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Topic : The effect of humidity on the growth of microorganisms Aim : To study the effect of humidity on the growth of microorganism

: Microorganisms grow rapidly in moist condition : a) Manipulated variable: The presence of water b) Responding variable : The growth of microorganism c) Constant variable : same type of bread Materials and apparatus "rocedure : : pieces of bread! water! clear plastic bag

Hypothesis Variables

#) A piece of bread is sprin$led with water and placed in a clear plastic bag labeled A% ) The other piece is $ept dry and placed in the clear plastic bag labeled &% ') &oth plastic bags are $ept in a dar$ place for two days% () The result of the e)periment is observed and recorded in the table below% Results : The growth of microorganism (mucor) A lot of microorganism *mucor) A few microorganism * mucor)

Presence of moisture A: Moist bread & : +ry bread +iscussions :

#% After two days the mucor grows on the moist bread because of the presence of water! but no mucor grows on the dry bread% % Mucor needs water to grow% '% Hypothesis is accepted%

Conclusion Topic : Aim

: Microorganisms grow rapidly in moist condition% ,ffect of temperature on the growth of bacteria%

: To study the effect of temperature on the growth of bacteria : bacteria grows and reproduce -uic$ly at room temperature but not at low or temperature%

Hypothesis high


: a) Manipulated variables b) Responding variables c) Constant variables

: temperature : .umber of bacterial colonies : Volume of bacterial culture

Material s and apparatus petri

: sterile nutrient agar! bacteria culture * bacillus subtilis)! sterile dishes and lids! syringes! cellophane tape! refrigerator and oven%


#% Three sterile petri dishes containing sterile nutrient agar are prepared and labeled A! & and c respectively% % #cm' of bacteria culture solution is added onto the agar surface in each petri dish by using a syringe% '% The petri dishes are covered with their lids and sealed using cellophane tape% (% The petri dishes are inverted and placed as below: a) "etri dish A in a refrigerator set at /C b) "etri dish & at room temperature *'0C) c) "etri dish C in an oven at 10C

/% The petri dishes are $ept for two days% 2% The number of bacterial colonies are observed and recorded%


: Temperature (C) / '0 10 Number of bacterial colonies .one Many .one


#% Microorganisms grow rapidly at room temperature % Temperatures that are too cold or too hot are not suitable for bacterial growth% '% Hypothesis is accepted%


: &acteria grows and reproduce -uic$ly at room temperature but do not grow at temperatures that are too high or too low%

Topic : the effect of pH on the growth of microorganisms


: To study the relationship between pH value and the growth of microorganisms%

Hypothesis Variables

: .eutral condition is suitable for the growth of microorganisms : a) Manipulated variables : pH value b) Responding variables : Cloudiness of the nutrient broth

c) Constant variable : Volume of nutrient broth

Materials and apparatus : 3terile nutrient broth! bacteria culture * &acillus subtilus)! distilled water! hydrochloric acid #mol4dm'! sodium hydro)ide solution #mol4dm'! cotton wool! test tubes%


#% Three test tubes labeled A! & and C are prepared% % /cm' of nutrient broth is poured into each test tubes% '% #cm' of bacteria culture is added into each test tubes% (% #cm' of hydrocloric acid! #cm' of sodium hydro)ide solution ! #cm' of distilled water are added by using syringes into the nutrient broth in test tubes A! & and C respectively% /% The test tubes A! & and C are plugged with cotton wool% 2% The three test tubes are $ept in the dar$ cupboard for days%

5% The content of the test tubes are observed and recorded%

6bservation Test tubes A

: Condition of the nutrient agar Acidic Cloudiness of the nutrient broth 3lightly cloudy

& C

Al$aline .eutral

3lightly cloudy Very cloudy


#% After two days! nutrient broth in test tubes A and & becomes only slightly cloudy because microorganisms do not grow well in acidic and al$aline conditions% % 7n test tube C! the nutrient broth becomes very cloudy because microorganisms grow rapidly in neutral condition% '% Hypothesis is accepted% Conclusion : .eutral condition is the most suitable pH for the growth of microorganisms%

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