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Pimsleur Ingls I Leccin 9

(Man) Hello Mary, how are you? (Woman) Fine thanks, John. (Man) Well Mary, What do you want to do now? (Woman) Oh, I dont know. And you? What do you want to do? (Man) Id like to have lunch now. Would you like to have lunch with me? (Woman) Yes, I would. But Id like to eat at the Park Avenue Restaurant. O.K.? (Man) Where is the Park Avenue Restaurant? (Woman) Its over there on Park Ave. (Man) Oh, yes. I know. O.K.

Con quin? = With whom? Sabe Usted? = Do you know? Sabe Usted donde queda la Avenida Parque? = Do you know where Park Ave is? A qu hora? = At what time? A la una = At one oclock A las nueve = At nine oclock Las ocho = eight oclock No quiero = I dont want to


Tiempo (hora) = time La una = one oclock

Nueve = nine Ocho = eight


1. it 2. kit 3. sit 4. six 5. fix 6. fin 7. I 8. fine 9. fin/fine 10. nine 11. site 12. my 13. by

14. kite 15. miss 16. did 17. bit 18. bite 19. big bite 20. I like Ike

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