Module 1 Practice 2

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Module 1 Practice 2 Infusion US Infusion US is a startup that offers powerful and energizing infusion in a non-hospital setting for competitive

e athletes (just electrolytes, no doping !) !he service process includes five activities that are conducted in a se"uence descri#ed #elow Activity $% welcome a patient and e&plain the procedure Activity (% !a)e vitals, insert I*, and ta)e #lood Activity +% ,i& infusion treatment Activity -% .hemo infusion Activity 0% 1e#rief the patient ('min) ($+min) ($(min) (+/min) (0min)

!hree nurses ( S$, S(, S+) offer the services in a wor)-placed line !he assignments to nurses are the following% S1% does 2ctivity $ and 2ctivity ( S2% does 2ctivity + S3% does 2ctivity - and 2ctivity 0 2ssume that there e&ist the unlimited demand and the process admits patients at the rate of #ottlenec) IU1% 3hich nurse is the #ottlenec) of the process4 IU2% 3hat is the utilization of the process4 IU3% 3hat is the utilization of nurse ( IU4% 3hat is the cycle time4 (in minutes) IU5% 3hat is the idle per unit for nurse $ (in minutes) IU6% 3hat is average la#or utilization across all three nurses IU7% what is the cost of direct la#or associated with the serving partner 2ssume the wage rate of 5+/ per hour for nurse $ and ( and 56/ per hour for nurse + Ruhpolding

7uhpolding is a village in the 8erman 2lps 8iven its enormous popularity among Swiss, 8erman, 2ustrian and Italian s)iers, all of its #eds are always #oo)ed in the winter season and there are $(// #eds in the village 9n average, s)iers stay in 7uhpolding for $/ days a) :ow many new s)iers are arriving on average in 7uhpolding every day4 #) 2 study done #y the largest hotel in the village has shown that s)iers spend on average 50/ per person on the first five days and 5+/ per person on each additional day in local restaurants !he study also forecasts that - due to increase in hotel prices ; the average length of stay for the (/$+<(/$- season will #e reduced to fie days 3hat will #e the impact on revenues of locals restaurants compared to last year (when s)iers still stayed for $/ days)4 2ssume that hotels continue to #e fully #oo)ed

Summer s S!eets

Summer=s Sweets is a small chain of gelato stores eastern >orth .arolina In (//?, company=s revenue was 5-,+//,/// ant its cost of sales was 5(,6//,/// 2ssume 0( wee)s and +60 per year SS1% Summer )eeps on -,0 days-of-supply of inventory on average #ecause much of her inventory is gelato and fresh s"ueezed orange juice, #oth of which have a short shelf time 3hat is its annual inventory turns4 SS2% 8iven that he has -,0-days-of-supply on inventory on average, how much inventory does Sumer have on average4

"ep#rtment of $otor %ehicles !o o#tain your first drivers license you must successfully complete several activities @irst you must produce the appropriate identification !hen you must pass written e&am @inally you must pass the road e&am 2t each of

these steps $A, $0A, and +/A of drivers license hopefuls fail to fulfill the step=s re"uirements Bou are only allowed to ta)e written e&am if your identification is approved and you are only allowed to ta)e the road test if you have passed the written e&am !he average daily num#er of driver=s license applications is -// people Cach step ta)es 0, +, and (/ minutes respectively (staff mem#ers administering written e&ams need only set up the applicant at the computer) .urrently the 1,* staffs - people to process license applications, ( to administer written e&ams, and $0 to judge the road e&am 1,* staff wor) hours per day "$%1% :ow many license application would the 1,* process each day if it had unlimited capacity4 "$%2% 3hich stage is the #ottlenec) according to the current staffing plan4 "$%3% with the current staffing plan, how many newly licensed drivers will the 1,* turn out each day4

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