Contributions of The Ancient World Project

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Name: _______________________________ Project: Contributions of the Ancient World 40 Points Question: To what extent did the ancient world

(Greece and Rome) have an impact on our modern western world? In your answer, please make specific reference to at least THREE of the following areas: ~Government ~Architecture ~Culture ~Thought ~Religion

The form this project takes is up to the student, though the question must be answered and the information presented must be relevant. Students may work individually or in groups of up to, but not exceeding, 4. Possible project forms: Video, PowerPoint, Poster, Creative Writing Piece, Essay, etc. Students are free to develop their own ideas for projects, though they should be approved by the teacher. Each project must include a 1 page written component that further explains the information presented in the project. Support from class notes and the textbook should be included. Projects will not need to be presented to the class, but can be if students wish to share their work.

Type of Project Decision- Due Friday, February 15th Name(s): ______________________________________________________________________ My project will be a (essay, video, poster, etc) _______________________________________

Contributions of the Ancient World Project Grading Rubric

Excellent (A) Establishment of a Thesis
The student answers the prompt throughout the project and the contents clearly support a consistent argument. The student makes insightful and varied connections between the ancient world and today. The student uses evidence from class and the textbook consistently to support the arguments being made. The project is easy to view and understand, and is well-put together.

Good (B)
The student answers the prompt occasionally throughout the project and the contents somewhat support an argument. The student makes a few relevant connections between the ancient world and today. The student uses some evidence from class &/or the textbook to support the arguments being made. The project is somewhat easy to understand and view, with a few problems.

Fair (C)
The student answers the prompt rarely throughout the project and the contents barely support an argument.

Poor (D)
The student does not answer the prompt and the contents do not support an argument.

___/10 Connections

____/10 Use of Evidence/Content

The student makes 1-3 connections between the ancient world and today. The student uses very little evidence from class &/or the textbook to support the arguments being made. The project is somewhat difficult to understand and view, and is slightly disorganized.

The student makes no connections between the ancient world and today. The student uses no evidence from class &/or the textbook to support the arguments being made. The project is difficult to understand and is quite disorganized.

____/10 Organization


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