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Pimsleur Ingls I Leccin 7

(Man) Hello, Katy. (Woman) Hello, Peter. (Man) When would you like to eat Katy? Now? (Woman) No, Peter, not now. Later, please. But, Id like to have something to drink now. (Man) Where? (Woman) I dont know. (Man) At a restaurant? (Woman) Yes. O.K.

Conversacin 2
Que le gustara comer? = What would you like to eat? No s = I dont know. De acuerdo. Que le gustara beber? = Ok. What would you like to drink? No s. Y Usted? = I dont know. And you? A Usted le gustara algo de vino? = Would you like some wine? Algo de cerveza? = Some beer? No, se lo agradezco. Ahora no. = No thank you. Not now. Le gustara comer algo? = Would you like to have something to eat? No, gracias. = No thanks. Usted no quiere comer? = You dont want to eat? Ahora no, gracias. = Not now, thanks. Me gustara algo de vino. = Id like some wine. Pero, ms tarde. = But, later. En el hotel. = At the hotel. En el hotel en la avenida Parque. = At the hotel on Park Avenue. Pero, me gustara beber algo ahora. = But, Id like to have something to drink now.

A mi me gustaria comer = Id like to eat. A mi me gustaria comer ahora = Id like to eat now. Si, me gustaria = Yes, I would. Quiero comer mas tarde = I want to eat later. No, alla no = No, not over there. En el hotel = At the hotel. En un hotel = At a hotel. Que te gustaria comer? = What would you like to eat? Me gustaria algo de vino = Id like some wine Algo de cerveza = some beer En el restaurante Avenida Parque = At the Park Avenue restuarant En la avenida Parque = On Park Avenue. Donde queda el restaurante Avenida Paque? = Where is the Park Avenue restaurant?

Que = what Vino = wine Cerveza = beer En = on (preposicin)

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