Computer Graphics III It HB Updated

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11 COMPUTER GRAPHICS Course Objective The subject computer graphics is aimed at learning the details of picture generation, simulation,

animation, modeling and rendering 2-D & 3-D objects, in order to create objects that look and behave as realistically as possible.The course progresses through a designed set of units, starting ith simple, general applicable fundamentals and ending ith more comple! and speciali"ed subjects. This course also provides a strong base for image processing research for the students.

MLR Institute of Technology, Dundigal, Hyderabad 500 043

!age "

11.1 JNTUH SYLLA US UNIT !I I"tro#uctio"$ #pplication areas of $omputer %raphics overvie of graphics systems, video-display devices raster-scan systems, random scan systems graphics monitors and ork stations and input device. UNIT % II Out&ut &ri'itives ( &oints and lines, line dra ing algorithms, mid-point circle and ellipse algorithms. 'illed area primitives( )can line polygon fill algorithm, boundary-fill and flood-fill algorithms UNIT %III )!* +eo'etric,- tr,"s.or's( Translation, scaling, rotation, reflection and shear transformations, matri! representations and homogeneous coordinates composite transforms transformations bet een coordinate systems. UNIT % I/ )!* vie0i"+( The vie ing pipeline, vie ing coordinate reference frame, indo to vie -port coordinate transformation, vie ing functions, $ohen-)utherland and $yrus-beck line clipping algorithms, )utherland-*odgeman polygon clipping algorithm. UNIT % / 1!* Object re&rese"t,tio"( &olygon surfaces, +uadric surface, spline representation, *ermite curve, ,e"ier curve and ,-)pline curves, ,e"ier and ,-)pline surfaces. ,asic illumination models, polygon rendering methods. UNIT % /I 1!* Geo'etric tr,"s.or',tio"s( Translation, rotation scaling, reflection and shear transforms composite transformations. 1!* /ie0i"+( vie ing pipeline, vie ing coordinates, vie volume and general projection transforms and clipping. UNIT % /II /isib-e sur.,ce #etectio" 'et2o#s( $lassification, back-face detection, depth-buffer, scan-line depth sorting, ,)&-tree methods, area sub-division and octree methods. UNIT % /III Co'&uter ,"i',tio"( Design of animation se+uence, general computer animation functions, raster animation, computer animation languages, key frame systems, motion specifications. SUGGESTE* OO3S T1( 4Computer Graphics C version5, Donald *earn & -. &auline ,aker, &earson .ducation. T)( 4Computer Graphics - Principles & Practice 5, )econd edition in $, 'oley, /andam, 'riner, *ughes, &earson .ducation. RE6ERENCES

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R1( 4Computer Graphics, )econd edition, Donald *earn & -. &auline ,aker, &*01 &earson .ducation R):Computer Graphics Second edition, 2higand !iang, 3oy plastock, )chaum4s outlines Tata -c %ra hill education R1( Procedural Elements for Computer Graphics, David ' 3ogers, -c-%ra *ill 0nternational, 00 .dition

MLR Institute of Technology, Dundigal, Hyderabad 500 043

!age 3

11.) U"it 0ise P-,""er .or Ac,#e'ic Ye,r )711 ! )71)

S.No. 5. 2. 3. :. ;. <. 9. 6. U"it No. 0 00 000 0/ / /0 /00 /000 *escri&tio" 0ntroduction & #pplication areas of $omputer %raphics 7utput primitives 2-D geometrical transforms( 2-D vie ing 3-D 7bject representation 3-D %eometric transformations( 3-D /ie ing /isible surface detection methods $omputer animation Tot,- No. o. Lectures 6 58 9 6 58 = ; <

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11.1 Sessio" P-,""er

MLR I"stitute o. Tec2"o-o+8

>a!ma 3eddy #venue, Dundigal, ?uthbullapur @-A, *yderabad B ;88 8:3 &hone Cos( 86:56 B 28:8<< 1 28:866, 'a! ( 86:56 B 28:866 Sessio" P-,""er r,"c2 9 Ye,r( IT 9 III $cade%ic &ear' #0"3(#0"4 )e%ester' I*+I E:&ecte# #,te o. co'&-etio"( *,te P-,""e# 0ntroduction #pplication areas of $omputer %raphics 7vervie of graphics systems video-display devices video-display devices video-display devices video-display devices 3aster-scan systems 3andom scan systems %raphics monitors and ork stations 0nput devices Subject To&ics ; Sub!To&ics Re.ere"ces Te:t oo<s Jour",-s =ebsites T5,T2 T5,T2 T5,T2 T5,T2 T5,T2 T5,T2 T5,T2 T5,T2 T5,T2 Total Co. of &eriods 86

UNIT NO( I Lecture No. >8 >5 >2 >3 >: >; >< >9

MLR Institute of Technology, Dundigal, Hyderabad 500 043

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MLR I"stitute o. Tec2"o-o+8

>a!ma 3eddy #venue, Dundigal, ?uthbullapur @-A, *yderabad B ;88 8:3 &hone Cos( 86:56 B 28:8<< 1 28:866, 'a! ( 86:56 B 28:866 $cade%ic &ear' #0"3(#0"4 Sessio" P-,""er r,"c2 9 Ye,r( IT 9 III )e%ester' I*+I

UNIT NO( II Lecture No. >5 >2 >3 >: >; >< >9 >6 >= >58 Total Co. of &eriods *,te P-,""e#

E:&ecte# #,te o. co'&-etio"( Subject To&ics ; Sub!To&ics &oints and lines >ine dra ing algorithm >ine dra ing algorithms >ine dra ing algorithms -id-point circle -id-point circle .llipse algorithms .llipse algorithms 'illed area primitives )can line polygon fill algorithm )can line polygon fill algorithm ,oundary-fill and flood-fill algorithms T5,T2 T5,T2 T5,T2 T5,T2 T5,T2 T5,T2 T5,T2 58 Re.ere"ces Te:t oo<s Jour",-s =ebsites T5,T2 T5,T2

MLR Institute of Technology, Dundigal, Hyderabad 500 043

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MLR I"stitute o. Tec2"o-o+8

>a!ma 3eddy #venue, Dundigal, ?uthbullapur @-A, *yderabad B ;88 8:3 &hone Cos( 86:56 B 28:8<< 1 28:866, 'a! ( 86:56 B 28:866 $cade%ic &ear' #0"3(#0"4 Sessio" P-,""er r,"c2 9 Ye,r( IT 9 III )e%ester' I*+I

UNIT NO( III Lecture No. >5 >2 >3 >: >; >< >9 Total Co. of &eriods *,te P-,""e#

E:&ecte# #,te o. co'&-etio"( Subject To&ics ; Sub!To&ics 0ntroduction to 2D geometrical transforms, Translation )caling , rotation transformations 3eflection transformations )hear transformations matri! representations and homogeneous coordinates $omposite transforms Transformations bet een coordinate systems Re.ere"ces Te:t oo<s Jour",-s =ebsites T5 T5 T5 T5 T5 T5 T5 89

MLR Institute of Technology, Dundigal, Hyderabad 500 043

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MLR I"stitute o. Tec2"o-o+8

>a!ma 3eddy #venue, Dundigal, ?uthbullapur @-A, *yderabad B ;88 8:3 &hone Cos( 86:56 B 28:8<< 1 28:866, 'a! ( 86:56 B 28:866 $cade%ic &ear' #0"3(#0"4 Sessio" P-,""er r,"c2 9 Ye,r( IT 9 III UNIT NO( I/ Lecture No. >5 >2 >3 >: >; >< >9 >6 Total Co. of &eriods *,te P-,""e# E:&ecte# #,te o. co'&-etio"( Subject To&ics ; Sub!To&ics The vie ing pipeline, vie ing coordinate reference frame Dindo to vie -port coordinate transformation /ie ing functions $ohen-)utherland line clipping algorithm $ohen-)utherland line clipping algorithm $yrus-beck line clipping algorithms $yrus-beck line clipping algorithms )utherland B*odgeman polygon clipping algorithm )utherland B*odgeman polygon clipping algorithm Re.ere"ces Te:t oo<s Jour",-s =ebsites T5 T5 T5 T5 T5 T5 T5 T5 86 )e%ester' I*+I

MLR Institute of Technology, Dundigal, Hyderabad 500 043

!age .

MLR I"stitute o. Tec2"o-o+8

>a!ma 3eddy #venue, Dundigal, ?uthbullapur @-A, *yderabad B ;88 8:3 &hone Cos( 86:56 B 28:8<< 1 28:866, 'a! ( 86:56 B 28:866 $cade%ic &ear' #0"3(#0"4 Sessio" P-,""er r,"c2 9 Ye,r( IT 9 III UNIT NO( / Lecture No. >5 >2 >3 >: >; >< >9 >6 >= >58 Total Co. of &eriods *,te P-,""e# )e%ester' I*+I

E:&ecte# #,te o. co'&-etio"( Subject To&ics ; Sub!To&ics 0ntroduction to 3D, &olygon surfaces +uadric surfaces spline representation *ermite curve ,e"ier curve ,e"ier surfaces ,-)pline curves ,-)pline surfaces ,asic illumination models &olygon rendering methods Re.ere"ces Te:t oo<s Jour",-s =ebsites T5 T5 T5 T5 T5 T5 T5 T5 T5 T5 58

MLR Institute of Technology, Dundigal, Hyderabad 500 043

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MLR I"stitute o. Tec2"o-o+8

>a!ma 3eddy #venue, Dundigal, ?uthbullapur @-A, *yderabad B ;88 8:3 &hone Cos( 86:56 B 28:8<< 1 28:866, 'a! ( 86:56 B 28:866 $cade%ic &ear' #0"3(#0"4 Sessio" P-,""er r,"c2 9 Ye,r( IT9 III UNIT NO( /I Lecture *,te No. P-,""e# >5 >2 >3 >: >; >< >9 >6 >= Total Co. of &eriods )e%ester' I*+I

E:&ecte# #,te o. co'&-etio"( Subject Re.ere"ces Te:t oo<s To&ics ; Sub!To&ics Jour",-s =ebsites 0ntroduction to 3-D %eometric T5 transformations, Translation 3otation, scaling T5 3eflection and shear transformations $omposite transformations /ie ing pipeline, /ie ing coordinates /ie volume T5 T5 T5 T5 T5 T5 T5 =

%eneral projection transforms %eneral projection transforms $lipping

MLR Institute of Technology, Dundigal, Hyderabad 500 043

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MLR I"stitute o. Tec2"o-o+8

>a!ma 3eddy #venue, Dundigal, ?uthbullapur @-A, *yderabad B ;88 8:3 &hone Cos( 86:56 B 28:8<< 1 28:866, 'a! ( 86:56 B 28:866 $cade%ic &ear' #0"3(#0"4 Sessio" P-,""er r,"c2 9 Ye,r( IT 9 III UNIT NO( /II Lecture No. >5 >2 >3 >: >; Total Co. of &eriods *,te P-,""e# )e%ester' I*+I

E:&ecte# #,te o. co'&-etio"( Subject To&ics ; Sub!To&ics 0ntroduction /isible surface detection methods, $lassification ,ack -face detection Depth -buffer )can -line Depth sorting, ,)&-tree methods #rea sub-division, 7ctree methods Re.ere"ces Te:t oo<s Jour",-s =ebsites T5 T5 T5 T5 T5 8;

MLR Institute of Technology, Dundigal, Hyderabad 500 043

!age ""

MLR I"stitute o. Tec2"o-o+8

>a!ma 3eddy #venue, Dundigal, ?uthbullapur @-A, *yderabad B ;88 8:3 &hone Cos( 86:56 B 28:8<< 1 28:866 $cade%ic &ear' #0"3(#0"4 Sessio" P-,""er r,"c2 9 Ye,r( IT 9 III UNIT NO( /III Lecture No. >5 >2 >3 >: >; >< Total Co. of &eriods *,te P-,""e# )e%ester' I*+I

E:&ecte# #,te o. co'&-etio"( Subject To&ics ; Sub!To&ics 0ntroduction to $omputer animation, Design of animation se+uence general computer animation functions 3aster animation, computer animation languages Eey frame systems -otion specifications Re.ere"ces Te:t oo<s Jour",-s =ebsites T2 T2 T2 T2 T2 T2 8<

MLR Institute of Technology, Dundigal, Hyderabad 500 043

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MLR Institute of Technology, Dundigal, Hyderabad 500 043

!age "3

MLR I"stitute o. Tec2"o-o+8

>a!ma 3eddy #venue, Dundigal, ?uthbullapur @-A, *yderabad B ;88 8:3 &hone Cos( 86:56 B 28:8<< 1 28:866, 'a! ( 86:56 B 28:866

Subject( COMPUTER GRAPHICS r,"c2 9 Ye,r( IT 9 III 6,cu-t8( GOUSE SHEI3H Se'ester( II Ac,#e'ic Ye,r( )711!1>

MLR Institute of Technology, Dundigal, Hyderabad 500 043

!age "4

U"it No. I U N I T

S. No. 1 ) 1 > ? @ A B C 17 11 1)

To&ic 0ntroduction #pplication areas of $omputer %raphics 7vervie of graphics systems video-display devices video-display devices Tutorial video-display devices video-display devices 3aster-scan systems 3andom scan systems %raphics monitors and ork stations & 0nput devices Tutorial $lass Test &oints and lines >ine dra ing algorithm >ine dra ing algorithms >ine dra ing algorithms -id-point circle Tutorial -id-point circle .llipse algorithms .llipse algorithms 'illed area primitives )can line polygon fill algorithm Tutorial )can line polygon fill algorithm ,oundary-fill and flood-fill algorithms $>#)) T.)T 0ntroduction to 2D geometrical transforms, Translation )caling , rotation transformations Tutorial 3eflection transformations )hear transformations matri! representations and homogeneous coordinates $omposite transforms Tutorial Transformations bet een coordinate systems

Lecture Nu'ber ,s &er t2e &erio# >8 >5 >2 >3 T5 >: >; >< >9 T2 $T5 >6 >= >58 >55 T3 >52 >53 >5: >5; T: >5< >59 $T2 >56 >5= T: >28 >25 >22 >23 T; >2: $T3 >2; >2< >29 T6 >26 >2= >38 >35 T=

*,te P-,""e#



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$>#)) T.)T The vie ing pipeline, vie ing coordinate reference frame Dindo to vie -port coordinate transformation , /ie ing functions $ohen-)utherland Tutorial $ohen-)utherland $yrus-beck line clipping algorithms $yrus-beck line clipping algorithms )utherland B*odgeman polygon clipping algorithm Tutorial )utherland B*odgeman polygon clipping Institute of Technology, Dundigal, Hyderabad algorithm

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Note( 6ort"i+2t-8 veri.ic,tio" b8 HO*

Si+",ture o. 6,cu-t8

Si+",ture o. HO*

SUGGESTE* OO3S T1( 4Computer Graphics C version5, Donald *earn & -. &auline ,aker, &earson .ducation. T)( 4Computer Graphics - Principles & Practice 5, )econd edition in $, 'oley, /andam, 'riner, *ughes, &earson .ducation. RE6ERENCES R1( 4Computer Graphics, )econd edition, Donald *earn & -. &auline ,aker, &*01 &earson .ducation R):Computer Graphics Second edition, 2higand !iang, 3oy plastock, )chaum4s outlines Tata -c %ra hill education R1( Procedural Elements for Computer Graphics, David ' 3ogers, -c-%ra *ill 0nternational, 00 .dition

MLR Institute of Technology, Dundigal, Hyderabad 500 043

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11.> Duestio" ,"<

I u"it 1).>.1.1 Subjective Duestio"s 5. aA %ive a brief note about the areas of computer graphics in entertainmentF G-ay1Hune 2853I bA Distinguish bet een raster scan and random scan display systemF 2. aA .!plain about the raster scan system. G#pril1-ay - 2852 I bA .!plain the advantages and disadvantages of D/)T. 3. aA Distinguish bet een raster scan and random scan display systemF G Cov 1Dec 2852I bA >ist the different graphical input devices. Dhat are the application areas of eachF :. *o long ould it take to load a <:8 by :68 frame buffer ith 52 bits per pi!el, if 58;bits can be transferred per secondF *o long ould it take to load a 2:-bit per pi!el frame buffer ith a resolution of 5268 by 582: using this same transfer rateF

;. $onsider t o raster systems ith resolutions of <:8 by :68 and 5268 by 582:. *o many pi!els could be accessed per second in each of these systems by a display controller that refreshes the screen at a rate of <8 frames per secondF Dhat is the access time per pi!el in each systemF 11.>.1.) Assi+"'e"t Duestio"s 5. aA.!plain about the random scan method G#pril1-ay - 2852 I bA Describe the orking principle of plotter. 2. aA Describe about the flat panel display devices. G#pril1-ay - 2852 I bA Differentiate random scan and raster scan methods. 11.>.1.1 Tutori,- Duestio"s hat is the fraction of the total refresh time per frame spent in retrace of the electron beam for a noninterlaced raster system ith a resolution of 5268 by 582:, a refresh rate of <8 *", a hori"ontal retrace time of ; microseconds, and a vertical retrace time of ;88 microsecondsF 2. suppose an 3%, raster system is to be designed using an 6-inch by 58-inch screen ith a resolution of 588 pi!els per inch in each direction. 0f e ant to store < bits per pi!el in the frame buffer, ho much storage @in bytesA do e need for the frame bufferF 3. #ssuming that a certain 3%, raster system has ;52J;52 frame buffer ith 52 bit per pi!el and color lookup table ith 2: bit for each entry 5 *o many distinct color choice e have available 2 *o many different color could e display at any one timeF 3 *o much storage spent altogether for the frame buffer and the color lookup tableF Objective Duestio"s 5. The KKKKstudy of techni+ues to improve communication bet een human & machine.G # I aA $omputer graphics bA )ystem control cA 'rame buffer dA none 2. 'or systems ith multiple bits per pi!el , the frame buffer is often referred to asKKKKKK G , I aA ,it map bA pi! map cAdot map dA#ll 5.

MLR Institute of Technology, Dundigal, Hyderabad 500 043

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3. The primary output device in graphics system is KKKKKKKKKKKK. G # I aA video monitor bAaudio controller cAradio controller dAnone :. The KKKKKKKK is the smallest addressable screen element. G , I aA #!is bA&i!el cA)cale dAnone ;. # KKKKKKKK is the contiguous piece of the computer memory. G , I aA /ideo monitor bA'rame buffer cA/ideo buffer dACone <. The process of turning on the pi!els for a line segment is calledKKKKKKK G # I aA /ector generator bA#udio generator cA/ideo generator dAnone 9. The KKKKKKmakes use of the electrostatic fields to focus & accelerate the electron beam.G $ I aA /ideo gunbA-agnetic gun cA.lectron gun dACone 6. The phosphor used in a graphics display are chosen for their color characteristics and G , I aA 3esolution bA&ersistencecA#spect ratio dA#ll the above =. &ersistence is defined as the time taken by the field emitted light from the screen to decay to KKKKof its original intensity. G , I aA one-tenth bAt o-tenth cAtenth dAt enty 58. # phosphor ith lo persistence is useful for KKKKKKKK G, I aA #rt bA#nimation cA$oloring dACone 55. The most common type of graphics monitor employing a $3T is the raster-scan display, based on Television technology. 52. The &icture definition is stored in a memory area called refresh buffer. 53. The 3efresh rate of a $3T is the number of times per second the image is redra n. 5:. 3andom-scan display is also kno n /ector display. 5;. The )pace ball provides si! degrees of freedom. 5<. # Hoy stick consist of a small , vertical lever mounted on a base i.e. moved to steer the screen cursor movement 59. )hado mask methods are commonly used in 3aster scan system. 56. The D/)T behaves like a $3T ith a e!tremely long persistence phosphor. 5=. The 'lood gun maintains the picture display in D/)T. 28. The &lasma panel is an e!ample emissive display. . NPTEL LIN3( 2tt&(;;"&te-.iit'.,c.i";vi#eo.&2&EsubjectI#F17@17@7C7 11.>.1.?. LOOMS TAGONAMY ,H Re'e'beri"+ Leve- Duestio"s 5. Define $omputer graphicsF 2. Define a 3aster scan display deviceF 3. Define a 3andom scan deviceF :. Dhat is a beam penetrationF bH U"#erst,"#i"+ Leve- Duestio"s 5. $lassify various types of input devicesF 2. .!plain about various color monitorsF 3. .!plain about the $3TF :. Differentiate bet een raster scan and random scan systemF cH A&&-8i"+ Leve- Duestio"s 5. *o can e counter computer art and computer entertainmentF

MLR Institute of Technology, Dundigal, Hyderabad 500 043

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2. *o can e counter visuali"ation and animationF 3. Dhat are possible applications of computer graphicsF :. .!plain about the relationship among the various security attacks and services. ;. @aA $ite e!amples from real life, here the follo ing computer application objectives are needed( i. -edical ii. #rt iii. $#D )uggest suitable security mechanisms to achieve them. @bA %ive a real life e!ample here the input device is needed and its application.

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ii u"it 5. aA Dhat are the steps involved in the edge fill algorithm. G#pril1-ay - 2852 I bA Dra the flo chart for ,resenham4s ellipse generation algorithm. 2. aA .!plain about the flood fill algorithm for filling polygons. G#pril1-ay - 2852 I bA Drite an algorithm of ,resenham4s circle generation algorithm. 3. aA %enerate ellipse in first +uadrant using mid-point ellipse generating algorithm ith r!L; and ryL3.@ellipse on originA G Cov 1Dec 2852I bA Drite the algorithm for line generation using DD# approach. #nalysis its time and space re+uirement :. aA .!plain the steps involved in the circle generating using the mid-point subdivision algorithmF G -ay1june 2853I bA .!plain the scan line algorithm used for filling the polygon. hat data structures are used init F 11.>.1.) Assi+"'e"t Duestio"s 5. aA Drite an algorithm of vector generation algorithm for line dra ingG#pril1-ay - 2852 I bA .!plain the )can line polygon fill algorithm. 2. aA Describe the advantages of scan line fill method over the flood fill method. G#pril1-ay 2852 I bA Dra the flo chart for midpoint circle generation algorithm 11.>.1.1 Tutori,- Duestio"s 5. Derive the line ith end-points @28, 58A and @38,56A using DD# algorithm 2. Dra the circle ith radius ;, demonstrate midpoint circle algorithm by determining along ith radius along the octant in the first +uadrant from !L8 to !Ly. 11.>.1.1 Objective Duestio"s 5. Dhich of the follo ing is true about the ,renham4s algorithmKKKKKKK G$I aA There is only one division operation bA 3ounding operation is performed inside the loop cA There are no intensive computations, e!cept multiplication by 2 dA )lope of the line is e!plicitly computed. 2. $omparing ith circle, ellipse generation re+uires more computation. this becauseKKKG$I aA $ircle is described by an e+uation bA )hapes of the circle is regular cA 7rigin centered ellipse is not symmetrical !Ly a!is dA #liasing problem is less in circle 3. 0f an algorithm uses the output of the pervious iteration , the computations of outputs in the current iteration , such algorithms are called asKKKKKK G,I aA Double-differencing algorithm bA 0ncremental algorithm

MLR Institute of Technology, Dundigal, Hyderabad 500 043

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cA )uccessive appro!imation algorithm dA )can-line algorithm :. 0n circle dra ing algorithm , hen the circle is centered at an arbitrary point@!,y,cA,ho many reflections are re+uiredKKKKKKKK G#I aA 3 bA 2 cA 5 dA : ;. $ircle is not symmetrical aboutKKKKK G$I aA !L-y bA yL8 cA yL!M5 dA !L8 <. to identify the interior regions of an object, hich of the follo ing rules is usedKKKKKG$I aA scan-line bA conve!-concave rule cA odd-even rule dA stack-rule 9. for storing edges coordinates in edge table hich sorting algorithm is usedKKKKKK G#I aA bucket-sort bA merge-sort cA heap-sort dA selection-sort 6. 0n odd parity rule, if the number of polygon edges crossed by a line, from a point & is odd KK aA & is an interior point G#I bA & is an e!terior point cA & is on the edge dA 7dd parity rule alone is not sufficient to judge =. 7rigin centered ellipse is symmetrical aboutKKKKKKK GDI aA 7nly !-a!is bA 7nly y-a!is cA N-a!is , y-a!is and !L-y dA ,oth ! & y a!is 58. 'or the efficient circle generation algorithm , for a raster scan display devices ,point on the periphery of circle are to be generatedKKKKK G,I aA 'ull bA 7ne octant@516A cA *alf dA one +uadrant@51:A 55. The KKKKKKKalgorithm for computing the incremental movement involves fractional number arithmetic. @DD#A. 52. The $artesian slope-intercept e+uation for straight line is KKKKKKKKKK@yLma!MbA 53. ,resenham4s algorithm uses only KKKKKKKK that can be to display circles as other curves@0ncremental integer calculationA 5:. The initial value of decision parameter circle is KKKKKKK@p8L;1:-rA 5;. The KKKKKKKis accomplished by calculating intermediate positions along the line path bet een t o specified endpoint positions.@>ine dra ingA 5<. 'or lines ith mL5,O!LOy and the hori"ontal and vertical deflection voltages areKKKKK@e+ualA

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59. KKKKKKKKtable contain all the information necessary to process the scan lines efficiently @sorted edgesA 56. KKKKKKKK is simply that the properties of one part of scene are related in some ay to other parts of the scPne o that the relationship can be used to reduce processing.@coherenceA 5=. # KKKKKKKKdefined as the set of points that are all at a given distance r from a center position@!,yA.@circleA 28. KKKKKKK is an elongated circle @ellipseA. NPTEL LIN3( 2tt&(;;"&te-.iit'.,c.i";vi#eo.&2&EsubjectI#F17@17@7C7 11.>.).?. LOOMS TAGONAMY ,H Re'e'beri"+ Leve- Duestio"s 5. Define the DD# algorithmF 2. Define line segmentF >ist the different algorithmF 3. Define circle and >ist its algorithmF :. Define ellipse and list it algorithmF bH U"#erst,"#i"+ Leve- Duestio"s 5. Dhat is difference bet een the DD# and ,resenham4s line dra ing algorithmF 2. Differentiate circle and ellipseF 3. .!plain about various types polygon filling algorithmF cH A&&-8i"+ Leve- Duestio"s 5. .!plain the derivation of circle algorithm & its applications. 2. prove that DD# algorithm is more efficient than general slope of line yLm!Mc.

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000 unit 5. aA Derive the scaling transformation matri!. #lso give scale factors to double the idth ith reduction in its height by half of an object. G#pril1-ay - 2852 I bA .!plain about the shear and composite transformations. 2. aA Drite the general form of a scaling matri! ith respect to a fi!ed point p@h,kA here the scaling factors in ! and y directions are a and b respectively. G#pril1-ay - 2852 I bA )ho ho shear transformations may be e!pressed in terms of rotation and scaling. 3. aA )ho that a rotation about the origin can be done by performing three shearing Transformations G#pril1-ay - 2852 I bA Dhat is the need of homogeneous coordinatesF %ive the homogeneous coordinates for translation, rotation and scaling. :. aA 'ind the normali"ation transformation C hich uses the rectangle #@5,5A ,@;,3A $@:,;A and D@8,3 as a indo and the normali"ed device screen as the vie port . G#pril1-ay 2852 I bA )ho that a rotation about the origin can be done by performing three shearing transformations. ;. aA Derive the transformation for rotating an object by 38 degrees clock ise about verte! #@2,2A, ,@;,2A, $@;,;A an d D@2,;A. GCov 1Dec 2852I bA .!plain the transformation can be performed bet een coordinate system Assi+"'e"t Duestio"s 5. aA Derive the transformation matri! for performing the rotation about an originF G-ay1Hune 2853I 2. .!plain the different 2D basic geometric tranfomationsF TUTORIAL DUESTIONS 5. &erform a :; degree rotation of a triangle #@8,8A, ,@5,5A and $@8,5A about &@-5,-5A. 2. 7btain the reflection of the point #@58,58A about yL!M2 11.>.1.1 Objective Duestio"s 5. 0f every point on the object is translated by the same amount ,such transformation is called asKKKKKKKKKKKK G#I aA rigid-body bA transformation ith deformation cA deformation in translation dA tightly coupled transformation 2. if the s! and sy , are scaling factors applied in ! and y directions respectively , on &@!,yA the output point coordinates after applying scaling operation isKKKKKKKK GDI aA !5L51!s!,yLy.s! bA bA!5L!Ms!,y5LyMsy cA !5L!.s!, dA !5L!.s!, 3. The reflection about !-a!is is given by matri!KKKKKKKKK G#I aA 5 8 bA -5 8 cA -5 8 dA 8 5 8 -5 8 5 8 -5 5 8

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!age #3


The reflection about y-a!is is given by matri!KKKKKKK aA 5 8 bA -5 8 cA -5 8dA 8 5 8 -5 8 5 8 -5 5 8


;. The reflection about origin is given by matri!KKKKKKK G$I aA 5 8 bA -5 8 cA -5 8 dA 8 5 8 -5 8 5 8 -5 5 8 <. The reflection about !Ly is given by matri!KKKKKKK GDI aA 5 8 bA -5 8 cA -5 8 dA 8 5 8 -5 8 5 8 -5 5 8 9. The reflection about yL! is given by matri!KKKKKKK GDI aA 5 8 bA -5 8 cA -5 8 dA8 -5 8 -5 8 5 8 -5 -5 8 6. The homogenous coordinate transformation matri! for a translation of t!, ty isKKKKKG#I aA 5 8 8bA 5 8 8cA 8 5 8 dA none 8 5 8 5 8 8 8 8 5 t! ty 5 t! ty 5 5 t! ty =. the transformation matri! for !-direction shear relative to the !-a!is isKKKKKKG,I aA 5 8 sh! bA 5 sh! 8 cA 5 8 8dA 5 8 8 8 5 8 8 5 8 8 58 sh! 5 8 8 8 5 8 8 5 8 8 sh! 8 8 5 58. The matri! for rotation about the origin hen the rotation angle is Q is given byKKKG#I aA cos R -sin R bA -cos R sin R bA cos R -sin R dA none sin R cos R sin R cos R sin R cosR 55. 0f the scaling factors s! & sy are e+ual ,then the scaling transformation matri!KKKKKK @constant multiplied ith unit matri!A 52. 0f the rotation about an arbitrary point is to be performed, hat is the se+uence of operations to achieve the desired effect KKKKKKKKKKK@Translate ,3otate & TranslateA 53. 0f the object is to be rotate 38S antilock ise , keeping the object stationary , the same effect achieved by rotating the coordinate systemKKKKKKKKKK@38S in clock- iseA 5:. The scaling factor in the scaling translation are KKKKKKKKKKK@#l ays positiveA 5;. T o successive translation can be represented asKKKKKKKK@translation matri!A 5<. Dhich of the follo ing is a rigid body transformationKKKKKKK@)hearA 59. The transformation that alters the si"e of an objectKKKKKKKKKK@)calingA 56. The transformation that cause the image to slant KKKKKKKKKK@)hearingA 5=. The transformation that applied to an object by repositioning its along a straight-line path from one coordinate location to other KKKKKKKKKK@TranslationA 28. T o successive translation is KKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKK@$ommutativeA NPTEL LIN3( 2tt&(;;"&te-.iit'.,c.i";vi#eo.&2&EsubjectI#F17@17@7C7 LOOMS TAGONAMY ,H Re'e'beri"+ Leve- Duestio"s 5. Describe the 2D transformationF 2. Define translationF 3. Define rotationF :. Define scalingF bH U"#erst,"#i"+ Leve- Duestio"s

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!age #4

5A .!plain the difference bet een scaling & translation. 2A Differentiate rotation and shearingF 3A .!plain the *omogeneous coordinatesF cH A&&-8i"+ Leve- Duestio"s 5. &rove that the multiplication matrices for each of the follo ing se+uence of operations is commutative i. T o successive rotations ii. T o successive translations iii. T o successive scalings. 2. @aA )ho that the composition of t o rotations is additive by concatenating the matri! representations for 3 @R5A 3 @R2A L 3 @R5 M R2A

MLR Institute of Technology, Dundigal, Hyderabad 500 043

!age #5

0/ unit 5. aA .!plain ho do e determiner hether in object is intersecting ith an indo edge, using the )utherland *odgeman algorithmF G-ay1Hune 2853I bA Dhat is the role of parametric function in the implementation of $yrus-,eck algorithm for the line clippingF G#pril1-ay - 2852 I G-ay1Hune 2853I 2. .!plain $ohen-)utherland line clipping. Drite do n algorithm for it.GCov 1Dec 2852I 3. aA .!plain about the midpoint subdivision line clipping algorithm. G#pril1-ay - 2852 I bA Derive the indo to vie port transformations e+uations by first scaling the indo to the si"e of the vie port and then translating the scaled indo to the vie port position. :. 'ind the normali"ation transformation that maps a indo hose lo er left corner is at @5,5A and upper right corner is at @3,;A ontoa vie port that is the entire normali"ed device screen anda vie port that has the lo er left corner at @8,8A and upper right corner at@512,512A. ;. $ompute the transformation matri! that maps a indo ith @ !min, !ma!AL@2,2Aand @ !ma!, yma!A L@:,<A onto a normali"e device coordinated hich has lo er left corner at @8,8A and upper right corner at @5,5A 11.>.1.) Assi+"'e"t Duestio"s 5. Dra the flo chart for $ohen )utherland algorithm G#pril1-ay - 2852 I 2. .!plain the orking of the )utherland-*odgeman algorithm for polygon clipping ith the help of suitable e!ample. G#pril1-ay - 2852 I TUTORIAL DUESTIONS 5. 'ind the normali"ation transformation that maps a indo hose lo er left corner is at @5,5A and upper right corner is at @3,;A onto @aA a vie port that is the entire normali"ed device screen and @bA a vie port that has the lo er left corner at @8,8A and upper right corner at@512,512A 2. >et 3 be a rectangular indo hose lo er left corner is at > @-3,5A and upper right- hand corner is at 3@2,<A. 0f the line segment is defined ith t o end points ith # @5,-2A and , @3,3A. @aAThe region codes of the t o end points, @bA0ts clipping category @cA)tages in the clipping operations using $ohen-)utherland algorithm. 11.>.1.1 Objective Duestio"s 5. # rectangular area ith its edges parallel to the a!is of CD$) is used to specify a sub-region of the display area that embodies the image. This rectangular areas is called asKKKKKKK G$I aA Cormali"ed device bA &hysical device cA /ie -port dA Dindo

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Dhich of the follo ing bits @from rightA is set to 5 in cohen-sutherland algorithm if TUTminKK G#I aA bit 3 bA bit 5 cA bit : dA bit 2 3. The logical #CD operation performed on the :-bit codes correspond to the end-points of the line segment consists same non-"eros, then the line segment isKKKKKK G,I aA &artially visible or completely invisible bA $ompletely invisible cA &artially visible dA $ompletely visible :. The dot product of t o vectors is positive then the angle bet een those t o vectors is defined in the range of KKKKKKK G$I aA 8UQU=8 bA =8U QU298 cA 8UQU=8 & =8U QU298 dA 8U QU568 ;. The dimensions of normali"ed space in vie ing transformation are KKKKKKK GDI aA <:8 ! :68 bA Nma! ! Tma! cA Dorkstation dependent dA 5 ! 5 <. 0f the clipping polygon @ indo A consists of n edges, ho may iterations are to be performed in outermost loopKKKKKKKKKKKKKKK G#I aA n bA n-5 cA indo dependent dA 5 9. The second bit from right, in four bit code of $ohen )utherland algorithm indicates theKKKG,I aA #bove region bA 3ight region cA belo region dAleft region 6. The e+uation for finding the coordinate value at the intersection point for the line segment @!5,y5A to @!2,y2A ith !L!ma! indo edge isKKKKKKK GI aA TL@ !ma!-y5AJmM!5 bA TL@ !ma!-!5AJmMy5 cA TL@ !ma!-y5AJmM!2 dA TL@ !ma!-!5AJmM!2 =. 0f a point is ithin the clipping rectangle, four bit code of the point according to cohensutherland algorithm isKKKKKKKKK G#I aA 8 8 8 8 bA 5 8 8 8 cA 5 5 5 5 dA 8588 58. Dhich of the follo ing : bit codes cannot be assigned to any region in cohen-sutherland algorithmKKKKKKKKKK G#I aA 8855 bA8588 cA 8888 dA8558 55. The method for selecting and enlarging portions of a dra ing isKKKKKK @ indo ingA 52. The KKKKKK defines here is to be displayedKKKKKKKK @vie portA 53. The KKKK defines hat to be vie ed.@Dindo A 5:. KKKKKKalgorithm is used for polygon clipping. @)utherland *odgemanA 5;. KKKKKK polygons are correctly clipped by the )utherland *odgeman. @$onve!A 5<. ,y varying the si"e of KKKKK, e change the si"e & proportions of displayed object. @/ie portA 59. The method that can be used to test lines for total clipping is to perform the logical KKKK operation ith both regions @#CDA 56. The region hich an object is clipped is called KKKKKKKK @clip indo A 5=. # KKKKKKKKKKKKK area selected for display is called a indo @ orld-coordinateA

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28. #ny procedure that identifies those portions of a picture that are either inside or outside of a specified region of space is referred to as aKKKKKKK algorithm. @clippingA NPTEL LIN3( 2tt&(;;"&te-.iit'.,c.i";vi#eo.&2&EsubjectI#F17@17@7C7 LOOMS TAGONAMY ,H Re'e'beri"+ Leve- Duestio"s 5. Describe the indo F 2. Define vie portF 3. Define clippingF :. hat are the line clipping algorithmsF bH U"#erst,"#i"+ Leve- Duestio"s 5A .!plain the difference bet een indo & vie port. 2A Differentiate bet een line clipping and polygon clippingF 3A .!plain the :-bit region codeF cH A&&-8i"+ Leve- Duestio"s 5. )ho that a line intersection point if the line is partially passing through the indo 2. .!plain the )utherland-*odgeman polygon clipping algorithm ith an e!ampleF / Vnit 5. aA .!plain the properties and design techni+ues of ,e"ier curve. G#pril1-ay - 2852 I bA .!plain about the phong shading model. 2. aADerive the transformation illumination model that combine diffuse and specular reflection. G#pril1-ay - 2852I bA Differentiate bet een ,e"ier curve and ,-)pline curve. 3. aA Derive the transformation matri! for *ermite curve. G#pril1-ay - 2852 I bA Describe the characteristics of the follo ing parameters. aA Diffuse 3eflection bA )pecular 3eflection cA 3efraction. dA :. aA .!plain %ouraud shading. *o does it create smooth shadingF G#pril1-ay - 2852 I bA .!plain about the 3%, color model. ;. aA .!plain fast phong shading.G Cov1Dec 2852I bA Dhat are ,e"ier curvesF .!plain cubic ,e"ier curves. 11.>.1.) Assi+"'e"t Duestio"s 5. Dhat is the blending function for the ,-)pline curveF Define each term in it. Dhat are the characteristics of ,-)pline curveF G-ay1Hune 2853I 2. .!plain ho is ,-)pline curve algorithm can be e!tended to the generation of ,-)pline surfaceF TUTORIAL DUESTIONS 5. Dhat is the blending function used in ,e"ier4s method for curve generationF.!plain the terms involved in itFDhat are the properties of ,e"ier curveF

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2. Different types of ,-)pline curves 11.>.1.1 Objective Duestio"s 5. KKKKKKKK is the polynomial ith ma!imum po er 3 G#I aA $ubic polynomial bA ?uadric polynomial cA ,inomial polynomial dA #cute polynomial 2. # polynomial curve using a parameter called asKKKKKKKKKK G#I aA &arametric polynomial curve bA $ubic polynomial curve cA ?uadric polynomial curve dA )olid polynomial curve 3. # set connected polygon ally bounded planar surface is called asKKKKKKKK G#I aA &olygon mesh bA )olid object cA 3D object dA -esh-cube :. KKKK is not a common represented of 3D surface GDI aA &olygon surface bA &arametric surface cA ?uadratic surface dA Ceural surface ;. The KKKKKKKsurfaces are defined on a plane, then the lanes normal is computed as. G$I aA $ubic surface bA ,i-cubic surface cA ?uadratic surface dA ,inomial surface <. KKKKKsurface are generated by cubic polynomial in both u and v parameter. G,I aA cubic bA ,i-cubic cA ?uadratic dA ,inomial 9. The ?@tA is a cubic polynomial , then the tangent vector of the curve isKKKKKK G,I aA G?@tA2bA ?4@tA cA51?@tA dA ?2@tA 6. The number of coefficient in a cubic polynomialKKKKKKKKKKK G,I aA 3 bA : cA any number dA 5 =. The KKKKK is the basis matri! of *ermites curve. G#I aA 2 -2 5 5 bA2 -2 5 5 cA5 8 8 8 dA none -3 3 -2 -5 3 3 -2 -5 8 8 5 8 8 8 5 8 8 8 5 8 3 3 -2 -5 5 888 5 888 2 -2 5 5 58. The *orner4s rule for factoring polynomial f@tALat3Mbt2MctMd isKKKKKKKK aA @@tM5AaMbAMcAMd bA @@atMA tMcAtMd cA @@atM5A tMcAtMd dA @@aM5A tMbA McAMd


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55. 0n the follo ing curves, KKKKKKKcurves re+uire, for its definition t o end points & t o end point tangent vectors@*ermit curveA 52. 0n the ,-splines algorithm, the , stands forKKKKKKKKK @,asisA 53. The range of parametric variableWt4 used in ,e"ier curve isKKKKKKKKK @8, 5, dA 5:. The KKKKK light has no spatial or directional characteristics. @#mbientA 5;. The KKKKK model sets the intensity of specular reflection proportional to cosine. @&hongA 5<. The range of values for the reflection coefficients follo ed in illumination model isKKK @8 to 5A 59. The KKKK dra back is observed in %uard shading @-atch bandsA 56. The KKK is the principle of %uard shading.@intensity interpolationA 5=. KKKKK is the principle of constant intensity shading.@single intensityA 28. )urfaces that are shiny and the light sources create highlight or bright spots calledKKKK @)pecular reflectionA NPTEL LIN3( 2tt&(;;"&te-.iit'.,c.i";vi#eo.&2&EsubjectI#F17@17@7C7 11.>.?.?. LOOMS TAGONAMY ,H Re'e'beri"+ Leve- Duestio"s 5. Describe the polygon surface. 2. Dhat are the properties of )pline curveF 3. Define the ,spline. :. Discuss the advantages of &hong model bH U"#erst,"#i"+ Leve- Duestio"s 5. .!plain the ,asic illumination modelsF 2. .!plain the purpose of *ermit curve and ho is it performed. cH A&&-8i"+ Leve- Duestio"s 5. .!plain about the different forms of polygon rendering methodsF 2. Dra the ,e"ier $urves F 0ts applications.

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!age 30

/0 Vnit 5. aA )tate the matri! representation for mirror reflection in 3D transformation. 0n all different principal plains. GCov1dec 2852I bA .!plain about the vie ing pipelineF 2. aA Derive the transformation matri! for rotation about an !-a!is in 3D.G#pril1-ay B 2852I bA $ompare the orthographic and obli+ue types of parallel projections 3. aA .!plain the various clipping parameters in 3D clipping. G#pril1-ay - 2852 I bA Describe about the 3D vie ing pipeline. :. %iven a unit cube ith one corner at @8, 8, 8A and the opposite corner at @5, 5,5A, derive the transformations necessary to rotate the cube by R degrees about the main diagonal from @8, 8, 8A to @5, 5, 5A in the counter clock- ise direction hen looking along the diagonal to ard the origin ;. aA Derive the transformation matri! to rotate a 3-dimentional object about an arbitrary a!is ith an angle X. G#pril1-ay - 2852 I 11.>.1.) Assi+"'e"t Duestio"s 5. .!plain the various kinds of orthographic parallel projections. . G#pril1-ay - 2852 I 2. Derive the perspective projection transformation matri!. G#pril1-ay - 2852 I TUTORIAL DUESTIONS 5. 'ind the transformation matri! hich align the vector /LiMjMk ith the vector CL2i-j-k. 2. # pyramid defined by the coordinates #@8, 8, 8A, ,@5, 8, 8A, $@8, 5, 8A and D@8, 8, 5A is rotated :;8 about the line > that has the direction /LHME and passing through point $@8, 5, 8A. 'ind the coordinates of rotated figure Objective Duestio"s 5. 0n 3D scaling transformation for transition ith a unit along !-a!is & b units along y-a!is & c units along "-a!is isKKKKKKKKKKKKKK G,I aA5 8 8 8bA5 8 8 8cA a b c 5 dA none 8588 8588 8885 8858 8858 8858 -a b 8 5 a b c 5 5 5 5 5 2. 0f the a!is of rotation is N ,then the direction of positive rotation is KKKKKKKKKK G#I aAy to " bA " to ! cA ! to y dA y to ! 3. 0f the a!is of rotation is T ,then the direction of positive rotation isKKKKKKK G,I aAy to " bA " to ! cA ! to y dA y to ! :. 0f the a!is of rotation is 2 ,then the direction of positive rotation isKKKKKKKK G$I aAy to " bA " to ! cA ! to y

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!age 3"

dA y to ! ;. 0n 3D space rotation of an object is done aboutKKKKKKKKK G,I aA a point bA an a!is cA a plane dA a hyper plain <. 0n 3D scaling , all the three scaling parameters.KKKKKKKKKK G,I aA must be positive & greater than one bAmust be positive cA either positive or negative dAn one 9. The !-shear maintains the coordinates of hich of the follo ing directions constantKKKKKGDI aA ! bA y cA " dAy and " 6. The y-shear maintains the coordinates of hich of the follo ing directions constantKKKKKG$I aA ! bA y cA ! and " dA" =. The !-shear maintains the coordinates of hich of the follo ing directions constantKKKKKG,I aA ! bA ! and y cA " dAy and " 58. 0f an object is reflected about !y plane , ten the coordinates of hich a!is do not changeKKKGDI aA! bA y cA " dA ! and y 55. 0f an object is reflected about !y plane , ten the coordinates of hich a!is do changeKKKKKK@2A 52. The KKKK means of techni+ue of projecting 3D object to 2D screen. @&rojectionA 53. KKKKK sho s the true image, si"e & shape of the object. @&arallel &rojectionA 5:. # parallel projection preserves KKKKKK of object. @3elative projectionA 5;. Dhen the projection is perpendicular to the vie plane then it is calledKKKKK @orthographic projectionA 5<. 7rthographic projections are often used to produce the front, side and KKK of an object. @Top vie A 59. # top orthographic projection is called a KKKKKKK @&lainvie A. 56. 'or 3D points, need to be e!pand the region code into KKKKKKKKKKbits. @<A 5=. 7bliue projection vie volumes are converted to a rectangular parallelepiped by the KKKKKKK operation. @)hearingA 28. 0n 3D space, the scaling is performed ith respect to KKKKKKKK@ 3eference pointA.

MLR Institute of Technology, Dundigal, Hyderabad 500 043

!age 3#

. NPTEL LIN3( 2tt&(;;"&te-.iit'.,c.i";vi#eo.&2&EsubjectI#F17@17@7C7 11.>.@.?. LOOMS TAGONAMY ,H Re'e'beri"+ Leve- Duestio"s 5. >ist the 3D ,asic transformations. 2. Discuss the 3D rotationF 3. Define shearingF :. Define projectionF bH U"#erst,"#i"+ Leve- Duestio"s 5. .!plain the different 3D reflections. 2. .!plain the scaling about fi!ed point. 3. Differentiate the projectionsF cH A&&-8i"+ Leve- Duestio"s 5. &rove that the multiplication matrices about a particular plane for each of the follo ing se+uence of operations is commutative i. T o successive rotations ii. T o successive translations iii. T o successive scaling. 2. .!plain about the vie ing pipelineF

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!age 33

/00 Vnit 5. aA Dhat is the principal follo ed in area-subdivision algorithm used for the visible surface detectionF G-ay1Hune 2853I bA %iven a brief note about octree data structure. *o is it useful for the hidden surface removalF 2. aA .!plain ho area sub-division algorithm orks for visible detectionF GCov 1Dec 2852I bA .!plain hidden surface removal using depth sorting algorithmF 3. aA .!plain the painter4s algorithm in detail. .!plain the situation here the painter4s algorithm does not ork properly. G#pril1-ay - 2852I bA $ompare the ray casting method ith 2- buffer method. :. #ssuming that one allo s 22: depth value levels to be used, ho much memory ould a 582: Y 9<6 pi!el display re+uires to store the "-buffer ;. %iven points & @5, 2, 8A, & @3, <, 28A & @2, :, <A and a vie hich points obscure the others hen vie ed from $. 11.>.1.) Assi+"'e"t Duestio"s 5. aA .!plain about the ,ack 'ace detection algorithm. Dhat are the limitations of the ,ack 'ace detection methodF G#pril1-ay - 2852 I bA .!plain about the ,)&-T3.. method. 2. aA .!plain about the depth buffer algorithm. G#pril1-ay - 2852 I bA Differentiate bet een the object space and image space hidden surface algorithms. cA $ompare the ray casting method ith the 2-buffer method. TUTORIAL DUESTIONS 5. %iven points & @2, :, 8A, & @3, <, 58A & @2, :, 58A and a vie point $ @8, 8, 58A, determine hich points obscure the others hen vie ed from $. 2. #ssuming that one allo s 2;< depth value levels to be used, appro!imately ho much memory ould a ;52 Y ;52 pi!el display re+uire to store the 2-bufferF Objective Duestio"s 5. $oherence methods are used to take advantage of GaI aA3egularities in a scene bA 0rregularities in a scene cA $omputational po er of computer dA &recision of image capturing 2. $oherence property is used un visible surface detection algorithms to GaI aA speed-up the process bA 0ncrease the precision point $ @8, 8, -58A, determine

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!age 34

cA )peed-up the process& increase the precision dA Cone 3. The e+uation of polygon surface is #!M,yM$"MDL8. .!amining of hich coefficient is sufficient to determine the visibility of polygon surface GcI aA # bA , cA $ dA D :. #nother name for depth-buffer method for visible surface GaI aA "-buffer algorithm bA Depth-sorting algorithm cA scan-line algorithm dA &ainters algorithm ;. 0n 2-,uffer algorithm , the 2-,uffer stores the value of GbI aA Depth bA 0ntensity cA Depth & 0ntensity dA 0ntensity & interaction number <. 0n hich of the follo ing algorithm , the object surfaces need not be polygon GaI aA 2-,uffer bA >ist-priority cA Depth-)ort dA ,inary space algorithm 9. 0n hich of the follo ing algorithm the polygons in the scene are grouped into cluster GbI aA>ist priority algorithm bA ,)& tree algorithm cA )can-line algorithm dA2-,uffer algorithm 6. 0n hich of the follo ing algorithm, is ell suited hen the vie point changes GbI aA>ist priority algorithm bA ,)& tree algorithm cA )can-line algorithm dA2-,uffer algorithm =. The correct priority order polygon list can be obtained using KKKKin ,)& tree GaI aA in order tree alk bA &re-order tree alk cA &ost-7rder tree alk dA ,') tree alk 58. *o many buffers are used in 2-,uffer algorithm GbI aA 5 bA 2 cA3 dA : 55. # method compares object & parts of object to each other ithin the scene definition to determine hich surfaces, as a hole, should be labeled as visible.KKKKKKK@7bject spaceA 52. 0n KKKKKKKK visibility is decided point by point at each pi!el position on the projection plane. @0mage spaceA 53. The area-subdivision algorithm as developed by KKKKKKKKK@DarnockA 5:. &ainter4s algorithm is also kno s as KKKKKKKKKK@Depth sorting algorithmA 5;. Cumber of buffers used in 2-,uffer algorithm KKKKKKKKK@2A 5<. 0n 2-,uffer, refresh buffer stores the values of KKKKKK@intensityA

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59. The correct priority order polygon list can be obtained using KKKKin ,)& tree.@0n-order treeA 56. 0n KKKKKK algorithm, the object surfaces need not be polygons. @2-,ufferA 5=. The KKKKKKKK is particularly useful hen the vie reference point changes, but the object in a scene are at fi!ed positions. @,)& TreeA 28. 0n KKKKKKKKmethod uses both the image space & object space techni+ues.@Depth sortingA

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11.>.A.>. NPTEL LIN3( 2tt&(;;"&te-.iit'.,c.i";vi#eo.&2&EsubjectI#F17@17@7C7 11.>.A.?. LOOMS TAGONAMY ,H Re'e'beri"+ Leve- Duestio"s 5. Dhat is an image spaceF 2. Define an object spaceF 3. Define an depth-bufferF :. >ist visible surface algorithmsF bH U"#erst,"#i"+ Leve- Duestio"s 5. $ompare and contrast bet een the object space and image spaceF 2. .!plain the back face detection method. 3. .!plain briefly scan line conversion method. cH A&&-8i"+ Leve- Duestio"s 5. .!plain about the painter algorithm 2. )ho that depth-sorting is both the image space and object space methodF

MLR Institute of Technology, Dundigal, Hyderabad 500 043

!age 3-

/000 Vnit 5. aA Dhat are the issues hich are to be considered for designing an animation se+uenceF G-ay1Hune 2853I bA ,riefly e!plain about the motion specificationF 2. aA Dhat is morphingF .!plain various issues to be considered in morphingF GCov 1Dec 2852I bA Describe the Eey-frame systemF 3. aA .!plain the design of animation se+uences. G#pril1-ay - 2852 I bA Discuss about the techni+ues to achieve the simple animation effects. :. aA Dhat are the steps in animationF G#pril1-ay - 2852 I bA .!plain in detail about the Eey frame systems. ;. aA Describe about the -orphing. G#pril1-ay - 2852 I bA Describe the techni+ues to achieve the simple animation effects. 11.>.1.) Assi+"'e"t Duestio"s 5. Dhat is morphingF *o is a shape converted into another shape by morphingF 2. .!plain about the computer animation languages. TUTORIAL DUESTIONS 5. Dhat are the various types of interpolation used in animation 2.The typical tasks for hich the animation function are defined in animation languages Objective Duestio"s 5. #pplication of computer-generated animation are GdI aA #dvertising bA )cientific cA Training dA #ll the above 2. -any applications of computer animation re+uire KKKKKdisplay GcI aA 3andom bA 3egular cA 3ealistic dA -otive 3. KKKKdefine the motion se+uence as a set of basic events that are to take place GbI aA #ction bA )toryboard cA 'rame dA Cone :. 'ilms re+uires KKKKframes per second GbI aA 3: bA 2: cA 23 dA 2; ;. Dithin each frame, each object is positioned according to the KKKfor that frame GaI aA Time

MLR Institute of Technology, Dundigal, Hyderabad 500 043

!age 3.

bA )hape cA )i"e dA 7rientation <. 0n the films , graphics terminals are refreshed at the rate of KKKK frames per second GcI aA 38 to 68 bA <8 to 68 cA 38 to <8 dA 38 to 528 9. # single-arm robot has KKKdegrees of freedom GbI aA t o bA )i! cA ten dA t enty 6. -orphing methods can be applied to any motion or transition involving a change in GdI aA )i"e bA $olor cA Te!ture dA )hape =. KKKK forces affects object motion GdI aA -agnetic bA %ravitational cA 'raction dA #ll the above 58. KKKKKKKre+uires the specification of the forces that produce the velocities & accelerations GaI aA Dynamics bA Einematics cA 0nverse dynamics dA Cone 55. 'or 5 minute film se+uence ith no duplication , ould needKKKKframes.@ 5::8A 52. # KKKKis detailed dra ing of the scene at a certain time in the animation se+uence. @EeyframeA 53. #KKKKK is traditional animation techni+ue. @$onventionA 5:. 'ilms re+uire KKKKKframes per second.@2:A 5;. #n KKKKKKis given for each participant in the action.@7bject definitionA 5<. # KKKKKKKKdefine the motion se+uence as a set of basic events that are to take place. @)toryboardA. 59. #n animation KKKKKKK is a small program invoked once per frame.@#ctorA 56. Transformation of object shapes from one shape to another is calledKKKKKK@-oprphingA 5=. Dith five in-bet eens for each pair of keys frames, ould need KKKK key frames.@266A # single-arm robot has KKKKK degrees of freedom.@<A 11.>.B.>. NPTEL LIN3( 2tt&(;;"&te-.iit'.,c.i";vi#eo.&2&EsubjectI#F17@17@7C7 11.>.B.?. LOOMS TAGONAMY ,H Re'e'beri"+ Leve- Duestio"s 5. Define an animationF 2. Dhat are the characteristics of animations se+uenceF 3.>ist the steps pf animationF

MLR Institute of Technology, Dundigal, Hyderabad 500 043

!age 3/

bH U"#erst,"#i"+ Leve- Duestio"s 5. .!plain about the different types of animation languagesF 2. Differentiate key-frame systemF cH A&&-8i"+ Leve- Duestio"s 5. *o the conventional animation is different from computer animationF 2. *o the motion specification can be achievedF

MLR Institute of Technology, Dundigal, Hyderabad 500 043

!age 40

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