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I Miss You!!! Hello my dear Blogy Wogy!!!!

1st of all I would like to admit the truth that I missed you so much. I'm really sorry that I left u alone from past 1 year. I can gi e u thousand reasons for this !eha ior of mine" !ut I know that if u r real friend of mine you will understand me and these reasons doesn#t matter to you" and if u are not my friend you will ne er understand whate er the reason I gi e!!!! $k I know that" last sentence of pre ious %ara sounded more like a filmy dialogue to all of you!!! Which is in&fact true '(. If you ha e read all my pre ious !logs you might ha e already know that I#m ery much filmy type!!!! )et#s come to the topic!! Hmm it can#t !e called topic to !e frank" it#s called feeling. It#s the *nd most heart touching feeling in the world as many think!! +hen what#s the 1st one,, You might !e thinking" right,, -s per many the most heart touching magical words are .Ishk Wala )o e!!!!#" do you agree,,!! -s of now" topic here / I mean .the feeling# here is not .I)0# !ut still I would like to tell couple of mind !lowing" uni ersal filmy facts a!out it. +o !egin with all filmy lo e stories depicting )o e for %arent1Brotherhood are super hits in all continents and ha e a super!" eye pleasing" and ne er seen !efore clima2 and show ne er ending happiness in life with parents1!rothers1sisters. -nd on the other hand lo e stories depicting lo e !etween two unknown persons are also super!" eye pleasing 3you know in what way it pleases eyes '( 4% (" and always seen !efore clima2" and most importantly they clima2 at ery interesting point i.e. when they get married!!! Because after this point they can#t show ne er ending happiness '( Ha Ha Ha 45. )et#s come to our *nd most wonderful feeling .IM0!!#" It may not !e as amusing and as ear pleasing as .I)0# !ut good part is its not as dangerous as ILU '(. +o !e frank this should !e the feeling !etween * known persons to attain ne er ending happiness. $ne thing I understood a!out Miss You feeling is" it ne er comes when * persons are going away from each other fore er" !ut one feel it when !oth are closer then ne er !efore and for some good reason not spending much time together as !efore. It#s a most wonderful feeling when you got to know that someone misses you for the care you showed" for the help you did" for always tried to !e present when re6uired the most" for sharing almost e ery emotions and the ne2t one may ama7e you that someone will also miss you for all the tease1irritation1pranks you did on them '(. +hat#s the !eauty of this feeling which will ne er come with any other feeling.

8o friends this is what I feel" if you ha e any other opinion a!out .IM0# feeling" please feel free to post!!!! )ast !ut not the least" I like to admit that I Miss you tooooooooo

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