My Top Travel Adventures of 2013

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Travel Bloggers Top Travel Destinations of 2013 /travel-bloggers-top-travel-destinations

Travel bloggers get around more t han most f olks. Not surprisingly t hey know all t he good spot s t o go.
Thats why in trying to plan my travels for the upcoming year, I asked some of my favorite travel bloggers (and the industrys finest) for their Top Travel Destinations for 2013:

Eduardos Top Travel Destination f or 2013: Canada @hombrelobo Why ? Well, Ive never been to Canada, and it is an intriguing country that really attracts me. In all the (American) TV shows they portrait Canada as this dull country where nobody shoots at each other and where people walk in the street, which makes it even more attractive. But seriously, Canada is a country with a great mixture of East and West, friendly people and a passion for nature and the wilderness that really should be an example to other countries. Vancouver and Toronto are top of my list. Fingers crossed (My note: As a Canadian I assure you that Canada is NOT a dull country and definitely worth of being on a top anything list).

Leighs Top Travel Destination f or 2013: Sierra Nevada del Cocuy a mountain range in Colombia
Hike Bike Travel @HikeBikeTravel One of my biggest adventures planned for 2013 includes a six day trek through the Sierra Nevada del Cocuy a range of mountains in Colombia close to the Venez uela border. They have been called the most beautiful mountains in all of South America that no one has ever heard about. I dont quite know what Ive got myself into as it will just be my husband and I plus our

Va n co u ve r , Ca n a d a

our guide. (My note: Can I come with you? This is my idea of a dream trip!)

La g o o n , g l a ci e r & d e vi l s p u l p i t i n th e S i e r r a Ne va d a d e l Co cu y. P h o to co u r te s y o f a a n d r e s o n Fl i ckr .

Andreas Top Travel Destination f or 2013: Marseille, France

Rear View Mirror @destinationeu Marseille is often an overlooked

Marseille is often an overlooked destination in France but the Mediterranean city has great weather, beautiful beaches and the historic Vieux Port. Marseilles diverse culture influences the local food which is a mix of traditional French, North African and Mediterranean cuisines. In 2013, Marseille is the European Capital of Culture so you can expect to see many great events held throughout the year making it a great time to visit. (My note: I love France, but havent been to Marseille yet, and with it being the European Capital of Culture this year, its a great time to visit).

Ma r s e i l l e , Fr a n ce , a to p tr a ve l d e s ti n a ti o n a n d a Eu r o p e a n Ca p i ta l o f Cu l tu r e fo r 2013.

Marianas Top Travel Destination f or 2013: Denmark

TravelThirst @TravelThirst A country with a quite perfect scenario. As I road tripped Denmark this year, I only found good qualities all over the place. Culture, nature, landscapes (one of the most unusual and outstanding ones I have ever enjoyed). Not to mention every single taste from a simple yet rich diet of theirs; or its kind and educate people. Even sounds: from authentic local music up to the sound of silence, of wind, of a fresh sigh anywhere. Denmark really marked me within all 5 senses. Which to me is the clue to a top travel destination spot. (My note: Ive been there and would have to agree!)

Isabels Top Travel Destination f or 2013: Uganda

P h o to co u r te s y o f An d r e a Re a r vi e w Mi r r o r

f or 2013: Uganda
Diaro de a bordo

De n m a r k p h o to co u r te s y o f Ma r i a n a fr o m Tr a ve l Th i r s t

@Diarodeabordo Forgotten by travelers by its political

Forgotten by travelers by its political conflicts in the past decades, Uganda is rising as a brand new destination to visit in Africa. Although its National Parks can not offer the same amount of feline species as the ones in neighboring countries, Uganda can offer you a one in a lifetime experience: tracking the few mountain gorillas that remain in the planet. However, Uganda has much more to offer: the source of the river Nile, outstanding landscapes and charming people unspoiled by tourism. (My note: If I had to choose just one trip, this would be it, hands down! I would chew off my right arm to see gorillas in the wild).

Marlys and Michaels Top Travel Destination of 2013: Seville, Andlucia, Spain
easyhiker @easyhiker101 Seville, the capital city of Andalucia, may be a second division city compared to top drawers like Paris, London and Barcelona, but is definitely a must- visit destination for 2013. They say this is where tapas were first served. The influence of the Moors in the citys architecture, as evidenced by the tile works everywhere, constantly provides visitors with delightful surprises on the pavements, the walls and even on balconies. (My note: After being to Catalonia four times in 2011, which I love, its time to check out a different part of Spain and Seville

G o r i l l a p h o to ta ke n i n Ug a n d a b y Is a b e l fr o m Di a r o d e a b o r d o

Seville would be perfect!)

Sophies Top Travel

In th e g a r d e n s o f Al ca z a r i n S e vi l l a , p h o to co u r te s y o f Ma r l ys a n d Mi ch a e l fr o m e a s y h i ke r .

Destination f or 2013: Oslo, Norway

Sophies World @SophieR I especially recommend the

I especially recommend the long, white nights of summer, when the sun is up until 11 pm and the temperature hovers around 20 25 C perfect! Its reflected in peoples temperament as well: come May, locals throw away most of their inhibitions (and their clothes). Nature is Oslos main asset and its almost free! 15 minutes by public transport takes you to the hills and forest surrounding town or to the many islands in the Oslofjord. (My note: I know very little about Norway, but the islands sound especially intriguing and Im used to the nakedness after living in Germany).

Marys Top Travel Destination f or 2013: Southern Calif ornia

The World is a Book @WorldBookTravel Southern California is large region that includes the popular cities of Los Angeles and San Diego and offers something for everyone of all ages satisfying varying interests. This top destination has beautiful scenery and blessed with mild, pleasant weather, miles of beaches and plenty of sunshine for year- round outdoor activities. The ethnically diverse area also features many cultural museums,

Fr o g n e r P a r k, O s l o , No r wa y. P h o to b y S o p h i e fr o m S o p h i e s Wo r l d

features many cultural museums,

La g u n a B e a ch , Ca l i fo r n i a . P h o to co u r te s y o f Ma r y fr o m Th e Wo r l d i s a B o o k

neighborhoods, national parks and historical attractions. Known as the entertainment capital of the world and home to Hollywood and many theme parks including enchanting Disneyland also makes this a top destination whether traveling solo or with a family. (My note: I havent spent nearly enough time in Southern California, but whats not to love.)

Cathys Top Travel Destination of 2013: Hawaii

Traveling with Sweeney @TravelingwithS Visiting a

Visiting a tropical paradise is enticing to almost everyone and Hawaii certainly fits that description. The Hawaiian Islands also have sentimental value for us because we spent our honeymoon and 10th anniversary on Kauai and have enjoyed Maui and the S u n s e t i n Ha wa i i p h o to co u r te s y o f Ca th y fr o m Tr a ve l i n g wi th S we e n e y Big Island on other trips. I love the first sensation of the balmy breez es and fragrant exotic flowers. Its been several years since weve had a chance to go back, so were really looking forward to our 2013 trip to Maui and Molokai. Although we are planning on active outdoor activities, scenic drives, exploring sites and cultural experiences, Hawaii is also a perfect destination for getting away from computers and smartphones to hang loose for a while. Aloha! (My note: I havent been to Hawaii since I was a kid, and that was only to Oahu. I would love to check out some of the other islands as Cathy did.) A very special thank you to all of the above travel bloggers for taking time from your busy travel schedules to share your top travel picks for 2013 with us.

So there you have it, now you know where to go in 2013. T he hard part is now deciding on which travel destination! Im admittedly biased, but Im leaning towards the two that have monkeys and mountains! Where do you plan to go?

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