JANUARY 2014 Small School Principal's Letter

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Where Each Childs Life-long Learning Adventure Takes Flight February 11, 2014 Dear Small School Community,

It has been awhile since I have taken time to fill you in on all the marvelous learning an events here at Small School! "hile the col slows us own a bit an kee#s us insi e germinating viruses, the snow certainly oes not sto# South $ortlan from going to school the ma%ority of the time! &iven that the stu ents nee #hysical e'ercise every ay an there is some nifty fluffy white stuff to #lay in, we ask that you #ack your chil ren u# with the a##ro#riate outsi e gear! "e will be a little more tolerant of the col an stu ents may be going out in tem#eratures closer to 10 egrees an not the recommen e 1( egrees! )y colleague in Caribou assures me that stu ents o not turn into #o#sicles sticks at 10 egrees an that is their recommen tem#erature! $lease teach your chil ren how to kee# track of gloves an hats *#lacing them in #lastic bags or u# the sleeve of their coats+! It is after all lice season, so we o not kee# the wool or knit hats in ,ost an Foun ! $utting names on winter gear is hel#ful as well! ,et-s reca#. outsi e if hovering aroun 10 egrees, ressing warm, an #laying in snow, this soun s like a fabulously goo time to me/ we are still looking for the few, the #rou , the recess ai e! $lease consi er %oining our elite team here at Small! 0ust call the office for etails! I am looking for an alternative ismissal for 122 out the front oor for the obvious reasons of safety an congestion! If anyone has an i ea they woul like to share, #lease o3 I am at a loss on how to make ismissal more or erly! $lease o not allow your chil ren to #lay out front after school! It is safer to climb snow banks out back an throwing snow sim#ly is not allowe at school! "e are finishing u# conferences this week! If you have not ma e a ate to come to school to iscuss your chil -s #rogress, #lease contact your chil -s teacher 4S4$! "e are so #rou of our 1005 conference rate each fall an winter! If trans#ortation or chil care is an issue, we can work something out! I have sat in on a han ful of conferences an I am very im#resse with how involve an attune the stu ents are with their in ivi ual #rogress an sharing of their skills! "e are nearly two thir s through our school year an I know we are fast a##roaching Day 100 as #osters an activities aboun with this s#ecial number! I am so very e'cite to be a #art of the learning at Small School! For e'am#le, three fourth gra ers are in the #rocess of launching a school news#a#er! "e work twice weekly uring recess6lunch interviewing, collecting ata, an esigning the format! $lease let me know if there is a story or information of #articular interest you woul like share ! $arents an stu ents are our targete au ience! 4lso, )rs! 0enkins- secon gra e class is hel#ing me solve the #roblem of how to showcase how s#ecial Small School is by ecorating the foyer! 7hey have electe to make mobiles! Stu ents will share with new stu ents an the community their love of Small School through science, art, writing, an oral #resentation! 8e looking for a foyer change this )arch! S#eaking of )arch, it #romises to be an engaging an eclectic after school enrichment month! "e ho#e you have ha an o##ortunity to sign your chil u# for some fun activities to rive away the hum rum of winter ays! Don-t forget that ne't week is vacation week, so 9: SC;::, February 1< = 21 an the following "e nes ay, February 2> is an ?arly @elease! "hile the winter win blows, we want to make sure chil ren o not s#en the vacation hunkere own in front of a viewing screen! 7he ,et-s &o Coalition recommen s no more than two hours of screen time #er ay *along with at least one hour of #hysical activity #er ay+! )aybe I am ol 2 fashione , but even two hours seems like a lot to me! 4ttache you will fin some information on the im#ortance of limiting screen time an ways to su##ort this at home! "arm @egar s, 8onnie ;icks
A< 7hom#son Street South $ortlan , )aine 0410> <BB = <><> ;icks8oCs#s !org

A< 7hom#son Street South $ortlan , )aine 0410> <BB = <><> ;icks8oCs#s !org

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