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Escola Secundria

Padre Antnio Martins de Oliveira

Escola Secundria
Padre Antnio Martins de Oliveira

English Worksheet
Ano Letivo 2011 /2012

PIEF- 2 Ciclo




Read this overview and fill in the gaps with the words in the box.

grandmother cigarettes secret 11-year-old Royal Ballet School

responsibility on strike ballet class talent
enthusiasm food passion friend Northern England mine
The life of _______________Billy Elliot, a coal miners son, in _________________is forever
changed one day when he sees a _______________during his weekly boxing lesson. He finds
himself demonstrating the kind of _____________ seldom seen by the classs instructor Mrs
With a never-ending stream of _______________ in her hand, Mrs Wilkinsons
_______________for teaching is revived when she sees Bills potential. She wants to teach her
new pupil.
But Billy must keep the ballet classes a __________from his widowed father and elder brother,
as both men are ____________ from their jobs at the __________, and are finding it difficult to
put __________ on the table. Their frustrations finally explode when they discover Billy spends
his boxing money on dancing classes.
Banned from ballet, and troubled by the mental problems of his ____________Billy finds
comfort with his school ____________Michael.
Meanwhile, Mrs Wilkinson encourages Billy to try out for the ________________ in London,
where he can improve his skill and escape his oppressive background.
But Billy is torn between his _________________ to his family and to his talent. His to dance is
more than a means of self- expression. It is his _____________, and it is his destiny.

Give brief answers to the following questions.

a) Where does Billy live?
b) When is the movie happening?

At the beginning of the film, Billy is making breakfast for his grandmother and finds her
missing from her room, what does he do?


Does Billy know how to play the piano? Who did the piano belong to?

Describe Billy physically.


English Worksheet

Escola Secundria
Padre Antnio Martins de Oliveira

Ano Letivo 2011 /2012

Escola Secundria
Padre Antnio Martins de Oliveira

PIEF- 2 Ciclo





What lesson is Billy taking in the boys club? Is he good at it?



Who is Mrs Wilkinson?



Who is on strike?


What is Mr. Elliots reaction when he sees Billy in the ballet lesson?

Why is the piano chopped up?

10. What does Billys father sell to help them get money to go to London?

The Royal Ballet School

a) A boy a LP record (play)

b) He ..(jumo) and on his bed.(dance)

c) He .(wear) a yellow T.shirt, green shorts, white socks and black
d) He (go) into the kitchen.
e) He .. two eggs.(cook)

He ..some toast. (make)

g) He . a tray. (carry)
h) He ..(take) the tray to his grandmother.

He (push) the door with his head/nose

He ..(put) the tray back on table.

Escola Secundria
Padre Antnio Martins de Oliveira
Escola Secundria
Padre Antnio Martins de Oliveira

English Worksheet
Ano Letivo 2011 /2012

PIEF- 2 Ciclo





He . (rush out) the house.

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