Somme Prairie in sub-
that shape or frame the public discussion Chicago, where as soon as we entered the urban Chicago (Packard pers. comm.). In
of everyday issues. Environmental issues, site we were handed a pair of loppers to cut most places their focus is on non-natives,
he argues, have lost public support over invasive brush, and not until after the work but in some cases they also work to rein in
the years because they have been framed was completed were we given a chance to native forbs when they begin to dominate
in ways that make them appear elitist hike and learn about the site and its natural some sections of the site. I think it is also
(“wilderness”) or contrary to economic values. This latter, “work before pleasure” important to recognize and accept that
goals (“owls or jobs”) (Butler 2004). model is probably more typical of commu- these values may be more human than
Reframing environmental issues can help nity-based restoration workdays, and may ecological in nature. Ecologists are quick
make the language used more expressive be the most efficient formula for getting to point out that ecosystems are not always
of the true values inherent in the issue, work accomplished on a site. But for work- balanced or diverse, but are also quick to
values that resonate with a broad spec- days when first-time participants are in work toward these values in an increas-
trum of the public. In this same way, attendance, the former approach might be ingly disturbed and fragmented landscape.
restoration may help reframe the issue of more effective in gaining peoples’ apprecia-
invasives, which in turn might offer new tion of the natural values of the site and the
possibilities for dealing with it. Lakoff, context in which invasive species manage- Reframe Invasive Species
however, cautions that framing must be ment is needed. Management Strategies Within
an honest and forthright endeavor, and
not the insincere spinning of language a Broader Values Framework
that is akin to Orwellian Newspeak. Stress the Values of Balance As mentioned earlier, many invasive
In the sections below I suggest some and Diversity Over the Need to species were purposely introduced because
ways, taken from my own experience and they held significant economic, aesthetic,
that of others mainly in urban natural Eradicate Aliens or other values to some people. An inva-
areas, for restorationists to reframe the As a public relations strategy, using fear sive species management strategy that
issue of invasives away from a negative, and other language to “demonize the fails to understand and work within this
fear-based orientation to one that is more alien” has not only invited charges of broader set of values can lead to conflict.
proactive and constructive in nature. xenophobia, but in natural areas manage- My brother-in-law, Michael Yanny, is a
ment it fails to address the ambiguity plant propagator for a tree nursery near
inherent in the phenomenon of invasive- Milwaukee and represents the Wisconsin
Focus on the Positive Values ness. For example, some people consider Nurserymen’s Association on an industry
and Activities of Restoration common reed a native, others believe it relations committee of the Invasive Plants
was introduced, and still others think of it Association of Wisconsin (IPAW). As a
While invasive species managers usually as a hybrid “supercompetitor” of native native plant enthusiast, he appreciates
focus their efforts on taking things out of and introduced origins (Sauer 1998). In a the problems that invasive species have
the landscape, the end goal of restora- controversy about restoration in the brought to the natural areas of the state,
tionists is to make the landscape whole Chicago forest preserves some years ago, problems for which he admits the nursery
again by putting things back together. By critics who complained that restorationists business must share some responsibility


(Editor 1999). Yet, as a propagator, he is nity and lessen the human-nature dicho- management and mitigation. In such cases,
also quick to praise the many positive tomy. Rather than feeling victimized by throwing out general threats about an
qualities of some introduced plants and invasions and the fear generated from the “alien nation” could result in an “alien-
has fought against threats to blacklist losses that might result, participatory ation” of another sort—further separation
entire species because of the invasive engagement can empower communities to of people from positive experiences and
properties of certain varieties. Working work toward positive new trajectories. interactions with natural environments.
jointly with stakeholders, IPAW is help- In a post-9/11 editorial entitled “What
ing to develop solutions to invasive are We Afraid of?”, Dave Egan (2002)
species impacts that are compatible with Conclusion pointed out that much of the history of
broader values and concerns such as these. In this paper I have attempted to show environmentalism has operated under the
In another case involving a Chicago nat- how scientists, practitioners, and the motivation of fear—fear of loss of unique
ural area restoration project, gradual media have used fear as a tool to commu- places, species and other environmental
replacement of non-native honeysuckle nicate with the public and peers about the features, such as clean air and water, that
shrubs with native ones has helped allevi- importance of invasive species issues. contribute to the quality of life on the
ate birders’ concerns over the loss of bird Other literature on the psychology and planet. More recently, Michael Shellen-
habitat that might have occurred if all sociology of fear shows that while fear berger and Ted Nordhaus in their essay,
non-natives were removed first (Gobster The Death of Environmentalism (2004),
and Barro 2000). have said the same thing and have also
questioned whether such fear and negativ-
Restoration may offer ity can continue to move the environmen-
Conduct Invasive Species tal movement ahead in dealing with
Management Efforts with
ways to reframe issues complex issues such as global warming.
Instead, they argue, a positive, “transfor-
Participatory Involvement of invasive species mative” vision is needed, one that
Species invasions can be dramatic and embraces values of hope, love, and beauty
unsettling events and, as with many man- management in a more to inspire people to challenge old assump-
agement crises, there may be a tendency tions and create new solutions.
by experts to take charge of the situation positive way that As I have suggested here, restoration
and limit interaction with the public so as may offer ways to reframe issues of invasive
to get the job done with minimal interfer- broadens the set of species management in a more positive
ence. But invasive species management way that broadens the set of values it con-
can often become a very public issue, as values it considers and siders and empowers participants to dis-
was witnessed in Chicago when the Asian cover more successful and inclusive
longhorned beetle was discovered in a empowers participants to solutions. On an even broader scale,
north-side neighborhood in 1998. Because restoration might serve as alternative
a large number of trees needed to be discover more successful model of environmentalism, a hope-filled
removed in a neighborhood known for its enterprise as Egan (2002) states, and one
urban forest, officials began a public out- and inclusive solutions. that can revitalize our human connection
reach and involvement program from the with nature (Jordan 2003). In this respect,
onset. Public meetings and door-to-door we might begin to re-examine how other
contact with residents were followed by appeals may have some effectiveness, they fear-based, negatively framed issues now
grieving ceremonies and replanting must be well designed and effectively on the resource management agenda
events, each activity helping to raise sup- directed or they can negatively affect might look through the lens of restoration.
port for the management efforts and in the unintended individuals and increase the
process bringing the community closer culture of fear in our society.
together (Antipin and Dilley 2004). Some There may be cases where the use of
1. Material for this analysis included articles
of the finest models of participatory fear and threatening information is justified on ecological restoration from the Chicago
involvement in resource management in staving off the introduction or spread of Tribune March 1, 2004 – March 1, 2005 (n =
issues can be found in community-based a highly invasive species, such as an insect 36); relevant chapters from books on restora-
restoration projects. Much has been writ- or pathogen. For most natural areas restora- tion by Stephanie Mills (1995), Leslie Sauer
ten by Bill Jordan (2003), Andrew Light tion projects, however, species that show up (1998), and Steve Packard and Connie Mutel
(1997); an electronic word search of articles
(2000), and others about the value that is on “dirty dozen” (Stein and Flack 1996) from Ecological Restoration volumes 20 (2002)
created through engagement in such pro- and similar lists tend to be plants and ani- – 22 (2004) (n = 84); and articles from the
jects, and how the ritual and performative mals already well established in a location, same journal from 1999-2004 focusing pre-
aspects of restoration can build commu- with available strategies usually limited to dominantly on invasive species (n = 6).


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