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Location Bedroom

Visual JAY an unemployed boy aged 18 wakes up mid-day on a sofa, in a plain white t-shirt and shorts. Jay sits up, stretches and is dazed from the sun shinning through the crack in the curtains he hastily reaches to the curtains and closes them. !e then looks down at his feet. Jay*s socks ha+e holes and the floor is messy with litter #alcohol, food packets etc.$ !e kicks away some of the rubbish to clear a path. Jay wipes his eyes aggressi+ely.

Audio "oans and sighs. #Arguing in the background$ %rumpling of rubbish on the floor.

Time &&'&(



"o+ement of rubbish being pushed.


,ighing from Jay. #-oud footsteps upstairs$ "o+ement of standing up and rubbish being rustled. #Arguing upstairs$ 1raffic and nature. 1he +oice mail lady.


!e stands up from sitting slouched on the sofa, as if he is in a hurry.


Bus Stop

A phone call to Jay from his girlfriend at a /us ,top with glo+es on. -0A! #the girlfriend$ rings Jay and the phone goes to +oice mail. 1he curtains for the window are shut and a shadow of 3ay shows him



,ound of &&'4& character putting on clothes and

putting on 3eans, a hoodie and using deodorant. Corner Shop -eah pays for some cigarettes in a shop. Jay enters the frame with a hoodie and 3eans. !e is doing up the tops buttons to his 3eans and stops and looks around confused. Jay picks up his belongings #an old phone, an old wallet, a cigarette packet$ !e grabs his shoes from the side of the sofa and slips them on. Jay puts a cigarette in his mouth and e5its the frame 6uickly. -eah finishes a cigarette and throw*s it on the floor. ,he is walking through a park where teenagers are sitting on climbing frames and starring at her whilst she walks past. -eah gets out her phone and tries to ring Jay again, but it goes to +oice mail. Jay walks across the traffic lights and it*s not the green man, he walks across the street whilst the car is coming and he puts out his hand to signal stop

spraying deodorant. #Arguing begins to get louder$ 05changing of money and cigarettes. #Arguing from upstairs$ #1he arguing and mo+ement from upstairs stops$ 7anicked mo+ement.



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Jay slipping on his shoes 6uickly. 7anicked mo+ement. 9ature. %hatter from the teenagers and nature.


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In a Park

9ature and the +oice mail lady. 1he noise of nature and traffic.

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Burgh Heath Traffic Lights

but doesn*t hesitate or look at the car. 1he car stops and beeps. /eeping of a car horn, traffic and nature. 1raffic and nature. 9ature and mumbling of speech. &1'((

Burgh Heath Path a!

Jay remains unaffected and continues to walk across the road. Jay answers a phone call and talks on the phone for a while.

&1'(8 &1'4.

!e stops and begins to 9ature and argue down the phone shouting of displaying aggressi+e body speech. language and mo+ement. Jay shouts down the phone and then hangs up. In a Park -eah looks at the time and gets up off of the bench aggressi+ely. :;*m coming< ,top nagging me=> 9ature


&)'&4 &)'&8

,he walks out of the frame. Burgh Heath - Shops Jay walks across a pathway passing by other pedestrians. Jay is walking past low economic class flats and gritty alleyways. Jay walks past some shops he turns his head and looks at them. Jay stops and as he does and he becomes enticed and obser+es the latest odds in a betting shop. Jay gets out his wallet, it is

9ature and footsteps. 9ature and +ehicles. 9ature and +ehicles. 9ature and +ehicles. 9ature and +ehicles.

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9ature, +ehicles


used and doesn*t ha+e cash and the rustling but does ha+e used scratch of his wallet. cards and coupons, he then checks the zip-up pouch for change and there*s about ?( left in change. Jay puts away his wallet and walks out of the frame. Jay walks back to the betting shop and scratches his head whilst cowering away from passers-by. !e enters the betting shop and a young girl with a balloon and her family walk past. 1he door shuts and the girl and her family lea+e the frame. 9ature and +ehicles 9ature and +ehicles. &)'2&


9ature and +ehicles.


9ature and +ehicles.


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