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May 29, 2010 To whom it may concern: Scott Niemann has asked me to write an evaluative statement concerning his

personal and professional qualifications. My knowledge of Scott is based on impressions gained as his Advisor and Professor in the Seattle University Executive Leadership Superintendent Program since August, 2008. In addition, I have served as Scotts Supervisor during his superintendent intern ship in the Burlington-Edison School District during the 2008-2009 school year. While I have most specific and informed views of his work during the past year, I have a good understanding of Scotts work for the past several years. Scott is serving as a Superintendent Intern with Laurel Browning, his Superintendent in Burlington-Edison. He has had a track record of real success in each of his significant Superintendent program and Internship assignments. Ms. Browning has entrusted Scott with several major projects and she has relied on him to represent the district in several forums during his internship. The quality of Scotts internship experience has been one of the best of the several internships I have supervised in the past several years . Scotts working relationships with parents is excellent. He is highly visible working directly with parent groups and the community in Burlington. The parents I have met in Burlington think Scott is exceptional. It is my understanding that this has been the case during all of Scotts years as a principal in Burlington and as an Assistant Principal in Arlington. Scotts school serves a most diverse population and has a high percentage of children from low income families I am convinced that Scotts special talent for insp iring and bringing out the best in his students, parents and staff is rooted in his unique set of life experiences and character. He was a successful middle school and high school assistant principal in Arlington. In addition, he is a devoted husband and father. Each of these life experiences has engendered a special empathy in Scott for people of all kinds. In the area of special education, Scott Niemann has been highly effective in directing the multi-disciplinary team process. He skillfully documents meetings to insure that legal aspects of the procedure are carefully followed. He has been instrumental in recommending options so the individual needs of students are met, both effectively and efficiently. Beyond a successful career as a principal, Mr. Niemann has had a variety of experiences which have prepared him to be a district level administrator in human resources and student services. He has skillfully led the selection process for both certificated and classified personnel. Scott is highly adept in supervising and evaluating certificated and classified staff. He is very well organized and thorough. He effectively points out specific strengths and areas for improvement. Scott has been actively involved and successful in plans of improvement for struggling staff members. At the district level in Burlington-Edison, Laurel Browning and her Assistant Superintendent have relied on Scott to be a moving force among Burlington principals. He seems to have unlimited energy, writes and speaks with distinction, and has the ability to define a problem and suggest viable solutions. On a personal level, Scott is a first-rate individual, with an enthusiasm that is contagious. He is also a man of substantial character and genuine warmth.

EDUCATIONAL ADMINISTRATION PROGRAM 901 12TH Avenue P.O. Box 222000 Seattle, WA 98122-1090 Tel.: (206) 296-6170 Director: (206) 296-5798 Fax: (206) 296-2053

I have made the following additional observations about Scott as I worked with him for the past year: His loyalty to his Superintendent, his school and to his district is exceptional. He has been able to enlist the cooperation of his entire staff in developing programs. His work habits are almost ideal. He is one of those employees who arrives early, leaves late, and appears never to be absent. He also invests his time well beyond the school day in school activities and community involvement. His credibility with parents and students has allowed him to have a major impact on at-risk youth and their families. His personal life centers on his spouse and his daughters. He has been an outstanding graduate student in Educational Leadership and Policy Studies over the past year at Seattle University. Scott clearly stands out in class and in his projects as one of our most serious and scholarly students in the Executive Leadership Superintendent Program. This is a special quality that makes Scott stand out among his peers.

Scott Niemann has demonstrated and continues to demonstrate exceptional organizational skills, superior work habits, and the highest level of personal and professional ethics. I anticipate even greater success for him in the future. He possesses the tenacity and critical intelligence one associates with an exceptional district level administrator. Scott has a very special flair for getting the most from the people he works with and directs. I have the highest regard for Scott Niemann and recommend him without reservation.


Richard A. McCullough, Ph.D. Superintendent Program Coordinator Seattle University

EDUCATIONAL ADMINISTRATION PROGRAM 901 12TH Avenue P.O. Box 222000 Seattle, WA 98122-1090 Tel.: (206) 296-6170 Director: (206) 296-5798 Fax: (206) 296-2053

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