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ul8LC1C8| 60fps
What's |n the frame |s a|| that matters.

"lck up a camera. ShooL someLhlng. no maLLer how small, no maLLer how cheesy, no maLLer wheLher
your frlends and your slsLer sLar ln lL. uL your name on lL as dlrecLor. now you're a dlrecLor. LveryLhlng
afLer LhaL you're [usL negoLlaLlng your budgeL and your fee. -!ames Cameron"

AL81u8L | exposure
f8 f3.6 f2 f1.2
8oard/uegree C8SL C8SL 8.Sc CC
Class/Course 10Lh 12Lh LLLC18CnlC MLulA CCC
Crades 77 92 7.9 CA
Where? S1.!CPn's 8esanL nagar, Chennal. M.C. valshnav Chennal MlCA

MAnuAL MCuL| work experlence and lnLernshlps

Where? When? Whlch Leam? As whaL?
nu1v Plndu May 2010 leaLures ueparLmenL lnLern
8lg Synergy vL.LdL !an -Mar 2012 conLenL Leam 8esearch AnalysL
lv?LLACuL producLlons Aug2012 -may2013 Au fllm producLlon Au

PuL| oLher shades
Some sofLware's, whlch l am famlllar wlLh, are hoLoshop, lllusLraLor, premler-pro, afLer effecLs &

88lCP1nLSS Anu SA1u8A1lCn | whaL brlghLens up my day
hoLography, dance & skeLchlng are hobbles and Lhe besL ways ln whlch l klll Llme.

CCLC8 8LvL8SAL| glven an opporLunlLy, l can..
AdapL easlly and mulLlLask, as l am open Lo learnlng and experlmenLaLlon, slmllar Lo Lhe capablllLy of
fllm Lo produce normal poslLlve lmages when exposed for pro[ecLlon.

lSC meLer| 100
Lower Lhe lSC, less gralny Lhe lmage. lL all comes down Lo vlsual clarlLy. l am cerLaln abouL whaL l wanL
Lo do. llLMAklnC.

lCCuS| Lowards Lhe goal
1o do some good work, make lL blg & someday have my own producLlon house.

AC1lCn C8 Cu1? | 1o hlre or noL Lo hlre
1he llghLs are on and Lhe camera ls rolllng. lL's your call now.

CCMCSl1lCn| lramlng deLalls
ll8S1 1AkL | 02/07/1992.
SCLnL nC. | 21 as on 2nd !uly 2013
LCCA1lCn | Chennal, 1amll nadu
SL1| P29/f2 vasukl aparLmenLs, Lhlruvanmlyur, 1hlruvalluvar nagar chennal-41.
8CS| hone1|9884814738 Mall |savlnasuresh02[

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