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Retirement age of govt staff raised by 2 years



"No harmony between what Rahul and party practices"


AAP's rebel MLAs can't topple govt immediately

Published simultaneously from Madhya Pradesh and Chhattisgarh Online edition available at and
POSTAL REGD. MP/BHOPAL/4-323/2013-15

Vol-02. Issue-20. Bhopal. Monday Page-12. Price-5/-

he State


Uttarakhand gets new CM, but no 09 change in calamity preparedness

Tiger Woods arrives for 11 date with Delhi Golf Club

Miley Cyrus says Good Bye to cigarettes, weed, marijuana!


NEWS MAX UNDP appreciates Forest Department's livelihoods works

Bhopal: A team of United Nations
Development Programme (UNDP) toured Sidhi forest division's Churhat circle and appreciated projects being implemented there. Led by Su Eugenia Katsigris, Texas, America, the 5-member team visited villages Badhwar, Maldeva, Padkhuri, Kolhudeeh, Madila, Gandhi Gram, Madwas etc and undertook minute study of bamboo production, bamboo rhizomes, women's SHGs manufacturing incense sticks, sowing of grass, bio-dynamic organic farming technique, manufacture of handicraft from Seesal fibre, manufacture of ropes with rags, bio-gas plants, production of lac by beneficiaries and other activities. Su Eugenia Katsigris wrote in her report that she has been much impressed by livelihoods activities at Gandhi Gram in Sidhi district. Su Katsigris said that new relations developed in the midst of jungles and bamboo rehabilitation has impressed her a lot. Another team member Gujarat's former Principal Chief Conservator of Forests Khanna also appreciated women's enthusiastic participation in livelihoods programmes and cooperation being extended for increasing families' economic status in villages Maldeva, Gandhi Gram and Kolhudeeh. The inspection team inspected project's documents at village Badhwar, bamboo rhizomes and bamboo meadows, women's self-help groups at village Maldeva, bio-dynamic organic farming activities at village Madila, community training centre and incense stick women's SHG at village Kolhudeeh, manufacture of incense sticks and ropes with rags, bio-dynamic organic farming activities and fish farming at village Gandhi Gram. The team members held separate discussions with beneficiaries and trainers. The team inspected lac production in Madwas and Energy Forest in Khajuriha. From Madhya Pradesh, the inspection team comprised Additional Chief Conservator of Forests and UNDP Project Director, Bhopal Ravi Vastava, Chief Conservator of Forests Dhirendra Bhargava and UNDP's Project Manager S.D. Burman.

Bhoj farmers reject pesticides to save Sarus cranes


How WE look it !

...Cartoon by K G OJHA

elping conserve the world's tallest flying birds, farmers around Bhoj wetlands in Madhya Pradesh - a Ramsar site and an Important Bird Area (IBA), are shifting to organic farming to save sarus cranes from harmful effects of pesticides. A watch group 'Sarus Mitra' has also been created to keep the cranes safe from other anthropogenic threats. Once seen in hundreds, the sarus crane population has drastically declined from the Bhoj wetlands. As per reports, around 160 individuals were counted in 2001 which reduced to 24 in 2008. This year, only 10 have been counted. Alarmed by the drastic decline, the Bhopal Birds - a local organisation supported by the Wildlife Trust of India and CAF-India, carried out a Rapid Action Project to save these birds. "The people of Bhoj - including a few tribes people - worship the cranes, as they consider their fidelity to their partners a virtue, and would not knowingly harm them," said Dr Sangeeta Rajgir, of Bhopal Birds. "However, over the years, over-grazing, fishing, desiltation, pesticide use and pollution was taking a toll on the birds." The RAP began last October with determining the population of Sarus cranes in the area, monitoring their populations, holding consultative meetings with locals and developing a systematic strategy for the conservation of the species. "One of the biggest killers, which was discovered early on, was the uncontrolled use of pesticide by the farmers - especially on their vegetable crops that the birds feed on," said Debobroto Sircar of Wildlife Trust of India's Wild Aid division. "There was an immediate need to shift from the use of chem-

icals in the area, to something organic." Accordingly, awareness camps were carried out in Goragaon and Bishenkhedi villages. Agricultural scientists from Krishi Vigyan Kendra (KVK) and other agriculture research organisations spoke to the farmers, students and locals about the ill-effects of chemical fertilizers on people. The experts recommended organic farming, which would not just benefit people consuming the products but also the Sarus cranes. "Every awareness session was followed by a feedback or interactive session that aimed at ensuring that problems faced by farmers in the eventual shift are inegated. We even gave out organic fertilizers for them to try out," said Dr Rajgir. Early this year, five farmers from Goragaon village took the leap,

making a permanent shift to organic farming. Following them, 30 more, of the 60-odd farmers in the area have begun making the transition to organic farming. A survey among the farmers that ended in November 2013 also revealed that 80% of the farmers were keen to permanently shift to organic farming. Dawarka Prasad, a farmer who has only a few months ago stopped using chemicals on his farmland said, "A few people here had taken to this method, and people from Bhopal Birds told us the benefits of organic farming. A little experimentation, and over time, I have realised it is so much better in terms of our health, cost of materials and helps save the environment at the same time - do you need any more reasons?" Sangeeta added, "This is a huge

step - and is only the beginning. The people have understood the benefits in terms of their own health, and more farmers are showing an interest in making the shift." A group of village youth from Goragaon have also formed the Sarus Mitra, translating to 'friends of sarus cranes', to monitor the birds throughout the year. The volunteers not only keep a watch over the cranes and their nests but also carry out rescue of individuals in distress. Only a few months ago, the group found a juvenile crane that was injured, treated it and successfully rehabilitated it with the rest of the Sarus cranes. Dr Rajgir said, "Our experience with the project demonstrates that it is possible to re-establish a bond between famers and nature."


Chhattisgarh Explore

February 10 to February 16, 2014 (MP&CG)

RAIPUR: The state's economy grew at 7.05% to Rs 1,75,961cr. However, it slipped compared to the previous year where the growth was 7.56%. According to Economic Survey Report (ESR) for 2013-14 for Chhattisgarh if the past trends are any indication experts feel the growth rate could fall well below 7%, as projections are always on the higher side. Incidentally , growth rate projection for 2012-13 ESR was 8.5% but it fell short by nearly 1%. However, even with the projected decline it'll remain much ahead of India's growth rate, which is projected at 4.9%. But nevertheless, the state's performance has been much above India's overall average, as it clocked a higher growth rate in agricultural, industrial and service sectors. Chhattisgarh's service sector too grew at a rate of 9.09% as compared to the all India figure of 7%. Presenting the report in the House, chief minister Dr Raman Singh said the per-capita income in state increased by Rs 6,186 to Rs 50,691 in 2012-13, as compared to Rs.44,505 in the preceding year. As this year's estimates is likely to rise to Rs 56,990 during 2013-14. The report states that growth in Agriculture sector (Agriculture, Livestock, Forestry and Fishing), Industry sector (secondary sector and mining sector) and service sector are expected to be 2.62%, 6.07% and 10.18% respectively in 2013-14, over the previous year. As compared to India's growth projections the state would fare better, as nationally industry is expected to grown merely by 0.7% and services by 6.9%. However, Chhattisgarh's agricultural growth rate is going to less than the national projection of 4.6%. As per advance estimate, the gross state domestic product (GSDP) at current price is likely to increase to Rs 1,75,961Cr. in the year 2013-14 from Rs 1,53,621cr as estimated for the year 2012-13. In this period, agriculture sector (agriculture, livestock, forestry and fishing) is expected to increase from Rs. 34,097 to 36,841 cr, industry sector (secondary sector and mining sector) from Rs 57,306 cr to Rs 64,864 cr. and Service sector from Rs. 62217 cr. to Rs. 74256 cr. Incidentally, while the achievements are significant, they fell short of the projected growth rates, particularly in the service and industrial sectors. State was expected to see service sector rise by 12.06% and the Industrial by 6.74%. However, it only managed to achieve a growth of 9.09% and 5.38% respectively .

Growth rate of Chhattisgarh's economy slips to 7.05%

Retirement age of govt staff raised by 2 years

Chhattisgarh assembly has passed an amendment bill to raise retirement age of state government employees from 60 to 62 years. Piloting Chhattisgarh government employees (superannuation) amendment bill 2014, chief minister Raman Singh said all government officers, employees and officers and employees of corporations, boards, urban bodies and other government and semi-government institutions would be benefited with the increase in retirement age. Satya Narian Sharma (Congress) said the bill concerned could have been brought much earlier, but the government preferred to bring an ordinance earlier for political gains, but now it was trying to replace it with the amendment bill.

Naya Raipur to be
green, eco-friendly

Pvt schools subvert RTE, deny admission to poor kids

Naya Raipur Development Authority (NRDA) plans to make the new city green and eco-friendly and use advanced technology to save energy . The street lights of Naya Raipur could be switched on and off with the help of GPRS system which would be monitored by an operating staff at the control room. This web based software will act as remote monitoring system, which alerts at the time of theft or while voltage faults take place. Daily information about voltage, current power supply will be maintained. However, with the setting of astronomical clock, LED street lights will be switched on after sunset and will switch off with sunrise automatically. This will save more than 40% power energy .

Naya Raipur Development Authority (NRDA) is launching India's first ever LED street lighting project across the entire city of Naya Raipur. NRDA chief executive officer Amit Kataria said, "With nearly 2,000 LEDs, NRDA aims to illuminate a stretch of 74km of Naya Raipur road of which 450 units have already been installed in the first phase and more than 1,550 are scheduled under the second phase." Costing up to around Rs 31.7 crore, these LEDs would save up to 40% energy and hence reduce the electricity bill by 40%. Interestingly, all the new street lights would be controlled through a GPRS control system via SMS and internet, which will be set automatically for dimming and brightening of LEDs as per the requirement, Yashwant

Shiledar, chief executive engineer said. Explaining about the electricity consumption bill, Yashwant said that while on one side the costing reaches to Rs 1,33,312 with sodium vapour lamps, the cost would plunge to Rs 79,430, hence saving up to Rs 53,882 every month. Explaining further, he said, "For instance, during the peak hours between 7pm and 10pm street lights would brighten 100%. This would further be dimmed to 70% from 10pm to 12am, leading to less energy consumption. After 12 to sunrise, brightness would be reduced to 50%." He said there were many cities which have few patches and townships illuminated through LED street lights, but this is the first time in country that a city level project is coming up.

rominent private schools in Chhattisgarh are subverting the Right to Education Act (RTE) to deny admission to poor and under-privileged students from their respective areas. Amit Jogi raised the issue in the state assembly . Jogi said 25% seats in all schools have to be reserved for under-privileged and poor students but most of the prominent schools are denying admission to them. He said schools were not fulfilling their legal obligation and the state government was not taking appropriate action against erring educational institutions. Jogi said a leading private school in the state capital gave admission to a poor student, residing in the vicinity of the educational institution, only after intervention of the high court. "There are many other schools, which are denying admission to poor students on one pretext or the other," he said and sought to know from the government as to what action the government has taken against such institutions. In his reply, school education minister Kedar Kashyap said nearly 31,000 students have been admitted to different schools under the provisions of RTE as against the target of 35,000 admissions. However, Jogi maintained that the leading private schools are providing lip service as far as RTE is concerned and only about 4% admissions were being given to poor students.

(MP&CG) February 10 to February 16, 2014



Novel initiative to eradicate malnutrition

Gujarat Model to be applied to tribal educational institutions

SC and ST Welfare Minister Gyan Singh has stressed the need for earnest efforts for improving tribal students' higher education level and quality . Gyan Singh was addressing a meeting of Board of Directors of Madhya Pradesh Tribal Welfare Residential and Ashram Education Institutions Society here today . Principal Secretary Tribal Welfare P.C. Meena, Commissioner Tribal Welfare Umakant Umrao, Board of Directors member Dr. Prem Bharti and other members were present on the occasion. Gyan Singh said that attendance of students and teaching staff is very necessary in tribal residential schools. Singh directed for biometric attendance system to increase presence of students and teachers. It was also decided to apply Gujarat Model for ensuring transparency in conduct of educational institutions under Tribal The meeting also considered a proposal to constitute a committee comprising regional educational institutions for quality of schools. The committee will suggest ways to improve class X students' educational status, teaching level, exam and evaluation process so that class XII results can also be improved. Minister Gyan Singh apprised himself about various schemes to tribal students and gave necessary guidelines to ensure that benefit of these schemes reach students properly . Commissioner Tribal Welfare Umrao apprised the meeting about agenda and minutes of meeting. He informed that 36 out of 47 petty works of Tribal Welfare Department schools have been completed and directives have been given to complete remaining 11 works with quality within time-limit. It is noteworthy that the society runs 20 Eklavya residential model schools and 13 girls educational complexes in the state.

For the first time in Madhya Pradesh, a novel initiative has been taken to eradicate malnutrition in children. Under the initiative started with cooperation of Care India and BBC Media, awareness will be created among pregnant women and lactating mothers about nutritious diet through games like Snake and Ladder. Pregnant women and lactating mothers are being informed that two years since birth are very important for growth of child. Mother's milk is the best for child for first 6 months, but if child is not given supplementary diet with mother's milk after 6 months he is gripped by malnutrition. Integrated Child Development Department has taken this novel initiative for effectively offsetting a serious issue like child nutrition on the occasion of National Nutrition Week-2013. For this game 'Jeet Zaroori Hai' has been developed with the cooperation of Care India and BBC Media, which is based on traditional Snake and Ladder game. Through this, initiative has been taken to create awareness among women regarding benefits of supplementary diet and social restrictions. Orientation training for this has been arranged for all Project Officers and Supervisors in the State. Through these master trainers, all Anganwadi workers have trained about supplementary nutritious diet. These workers are apprising pregnant women and lactating mothers about nutritious diet. Through Snake and Ladder game, a new concept has been given to traditional methods of nutrition through which Anganwadi workers are providing health and nutrition-related information to women. This novel initiative of Directorate of Integrated Child Development Service of Women and Child Development Department is creating awareness about malnutrition

Welfare Department, discharge of work without hurdles and prompt solution to visitors' problems. The Minister said that strict action will be taken against those teachers of Eklavya residential schools exam results of whose schools have not been satisfactory . He directed to immediately invite

applications for posting of guest teachers on PGT and TGT posts. The Minister sought information about facilities like free uniform, books, sports material, beds etc. provided to students. He directed to ensure that from next session, students get these facilities in October's first week.

Civic body to develop forest near Indore, plans to attract visitors

Krishi Karman Award to MP for consecutive second year

The Indore Municipal Corporation (IMC) is planning to provide more facilities at underdeveloped city forest to ensure proper care of trees. The civic body will lay down PVC pipelines across the forest for watering over 3000 saplings planted over a 30-acre land. The land has been earmarked to convert it into a lush green patch. IMC Horticulture Wing has been assigned the task for developing the man-made forest near Bicholi Mardana area. The pipelines will help in watering the plants as the civic body has dug three tube-wells to provide uninterrupted water supply needed for the plantation. Black soil has also been transported here to en-

sure speedy growth of plants. The civic body holds plantation drive at regular intervals. The authority has planned to plant at least 15,000 saplings in association with the forest department in the next monsoon. The corporation is constructing a hut in the forest to facilitate the visitors in case of sudden rains. The hut will have the capacity to house nearly 100 people. The civic body will also construct a parking area at the entrance of the forest. Besides, instructions to repair road leading to the site, installation of a gate and to construct a parking area at the entrance of the forest have been already issued to the officials concerned. Meanwhile, plans are afoot to attract more tourists to Ralamandal

Sanctuary near Indore. The 278hectare sanctuary will have a mix of adventure, education and entertainment for the visitors. Says chief conservator of forest, R R Okhandiar: "Our aim is to ensure that the people who visit the sanctuary are able to spend at least four to five hours of quality time in the sanctuary ." The Ralamandal will be divided into two sections. One will be the four-hectare area earmarked for eco-tourism. This area will boast of a butterfly park housing hundreds of types of butterflies. "Nowadays the people in the city hardly get to see butterflies and it will be a visual delight for everyone and also educational one as there will be full description of the butterflies," said Okhandiar.

Bhopal: Government of India has announced Krishi Karman Award in overall food grains production increase category for year 2012-13 to Madhya Pradesh consecutively for second year. For this award, policy-related efforts for excellent implementation of farmers' schemes are also taken into account apart from evaluation of states' agriculture production. Andhra Pradesh, Bihar, Punjab, Haryana and Madhya Pradesh were selected as major competitors for the award for year 2012-13. Finally, Madhya Pradesh was selected for the prestigious award for year-round innovative efforts, expansion of area under food grains and pulses' production and their productivity and outstanding achievements. The award carries Rs. 2 lakh, memento and certificate. The award is the result of ensuring farmers' welfare and success of the strategy for continuous progress of agriculture while maintaining high agriculture growth rate. Apart from farmer-oriented policies of the state government its credit also goes to farmers' untiring efforts and adoption of innovative practices. To top it all, the biggest matter of pride is that state's contribution is constantly increasing to meeting food grain requirements of country's rising population. Sharp rise in food grains production A well planned strategy is being implemented in Madhya Pradesh for increasing production and productivity of crops. For this, corrective steps have been ensured in every component of farming and at every stage. Food grains production has increased remarkably during the last 5 years.


Raipur Trail

February 10 to February 16, 2014 (MP&CG)

Preparations for annual Rajim Kumbh mela in full swing

Preparations are in full swing for the annual Rajim Kumbh mela starting from February 14. Makeshift roads are being constructed in the sands around Triveni Sangam. Temporary houses for Naga saints and grass sheds for religious exercises at various places are being prepared, besides making efforts to remove the shortcomings that occurred in the last Kumbh Mela. Preparations are on for installing different types of exhibition stalls in the huge sandy ground. Before the arrival of saints, for the daily and Shahi Snan of saints and Mahamandaleshwars, Shahi Kund has been prepared and now the banks of the pond are being constructed with sand sacks. One side of the pond has been linked to Pairy and Sondule rivers and on the other side, nullah has been constructed for water exit, so that regular water filling could be made in the pond. According to estimate, besides Shahi Snan on Magh Poornima and Shivratri, the pond has capacity of taking dip of 30 to 40 thousand peo-

ple daily . After construction of the pond, now, it is being made secure by barricading on all the sides. Under PWD Abhanpur 3, along with the road construction work from Navapara, work has been started

for construction of two bridges on Mahanadi. In addition to that tender has been opened for construction of road near Kuleshwar Mahadev under Dhamtari district and work has

started. Painting and whitewashing of the three bridges of Triveni Rajim bridge, Choubebandha bridge and Belahighat Triveni bridge and maintenance of streetlights are being done. For the reli-

gious programme of Satpal Maharaj, construction of boundary wall around the land reserved near mango garden in front of Lomash Rishi Ashram and gate is going on at war footing.

Chit fund companies duping investors: Govt issues alert

The Chhattisgarh government had issued an alert to the district and police administration across the state to keep a close watch on the activities of chit fund companies. The order came after Reserve Bank of India had asked the state governments to remain vigilant of all non-banking financial companies (NBFCs). The meeting of the Reserve Bank Co-ordination Committee was held in Raipur recently . In the past four years, chit fund companies in Chhattisgarh have duped over 3000 people of a whopping Rs 124 crores, which makes an average of over Rs 41 lakh per head. Home Minister, Ramsewak Paikra has said between 2009-13, 96 cases of chit fund scams had been registered and 174 accused were arrested. He said challans in 73 cases had been filed in various courts. The Home Minister said the total number of people duped in these scams was about 3717 and the amount involved was nearly Rs 124 crores. He said, while 16 cases are pending and seven cases were closed due to the absence of adequate evidence. The minister also disclosed that at present 16 chit-fund companies were operating in the state. Expressing concern at the frauds committed under the garb of running chit companies, the minister said more steps would be taken to ensure that such fraudsters are brought to the book.

Chhattisgarh to promote 3 mega industrial areas

The Chhattisgarh Government is promoting three mega industrial areas in Bilaspur, Raigarh and Raipur districts with a view to attracting investments in the state. The focus is on developing clusters for metal, herbal and medicine, food processing and gems and Jewellery . In this regard Chhattisgarh State Industrial Development Corporation Limited (CSIDC) wants to appoint a consultant to look into infrastructure planning, identify projects, provide transaction advisories and promote investments in the state. CSIDC is a Government of Chhattisgarh Undertaking under Commerce and Industry Department. It has been instrumental in developing various industrial growth centres and industrial areas namely Urla, Sarora, Bhanpuri, Amaseoni, Rawabhata, Siltara in Raipur District; Borai in Durg District, Sirgitti, Tifra, Rani Durgawati in Bilaspur District. To meet increasing requirement of land for new industrial units, CSIDC is setting up three Mega Industrial Areas in Bilaspur, Raigarh and Raipur Districts, spreading over 4740 hectares. Integrated Infrastructure Development Centres have been established in the districts of Kabirdham, Mahasamund and Surguja. Work on Infrastructure Development has been started in these IIDCs. In addition, work has started for development of an Apparel Park at Bhanpuri in Raipur District. Also effective steps have been taken for establishment of Metal Park, Herbal and Medicinal Park, Food Processing Park and Gems and Jewellery SEZ. CSIDC has effectively implemented Public Private Partnership in upgradation and maintenance of existing Industrial Areas in Urla and Siltara, District Raipur.


February 10 to February 16, 2014

Madhya Pradesh


Deadline over, less than half food business operators registered

e-Panchayats in MP to have public facilities

Under e-Panchayat Programme, all 23 thousand 6 Gram Panchayats in the state are being converted to ePanchayats. E-Panchayat rooms are being constructed in the Gram Panchayats which have buildings. Facilities under Panch Parmeshwar Yojana, Performance Guarantee, Self-Taxation Scheme, Integrated Development Scheme, BRGF, RGF etc. will be provided in e-Panchayat rooms where ultra-small banks are also being set up. Services including caste and income certificates, copies of khasra, maps etc. will also be delivered within time-limit here. The ultra small banks established here will ensure swift transfer of funds to beneficiaries under various schemes like social security pensions, scholarships of students and Janani Suraksha Yojana. For smooth implementation of ePanchayat system, societies constituted at district-level are purchasing and providing computer material to all 23 thousand 6 Gram Panered, its cost will be realised from Gram Panchayat Secretary/Sarpanch. Guidelines and directives have also been issued to ensure insurance of computer material using 10 percent reserved funds of Panch Parmeshwar Yojana and pay annual premium. Smooth power supply is being ensured in the Gram Panchayats where computer appliances have been installed. Payment of electricity bill will also be made using 10 percent reserved funds of Panch Parmeshwar Yojana and if not available under this head then by using Performance Grant Fund. Expenditure on broadband connectivity will also be made through these heads. Internet connectivity will be taken from BSNL or any other internet service provider (ISP). For broadband connectivity, 512 KBPS speed will be compulsory . It will be based on Wi-Max or OFC technology . Delivery of prescribed public facilities is being ensured in the ePanchayats where internet connectivity is available.

BHOPAL: It is a move that would impact some seven lakh food business operators (FBO) in Madhya Pradesh from Puri Bhandars to plush restaurants, school canteens and even small time street vendors. After nearly two years of delay, all FBOs will have to obtain registration from the Government-run central food authority Food Safety and Standards Authority of India (FSSAI). The deadline for obtaining the licenses already ended on February 4, after which FSSAI will have the authority to randomly check any eatery and if it is found without the license, FSSAI can penalise the restaurant or even have the outlet shut down. However, only about 2.5 lakh food business operators (FBOs) have been registered in Madhya Pradesh, according to state Food and Drugs Administration (FDA). State FDA is in the process of registering another two lakh FBOs. Implementation of FSSAI Act of 2011has been postponed many times over the last two years. The move stirred a hornet's nest for the restaurant industry in 2012 and led to a hotels and restaurants down shutters to protest new FSSAI act. In a bid to reduce opposition, the state government has been permitted to relax rules on packaging. For instance, sale of open edible oil, not allowed under FSSAI, has been permitted until May 2014 and is subject to further extension. Two years on traders are in no mood to repeat protests, feels Bhopal Hotel and Restaurant Association President, Tejkul Singh Pali. "Nearly 80% of established FBOs adhere to new norms. There are some issues of infrastructure which need to be sorted in association with civic bodies," he said. FBO business with a turnover of Rs 12 Lakh (estimated 20% of all FBOs) require a license. For every restaurant in every city, a separate license will need to be issued. In addition, there would a central license required to be obtained from the head office of that particular food business firm.

chayats. Every computer will be loaded with MS Windows-7, home basic operating system, MS Office2013 and Indic productivity softwares. Every e-Panchayat will be provided a scanner, laser printer, UPS, 40-inch LCD TV , 8-port lane switch, 3 patch cards and 8 GB pendrive. Details of all material provided to e-Panchayats are being uploaded on website through mobile apps. Directives have been given to snap photographs of hardware with mobile camera and geo-tag it

through mobile apps. Through this system, tracing of stolen computer material will become easier. Panchayats & Rural Development Department has directed to hand over responsibility of safety of computer hardware and related material for e-Panchayat system to Gram Panchayat Secretary, Gram Panchayat Coordination Officer and Sarpanch. In case of theft of this material, FIR will have to be lodged with concerning police station. If stolen material is not recov-

Healthy society can be built only

with good education and etiquettes
BHOPAL Energy and Public Relations Minister Rajendra Shukla has said that distortions can be removed to build a healthy society only when children are imbued with good education and etiquettes. Shukla was addressing a programme held at Balak Mandir Higher Secondary School run by Madhya Pradesh Electricity Board Women's Club at Jabalpur recently. MLA Tarun Bhanot, MP Power Management Company's Managing Director Manu vastava and Eastern Region Power Distribution Company's MD Sukhbeer Singh were also present on the occasion. The Energy Minister said that imparting education is regarded as the best donation in Indian culture. It is matter of pleasure that Electricity Board Women's Club is also ensuring education of poor children along with affluent ones. Club's President Pragya Richa vastava informed that the school is being run for the last 35 years with number of students reaching 1400 now. At the programme, children's band gave guard of honour to the chief guest. The Energy Minister also planted a sapling on the school premises. Energy Minister Shukla laid the foundation stone for 2nd phase of school's expansion including boundary wall and cycle stand. The works will cost Rs. 23 lakh 25 thousand. The Energy Minister also inaugurated 3 rooms constructed under PPP mode at a cost of Rs. 24 lakh. Meanwhile, cycle rallies were taken out throughout the state as part of public awareness campaign for maternal and infant health security. Over 50 thousand persons participated in the rallies. Principal Secretary Health Praveer Krishna started the rally at JP Hospital, Bhopal on Sunday at 9 am by pedaling a cycle. Along with him, Commissioner Health Dr. Pankaj Agrawal and Director Dr. Sanjay Goyal also gave message of awareness through cycling. People and children of various social, educational, voluntary and non-government organisations participated in the rally . Chief Medical and Health Officer Dr. Pankaj Shukla thanked participants of the rally . A number of doctors of JP Hospital also took part in the cycle rally .

Namkeen cluster in Indore to be in line with global standards

With reverse osmosis (RO) water filter plant that can ensure hygiene and quality, products from the Namkeen cluster that is being set up in Indore are likely to be in line with international safety standards. The proposal for RO plant was made by manufacturers of the Namkeen products themselves. A project envisaged by MSME Development Institute Indore, the Namkeen cluster is being developed by Audyogik Kendra Vikas Nigam (AKVN) Indore. While helping promote small and medium industries by increasing their export opportunities, the industrial cluster will also help take the famous Namkeen products to a world market. The cluster when functional is expected to double the annual turnover to Rs 1,000 crore in two years. It will house a quality test laboratory cold storage, warehouse, piped gas line, and employees training centre. As many as 50 companies are expected to start production in the first phase. The cluster is spread across 12.71 acres of land, with an investment of Rs 10 crore and an additional Rs 10 crore for common area facilities. Chief Minister Shivraj Singh Chouhan had laid the foundation stone for Namkeen cluster in Bhourasala village near Sanver Road industrial area in October 2012.

Light Metro project approved for Bhopal, to be complete in 4-5 yrs

Bhopal: Urban Administrative Department has approved Rs. 13,000 crore Light Metro project for Bhopal city. The new project is going to cover a track length of 78 kilometres and is expected to be complete in next four-to-five years. The government dismissed the highly successful Delhi Metro and the recently launched Mumbai Monorail project and opted for small-townfriendly Light Metro version. The project was given green light by Urban Administrative Minister Kailash Vijayvargiya, recently. Urban Administrative Department, German-based LRTC, and Indian company Rohit Associates are working together to prepare the Detailed Project Report (DPR) for Indore and Bhopal which is expected to be ready by June this year. What is a Light Metro? The concept of Light Metro is highly successful in Germany, Dubai, Saudi Arabia and Poland. It is comparatively cheaper to build than the existing Monorail and Heavy Metro (Delhi Metro) project. The Light Metro has several advantages in comparison to the existing conventional models. It can easily navigate from one route to another. The boogies are relatively light weight and smaller than regular Metro. The project's maintenance and running cost are comparatively low. It is an ideal choice for cities with small population. It will cost Rs. 13 lakh/ km. The average speed is 30 to 40 kmph. Routes covered by the Light Metro In the beginning, the Light Metro will run on five routes- and cover major areas of old and new city. Two more routes are expected to be added to the itinerary. The Project will also be linked to Bhopal Railway Station and Habibganj Station. The DPR will be prepared considering in mind the next 25 years requirement of the city.



February 10 to February 16, 2014 (MP&CG)

12-02-2014- Wednesday - Falgun Mah Shuklapaksh-Trayodashi Positive directions - North and West Bad time - 12:39 pm to 2:03 pm Good time - 7:03 am to 9:51 am and 3:27 pm to 6:17 pm 13-02-2014-Thursday- Falgun Mah Shuklapaksh-Chaturdashi (Guru Pushya Yog) Positive directions - North and West Bad time - 2:03 pm to 3:27 pm Good time - 7:03 am to 8:27 am and 11:01 am to 2:02 pm and 4:53 pm to 6:17 pm 14-02-2014- Friday -Falgun Mah Shuklapaksh- Poornima Positive directions - North and East Bad time - 11:15 am to 12:39 pm Good time - 7:03 am to 11:14 am and 2:03 pm to 3:27 pm and 4:53 pm to 6:17 pm 15-02-2014- Saturday -Falgun Mah Krishnapaksh- Ekam Positive directions - East and North Bad time - 9:51 am to 11:15 am Good time - 8:27 am to 9:50 am and 12:39 pm to 4:53 pm 16-02-2014- Sunday - Falgun Mah Krishnapaksh- Ekam Positive directions - North and East Bad time - 4:53 pm to 6:17 pm Good time - 8:27 am to 12:39 pm and 2:03 pm to 3:15 pm 17-02-2014- Monday -Falgun Mah Krishnapaksh- Dwitiya Positive directions- East and South Bad time - 8:27 am to 9:51 am Good time - 7:03 am to 8:26 am and 9:52 am to 11:15 am and 2:03 pm to 6:17 pm 18-02-2014- Tuesday -Falgun Mah Krishnapaksh - Tritiya (Chaturthi Vrat) Positive directions-South and East Bad time - 3:15 pm to 4:53 pm Good time - 9:51 am to 2:03 pm By AACHARYA SARVESH E-Mail: Mobile: 9826609192

"No harmony between what Rahul and party practices"


he Congress' alliance with Lalu Prasad Yadav's Rashtriya Janata Dal and Ramvilas Paswan's Lok Janshakti Party in Bihar is an indication of

the Congress vice-president Rahul Gandh's inability to have harmony between what he preaches and what the party practices. Much to the embarrassment of the prime minister and other senior leaders, Gandhi had called the Ordinance brought for giving protection to in-

dicted politicians nonsense and forced its withdrawal. A few months down the line, the Congress has now decided to embrace a criminally convicted Lalu Prasad Yadav as an ally and dump a clean and much better administrator like Bihar chief minister Nitish Kumar. While on the one hand Gandhi claims that he has much to learn from the rise of Aam Aadmi Party (AAP), on the other he fails to comprehend that corruption is the biggest issue staring at the Congress. As in 1996, when P V Narasimha was at the helm, despite the economic reforms, the Congress was pestered in the polls on account of corruption charges manifested numerously in Hawala and several other scandals. It lost power in 1989, when Rajiv Gandhi was at the helm, on account of Bofors scam. Congress today is once again facing 1989 and 1996-like challenge. The party's capacity to steer clear of corruption charges depends on the ability of Rahul Gandhi to keep himself and his family above suspicion. This is an onerous task and Congress vicepresident so far has proved to be

unequal to the job. Rahul Gandhi in his address at the AICC session at Talkatora stadium last month and his interviews to a newspaper and a television channel has so far failed to delineate any roadmap which Gandhi may have prepared to rejuvenate his party cadres. Party leader and MP Ajay Maken claims that the process (of primaries) is part of the Rahul's longterms plan to bring sweeping changes in ticket distribution and other processes in the party but at the same time adds that the project has been taken up on pilot basis as the elections are on the head. Former union minister, and one of the more articulate members of parliament, Ajay Maken has been given the task to sell scrap as shinning metal. While the media advertisements which the Congress has released are eye catching but will they bring any accolade for the hollow pronouncements of its poster boy Rahul Gandhi is something to be watched. If the Congress manages to put up a credible performance in the upcoming general election despite a very lackluster leadership, lot of credit should accrue to Maken's efforts.

BJP on a comeback trail in UP?

ore than the opinion polls the signs of discomfort in the Congress camp indicate that BJP is on a comeback trail in Uttar Pradesh. Narendra Modi's well-attended rallies, too, indicate popular interest in BJP . True, these are just signs indicating success of Amit Shah in reviving BJP fortune in the state. Uttar Pradesh, the largest state of the country sends 80 members to the Lok Sabha. BJP was at its peak in 1998 when it won 57 seats in UP in the parliamentary polls. Since then, however, its graph has gradually declined. The key message that is coming out now seems to be exciting for the party . The apparent turnaround of BJP fortune in UP is an interesting case to study . Narendra Modi took the risk. Defying all sane advice of senior leaders and party sympathisers, Modi brought in Amit Shah, his former controversial junior Home Minister as his campaign committee chairperson in UP . Amit had been mired in several controversies. For such a person to come and spearhead BJP cause in UP , a state with large Muslim population, was viewed as another mad project of Narendra Modi. How would an outsider with controversial record feel the pulse of the voters in UP , wave the magic wand like he did in Gujarat and change the game for the party? Shah is known in the BJP circles as a master strategist. This is because he has proved his mettle in Gujarat. But Gujarat is more homogeneous and less complex electorally than UP . Even politically UP has two strong regional parties - Mulayam Yadav's SP and Mayawati's BSP . BJP had created a position in the state but that was when Mayawati was still learning the ropes of politics and Con-


Study table for students should be in regular shape like square or rectangle with minimal size not too big, not too small. Study table should face East or North for better concentration and likewise student sitting on this table should also face East or North. Keep some distant between wall and study table as table should not lie along the wall and some space is given to regulate the flow of energy. The bookshelf should be placed in East, North or North-east which are considered best to stack books. While avoid keeping anything in the middle of the room.

gress was confused over the Ram Janmabhumi issue. But Shah's task is far more complex in 2013-14. Development plank of Gujarat would find few takers among people accustomed to live amidst poverty and riots. When Shah came to UP nobody would have aspired to take his job. What did he do? Clearly political communication is all

about reaching out to the voters in their daily battles in life. Shah used the same oft-used trick to revive BJP prospect in UP . He sent party workers to villages to interact with voters. Any political organizer knows that the real strength of a party lies in its booth level communication. This wins the party more votes than a frankly speaking on a TV channel can deliver.


February 10 to February 16, 2014



Shivraj to get free hand in LS polls

AAP's rebel MLAs can't topple govt immediately

The rebel and expelled leader of Arvind Kejriwal's Aam Aadmi Party Vinod Kumar Binny has withdrawn his support to the party . Binny threatened to topple the AAP government in the Capital after joining hands with two independent MLAs and issued an ultimatum to the government to meet a charter of demands related to electricity, water, women's safety, and an investigation into the Commonwealth Games. However, for six months since the date of the government's formation, rules forbid the rebel MLA's from calling for a floor test. The AAP government, even if in a mithe demands of water, power and women's safety. He also asked for investigation into Commonwealth Games scam. After creating much chaos in the party, he declared that he quit. Binny had stormed out of AAP in January after he was denied a ministerial berth in the party. He had then called Kejriwal a dictator.AAP government's founding member Madhu Bhaduri has also walked out of the party because it doesn't consider women as human beings. In another jolt to AAP, party legislator Dinesh Mohaniya was pushed and roughed up by women protesting against water shortage in Sangam Vihar. He was allegedly slapped during the protest.

nority, is thus safe. In another scenario, the report adds, a floor test may not be called, and AAP gov-

ernment can continue as a minority administration. Binny has asked the party to meet

BHOPAL: After the performance of Chief Minister Shivraj Singh Chauhan in the recently held Assembly elections, the central leadership has decided to give him a free hand like Assembly elections, so that he could bring good results in the forthcoming Lok Sabha elections too. BJP vice-presidents Prabhat Jha and Uma Bharti would have no role in Madhya Pradesh in the upcoming Lok Sabha elections. This was made clear in the list different States' charge given to party leaders. Jha has been made in-charge of Delhi, while Uma Bharti would look after the party affairs in Uttarakhand. Shivraj Singh Chouhan was not willing for providing better roles to these leaders in Madhya Pradesh. Uma Bharti is presently an MLA from Uttar Pradesh and engaged in the Ganga cleansing campaign. Uma Bharti's nomination as Uttarakhand BJP affairs chief comes at a time when Congress state unit over there is plagued with turmoil leading to Harish Rawat replacing Vijay Bahuguna as the chief minister of the state. Prabhat Jha was party affairs incharge in Andhra Pradesh but now he assumes crucial responsibility in Delhi where Aam Admi Party's impressive performance in the assembly elections pushed the BJP away from power despite the saffron brigade emerging as the largest party . Political observers feel that giving charge of Delhi and Uttarakhand to Jha and Bharti clearly indicates that this is strategical shifting of these leaders out of Madhya Pradesh. Both Jha and Bharti are passing through testing times. After returning to the BJP, Bharti was given responsibility of Uttar Pradesh Assembly elections, but the party failed to do any miracle in her leadership. Jha was also removed as the State president of MP just before the Assembly election. Since then, both the leaders were awaiting new chance to prove their mettle.

Focus on AAP, media ignores Mamta, other regional leaders

pression of being a club of the leftbehind. The Left's its clout in the corridors of power and social influence has diminished considerably, ever since Prakash Karat effected the rupture with the Congress over the Indo-US nuclear deal. If the significance of Mamata, Jayalalithaa or for that matter, Naveen Patnaik, is insufficiently understood in the media, it is because Kolkata, Chennai and Bhubaneswar are outside the imagined world of the dominant intellectual elite. Far from being concerned with the 542 Lok Sabha seats, the forthcoming elections have been reduced to one question: How will the Aam Aadmi Party do in 2014? If the opinion polls are any guide, it seems that AAP is likely to be a factor in about 20 Lok Sabha seats, mainly in the National Capital Region. In other places they might play the role of spoiler. The point is that these 20 seats are well below the 42 seats where Mamata is a big player, or the 39 seats in Tamil Nadu, where the charm of Jayalalithaa could work. But yet, AAP has hogged the media space, outpacing the regional parties by many miles. Is it only because AAP is unique or is it because it is a doorstep Hindi-speaking phenomenon? From all accounts, the crowd at Mamta's recent Kolkarta rally was bigger than anything witnessed in recent years: estimates ranged from seven lakh to 12 lakh people. The rally had a larger political significance too. It suggested that the Trinamool Congress (AITC) would try to maximise its haul from West Bengal and leverage that with whichever political formation is closest to the 272-mark in the next Lok Sabha. Her strategy is not dissimilar to the one being pursued by Tamil Nadu Chief Minister J.Jayalalithaa.

Farmers in Rajasthan extend support to AAP

Ignored by both BJP and Congress governments, farmers in the desert state of Rajasthan have decided to extend their support to AAP . The Aam Aadmi Party (AAP) that stunned the country with its fabulous debut in New Delhi assembly election is now paving a road for the coming Lok Sabha elections. The leaders and workers of the farmer union in Rajasthan took a ride on tractors recently to reach Durgapur to attend the meeting of AAP state council. Farmer representatives said they have expectations from AAP and hope AAP leaders will understand their problems and try to resolve them. The state leader of the farmer union Krishna Kumar Saharan made an official announcement of supporting AAP . The meeting was attended by coordinators, secretaries, treasurers and speakers of the AAP from 33 districts of the state. The AAP has already declared that they are going to contest on all the seats of Lok Sabha. The party is yet to announce the names of the contestants. The meeting was to train the post holders for the Lok Sabha elections. After announcing the support to AAP , Saharan said that their problems and troubles have always been ignored by the Congress and the Bhartiya Janata Party (BJP) and now they have high hopes of the AAP . The union is against the Foreign Direct Investment (FDI). It is noteworthy that the Congress-led UPA Government at the Centre has allowed FDI in multi-brand retail.

Mamata's Kolkata rally and the unveiling of her strategy for the Lok Sabha polls was a major political development. Whereas Mamata and Jayalalithaa look like winners on their home turf of West Bengal and Tamil Nadu respectively, the trio of Nitish Kumar-Mulayam Singh Yadav-H D Deve Gowda give the im-

Cong to repeat six sitting MPs in LS polls

The Congress State Election Committee has unanimously decided that six sitting MPs would be repeated in the forthcoming Lok Sabha polls. They include- Union Minister Jyotiraditya Scindia from Guna, Kamal Nath from Chhindwara, Sajjan Singh Verma from Dewas, Kantilal Bhuria from Ratlam, Gajendra Singh Rajukhedi from Dhar, Rajesh Nandini Singh from Shahdol. The committee meeting was held recently in Delhi. At present, there are 11 Lok Sabha members of Congress from Madhya Pradesh. However, several members of the committee are against repeating sitting MP Premchand Guddu from Ujjain and decision on this seat has been left on the high command. The committee also could not reach any conclusion whether PCC president Arun Yadav should be fielded or not. Decision on Indore and Mandsaur constituencies would be taken on Rahul Gandhi's formula with consensus by the party workers. Sources claim that earlier, Hoshangabad constituency was included with Indore, but later, it was replaced with Mandsaur. Sources say that no decision could be taken on Rajgarh and Mandla constituencies. Digvijay Singh had been advocating the candidature of sitting MP Narayan Singh Amlave from Rajgarh, but the committee found Laxman Singh as winnable candidate. This is why, Amlave's name has also been placed in the panel along with Laxman Singh. Meanwhile, with newly elected Madhya Pradesh Congress Committee president Arun Yadav having announced that the party has no intention to change the district and city Congress presidents in state till Lok Sabha elections get over, party office bearers in various districts have a daunting task ahead. They will find it hard to gather workers and leaders to work for mobilising voters.


Must Read

February 10 to February 16, 2014 (MP&CG)

Is God the greatest lie invented by man?


e all believe that there is a supreme power which exists, something supernatural, we name it God. Arguments against the existence of God have been proposed by philosophers, scientists and others from existence of mankind. It is indeed a question to be discussed. Does God really exist? Is God the greatest lie invented by man? Whenever we are afraid, whenever we are in stress, we hope, we believe that something good will happen soon, God will make something good to happen in our life. We start sending our prayers to God. Does that prayer reach to God? We cannot see him, still we believe him. Isnt it an illusion? People believe that the universe you see around is a creation of that unseen God. I have been contemplating the idea of God. I want to know if he really exists and if he does, like many, I want to know why things so awry are happening to people. In Indian tradition, we are taught that our teacher and our parents are God. We are raised by our parents and those were beautiful days without any responsibility, without any fear. Life was so comfortable in

the baby cradle that as we grow up we feel so helpless, so afraid of death, so burdened with lifes problems, we remind of our childhood days-no responsibility, no worrysomebody was taking care of us. That psychological childhood is projected into all the religions: God becomes the father. And there are a few religions in which God becomes the mother. It is a simple psychological projection of a child. It has no basis in reality. As a child when we do not have all the an-

swers so we find the answer in God, we are told that everything that exists is created by God. Those who believe in God may feel that this ideology is insipid and stupid, yet no believer can claim that he has seen God, some say that they have experienced his presence. We experience his presence but he cannot be seen or touched, isnt it strange and surprising? God is the biggest illusion created by man. Believers say that God has control over everything, he already

knows everything that we are going to do. Then every decision we ever going to make has effectively already been made. Lets take the instance of Rama, this would mean that God allowed Ravana to become so strong that he himself incarnated for him and took all pain on earth and lived years to brings it to an end. In many religions God has a physical form. No one has seen him still we have a prototype of his looks and physical appearance. Usually we humans believe what

we see, then there arouse a need to give physical shape to our illusion. A group of wise people thus came with the idea of many Gods. In Hinduism, we have more than one crore God and Goddess, each representing different aspect that one needs to alleviate his standard of living in the material world. For example- Brahma for creation, Vishnu for protection and Shiva for destruction, Laxmi for wealth and many more. Whenever we are afraid, whenever we are in trouble, we start seeking Gods help. When Damini was raped in a running bus with brutality, she might have called her God, every believer of God in trouble, who has faith and belief in him will try to seek his help. Did the Guardian angel come to help her? The truth is that no help ever comes. Even Jesus on the cross was waiting for the help to come, and finally got disappointed and shouted, Father, have you forsaken me? A great doubt must have arisen in him, a great question. Nothing is happening, and he believed all these years that God would come to save him, his only begotten son. Nobody came. Jesus Christ must have died in utter disillusionment.

Empowering Rural Women to Become Agents of Change

14 year old Piari Purti from Gaddara village in Jharkhand began working as a farm labourer when she was just eight to nine years old. She used to get Rs 60 a day . When she attained 11 years of age Piari Purti began working in a brick yard and was paid Rs 80 a day . She left home every morning at 6 AM and returned at 6.30 PM in the evening. Back home, she also had to help her mother and look after her younger siblings. Belonging to an extremely poor family, Piari says there were days when they could not get two square meals a day . Piari says that in her village the upper class families looked down upon them. "They wash the bed if we happen to sit on them and if any of us used the tap before them, they made it a point to clean the tap before using it and there was no question of ever entering their houses. For girls it was double discrimination", she says. It was in April this year that Piari Purti was selected for admission to Mahila Shikshan Kendra (MSK) in Jamshedpur. For Piari who had never been to school, it was a dream come true, for she always wanted to study . "I want to become an engineer", she says. MSKs are run by the Mahila Samakhya scheme under the Human Resource Development Ministry of the Union Government. Recognizing that education can be an effective tool in women's empowerment, the programme was first started as a pilot project in 1988. There are 30 girls and young women (between the age group of 15 to 35) in each of the MSKs where lessons up to class fifth are taught during the almost year long course. The aim is to make them self-reliant through Life skill education, vocational as well as computer training. According to Dr Smita Gupta, State Program Director, Jharkhand Mahila Samkhya Society (JMSS), specially designed curriculum is followed to develop leader ship qualities and audio visual techniques, computers, television etc. are used to arouse interest and curiosity among the learners. These young girls at the MSKs also get a chance to participate in sports, karate, plays and celebrations of days like Wash Day or Teachers day etc. They are also taken to banks, post offices, railway stations etc., to acquaint them with the services, working and facilities there. Sometimes they also get to participate in workshops and seminars. There are 14 MSKs in Jharkhand,

one each in 11 districts, one for women prisoners in Birsa Munda Jail in Ranchi, one in Khunti for survivors of human trafficking. Trafficking of girls is serious issue in Jharkhand which is considered a source state from where several girls are duped into exploitative situations due to extreme poverty . The Khunti District Programe Coordinator Anchi Horo

says the biggest challenges they face in mainstreaming the trafficking survivors is to bring them to MSK. The MSK in the Birsa Munda Jail has 24 women inmates as trainees. According to a functionary, the first thing they have to do is to take these young girls out of depression and then get them interested in studies. A total of 104 batches have

so far come out of MSKs in the state. What is however worrying is that small girls continue to work in brick yards or farms to earn a living. There are thousands of girls who instead of being in schools which is their legal right, have no choice but to slog for Rs 50 to 60 rupees a day or are forced into trafficking because of extreme poverty .


February 10 to February 16, 2014



SWECHCHHA OJHA Email: ave you ever woken up in the middle of the night and become tensed about the long pending things that you have to do, gotten sweaty and unable to go back to sleep? That is what over-thinking does to human brain! You know, it's a vicious circle, if you go on thinking, you can't sleep and if you can't sleep, you can't stop thinking. And this circle will go on and on until you learn to control your flow of thoughts. And that can happen only when you learn how to stop the mind from wandering here and there. The biggest achievement in human life is to be able to make the mind free of thoughts. And those of you who think it is easy to do, try concentrating on a blank white page for 2 minutes right now and you will get to know how complicated it is to look at a plain page, more complicated than tallying accounts and developing softwares. Try getting one person to do it properly and if you find one, ask them the secret of doing it. For it is not an easy task to not do anything and stay calm. It needs you to love the company of self and to not need anyone else at some times. And loving the company of one's self is the biggest gift one can give to themselves, other than finding their soul mate in this life. The reason I'm saying all this is because when you love the company of yourself you do not need the company of anyone else, not even of those thoughts that keep bothering you in the night not letting you sleep. There lie the answers to all your questions, why doesn't some person like you, why you cannot make friends at college/work, when and how you will be able to complete all work in time, etcetera. The one person who can understand you is YOU and the one person who can solve all your problems is YOU. And once you stop looking for your answers in others, you will get the answer to all your questions. Just try once to not look for a friend in other people and make yourself your friend, and see how you forget you were alone. This doesn't at all mean that I am asking you to stay aloof from the outside world and concentrate just on yourself. The only reason I am saying this is that even though making friends and be in relationships is a very good and essential thing, one more important thing that we miss is to befriend ourselves. And until we understand ourselves, we can understand no one else, and no one else can understand us. So what I'm saying is, 'Befriending yourself is the first step to befriending the world'. And what can be better than starting good things with yourself ? Just try it once and you will yourself know how wonderful it feels to have yourself as your most favourite person. Plus you will get to know how it feels to have a friend like you, how lucky your friends must be! Enjoy the Company of you and forget the Monday Blues. Cheers!

yourself is the first step to befriending

the world!

Uttarakhand gets new CM, but no change in calamity preparedness

made his intentions clear by starting his tenure as the Chief Minister of Uttarakhand from the Kedar Valley where the Himalayan State sustained maximum damage during the disaster in June last year, has failed to convince the disaster victims about bringing their lives back on track. Ill-preparedness on part of the State Government in dealing with disaster scenarios cost his predecessor Vijay Bahuguna lose his chair. But Rawat is in no position to provide guarantee to the people frosm the similar disasters ahead. If the State Government under the leadership of Rawat seriously wishes to protect its people from natural ca tastrophe which has become a routine affair in recent years and prevent such incidents, it can do so by putting some scientific methods in place along with the necessary ground works, as suggested by experts. The fact is that putting in place state of the art early weather warning system in the form of weather radars was the top most priority of the State Government after providing immediate relief to the disaster when the hill State was reeling under the calamity in June last year. Under this plan, the State Government had decided to set up two such radars at Mussoorie in Garhwal and in Kumaon's Nainital area. Now the winter season is at its fag end. But during the past six months, the State Government has not yet been able to find peace of lands to set up the early warning system in the form of weather radars. However, when asked whether the land has been identified for setting up weather radars in the hill State, Piyoosh Rautela, executive director of Disaster Mitigation and Management Center (DMMC), Uttarakhand, said that he is not aware about it. The revenue department deals with land related matters. "Development in this project would come to the knowledge of the department. But as far as we know the land for setting up the weather radars is yet to be sorted out," he said.

DEHRADUN The ill-preparedness in dealing with calamities during last monsoon has seen change of guard in Uttarakhand Gov-

ernment in six months, but the new Chief Minister has hardly learnt a lesson from the past mistakes committed in handling the natural disasters. Harish Rawat, who has



February 10 to February 16, 2014 (MP&CG)

Akhilesh Yadav meets Boney Kapoor

Miley Cyrus says Good Bye to cigarettes, weed, marijuana!

LOS ANGELES ollywood's much popular actress-singer Miley Cyrus has finally said good bye to smoking and she feels proud of her determination as she hasn't smoked a single cigarette during past two months. In such a small age of just 21 years, Miley Cyrus had become addicted to smoking which was continually affecting her health. "Two months no cigarettes...proud of myself," tweeted Cyrus recently . Several times, the famous 'Wrecking Ball' singer has been noted expressing her love for the weed in the past and is was also revealed some time back that she is addicted to marijuana. Currently, Miley Cyrus is gearing up for her upcoming Bangerz tour which is scheduled to kick start on Valentine's Day, February 14.

ttar Pradesh Chief Minister Akhilesh Yadav on Wednesday met renowned Bollywood personality Bonney Kapoor at his resident in Lucknow. The meeting was held in a bid to consider the ways of motivating film industry in the state. The acclaimed director also praised the efforts made by Samajwadi Party government in the state. At the occasion, CM said that the films' shooting provide genuine sources of employment and the artists of the state get a platform to showcase their talent. To bring more shooting sets in the state, the government has made several provisions in Film Policy - 2001 (Revised). He invited other filmmakers to come here and shoot for their films. He also assured to provide every possible help to the all the crew members of the films. However, the efforts of the Akhilesh Yadav led government has been successful in attracting the filmmakers to the state for shooting and few previous Bollywood successes are a true example of that.

Virat Kohli coping 4-1 loss against New Zealand with Anushka Sharma
AUCKLAND Bollywood's smiling sensation Anushka Sharma and the emerging face of world Cricket Virat Kohli doesn't seem to be just close friends because of few past instances covered by media. This time one of their fans spotted the couple walking along the deserted Auckland road with hand in hand. Now, it is being said that Anushka especially went to New Zealand to see her boyfriend, as Virat is playing for India in the Test series against the hosts. The friendship between Virat and Anushka came into existence at an ad campaign and after that meeting, they apparently started dating each other. They have been spotted together a number of times since then. The reports about Anushka Sharma sharing her home with Virat Kohli were also doing the rounds in B'wood few time back. It was also reported that Anushka even arranged a special screening of her upcoming flick 'Bombay Velvet' for Kohli. Meanwhile, the recent meeting of the alleged couple have flamed the past rumours again and it is being said that Anushka Sharma went to meet Kohli to help him coping with 41 loss against New Zealand in the recently concluded One-Day International (ODI) series.


February 10 to February 16, 2014



Tiger Woods arrives for Brazilian striker Maicon date with Delhi Golf Club

killed in car crash

egendary golfer Tiger Woods arrived here on Monday for his first visit to India. He will be playing an exhibition match on Tuesday that has been organised by leading motorcycle company Hero Motocorp. Tiger, World No.1, arrived here from Dubai, where he took part in the Dubai Desert Classic, and was whisked away from the VIP area at the airport amidst tight security. Woods will be playing a round of golf with Pawan Munjal, CEO and managing director of Hero Motocorp, and some members at the premier Delhi Golf Club. The American golfer will also play a round of skins with India's leading golfers Shiv Kapur and Anirban Lahiri. The motorcycle makers are reportedly paying Woods $2.2 million dollars in appearance money for one day . Meanwhile, preparations were in full swing on Monday evening as the DGC geared up to give Woods a memorable welcome. "He will be playing Tuesday with Shiv Kapur, Lahiri, Mr. Munjal and a few of his guests. This will be an 'only members' event and one can see that the DGC is undergoing a mini-renovation for Woods' visit," Jasjit Singh, a top coach at the DGC told IANS. "A huge crowd is expected to come and all the kids who come for coaching are especially excited." Preparations at the DGC were in overdrive as workers scurried around to get everything in place. New pagoda-styled structures has been erected next to the

Annexe building to house all the guests for lunch. A huge billboard of Woods along side Hero MotoCorp will welcome the golfer as he enters the course. New stands for members to watch the proceedings have also been put in prominent places like the first hole. Small hoardings of Hero welcoming Woods have been dispersed all around the course to add to the effect.

hakhtar Donetsk striker Maicon has been killed in a car crash, said a Reuters report. The news was released by the Ukrainian club on their website on Saturday. The 25-year-old Brazilian, who joined Shakhtar in 2012, had been on loan at top-flight rivals Illichivets Mariupol until the end of the season. "He was a talented footballer, (an) open and friendly guy," Shakhtar said in a statement. "Maicon loved life and knew how to make it positive and bright. Tragic, untimely and absurd death took away a wonderful person from our ranks. "It is a terrible bereavement for all of us. FC Shakhtar expresses condolences and sympathy to Maicon's family and friends. May he rest in peace."

Sachin Tendulkar, CNR Rao get Bharat Ratnas

Legendary cricketer Sachin Tendulkar and eminent scientist CNR Rao Tuesday were conferred the Bharat Ratna, India's highest civilian award, by President Pranab Mukherjee at the Rashtrapati Bhavan here. In a glittering ceremony at the Durbar Hall, the president bestwowed the Bharat Ratna on 40year-old Tendulkar and 79-year-old Rao. They joined the list of 41 eminent personalities, who have been conferred the Bharat Ratna in recognition for their contribution to the society . The former cricketer, who quit last November, later told journalists that getting the Bharat Ratna has been the biggest honour in his life and he dedicated the honour to his mother, Rajani Tendulkar. The man also congratulated Prof Rao for getting the award.

Tendulkar also said that though he has quit the game, he would continue to bat for the nation. Tendulkar is the first sportsperson and the youngest recipient of the country's highest civilian award.




February 10 to February 16, 2014 (MP&CG)

Free medicine, chemotherapy soon for cancer patients

A major awareness campaign will be launched to check tobacco consumption. Social organisations and common people will be associated with the campaign to be spearheaded by the Chief Minister. This was announced by Chief Minister Shivraj Singh Chouhan at the inaugural session of a workshop on World Cancer Day here today. Health Minister Dr. Narottam Mishra was also present on the occasion. The Chief Minister said that Madhya Pradesh is the first state in the country to ban Gutka. Apart from campaign to check tobacco consumption, it is also necessary to implement laws strictly. Harms of tobacco consumption will also be highlighted during "Aao Banayen Apna Madhya Pradesh Abhiyan". Free medicines for cancer will be provided in all district hospitals. Increase in VAT on tobacco and its products will be considered. Suggestions to be put forth at this workshop will be effectively implemented, he added. Principal Secretary Health Praveer Krishna informed that district officers of education, health, Panchayat, police and administration are participating in the workshop. Cancer specialist Dr. Pankaj Chaturvedi said that tobacco consumption is not an addiction but a disease. It causes death of every third person consuming it. About 2 crore persons consume tobacco in the state. Children must be saved from tobacco. DGP Nandan Dube, social worker Madan Mohan Joshi, Principal Secretary Education J.N. Kansotiya, Principal Secretary Technical Education Sanjay Singh and Health Commissioner Pankaj Agrawal were also present. Soon cancer patients will be able to get free medicines and chemotherapy in 10 district hospitals of the state. The health department is planning to start oncology centres in 10 district hospitals, where free treatment will be provided to cancer patients. This was announced by the commissioner, health, Pankaj Agarwal, through video conferencing recently. The 10 districts where this facility will be started at preliminary level include all the districts of Ujjain division namely Dewas, Mandsaur, Neemuch, Ratlam, Shajapur and Ujjain. Besides, district hospitals in Dhar, Jhabua, Hoshangabad and Chindwara will also have oncology centres. In all, 47 drugs will be available at these oncology centres, but initially 26 drugs will be provided to the patients, Agarwal said. These centres will provide chemotherapy, medicines, follow-up facility and supportive treatment to the cancer patients, he added.

Use of renewable energy increasing in Madhya Pradesh

BHOPAL: Importance and use of non-conventional energy sources is increasing constantly for solving worldwide energy crisis and better environment for long life not only in Madhya Pradesh but also in the country and world. For the first time in the country, Madhya Pradesh government constituted a separate department of New and Renewable Energy Department. During last 3 years, separate policies have been formulated for implementation of small hydel energy, wind energy, bio-mass energy and solar energy on grid base. A number of provisions have been incorporated for the benefit of investors and developers in these policies. These include exception in electricity charge and cess, 4 percent subsidy in wheeling rate, provision of third-party power purchase, 100 percent banking facility, reduction in contract demand etc. These projects have been accorded industry status. At present, 474 MW power is being generated by all these sources, which is 5.31 percent of the state's total power generation capacity . Due to efforts of State Government, this capacity is going to increase to 2500 MW by December 2014, which will be 17 percent of the state's total power generation capacity . As per policies, open tenders have been invited for process to allot projects. Finding policies better, investors and developers have sent large number of proposals. The department estimates that about 19 thousand 500 crore will be spent on 150 projects of total 2550 MW capacity . New & Renewable Energy Department estimates to set up 161.25 MW capacity wind power projects by December 2013. Generation of 241.25 MW wind energy is expected by December 2014. State Government has implemented Bio-mass policy-2011 to promote setting up of bio-mass based power plants in Madhya Pradesh. So far, 40 MW capacity biomass power plants have been set up in the state. At present, projects of 308 MW capacity are under construction. Bio-mass power generation capacity is expected to increase to 115 MW by December 2014.

Handicraft exporters seek govt's help to boost exports

Indian handicrafts for centuries, have been popular the world over for their fascinating colours and designs. Not only does each state have its own legacy of handicrafts, the exotic pieces of art are a reflection of the glorious traditions handed down through the ages. From blue pottery to intricate metal craft and textiles, jewellery and woodcraft to leatherwork, the various crafts have been perfected over centuries and kept alive by skilful artisans. However, although the Indian handicraft tradition is as diverse as the cultural diversity of the country and has a large production base, its market at an international level remains unexplored, owing to which its share in the world handicraft exports is less than two per cent. To enable the Indian handicraft exporting community to develop and upgrade itself so it can take a lead in the world market, a two day international seminar on promotion of Indian handicrafts and craft exchange programme was held here recently . Handicraft exporters who attended the seminar, while being delighted to attend the first of its kind programme, called for additional measures from the government to help boost their exports. "We need good units for plating, casting, testing and other incen-

tives," said costume jewellery exporter, Simrandeep Singh Kohli of Sehaj Impex from Delhi NCR. Having been in the business for over four decades, he exports to big brands such as Aldo, Cost Plus and many more across the world. According to Kohli, the existing units for plating and casting in the NCR are very small and unable to accommodate the volume of products that need processing. Further, his jewellery items need lead testing, nickel free testing, cadmium testing and reach testing. With 2030 components requiring testing and each costing anywhere between Rs 1000 and Rs 4000, it is certainly an expensive procedure. "We also require certification from testing and inspection companies such as SGS, Intertek and Bu-

reau Veritas. The government labs which offer this facility are far too expensive," Kohli said, urging the government to offer incentives. When each of his products cost on an average USD one to five in the international market, having to spend around Rs 25,000 to Rs 80,000 for testing, is a loss to his business. Meanwhile, owner of Mir Handicrafts Private Limited, Arshad Mir who exports carpets and scarves is of the opinion that the government should support exporters in their marketing strategies. "The government should explore and find new markets. South America is a far larger market than North America and there are hardly any stores there that sell Indian products. It can organise trade shows in Brazil, Venezuela, Argentina, etc. Perhaps

in Africa too," Mir said adding we need more clusters, better infrastructure and new techniques for traditional craft. However, for soon-to-be exporter Mamta Sehgal, who deals with hand embroidery, the handicraft exchange programme was an eye opener. Although she is aware of procedures for export of her embroidered products, as also the formalities, she was delighted to interact with other artisans and exporters. The event saw the participation of eight international experts from China, Vietnam, Philippines, Japan and Ireland who interacted with the industry, even as they shared their success stories and discussed areas of mutual cooperation and transfer of techniques.

Owned Printed and Published by M.M.Baig. Printed at lucky, 267, Pragati Nagar, Shahanshah Garden, Bhopal (MP) and published from H.No.101, A-SECTOR INDRAPURI BHEL, WARD NO.63 DIST BHOPAL-462021, M.P. Tele/FAX 0755-4292545,Mob.09425029901 RNI No. MPENG\2012\46415 Editor: M.M. BAIG -Responsible for selection of News & Articles under PRB Act, Subject to Bhopal jurisdiction

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