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Psychological Types

C. G. Jung (1921)
Translation by H. Godwyn Baynes (1923)

GENERAL DE !R"#T"$N $% THE T&#E A. "NTR$D'!T"$N "n t(e )ollowin* +a*es " s(all atte,+t a *eneral des-ri+tion o) t(e ty+es. and ,y )irst -on-ern ,/st be wit( t(e two *eneral ty+es " (a0e ter,ed intro0erted and e1tra0erted. B/t. in addition. " s(all also try to *i0e a -ertain -(ara-teri2ation o) t(ose s+e-ial ty+es w(ose +arti-/larity is d/e to t(e )a-t t(at (is ,ost di))erentiated )/n-tion +lays t(e +rin-i+al role in an indi0id/al3s ada+tation or orientation to li)e. T(e )or,er " wo/ld ter, general attitude types, sin-e t(ey are distin*/is(ed by t(e dire-tion o) *eneral interest or libido ,o0e,ent. w(ile t(e latter " wo/ld -all function-types. T(e *eneral4attit/de ty+es. as " (a0e +ointed o/t ,ore t(an on-e. are di))erentiated by t(eir +arti-/lar attit/de to t(e ob5e-t. T(e intro0ert3s attit/de to t(e ob5e-t is an abstra-tin* one6 at botto,. (e is always )a-in* t(e +roble, o) (ow libido -an be wit(drawn )ro, t(e ob5e-t. as t(o/*( an atte,+ted as-endan-y on. t(e +art o) t(e ob5e-t (ad to be -ontin/ally )r/strated. T(e e1tra0ert. on t(e -ontrary. ,aintains a +ositi0e relation to t(e ob5e-t. To s/-( an e1tent does (e a))ir, its i,+ortan-e t(at (is s/b5e-ti0e attit/de is -ontin/ally bein* orientated by. and related to t(e ob5e-t. An )ond. t(e ob5e-t -an ne0er (a0e s/))i-ient 0al/e6 )or (i,. t(ere)ore. its i,+ortan-e ,/st always be +ara,o/nt. T(e two ty+es are so essentially di))erent. +resentin* so stri7in* a -ontrast. t(at t(eir e1isten-e. e0en to t(e 8+. 913: /ninitiated in +sy-(olo*i-al ,atters be-o,es an ob0io/s )a-t. w(en on-e attention (as been drawn to it. ;(o does not 7now t(ose ta-it/rn. i,+enetrable. o)ten s(y nat/res. w(o )or, s/-( a 0i0id -ontrast to t(ese ot(er o+en. so-iable. serene ,aybe. or at least )riendly and a--essible -(ara-ters. w(o are on *ood ter,s wit( all t(e world. or. e0en w(en disa*reein* wit( it. still (old a relation to it by w(i-( t(ey and it are ,/t/ally a))e-ted. Nat/rally. at )irst. one is in-lined to re*ard s/-( di))eren-es as ,ere indi0id/al idiosyn-rasies. B/t anyone wit( t(e o++ort/nity o) *ainin* a )/nda,ental 7nowled*e o) ,any ,en will soon dis-o0er t(at s/-( a )ar4rea-(in* -ontrast does not ,erely -on-ern t(e indi0id/al -ase. b/t is a </estion o) ty+i-al attit/des. wit( a /ni0ersality )ar *reater t(an a li,ited +sy-(olo*i-al e1+erien-e wo/ld at )irst ass/,e. "n reality. as t(e +re-edin* -(a+ters will (a0e s(own. it is a </estion o) a )/nda,ental o++osition6 at ti,es -lear and at ti,es obs-/re. b/t always e,er*in* w(ene0er we are dealin* wit( indi0id/als w(ose +ersonality is in any way +rono/n-ed. /-( ,en are )o/nd not only a,on* t(e ed/-ated -lasses. b/t in e0ery ran7 o) so-iety6 wit( e</al distin-tness. t(ere)ore. o/r ty+es -an be de,onstrated a,on* labo/rers and +easants as a,on* t(e ,ost di))erentiated ,e,bers o) a nation. %/rt(er,ore. t(ese ty+es o0er4ride t(e

distin-tions o) se1. sin-e one )inds t(e sa,e -ontrasts a,on*st wo,en o) all -lasses. /-( a /ni0ersal distrib/tion -o/ld (ardly arise at t(e insti*ation o) -ons-io/sness. ie. as t(e res/lt o) a -ons-io/s and deliberate -(oi-e o) attit/de. ") t(is were t(e -ase. a de)inite le0el o) so-iety. lin7ed to*et(er by a si,ilar ed/-ation and en0iron,ent and. t(ere)ore. -orres+ondin*ly lo-ali2ed. wo/ld s/rely (a0e a ,a5ority re+resentation o) s/-( an attit/de. B/t t(e a-t/al )a-ts are 5/st t(e re0erse. )or t(e ty+es (a0e. a++arently. </ite a rando, distrib/tion. 8+. 919: "n t(e sa,e )a,ily one -(ild is intro0erted. and anot(er e1tra0erted. in-e. in t(e li*(t o) t(ese )a-ts. t(e attit/de4ty+e re*arded as a *eneral +(eno,enon (a0in* an a++arent rando, distrib/tion. -an be no a))air o) -ons-io/s 5/d*,ent or intention. its e1isten-e ,/st be d/e to so,e /n-ons-io/s instin-ti0e -a/se. T(e -ontrast o) ty+es. t(ere)ore. as a. /ni0ersal +sy-(olo*i-al. +(eno,enon. ,/st in so,e way or ot(er (a0e its biolo*i-al +re-/rsor. T(e relation between s/b5e-t and ob5e-t. -onsidered biolo*i-ally. is always a relation of adaptation, sin-e e0ery relation between s/b5e-t and ob5e-t +res/++oses ,/t/ally ,odi)yin* e))e-ts )ro, eit(er side. T(ese ,odi)i-ations -onstit/te t(e ada+tation. T(e ty+i-al attit/des to t(e ob5e-t. t(ere)ore. are ada+tation +ro-esses. Nat/re 7nows two )/nda,entally di))erent ways o) ada+tation. w(i-( deter,ine t(e )/rt(er e1isten-e o) t(e li0in* or*anis, t(e one is by in-reased )ertility. a--o,+anied by a relati0ely s,all de*ree o) de)ensi0e +ower and indi0id/al -onser0ation6 t(e ot(er is by indi0id/al e</i+,ent o) ,ani)old ,eans o) sel)4+rote-tion. -o/+led wit( a relati0ely insi*ni)i-ant )ertility. T(is biolo*i-al -ontrast see,s not ,erely to be t(e analo*/e. b/t also t(e *eneral )o/ndation o) o/r two +sy-(olo*i-al ,odes o) ada+tation. At t(is +oint a ,ere *eneral indi-ation ,/st s/))i-e6 on t(e one (and. " need only +oint to t(e +e-/liarity o) t(e e1tra0ert. w(i-( -onstantly /r*es (i, to s+end and +ro+a*ate (i,sel) in e0ery way. and. on t(e ot(er. to t(e tenden-y o) t(e intro0ert to de)end (i,sel) a*ainst e1ternal -lai,s. to -onser0e (i,sel) )ro, any e1+endit/re o) ener*y dire-tly related to t(e ob5e-t. t(/s -onsolidatin* )or (i,sel) t(e ,ost se-/re and i,+re*nable +osition. Bla7e3s int/ition did not err w(en (e des-ribed t(e two )or,s as t(e =+roli)i-= and t(e =de0o/rin*= 81: As is 8+. 91>: s(own by t(e *eneral biolo*i-al e1a,+le. bot( )or,s are -/rrent and s/--ess)/l a)ter t(eir 7ind 6 t(is is e</ally tr/e o) t(e ty+i-al attit/des. ;(at t(e one brin*s abo/t by a ,/lti+li-ity o) relations. t(e ot(er *ains by ,ono+oly. T(e )a-t t(at o)ten in t(eir earliest years -(ildren dis+lay an /n,ista7able ty+i-al attit/de )or-es /s to ass/,e t(at it -annot +ossibly be t(e str/**le )or e1isten-e. as it is *enerally /nderstood. w(i-( -onstit/tes t(e -o,+ellin* )a-tor in )a0o/r o) a de)inite attit/de. ;e ,i*(t. (owe0er. de,/r. and indeed wit( -o*en-y. t(at e0en t(e tiny in)ant. t(e 0ery babe at t(e breast. (as already an /n-ons-io/s +sy-(olo*i-al ada+tation to +er)or,. inas,/-( as t(e s+e-ial -(ara-ter o) t(e ,aternal in)l/en-e leads to s+e-i)irea-tions in t(e -(ild. T(is ar*/,ent. t(o/*( a++ealin* to in-ontestable )a-ts. (as none t(e less to yield be)ore t(e e</ally /nar*/able )a-t t(at two -(ildren o) t(e sa,e ,ot(er ,ay at a 0ery early a*e e1(ibit o++osite ty+es. wit(o/t t(e s,allest a--o,+anyin* -(an*e in t(e attit/de o) t(e ,ot(er. Alt(o/*( not(in* wo/ld ind/-e ,e to /nderesti,ate t(e well4ni*( in-al-/lable i,+ortan-e o) +arental in)l/en-e. t(is e1+erien-e -o,+els ,e to -on-l/de t(at t(e de-isi0e )a-tor ,/st be loo7ed )or in t(e dis+osition o) t(e -(ild. T(e )a-t t(at. in s+ite o) t(e *reatest +ossible si,ilarity o) e1ternal -onditions. one -(ild will ass/,e t(is ty+e w(ile anot(er t(at. ,/st. o) -o/rse.

in t(e last resort (e as-ribed to indi0id/al dis+osition. Nat/rally in sayin* t(is " only re)er to t(ose -ases w(i-( o--/r /nder nor,al -onditions. 'nder abnor,al -onditions. i.e. w(en t(ere is an e1tre,e and. t(ere)ore. abnor,al attit/de in t(e ,ot(er. t(e -(ildren -an also be -oer-ed into a relati0ely si,ilar attit/de6 b/t t(is entails a 0iolation o) t(eir indi0id/al dis+osition. w(i-( </ite +ossibly wo/ld (a0e ass/,ed anot(er ty+e i) no abnor,al and dist/rbin* e1ternal in)l/en-e (ad inter0ened. As a r/le. w(ene0er s/-( a )alsi)i-ation o) ty+e ta7es +la-e as a res/lt o) e1ternal 8+. 91?: in)l/en-e. t(e indi0id/al be-o,es ne/roti- later. and a -/r -an s/--ess)/lly be so/*(t only in a de0elo+,ent o) t(at attit/de w(i-( -orres+onds wit( t(e indi0id/al3s nat/ral way. As re*ards t(e +arti-/lar dis+osition. " 7now not w(at to say. e1-e+t t(at t(ere are -learly indi0id/als w(o (a0e eit(er a *reater readiness and -a+a-ity )or one way. or )or w(o, it is ,ore -on*enial to ada+t to t(at way rat(er t(an t(e ot(er. "n t(e last analysis it ,ay well be t(at +(ysiolo*i-al -a/ses. ina--essible to o/r 7nowled*e. +lay a +art in t(is. T(at t(is ,ay be t(e -ase see,s to ,e not i,+robable. in 0iew o) one3s e1+erien-e t(at a re0ersal o) ty+e o)ten +ro0es e1-eedin*ly (ar,)/l to t(e +(ysiolo*i-al well4bein* o) t(e or*anis,. o)ten +ro0o7in* an a-/te state o) e1(a/stion. B. The E !"a#e"!e$ Type "n o/r des-ri+tions o) t(is and t(e )ollowin* ty+e it will be ne-essary. in t(e interest o) l/-id and -o,+re(ensi0e +resentation. to dis-ri,inate between t(e -ons-io/s and /n-ons-io/s +sy-(olo*y. Let /s )irst lend o/r ,inds to a des-ri+tion o) t(e phenomena of consciousness. (1)THE GENER ! TT"T#$E %& '%N('"%#(NE(( E0eryone is. ad,ittedly. orientated by t(e data wit( w(i-( t(e o/ter world +ro0ides (i, 6 yet we see t(at t(is ,ay be t(e -ase in a way t(at is only relati0ely de-isi0e. Be-a/se it is -old o/t o) doors. one ,an is +ers/aded to wear (is o0er-oat. anot(er )ro, a desire to be-o,e (ardened )inds t(is /nne-essary6 one ,an ad,ires t(e new tenor be-a/se all t(e world ad,ires (i,. anot(er wit((olds (is a++robation not be-a/se (e disli7es (i, b/t be-a/se in (is 0iew t(e s/b5e-t o) *eneral ad,iration is not t(ereby +ro0ed to be ad,irable6 one s/b,its to 8+. 91@: a *i0en state o) a))airs be-a/se (is e1+erien-e ar*/es not(in* else to be +ossible. anot(er is -on0in-ed t(at. alt(o/*( it (as re+eated itsel) a t(o/sand ti,es in t(e sa,e way. t(e t(o/sand and )irst will be di))erent. T(e )or,er is orientated by t(e ob5e-ti0e data6 t(e latter reser0es a 0iew. w(i-( is. as it were. inter+osed between (i,sel) and t(e ob5e-ti0e )a-t. Now. w(en t(e orientation to t(e ob5e-t and to ob5e-ti0e )a-ts is so +redo,inant t(at t(e ,ost )re</ent and essential de-isions and a-tions are deter,ined. not by s/b5e-ti0e 0al/es b/t by ob5e-ti0e relations. one s+ea7s o) an e1tra0erted attit/de. ;(en t(is is (abit/al. one s+ea7s o) an e1tra0erted ty+e. ") a ,an so t(in7s. )eels. and a-ts. in a word so li)es, as to -orres+ond directly wit( ob5e-ti0e -onditions and t(eir -lai,s. w(et(er in a *ood sense or ill. (e is e1tra0erted. His li)e ,a7es it +er)e-tly -lear t(at it is t(e ob5e-ti0e rat(er t(an t(e s/b5e-ti0e 0al/e w(i-( +lays t(e *reater role as t(e deter,inin* )a-tor o) (is -ons-io/sness. He nat/rally (as s/b5e-ti0e 0al/es. b/t t(eir deter,inin* +ower (as less i,+ortan-e t(an t(e e1ternal ob5e-ti0e -onditions. Ne0er. t(ere)ore. does (e e1+e-t to )ind any absol/te )a-tors in (is own inner li)e. sin-e t(e only ones (e 7nows are o/tside (i,sel). E+i,et(e/s4li7e. (is inner li)e s/--/,bs to t(e e1ternal ne-essity. not o) -o/rse wit(o/t a str/**le6 w(i-(. (owe0er. always ends in )a0o/r o) t(e ob5e-ti0e deter,inant.

His entire -ons-io/sness loo7s o/twards to t(e world. be-a/se t(e i,+ortant and de-isi0e deter,ination always -o,es to (i, )ro, wit(o/t. B/t it -o,es to (i, )ro, wit(o/t. only be-a/se t(at is w(ere (e e1+e-ts it. All t(e distin*/is(in* -(ara-teristi-s o) (is +sy-(olo*y. in so )ar as t(ey do not arise )ro, t(e +riority o) one de)inite +sy-(olo*i-al )/n-tion or )ro, indi0id/al +e-/liarities. (a0e t(eir ori*in in t(is basiattit/de. "nterest and attention )ollow ob5e-ti0e (a++enin*s and. +ri,arily. t(ose o) t(e i,,ediate en0iron,ent. Not 8+. 91A: only +ersons. b/t t(in*s. sei2e and ri0et (is interest. His actions, t(ere)ore. are also *o0erned by t(e in)l/en-e o) +ersons and t(in*s. T(ey are dire-tly related to ob5e-ti0e data and deter,inations. and are. as it were. e1(a/sti0ely e1+lainable on t(ese *ro/nds. E1tra0erted a-tion is re-o*ni2ably related to ob5e-ti0e -onditions. "n so )ar it is not +/rely rea-ti0e to en0iron,ental sti,/li. it -(ara-ter is -onstantly a++li-able to t(e a-t/al -ir-/,stan-es. and it )inds ade</ate and a++ro+riate +lay wit(in t(e li,its o) t(e ob5e-ti0e sit/ation. "t (as no serio/s tenden-y to trans-end t(ese bo/nds. T(e sa,e (olds*ood )or interestB ob5e-ti0e o--/rren-es (a0e a well4ni*( ine1(a/stible -(ar,. so t(at in t(e nor,al -o/rse t(e e1tra0ert3s interest ,a7es no ot(er -lai,s. T(e ,oral laws w(i-( *o0ern (is a-tion -oin-ide wit( t(e -orres+ondin* -lai,s o) so-iety. i.e. wit( t(e *enerally 0alid ,oral 0iew4+oint. ") t(e *enerally 0alid 0iew were di))erent. t(e s/b5e-ti0e ,oral */idin* line wo/ld also be di))erent. wit(o/t t(e *eneral +sy-(olo*i-al (abit/s bein* in any way -(an*ed. "t ,i*(t al,ost see,. alt(o/*( it. is by no ,eans t(e -ase. t(at t(is ri*id deter,ination by ob5e-ti0e )a-tors wo/ld in0ol0e an alto*et(er ideal and -o,+lete ada+tation to *eneral -onditions o) li)e. An accommodation to ob5e-ti0e data. s/-( as we (a0e des-ribed. ,/st. o) -o/rse. see, a -o,+lete ada+tation to t(e e1tra0erted 0iew. sin-e )ro, t(is stand+oint no ot(er -riterion e1ists. B/t )ro, a (i*(er +oint o) 0iew. it is by no ,eans *ranted t(at t(e stand+oint o) ob5e-ti0ely *i0en. )a-ts is t(e nor,al one /nder all -ir-/,stan-es. $b5e-ti0e -onditions ,ay be eit(er te,+orarily or lo-ally abnor,al. An indi0id/al w(o is a--o,,odated to s/-( -on -ertainly -on)or,s to t(e abnor,al style o) (is s/rro/ndin*s. b/t. in relation to t(e /ni0ersally 0alid laws o) li)e. He is. in -o,,on wit( (is ,ilie/. in an abnor,al +osition. T(e indi0id/al ,ay. (owe0er. t(ri0e in s/-( s/rro/ndin*s 8+. 919: b/t only to t(e +oint w(en (e. to*et(er wit( (is w(ole ,ilie/. is destroyed )or trans*ressin* t(e /ni0ersal laws o) li)e. He ,/st ine0itably +arti-i+ate in t(is down)all wit( t(e sa,e -o,+leteness as (e was +re0io/sly ad5/sted to t(e ob5e-ti0ely 0alid sit/ation. He is ad5/sted. b/t not ada+ted. sin-e ada+tation de,ands ,ore t(an a ,ere )ri-tionless +arti-i+ation in t(e ,o,entary -onditions o) t(e i,,ediate en0iron,ent. ($n-e ,ore " wo/ld +oint to +itteler3s E+i,et(e/s). Ada+tation de,ands an obser0an-e o) laws )ar ,ore /ni0ersal in t(eir a++li-ation t(an +/rely lo-al and te,+orary -onditions. Cere ad5/st,ent is t(e li,itation o) t(e nor,al e1tra0erted ty+e. $n t(e one (and. t(e e1tra0ert owes (is nor,ality to (is ability to )it into e1istin* -onditions wit( relati0e ease. He nat/rally +retends to not(in* ,ore t(an t(e satis)a-tion o) e1istin* ob5e-ti0e +ossibilities. a++lyin* (i,sel). )or instan-e. to t(e -allin* w(i-( o))ers so/nd +ros+e-ti0e +ossibilities in t(e a-t/al sit/ation in ti,e and +la-e. He tries to do or to ,a7e 5/st w(at (is ,ilie/ ,o,entarily needs and e1+e-ts )ro, (i,. and abstains )ro, e0ery inno0ation t(at is not entirely ob0io/s. or t(at in any way e1-eeds t(e e1+e-tation o) t(ose aro/nd (i,. B/t on t(e ot(er (and. (is nor,ality ,/st also de+end essentially /+on w(et(er t(e e1tra0ert ta7es into a--o/nt t(e a-t/ality o) (is s/b5e-ti0e needs and re</ire,ents6 and t(is is 5/st (is wea7 +oint. )or t(e tenden-y o) (is ty+e (as s/-( a stron* o/tward dire-tion t(at e0en t(e ,ost ob0io/s o) all s/b5e-ti0e )a-ts. na,ely t(e -ondition o) (is own body. ,ay </ite easily re-ei0e

inade</ate -onsideration. T(e body is not s/))i-iently ob5e-ti0e or 3e1ternal.3 so t(at t(e satis)a-tion o) si,+le ele,entary re</ire,ents w(i-( are indis+ensable to +(ysi-al well4bein* are no lon*er *i0en t(eir +la-e. T(e body a--ordin*ly s/))ers. to say not(in* o) t(e so/l. Alt(o/*(. as a r/le. t(e e1tra0ert ta7es s,all note o) 8+. 92D: t(is latter -ir-/,stan-e. (is inti,ate do,esti- -ir-le +er-ei0es it all t(e ,ore 7eenly. His loss o) e</ilibri/, is +er-ei0ed by (i,sel) only w(en abnor,al bodily sensations ,a7e t(e,sel0es )elt. T(ese tan*ible )a-ts (e -annot i*nore. "t is nat/ral (e s(o/ld re*ard t(e, as -on-rete and 3ob5e-ti0e3. sin-e )or (is ,entality t(ere e1ists only t(is and not(in* ,ore 44 in (i,sel). "n ot(ers (e at on-e sees =i,a*ination= at wor7. A too e1tra0erted attit/de ,ay a-t/ally be-o,e so re*ardless o) t(e s/b5e-t t(at t(e latter is entirely sa-ri)i-ed to so4 -alled ob5e-ti0e -lai,s6 to t(e de,ands. )or instan-e. o) a -ontin/ally e1tendin* b/siness. be-a/se orders lie -lai,in* one3s attention or be-a/se +ro)itable +ossibilities are -onstantly bein* o+ened /+ w(i-( ,/st instantly be sei2ed. T(is is t(e e1tra0ert3s dan*er6 (e be-o,es -a/*(t /+ in ob5e-ts. w(olly losin* (i,sel) in t(eir toils. T(e )/n-tional (ner0o/s) or a-t/al +(ysi-al disorders w(i-( res/lt )ro, t(is state (a0e a -o,+ensatory si*ni)i-an-e. )or-in* t(e s/b5e-t to an in0ol/ntary sel)4 restri-tion. (o/ld t(e sy,+to,s be )/n-tional. t(eir +e-/liar )or,ation ,ay sy,boli-ally e1+ress t(e +sy-(olo*i-al sit/ation6 a sin*er. )or instan-e. w(ose )a,e </i-7ly rea-(es a dan*ero/s +it-( te,+tin* (i, to a dis+ro+ortionate o/tlay o) ener*y. is s/ddenly robbed o) (is (i*( tones by a ner0o/s in(ibition. A ,an o) 0ery ,odest be*innin*s ra+idly rea-(es a so-ial +osition o) *reat in)l/en-e and wide +ros+e-ts. w(en s/ddenly (e is o0erta7en by a +sy-(o*eni- state. wit( all t(e sy,+to,s o) ,o/ntain4 si-7ness. A*ain. a ,an on t(e +oint o) ,arryin* an idoli2ed wo,an o) do/bt)/l -(ara-ter. w(ose 0al/e (e e1tra0a*antly o0er4esti,ates. is sei2ed wit( a s+as, o) t(e oeso+(a*/s. w(i-( )or-es (i, to a re*i,en o) two -/+s o) ,il7 in t(e day. de,andin* (is t(ree4(o/rly attention. All 0isits to (is )ian-eE are t(/s e))e-t/ally sto++ed. and no -(oi-e is le)t to (i, 8+. 921: b/t to b/sy (i,sel) wit( (is bodily no/ris(,ent. A ,an w(o t(ro/*( (is own ener*y and enter+rise (as b/ilt /+ a 0ast b/siness. entailin* an intolerable b/rden o) wor7. is a))li-ted by ner0o/s atta-7s o) t(irst. as a res/lt o) w(i-( (e s+eedily )alls a 0i-ti, to (ysteri-al al-o(olis,. Hysteria is. in ,y 0iew. by )ar t(e ,ost )re</ent ne/rosis wit( t(e e1tra0erted ty+e. T(e -lassi-al e1a,+le o) (ysteria is always -(ara-teri2ed by an e1a**erated ra++ort wit( t(e ,e,bers o) (is -ir-le. and a )ran7ly i,itatory a--o,,odation to s/rro/ndin* -onditions. A -onstant tenden-y to a++eal )or interest and to +rod/-e i,+ressions /+on (is ,ilie/ is a basi- trait o) t(e (ysteri-al nat/re. A -orrelate to t(is is (is +ro0erbial s/**estibility. (is +liability to anot(er +erson3s in)l/en-e. 'n,ista7able e1tra0ersion -o,es o/t in t(e -o,,/ni-ati0eness o) t(e (ysteri-. w(i-( o--asionally leads to t(e di0/l*in* o) +/rely +(antasti- -ontents6 w(en-e arises t(e re+roa-( o) t(e (ysteri-al lie. To be*in wit(. t(e 3(ysteri-al3 -(ara-ter is an e1a**eration o) t(e nor,al attit/de6 it is t(en -o,+li-ated by -o,+ensatory rea-tions )ro, t(e side o) t(e /n-ons-io/s. w(i-( ,ani)ests its o++osition to t(e e1tra0a*ant e1tra0ersion in t(e )or, o) +(ysi-al disorders. w(ere/+on an intro0ersion o) +sy-(i- ener*y be-o,es /na0oidable. T(ro/*( t(is rea-tion o) t(e /n-ons-io/s. anot(er -ate*ory o) sy,+to,s arises w(i-( (a0e a ,ore intro0erted -(ara-ter. A ,orbid intensi)i-ation o) +(antasy a-ti0ity belon*s +ri,arily to t(is -ate*ory. %ro, t(is *eneral -(ara-teri2ation o) t(e e1tra0erted attit/de.

let /s now t/rn to a des-ri+tion o) t(e ,odi)i-ations. w(i-( t(e basi- +sy-(olo*i-al )/n-tions /nder*o as a res/lt o) t(is attit/de. 8+. 922: ("") THE ATT"T'DE $% THE 'N!$N !"$' "t ,ay +er(a+s see, odd t(at " s(o/ld s+ea7 o) attit/de o) t(e 3/n-ons-io/s3. As " (a0e already s/))i-iently indi-ated. " re*ard t(e relation o) t(e /n-ons-io/s to t(e -ons-io/s as -o,+ensatory. T(e /n-ons-io/s. a--ordin* to t(is 0iew. (as as *ood a -lai, to an " attit/de3 as t(e -ons-io/s. "n t(e )ore*oin* se-tion " e,+(asi2ed t(e tenden-y to a -ertain one4sidedness in t(e e1tra0erted attit/de. d/e to t(e -ontrollin* +ower o) t(e ob5e-ti0e )a-tor in t(e -o/rse. o) +sy-(i- e0ents. T(e e1tra0erted ty+e is -onstantly te,+ted to *i0e (i,sel) away (a++arently) in )a0o/r o) t(e ob5e-t. and to assi,ilate (is s/b5e-t to t(e ob5e-t. " (a0e re)erred in detail to t(e /lti,ate -onse</en-es o) t(is e1a**eration o) t(e e1tra0erted attit/de. 0i2. to t(e in5/rio/s s/++ression o) t(e s/b5e-ti0e )a-tor. "t is only. to be e1+e-ted. t(ere)ore. t(at a +sy-(i- -o,+ensation o) t(e -ons-io/s e1tra0erted attit/de will lay es+e-ial wei*(t /+on t(e s/b5e-ti0e )a-tor. i.e. we s(all (a0e to +ro0e a stron* e*o-entri- tenden-y in t(e /n-ons-io/s. #ra-ti-al e1+erien-e a-t/ally )/rnis(es t(is +roo). " do not wis( to enter into a -as/isti-al s/r0ey at t(is +oint. so ,/st re)er ,y readers to t(e ens/in* se-tions. w(ere " s(all atte,+t to +resent t(e -(ara-teristiattit/de o) t(e /n-ons-io/s )ro, t(e an*le o) ea-( )/n-tion4ty+e. "n t(is se-tion we are ,erely -on-erned wit( t(e -o,+ensation o) a *eneral e1tra0erted attit/de6 " s(all. t(ere)ore. -on)ine ,ysel) to an e</ally *eneral -(ara-teri2ation o) t(e -o,+ensatin* attit/de o) t(e /n-ons-io/s. T(e attit/de o) t(e /n-ons-io/s as an e))e-ti0e -o,+le,ent to t(e -ons-io/s e1tra0erted attit/de (as a de)initely intro0ertin* -(ara-ter. "t )o-/sses libido /+on t(e s/b5e-ti0e )a-tor. i.e. all t(ose needs and -lai,s w(i-( are sti)led or re+ressed by a too e1tra0erted -ons-io/s 8+. 923: attit/de. "t ,ay be readily *at(ered )ro, w(at (as been said in t(e +re0io/s se-tion t(at a +/rely ob5e-ti0e orientation does 0iolen-e to a ,/ltit/de o) s/b5e-ti0e e,otions. intentions. needs. and desires. sin-e it robs t(e, o) t(e ener*y w(i-( is t(eir nat/ral ri*(t. Can is not a ,a-(ine t(at one -an re-onstr/-t. as o--asion de,ands. /+on ot(er lines and )or </ite ot(er ends. in t(e (o+e t(at it will t(en +ro-eed to )/n-tion. in a totally di))erent way. 5/st as nor,ally as be)ore. Can bears (is a*e4lon* (istory wit( (i, in (is 0ery str/-t/re is written t(e (istory o) ,an7ind. T(e (istori-al )a-tor re+resents a 0ital need. to w(i-( a wise e-ono,y ,/st res+ond. o,e(ow t(e +ast ,/st be-o,e 0o-al. and +arti-i+ate in t(e +resent. !o,+lete assi,ilation to t(e ob5e-t. t(ere)ore. en-o/nters t(e +rotest o) t(e s/++ressed ,inority. ele,ents belon*in* to t(e +ast and e1istin* )ro, t(e be*innin*. %ro, t(is </ite *eneral -onsideration it ,ay be /nderstood w(y it is t(at t(e /n-ons-io/s -lai,s o) t(e e1tra0erted ty+e (a0e an essentially +ri,iti0e. in)antile. and e*oisti-al -(ara-ter. ;(en %re/d says t(at t(e /n-ons-io/s is =only able to wis(=. t(is obser0ation -ontains a lar*e ,eas/re o) tr/t( )or t(e /n-ons-io/s o) t(e e1tra0erted ty+e. Ad5/st,ent and assi,ilation to ob5e-ti0e data +re0ent inade</ate s/b5e-ti0e i,+/lses )ro, rea-(in* -ons-io/sness. T(ese tenden-ies (t(o/*(ts. wis(es. a))e-ts. needs. )eelin*s. et-.) ta7e on a re*ressi0e -(ara-ter -orres+ondin* wit( t(e de*ree o) t(eir re+ression. ie. t(e less t(ey are re-o*ni2ed. t(e ,ore in)antile and ar-(ai- t(ey be-o,e. T(e -ons-io/s attit/de robs t(e, o) t(eir relati0ely dis+osable ener*y-(ar*e. only lea0in* t(e, t(e ener*y o) w(i-(

it -annot de+ri0e t(e,. T(is re,ainder. w(i-( still +ossesses a +oten-y not to be /nder4 esti,ated. -an be des-ribed only as +ri,e0al instin-t. "nstin-t -an ne0er be rooted o/t )ro, an indi0id/al by any arbitrary ,eas/res6 it re</ires 8+. 929: t(e slow. or*anitrans)or,ation o) ,any *enerations to e))e-t a radi-al -(an*e. )or instin-t is t(e ener*i8si-: e1+ression o) a de)inite or*ani- )o/ndation. T(/s wit( e0ery re+ressed tenden-y a -onsiderable s/, o) ener*y /lti,ately re,ains. T(is s/, -orres+onds wit( t(e +oten-y o) t(e instin-t and */ards its e))e-ti0eness. notwit(standin* t(e de+ri0ation o) ener*y w(i-( ,ade it /n-ons-io/s. T(e ,eas/re o) e1tra0ersion in t(e -ons-io/s attit/de entails a li7e de*ree o) in)antilis, and ar-(ais, in t(e attit/de o) t(e /n-ons-io/s. T(e e*ois, w(i-( so o)ten -(ara-teri2es t(e e1tra0ert3s /n-ons-io/s attit/de *oes )ar beyond ,ere -(ildis( sel)is(ness6 it e0en 0er*es /+on t(e wi-7ed and br/tal. "t is (ere we )ind in )/llest bloo, t(at in-est4wis( des-ribed by %re/d. "t is sel)4e0ident t(at t(ese t(in*s are entirely /n-ons-io/s. re,ainin* alto*et(er (idden )ro, t(e eyes o) t(e /ninitiated obser0er so lon* as t(e e1tra0ersion o) t(e -ons-io/s attit/de does not rea-( an e1tre,e sta*e. B/t w(ere0er an e1a**eration o) t(e -ons-io/s stand+oint ta7es +la-e. t(e /n-ons-io/s also -o,es to li*(t in a sy,+to,ati)or,. i.e. t(e /n-ons-io/s e*ois,. in)antilis,. and ar-(ais, lose t(eir ori*inal -o,+ensatory -(ara-ters. and a++ear in ,ore or less o+en o++osition to t(e -ons-io/s attit/de. T(is +ro-ess be*ins in t(e )or, o) an abs/rd e1a**eration o) t(e -ons-io/s stand+oint. w(i-( is ai,ed at a )/rt(er re+ression o) t(e /n-ons-io/s. b/t /s/ally ends in a red/-tio ad abs/rd/, o) t(e -ons-io/s attit/de. i.e. a -olla+se. T(e -atastro+(e ,ay be an ob5e-ti0e one. sin-e t(e ob5e-ti0e ai,s *rad/ally be-o,e )alsi)ied by t(e s/b5e-ti0e. " re,e,ber t(e -ase o) a +rinter w(o. startin* as a ,ere e,+loyE. wor7ed (is way /+ t(ro/*( two de-ades o) (ard str/**le. till at last (e was t(e inde+endent +ossessor o) a 0ery e1tensi0e b/siness. T(e ,ore t(e b/siness e1tended. t(e ,ore it in-reased its (old /+on (i,. /ntil *rad/ally e0ery ot(er interest 8+. 92>: was allowed to be-o,e ,er*ed in it. At len*t( (e was -o,+letely en,es(ed in its toils. and. as we s(all soon see. t(is s/rrender e0ent/ally +ro0ed (is r/in. As a sort o) -o,+ensation to (is e1-l/si0e interest in t(e b/siness. -ertain ,e,ories o) (is -(ild(ood -a,e to li)e. As a -(ild (e (ad ta7en *reat deli*(t in +aintin* and drawin*. B/t. instead o) renewin* t(is -a+a-ity )or its own sa7e as a balan-in* side4interest. (e -anali2ed it into (is b/siness and be*an to -on-ei0e 3artisti-3 elaborations o) (is +rod/-ts. His +(antasies /n)ort/nately ,ateriali2edB (e a-t/ally be*an to +rod/-e a)ter (is own +ri,iti0e and in)antile taste. wit( t(e res/lt t(at a)ter a 0ery )ew years (is b/siness went to +ie-es. He a-ted in obedien-e to one o) o/r 3-i0ili2ed ideals3. w(i-( en5oins t(e ener*eti- ,an to -on-entrate e0eryt(in* /+on t(e one end in 0iew. B/t (e went too )ar. and ,erely )ell a 0i-ti, to t(e +ower o) (is s/b5e-ti0e in)antile -lai,s. B/t t(e -atastro+(i- sol/tion ,ay also be s/b5e-ti0e. i.e. in t(e )or, o) a ner0o/s -olla+se. /-( a sol/tion always -o,es abo/t as a res/lt o) t(e /n-ons-io/s -o/nterin)l/en-e. w(i-( -an /lti,ately +aralyse -ons-io/s a-tion. "n w(i-( -ase t(e -lai,s o) t(e /n-ons-io/s )or-e t(e,sel0es -ate*ori-ally /+on -ons-io/sness. t(/s -reatin* a -ala,ito/s -lea0a*e w(i-( *enerally re0eals itsel) in two waysB eit(er t(e s/b5e-t no lon*er 7nows w(at (e really wants and not(in* any lon*er interests (i,. or (e wants too ,/-( at on-e and (as too 7een an interest4b/t in i,+ossible t(in*s. T(e s/++ression o) in)antile and +ri,iti0e -lai,s. w(i-( is o)ten ne-essary on =-i0ili2ed= *ro/nds. easily leads to ne/rosis. or to t(e ,is/se o) nar-oti-s s/-( as al-o(ol. ,or+(ine. -o-aine. et-. "n ,ore e1tre,e -ases t(e -lea0a*e ends in s/i-ide.

"t is a salient +e-/liarity o) /n-ons-io/s tenden-ies t(at. 5/st in so )ar as t(ey are de+ri0ed o) t(eir ener*y by a lac* of conscious recognition, t(ey ass/,e a -orres+ond4 8+. 92?: in*ly destr/-ti0e -(ara-ter. and as soon as t(is (a++en t(eir -o,+ensatory )/n-tion -eases. T(ey -ease to (a0e a -o,+ensatory e))e-t as soon as t(ey rea-( a de+t( or strat/, t(at -orres+onds wit( a le0el o) -/lt/re absol/tely in-o,+atible wit( o/r own. %ro, t(is ,o,ent t(e /n-ons-io/s tenden-ies )or, a blo-7. w(i-( is o++osed to t(e -ons-io/s attit/de in e0ery res+e-t 6 s/-( a blo- ine0itably leads to o+en -on)li-t. "n a *eneral way. t(e -o,+ensatin* attit/de o) t(e /n-ons-io/s )inds e1+ression in t(e +ro-ess o) +sy-(i- e</ilibri/,. A nor,al e1tra0erted attit/de does not. o) -o/rse. ,ean t(at t(e indi0id/al be(a0es in0ariably in a--ordan-e wit( t(e e1tra0erted s-(e,a. E0en in t(e sa,e indi0id/al ,any +sy-(olo*i-al (a++enin*s ,ay be obser0ed. in w(i-( t(e ,e-(anis, o) intro0ersion is -on-erned. A (abit/s -an be -alled e1tra0erted only w(en t(e ,e-(anis, o) e1tra0ersion +redo,inates. "n s/-( a -ase t(e ,ost (i*(ly di))erentiated )/n-tion (as a -onstantly e1tra0erted a++li-ation. w(ile t(e in)erior )/n-tions are )o/nd in t(e ser0i-e o) intro0ersion. i.e. t(e ,ore 0al/ed )/n-tion. be-a/se t(e ,ore -ons-io/s. is ,ore -o,+letely s/bordinated to -ons-io/s -ontrol and +/r+ose. w(ilst t(e less -ons-io/s. in ot(er words. t(e +artly /n-ons-io/s in)erior )/n-tions are s/b5e-ted to -ons-io/s )ree -(oi-e in a ,/-( s,aller de*ree. T(e s/+erior )/n-tion is always t(e e1+ression o) t(e -ons-io/s +ersonality. its ai,. its will. and its a-(ie0e,ent. w(ilst t(e in)erior )/n-tions belon* to t(e t(in*s t(at (a++en to one. Not t(at t(ey ,erely be*et bl/nders. e.g. la+s/s lin*/ae or la+s/s -ala,i. b/t t(ey ,ay also breed (al) or t(ree4</arter resol0es. sin-e t(e in)erior )/n-tions also +ossess a sli*(t de*ree o) -ons-io/sness. T(e e1tra0erted )eelin* ty+e is a -lassi-al e1a,+le o) t(is. )or (e en5oys an e1-ellent )eelin* ra++ort wit( (is ento/ra*e. yet o--asionally o+inions o) an in-o,+arable ta-tlessness 8+. 92@: will 5/st (a++en to (i,. T(ese o+inions (a0e t(eir so/r-e in (is in)erior and s/b-ons-io/s t(in7in*. w(i-( is only +artly s/b5e-t to -ontrol and is ins/))i-iently related to t(e ob5e-t 6 to a lar*e e1tent. t(ere)ore. it -an o+erate wit(o/t -onsideration or res+onsibility. "n t(e e1tra0erted attit/de t(e in)erior )/n-tions always re0eal a (i*(ly s/b5e-ti0e deter,ination wit( +rono/n-ed e*o-entri-ity and +ersonal bias. t(/s de,onstratin* t(eir -lose -onne-tion wit( t(e /n-ons-io/s. T(ro/*( t(eir a*en-y t(e /n-ons-io/s is -ontin/ally -o,in* to li*(t. $n no a--o/nt s(o/ld we i,a*ine t(at t(e /n-ons-io/s lies +er,anently b/ried /nder so ,any o0erlyin* strata t(at it -an only be /n-o0ered. so to s+ea7. by a laborio/s +ro-ess o) e1-a0ation. $n t(e -ontrary. t(ere is a -onstant in)l/1 o) t(e /n-ons-io/s into t(e -ons-io/s +sy-(olo*i-al +ro-ess6 at ti,es t(is rea-(es s/-( a +it-( t(at t(e obser0er -an de-ide only wit( di))i-/lty w(i-( -(ara-ter4traits are to be as-ribed to t(e -ons-io/s. and w(i-( to t(e /n-ons-io/s +ersonality. T(is di))i-/lty o--/rs ,ainly wit( +ersons w(ose (abit o) e1+ression errs rat(er on t(e side o) +ro)/seness. Nat/rally it de+ends 0ery lar*ely also /+on t(e attit/de o) t(e obser0er. w(et(er (e lays (old o) t(e -ons-io/s or t(e /n-ons-io/s -(ara-ter o) a +ersonality. +ea7in* *enerally a 5/d*in* obser0er will tend to sei2e t(e -ons-io/s -(ara-ter. w(ile a +er-e+ti0e obser0er will be in)l/en-ed ,ore by t(e /n-ons-io/s -(ara-ter. sin-e 5/d*e,ent is -(ie)ly interested in t(e -ons-io/s ,oti0ation o) t(e +sy-(i- +ro-ess. w(ile +er-e+tion tends to re*ister t(e ,ere (a++enin*. B/t in so )ar as we a++ly +er-e+tion and 5/d*,ent in e</al ,eas/re. it ,ay easily (a++en t(at a +ersonality a++ears to /s as bot( intro0erted and e1tra0erted. so t(at we -annot at on-e de-ide to w(i-( attit/de t(e s/+erior )/n-tion belon*s. "n s/-( -ases only a t(oro/*( analysis o) t(e )/n-tion

</alities -an (el+ /s to a so/nd o+inion. D/rin* t(e analysis we ,/st obser0e w(i-( 8+. 92A: )/n-tion is +la-ed /nder t(e -ontrol and ,oti0ation o) -ons-io/sness. and w(i-( )/n-tions (a0e an a--idental and s+ontaneo/s -(ara-ter. T(e )or,er is always ,ore (i*(ly di))erentiated t(an t(e latter. w(i-( also +ossess ,any in)antile and +ri,iti0e </alities. $--asionally t(e )or,er )/n-tion *i0es t(e i,+ression o) nor,ality. w(ile t(e latter (a0e so,et(in* abnor,al or +at(olo*i-al abo/t t(e,. (""") THE +E'#!" R"T"E( %& THE , ("' +(-'H%!%G"' ! &#N'T"%N( "N THE E.TR /ERTE$ TT"T#$E 1. Thin%ing As a res/lt o) t(e *eneral attit/de o) e1tra0ersion. t(in7in* is orientated by t(e ob5e-t and ob5e-ti0e data. T(is orientation o) t(in7in* +rod/-es a noti-eable +e-/liarity. T(in7in* in *eneral is )ed )ro, two so/r-es. )irstly )ro, s/b5e-ti0e and in t(e last resort /n-ons-io/s roots. and se-ondly )ro, ob5e-ti0e data trans,itted t(ro/*( sense +er-e+tions. E1tra0erted t(in7in* is -onditioned in a lar*er ,eas/re by t(ese latter )a-tors t(an by t(e )or,er. 5/d*,ent always +res/++oses a -riterion 6 )or t(e e1tra0erted 5/d*,ent. t(e 0alid and deter,inin* -riterion is t(e standard ta7en )ro, ob5e-ti0e -onditions. no ,atter w(et(er t(is be dire-tly re+resented by an ob5e-ti0ely +er-e+tible )a-t. or e1+ressed in an ob5e-ti0e idea 6 )or an ob5e-ti0e idea. e0en w(en s/b5e-ti0ely san-tioned. is e</ally e1ternal and ob5e-ti0e in ori*in. E1tra0erted t(in7in*. t(ere)ore. need not ne-essarily be a ,erely -on-retisti- t(in7in* it ,ay e</ally well be a +/rely ideal t(in7in*. i). )or instan-e. it -an be s(own t(at t(e ideas wit( w(i-( it is en*a*ed are to a *reat e1tent borrowed )ro, wit(o/t. i.e. are trans,itted by tradition and ed/-ation. T(e -riterion o) 5/d*,ent. t(ere)ore. as to w(et(er or no a t(in7in* is e1tra0erted. (an*s dire-tly /+on t(e </estionB by 8+. 929: w(i-( standard is its 5/d*,ent *o0erned 44 is it )/rnis(ed )ro, wit(o/t. or is its ori*in s/b5e-ti0eF A )/rt(er -riterion is a))orded by t(e dire-tion o) t(e t(in7er3s -on-l/sion. na,ely. w(et(er or no t(e t(in7in* (as a +re)erential dire-tion o/twards. "t is no +roo) o) its e1tra0erted nat/re t(at it is +reo--/+ied wit( -on-rete ob5e-ts. sin-e " ,ay be en*a*in* ,y t(o/*(ts wit( a -on-rete ob5e-t. eit(er be-a/se " a, abstra-tin* ,y t(o/*(t )ro, it or be-a/se " a, -on-reti2in* ,y t(o/*(t wit( it. E0en i) " en*a*e ,y t(in7in* wit( -on-rete t(in*s. and to t(at e1tent -o/ld be des-ribed as e1tra0erted. it yet re,ains bot( </estionable and -(ara-teristi- as re*ards t(e dire-tion ,y t(in7in* will ta7e6 na,ely. w(et(er in its )/rt(er -o/rse it leads ba-7 a*ain to ob5e-ti0e data. e1ternal )a-ts. and *enerally a--e+ted ideas. or not. o )ar as t(e +ra-ti-al t(in7in* o) t(e ,er-(ant. t(e en*ineer. or t(e nat/ral s-ien-e +ioneer is -on-erned. t(e ob5e-ti0e dire-tion is at on-e ,ani)est. B/t in t(e -ase o) a +(iloso+(er it is o+en to do/bt. w(ene0er t(e -o/rse o) (is t(in7in* is dire-ted towards ideas. "n s/-( a -ase. be)ore de-idin*. we ,/st )/rt(er en</ire w(et(er t(ese ideas are ,ere abstra-tions )ro, ob5e-ti0e e1+erien-e. in w(i-( -ase t(ey wo/ld ,erely re+resent (i*(er -olle-ti0e -on-e+ts. -o,+risin* a s/, o) ob5e-ti0e )a-ts 6 or w(et(er (i) t(ey are -learly not abstra-tions )ro, i,,ediate e1+erien-e) t(ey ,ay not be deri0ed )ro, tradition or borrowed )ro, t(e intelle-t/al at,os+(ere o) t(e ti,e. "n t(e latter e0ent. s/-( ideas ,/st also belon* to t(e -ate*ory o) ob5e-ti0e data. in w(i-( -ase t(is t(in7in* s(o/ld also be -alled e1tra0erted.

Alt(o/*( " do not +ro+ose to +resent t(e nat/re o) intro0erted t(in7in* at t(is +oint. reser0in* it )or a later se-tion. it is. (owe0er. essential t(at " s(o/ld ,a7e a )ew state,ents abo/t it be)ore *oin* )/rt(er. %or i) one -onsiders stri-tly w(at " (a0e 5/st said -on-ernin* 8+. 93D: e1tra0erted t(in7in*. one ,i*(t easily -on-l/de t(at s/-( a state,ent in-l/des e0eryt(in* t(at is *enerally /nderstood as t(in7in*. "t ,i*(t indeed be ar*/ed t(at a t(in7in* w(ose ai, is -on-erned neit(er wit( ob5e-ti0e )a-ts nor wit( *eneral ideas s-ar-ely ,erits t(e na,e 3t(in7in*3. " a, )/lly aware o) t(e )a-t t(at t(e t(o/*(t o) o/r a*e. in -o,,on wit( its ,ost e,inent re+resentati0es. 7nows and a-7nowled*es only t(e e1tra0erted ty+e o) t(in7in*. T(is is +artly d/e to t(e )a-t t(at all t(in7in* w(i-( attains 0isible )or, /+on t(e world3s s/r)a-e. w(et(er as s-ien-e. +(iloso+(y. or e0en art. eit(er +ro-eeds dire-t )ro, ob5e-ts or )lows into *eneral ideas. $n eit(er *ro/nd. alt(o/*( not always -o,+letely e0ident it at least a++ears essentially intelli*ible. and t(ere)ore relati0ely 0alid. "n t(is sense it ,i*(t be said t(at t(e e1tra0erted intelle-t. i.e. t(e ,ind t(at is orientated by ob5e-ti0e data. is a-t/ally t(e only one re-o*ni2ed. T(ere is also. (owe0er 44 and now " -o,e to t(e </estion o) t(e intro0erted intelle-t 44 an entirely di))erent 7ind o) t(in7in*. to w(i-( t(e ter, " =t(in7in*= -an (ardly be deniedB it is a 7ind t(at is neit(er orientated by t(e i,,ediate ob5e-ti0e e1+erien-e nor is it -on-erned wit( *eneral and ob5e-ti0ely deri0ed ideas. " rea-( t(is ot(er 7ind o) t(in7in* in t(e )ollowin* way. ;(en ,y t(o/*(ts are en*a*ed wit( a -on-rete ob5e-t or *eneral idea in s/-( a way t(at t(e -o/rse o) ,y t(in7in* e0ent/ally leads ,e ba-7 a*ain to ,y ob5e-t. t(is intelle-t/al +ro-ess is not t(e only +sy-(i- +ro-eedin* ta7in* +la-e in ,e at t(e ,o,ent. " will disre*ard all t(ose +ossible sensations and )eelin*s w(i-( be-o,e noti-eable as a ,ore or less dist/rbin* a--o,+ani,ent to ,y train o) t(o/*(t. ,erely e,+(asi2in* t(e )a-t t(at t(is 0ery t(in7in* +ro-ess w(i-( +ro-eeds )ro, ob5e-ti0e data and stri0es a*ain towards t(e ob5e-t stands also in a -onstant relation to t(e s/b5e-t. T(is relation is a -ondition sine </a non. wit(o/t w(i-( no t(in74 8+. 931: in* +ro-ess w(atsoe0er -o/ld ta7e +la-e. E0en t(o/*( ,y t(in7in* +ro-ess is dire-ted. as )ar as +ossible. towards ob5e-ti0e data. ne0ert(eless it is my s/b5e-ti0e +ro-ess. and it -an neit(er es-a+e t(e s/b5e-ti0e ad,i1t/re nor yet dis+ense wit( it. Alt(o/*( " try ,y /t,ost to *i0e a -o,+letely ob5e-ti0e dire-tion to ,y train o) t(o/*(t. e0en t(en " -annot e1-l/de t(e +arallel s/b5e-ti0e +ro-ess wit( its all4 e,bra-in* +arti-i+ation. wit(o/t e1tin*/is(in* t(e 0ery s+ar7 o) li)e )ro, ,y t(o/*(t. T(is +arallel s/b5e-ti0e +ro-ess (as a nat/ral tenden-y. only relati0ely a0oidable. to s/b5e-ti)y ob5e-ti0e )a-ts. i.e. to assi,ilate t(e, to t(e s/b5e-t. ;(ene0er t(e -(ie) 0al/e is *i0en to t(e s/b5e-ti0e +ro-ess. t(at ot(er 7ind o) t(in7in* arises w(i-( stands o++osed to e1tra0erted t(in7in*. na,ely. t(at +/rely s/b5e-ti0e orientation o) t(o/*(t w(i-( " (a0e ter,ed intro0erted. A t(in7in* arises )ro, t(is ot(er orientation t(at is neit(er deter,ined by ob5e-ti0e )a-ts nor dire-ted towards ob5e-ti0e data 44 a t(in7in*. t(ere)ore. t(at +ro-eeds )ro, s/b5e-ti0e data and is dire-ted towards s/b5e-ti0e ideas or )a-ts o) a s/b5e-ti0e -(ara-ter. " do not wis( to enter ,ore )/lly into t(is 7ind o) t(in7in* (ere6 " (a0e ,erely establis(ed its e1isten-e )or t(e +/r+ose o) *i0in* a ne-essary -o,+le,ent to t(e e1tra0erted t(in7in* +ro-ess. w(ose nat/re is t(/s bro/*(t to a -learer )o-/s. ;(en t(e ob5e-ti0e orientation re-ei0es a -ertain +redo,inan-e. t(e t(in7in* is e1tra0erted. T(is -ir-/,stan-e -(an*es not(in* as re*ards t(e lo*i- o) t(o/*(t 44 it ,erely deter,ines t(at di))eren-e between t(in7ers w(i-( Ga,es re*ards as a ,atter o)

te,+era,ent. T(e orientation towards t(e ob5e-t. as already e1+lained. ,a7es no essential -(an*e in t(e t(in7in* )/n-tion6 only its a++earan-e is altered. in-e it is *o0erned by ob5e-ti0e data. it (as t(e a++earan-e o) bein* -a+ti0ated by t(e ob5e-t. as t(o/*( wit(o/t t(e e1ternal orientation it si,+ly -o/ld not 8+. 932: e1ist. Al,ost it see,s as t(o/*( it were a se</en-e o) e1ternal )a-ts. or as t(o/*( it -o/ld rea-( its (i*(est +oint only w(en -(i,in* in wit( so,e *enerally 0alid idea. "t see,s -onstantly to be a))e-ted by ob5e-ti0e data. drawin* only t(ose -on-l/sions w(i-( s/bstantially a*ree wit( t(ese. T(/s it *i0es one t(e i,+ression o) a -ertain la-7 o) )reedo,. o) o--asional s(ort4si*(tedness. in s+ite o) e0ery 7ind o) adroitness wit(in t(e ob5e-ti0ely -ir-/,s-ribed area. ;(at " a, now des-ribin* is ,erely t(e i,+ression t(is sort o) t(in7in* ,a7es /+on t(e obser0er. w(o ,/st (i,sel) already (a0e a di))erent stand+oint. or it wo/ld be </ite i,+ossible )or (i, to obser0e t(e +(eno,enon o) e1tra0erted t(in7in*. As a res/lt o) (is di))erent stand+oint (e ,erely sees its as+e-t. not its nat/re6 w(ereas t(e ,an w(o (i,sel) +ossesses t(is ty+e o) t(in7in* is able to sei2e its nat/re. w(ile its as+e-t es-a+es (i,. 5/d*,ent ,ade /+on a++earan-e only -annot be )air to t(e essen-e o) t(e t(in*4(en-e t(e res/lt is de+re-iatory. B/t essentially t(is t(in7in* is no less )r/it)/l and -reati0e t(an intro0erted t(in7in*. only its +owers are in t(e ser0i-e o) ot(er ends. T(is di))eren-e is +er-ei0ed ,ost -learly w(en e1tra0erted t(in7in* is en*a*ed /+on ,aterial. w(i-( is s+e-i)i-ally an ob5e-t o) t(e s/b5e-ti0ely orientated t(in7in*. T(is (a++ens. )or instan-e. w(en a s/b5e-ti0e -on0i-tion is inter+reted analyti-ally )ro, ob5e-ti0e )a-ts or is re*arded as a +rod/-t or deri0ati0e o) ob5e-ti0e ideas. B/t. )or o/r 3s-ienti)i-ally3 orientated -ons-io/sness. t(e di))eren-e between t(e two ,odes o) t(in7in* be-o,es still ,ore ob0io/s w(en t(e s/b5e-ti0ely orientated t(in7in* ,a7es an atte,+t to brin* ob5e-ti0e data into -onne-tions not ob5e-ti0ely *i0en. i.e. to s/bordinate t(e, to a s/b5e-ti0e idea. Eit(er senses t(e ot(er as an en-roa-(,ent. and (en-e a sort o) s(adow e))e-t is +rod/-ed. w(erein eit(er ty+e re0eals to t(e ot(er its least )a0o/rable as+e-t. T(e s/b5e-ti0ely orientated t(in7in* t(en a++ears 8+. 933: </ite arbitrary. w(ile t(e e1tra0erted t(in7in* see,s to (a0e an in-o,,ens/rability t(at is alto*et(er d/ll and banal. T(/s t(e two stand+oints are in-essantly at war. /-( a -on)li-t. we ,i*(t t(in7. -o/ld be easily ad5/sted i) only we -learly dis-ri,inated ob5e-ts o) a s/b5e-ti0e )ro, t(ose o) an ob5e-ti0e nat/re. 'n)ort/nately. (owe0er. s/-( a dis-ri,ination is a ,atter o) i,+ossibility. alt(o/*( not a )ew (a0e atte,+ted it. E0en i) s/-( a se+aration were +ossible. it wo/ld be a 0ery disastro/s +ro-eedin*. sin-e in t(e,sel0es bot( orientations are one4sided. wit( a de)initely restri-ted 0alidity6 (en-e t(ey bot( re</ire t(is ,/t/al -orre-tion. T(o/*(t is at on-e sterili2ed. w(ene0er t(in7in* is bro/*(t. to any *reat e1tent. /nder t(e in)l/en-e o) ob5e-ti0e data. sin-e it be-o,es de*raded into a ,ere a++enda*e o) ob5e-ti0e )a-ts6 in w(i-( -ase. it is no lon*er able to )ree itsel) )ro, ob5e-ti0e data )or t(e +/r+ose o) establis(in* an abstra-t idea. T(e +ro-ess o) t(o/*(t is red/-ed to ,ere 3re)le-tion3. not in t(e sense o) 3,editation3. b/t in t(e sense o) a ,ere i,itation t(at ,a7es no essential a))ir,ation beyond w(at was already 0isibly and i,,ediately +resent in t(e ob5e-ti0e data. /-( a t(in7in*4+ro-ess leads nat/rally and dire-tly ba-7 to t(e ob5e-ti0e )a-t. b/t ne0er beyond it 6 not on-e. t(ere)ore. -an it lead to t(e -o/+lin* o) e1+erien-e wit( an ob5e-ti0e idea. And. 0i-e 0ersa. w(en t(is t(in7in* (as an ob5e-ti0e idea )or its ob5e-t. it is </ite /nable to *ras+ t(e +ra-ti-al indi0id/al e1+erien-e. b/t +ersists in a ,ore or less ta/tolo*i-al +osition. T(e ,aterialisti- ,entality +resents a ,a*ni)i-ent e1a,+le o) t(is.

;(en. as t(e res/lt o) a rein)or-ed ob5e-ti0e deter,ination. e1tra0erted t(in7in* is s/bordinated to ob5e-ti0e data. it entirely loses itsel). on t(e one (and. in t(e indi0id/al e1+erien-e. and +ro-eeds to a,ass an a--/,/lation o) /ndi*ested e,+iri-al ,aterial. T(e o++ressi0e ,ass o) ,ore or less dis-onne-ted indi0id/al e1+erien-es 8+. 939: +rod/-es a state o) intelle-t/al disso-iation. w(i-(. on t(e ot(er (and. /s/ally de,ands a +sy-(olo*i-al -o,+ensation. T(is ,/st -onsist in an idea. 5/st as si,+le as it is /ni0ersal. w(i-( s(all *i0e -o(eren-e to t(e (ea+ed4/+ b/t intrinsi-ally dis-onne-ted w(ole. or at least it s(o/ld +ro0ide an in7lin* o) s/-( a -onne-tion. /-( ideas as =,atter= or =ener*y= are s/itable )or t(is +/r+ose. B/t. w(ene0er t(in7in* +ri,arily de+ends not so ,/-( /+on e1ternal )a-ts as /+on an a--e+ted or se-ond4(and idea. t(e 0ery +o0erty o) t(e idea +ro0o7es a -o,+ensation in t(e )or, o) a still ,ore i,+ressi0e a--/,/lation o) )a-ts. w(i-( ass/,e a one4sided *ro/+in* in 7ee+in* wit( t(e relati0ely restri-ted and sterile +oint o) 0iew6 w(ere/+on ,any 0al/able and sensible as+e-ts o) t(in*s a/to,ati-ally *o by t(e board. T(e 0erti*ino/s ab/ndan-e o) t(e so-alled s-ienti)i- literat/re o) to4day owes a de+lorably (i*( +er-enta*e o) its e1isten-e to t(is ,isorientation. 2. The E !"a#e"!e$ Thin%ing Type "t is a )a-t o) e1+erien-e t(at all t(e basi- +sy-(olo*i-al )/n-tions seldo, or ne0er (a0e t(e sa,e stren*t( or *rade o) de0elo+,ent in one and t(e sa,e indi0id/al. As a r/le. one or ot(er )/n-tion +redo,inates. in bot( stren*t( and de0elo+,ent. ;(en supremacy a,on* t(e +sy-(olo*i-al )/n-tions is *i0en to t(in7in*. i.e. w(en t(e li)e o) an indi0id/al is ,ainly r/led by re)le-ti0e t(in7in* so t(at e0ery i,+ortant a-tion +ro-eeds )ro, intelle-t/ally -onsidered ,oti0es. or w(en t(ere is at least a tenden-y to -on)or, to s/-( ,oti0es. we ,ay )airly -all t(is a thin*ing type. /-( a ty+e -an be eit(er intro0erted or e1tra0erted. ;e will )irst dis-/ss t(e e0tra)erted thin*ing type. "n a--ordan-e wit( (is de)inition. we ,/st +i-t/re a. ,an w(ose -onstant ai, 44 in so )ar. o) -o/rse. as (e is a 8+. 93>: +/re ty+e 44 is to brin* (is total li)e4a-ti0ities into relation wit( intelle-t/al -on-l/sions. w(i-( in t(e last resort are always orientated by ob5e-ti0e data. w(et(er ob5e-ti0e )a-ts or *enerally 0alid ideas. T(is ty+e o) ,an *i0es t(e de-idin* 0oi-e4not ,erely )or (i,sel) alone b/t also on be(al) o) (is ento/ra*e4 eit(er to t(e a-t/al ob5e-ti0e reality or to its ob5e-ti0ely orientated. intelle-t/al )or,/la. By t(is )or,/la are *ood and e0il ,eas/red. and bea/ty and /*liness deter,ined. All is ri*(t t(at -orres+onds wit( t(is )or,/la6 all is wron* t(at -ontradi-ts it6 and e0eryt(in* t(at is ne/tral to it is +/rely a--idental. Be-a/se t(is )or,/la see,s to -orres+ond wit( t(e ,eanin* o) t(e world. it also be-o,es a world4law w(ose reali2ation ,/st be a-(ie0ed at all ti,es and seasons. bot( indi0id/ally and -olle-ti0ely. G/st as t(e e1tra0erted t(in7in* ty+e s/bordinates (i,sel) to (is )or,/la. so. )or its own *ood. ,/st (is ento/ra*e also obey it. sin-e t(e ,an w(o re)/ses to obey is wron* 44 (e is resistin* t(e world4law. and is. t(ere)ore. /nreasonable. i,,oral. and wit(o/t a -ons-ien-e. His ,oral -ode )orbids (i, to tolerate e1-e+tions6 (is ideal ,/st. /nder all -ir-/,stan-es. be reali2ed6 )or in (is eyes it is t(e +/rest -on-ei0able )or,/lation o) ob5e-ti0e reality. and. t(ere)ore. ,/st also be *enerally 0alid tr/t(. </ite indis+ensable )or t(e sal0ation o) ,an. T(is is not )ro, any *reat lo0e )or (is nei*(bo/r. b/t )ro, a (i*(er stand+oint o) 5/sti-e and tr/t(. E0eryt(in* in (is own nat/re t(at a++ears to in0alidate t(is )or,/la is ,ere i,+er)e-tion. an a--idental ,iss4)ire. so,et(in* to be eli,inated on t(e ne1t o--asion. or. in t(e e0ent o) )/rt(er )ail/re. t(en -learly a si-7ness.

") toleran-e )or t(e si-7. t(e s/))erin*. or t(e deran*ed s(o/ld -(an-e to be an in*redient in t(e )or,/la. s+e-ial +ro0isions will be de0ised )or (/,ane so-ieties. (os+itals. +risons. -olonies. et-.. or at least e1tensi0e +lans )or s/-( +ro5e-ts. %or t(e a-t/al e1e-/tion o) t(ese s-(e,es t(e 8+. 93?: ,oti0es o) 5/sti-e and tr/t( do not. as a r/le. s/))i-e6 still de0ol0e /+on real !(ristian -(arity. w(i-( " to do wit( )eelin* t(an wit( any intelle-t/al 3$ne really s(o/ld3 or " one ,/st3 )i*/re lar*ely in t(is +ro*ra,,e. ") t(e )or,/la is wide eno/*(. it ,ay +lay a 0ery /se)/l rHle in so-ial li)e. wit( a re)or,er or a 0entilator o) +/bli- wron*s or a +/ri)ier o) t(e +/bli- -ons-ien-e. or as t(e +ro+a*ator o) i,+ortant inno0ations. B/t t(e ,ore ri*id t(e )or,/la. t(e ,ore. does (e de0elo+ into a *r/,bler. a -ra)ty reasoner. and a sel)4ri*(teo/s -riti-. w(o wo/ld li7e to i,+ress bot( (i,sel) and ot(ers into one s-(e,a. ;e (a0e now o/tlined two e1tre,e )i*/res. between w(i-( ter,inals t(e ,a5ority o) t(ese ty+es ,ay be *rad/ated. "n a--ordan-e wit( t(e nat/re o) t(e e1tra0erted attit/de. t(e in)l/en-e and a-ti0ities o) s/-( +ersonalities are all t(e ,ore )a0o/rable and bene)i-ent. t(e )/rt(er one *oes )ro, t(e -entre. T(eir best as+e-t is to be )o/nd at t(e +eri+(ery o) t(eir s+(ere o) in)l/en-e. T(e )/rt(er we +enetrate into t(eir own +ro0in-e. t(e ,ore do t(e /n)a0o/rable res/lts o) t(eir tyranny i,+ress /s. Anot(er li)e still +/lses at t(e +eri+(ery. w(ere t(e tr/t( o) t(e )or,/la -an be sensed as an esti,able ad5/n-t to t(e rest. B/t t(e )/rt(er we +robe into t(e s+e-ial s+(ere w(ere t(e )or,/la o+erates. t(e ,ore do we )ind li)e ebbin* away )ro, all t(at )ails to -oin-ide wit( its di-tates. 's/ally it is t(e nearest relati0es w(o (a0e to taste t(e ,ost disa*reeable res/lts o) an e1tra0erted )or,/la. sin-e t(ey are t(e )irst to be /n,er-i)/lly blessed wit( it. B/t abo0e all t(e s/b5e-t (i,sel) is t(e one w(o s/))ers ,ost 44 w(i-( brin*s /s to t(e ot(er side o) t(e +sy-(olo*y o) t(is ty+e. T(e )a-t t(at an intelle-t/al )or,/la ne0er (as been and ne0er will be dis-o0ered w(i-( -o/ld e,bra-e t(e 8+. 93@: ab/ndant +ossibilities o) li)e in a )ittin* e1+ression ,/st lead 44 w(ere s/-( a )or,/la is a--e+ted 44 to an in(ibition. or total e1-l/sion. o) ot(er (i*(ly i,+ortant )or,s and a-ti0ities o) li)e. "n t(e )irst +la-e. all t(ose 0ital )or,s de+endent /+on )eelin* will be-o,e re+ressed in s/-( a ty+e. as. )or instan-e. aest(eti- a-ti0ities. taste. artisti- sense. t(e art o) )riends(i+. et-. "rrational )or,s. s/-( as reli*io/s e1+erien-es. +assions and t(e li7e. are o)ten obliterated e0en to t(e +oint o) -o,+lete /n-ons-io/sness. T(ese. -onditionally </ite i,+ortant. )or,s o) li)e (a0e to s/++ort an e1isten-e t(at is lar*ely /n-ons-io/s. Do/btless t(ere are e1-e+tional ,en w(o are able to sa-ri)i-e t(eir entire li)e to one de)inite )or,/la6 b/t )or ,ost o) /s a +er,anent li)e o) s/-( e1-l/si0eness is i,+ossible. ooner or later 44 in a--ordan-e wit( o/ter -ir-/,stan-es and inner *i)ts 44 t(e )or,s o) li)e re+ressed by t(e intelle-t/al attit/de be-o,e indire-tly +er-e+tible. t(ro/*( a *rad/al dist/rban-e o) t(e -ons-io/s -ond/-t o) li)e. ;(ene0er dist/rban-es o) t(is 7ind rea-( a de)inite intensity. one s+ea7s o) a ne/rosis. "n ,ost -ases. (owe0er. it does not *o so )ar. be-a/se t(e indi0id/al instin-ti0ely allows (i,sel) so,e +re0enti0e e1ten/ations o) (is )or,/la. worded. o) -o/rse. in a s/itable and reasonable way. "n t(is way a sa)ety40al0e is -reated. T(e relati0e or total /n-ons-io/sness o) s/-( tenden-ies or )/n-tions as are e1-l/ded )ro, any +arti-i+ation in t(e -ons-io/s attit/de 7ee+s t(e, in a relati0ely /nde0elo+ed state. As -o,+ared wit( t(e -ons-io/s )/n-tion t(ey are in)erior. To t(e e1tent t(at t(ey are /n-ons-io/s. t(ey be-o,e ,er*ed wit( t(e re,ainin* -ontents o) t(e /n-ons-io/s. )ro, w(i-( t(ey a-</ire a bi2arre -(ara-ter. To t(e e1tent t(at t(ey are -ons-io/s. t(ey

only +lay a se-ondary rHle. alt(o/*( one o) -onsiderable i,+ortan-e )or t(e w(ole +sy-(olo*i-al +i-t/re. in-e )eelin*s are t(e )irst to o++ose and -ontradi-t 8+. 93A: t(e ri*id intelle-t/al )or,/la. t(ey are a))e-ted )irst t(is -ons-io/s in(ibition. and /+on t(e, t(e ,ost intense re+ression )alls. No )/n-tion -an be entirely eli,inated 44 it -an only be *reatly distorted. "n so )ar as )eelin*s allow t(e,sel0es to be arbitrarily s(a+ed and s/bordinated. t(ey (a0e to s/++ort t(e intelle-t/al -ons-io/s attit/de and ada+t t(e,sel0es to its ai,s. $nly to a -ertain de*ree. (owe0er. is t(is +ossible6 a +art o) t(e )eelin* re,ains ins/bordinate. and t(ere)ore ,/st be re+ressed. (o/ld t(e re+ression s/--eed. it disa++ears )ro, -ons-io/sness and +ro-eeds to /n)old a s/b-ons-io/s a-ti0ity. w(i-( r/ns -o/nter to -ons-io/s ai,s. e0en +rod/-in* e))e-ts w(ose -a/sation is a -o,+lete eni*,a to t(e indi0id/al. %or e1a,+le. -ons-io/s altr/is,. o)ten o) an e1tre,ely (i*( order. ,ay be -rossed by a se-ret sel)4see7in*. o) w(i-( t(e indi0id/al is w(olly /naware. and w(i-( i,+resses intrinsi-ally /nsel)is( a-tions wit( t(e sta,+ o) sel)is(ness. #/rely et(i-al ai,s ,ay lead t(e indi0id/al into -riti-al sit/ations. w(i-( so,eti,es (a0e ,ore t(an a se,blan-e o) bein* de-ided by </ite ot(er t(an et(i-al ,oti0es. T(ere are */ardians o) +/bli- ,orals or 0ol/ntary res-/e4wor7ers w(o s/ddenly )ind t(e,sel0es in de+lorably -o,+ro,isin* sit/ations. or in dire need o) res-/e. T(eir resol0e to sa0e o)ten leads t(e, to e,+loy ,eans w(i-( only tend to +re-i+itate w(at t(ey ,ost desire to a0oid. T(ere are e1tra0erted idealists. w(ose desire to ad0an-e t(e sal0ation o) ,an is so -ons/,in* t(at t(ey will not s(rin7 )ro, any lyin* and dis(onest ,eans in t(e +/rs/it o) t(eir ideal. T(ere are a )ew +ain)/l e1a,+les in s-ien-e w(ere in0esti*ators o) t(e (i*(est estee,. )ro, a +ro)o/nd -on0i-tion o) t(e tr/t( and *eneral 0alidity o) t(eir )or,/la. (a0e not s-r/+led to )alsi)y e0iden-e in )a0o/r o) t(eir ideal. T(is is san-tioned by t(e )or,/la6 t(e end 5/sti)iet( t(e ,eans. $nly an in)erior )eelin*4)/n-tion. o+eratin* sed/-ti0ely 8+. 939: and /n-ons-io/sly. -o/ld brin* abo/t s/-( aberrations in ot(erwise re+/table ,en. T(e in)eriority o) )eelin* in t(is ty+e ,ani)ests itsel) also in ot(er ways. "n so )ar as it -orres+onds wit( t(e do,inatin* +ositi0e )or,/la. t(e -ons-io/s attit/de be-o,es ,ore or less i,+ersonal. o)ten. indeed. to s/-( a de*ree t(at a 0ery -onsiderable wron* is done to +ersonal interests. ;(en t(e -ons-io/s attit/de is e1tre,e. all +ersonal -onsiderations re-ede )ro, 0iew. e0en t(ose w(i-( -on-ern t(e indi0id/al3s own +erson. His (ealt( is ne*le-ted. (is so-ial +osition deteriorates. o)ten t(e ,ost 0ital interests o) (is )a,ily are 0iolated 44 t(ey are wron*ed ,orally and )inan-ially. e0en t(eir bodily (ealt( is ,ade to s/))er 44 all in t(e ser0i-e o) t(e ideal. At all e0ents +ersonal sy,+at(y wit( ot(ers ,/st be i,+aired. /nless t(ey too -(an-e to be in t(e ser0i-e o) t(e sa,e )or,/la. Hen-e it not in)re</ently (a++ens t(at (is i,,ediate )a,ily -ir-le. (is own -(ildren )or instan-e. only 7now s/-( a )at(er as a -r/el tyrant. w(ilst t(e o/ter world reso/nds wit( t(e )a,e o) (is (/,anity. Not so ,/-( in s+ite o) as be-a/se o) t(e (i*(ly i,+ersonal -(ara-ter o) t(e -ons-io/s attit/de. t(e /n-ons-io/s )eelin*s are (i*(ly +ersonal and o0ersensiti0e. *i0in* rise to -ertain se-ret +re5/di-es. as. )or instan-e. a de-ided readiness to ,is-onstr/e any ob5e-ti0e o++osition to (is )or,/la as +ersonal ill4will. or a -onstant tenden-y to ,a7e ne*ati0e s/++ositions re*ardin* t(e </alities o) ot(ers in order to in0alidate t(eir ar*/,ents be)ore(and4in de)en-e. nat/rally. o) (is own s/s-e+tibility. As a res/lt o) t(is /n-ons-io/s sensiti0eness. (is e1+ression and tone )re</ently be-o,es s(ar+. +ointed. a**ressi0e. and insin/ations ,/lti+ly. T(e )eelin*s (a0e an /nti,ely and (altin* -(ara-ter. w(i-( is always a ,ar7 o) t(e in)erior )/n-tion. Hen-e arises a +rono/n-ed tenden-y to resent,ent. Howe0er

*enero/s t(e indi0id/al sa-ri)i-e 8+. 99D: to t(e intelle-t/al *oal ,ay be. t(e )eelin*s are -orres+ondin*ly +etty. s/s+i-io/s. -ross*rained. and -onser0ati0e. E0eryt(in* new t(at is not already -ontained )or,/la is 0iewed t(ro/*( a 0eil o) /n-ons-io/s and is 5/d*ed a--ordin*ly. "t (a++ened only in ,iddle o) last -ent/ry t(at a -ertain +(ysi-ian. )a,ed (is (/,anitarianis,. t(reatened to dis,iss an assistant )or darin* to /se a t(er,o,eter. be-a/se t(e )or,/la de-reed t(at )e0er s(all be re-o*ni2ed by t(e +/lse. T(ere are. o) -o/rse. a (ost o) si,ilar e1a,+les. T(in7in* w(i-( in ot(er res+e-ts ,ay be alto*et(er bla,eless be-o,es all t(e ,ore s/btly and +re5/di-ially. a))e-ted. t(e ,ore )eelin*s are re+ressed. An intelle-t/al stand+oint. w(i-(. +er(a+s on a--o/nt o) its a-t/al intrinsi- 0al/e. ,i*(t 5/sti)iably -lai, *eneral re-o*nition. /nder*oes a -(ara-teristi- alteration t(ro/*( t(e in)l/en-e o) t(is /n-ons-io/s +ersonal sensiti0eness6 it be-o,es ri*idly do*,ati-. T(e +ersonal sel)4 assertion is trans)erred to t(e intelle-t/al stand+oint. Tr/t( is no lon*er le)t to wor7 (er nat/ral e))e-t. b/t t(ro/*( an identi)i-ation wit( t(e s/b5e-t s(e is treated li7e a sensiti0e darlin* w(o, an e0il4,inded -riti- (as wron*ed. T(e -riti- is de,olis(ed. i) +ossible wit( +ersonal in0e-ti0e. and no ar*/,ent is too *ross to be /sed a*ainst (i,. Tr/t( ,/st be trotted o/t. /ntil )inally it be*ins to dawn /+on t(e +/bli- t(at it is not so ,/-( really a </estion o) tr/t( as o) (er +ersonal +ro-reator. T(e do*,atis, o) t(e intelle-t/al stand+oint. (owe0er. o--asionally /nder*oes still )/rt(er +e-/liar ,odi)i-ations )ro, t(e /n-ons-io/s ad,i1t/re o) /n-ons-io/s +ersonal )eelin*s6 t(ese -(an*es are less a </estion o) )eelin*. in t(e stri-ter sense. t(an o) -onta,ination )ro, ot(er /n-ons-io/s )a-tors w(i-( be-o,e blended wit( t(e re+ressed )eelin* in t(e /n-ons-io/s. Alt(o/*( reason itsel) o))ers +roo). t(at e0ery intelle-t/al )or,/la -an be no ,ore t(an 8+. 991: a +artial tr/t(. and -an ne0er lay -lai,. t(ere)ore. to a/to-rati- a/t(ority6 in +ra-ti-e. t(e )or,/la obtains so *reat an as-endan-y t(at. beside it. e0ery ot(er stand+oint and +ossibility re-edes into t(e ba-7*ro/nd. "t re+la-es all t(e ,ore *eneral. less de)ined. (en-e t(e ,ore ,odest and tr/t()/l. 0iews o) li)e. "t e0en ta7es t(e +la-e o) t(at *eneral 0iew o) li)e w(i-( we -all reli*ion. T(/s t(e )or,/la be-o,es a reli*ion. alt(o/*( in essentials it (as not t(e s,allest -onne-tion wit( anyt(in* reli*io/s. T(erewit( it also *ains t(e essentially reli*io/s -(ara-ter o) absol/teness. "t be-o,es. as it were. an intelle-t/al s/+erstition. B/t now all t(ose +sy-(olo*i-al tenden-ies t(at s/))er /nder its re+ression be-o,e *ro/+ed to*et(er in t(e /n-ons-io/s. and )or, a -o/nter4+osition. *i0in* rise to +aro1ys,s o) do/bt. As a de)en-e a*ainst do/bt. t(e -ons-io/s attit/de *rows )anati-al. %or )anati-is,. a)ter all. is ,erely o0er-o,+ensated do/bt. 'lti,ately t(is de0elo+,ent leads to an e1a**erated de)en-e o) t(e -ons-io/s +osition. and to t(e *rad/al )or,ation o) an absol/tely antit(eti- /n-ons-io/s +osition6 )or e1a,+le. an e1tre,e irrationality de0elo+s. in o++osition to t(e -ons-io/s rationalis,. or it be-o,es (i*(ly ar-(ai- and s/+erstitio/s. in o++osition to a -ons-io/s stand+oint i,b/ed wit( ,odern s-ien-e. T(is )atal o++osition is t(e so/r-e o) t(ose narrow4,inded and ridi-/lo/s 0iews. )a,iliar to t(e (istorians o) s-ien-e. into w(i-( ,any +raisewort(y +ioneers (a0e /lti,ately bl/ndered. "t not in)re</ently (a++ens in a ,an o) t(is ty+e t(at t(e side o) t(e /n-ons-io/s be-o,es e,bodied in a wo,an. "n ,y e1+erien-e. t(is ty+e. w(i-( is do/btless )a,iliar to ,y readers. is -(ie)ly )o/nd a,on* ,en. sin-e t(in7in* tends to be a ,/-( ,ore do,inant )/n-tion in ,en t(an in wo,en. As a r/le. w(en t(in7in* a-(ie0es t(e ,astery in wo,en. it is. in ,y

e1+erien-e. a 7ind o) t(in7in* w(i-( res/lts )ro, a +re0ailin*ly intuiti)e a-ti0ity o) ,ind. 8+. 992: T(e t(o/*(t o) t(e e1tra0erted t(in7in* ty+e is. positi)e, i.e. it +rod/-es. "t eit(er leads to new )a-ts or to *eneral -on-e+tions o) dis+arate e1+eri,ental ,aterial. "ts 5/d*,ent is *enerally synthetic. E0en w(en it analyses. it -onstr/-ts. be-a/se it is always ad0an-in* beyond t(e. analysis to a new -o,bination. a )/rt(er -on-e+tion w(i-( re/nites t(e analysed ,aterial in a new way or adds so,e.. t(in* )/rt(er to t(e *i0en ,aterial. "n *eneral. t(ere)ore. we ,ay des-ribe t(is 7ind o) 5/d*,ent as +redi-ati0e. "n any -ase. -(ara-teristi- t(at it is ne0er absol/tely de+re-iatory or destr/-ti0e. b/t always s/bstit/tes a )res( 0al/e )or one t(at is de,olis(ed. T(is </ality is d/e to t(e )a-t t(at t(o/*(t is t(e ,ain -(annel into w(i-( a t(in7in*4ty+e3s ener*y )lows. Li)e steadily ad0an-in* s(ows itsel) in t(e ,an3s t(in7in*. so t(at (is ideas ,aintain a +ro*ressi0e. -reati0e -(ara-ter. His t(in7in* neit(er sta*nates. nor is it in t(e least re*ressi0e. /-( </alities -lin* only to a t(in7in* t(at is not *i0en +riority in -ons-io/sness. "n t(is e0ent it is relati0ely /ni,+ortant. and also la-7s t(e -(ara-ter o) a +ositi0e 0ital a-ti0ity. "t )ollows in t(e wa7e o) ot(er )/n-tions. it be-o,es E+i,et(ean. it (as an 3es+rit de l3es-alier3 </ality. -ontentin* itsel) wit( -onstant +onderin*s and broodin*s /+on t(in*s +ast and *one. in an e))ort to analyse and di*est t(e,. ;(ere t(e -reati0e ele,ent. as in t(is -ase. in(abits anot(er )/n-tion. t(in7in* no lon*er +ro*resses it sta*nates. "ts 5/d*,ent ta7es on a de-ided inherency-character, i.e. it entirely -on)ines itsel) to t(e ran*e o) t(e *i0en ,aterial. now(ere o0erste++in* it. "t is -ontented wit( a ,ore or less abstra-t state,ent. and )ails to i,+art any 0al/e to t(e e1+eri,ental ,aterial t(at was not already t(ere. T(e in(eren-y45/d*,ent o) s/-( e1tra0erted t(in7in* is ob5e-ti0ely orientated. i.e. its -on-l/sion always e1+resses t(e ob5e-ti0e i,+ortan-e o) e1+erien-e. Hen-e. not only does it re,ain /nder t(e orientatin* in)l/en-e o) ob5e-ti0e 8+. 993: data. b/t it a-t/ally rests wit(in t(e -(ar,ed -ir-le o) t(e indi0id/al e1+erien-e. abo/t w(i-( it a))ir,s not(in* t(at was not already *i0en by it. ;e ,ay easily obser0e t(is t(in7in* in t(ose +eo+le w(o -annot re)rain )ro, ta-7in* on to an i,+ression or e1+erien-e so,e rational and do/btless 0ery 0alid re,ar7. w(i-(. (owe0er. in no way ad0ent/res beyond t(e *i0en orbit o) t(e e1+erien-e. At botto,. s/-( a re,ar7 ,erely says 3" (a0e /nderstood it 44 " -an re-onstr/-t it.3 B/t t(ere t(e ,atter also ends. At its 0ery (i*(est. s/-( a 5/d*,ent si*ni)ies ,erely t(e +la-in* o) an e1+erien-e in an ob5e-ti0e settin*. w(ereby t(e e1+erien-e is at on-e re-o*ni2ed as belon*in* to t(e )ra,e. B/t w(ene0er a )/n-tion ot(er t(an t(in7in* +ossesses +riority in -ons-io/sness to any ,ar7ed de*ree. in so )ar as t(in7in* is -ons-io/s at all and not dire-tly de+endent /+on t(e do,inant )/n-tion. it ass/,es a negati)e -(ara-ter. "n so )ar as it is s/bordinated to t(e do,inant )/n-tion. it ,ay a-t/ally wear a +ositi0e as+e-t. b/t a narrower s-r/tiny will easily +ro0e t(at it si,+ly ,i,i-s t(e do,inant )/n-tion. s/++ortin* it wit( ar*/,ents t(at /n,ista7ably -ontradi-t t(e laws o) lo*i- +ro+er to t(in7in*. /-( a t(in7in*. t(ere)ore. -eases to (a0e any interest )or o/r +resent dis-/ssion. $/r -on-ern is rat(er wit( t(e -onstit/tion o) t(at t(in7in* w(i-( -annot be s/bordinated to t(e do,inan-e o) anot(er )/n-tion. b/t re,ains tr/e to its own +rin-i+le. To obser0e and in0esti*ate t(is t(in7in* in itsel) is not easy. sin-e. in t(e -on-rete -ase. it is ,ore or less -onstantly re+ressed by t(e -ons-io/s attit/de. Hen-e. in t(e ,a5ority o) -ases. it )irst

,/st be retrie0ed )ro, t(e ba-7*ro/nd o) -ons-io/sness. /nless in so,e /n*/arded ,o,ent it s(o/ld -(an-e to -o,e a--identally to t(e s/r)a-e. As a r/le. it ,/st be enti-ed wit( so,e s/-( </estions as 3Now w(at do yo/ really t(in7F3 or. a*ain. 3;(at is yo/r +ri0ate 0iew 8+. 999: abo/t t(e ,atterF3 $r +er(a+s one ,ay e0en /se a little -/nnin*. )ra,in* t(e </estion so,et(in* t(isB 3;(at do yo/ i,a*ine. t(en. t(at " really t(in7 abo/t t(e ,atterF3 T(is latter )or, s(o/ld be -(osen w(en t(e real t(in7in* is /n-ons-io/s and. t(ere)ore +ro5e-ted. T(e t(in7in* t(at is enti-ed to t(e s/r)a-e t(is way (as -(ara-teristi- </alities6 it was t(ese " (ad in ,ind 5/st now w(en " des-ribed it as negati)e. "t (abit/al ,ode is best -(ara-teri2ed by t(e two words 3not(in* b/t3. Goet(e +ersoni)ied t(is t(in7in* in t(e )i*/re o) Ce+(isto+(eles. "t s(ows a ,ost distin-ti0e tenden-y to tra-e ba-7 t(e ob5e-t o) its 5/d*,ent to so,e banality or ot(er. t(/s stri++in* it o) its own inde+endent si*ni)i-an-e. T(is (a++ens si,+ly be-a/se it is re+resented as bein* de+endent /+on so,e ot(er -o,,on+la-e t(in*. ;(ere0er a -on)li-t. a++arently essential in nat/re. arises between two ,en. ne*ati0e t(in7in* ,/tters 3!(er-(e2 la )e,,e3. ;(en a ,an -(a,+ions or ad0o-ates a -a/se. ne*ati0e t(in7in* ,a7es no in</iry as to t(e i,+ortan-e o) t(e t(in*. b/t ,erely as7s 3How ,/-( does (e ,a7e by itF3 T(e di-t/, as-ribed to Coles-(ottB =Der Cens-( ist. was er isst= (= Can is w(at (e eats =) also belon*s to t(is -olle-tion. as do ,any ,ore a+(oris,s and o+inions w(i-( " need not en/,erate. T(e destr/-ti0e </ality o) t(is t(in7in* as well as its o--asional and li,ited /se)/lness. (ardly need )/rt(er el/-idation. B/t t(ere still e1ists anot(er )or, o) ne*ati0e t(in7in*. w(i-( at )irst *lan-e +er(a+s wo/ld s-ar-ely be re-o*ni2ed as s/-( " re)er to t(e theosophical t(in7in* w(i-( is to4day ra+idly s+readin* in e0ery </arter o) t(e *lobe. +res/,ably as a rea-tion +(eno,enon to t(e ,aterialis, o) t(e e+o-( now re-edin*. T(eoso+(i-al t(in7in* (as an air t(at is not in t(e least red/-ti0e. sin-e it e1alts e0eryt(in* to trans-endental and world4e,bra-in* ideas. A drea,. )or instan-e. is no 8+. 99>: lon*er a ,odest drea,. b/t an e1+erien-e /+on 3anot(er +lane3. T(e (it(erto ine1+li-able )a-t o) tele+at(y is .0ery si,+ly e1+lained by 30ibrations3 w(i-( +ass )ro, one ,an to anot(er. An ordinary ner0o/s tro/ble is </ite si,+ly a--o/nted )or by t(e )a-t t(at so,et(in* (as -ollided wit( t(e astral body. !ertain ant(ro+olo*i-al +e-/liarities o) t(e dwellers on t(e Atlanti- seaboard are easily e1+lained by t(e s/b,er*in* o) Atlantis. and so on. ;e (a0e ,erely to o+en a t(eoso+(i-al boo7 to be o0erw(el,ed by t(e reali2ation t(at e0eryt(in* is already e1+lained. and t(at 3s+irit/al s-ien-e3 (as le)t no eni*,as o) li)e /nsol0ed. B/t. )/nda,entally. t(is sort o) t(in7in* is 5/st as ne*ati0e as ,aterialisti- t(in7in*. ;(en t(e latter -on-ei0es +sy-(olo*y as -(e,i-al -(an*es ta7in* +la-e in t(e -ell4*an*lia. or as t(e e1tr/sion and wit(drawal o) -ell4+ro-esses. or as an internal se-retion. in essen-e t(is is 5/st as s/+erstitio/s as t(eoso+(y. T(e only di))eren-e lies in t(e )a-t t(at ,aterialis, red/-es all +(eno,ena to o/r -/rrent +(ysiolo*i-al notions. w(ile t(eoso+(y brin*s e0eryt(in* into t(e -on-e+ts o) "ndian ,eta+(ysi-s. ;(en we tra-e t(e drea, to an o0erloaded sto,a-(. t(e drea, is not t(ereby e1+lained. and w(en we e1+lain tele+at(y as 30ibrations3. we (a0e said 5/st as little. in-e. w(at are 30ibrations3F Not only are bot( ,et(ods o) e1+lanation </ite i,+otent 44 t(ey are a-t/ally destr/-ti0e. be-a/se by inter+osin* t(eir see,in* e1+lanations t(ey wit(draw interest )ro, t(e +roble,. di0ertin* it in t(e )or,er -ase to t(e sto,a-(. and in t(e latter to i,a*inary 0ibrations. t(/s +re0entin* any serio/s in0esti*ation o) t(e +roble,. Eit(er 7ind o) t(in7in* is bot( sterile and sterili2in*. T(eir ne*ati0e </ality -onsists in t(is it is a ,et(od o) t(o/*(t t(at is indes-ribably -(ea+ t(ere is a real +o0erty o) +rod/-ti0e and -reati0e ener*y. "t is a t(in7in* ta7en in tow by ot(er )/n-tions. 8+. 99?:

&. 'eeling %eelin* in t(e e1tra0erted attit/de is orientated by ob5e-ti0e data. i.e. t(e ob5e-t is t(e indis+ensable deter,inant o) t(e 7ind o) )eelin*. "t a*rees wit( ob5e-ti0e 0al/es. ") one (as always 7nown )eelin* as a s/b5e-ti0e )a-t. t(e nat/re o) e1tra0erted )eelin* will not i,,ediately be /nderstood. sin-e it (as )reed itsel) as )/lly as +ossible )ro, t(e s/b5e-ti0e )a-tor. and (as. instead. be-o,e w(olly s/bordinated to t(e in)l/en-e o) t(e ob5e-t. E0en w(ere it see,s to s(ow a -ertain inde+enden-e o) t(e </ality o) t(e -on-rete ob5e-t. it is none t(e less /nder t(e s+ell o). traditional or *enerally 0alid standards o) so,e sort. " ,ay )eel -onstrained. )or instan-e. to /se t(e +redi-ate 3bea/ti)/l3 or 3*ood3. not be-a/se " )ind t(e ob5e-t 3bea/ti)/l3 or 3*ood3 )ro, ,y own s/b5e-ti0e )eelin*. b/t be-a/se it is fitting and +oliti- so to do6 and )ittin* it -ertainly is. inas,/-( as a -ontrary o+inion wo/ld dist/rb t(e *eneral )eelin* sit/ation. A )eelin*4 5/d*,ent s/-( as t(is is in no way a si,/lation or a lie 44 it is ,erely an a-t o) a--o,,odation. A +i-t/re. )or instan-e. ,ay be ter,ed bea/ti)/l. be-a/se a +i-t/re t(at is (/n* in a drawin*4roo, and bearin* a well47nown si*nat/re is *enerally ass/,ed to be bea/ti)/l. or be-a/se t(e +redi-ate 3/*ly3 ,i*(t o))end t(e )a,ily o) t(e )ort/nate +ossessor. or be-a/se t(ere is a bene0olent intention on t(e +art o) t(e 0isitor to -reate a +leasant )eelin*4at,os+(ere. to w(i-( end e0eryt(in* ,/st be )elt as a*reeable. /-( )eelin*s are *o0erned by t(e standard o) t(e ob5e-ti0e deter,inants. As s/-( t(ey are *en/ine. and re+resent t(e total 0isible )eelin*4)/n-tion. "n +re-isely t(e sa,e way as e1tra0erted t(in7in* stri0es to rid itsel) o) s/b5e-ti0e in)l/en-es. e1tra0erted )eelin* (as also to /nder*o a -ertain +ro-ess o) di))erentiation. be)ore it is )inally den/ded o) e0ery s/b5e-ti0e 8+. 99@: tri,,in*. T(e )aluations res/ltin* )ro, t(e a-t o) )eelin* eit(er -orres+ond dire-tly wit( ob5e-ti0e 0al/es or at least -(i,e in wit( -ertain traditional and *enerally 7nown standards o) 0al/e. T(is 7ind o) )eelin* is 0ery lar*ely res+onsible )or t(e )a-t t(at so ,any +eo+le )lo-7 to t(e t(eatre. to -on-erts. or to !(/r-(. and w(at is ,ore. wit( -orre-tly ad5/sted +ositi0e )eelin*s. %as(ions. too. owe t(eir e1isten-e to it. and. w(at is )ar ,ore 0al/able. t(e w(ole +ositi0e and wide4s+read s/++ort o) so-ial. +(ilant(ro+i-. and s/-( li7e -/lt/ral enter+rises. "n s/-( ,atters. e1tra0erted )eelin* +ro0es itsel) a -reati0e )a-tor. ;it(o/t t(is )eelin*. )or instan-e. a bea/ti)/l and (ar,onio/s so-iability wo/ld be /nt(in7able. o )ar e1tra0erted )eelin* is 5/st as bene)i-ent and rationally e))e-ti0e as e1tra0erted t(in7in*. B/t t(is sal/tary e))e-t is lost as soon as t(e ob5e-t *ains an e1a**erated in)l/en-e. %or. w(en t(is (a++ens. e1tra0erted )eelin* draws t(e +ersonality too ,/-( into t(e ob5e-t. i.e. t(e ob5e-t assi,ilates t(e +erson. w(ere/+on t(e +ersonal -(ara-ter o) t(e )eelin*. w(i-( -onstit/tes its +rin-i+al -(ar,. is lost. %eelin* t(en be-o,es -old. ,aterial. /ntr/stwort(y. "t betrays a se-ret ai,. or at least aro/ses t(e s/s+i-ion o) it in an i,+artial obser0er. No lon*er does it ,a7e t(at wel-o,e and re)res(in* i,+ression t(e in0ariable a--o,+ani,ent o) *en/ine )eelin*6 instead. one s-ents a +ose or a))e-tation. alt(o/*( t(e e*o-entri- ,oti0e ,ay be entirely /n-ons-io/s. /-( o0erstressed. e1tra0erted )eelin* -ertainly )/l)ils Ist(eti- e1+e-tations. b/t no lon*er does it s+ea7 to t(e (eart6 it ,erely a++eals to t(e senses. or 44 worse still 44 to t(e reason. Do/btless it -an +ro0ide Ist(eti- +addin* )or a sit/ation. b/t t(ere it sto+s. and beyond t(at its e))e-t is nil. "t (as be-o,e sterile. (o/ld t(is +ro-ess *o )/rt(er. a stran*ely -ontradi-tory disso-iation o) )eelin* de0elo+s6 e0ery ob5e-t is sei2ed /+on wit( )eelin*4 8+. 99A: 0al/ations. and n/,ero/s relations(i+s are ,ade w(i-( are in(erently and ,/t/ally in-o,+atible. in-e s/-( aberrations wo/ld be </ite i,+ossible

i) a s/))i-iently e,+(asi2ed s/b5e-t were +resent. t(e last 0esti*e o) a real +ersonal stand+oint also be-o,es s/++ressed. T(e s/b5e-t be-o,es so swallowed /+ in indi0id/al )eelin* +ro-esses t(at to t(e obser0er it see,s as t(o/*( t(ere were no lon*er a s/b5e-t o) )eelin* b/t ,erely a )eelin* +ro-ess. "n s/-( a -ondition )eelin* (as entirely )or)eited its ori*inal (/,an war,t(. it *i0es an i,+ression o) +ose. in-onstan-y. /nreliability. and in t(e worst -ases a++ears de)initely (ysteri-al. (. The E !"a#e"!e$ 'eeling)Type "n so )ar as )eelin* is. in-ontestably. a ,ore ob0io/s +e-/liarity o) )e,inine +sy-(olo*y t(an t(in7in*. t(e ,ost +rono/n-ed )eelin*4ty+es are also to be )o/nd a,on* wo,en. ;(en e1tra0erted )eelin* +ossesses t(e +riority we s+ea7 o) an e1tra0erted )eelin*4ty+e. E1a,+les o) t(is ty+e t(at " -an -all to ,ind are. al,ost wit(o/t e1-e+tion. wo,en. (e is a wo,an w(o )ollows t(e */idin*4line o) (er )eelin*. As t(e res/lt o) ed/-ation (er )eelin* (as be-o,e de0elo+ed into an ad5/sted )/n-tion. s/b5e-t to -ons-io/s -ontrol. E1-e+t in e1tre,e -ases. )eelin* (as a +ersonal -(ara-ter. in s+ite o) t(e )a-t t(at t(e s/b5e-ti0e )a-tor ,ay be already. to a lar*e e1tent. re+ressed. T(e +ersonality a++ears to be ad5/sted in relation to ob5e-ti0e -onditions. Her )eelin*s -orres+ond wit( ob5e-ti0e sit/ations and *eneral 0al/es. Now(ere is t(is ,ore -learly re0ealed t(an in t(e so4 -alled 3lo0e4-(oi-e36 t(e 3s/itable3 ,an is lo0ed. not anot(er one6 (e is s/itable not so ,/-( be-a/se (e )/lly a--ords wit( t(e )/nda,ental -(ara-ter o) t(e wo,an 44 as a r/le s(e is </ite /nin)or,ed abo/t t(is 44 b/t be-a/se 8+. 999: (e ,eti-/lo/sly -orres+onds in standin*. a*e. -a+a-ity. (ei*(t. and )a,ily res+e-tability wit( e0ery reasonable re</ire,ent. /-( a )or,/lation ,i*(t. o) -o/rse. be easily re5e-ted as ironi-al or de+re-iatory. were " not )/lly -on0in-ed t(at t(e lo0e4)eelin* o) t(is ty+e o) wo,an -o,+letely -orres+onds wit( (er -(oi-e. "t is *en/ine. and not ,erely intelli*ently ,an/)a-t/red. /-( 3reasonable3 ,arria*es e1ist wit(o/t n/,ber. and t(ey are by no ,eans t(e worst. /-( wo,en are *ood -o,rades to t(eir (/sbands and e1-ellent ,ot(ers. so lon* as (/sbands or -(ildren +ossess t(e -on0entional +sy-(i- -onstit/tion. $ne -an )eel 3-orre-tly3. (owe0er. only w(en )eelin* is dist/rbed by not(in* else. B/t not(in* dist/rbs )eelin* so ,/-( as t(in7in*. "t is at on-e intelli*ible. t(ere)ore. t(at t(is ty+e s(o/ld re+ress t(in7in* as ,/-( as +ossible. T(is does not ,ean to say t(at s/-( a wo,an does not t(in7 at all6 on t(e -ontrary. s(e ,ay e0en t(in7 a *reat deal and 0ery ably. b/t (er t(in7in* is ne0er s/i *eneris6 it is. in )a-t. an E+i,et(ean a++enda*e to (er )eelin*. ;(at s(e -annot )eel. s(e -annot -ons-io/sly t(in7. 3B/t " -an3t t(in7 w(at " don3t )eel3. s/-( a ty+e said to ,e on-e in indi*nant tones. As )ar as )eelin* +er,its. s(e -an t(in7 0ery well. b/t e0ery -on-l/sion. (owe0er lo*i-al. t(at ,i*(t lead to a dist/rban-e o) )eelin* is re5e-ted )ro, t(e o/tset. "t is si,+ly not t(o/*(t. And t(/s e0eryt(in* t(at -orres+onds wit( ob5e-ti0e 0al/ations is *oodB t(ese t(in*s are lo0ed or treas/red6 t(e rest see,s ,erely to e1ist in a world a+art. B/t a -(an*e -o,es o0er t(e +i-t/re w(en t(e i,+ortan-e o) t(e ob5e-t rea-(es a still (i*(er le0el. As already e1+lained abo0e. s/-( an assi,ilation o) s/b5e-t to ob5e-t t(en o--/rs as al,ost -o,+letely to en*/l) t(e s/b5e-t o) )eelin*. %eelin* loses its +ersonal -(ara-ter 44 it be-o,es )eelin* +er se6 it al,ost see,s as t(o/*( t(e 8+. 9>D: +ersonality were w(olly dissol0ed in t(e )eelin* o) t(e ,o,ent. Now. sin-e in a-t/al li)e sit/ations -onstantly and s/--essi0ely alternate. in w(i-( t(e )eelin*4tones released are not only di))erent b/t are a-t/ally ,/t/ally -ontrastin*. t(e +ersonality ine0itably be-o,es dissi+ated in 5/st so ,any di))erent )eelin*s. A++arently. (e is t(is one ,o,ent. and so,et(in* -o,+letely di))erent t(e ne1t 44 a++arently. " re+eat. )or in reality s/-( a

,ani)old +ersonality is alto*et(er i,+ossible. T(e basis o) t(e e*o always re,ains identi-al wit( itsel). and. t(ere)ore. a++ears de)initely o++osed to t(e -(an*in* states o) )eelin*. A--ordin*ly t(e obser0er senses t(e dis+lay o) )eelin* not so ,/-( as a +ersonal e1+ression o) t(e )eelin*4s/b5e-t as an alteration o) (is e*o. a ,ood. in ot(er words. !orres+ondin* wit( t(e de*ree o) disso-iation between t(e e*o and t(e ,o,entary state o) )eelin*. si*ns o) dis/nion wit( t(e sel) will be-o,e ,ore or less e0ident. i.e. t(e ori*inal -o,+ensatory attit/de o) t(e /n-ons-io/s be-o,es a ,ani)est o++osition. T(is re0eals itsel). in t(e )irst instan-e. in e1tra0a*ant de,onstrations o) )eelin*. in lo/d and obtr/si0e )eelin* +redi-ates. w(i-( lea0e one. (owe0er. so,ew(at in-red/lo/s. T(ey rin* (ollow6 t(ey are not -on0in-in*. $n t(e -ontrary. t(ey at on-e *i0e one an in7lin* o) a resistan-e t(at is bein* o0er-o,+ensated. and one be*ins to wonder w(et(er s/-( a )eelin*45/d*,ent ,i*(t not 5/st as well be entirely di))erent. "n )a-t. in a 0ery s(ort ti,e it a-t/ally is di))erent. $nly a 0ery sli*(t alteration in t(e sit/ation is needed to +ro0o7e )ort(wit( an entirely -ontrary esti,ation o) t(e sel)sa,e ob5e-t. T(e res/lt o) s/-( an e1+erien-e is t(at t(e obser0er is /nable to ta7e eit(er 5/d*,ent at all serio/sly. He be*ins to reser0e (is own o+inion. B/t sin-e. wit( t(is ty+e. it is a ,atter o) t(e *reatest ,o,ent to establis( an intensi0e )eelin* ra++ort wit( (is en0iron,ent. redo/bled e))orts are now re</ired 8+. 9>1: to o0er-o,e t(is reser0e. T(/s. in t(e ,anner o) t(e -ir-/l/s 0itios/s. t(e sit/ation *oes )ro, bad to worse. T(e ,ore t(e )eelin* relation wit( t(e ob5e-t be-o,es o0erstressed. t(e nearer t(e /n-ons-io/s o++osition a++roa-(es t(e s/r)a-e. ;e (a0e already seen t(at t(e e1tra0erted )eelin* ty+e. as a r/le. re+resses (is t(in7in*. 5/st be-a/se t(in7in* is t(e )/n-tion ,ost liable to dist/rb )eelin*. i,ilarly. w(en t(in7in* see7s to arri0e at +/re res/lts o) any 7ind. its )irst a-t is to e1-l/de )eelin*. sin-e not(in* is -al-/lated to (arass and )alsi)y t(in7in* so ,/-( as )eelin*40al/es. T(in7in*. t(ere)ore. in so )ar as it is an inde+endent )/n-tion. is re+ressed in t(e e1tra0erted )eelin* ty+e. "ts re+ression. as " obser0ed be)ore. is -o,+lete only in so )ar as its ine1orable lo*i- )or-es it to -on-l/sions t(at are in-o,+atible wit( )eelin*. "t is s/))ered to e1ist as t(e ser0ant o) )eelin*. or ,ore a--/rately its sla0e. "ts ba-7bone is bro7en6 it ,ay not o+erate on its own a--o/nt. in a--ordan-e wit( its own laws. Now. sin-e a lo*i- e1ists +rod/-in* ine1orably ri*(t -on-l/sions. t(is ,/st (a++en so,ew(ere. alt(o/*( beyond t(e bo/nds o) -ons-io/sness. i.e. in t(e /n-ons-io/s. #re4 e,inently. t(ere)ore. t(e /n-ons-io/s -ontent o) t(is ty+e is a +arti-/lar 7ind o) t(in7in*. "t is an in)antile. ar-(ai-. and ne*ati0e t(in7in*. o lon* as -ons-io/s )eelin* +reser0es t(e +ersonal -(ara-ter. or. in ot(er words. so lon* as t(e +ersonality does not be-o,e swallowed /+ by s/--essi0e states o) )eelin*. t(is /n-ons-io/s t(in7in* re,ains -o,+ensatory. B/t as soon as t(e +ersonality is disso-iated. be-o,in* dis+ersed in ,/t/ally -ontradi-tory states o) )eelin*. t(e identity o) t(e e*o is lost. and t(e s/b5e-t be-o,es /n-ons-io/s. B/t. be-a/se o) t(e s/b5e-t3s la+se into t(e /n-ons-io/s. it be-o,es asso-iated wit( t(e /n-ons-io/s t(in7in* 44 )/n-tion. t(erewit( assistin* t(e /n-ons-io/s 8+. 9>2: t(o/*(t to o--asional -ons-io/sness. T(e stron*er t(e -ons-io/s )eelin* relation. and t(ere)ore. t(e ,ore 3de+ersonali2ed.3 it be-o,es. t(e stron*er *rows t(e /n-ons-io/s o++osition. T(is re0eals itsel) in t(e )a-t t(at /n-ons-io/s ideas -entre ro/nd 5/st t(e ,ost 0al/ed ob5e-ts. w(i-( are t(/s +itilessly stri++ed o) t(eir 0al/e. T(at t(in7in* w(i-( always t(in7s in t(e 3not(in* b/t3 style is in its ri*(t +la-e (ere. sin-e it destroys t(e as-endan-y o) t(e )eelin* t(at is -(ained to t(e ob5e-t.

'n-ons-io/s t(o/*(t rea-(es t(e s/r)a-e in t(e )or, o) irr/+tions. o)ten o) an obsessin* nat/re. t(e *eneral -(ara-ter o) w(i-( is always ne*ati0e and de+re-iatory. ;o,en o) t(is ty+e (a0e ,o,ents w(en t(e ,ost (ideo/s t(o/*(ts )asten /+on t(e 0ery ob5e-ts ,ost 0al/ed by t(eir )eelin*s. T(is ne*ati0e t(in7in* a0ails itsel) o) e0ery in)antile +re5/di-e or +arallel t(at is -al-/lated to breed do/bt in t(e )eelin*40al/e. and it tows e0ery +ri,iti0e instin-t alon* wit( it. in t(e e))ort to ,a7e 3a not(in* b/t3 inter+retation o) t(e )eelin*. At t(is +oint. it is +er(a+s in t(e nat/re o) a side4re,ar7 to obser0e t(at t(e -olle-ti0e /n-ons-io/s. i.e. t(e totality o) t(e +ri,ordial i,a*es. also be-o,es enlisted in t(e sa,e ,anner. and )ro, t(e elaboration and de0elo+,ent o) t(ese i,a*es t(ere dawns t(e +ossibility o) a re*eneration o) t(e attit/de /+on anot(er basis. Hysteria. wit( t(e -(ara-teristi- in)antile se1/ality o) its /n-ons-io/s world o) ideas. is t(e +rin-i+al )or, o) ne/rosis wit( t(is ty+e. *. Recapi!ula!ion o+ E !"a#e"!e$ Ra!ional Types " ter, t(e two +re-edin* ty+es rational or 5/d*in* ty+es be-a/se t(ey are -(ara-teri2ed by t(e s/+re,a-y o) t(e reasonin* and t(e 5/d*in* )/n-tions. "t is a *eneral distin*/is(in* ,ar7 o) bot( ty+es t(at t(eir li)e is. to a 8+. 9>3: lar*e e1tent. s/bordinated to reasonin* 5/d*,ent. B/t we ,/st not o0erloo7 t(e +oint. w(et(er by 3reasonin*3 we are re)errin* to t(e stand+oint o) t(e indi0id/al3s s/b5e-ti0e +sy-(olo*y. or to t(e stand+oint o) t(e obser0er. w(o +er-ei0es and 5/d*es )ro, wit(o/t. %or s/-( an obser0er -o/ld easily arri0e at an o++osite 5/d*,ent. es+e-ially i) (e (as a ,erely int/iti0e a++re(ension o) t(e be(a0io/r o) t(e obser0ed. and 5/d*es a--ordin*ly. "n its totality. t(e li)e o) t(is ty+e is ne0er de+endent /+on reasonin* 5/d*,ent alone6 it is in)l/en-ed in al,ost e</al de*ree by /n-ons-io/s irrationality. ") obser0ation is restri-ted to be(a0io/r. wit(o/t any -on-ern )or t(e do,esti- interior o) t(e indi0id/al3s -ons-io/sness. one ,ay *et an e0en stron*er i,+ression o) t(e irrational and a--idental -(ara-ter o) -ertain /n-ons-io/s ,ani)estations in t(e indi0id/al3s be(a0io/r t(an o) t(e reasonableness o) (is -ons-io/s +/r+oses and ,oti0ations. ". t(ere)ore. base ,y 5/d*,ent /+on w(at t(e indi0id/al )eels to be (is -ons-io/s +sy-(olo*y. B/t " a, +re+ared to *rant t(at we ,ay e</ally well entertain a +re-isely o++osite -on-e+tion o) s/-( a +sy-(olo*y. and +resent it a--ordin*ly. " a, also -on0in-ed t(at. (ad " ,ysel) -(an-ed to +ossess a di))erent indi0id/al +sy-(olo*y. " s(o/ld (a0e des-ribed t(e rational ty+es in t(e re0ersed way. )ro, t(e stand+oint o) t(e /n-ons-io/s4as irrational. t(ere)ore. T(is -ir-/,stan-e a**ra0ates t(e di))i-/lty o) a l/-id +resentation o) +sy-(olo*i-al ,atters to a de*ree not to be /nderesti,ated. and i,,eas/rably in-reases t(e +ossibility o) ,is/nderstandin*s. T(e dis-/ssions w(i-( de0elo+ )ro, t(ese ,is/nderstandin*s are. as a r/le. </ite (o+eless. sin-e t(e real iss/e is ne0er 5oined. ea-( side s+ea7in*. as it were. in a di))erent ton*/e. /-( e1+erien-e is ,erely one reason t(e ,ore )or basin* ,y +resentation /+on t(e s/b5e-ti0e -ons-io/s +sy-(olo*y o) t(e indi0id/al. sin-e t(ere. at least. one (as a de)inite ob5e-ti0e )ootin*. w(i-( -o,+letely 8+. 9>9: dro+s away t(e ,o,ent we try to *ro/nd +sy-(olo*i-al +rin-i+les /+on t(e /n-ons-io/s. %or t(e obser0ed. in t(is -ase. -o/ld /nderta7e no 7ind o) -o4 o+eration. be-a/se t(ere is not(in* o) w(i-( (e is not ,ore in)or,ed t(an (is own /n-ons-io/s. T(e 5/d*,ent wo/ld entirely de0ol0e /+on t(e obser0er 44 a -ertain */arantee t(at its basis wo/ld be (is own indi0id/al +sy-(olo*y. w(i-( wo/ld in)allibly be i,+osed /+on t(e obser0ed. To ,y ,ind. t(is is t(e -ase in t(e +sy-(olo*ies bot( o) %re/d and o) Adler. T(e indi0id/al is -o,+letely at t(e ,er-y o) t(e arbitrary dis-retion o) (is obser0in* -riti- 44 w(i-( -an ne0er be t(e -ase w(en t(e -ons-io/s +sy-(olo*y o)

t(e obser0ed is a--e+ted as t(e basis. A)ter all. (e is t(e only -o,+etent 5/d*e. sin-e (e alone 7nows (is own ,oti0es. T(e reasonableness t(at -(ara-teri2es t(e -ons-io/s ,ana*e,ent o) li)e in bot( t(ese ty+es. in0ol0es a -ons-io/s e1-l/sion o) t(e a--idental and non4rational. Reasonin* 5/d*,ent. in s/-( a +sy-(olo*y. re+resents a +ower t(at -oer-es t(e /ntidy and a--idental t(in*s o) li)e into de)inite )or,s6 s/-( at least is its ai,. T(/s. on t(e one (and. a de)inite -(oi-e is ,ade a,on* t(e +ossibilities o) li)e. sin-e only t(e rational -(oi-e is -ons-io/sly a--e+ted6 b/t. on t(e ot(er (and. t(e inde+enden-e and in)l/en-e o) t(ose +sy-(i- )/n-tions w(i-( +er-ei0e li)e3s (a++enin*s are essentially restri-ted. T(is li,itation o) sensation and int/ition is. o) -o/rse. not absol/te. T(ese )/n-tions e1ist. )or t(ey are /ni0ersal6 b/t t(eir +rod/-ts are s/b5e-t to t(e -(oi-e o) t(e reasonin* 5/d*,ent. "t is not t(e absol/te stren*t( o) sensation. )or instan-e. w(i-( t/rns t(e s-ales in t(e ,oti0ation o) a-tion. b/t 5/d*,ent. T(/s. in a -ertain sense. t(e +er-ei0in*4 )/n-tions s(are t(e sa,e )ate as )eelin* in t(e -ase o) t(e )irst ty+e. or t(in7in* in t(at o) t(e se-ond. T(ey are relati0ely re+ressed. and t(ere)ore in an in)erior state o) di))erentiation. T(is -ir-/,stan-e *i0es a +arti-/lar sta,+ to t(e /n-ons-io/s 8+. 9>>: o) bot( o/r ty+es6 w(at s/-( ,en do -ons-io/sly and intentionally a--ords wit( reason (their reason o) -o/rse). b/t w(at (a++ens to t(e, -orres+onds eit(er wit( in)antile. +ri,iti0e sensations. or wit( si,ilarly ar-(ai- int/itions. " will try to ,a7e -lear w(at " ,ean by t(ese latter -on-e+ts in t(e se-tions t(at )ollow. At all e0ents. t(at w(i-( (a++ens to t(is ty+e is irrational ()ro, t(eir own stand+oint o) -o/rse). Now. sin-e t(ere are 0ast n/,bers o) ,en w(ose li0es -onsist in w(at (a++ens to t(e, ,ore t(an in a-tions res/ltin* )ro, reasoned intention. it ,i*(t -on-ei0ably (a++en. t(at s/-( a ,an. a)ter -are)/l analysis. wo/ld des-ribe bot( o/r ty+es as irrational. ;e ,/st *rant (i,. (owe0er. t(at only too o)ten a ,an3s /n-ons-io/s ,a7es a )ar stron*er i,+ression /+on one t(an (is -ons-io/s. and t(at (is a-tions o)ten (a0e -onsiderably ,ore wei*(t and ,eanin* t(an (is reasoned ,oti0ations. T(e rationality o) bot( ty+es is orientated ob5e-ti0ely. and de+ends /+on ob5e-ti0e data. T(eir reasonableness -orres+onds wit( w(at +asses as reasonable )ro, t(e -olle-ti0e stand+oint. /b5e-ti0ely t(ey -onsider not(in* rational sa0e w(at is *enerally -onsidered as s/-(. B/t reason is also 0ery lar*ely s/b5e-ti0e and indi0id/al. "n o/r -ase t(is s(are is re+ressed 44 in-reasin*ly so. in )a-t. t(e ,ore t(e si*ni)i-an-e o) t(e ob5e-t is e1alted. Bot( t(e s/b5e-t and s/b5e-ti0e reason. t(ere)ore. are always t(reatened wit( re+ression and. w(en it des-ends. t(ey )all /nder t(e tyranny o) t(e /n-ons-io/s. w(i-( in t(is -ase +ossesses ,ost /n+leasant </alities. ;e (a0e already s+o7en o) its t(in7in*. B/t. in addition. t(ere are +ri,iti0e sensations. w(i-( re0eal t(e,sel0es in -o,+/lsi0e )or,s. as. )or instan-e. an abnor,al -o,+/lsi0e +leas/re see7in* in e0ery -on-ei0able dire-tion 6 t(ere are also +ri,iti0e int/itions. w(i-( -an be-o,e a +ositi0e tort/re to t(e indi0id/als -on-erned. not to ,ention t(eir ento/ra*e. E0eryt(in* disa*reeable and +ain)/l. e0eryt(in* dis*/stin*. 8+. 9>?: /*ly. and e0il is s-ented o/t or s/s+e-ted. and t(ese as a r/le only -orres+ond wit( (al)4tr/t(s. t(an w(i-( not(in* is ,ore -al-/lated to -reate ,is/nderstandin*s o) t(e ,ost +oisono/s 7ind. T(e +ower)/l in)l/en-e o) t(e o++osin* /n-ons-io/s -ontents ne-essarily brin*s abo/t a )re</ent interr/+tion o) t(e rational -ons-io/s *o0ern,ent. na,ely. a stri7in* s/bser0ien-e to t(e ele,ent o) -(an-e. so t(at. eit(er by 0irt/e o) t(eir sensational 0al/e or /n-ons-io/s si*ni)i-an-e. a--idental (a++enin*s a-</ire a -o,+ellin* in)l/en-e. ,. -ensa!ion

ensation. in t(e e1tra0erted attit/de. is ,ost de)initely -onditioned by t(e ob5e-t. As sense4+er-e+tion. sensation is nat/rally de+endent /+on t(e ob5e-t. B/t. 5/st as nat/rally. it is also de+endent /+on t(e s/b5e-t6 (en-e. t(ere is also a s/b5e-ti0e sensation. w(i-( a)ter its 7ind is entirely di))erent )ro, t(e ob5e-ti0e. "n t(e e1tra0erted attit/de t(is s/b5e-ti0e s(are o) sensation. in so )ar as its -ons-io/s a++li-ation is -on-erned. is eit(er in(ibited or re+ressed. As an irrational )/n-tion. sensation is e</ally re+ressed. w(ene0er a rational )/n-tion. t(in7in* or )eelin*. +ossesses t(e +riority. ie. it -an be said to (a0e a -ons-io/s )/n-tion. only in so )ar as t(e rational attit/de o) -ons-io/sness +er,its a--idental +er-e+tions to be-o,e -ons-io/s -ontents6 in s(ort. reali2es t(e,. T(e )/n-tion o) sense is. o) -o/rse. absol/te in t(e stri-ter sense6 )or e1a,+le. e0eryt(in* is seen or (eard to t(e )art(est +(ysiolo*i-al +ossibility. b/t not e0eryt(in* attains t(at t(res(old 0al/e w(i-( a +er-e+tion ,/st +ossess in order to be also a++er-ei0ed. "t is a di))erent ,atter w(en sensation itsel) +ossesses +riority. instead o) ,erely se-ondin* anot(er )/n-tion. "n t(is -ase. no ele,ent o) ob5e-ti0e sensation is e1-l/ded and not(in* re+ressed (wit( t(e e1-e+tion o) t(e s/b5e-ti0e s(are 8+. 9>@: already ,entioned). ensation (as a +re)erential ob5e-ti0e deter,ination. and t(ose ob5e-ts w(i-( release t(e stron*est sensation are de-isi0e )or t(e indi0id/al3s +sy-(olo*y. T(e res/lt o) t(is is a +rono/n-ed sensuous hold to t(e ob5e-t. ensation. t(ere)ore. is a 0ital )/n-tion. e</i++ed wit( t(e +otentest 8si-: 0ital instin-t. "n so )ar as ob5e-ts release sensations. t(ey ,atter6 and. in so )ar as it lies wit(in t(e +ower o) sensation. t(ey are also )/lly a--e+ted into -ons-io/sness. w(et(er -o,+atible wit( reasoned 5/d*,ent or not. As a )/n-tion its sole -riterion o) 0al/e is t(e stren*t( o) t(e sensation as -onditioned by its ob5e-ti0e </alities. A--ordin*ly. all ob5e-ti0e +ro-esses. in so )ar as t(ey release sensations at all. ,a7e t(eir a++earan-e in -ons-io/sness. "t is. (owe0er. only -on-rete. sens/o/sly +er-ei0ed ob5e-ts or +ro-esses w(i-( e1-ite sensations in t(e e1tra0erted attit/de6 e1-l/si0ely t(ose. in )a-t. w(i-( e0eryone in all ti,es and +la-es wo/ld sense as -on-rete. Hen-e. t(e orientation o) s/-( an indi0id/al -orres+onds wit( +/rely -on-rete reality. T(e 5/d*in*. rational )/n-tions are s/bordinated to t(e -on-rete )a-ts o) sensation. and. a--ordin*ly. +ossess t(e </alities o) in)erior di))erentiation. i.e. t(ey are ,ar7ed by a -ertain ne*ati0ity. wit( in)antile and ar-(ai- tenden-ies. T(e )/n-tion ,ost a))e-ted by t(e re+ression. is. nat/rally. t(e one standin* o++osite to sensation. 0i2. int/ition. t(e )/n-tion o) /n-ons-io/s +er-e+tion. .. The E !"a#e"!e$ -ensa!ion Type No ot(er (/,an ty+e -an e</al t(e e1tra0erted sensation4ty+e in realis,. His sense )or ob5e-ti0e )a-ts is e1traordinarily de0elo+ed. His li)e is an a--/,/lation o) a-t/al e1+erien-e wit( -on-rete ob5e-ts. and t(e ,ore +rono/n-ed (e is. t(e less /se does (e ,a7e o) (is e1+erien-e. "n -ertain -ases t(e e0ents o) (is li)e (ardly deser0e 8+. 9>A: t(e na,e 3e1+erien-e3. He 7nows no better /se )or t(is sensed 3e1+erien-e3 t(an to ,a7e it ser0e as a */ide to )res( sensations6 anyt(in* in t(e least 3new3 t(at -o,es wit(in (is -ir-le o) interest is )ort(wit( t/rned to a sensational a--o/nt and is ,ade to ser0e t(is end. "n so )ar as one is dis+osed to re*ard a (i*(ly de0elo+ed sense )or s(eer a-t/ality as 0ery reasonable. will s/-( ,en be estee,ed rational. "n reality. (owe0er. t(is is by no ,eans t(e -ase. sin-e t(ey are e</ally s/b5e-t to t(e sensation o) irrational. -(an-e (a++enin*s. as t(ey are to rational be(a0io/r. /-( a ty+e 44 t(e ,a5ority ar- ,en a++arently 44 does not. o) -o/rse. belie0e (i,sel) to be 3s/b5e-t3 to sensation. He wo/ld be ,/-( ,ore in-lined to ridi-/le t(is 0iew as alto*et(er in-on-l/si0e. sin-e. )ro, (is stand+oint. sensation is t(e -on-rete

,ani)estation o) li)e 44 it is si,+ly t(e )/lness 8si-: o) a-t/al li0in*. His ai, is -on-rete en5oy,ent. and (is ,orality is si,ilarly orientated. %or tr/e en5oy,ent (as its own s+e-ial ,orality. its own ,oderation and law)/lness. its own /nsel)is(ness and de0otedness. "t by no ,eans )ollows t(at (e is 5/st sens/al or *ross. )or (e ,ay di))erentiate (is sensation to t(e )inest +it-( o) Ist(eti- +/rity wit(o/t bein* t(e least /n)ait()/l. e0en in (is ,ost abstra-t sensations. to (is +rin-i+le o) ob5e-ti0e sensation. ;/l)en3s 'icerone des r1uml2c*sichtlosen !e3ensgenusses is t(e /n0arnis(ed -on)ession o) a ty+e o) t(is sort. %ro, t(is +oint o) 0iew t(e boo7 see,s to ,e wort( readin*. '+on t(e lower le0els t(is is t(e ,an o) tan*ible reality. wit( little tenden-y eit(er )or re)le-tion or -o,,andin* +/r+ose. To sense t(e ob5e-t. to (a0e and i) +ossible to en5oy sensations. is (is -onstant ,oti0e. He is by no ,eans /nlo0able6 on t(e -ontrary. (e )re</ently (as a -(ar,in* and li0ely -a+a-ity )or en5oy,ent6 (e is so,eti,es a 5olly )ellow. and o)ten a re)ined Ist(ete. 8+. 9>9: "n t(e )or,er -ase. t(e *reat +roble,s o) li)e (in*e /+on a *ood or indi))erent dinner6 in t(e latter. t(ey are </estions o) *ood taste. ;(en (e 3senses3. e0eryt(in* essential (as been said and done. Not(in* -an be ,ore t(an -on-rete and a-t/al6 -on5e-t/res t(at trans-end or *o beyond t(e -on-rete are only +er,itted on -ondition t(at t(ey en(an-e sensation. T(is need not be in any way a +leas/rable rein)or-e,ent. sin-e t(is ty+e is not a -o,,on 0ol/+t/ary6 (e ,erely desires t(e stron*est sensation. and t(is. by (is 0ery nat/re. (e -an re-ei0e only )ro, wit(o/t. ;(at -o,es )ro, wit(in see,s to (i, ,orbid and ob5e-tionable. "n so )ar as lie t(in7s and )eels. (e always red/-es down to ob5e-ti0e )o/ndations. i.e. to in)l/en-es -o,in* )ro, t(e ob5e-t. </ite /n+ert/rbed by t(e ,ost 0iolent de+art/res )ro, lo*i-. Tan*ible reality. /nder any -onditions. ,a7es (i, breat(e a*ain. "n t(is res+e-t (e is /ne1+e-tedly -red/lo/s. He will. wit(o/t (esitation. relate an ob0io/s +sy-(o*eni- sy,+to, to t(e )allin* baro,eter. w(ile t(e e1isten-e o) a +sy-(i- -on)li-t see,s to (i, a )antasti- abnor,ality. His lo0e is in-ontestably rooted in t(e ,ani)est attra-tions o) t(e ob5e-t. "n so )ar as (e is nor,al. (e is -ons+i-/o/sly ad5/sted to +ositi0e reality 44 -ons+i-/o/sly. be-a/se (is ad5/st,ent is always 0isible. His ideal is t(e a-t/al6 in t(is res+e-t (e is -onsiderate. He (as no ideals related to ideas 44 (e (as. t(ere)ore. no sort o) *ro/nd )or ,aintainin* a (ostile attit/de towards t(e reality o) t(in*s and )a-ts. T(is e1+resses itsel) in all t(e e1ternals o) (is li)e. He dresses well. a--ordin* to (is -ir-/,stan-es 6 (e 7ee+s a *ood table )or (is )riends. w(o are eit(er ,ade -o,)ortable or at least *i0en to /nderstand t(at (is )astidio/s taste is obli*ed to i,+ose -ertain -lai,s /+on (is ento/ra*e. He e0en -on0in-es one t(at -ertain sa-ri)i-es are de-idedly wort( w(ile )or t(e sa7e o) style. B/t t(e ,ore sensation +redo,inates. so t(at t(e 8+. 9?D: sensin* s/b5e-t disa++ears be(ind t(e sensation. t(e ,ore /nsatis)a-tory does t(is ty+e be-o,e. Eit(er (e de0elo+s into a -r/de +leas/re4see7er or (e be-o,es an /ns-r/+/lo/s. desi*nin* sybarite. Alt(o/*( t(e ob5e-t is entirely indis+ensable to (i,. yet. as so,et(in* e1istin* in and t(ro/*( itsel). it is none t(e less de+re-iated. "t is r/t(lessly 0iolated and essentially i*nored. sin-e now its sole /se is to sti,/late sensation. T(e (old /+on t(e ob5e-t is +/s(ed to t(e /t,ost li,it. T(e /n-ons-io/s is. a--ordin*ly. )or-ed o/t o) its ,e8a--ent:tier as a -o,+ensatory )/n-tion and dri0en into o+en o++osition. B/t. abo0e all. t(e re+ressed int/itions be*in to assert t(e,sel0es in t(e )or, o) +ro5e-tions /+on t(e ob5e-t. T(e stran*est -on5e-t/res arise6 in t(e -ase o) a se1/al ob5e-t. 5ealo/s +(antasies and an1iety4states +lay a *reat role. Core a-/te -ases de0elo+ e0ery sort o)

+(obia. and es+e-ially -o,+/lsi0e sy,+to,s. T(e +at(olo*i-al -ontents (a0e a re,ar7able air o) /nreality. wit( a )re</ent ,oral or reli*io/s -olo/rin*. A +etti)o**in* -a+tio/sness o)ten de0elo+s. or an abs/rdly s-r/+/lo/s ,orality -o/+led wit( a +ri,iti0e. s/+erstitio/s and 3,a*i-al3 reli*iosity. (ar7in* ba-7 to abstr/se rites. All t(ese t(in*s (a0e t(eir so/r-e in t(e re+ressed in)erior )/n-tions. w(i-(. in s/-( -ases. stand in (ars( o++osition to t(e -ons-io/s stand+oint6 t(ey wear. in )a-t. an as+e-t t(at is all t(e ,ore stri7in* be-a/se t(ey a++ear to rest /+on t(e ,ost abs/rd s/++ositions. in -o,+lete -ontrast to t(e -ons-io/s sense o) reality. T(e w(ole -/lt/re o) t(o/*(t and )eelin* see,s. in t(is se-ond +ersonality. to be twisted into a ,orbid +ri,iti0eness6 reason is (air4s+littin* so+(istry 44 ,orality is dreary ,orali2in* and +al+able #(arisais, 44 reli*ion is abs/rd s/+erstition 44 int/ition. t(e noblest o) (/,an *i)ts. is a ,ere +ersonal s/btlety. a sni))in* into e0ery -orner6 instead o) sear-(in* t(e (ori2on. it re-edes to t(e narrowest *a/*e o) (/,an ,eanness. 8+. 9?1: T(e s+e-ially -o,+/lsi0e -(ara-ter o) t(e ne/roti- sy,+to,s re+resent t(e /n-ons-io/s -o/nterwei*(t to t(e laisser aller ,orality o) a +/rely sensational attit/de. w(i-(. )ro, t(e stand+oint o) rational 5/d*,ent. a--e+ts wit(o/t dis-ri,ination. e0eryt(in* t(at (a++ens. Alt(o/*( t(is la-7 o) basi- +rin-i+les in t(e sensation4ty+e does not ar*/e an absol/te lawlessness and la-7 o) restraint. it at least de+ri0es (i, o) t(e </ite essential restrainin* +ower o) 5/d*,ent. Rational 5/d*,ent re+resents a -ons-io/s -oer-ion. w(i-( t(e rational ty+e a++ears to i,+ose /+on (i,sel) o) (is own )ree will. T(is -o,+/lsion o0erta7es t(e sensation4ty+e )ro, t(e /n-ons-io/s. Coreo0er. t(e rational ty+e3s lin7 to t(e ob5e-t. )ro, t(e 0ery e1isten-e o) a 5/d*,ent. ne0er ,eans s/-( an /n-onditioned relation as t(at w(i-( t(e sensation4ty+e (as wit( t(e ob5e-t. ;(en (is attit/de rea-(es an abnor,al one4sidedness. (e is in dan*er o) )allin* 5/st as dee+ly into t(e ar,s o) t(e /n-ons-io/s as (e -ons-io/sly -lin*s to t(e ob5e-t. ;(en (e be-o,es ne/roti-. (e is ,/-( (arder to treat in t(e rational way. be-a/se t(e )/n-tions to w(i-( t(e +(ysi-ian ,/st a++eal are in a relati0ely /ndi))erentiated state6 (en-e little or no tr/st -an be +la-ed in t(e,. +e-ial ,eans o) brin*in* e,otional +ress/re to bear are o)ten needed to ,a7e (i, at all -ons-io/s. /. 0n!ui!ion "nt/ition as t(e )/n-tion o) /n-ons-io/s +er-e+tion is w(olly dire-ted /+on o/ter ob5e-ts in t(e e1tra0erted attit/de. Be-a/se. in t(e ,ain. int/ition is an /n-ons-io/s +ro-ess. t(e -ons-io/s a++re(ension o) its nat/re is a 0ery di))i-/lt ,atter. "n -ons-io/sness. t(e int/iti0e )/n-tion is re+resented by a -ertain attit/de o) e1+e-tation. a +er-e+ti0e and +enetratin* 0ision. w(erein only t(e s/bse</ent res/lt -an +ro0e. in e0ery -ase. (ow ,/-( was 8+. 9?2: 3+er-ei0ed4into3. and (ow ,/-( a-t/ally lay in t(e ob5e-t. G/st as sensation. w(en *i0en t(e +riority. is not a ,ere rea-ti0e +ro-ess o) no )/rt(er i,+ortan-e )or t(e ob5e-t. b/t is al,ost an a-tion w(i-( sei2es and s(a+es t(e ob5e-t. so it is wit( int/ition. w(i-( is by no ,eans a ,ere +er-e+tion. or awareness. b/t an a-ti0e. -reati0e +ro-ess t(at b/ilds into t(e ob5e-t 5/st as ,/-( as it ta7es o/t. B/t. be-a/se t(is +ro-ess e1tra-ts t(e +er-e+tion /n-ons-io/sly. it also +rod/-es an /n-ons-io/s e))e-t in t(e ob5e-t. T(e +ri,ary )/n-tion o) int/ition is to trans,it ,ere i,a*es. or +er-e+tions o) relations and -onditions. w(i-( -o/ld be *ained by t(e ot(er )/n-tions. eit(er not at all. or only by 0ery ro/ndabo/t ways. /-( i,a*es (a0e t(e 0al/e o) de)inite dis-ern,ents. and (a0e a de-isi0e bearin* /+on a-tion. w(ene0er int/ition is *i0en t(e -(ie) wei*(t6 in w(i-( -ase. +sy-(i- ada+tation is based al,ost e1-l/si0ely /+on

int/ition. T(in7in*. )eelin*. and sensation are relati0ely re+ressed6 o) t(ese. sensation is t(e one +rin-i+ally a))e-ted. be-a/se. as t(e -ons-io/s )/n-tion o) sense. it o))ers t(e *reatest obsta-le to int/ition. ensation dist/rbs int/ition3s -lear. /nbiassed. na8/,la/t:i0e awareness wit( its i,+ort/nate sens/o/s sti,/li6 )or t(ese dire-t t(e *lan-e /+on t(e +(ysi-al s/+er)i-ies. (en-e /+on t(e 0ery t(in*s ro/nd and beyond w(i-( int/ition tries to +eer. B/t sin-e int/ition. in t(e e1tra0erted attit/de. (as a +re0ailin*ly ob5e-ti0e orientation. it a-t/ally -o,es 0ery near to sensation6 indeed. t(e e1+e-tant attit/de towards o/ter ob5e-ts ,ay. wit( al,ost e</al +robability. a0ail itsel) o) sensation. Hen-e. )or int/ition really to be-o,e +ara,o/nt. sensation ,/st to a lar*e e1tent be s/++ressed. " a, now s+ea7in* o) sensation as t(e si,+le and dire-t sense4 rea-tion. an al,ost de)inite +(ysiolo*i-al and +sy-(i- dat/,. T(is ,/st be e1+ressly establis(ed be)ore(and. be-a/se. i) " as7 t(e int/iti0e (ow (e is 8+. 9?3: orientated. (e will s+ea7 o) t(in*s w(i-( are </ite indistin*/is(able )ro, sense4+er-e+tions. %re</ently (e will e0en ,a7e /se o) t(e ter, 3sensation3. He a-t/ally (as sensations. b/t (e is not */ided by t(e, +er se. ,erely /sin* t(e, as dire-tin*4+oints )or (is distant 0ision. T(ey are sele-ted by /n-ons-io/s e1+e-tation. Not t(e stron*est sensation. in t(e +(ysiolo*i-al sense. obtains t(e -r/-ial 0al/e. b/t any sensation w(atsoe0er w(ose 0al/e (a++ens to be-o,e -onsiderably en(an-ed by reason o) t(e int/iti0e3s /n-ons-io/s attit/de. "n t(is way it ,ay e0ent/ally attain t(e leadin* +osition. a++earin* to t(e int/iti0e3s -ons-io/sness indistin*/is(able )ro, a +/re sensation. B/t a-t/ally it is not so. G/st as e1tra0erted sensation stri0es to rea-( t(e (i*(est +it-( o) a-t/ality. be-a/se only t(/s -an t(e a++earan-e o) a -o,+lete li)e be -reated. so int/ition tries to en-o,+ass t(e *reatest possi3ilities, sin-e only t(ro/*( t(e awareness o) +ossibilities is intuition )/llysatis)ied. "nt/ition see7s to dis-o0er +ossibilities in t(e ob5e-ti0e sit/ation6 (en-e as a ,ere trib/tary )/n-tion (0i2. w(en not in t(e +osition o) +riority) it is also t(e instr/,ent w(i-(. in t(e +resen-e o) a (o+elessly blo-7ed sit/ation. wor7s a/to,ati-ally towards t(e iss/e. w(i-( no ot(er )/n-tion -o/ld dis-o0er. ;(ere int/ition (as t(e +riority. e0ery ordinary sit/ation in li)e see,s li7e a -losed roo,. w(i-( int/ition (as to o+en. "t is -onstantly see7in* o/tlets and )res( +ossibilities in e1ternal li)e. "n a 0ery s(ort ti,e e0ery a-t/al sit/ation be-o,es a +rison to t(e int/iti0e6 it b/rdens (i, li7e a -(ain. +ro,+tin* a -o,+ellin* need )or sol/tion. At ti,es ob5e-ts wo/ld see, to (a0e an al,ost e1a**erated 0al/e. s(o/ld t(ey -(an-e to re+resent t(e idea o) a se0eran-e or release t(at ,i*(t lead to t(e dis-o0ery o) a new +ossibility. &et no sooner (a0e t(ey +er)or,ed t(eir o))i-e. ser0in* int/ition as a ladder or a brid*e. t(an t(ey 8+. 9?9: a++ear to (a0e no )/rt(er 0al/e. and are dis-arded as ,ere b/rdenso,e a++enda*es. A )a-t is a-7nowled*ed only in so )ar as it o+ens /+ )res( +ossibilities o) ad0an-in* beyond it and o) releasin* t(e indi0id/al )ro, its o+eration. E,er*in* +ossibilities are -o,+ellin* ,oti0es )ro, w(i-( int/ition -annot es-a+e and to w(i-( all else ,/st be sa-ri)i-ed. 9. The E !"a#e"!e$ 0n!ui!i#e Type ;(ene0er int/ition +redo,inates. a +arti-/lar and /n,ista7able +sy-(olo*y +resents itsel). Be-a/se int/ition is orientated by t(e ob5e-t. a de-ided de+enden-e /+on e1ternal sit/ations is dis-ernible. b/t it (as an alto*et(er di))erent -(ara-ter )ro, t(e de+enden-e o) t(e sensational ty+e. T(e int/iti0e is ne0er to be )o/nd a,on* t(e *enerally re-o*ni2ed reality 0al/es. b/t (e is always +resent w(ere +ossibilities e1ist. He (as a 7een nose )or t(in*s in t(e b/d +re*nant wit( )/t/re +ro,ise. He -an ne0er e1ist in

stable. lon*4establis(ed -onditions o) *enerally a-7nowled*ed t(o/*( li,ited 0al/eB be-a/se (is eye is -onstantly ran*in* )or new +ossibilities. stable -onditions (a0e an air o) i,+endin* s/))o-ation. He sei2es (old o) new ob5e-ts and new ways wit( ea*er intensity. so,eti,es wit( e1traordinary ent(/sias,. only to abandon t(e, -old4 bloodedly. wit(o/t re*ard and a++arently wit(o/t re,e,bran-e. as soon as t(eir ran*e be-o,es -learly de)ined and a +ro,ise o) any -onsiderable )/t/re de0elo+,ent no lon*er -lin*s to t(e,. As lon* as a +ossibility e1ists. t(e int/iti0e is bo/nd to it wit( t(on*s o) )ate. "t is as t(o/*( (is w(ole li)e went o/t into t(e new sit/ation. $ne *ets t(e i,+ression. w(i-( (e (i,sel) s(ares. t(at (e (as 5/st rea-(ed t(e de)initi0e t/rnin* +oint in (is li)e. and t(at )ro, now on not(in* else -an serio/sly en*a*e (is t(o/*(t and )eelin*. How4 8+. 9?>: e0er reasonable and o++ort/ne it ,ay be. and alt(o/*( e0ery -on-ei0able ar*/,ent s+ea7s in )a0o/r o) stability. a day will -o,e w(en not(in* will deter (i, )ro, re*ardin* as a +rison. t(e sel)4sa,e sit/ation t(at see,ed to +ro,ise (i, )reedo, and deli0eran-e. and )ro, a-tin* a--ordin*ly. Neit(er reason nor )eelin* -an restrain or dis-o/ra*e (i, )ro, a new +ossibility. e0en t(o/*( it ,ay r/n -o/nter to -on0i-tions (it(erto /n</estioned. T(in7in* and )eelin*. t(e indis+ensable -o,+onents o) -on0i-tion. are. wit( (i,. in)erior )/n-tions. +ossessin* no de-isi0e wei*(t6 (en-e t(ey la-7 t(e +ower to o))er any lastin*. resistan-e to t(e )or-e o) int/ition. And yet t(ese are t(e only )/n-tions t(at are -a+able o) -reatin* any e))e-t/al -o,+ensation to t(e s/+re,a-y o) int/ition. sin-e t(ey -an +ro0ide t(e int/iti0e wit( t(at 4udgment in w(i-( (is ty+e is alto*et(er la-7in*. T(e ,orality o) t(e int/iti0e is *o0erned neit(er by intelle-t nor by )eelin*6 (e (as (is own -(ara-teristi- ,orality. w(i-( -onsists in a loyalty to (is int/iti0e 0iew o) t(in*s and a 0ol/ntary s/b,ission to its a/t(ority. !onsideration )or t(e wel)are o) (is nei*(bo/rs is wea7. No solid ar*/,ent (in*es /+on t(eir well4bein* any ,ore t(an /+on (is own. Neit(er -an we dete-t in (i, any *reat res+e-t )or (is nei*(bo/r3s -on0i-tions and -/sto,s6 in )a-t. (e is not in)re</ently +/t down as an i,,oral and r/t(less ad0ent/rer. in-e (is int/ition is lar*ely -on-erned wit( o/ter ob5e-ts. s-entin* o/t e1ternal +ossibilities. (e readily a++lies (i,sel) to -allin*s w(erein (e ,ay e1+and (is abilities in ,any dire-tions. Cer-(ants. -ontra-tors. s+e-/lators. a*ents. +oliti-ians. et-.. -o,,only belon* to t(is ty+e. A++arently t(is ty+e is ,ore +rone to )a0o/r wo,en t(an ,en6 in w(i-( -ase. (owe0er. t(e int/iti0e a-ti0ity re0eals itsel) not so ,/-( in t(e +ro)essional as in t(e so-ial s+(ere. /-( wo,en /nderstand t(e art o) /tili2in* e0ery so-ial o++ort/nity6 t(ey establis( ri*(t so-ial -on4 8+. 9??: ne-tions6 t(ey see7 o/t lo0ers wit( +ossibilities only to abandon e0eryt(in* a*ain )or t(e sa7e o) a new +ossibility. "t is at on-e -lear. bot( )ro, t(e stand+oint o) +oliti-al e-ono,y and on *ro/nds o) *eneral -/lt/re. t(at s/-( a ty+e is /n-o,,only i,+ortant. ") well4intentioned. wit( an orientation to li)e not +/rely e*oisti-al. (e ,ay render e1-e+tional ser0i-e as t(e +ro,oter. i) not t(e initiator o) e0ery 7ind o) +ro,isin* enter+rise. He is t(e nat/ral ad0o-ate o) e0ery ,inority t(at (olds t(e seed o) )/t/re +ro,ise. Be-a/se o) (is -a+a-ity. w(en orientated ,ore towards ,en t(an t(in*s. to ,a7e an int/iti0e dia*nosis o) t(eir abilities and ran*e o) /se)/lness. (e -an also 3,a7e3 ,en. His -a+a-ity to ins+ire (is )ellow4,en wit( -o/ra*e. or to 7indle ent(/sias, )or so,et(in* new. is /nri0alled. alt(o/*( (e ,ay (a0e )orsworn it by t(e ,orrow. T(e ,ore +ower)/l and 0i0id (is int/ition. t(e ,ore is (is s/b5e-t )/sed and blended wit( t(e di0ined +ossibility. He ani,ates it6 (e +resents it in +lasti- s(a+e and wit( -on0in-in* )ire6 (e al,ost e,bodies it. "t is not a ,ere (istrioni- dis+lay. b/t a )ate.

T(is attit/de (as i,,ense dan*ers 44 all too easily t(e int/iti0e ,ay s</ander (is li)e. He s+ends (i,sel) ani,atin* ,en and t(in*s. s+readin* aro/nd (i, an ab/ndan-e o) li)e 44 a li)e. (owe0er. w(i-( ot(ers li0e. not (e. ;ere (e able to rest wit( t(e a-t/al t(in*. (e wo/ld *at(er t(e )r/it o) (is labo/rs6 yet all too soon ,/st (e be r/nnin* a)ter so,e )res( +ossibility. </ittin* (is newly +lanted )ield. w(ile ot(ers rea+ t(e (ar0est. "n t(e end (e *oes e,+ty away. B/t w(en t(e int/iti0e lets t(in*s rea-( s/-( a +it-(. (e also (as t(e /n-ons-io/s a*ainst (i,. T(e /n-ons-io/s o) t(e int/iti0e (as a -ertain si,ilarity wit( t(at o) t(e sensation4ty+e. T(in7in* and )eelin*. bein* relati0ely re+ressed. +rod/-e in)antile and ar-(ai- t(o/*(ts and )eelin*s in t(e /n-ons-io/s. w(i-( ,ay be -o,+ared 8+. 9?@: wit( t(ose o) t(e -o/nterty+e. T(ey li7ewise -o,e to t(e s/r)a-e in t(e )or, o) intensi0e +ro5e-tions. and are 5/st as abs/rd as t(ose o) t(e sensation4ty+e. only to ,y ,ind t(ey la-7 t(e ot(er3s ,ysti-al -(ara-ter6 t(ey are -(ie)ly -on-erned wit( </asi4a-t/al t(in*s. in t(e nat/re o) se1/al. )inan-ial. and ot(er (a2ards. as. )or instan-e. s/s+i-ions o) a++roa-(in* illness. T(is di))eren-e a++ears to be d/e to a re+ression o) t(e sensations o) a-t/al t(in*s. T(ese latter /s/ally -o,,and attention in t(e s(a+e o) a s/dden entan*le,ent wit( a ,ost /ns/itable wo,an. or. in t(e -ase o) a wo,an. wit( a t(oro/*(ly /ns/itable ,an6 and t(is is si,+ly t(e res/lt o) t(eir /nwittin* -onta-t wit( t(e s+(ere o) ar-(ai- sensations. B/t its -onse</en-e is an /n-ons-io/sly -o,+ellin* tie to an ob5e-t o) in-ontestable )/tility. /-( an e0ent is already a -o,+/lsi0e sy,+to,. w(i-( is also t(oro/*(ly -(ara-teristi- o) t(is ty+e. "n -o,,on wit( t(e sensation4ty+e. (e -lai,s a si,ilar )reedo, and e1e,+tion )ro, all restraint. sin-e (e s/))ers no s/b,ission o) (is de-isions to rational 5/d*,ent. relyin* entirely /+on t(e +er-e+tion o) -(an-e. +ossibilities. He rids (i,sel) o) t(e restri-tions o) reason. only to )all a 0i-ti, to /n-ons-io/s ne/roti- -o,+/lsions in t(e )or, o) o0ers/btle. ne*ati0e reasonin*. (air4s+littin* diale-ti-s. and a -o,+/lsi0e tie to t(e sensation o) t(e ob5e-t. His -ons-io/s attit/de. bot( to t(e sensation and t(e sensed ob5e-t. is one o) so0erei*n s/+eriority and disre*ard. Not t(at (e ,eans to be in-onsiderate or s/+erior 44 (e si,+ly does not see t(e ob5e-t t(at e0eryone else sees6 (is obli0ion is si,ilar to t(at o) t(e sensation4ty+e 44 only. wit( t(e latter. t(e so/l o) t(e ob5e-t is ,issed. %or t(is obli0ion t(e ob5e-t sooner or later ta7es re0en*e in t(e )or, o) (y+o-(ondria-al. -o,+/lsi0e ideas. +(obias. and e0ery i,a*inable 7ind o) abs/rd bodily sensation. 8+. 9?A: 11. Recapi!ula!ion o+ E !"a#e"!e$ 0""a!ional Types " -all t(e two +re-edin* ty+es irrational )or reasons already re)erred to6 na,ely. be-a/se t(eir -o,,issions and o,issions are based not /+on reasoned 5/d*,ent b/t /+on t(e absol/te intensity o) +er-e+tion. T(eir +er-e+tion is -on-erned wit( si,+le (a++enin*s. w(ere no sele-tion (as been e1er-ised by t(e 5/d*,ent. "n t(is res+e-t bot( t(e latter ty+es (a0e a -onsiderable s/+eriority o0er t(e two 5/d*in* ty+es. T(e ob5e-ti0e o--/rren-e is bot( law4deter,ined and a--idental. "n so )ar as it is law4deter,ined. it is a--essible to reason6 in so )ar as it is a--idental. it is not. $ne ,i*(t re0erse it and say t(at we a++ly t(e ter, law4deter,ined to t(e o--/rren-e a++earin* so to o/r reason. and w(ere its re*/larity es-a+es /s we -all it a--idental. T(e +ost/late o) a /ni0ersal law)/lness re,ains a +ost/late o) reason only6 in no sense is it a +ost/late o) o/r )/n-tions o) +er-e+tion. in-e t(ese are in no way *ro/nded /+on t(e +rin-i+le o) reason and its +ost/lates. t(ey are. o) t(eir 0ery nat/re. irrational. Hen-e ,y ter, 3irrational3 -orres+onds wit( t(e nat/re o) t(e +er-e+tion4ty+es. B/t ,erely be-a/se t(ey s/bordinate 5/d*,ent to +er-e+tion. it wo/ld be </ite in-orre-t to re*ard t(ese ty+es as /nreasonable. T(ey are ,erely in a (i*( de*ree empirical2 t(ey are *ro/nded

e1-l/si0ely /+on e1+erien-e. so e1-l/si0ely. in )a-t. t(at as a r/le. t(eir 5/d*,ent -annot 7ee+ +a-e wit( t(eir e1+erien-e. B/t t(e )/n-tions o) 5/d*,ent are none t(e less +resent. alt(o/*( t(ey e7e o/t a lar*ely /n-ons-io/s e1isten-e. B/t. sin-e t(e /n-ons-io/s. in s+ite o) its se+aration )ro, t(e -ons-io/s s/b5e-t. is always rea++earin* on t(e s-ene. t(e a-t/al li)e o) t(e irrational ty+es e1(ibits stri7in* 5/d*,ents and a-ts o) -(oi-e. w(i-( ta7e t(e )or, o) a++arent so+(istries. -old4(earted -riti-is,s. and an a++arently +/r+ose)/l 8+. 9?9: sele-tion o) +ersons and sit/ations. T(ese traits (a0e a rat(er in)antile. or e0en +ri,iti0e. sta,+6 at ti,es t(ey are astonis(in*ly nai0e. b/t at ti,es also in-onsiderate. -r/de. or o/tra*eo/s. To t(e rationally orientated ,ind. t(e real -(ara-ter o) s/-( +eo+le ,i*(t well a++ear rationalisti- and +/r+ose)/l in t(e bad sense. B/t t(is 5/d*,ent wo/ld be 0alid only )or t(eir /n-ons-io/s. and. t(ere)ore. </ite in-orre-t )or t(eir -ons-io/s +sy-(olo*y. w(i-( is entirely orientated by +er-e+tion. and be-a/se o) its irrational nat/re is </ite /nintelli*ible to t(e rational 5/d*,ent. %inally. it ,ay e0en a++ear to a rationally orientated ,ind t(at s/-( an asse,bla*e o) a--identals. (ardly deser0es t(e na,e 3+sy-(olo*y.3 T(e irrational ty+e balan-es t(is -onte,+t/o/s 5/d*,ent wit( an e</ally +oor i,+ression o) t(e rational6 )or (e sees (i, as so,et(in* only (al) ali0e. w(ose only ai, in li)e -onsists in )astenin* t(e )etters o) reason /+on e0eryt(in* li0in*. and wrin*in* (is own ne-7 wit( -riti-is,s. Nat/rally. t(ese are *ross e1tre,es6 b/t t(ey o--/r. %ro, t(e stand+oint o) t(e rational ty+e. t(e irrational ,i*(t easily be re+resented as a rational o) in)erior </ality6 na,ely. w(en (e is a++re(ended in t(e li*(t o) w(at (a++ens to (i,. %or w(at (a++ens to (i, is not t(e a--idental4in t(at (e is ,aster4b/t. in its stead. (e is o0erta7en by rational 5/d*,ent and rational ai,s. T(is )a-t is (ardly -o,+re(ensible to t(e rational ,ind. b/t its /nt(in7ableness ,erely e</als t(e astonis(,ent o) t(e irrational. w(en (e dis-o0ers so,eone w(o -an set t(e ideas o) reason abo0e t(e li0in* and a-t/al e0ent. /-( a t(in* see,s s-ar-ely -redible to (i,. "t is. as a r/le. </ite (o+eless to loo7 to (i, )or any re-o*nition o) +rin-i+les in t(is dire-tion. sin-e a rational /nderstandin* is 5/st as /n7nown and. in )a-t. tireso,e to (i, as t(e idea o) ,a7in* a -ontra-t. wit(o/t ,/t/al dis-/ssion and obli*ations. a++ears /nt(in7able to t(e rational ty+e. 8+. 9@D: T(is +oint brin*s ,e to t(e +roble, o) t(e +sy-(i- relation between t(e re+resentati0es o) t(e di))erent ty+es. %ollowin* t(e ter,inolo*y o) t(e %ren-( s-(ool o) (y+notists. t(e +sy-(i- relation a,on* t(e ,ore ,odern +sy-(iatrists is ter,ed " 3ra++ort3. Ra++ort -(ie)ly -onsists in a feeling of actual accord, in s+ite o) re-o*nised di))eren-es. "n )a-t. t(e re-o*nition o) e1istin* di))eren-es. in so )ar as t(ey are -o,,on to bot(. is already a ra++ort. a )eelin* o) a--ord. ") we ,a7e t(is )eelin* -ons-io/s to a rat(er (i*( de*ree in an a-t/al -ase. we dis-o0er t(at it (as not ,erely t(e </ality o) a )eelin* t(at -annot be analysed )/rt(er. b/t it also (as t(e nat/re o) an insi*(t or -o*nitional -ontent. re+resentin* t(e +oint o) a*ree,ent in a -on-e+t/al )or,. T(is rational +resentation is e1-l/si0ely 0alid )or t(e rational ty+es6 it by no ,eans a++lies to t(e irrational. w(ose ra++ort is based not at all /+on 5/d*,ent b/t /+on t(e +arallelis, o) a-t/al li0in* e0ents. His )eelin* o) a--ord is t(e -o,,on +er-e+tion o) a sensation or int/ition. T(e rational wo/ld say t(at ra++ort wit( t(e irrational de+ends +/rely /+on -(an-e. "). by so,e a--ident. t(e ob5e-ti0e sit/ations are e1a-tly in t/ne. so,et(in* li7e a (/,an relations(i+ ta7es +la-e. b/t nobody -an tell w(at will be eit(er its 0alidity or its d/ration. To t(e rational ty+e it is o)ten a 0ery bitter t(o/*(t t(at t(e relations(i+ will last only 5/st so lon* as e1ternal -ir-/,stan-es a--identally +rod/-e a ,/t/al interest. T(is does not o--/r to (i, as bein* es+e-ially (/,an. w(ereas it is +re-isely in t(is

sit/ation t(at t(e irrational sees a (/,anity o) </ite sin*/lar bea/ty. A--ordin*ly ea-( re*ards t(e ot(er as a ,an destit/te o) relations(i+s. /+on w(o, no relian-e -an be +la-ed. and wit( w(o, one -an ne0er *et on de-ent ter,s. /-( a res/lt. (owe0er. is rea-(ed only w(en one -ons-io/sly tries to ,a7e so,e esti,ate o) t(e nat/re o) one3s relations(i+s wit( one3s )ellow4,en. Alt(o/*( a +sy-(olo*i-al -ons-ientio/sness o) 8+. 9@1: t(is 7ind is by no ,eans /s/al. yet it )re</ently (a++ens t(at. notwit(standin* an absol/te di))eren-e o) stand+oint. a 7ind o) ra++ort does ta7e +la-e. and in t(e )ollowin* way. T(e one ass/,es wit( /ns+o7en +ro5e-tion t(at t(e ot(er is. in all essential +oints. o) t(e sa,e o+inion as (i,sel). w(ile t(e ot(er di0ines or senses an ob5e-ti0e -o,,/nity o) interest. o) w(i-(. (owe0er. t(e )or,er (as no -ons-io/s in7lin* and w(ose e1isten-e (e wo/ld at on-e dis+/te. 5/st as it wo/ld ne0er o--/r to t(e latter t(at (is relations(i+ ,/st rest /+on a -o,,on +oint4o)40iew. A ra++ort o) t(is 7ind is by )ar t(e ,ost )re</ent6 it rests /+on +ro5e-tion. w(i-( is t(e so/r-e o) ,any s/bse</ent ,is/nderstandin*s. #sy-(i- relations(i+. in t(e e1tra0erted attit/de. is always re*/lated by ob5e-ti0e )a-tors and o/ter deter,inants. ;(at a ,an is wit(in (as ne0er any de-isi0e si*ni)i-an-e. %or o/r +resent4day -/lt/re t(e e1tra0erted attit/de is t(e *o0ernin* +rin-i+le in t(e +roble, o) (/,an relations(i+6 nat/rally. t(e intro0erted +rin-i+le o--/rs. b/t it is still t(e e1-e+tion. and (as to a++eal to t(e toleran-e o) t(e a*e. C. THE 02TR34ERTE5 T6PE (") THE GENER ! TT"T#$E %& '%N('"%#(NE(( As " (a0e already e1+lained in se-tion A (1) o) t(e +resent -(a+ter. t(e intro0erted is distin*/is(ed )ro, t(e e1tra0erted ty+e by t(e )a-t t(at. /nli7e t(e latter. w(o is +re0ailin*ly orientated by t(e ob5e-t and ob5e-ti0e data. (e is *o0erned by s/b5e-ti0e )a-tors. "n t(e se-tion all/ded to " ,entioned. inter alia. t(at t(e intro0ert inter+oses a s/b5e-ti0e 0iew between t(e +er-e+tion o) t(e ob5e-t and (is own a-tion. w(i-( +re0ents t(e a-tion )ro, ass/,in* a -(ara-ter t(at -orres+onds wit( t(e ob5e-ti0e sit/ation. Nat/rally. t(is is a s+e-ial -ase. ,entioned by way o) 8+. 9@2: e1a,+le. and ,erely intended to ser0e as a si,+le ill/stration. B/t now we ,/st *o in </est o) ,ore *eneral )or,/lations. "ntro0erted -ons-io/sness do/btless 0iews t(e e1ternal -onditions. b/t it sele-ts t(e s/b5e-ti0e deter,inants as t(e de-isi0e ones. T(e ty+e is */ided. t(ere)ore. by t(at )a-tor o) +er-e+tion and -o*nition w(i-( re+resents t(e re-ei0in* s/b5e-ti0e dis+osition to t(e sense sti,/l/s. Two +ersons. )or e1a,+le. see t(e sa,e ob5e-t. b/t t(ey ne0er see it in s/-( a way as to re-ei0e two identi-ally si,ilar i,a*es o) it. J/ite a+art )ro, t(e di))eren-es in t(e +ersonal e</ation and ,ere or*ani- a-/teness. t(ere o)ten e1ists a radi-al di))eren-e. bot( in 7ind and de*ree. in t(e +sy-(i- assi,ilation o) t(e +er-ei0ed i,a*e. ;(ereas t(e e1tra0erted ty+e re)ers +re4e,inently to t(at w(i-( rea-(es (i, )ro, t(e ob5e-t. t(e intro0ert +rin-i+ally relies /+on t(at w(i-( t(e o/ter i,+ression -onstellates 8sic: in t(e s/b5e-t. "n an indi0id/al -ase o) a++er-e+tion. t(e di))eren-e ,ay. o) -o/rse. be 0ery deli-ate. b/t in t(e total +sy-(olo*i-al e-ono,y it is e1tre,ely noti-eable. es+e-ially in t(e )or, o) a reser)ation of the ego. Alt(o/*( it is anti-i+atin* so,ew(at. " -onsider t(at +oint o) 0iew w(i-( in-lines. wit( ;einin*er. to des-ribe t(is attit/de as +(ila/ti-. or wit( ot(er writers. as a/toeroti-. e*o-entri-. s/b5e-ti0e. or e*oisti-. to be bot( ,isleadin* in +rin-i+le and de)initely de+re-iatory. "t -orres+onds

wit( t(e nor,al bias o) t(e e1tra0erted attit/de a*ainst t(e nat/re o) t(e intro0ert. ;e ,/st not )or*et4alt(o/*( e1tra0erted o+inion is only too +rone to do so4t(at all +er-e+tion and -o*nition is not +/rely ob5e-ti0eB it is also s/b5e-ti0ely -onditioned. T(e world e1ists not ,erely in itsel). b/t also as it a++ears to ,e. "ndeed. at botto,. we (a0e absol/tely no -riterion t(at -o/ld (el+ /s to )or, a 5/d*,ent o) a world w(ose nat/re was /nassi,ilable by t(e s/b5e-t. ") we were to i*nore t(e s/b5e-ti0e )a-tor. it 8+. 9@3: wo/ld ,ean a -o,+lete denial o) t(e *reat do/bt as to t(e +ossibility o) absol/te -o*nition. And t(is wo/ld ,ean a re-(/te into t(at stale and (ollow +ositi0is, w(i-( dis)i*/red t(e be*innin* o) o/r e+o-( 44 an attit/de o) intelle-t/al arro*an-e t(at is in0ariably a--o,+anied by a -r/deness o) )eelin*. and an essential 0iolation o) li)e. as st/+id as it is +res/,+t/o/s. T(ro/*( an o0er0al/ation o) t(e ob5e-ti0e +owers o) -o*nition. we re+ress t(e i,+ortan-e o) t(e s/b5e-ti0e )a-tor. w(i-( si,+ly ,eans t(e denial o) t(e s/b5e-t. B/t w(at is t(e s/b5e-tF T(e s/b5e-t is ,an 44 we are t(e s/b5e-t. $nly a si-7 ,ind -o/ld )or*et t(at -o*nition ,/st (a0e a s/b5e-t. )or t(ere e1ists no 7nowled*e and. t(ere)ore. )or /s. no world w(ere 3" 7now3 (as not been said. alt(o/*( wit( t(is state,ent one (as already e1+ressed t(e s/b5e-ti0e li,itation o) all 7nowled*e. T(e sa,e (olds *ood )or all t(e +sy-(i- )/n-tionsB t(ey (a0e a s/b5e-t w(i-( is 5/st as indis+ensable as t(e ob5e-t. "t is -(ara-teristi- o) o/r +resent e1tra0erted 0al/ation t(at t(e word 3s/b5e-ti0e3 o--asionally rin*s al,ost li7e a re+roa-( or ble,is(6 b/t in e0ery -ase t(e e+it(et 3,erely s/b5e-ti0e3 ,eans a dan*ero/s wea+on o) o))en-e. destined )or t(at darin* (ead. t(at is not /n-easin*ly -on0in-ed o) t(e /n-onditioned s/+eriority o) t(e ob5e-t. ;e ,/st. t(ere)ore. be </ite -lear as to w(at ,eanin* t(e ter, 3s/b5e-ti0e3 -arries in t(is in0esti*ation. As t(e s/b5e-ti0e )a-tor. t(en. " /nderstand t(at +sy-(olo*i-al a-tion or rea-tion w(i-(. w(en ,er*ed wit( t(e e))e-t o) t(e ob5e-t. ,a7es a new +sy-(i- )a-t. Now. in so )ar as t(e s/b5e-ti0e )a-tor. sin-e oldest ti,es and a,on* all +eo+les. re,ains in a 0ery lar*e ,eas/re identi-al wit( itsel) 44 sin-e ele,entary +er-e+tions and -o*nitions are al,ost /ni0ersally t(e sa,e 44 it is a reality t(at is 5/st as )ir,ly establis(ed as t(e o/ter ob5e-t. ") t(is were not so. any sort o) +er,anent and essentially -(an*eless reality 8+. 9@9: wo/ld be alto*et(er in-on-ei0able. and any /nderstandin* wit( +osterity wo/ld be a ,atter o) i,+ossibility. T(/s )ar. t(ere)ore. t(e s/b5e-ti0e )a-tor is so,et(in* t(at is 5/st as ,/-( a )a-t as t(e e1tent o) t(e sea and t(e radi/s o) t(e eart(. T(/s )ar. also. t(e s/b5e-ti0e )a-tor -lai,s t(e w(ole 0al/e o) a world4deter,inin* +ower w(i-( -an ne0er. /nder any -ir-/,stan-es. be e1-l/ded )ro, o/r -al-/lations. "t is t(e ot(er world4law. and t(e ,an w(o is based /+on it (as a )o/ndation 5/st as se-/re. +er,anent. and 0alid. as t(e ,an w(o relies /+on t(e ob5e-t B/t. 5/st as t(e ob5e-t and ob5e-ti0e data re,ain by no ,eans always t(e sa,e. inas,/-( as t(ey are bot( +eris(able and s/b5e-t to -(an-e. t(e s/b5e-ti0e )a-tor is si,ilarly liable to 0ariability and indi0id/al (a2ard. Hen-e its 0al/e is also ,erely relati0e. T(e e1-essi0e de0elo+,ent o) t(e intro0erted stand+oint in -ons-io/sness. )or instan-e. does not lead to a better or so/nder a++li-ation o) t(e s/b5e-ti0e )a-tor. b/t to an arti)i-ial s/b5e-ti)i-ation o) -ons-io/sness. w(i-( -an (ardly es-a+e t(e re+roa-( 3,erely s/b5e-ti0e3. %or. as a -o/ntertenden-y to t(is ,orbid s/b5e-ti)i-ation. t(ere ens/es a des/b5e-ti)i-ation o) -ons-io/sness in t(e )or, o) an e1a**erated e1tra0erted attit/de w(i-( ri-(ly deser0es ;einin*er3s des-ri+tion =,isa/ti-=. "nas,/-( as t(e intro0erted attit/de is based /+on a /ni0ersally +resent. e1tre,ely real. and absol/tely indis+ensable -ondition o) +sy-(olo*i-al ada+tation. s/-( e1+ressions as 3+(ila/ti-3. 3e*o-entri-3. and t(e li7e are bot( ob5e-tionable and o/t o) +la-e. sin-e t(ey )oster t(e +re5/di-e t(at it is in0ariably a </estion o) t(e belo0ed e*o. Not(in* -o/ld be ,ore abs/rd t(an s/-( an ass/,+tion. &et one is -ontin/ally ,eetin* it w(en e1a,inin* t(e

5/d*,ents o) t(e e1tra0ert /+on t(e intro0ert. Not. o) -o/rse. t(at " wis( to as-ribe s/-( an error to indi0id/al e1tra0erts6 it is rat(er t(e +resent *enerally a--e+ted e1tra0erted 0iew w(i-( is by no ,eans restri-ted to t(e e1tra0erted 8+. 9@>: ty+e6 )or it )inds 5/st as ,any re+resentati0es in t(e ran7s o) t(e ot(er ty+e. albeit 0ery ,/-( a*ainst its own interest. T(e re+roa-( o) bein* /ntr/e to (is own 7ind is 5/stly le0elled at t(e latter. w(ereas. t(is. at least. -an ne0er be -(ar*ed a*ainst t(e )or,er. T(e intro0erted attit/de is nor,ally *o0erned by t(e +sy-(olo*i-al str/-t/re. t(eoreti-ally deter,ined by (eredity. b/t w(i-( to t(e s/b5e-t is an e0er +resent s/b5e-ti0e )a-tor. T(is ,/st not be ass/,ed. (owe0er. to be si,+ly identi-al wit( t(e s/b5e-t3s e*o. an ass/,+tion t(at is -ertainly i,+lied in t(e abo0e ,entioned desi*nations o) ;einin*er6 it is rat(er t(e +sy-(olo*i-al str/-t/re o) t(e s/b5e-t t(at +re-edes any de0elo+,ent o) t(e e*o. T(e really )/nda,ental s/b5e-t. t(e el). is )ar ,ore -o,+re(ensi0e t(an t(e e*o. be-a/se t(e )or,er also e,bra-es t(e /n-ons-io/s. w(ile t(e latter is essentially t(e )o-al +oint o) -ons-io/sness. ;ere t(e e*o identi-al wit( t(e el). it wo/ld be /nt(in7able t(at we s(o/ld be able to a++ear in drea,s in entirely di))erent )or,s and wit( entirely di))erent ,eanin*s. B/t it is a -(ara-teristi+e-/liarity o) t(e intro0ert. w(i-(. ,oreo0er. is as ,/-( in 7ee+in* wit( (is own in-lination as wit( t(e *eneral bias. t(at (e tends to -on)/se (is e*o wit( t(e el). and to e1alt (is e*o to t(e +osition o) s/b5e-t o) t(e +sy-(olo*i-al +ro-ess. t(/s e))e-tin* t(at ,orbid s/b5e-ti)i-ation o) -ons-io/sness. ,entioned abo0e. w(i-( so alienates (i, )ro, t(e ob5e-t. T(e +sy-(olo*i-al str/-t/re is t(e sa,e. e,on (as ter,ed it 3,ne,e3.82: w(ereas " -all it t(e 5collecti)e unconscious5. T(e indi0id/al el) is a +ortion. or e1-er+t. or re+resentati0e. o) so,et(in* /ni0ersally +resent in all li0in* -reat/res. and. t(ere)ore. a -orres+ondin*ly *rad/ated 7ind o) +sy-(olo*i-al +ro-ess. w(i-( is born anew in e0ery -reat/re. in-e earliest ti,es. t(e inborn ,anner o) acting 8+. 9@?: (as been -alled instinct, and )or t(is ,anner o) +sy-(i- a++re(ension o) t(e ob5e-t " (a0e +ro+osed t(e ter, archetype. " ,ay ass/,e t(at w(at is /nderstood by instin-t is )a,iliar to e0eryone. "t is anot(er ,atter wit( t(e ar-(ety+e. T(is ter, e,bra-es t(e sa,e idea as is -ontained in 3+ri,ordial i,a*e3 (an e1+ression borrowed )ro, Ga7ob B/r-7(ardt). and as s/-( " (a0e des-ribed it in !(a+ter 1i o) t(is boo7. " ,/st (ere re)er t(e reader to t(at -(a+ter. in +arti-/lar to t(e de)inition o) 3i,a*e3. T(e ar-(ety+e is a sy,boli-al )or,/la. w(i-( always be*ins to )/n-tion w(ene0er t(ere are no -ons-io/s ideas +resent. or w(en s/-( as are +resent are i,+ossible /+on intrinsi- or e1trinsi- *ro/nds. T(e -ontents o) t(e -olle-ti0e /n-ons-io/s are re+resented in -ons-io/sness in t(e )or, o) +rono/n-ed tenden-ies. or de)inite ways o) loo7in* at t(in*s. T(ey are *enerally re*arded by t(e indi0id/al as bein* deter,ined by t(e ob5e-t4 in-orre-tly. at botto,4sin-e t(ey (a0e t(eir so/r-e in t(e /n-ons-io/s str/-t/re o) t(e +sy-(e. and are only released by t(e o+eration o) t(e ob5e-t. T(ese s/b5e-ti0e tenden-ies and ideas are stron*er t(an t(e ob5e-ti0e in)l/en-e6 be-a/se t(eir +sy-(i- 0al/e is (i*(er. t(ey are s/+eri,+osed /+on all i,+ressions. T(/s. 5/st as it see,s in-o,+re(ensible to t(e intro0ert t(at t(e ob5e-t s(o/ld always be de-isi0e. it re,ains 5/st as eni*,ati- to t(e e1tra0ert (ow a s/b5e-ti0e stand+oint -an be s/+erior to t(e ob5e-ti0e sit/ation. He rea-(es t(e /na0oidable -on-l/sion t(at t(e intro0ert is eit(er a -on-eited e*oist or a )antasti- do-trinaire. Re-ently (e see,s to (a0e rea-(ed t(e -on-l/sion t(at t(e intro0ert is -onstantly in)l/en-ed by an /n-ons-io/s +ower4-o,+le1. T(e intro0ert /n</estionably e1+oses (i,sel) to t(is +re5/di-e6 )or it -annot be denied

t(at (is de)inite and (i*(ly *enerali2ed ,ode o) e1+ression. w(i-( a++arently e1-l/des e0ery ot(er 0iew )ro, t(e o/tset. lends a -ertain -o/ntenan-e to 8+. 9@@: t(is e1tra0erted o+inion. %/rt(er,ore. t(e 0ery de-isi0eness and in)le1ibility o) t(e s/b5e-ti0e 5/d*,ent. w(i-( is s/+erordinated to all ob5e-ti0e data. is alone s/))i-ient to -reate t(e i,+ression o) a stron* e*o-entri-ity. T(e intro0ert /s/ally la-7s t(e ri*(t ar*/,ent in +resen-e o) t(is +re5/di-e6 )or (e is 5/st as /naware o) t(e /n-ons-io/s. t(o/*( t(oro/*(ly so/nd +res/++ositions o) (is s/b5e-ti0e 5/d*,ent. as (e is o) (is s/b5e-ti0e +er-e+tions. "n (ar,ony wit( t(e style o) t(e ti,es. (e loo7s wit(o/t. instead o) be(ind (is own -ons-io/sness )or t(e answer. (o/ld (e be-o,e ne/roti-. it is t(e si*n o) a ,ore or less -o,+lete /n-ons-io/s identity o) t(e e*o wit( t(e el). w(ere/+on t(e i,+ortan-e o) t(e el) is red/-ed to nil. w(ile t(e e*o be-o,es in)lated beyond reason. T(e /ndeniable. world4deter,inin* +ower o) t(e s/b5e-ti0e )a-tor t(en be-o,es -on-entrated in t(e e*o. de0elo+in* an i,,oderate +ower -lai, and a downri*(t )oolis( e*o-entri-ity. E0ery +sy-(olo*y w(i-( red/-es t(e nat/re o) ,an to /n-ons-io/s +ower instin-t s+rin*s )ro, t(is )o/ndation. %or e1a,+le. Niet2s-(e3s ,any )a/lts in taste owe t(eir e1isten-e to t(is s/b5e-ti)i-ation o) -ons-io/sness. ("") THE #N'%N('"%#( TT"T#$E T(e s/+erior +osition o) t(e s/b5e-ti0e )a-tor in -ons-io/sness in0ol0es an in)eriority o) t(e ob5e-ti0e )a-tor. T(e ob5e-t is not *i0en t(at i,+ortan-e w(i-( s(o/ld really belon* to it. G/st as it +lays too *reat a role in t(e e1tra0erted attit/de. it (as too little to say in t(e intro0erted. To t(e e1tent t(at t(e intro0ert3s -ons-io/sness is s/b5e-ti)ied. t(/s bestowin* /nd/e i,+ortan-e /+on t(e e*o. t(e ob5e-t is +la-ed in a +osition w(i-( in ti,e be-o,es </ite /ntenable. T(e ob5e-t is a )a-tor o) /ndeniable +ower. w(ile t(e e*o is so,et(in* 0ery restri-ted 8+. 9@A: and transitory. "t wo/ld be a 0ery di))erent ,atter i) t(e el) o++osed t(e ob5e-t. el) and world are -o,,ens/rable )a-tors6 (en-e a nor,al intro0erted attit/de is 5/st as 0alid. and (as as *ood a ri*(t to e1isten-e. as a nor,al e1tra0erted attit/de. B/t. i) t(e e*o (as /s/r+ed t(e -lai,s o) t(e s/b5e-t. a -o,+ensation nat/rally de0elo+s /nder t(e */ise o) an /n-ons-io/s rein)or-e,ent o) t(e in)l/en-e o) t(e ob5e-t. /-( a -(an*e e0ent/ally -o,,ands attention. )or o)ten. in s+ite o) a +ositi0ely -on0/lsi0e atte,+t to ens/re t(e s/+eriority o) t(e e*o. t(e ob5e-t and ob5e-ti0e data de0elo+ an o0erw(el,in* in)l/en-e. w(i-( is all t(e ,ore in0in-ible be-a/se it sei2es /+on t(e indi0id/al /nawares. t(/s e))e-tin* an irresistible in0asion o) -ons-io/sness. As a res/lt o) t(e e*o3s de)e-ti0e relation to t(e ob5e-t 44 )or a will to -o,,and is not ada+tation 44 a -o,+ensatory relation to t(e ob5e-t de0elo+s in t(e /n-ons-io/s. w(i-( ,a7es itsel) )elt in -ons-io/sness as an /n-onditional and irre+ressible tie to t(e ob5e-t. T(e ,ore t(e e*o see7s to se-/re e0ery +ossible liberty. inde+enden-e. s/+eriority. and )reedo, )ro, obli*ations. t(e dee+er does it )all into t(e sla0ery o) ob5e-ti0e )a-ts. T(e s/b5e-t3s )reedo, o) ,ind is -(ained to an i*no,inio/s )inan-ial de+enden-e. (is /n-on-ernedness o) a-tion s/))ers now and a*ain. a distressin* -olla+se in t(e )a-e o) +/bli- o+inion. (is ,oral s/+eriority *ets swa,+ed in in)erior relations(i+s. and (is desire to do,inate ends in a +iti)/l -ra0in* to be lo0ed. T(e -(ie) -on-ern o) t(e /n-ons-io/s in s/-( a -ase is t(e relation to t(e ob5e-t. and it a))e-ts t(is in a way t(at is -al-/lated to brin* bot( t(e +ower ill/sion and t(e s/+eriority +(antasy to /tter r/in. T(e ob5e-t ass/,es terri)yin* di,ensions. in s+ite o) -ons-io/s de+re-iation. Deta-(,ent )ro,. and -o,,and o). t(e ob5e-t are. in -onse</en-e. +/rs/ed by t(e e*o still ,ore 0iolently. %inally. t(e e*o s/rro/nds itsel) by a re*/lar syste, o) sa)e*/ards (Adler (as ably 8+. 9@9: de+i-ted t(ese) w(i-( s(all at least +reser0e t(e ill/sion o) s/+eriority. B/t. t(erewit(. t(e intro0ert se0ers (i,sel)

-o,+letely )ro, t(e ob5e-t. and eit(er s</anders (is ener*y in de)ensi0e ,eas/res or ,a7es )r/itless atte,+ts to i,+ose (is +ower /+on t(e ob5e-t and s/--ess)/lly assert (i,sel). B/t t(ese e))orts are -onstantly bein* )r/strated by t(e o0erw(el,in* i,+ressions (e re-ei0es )ro, t(e ob5e-t. "t -ontin/ally i,+oses itsel) /+on (i, a*ainst (is will6 it +ro0o7es in (i, t(e ,ost disa*reeable and obstinate a))e-ts. +erse-/tin* (i, at e0ery ste+. An i,,ense. inner str/**le is -onstantly re</ired o) (i,. in order to 37ee+ *oin*.3 Hen-e +sychoasthenia is (is ty+i-al )or, o) ne/rosis. a ,alady w(i-( is -(ara-teri2ed on t(e one (and by an e1tre,e sensiti0eness. and on t(e ot(er by a *reat liability to e1(a/stion and -(roni- )ati*/e. An analysis o) t(e +ersonal /n-ons-io/s yields an ab/ndan-e o) +ower +(antasies -o/+led wit( )ear o) t(e dan*ero/sly ani,ated ob5e-ts. to w(i-(. as a ,atter o) )a-t. t(e intro0ert easily )alls a 0i-ti,. %or a +e-/liar -owardliness de0elo+s )ro, t(is )ear o) t(e ob5e-t6 (e s(rin7s )ro, ,a7in* eit(er (i,sel) or (is o+inion e))e-ti0e. always dreadin* an intensi)ied in)l/en-e on t(e +art o) t(e ob5e-t. He is terri)ied o) i,+ressi0e a))e-ts in ot(ers. and is (ardly e0er )ree )ro, t(e dread o) )allin* /nder (ostile in)l/en-e. %or ob5e-ts +ossess terri)yin* and +ower)/l </alities )or (i,4</alities w(i-( (e -annot -ons-io/sly dis-ern in t(e,. b/t w(i-(. t(ro/*( (is /n-ons-io/s +er-e+tion. (e -annot -(oose b/t belie0e in. in-e (is -ons-io/s relation to t(e ob5e-t is relati0ely re+ressed. its e1it is by way o) t(e /n-ons-io/s. w(ere it be-o,es loaded wit( t(e </alities o) t(e /n-ons-io/s. T(ese </alities are +ri,arily in)antile and ar-(ai-. His relation to t(e ob5e-t. t(ere)ore. be-o,es -orres+ondin*ly +ri,iti0e. ta7in* on all t(ose +e-/liarities w(i-( -(ara-teri2e t(e +ri,iti0e ob5e-trelations(i+. Now it see,s as t(o/*( ob5e-ts +ossessed 8+. 9AD: ,a*i-al +owers. tran*e. new ob5e-ts e1-ite )ear and distr/st. as t(o/*( -on-ealin* /n7nown dan*ers6 ob5e-ts lon* rooted and blessed by tradition are atta-(ed to (is so/l as by in0isible t(reads6 e0ery -(an*e (as a dist/rbin*. i) not a-t/ally dan*ero/s as+e-t. sin-e its a++arent i,+li-ation is a ,a*i-al ani,ation o) t(e ob5e-t. A lonely island w(ere only w(at is +er,itted to ,o0e ,o0es. be-o,es an ideal. uch Einer, t(e no0el by %. T(. Kis-(er. *i0es a ri-( insi*(t into t(is side o) t(e intro0ert3s +sy-(olo*y. and at t(e sa,e ti,e s(ows t(e /nderlyin* sy,bolis, o) t(e -olle-ti0e /n-ons-io/s. w(i-( in t(is des-ri+tion o) ty+es " a, lea0in* on one side. sin-e it is a /ni0ersal +(eno,enon wit( no es+e-ial -onne-tion wit( ty+es. (""") +E'#!" R"T"E( %& THE , ("' +(-'H%!%G"' ! &#N'T"%N( "N THE "NTR%/ERTE$ TT"T#$E 1. Thin%ing ;(en des-ribin* e1tra0erted t(in7in*. " *a0e a brie) -(ara-teri2ation o) intro0erted t(in7in*. to w(i-( at t(is sta*e " ,/st ,a7e )/rt(er re)eren-e. "ntro0erted t(in7in* is +ri,arily orientated by t(e s/b5e-ti0e )a-tor. At t(e least. t(is s/b5e-ti0e )a-tor is re+resented by a s/b5e-ti0e )eelin* o) dire-tion. w(i-(. in t(e last resort. deter,ines 5/d*,ent. $--asionally. it is a ,ore or less )inis(ed i,a*e. w(i-( to so,e e1tent. ser0es as a standard. T(is t(in7in* ,ay be -on-ei0ed eit(er wit( -on-rete or wit( abstra-t )a-tors. b/t always at t(e de-isi0e +oints it is orientated by s/b5e-ti0e data. Hen-e. it does not lead )ro, -on-rete e1+erien-e ba-7 a*ain into ob5e-ti0e t(in*s. b/t always to t(e s/b5e-ti0e -ontent. E1ternal )a-ts are not t(e ai, and ori*in o) t(is t(in7in*. alt(o/*( t(e intro0ert wo/ld o)ten li7e to ,a7e it so a++ear. "t be*ins in t(e s/b5e-t. and ret/rns to t(e s/b5e-t. alt(o/*( it ,ay 8+. 9A1: /nderta7e t(e widest )li*(ts into t(e territory o) t(e real and t(e a-t/al. Hen-e. in t(e state,ent o) new )a-ts. its -(ie)

0al/e is indire-t. be-a/se new 0iews rat(er t(an t(e +er-e+tion o) new )a-ts are its ,ain -on-ern. "t )or,/lates </estions and -reates t(eories6 it o+ens /+ +ros+e-ts and yields insi*(t. b/t in t(e +resen-e o) )a-ts it e1(ibits a reser0ed de,eano/r. As ill/strati0e e1a,+les t(ey (a0e t(eir 0al/e. b/t t(ey ,/st not +re0ail. %a-ts are -olle-ted as e0iden-e or e1a,+les )or a t(eory. b/t ne0er )or t(eir own sa7e. (o/ld t(is latter e0er o--/r. it is done only as a -o,+li,ent to t(e e1tra0erted style. %or t(is 7ind o) t(in7in* )a-ts are o) se-ondary i,+ortan-e6 w(at. a++arently. is o) absol/tely +ara,o/nt i,+ortan-e is t(e de0elo+,ent and +resentation o) t(e s/b5e-ti0e idea. t(at +ri,ordial sy,boli-al i,a*e standin* ,ore or less dar7ly be)ore t(e inner 0ision. "ts ai,. t(ere)ore. is ne0er -on-erned wit( an intelle-t/al re-onstr/-tion o) -on-rete a-t/ality. b/t wit( t(e s(a+in* o) t(at di, i,a*e into a res+lendent idea. "ts desire is to rea-( reality6 its *oal is to see (ow e1ternal )a-ts )it into. and )/l)il. t(e )ra,ewor7 o) t(e idea6 its a-t/al -reati0e +ower is +ro0ed by t(e )a-t t(at t(is t(in7in* -an also -reate t(at idea w(i-(. t(o/*( not +resent in t(e e1ternal )a-ts. is yet t(e ,ost s/itable. abstra-t e1+ression o) t(e,. "ts tas7 is a--o,+lis(ed w(en t(e idea it (as )as(ioned see,s to e,er*e so ine0itably )ro, t(e e1ternal )a-ts t(at t(ey a-t/ally +ro0e its 0alidity. B/t 5/st as little as it is *i0en to e1tra0erted t(in7in* to wrest a really so/nd ind/-ti0e idea )ro, -on-rete )a-ts or e0er to -reate new ones. does it lie in t(e +ower o) intro0erted t(in7in* to translate its ori*inal i,a*e into an idea ade</ately ada+ted to t(e )a-ts. %or. as in t(e )or,er -ase t(e +/rely e,+iri-al (ea+in* to*et(er o) )a-ts +aralyses t(o/*(t and s,ot(ers t(eir ,eanin*. so in t(e latter -ase intro0erted t(in7in* s(ows a dan*ero/s tenden-y 8+. 9A2: to -oer-e )a-ts into t(e s(a+e o) its i,a*e. or by i*norin* t(e, alto*et(er. to /n)old its +(antasy i,a*e in )reedo,. "n s/-( a -ase. it will be i,+ossible )or t(e +resented idea to deny its ori*in )ro, t(e di, ar-(ai- i,a*e. T(ere will -lin* to it a -ertain ,yt(olo*i-al -(ara-ter t(at we are +rone to inter+ret as 3ori*inality3. or in ,ore +rono/n-ed -ases3 as ,ere w(i,si-ality6 sin-e its ar-(ai-(ara-ter is not trans+arent as s/-( to s+e-ialists /n)a,iliar wit( ,yt(olo*i-al ,oti0es. T(e s/b5e-ti0e )or-e o) -on0i-tion in(erent in s/-( an idea is /s/ally 0ery *reat6 its +ower too is t(e ,ore -on0in-in*. t(e less it is in)l/en-ed by -onta-t wit( o/ter )a-ts. Alt(o/*( to t(e ,an w(o ad0o-ates t(e idea. it ,ay well see, t(at (is s-anty store o) )a-ts were t(e a-t/al *ro/nd and so/r-e o) t(e tr/t( and 0alidity o) (is idea. yet s/-( is not t(e -ase. )or t(e idea deri0es its -on0in-in* +ower )ro, its /n-ons-io/s ar-(ety+e. w(i-(. as s/-(. (as /ni0ersal 0alidity and e0erlastin* tr/t(. "ts tr/t(. (owe0er. is so /ni0ersal and sy,boli-. t(at it ,/st )irst enter into t(e re-o*ni2ed and re-o*ni2able 7nowled*e o) t(e ti,e. be)ore it -an be-o,e a +ra-ti-al tr/t( o) any real 0al/e to li)e. ;(at sort o) a -a/sality wo/ld it be. )or instan-e. t(at ne0er be-a,e +er-e+tible in +ra-ti-al -a/ses and +ra-ti-al res/ltsF T(is t(in7in* easily loses itsel) in t(e i,,ense tr/t( o) t(e s/b5e-ti0e )a-tor. "t -reates t(eories )or t(e sa7e o) t(eories. a++arently wit( a 0iew to real or at least +ossible )a-ts. yet always wit( a distin-t tenden-y to *o o0er )ro, t(e world o) ideas into ,ere i,a*ery. A--ordin*ly ,any int/itions o) +ossibilities a++ear on t(e s-ene. none o) w(i-( (owe0er a-(ie0e any reality. /ntil )inally i,a*es are +rod/-ed w(i-( no lon*er e1+ress anyt(in* e1ternally real. bein* 3,erely3 sy,bols o) t(e si,+ly /n7nowable. "t is now ,erely a ,ysti-al t(in7in* and </ite as /n)r/it)/l as t(at e,+iri-al t(in7in* w(ose sole o+eration is wit(in t(e )ra,ewor7 o) ob5e-ti0e )a-ts. 8+. 9A3: ;(ereas t(e latter sin7s to t(e le0el o) a ,ere +resentation o) )a-ts. t(e )or,er e0a+orates into a re+resentation o) t(e /n7nowable. w(i-( is e0en beyond e0eryt(in*

t(at -o/ld be e1+ressed in an i,a*e. T(e +resentation o) )a-ts (as a -ertain in-ontestable tr/t(. be-a/se t(e s/b5e-ti0e )a-tor is e1-l/ded and t(e )a-ts s+ea7 )or t(e,sel0es. i,ilarly. t(e re+resentin* o) t(e /n7nowable (as also an i,,ediate. s/b5e-ti0e. and -on0in-in* +ower. be-a/se it is de,onstrable )ro, its own e1isten-e. T(e )or,er says 3Est. er*o est3 (3"t is 6 t(ere)ore it is3) 6 w(ile t(e latter says 3!o*ito. er*o -o*ito3 (3 " t(in7 6 t(ere)ore " t(in73). "n t(e last analysis. intro0erted t(in7in* arri0es at t(e e0iden-e o) its own s/b5e-ti0e bein*. w(ile e1tra0erted t(in7in* is dri0en to t(e e0iden-e o) its -o,+lete identity wit( t(e ob5e-ti0e )a-t. %or. w(ile t(e e1tra0ert really denies (i,sel) in (is -o,+lete dis+ersion a,on* ob5e-ts. t(e intro0ert. by riddin* (i,sel) o) ea-( and e0ery -ontent. (as to -ontent (i,sel) wit( (is ,ere e1isten-e. "n bot( -ases t(e )/rt(er de0elo+,ent o) li)e is -rowded o/t o) t(e do,ain o) t(o/*(t into t(e re*ion o) ot(er +sy-(i- )/n-tions w(i-( (ad (it(erto e1isted in relati0e /n-ons-io/sness. T(e e1traordinary i,+o0eris(,ent o) intro0erted t(in7in* in relation to ob5e-ti0e )a-ts )inds -o,+ensation in an ab/ndan-e o) /n-ons-io/s )a-ts. ;(ene0er -ons-io/sness. wedded to t(e )/n-tion o) t(o/*(t. -on)ines itsel) wit(in t(e s,allest and e,+tiest -ir-le +ossible 44 t(o/*( see,in* to -ontain t(e +lenit/de o) di0inity 44 /n-ons-io/s +(antasy be-o,es +ro+ortionately enri-(ed by a ,/ltit/de o) ar-(ai-ally )or,ed )a-ts. a 0eritable +ande,oni/, o) ,a*i-al and irrational )a-tors. wearin* t(e +arti-/lar as+e-t t(at a--ords wit( t(e nat/re o) t(at )/n-tion w(i-( s(all ne1t relie0e t(e t(o/*(t4)/n-tion as t(e re+resentati0e o) li)e. ") t(is s(o/ld be t(e int/iti0e )/n-tion. t(e 3ot(er side3 will be 0iewed wit( t(e eyes o) a L/bin or a Ceyrin7. ") it is t(e )eelin*4 )/n-tion. 8+. 9A9: t(ere arise </ite /n(eard o) and )antasti- )eelin*4relations. -o/+led wit( )eelin*45/d*,ents o) a </ite -ontradi-tory and /nintelli*ible -(ara-ter. ") t(e sensation4)/n-tion. t(en t(e senses dis-o0er so,e new and ne0er4be)ore4e1+erien-ed +ossibility. bot( wit(in and wit(o/t t(e body. A -loser in0esti*ation o) s/-( -(an*es -an easily de,onstrate t(e rea++earan-e o) +ri,iti0e +sy-(olo*y wit( all its -(ara-teristi- )eat/res. Nat/rally. t(e t(in* e1+erien-ed is not ,erely +ri,iti0e b/t also sy,boli-6 in )a-t. t(e older and ,ore +ri,e0al it a++ears. t(e ,ore does it re+resent t(e )/t/re tr/t(B sin-e e0eryt(in* an-ient in o/r /n-ons-io/s ,eans t(e -o,in* +ossibility. 'nder ordinary -ir-/,stan-es. not e0en t(e transition to t(e 3ot(er side3 s/--eeds 44 still less t(e redee,in* 5o/rney t(ro/*( t(e /n-ons-io/s. T(e +assa*e a-ross is -(ie)ly +re0ented by -ons-io/s resistan-e to any s/b5e-tion o) t(e e*o to t(e /n-ons-io/s reality and to t(e deter,inin* reality o) t(e /n-ons-io/s ob5e-t. T(e -ondition is a disso-iation4 in ot(er words. a ne/rosis (a0in* t(e -(ara-ter o) an inner wasta*e wit( in-reasin* brain4e1(a/stion 44 a +sy-(oast(enia. in )a-t. 2. The 0n!"o#e"!e$ Thin%ing Type G/st as Darwin ,i*(t +ossibly re+resent t(e nor,al e1tra0erted t(in7in* ty+e. so we ,i*(t +oint to Lant as a -o/nter4e1a,+le o) t(e nor,al intro0erted t(in7in* ty+e. T(e )or,er s+ea7s wit( )a-ts6 t(e latter a++eals to t(e s/b5e-ti0e )a-tor. Darwin ran*es o0er t(e wide )ields o) ob5e-ti0e )a-ts. w(ile Lant restri-ts (i,sel) to a -riti</e o) 7nowled*e in *eneral. B/t s/++ose a !/0ier be -ontrasted wit( a Niet2s-(eB t(e antit(esis be-o,es e0en s(ar+er. T(e intro0erted t(in7in* ty+e is -(ara-teri2ed by a +riority o) t(e t(in7in* " (a0e 5/st des-ribed. Li7e (is 8+. 9A>: e1tra0erted +arallel. (e is de-isi0ely in)l/en-ed by ideas6 t(ese. (owe0er. (a0e t(eir ori*in. not in t(e ob5e-ti0e data b/t in t(e s/b5e-ti0e )o/ndation. Li7e t(e e1tra0ert. (e too will )ollow (is ideas. b/t in t(e re0erse dire-tionB

inwardly not o/twardly. "ntensity is (is ai,. not e1tensity. "n t(ese )/nda,ental -(ara-ters (e di))ers ,ar7edly. indeed </ite /n,ista7ably )ro, (is e1tra0erted +arallel. Li7e e0ery intro0erted ty+e. (e is al,ost -o,+letely la-7in* in t(at w(i-( distin*/is(es (is -o/nter ty+e. na,ely. t(e intensi0e relatedness to t(e ob5e-t. "n t(e -ase o) a (/,an ob5e-t. t(e ,an (as a distin-t )eelin* t(at (e ,atters only in a ne*ati0e way. i.e., in ,ilder instan-es (e is ,erely -ons-io/s o) bein* s/+er)l/o/s. b/t wit( a ,ore e1tre,e ty+e (e )eels (i,sel) warded o)) as so,et(in* de)initely dist/rbin*. T(is ne*ati0e relation to t(e ob5e-t4indi))eren-e. and e0en a0ersion4-(ara-teri2es e0ery intro0ert6 it also ,a7es a des-ri+tion o) t(e intro0erted ty+e in *eneral e1tre,ely di))i-/lt. ;it( (i,. e0eryt(in* tends to disa++ear and *et -on-ealed. His 5/d*,ent a++ears -old. obstinate. arbitrary. and in-onsiderate. si,+ly be-a/se (e is related less to t(e ob5e-t t(an t(e s/b5e-t. $ne -an )eel not(in* in it t(at ,i*(t +ossibly -on)er a (i*(er 0al/e /+on t(e ob5e-t6 it always see,s to *o beyond t(e ob5e-t. lea0in* be(ind it a )la0o/r o) a -ertain s/b5e-ti0e s/+eriority. !o/rtesy. a,iability. and )riendliness ,ay be +resent. b/t o)ten wit( a +arti-/lar </ality s/**estin* a -ertain /neasiness. w(i-( betrays an /lterior ai,. na,ely. t(e disar,in* o) an o++onent. w(o ,/st at all -osts be +a-i)ied and set at ease lest (e +ro0e a dist/rbin*4 ele,ent. "n no sense. o) -o/rse. is (e an o++onent. b/t. i) at all sensiti0e. (e will )eel so,ew(at re+elled. +er(a+s e0en de+re-iated. "n0ariably t(e ob5e-t (as to s/b,it to a -ertain ne*le-t6 in worse -ases it is e0en s/rro/nded wit( </ite /nne-essary ,eas/res o) +re-a/tion. T(/s it (a++ens t(at t(is ty+e tends to 8+. 9A?: disa++ear be(ind a -lo/d o) ,is/nderstandin*. w(i-( only t(i-7ens t(e ,ore (e atte,+ts to ass/,e. by way o) -o,+ensation and wit( t(e (el+ o) (is in)erior )/n-tions. a -ertain ,as7 o) /rbanity. w(i-( o)ten +resents a ,ost 0i0id -ontrast to (is real nat/re. Alt(o/*( in t(e e1tension o) (is world o) ideas (e s(rin7s )ro, no ris7. (owe0er darin*. and ne0er e0en -onsiders t(e +ossibility t(at s/-( a world ,i*(t also be dan*ero/s. re0ol/tionary. (ereti-al. and wo/ndin* to )eelin*. (e is none t(e less a +rey to t(e li0eliest an1iety. s(o/ld it e0er -(an-e to be-o,e ob5e-ti0ely real. T(at *oes a*ainst t(e *rain. ;(en t(e ti,e -o,es )or (i, to trans+lant (is ideas into t(e world. (is is by no ,eans t(e air o) an an1io/s ,ot(er soli-ito/s )or (er -(ildren3s wel)are6 (e ,erely e1+oses t(e,. and is o)ten e1tre,ely annoyed w(en t(ey )ail to t(ri0e on t(eir own a--o/nt. T(e de-ided la-7 (e /s/ally dis+lays in +ra-ti-al ability. and (is a0ersion )ro, any sort o) re8a--ent:-la,e assist in t(is attit/de. ") to (is eyes (is +rod/-t a++ears s/b5e-ti0ely -orre-t and tr/e. it ,/st also be so in +ra-ti-e. and ot(ers (a0e si,+ly *ot to bow to its tr/t(. Hardly e0er will (e *o o/t o) (is way to win anyone3s a++re-iation o) it. es+e-ially i) it be anyone o) in)l/en-e. And. w(en (e brin*s (i,sel) to do so. (e is /s/ally so e1tre,ely ,aladroit t(at (e ,erely a-(ie0es t(e o++osite o) (is +/r+ose. "n (is own s+e-ial +ro0in-e. t(ere are /s/ally aw7ward e1+erien-es wit( (is -ollea*/es. sin-e (e ne0er 7nows (ow to win t(eir )a0o/r6 as a r/le (e only s/--eeds in s(owin* t(e, (ow entirely s/+er)l/o/s t(ey are to (i,. "n t(e +/rs/it o) (is ideas (e is *enerally st/bborn. (ead4stron*. and </ite /na,enable to in)l/en-e. His s/**estibility to +ersonal in)l/en-es is in stran*e -ontrast to t(is. An ob5e-t (as only to be re-o*ni2ed as a++arently inno-/o/s )or s/-( a ty+e to be-o,e e1tre,ely a--essible to really in)erior ele,ents. T(ey lay (old o) (i, )ro, t(e 8+. 9A@: /n-ons-io/s. He lets (i,sel) be br/tali2ed and e1+loited in t(e ,ost i*no,inio/s way. i) only (e -an be le)t /ndist/rbed in t(e +/rs/it o) (is ideas. He si,+ly does not see w(en (e is bein* +l/ndered be(ind (is ba-7 and wron*ed in +ra-ti-al waysB t(is is be-a/se (is relation to t(e ob5e-t is s/-( a se-ondary ,atter t(at lie is le)t wit(o/t a */ide in t(e +/rely ob5e-ti0e 0al/ation o) (is +rod/-t. "n t(in7in* o/t (is +roble,s to t(e /t,ost o) (is ability. (e also -o,+li-ates

t(e,. and -onstantly be-o,es entan*led in e0ery +ossible s-r/+le. Howe0er -lear to (i,sel) t(e inner str/-t/re o) (is t(o/*(ts ,ay be. (e is not in t(e least -lear w(ere and (ow t(ey lin7 /+ wit( t(e world o) reality. $nly wit( di))i-/lty -an (e +ers/ade (i,sel) to ad,it t(at w(at is -lear to (i, ,ay not be e</ally -lear to e0eryone. His style is /s/ally loaded and -o,+li-ated by all sorts o) a--essories. </ali)i-ations. sa0in* -la/ses. do/bts. et-.. w(i-( s+rin* )ro, (is e1a-tin* s-r/+/lo/sness. His wor7 *oes slowly and wit( di))i-/lty. Eit(er (e is ta-it/rn or (e )alls a,on* +eo+le w(o -annot /nderstand (i,6 w(ere/+on (e +ro-eeds to *at(er )/rt(er +roo) o) t(e /n)at(o,able st/+idity o) ,an. ") (e s(o/ld e0er -(an-e to be /nderstood. (e is -red/lo/sly liable to o0eresti,ate. A,bitio/s wo,en (a0e only to /nderstand (ow ad0anta*e ,ay be ta7en o) (is /n-riti-al attit/de towards t(e ob5e-t to ,a7e an easy +rey o) (i,6 or (e ,ay de0elo+ into a ,isant(ro+i- ba-(elor wit( a -(ildli7e (eart. T(en. too. (is o/tward a++earan-e is o)ten *a/-(e. as i) (e were +ain)/lly an1io/s to es-a+e obser0ation6 or (e ,ay s(ow a re,ar7able /n-on-ern. an al,ost -(ildli7e nai0ete. "n (is own +arti-/lar )ield o) wor7 (e +ro0o7es 0iolent -ontradi-tion. wit( w(i-( (e (as no notion (ow to deal. /nless by -(an-e (e is sed/-ed by (is +ri,iti0e a))e-ts into bitin* and )r/itless +ole,i-s. By (is wider -ir-le (e is -o/nted in-onsiderate and do,ineerin*. B/t t(e 8+. 9AA: better one 7nows (i,. t(e ,ore )a0o/rable one3s 5/d*,ent be-o,es. and (is nearest )riends are well aware (ow to 0al/e (is inti,a-y. To +eo+le w(o 5/d*e (i, )ro, a)ar (e a++ears +ri-7ly. ina--essible. (a/*(ty6 )re</ently (e ,ay e0en see, so/red as a res/lt o) (is anti4so-ial +re5/di-es. He (as little in)l/en-e as a +ersonal tea-(er. sin-e t(e ,entality o) (is +/+ils is stran*e to (i,. Besides. tea-(in* (as. at botto,. little interest )or (i,. e1-e+t w(en it a--identally +ro0ides (i, wit( a t(eoreti-al +roble,. He is a +oor tea-(er. be-a/se w(ile tea-(in* (is t(o/*(t is en*a*ed wit( t(e a-t/al ,aterial. and will not be satis)ied wit( its ,ere +resentation. ;it( t(e intensi)i-ation o) (is ty+e. (is -on0i-tions be-o,e all t(e ,ore ri*id and /nbendin*. %orei*n in)l/en-es are eli,inated6 (e be-o,es ,ore /nsy,+at(eti- to (is +eri+(eral world. and t(ere)ore ,ore de+endent /+on (is inti,ates. His e1+ression be-o,es ,ore +ersonal and in-onsiderate and (is ideas ,ore +ro)o/nd. b/t t(ey -an no lon*er be ade</ately e1+ressed in t(e ,aterial at (and. T(is la-7 is re+la-ed by e,oti0ity and s/s-e+tibility. T(e )orei*n in)l/en-e. br/s</ely de-lined )ro, wit(o/t. rea-(es (i, )ro, wit(in. )ro, t(e side o) t(e /n-ons-io/s. and (e is obli*ed to -olle-t e0iden-e a*ainst it and a*ainst t(in*s in *eneral w(i-( to o/tsiders see,s </ite s/+er)l/o/s. T(ro/*( t(e s/b5e-ti)i-ation o) -ons-io/sness o--asioned by (is de)e-ti0e relations(i+ to t(e ob5e-t. w(at se-retly -on-erns (is own person now see,s to (i, o) -(ie) i,+ortan-e. And (e be*ins to -on)o/nd (is s/b5e-ti0e tr/t( wit( (is own +erson. Not t(at (e will atte,+t to +ress anyone +ersonally wit( (is -on0i-tions. b/t (e will brea7 o/t wit( 0eno,o/s and +ersonal retorts a*ainst e0ery -riti-is,. (owe0er 5/st. T(/s in e0ery res+e-t (is isolation *rad/ally in-reases. His ori*inally )ertili2in* ideas be-o,e destr/-ti0e. be-a/se +oisoned by a 7ind o) sedi,ent o) bitterness. His str/**le a*ainst t(e in)l/en-es e,anatin* 8+. 9A9: )ro, t(e /n-ons-io/s in-reases wit( (is e1ternal isolation. /ntil *rad/ally t(is be*ins to -ri++le (i,. A still *reater isolation ,/st s/rely +rote-t (i, )ro, t(e /n-ons-io/s in)l/en-es. b/t as a r/le t(is only ta7es (i, dee+er into t(e -on)li-t w(i-( is destroyin* (i, wit(in. T(e t(in7in* o) t(e intro0erted ty+e is +ositi0e and synt(eti- in t(e de0elo+,ent o) t(ose ideas w(i-( in e0er in-reasin* ,eas/re a++roa-( t(e eternal 0alidity o) t(e +ri,ordial i,a*es. B/t. w(en t(eir -onne-tion wit( ob5e-ti0e e1+erien-e be*ins to )ade. t(ey be-o,e ,yt(olo*i-al and /ntr/e )or t(e +resent sit/ation. Hen-e t(is t(in7in*

(olds 0al/e only )or its -onte,+oraries. 5/st so lon* as it also stands in 0isible and /nderstandable -onne-tion wit( t(e 7nown )a-ts o) t(e ti,e. B/t. w(en t(in7in* be-o,es ,yt(olo*i-al. its irrele0an-y *rows /ntil )inally it *ets lost in itsel). T(e relati0ely /n-ons-io/s )/n-tions o) )eelin*. int/ition. and sensation. w(i-( -o/nterbalan-e intro0erted t(in7in*. are in)erior in </ality and (a0e a +ri,iti0e. e1tra0erted -(ara-ter. to w(i-( all t(e tro/bleso,e ob5e-ti0e in)l/en-es t(is ty+e is s/b5e-t to ,/st be as-ribed. T(e 0ario/s ,eas/res o) sel)4de)en-e. t(e -/rio/s +rote-ti0e obsta-les wit( w(i-( s/-( +eo+le are wont to s/rro/nd t(e,sel0es. are s/))i-iently )a,iliar. and " ,ay. t(ere)ore. s+are ,ysel) a des-ri+tion o) t(e,. T(ey all ser0e as a de)en-e a*ainst 3,a*i-al3 in)l/en-es6 a 0a*/e dread o) t(e ot(er se1 also belon*s to t(is -ate*ory. &. 'eeling "ntro0erted )eelin* is deter,ined +rin-i+ally by t(e s/b5e-ti0e )a-tor. T(is ,eans t(at t(e )eelin*45/d*,ent di))ers </ite as essentially )ro, e1tra0erted )eelin* as does t(e intro0ersion o) t(in7in* )ro, e1tra0ersion. "t is /n</estionably di))i-/lt to *i0e an intelle-t/al +resentation o) t(e intro0erted )eelin* +ro-ess. or e0en an a++ro1i,ate 8+. 99D: des-ri+tion o) it. alt(o/*( t(e +e-/liar -(ara-ter o) t(is 7ind o) )eelin* si,+ly stands o/t as soon as one be-o,es aware o) it at all. in-e it is +ri,arily -ontrolled by s/b5e-ti0e +re-onditions. and is only se-ondarily -on-erned wit( t(e ob5e-t. t(is )eelin* a++ears ,/-( less /+on t(e s/r)a-e and is. as a r/le. ,is/nderstood. "t is a )eelin* w(i-( a++arently de+re-iates t(e ob5e-t6 (en-e it /s/ally be-o,es noti-eable in its ne*ati0e ,ani)estations. T(e e1isten-e o) a +ositi0e )eelin* -an be in)erred only indire-tly. as it were. "ts ai, is not so ,/-( to a--o,,odate to t(e ob5e-ti0e )a-t as to stand abo0e it. sin-e its w(ole /n-ons-io/s e))ort is to *i0e reality to t(e /nderlyin* i,a*es. "t is. as it were. -ontin/ally see7in* an i,a*e w(i-( (as no e1isten-e in reality. b/t o) w(i-( it (as (ad a sort o) +re0io/s 0ision. %ro, ob5e-ts t(at -an ne0er )it in wit( its ai, it see,s to *lide /n(eedin*ly away. "t stri0es a)ter an inner intensity. to w(i-( at t(e ,ost. ob5e-ts -ontrib/te only an a--essory sti,/l/s. T(e de+t(s o) t(is )eelin* -an only be di0ined 44 t(ey -an ne0er be -learly -o,+re(ended. "t ,a7es ,en silent and di))i-/lt o) a--ess6 wit( t(e sensiti0eness o) t(e ,i,osa. it s(rin7s )ro, t(e br/tality o) t(e ob5e-t. in order to e1+and into t(e de+t(s o) t(e s/b5e-t. "t +/ts )orward ne*ati0e )eelin*45/d*,ents or ass/,es an air o) +ro)o/nd indi))eren-e. as a ,eas/re o) sel)4de)en-e. #ri,ordial i,a*es are. o) -o/rse. 5/st as ,/-( idea as )eelin*. T(/s. basi- ideas s/-( as God. )reedo,. i,,ortality are 5/st as ,/-( )eelin*40al/es as t(ey are si*ni)i-ant as ideas. E0eryt(in*. t(ere)ore. t(at (as been said o) t(e intro0erted t(in7in* re)ers e</ally to intro0erted )eelin*. only (ere e0eryt(in* is )elt w(ile t(ere it was t(o/*(t. B/t t(e )a-t t(at t(o/*(ts -an *enerally be e1+ressed ,ore intelli*ibly t(an )eelin*s de,ands a ,ore t(an ordinary des-ri+ti0e or artisti- -a+a-ity be)ore t(e real wealt( o) t(is )eelin* -an be e0en a++ro1i,ately 8+. 991: +resented or -o,,/ni-ated to t(e o/ter world. ;(ereas s/b5e-ti0e t(in7in*. on a--o/nt o) its /nrelatedness. )inds *reat di))i-/lty in aro/sin* an ade</ate /nderstandin*. t(e sa,e. t(o/*( in +er(a+s e0en (i*(er de*ree. (olds *ood )or s/b5e-ti0e )eelin*. "n order to -o,,/ni-ate wit( ot(ers it (as to )ind an e1ternal )or, w(i-( is not only )itted to absorb t(e s/b5e-ti0e )eelin* in a satis)yin* e1+ression. b/t w(i-( ,/st also -on0ey it to one3s )ellow,an in s/-( a way t(at a +arallel +ro-ess ta7es +la-e in (i,. T(an7s to t(e relati0ely *reat internal (as well as e1ternal) si,ilarity o) t(e (/,an bein*. t(is e))e-t -an a-t/ally be a-(ie0ed. alt(o/*( a )or, a--e+table to )eelin* is e1tre,ely di))i-/lt to )ind. so lon* as it is still ,ainly

orientated by t(e )at(o,less store o) +ri,ordial i,a*es. B/t. w(en it be-o,es )alsi)ied by an e*o-entri- attit/de. it at on-e *rows /nsy,+at(eti-. sin-e t(en its ,a5or -on-ern is still wit( t(e e*o. /-( a -ase ne0er )ails to -reate an i,+ression o) senti,ental sel)4 lo0e. wit( its -onstant e))ort to aro/se interest and e0en ,orbid sel)4ad,iration 5/st as t(e s/b5e-ti)ied -ons-io/sness o) t(e intro0erted t(in7er. stri0in* a)ter an abstra-tion o) abstra-tions. only attains a s/+re,e intensity o) a t(o/*(t4+ro-ess in itsel) </ite e,+ty. so t(e intensi)i-ation o) e*o-entri- )eelin* only leads to a -ontentless +assionateness. w(i-( ,erely )eels itsel). T(is is t(e ,ysti-al. e-stati- sta*e. w(i-( +re+ares t(e way o0er into t(e e1tra0erted )/n-tions re+ressed by )eelin*. 5/st as intro0erted t(in7in* is +itted a*ainst a +ri,iti0e )eelin*. to w(i-( ob5e-ts atta-( t(e,sel0es wit( ,a*i-al )or-e. so intro0erted )eelin* is -o/nterbalan-ed by a +ri,iti0e t(in7in*. w(ose -on-retis, and sla0ery to )a-ts +asses all bo/nds. !ontin/ally e,an-i+atin* itsel) )ro, t(e relation to t(e ob5e-t. t(is )eelin* -reates a )reedo,. bot( o) a-tion and o) -ons-ien-e. t(at is only answerable to t(e s/b5e-t. and t(at ,ay e0en reno/n-e all traditional 0al/es. B/t so ,/-( t(e ,ore 8+. 992: does /n-ons-io/s t(in7in* )all a 0i-ti, to t(e +ower o) ob5e-ti0e )a-ts. (. The 0n!"o#e"!e$ 'eeling Type "t is +rin-i+ally a,on* wo,en t(at " (a0e )o/nd t(e +riority o) intro0erted )eelin*. T(e +ro0erb 3 till waters r/n dee+3 is 0ery tr/e o) s/-( wo,en. T(ey are ,ostly silent. ina--essible. and (ard to /nderstand6 o)ten t(ey (ide be(ind a -(ildis( or banal ,as7. and not in)re</ently t(eir te,+era,ent is ,elan-(oli-. T(ey neit(er s(ine nor re0eal t(e,sel0es. in-e t(ey s/b,it t(e -ontrol o) t(eir li0es to t(eir s/b5e-ti0ely orientated )eelin*. t(eir tr/e ,oti0es *enerally re,ain -on-ealed. T(eir o/tward de,eano/r is (ar,onio/s and in-ons+i-/o/s6 t(ey re0eal a deli*(t)/l re+ose. a sy,+at(eti+arallelis,. w(i-( (as no desire to a))e-t ot(ers. eit(er to i,+ress. in)l/en-e. or -(an*e t(e, in any way. (o/ld t(is o/ter side be so,ew(at e,+(asi2ed. a s/s+i-ion o) ne*le-t)/lness and -oldness ,ay easily obtr/de itsel). w(i-( not seldo, in-reases to a real indi))eren-e )or t(e -o,)ort and well4bein* o) ot(ers. $ne distin-tly )eels t(e ,o0e,ent o) )eelin* away )ro, t(e ob5e-t. ;it( t(e nor,al ty+e. (owe0er. s/-( an e0ent only o--/rs w(en t(e ob5e-t (as in so,e way too stron* an e))e-t. T(e (ar,onio/s )eelin* at,os+(ere r/les only so lon* as t(e ob5e-t ,o0es /+on its own way wit( a ,oderate )eelin* intensity. and ,a7es no atte,+t to -ross t(e ot(er3s +at(. T(ere is little e))ort to a--o,+any t(e real e,otions o) t(e ob5e-t. w(i-( tend to be da,+ed and reb/))ed. or to +/t it ,ore a+tly. are 3-ooled o))3 by a ne*ati0e )eelin*4 5/d*,ent. Alt(o/*( one ,ay )ind a -onstant readiness )or a +ea-e)/l and (ar,onio/s -o,+anions(i+. t(e /n)a,iliar ob5e-t is s(own no to/-( o) a,iability. no *lea, o) res+ondin* war,t(. b/t is ,et by a ,anner o) a++arent indi))eren-e or re+ellin* -oldness. 8+. 993: $ne ,ay e0en be ,ade to )eel t(e s/+er)l/o/sness o) one3s own e1isten-e. "n t(e +resen-e o) so,et(in* t(at ,i*(t -arry one away or aro/se ent(/sias,. t(is ty+e obser0es a bene0olent ne/trality. te,+ered wit( an o--asional tra-e o) s/+eriority and -riti-is, t(at soon ta7es t(e wind o/t o) t(e sails o) a sensiti0e ob5e-t. B/t a stor,y e,otion will be br/s</ely re5e-ted wit( ,/rdero/s -oldness. /nless it (a++ens to -at-( t(e s/b5e-t )ro, t(e side o) t(e /n-ons-io/s. i.e. /nless. t(ro/*( t(e ani,ation o) so,e +ri,ordial i,a*e. )eelin* is. as it were. ta7en -a+ti0e. "n w(i-( e0ent s/-( a wo,an si,+ly )eels a ,o,entary la,in*. in0ariably +rod/-in*. in d/e -o/rse. a still ,ore 0iolent resistan-e. w(i-( rea-(es t(e ob5e-t in (is ,ost 0/lnerable s+ot. T(e relation to

t(e ob5e-t is. as )ar as +ossible. 7e+t in a se-/re and tran</il ,iddle state o) )eelin*. w(ere +assion and its inte,+erateness are resol/tely +ros-ribed. E1+ression o) )eelin*. t(ere)ore. re,ains ni**ardly and. w(en on-e aware o) it at all. t(e ob5e-t (as a +er,anent sense o) (is /nder0al/ation. /-(. (owe0er. is not always t(e -ase. sin-e 0ery o)ten t(e de)i-it re,ains /n-ons-io/s6 w(ere/+on t(e /n-ons-io/s )eelin*4-lai,s *rad/ally +rod/-e sy,+to,s w(i-( -o,+el a ,ore serio/s attention. A s/+er)i-ial 5/d*,ent ,i*(t well be betrayed. by a rat(er -old and reser0ed de,eano/r. into denyin* all )eelin* to t(is ty+e. /-( a 0iew. (owe0er. wo/ld be </ite )alse6 t(e tr/t( is. (er )eelin*s are intensi0e rat(er t(an e1tensi0e. T(ey de0elo+ into t(e de+t(. ;(ereas. )or instan-e. an e1tensi0e )eelin* o) sy,+at(y -an e1+ress itsel) in bot( word and deed at t(e ri*(t +la-e. t(/s </i-7ly riddin* itsel) o) its i,+ression. an intensi0e sy,+at(y. be-a/se s(/t o)) )ro, e0ery ,eans o) e1+ression. *ains a +assionate de+t( t(at e,bra-es t(e ,isery o) a world and is si,+ly ben/,bed. "t ,ay +ossibly ,a7e an e1tra0a*ant irr/+tion. leadin* to so,e sta**erin* a-t o) an al,ost (eroi- -(ara-ter. to w(i-(. (owe0er. neit(er t(e ob5e-t nor 8+. 999: t(e s/b5e-t -an )ind a ri*(t relation. To t(e o/ter world. or to t(e blind eyes o) t(e e1tra0ert. t(is sy,+at(y loo7s li7e -oldness. )or it does not(in* 0isibly. and an e1tra0erted -ons-io/sness is /nable to belie0e in in0isible )or-es. /-( ,is/nderstandin* is a -(ara-teristi- o--/rren-e in t(e li)e o) t(is ty+e. and is -o,,only re*istered as a ,ost wei*(ty ar*/,ent a*ainst any dee+er )eelin* relation wit( t(e ob5e-t. B/t t(e /nderlyin*. real ob5e-t o) t(is )eelin* is only di,ly di0ined by t(e nor,al ty+e. "t ,ay +ossibly e1+ress its ai, and -ontent in a -on-ealed reli*iosity an1io/sly s(ielded. )ro, +ro)ane eyes. or in inti,ate +oeti- )or,s e</ally sa)e*/arded )ro, s/r+rise6 not wit(o/t a se-ret a,bition to brin* abo/t so,e s/+eriority o0er t(e ob5e-t by s/-( ,eans. ;o,en o)ten e1+ress ,/-( o) it in t(eir -(ildren. lettin* t(eir +assionateness )low se-retly into t(e,. Alt(o/*( in t(e nor,al ty+e. t(e tenden-y. abo0e all/ded to. to o0er+ower or -oer-e t(e ob5e-t on-e o+enly and 0isibly wit( t(e t(in* se-retly )elt. rarely +lays a dist/rbin* role. and ne0er leads to a serio/s atte,+t in t(is dire-tion. so,e tra-e o) it. none t(e less. lea7s t(ro/*( into t(e +ersonal e))e-t /+on t(e ob5e-t. in t(e )or, o) a do,ineerin* in)l/en-e o)ten di))i-/lt to de)ine. "t is sensed as a sort o) sti)lin* or o++ressi0e )eelin* w(i-( (olds t(e i,,ediate -ir-le /nder a s+ell. "t *i0es a wo,an o) t(is ty+e a -ertain ,ysterio/s +ower t(at ,ay +ro0e terribly )as-inatin* to t(e e1tra0erted ,an. )or it to/-(es (is /n-ons-io/s. T(is +ower is deri0ed )ro, t(e dee+ly )elt. /n-ons-io/s i,a*es6 -ons-io/sness. (owe0er. readily re)ers it to t(e e*o. w(ere/+on t(e in)l/en-e be-o,es debased into +ersonal tyranny. B/t. w(ere0er t(e /n-ons-io/s s/b5e-t is identi)ied wit( t(e e*o. t(e ,ysterio/s +ower o) t(e intensi0e )eelin* is also trans)or,ed into banal and arro*ant a,bition. 0anity. and 8+. 99>: +etty tyranny. T(is +rod/-es a ty+e o) wo,an ,ost re*rettably distin*/is(ed by (er /ns-r/+/lo/s a,bition and ,is-(ie0o/s -r/elty. B/t t(is -(an*e in t(e +i-t/re leads also to ne/rosis. o lon* as t(e e*o )eels itsel) (o/sed. as it were. beneat( t(e (ei*(ts o) t(e /n-ons-io/s s/b5e-t. and )eelin* re0eals so,et(in* (i*(er and ,i*(tier t(an t(e e*o. t(e ty+e is nor,al. T(e /n-ons-io/s t(in7in* is -ertainly ar-(ai-. yet its red/-tions ,ay +ro0e e1tre,ely (el+)/l in -o,+ensatin* t(e o--asional in-linations to e1alt t(e e*o into t(e s/b5e-t. B/t. w(ene0er t(is does ta7e +la-e by dint o) -o,+lete s/++ression o) t(e /n-ons-io/s red/-ti0e t(in7in*4+rod/-ts. t(e /n-ons-io/s t(in7in* *oes o0er into

o++osition and be-o,es +ro5e-ted into ob5e-ts. ;(ere/+on t(e now e*o-entri- s/b5e-t -o,es to )eel t(e +ower and i,+ortan-e o) t(e de+re-iated ob5e-t. !ons-io/sness be*ins to )eel 3w(at ot(ers t(in73. Nat/rally. ot(ers are t(in7in*. all sorts o) baseness. s-(e,in* e0il. and -ontri0in* all sorts o) +lots. se-ret intri*/es. et-. To +re0ent t(is. t(e s/b5e-t ,/st also be*in to -arry o/t +re0enti0e intri*/es. to s/s+e-t and so/nd ot(ers. to ,a7e s/btle -o,binations. Assailed by r/,o/rs. (e ,/st ,a7e -on0/lsi0e e))orts to -on0ert. i) +ossible. a t(reatened in)eriority into a s/+eriority. "nn/,erable se-ret ri0alries de0elo+. and in t(ese e,bittered str/**les not only will no base or e0il ,eans be disdained. b/t e0en 0irt/es will be ,is/sed and ta,+ered wit( in order to +lay t(e tr/,+ -ard. /-( a de0elo+,ent ,/st lead to e1(a/stion. T(e )or, o) ne/rosis is ne/rast(eni- rat(er t(an (ysteri-al6 in t(e -ase o) wo,en we o)ten )ind se0ere -ollateral +(ysi-al states. as )or instan-e anI,ia and its se</elI. *. Recapi!ula!ion o+ 0n!"o#e"!e$ Ra!ional Types Bot( t(e )ore*oin* ty+es are rational. sin-e t(ey are )o/nded /+on reasonin*. 5/d*in* )/n-tions. Reasonin* 8+. 99?: 5/d*,ent is based not ,erely /+on ob5e-ti0e. b/t also /+on s/b5e-ti0e. data. B/t t(e +redo,inan-e o) one or ot(er )a-tor. -onditioned by a +sy-(i- dis+osition o)ten e1istin* )ro, early yo/t(. de)le-ts t(e reasonin* )/n-tion. %or a 5/d*,ent to be really reasonable it s(o/ld (a0e e</al re)eren-e to bot( t(e ob5e-ti0e and t(e s/b5e-ti0e )a-tors. and be able to do 5/sti-e to bot(. T(is. (owe0er. wo/ld be an ideal -ase. and wo/ld +res/++ose a /ni)or, de0elo+,ent o) bot( e1tra0ersion and intro0ersion. B/t eit(er ,o0e,ent e1-l/des t(e ot(er. and. so lon* as t(is dile,,a +ersists. t(ey -annot +ossibly e1ist side by. side. b/t at t(e ,ost s/--essi0ely. 'nder ordinary -ir-/,stan-es. t(ere)ore. an ideal reason is i,+ossible. A rational ty+e (as always a ty+i-al reasonal 0ariation. T(/s. t(e intro0erted rational ty+es /n</estionably (a0e a reasonin* 5/d*,ent. only it is a 5/d*,ent w(ose leadin* note is s/b5e-ti0e. T(e laws o) lo*i- are not ne-essarily de)le-ted. sin-e its onesidedness lies in t(e +re,ise. T(e +re,ise is t(e +redo,inan-e o) t(e s/b5e-ti0e )a-tor e1istin* beneat( e0ery -on-l/sion and -olo/rin* e0ery 5/d*,ent. "ts s/+erior 0al/e as -o,+ared wit( t(e ob5e-ti0e )a-tor is sel)4e0ident )ro, t(e be*innin*. As already stated. it is not 5/st a </estion o) 0al/e bestowed. b/t o) a nat/ral dis+osition e1istin* be)ore all rational 0al/ation. Hen-e. to t(e intro0ert rational 5/d*,ent ne-essarily a++ears to (a0e ,any n/an-es w(i-( di))erentiate it )ro, t(at o) t(e e1tra0ert. T(/s. to t(e intro0ert. to ,ention t(e ,ost *eneral instan-e. t(at -(ain o) reasonin* w(i-( leads to t(e s/b5e-ti0e )a-tor a++ears rat(er ,ore reasonable t(an t(at w(i-( leads to t(e ob5e-t. T(is di))eren-e. w(i-( in t(e indi0id/al -ase is +ra-ti-ally insi*ni)i-ant. indeed al,ost /nnoti-eable. e))e-ts /nbrid*eable o++ositions in t(e *ross6 t(ese are t(e ,ore irritatin*. t(e less we are aware o) t(e ,ini,al stand+oint dis+la-e,ent +rod/-ed by t(e +sy-(olo*i-al +re,ise in t(e indi0id/al -ase. A 8+. 99@: -a+ital error re*/larly -ree+s in (ere. )or one labo/rs to +ro0e a )alla-y in t(e -on-l/sion. instead o) reali2in* t(e di))eren-e o) t(e +sy-(olo*i-al +re,ise. /-( a reali2ation is a di))i-/lt ,atter )or e0ery rational ty+e. sin-e it /nder,ines t(e a++arent. absol/te 0alidity o) (is own +rin-i+le. and deli0ers (i, o0er to its antit(esis. w(i-( -ertainly a,o/nts to a -atastro+(e. Al,ost ,ore e0en t(an t(e e1tra0erted is t(e intro0erted ty+e s/b5e-t to ,is/nderstandin*B not so ,/-( be-a/se t(e e1tra0ert is a ,ore ,er-iless or -riti-al ad0ersary. t(an (e (i,sel) -an easily be. b/t be-a/se t(e style o) t(e e+o-( in w(i-( (e (i,sel) +arti-i+ates is a*ainst (i,. Not in relation to t(e e1tra0erted ty+e. b/t as a*ainst o/r *eneral a--idental world4+(iloso+(y. (e )inds (i,sel) in t(e ,inority. not o) -o/rse

n/,eri-ally. b/t )ro, t(e e0iden-e o) (is own )eelin*. "n so )ar as (e is a -on0in-ed +arti-i+ator in t(e *eneral style. (e /nder,ines (is own )o/ndations. sin-e t(e +resent style. wit( its al,ost e1-l/si0e a-7nowled*,ent o) t(e 0isible and t(e tan*ible. is o++osed to (is +rin-i+le. Be-a/se o) its in0isibility. (e is obli*ed to de+re-iate t(e s/b5e-ti0e )a-tor. and to )or-e (i,sel) to 5oin in t(e e1tra0erted o0er0al/ation o) t(e ob5e-t. He (i,sel) sets t(e s/b5e-ti0e )a-tor at too low a 0al/e. and (is )eelin*s o) in)eriority are (is -(astise,ent )or t(is sin. Little wonder. t(ere)ore. t(at it is +re-isely o/r e+o-(. and +arti-/larly t(ose ,o0e,ents w(i-( are so,ew(at a(ead o) t(e ti,e. t(at re0eal t(e s/b5e-ti0e )a-tor in e0ery 7ind o) e1a**erated. -r/de and *rotes</e )or, o) e1+ression. " re)er to t(e art o) t(e +resent day. T(e /nder0al/ation o) (is own +rin-i+le ,a7es t(e intro0ert e*otisti-al. and )or-es /+on (i, t(e +sy-(olo*y o) t(e o++ressed. T(e ,ore e*otisti-al (e be-o,es. t(e stron*er (is i,+ression *rows t(at t(ese ot(ers. w(o are a++arently able. wit(o/t </al,s. to -on)or, wit( t(e +resent style. are t(e o++ressors a*ainst w(o, (e ,/st */ard and 8+. 99A: +rote-t (i,sel). He does not /s/ally +er-ei0e t(at (e -o,,its (is -a+ital ,ista7e in not de+endin* /+on t(e s/b5e-ti0e )a-tor wit( t(at sa,e loyalty and de0otion wit( w(i-( t(e e1tra0ert )ollows t(e ob5e-t By t(e /nder0al/ation o) (is own +rin-i+le. (is +en-(ant towards e*ois, be-o,es /na0oidable. w(i-(. o) -o/rse. ri-(ly deser0es t(e +re5/di-e o) t(e e1tra0ert. ;ere (e only to re,ain tr/e to (is own +rin-i+le. t(e 5/d,ent o) 3e*oist3 wo/ld be radi-ally )alse6 )or t(e 5/sti)i-ation o) (is attit/de wo/ld be establis(ed by its *eneral e))i-a-y. and all ,is/nderstandin*s dissi+ated. ,. -ensa!ion ensation. w(i-( in obedien-e to its w(ole nat/re is -on-erned wit( t(e ob5e-t and t(e ob5e-ti0e sti,/l/s. also /nder*oes a -onsiderable ,odi)i-ation in t(e intro0erted attit/de. "t. too. (as a s/b5e-ti0e )a-tor. )or beside t(e ob5e-t sensed t(ere stands a sensin* s/b5e-t. w(o -ontrib/tes (is s/b5e-ti0e dis+osition to t(e ob5e-ti0e sti,/l/s. "n t(e intro0erted attit/de sensation is de)initely based /+on t(e s/b5e-ti0e +ortion o) +er-e+tion. ;(at is ,eant by t(is )inds its best ill/stration in t(e re+rod/-tion o) ob5e-ts in art. ;(en. )or instan-e. se0eral +ainters /nderta7e to +aint one and t(e sa,e lands-a+e. wit( a sin-ere atte,+t to re+rod/-e it )ait()/lly. ea-( +aintin* will none t(e less di))er )ro, t(e rest. not ,erely by 0irt/e o) a ,ore or less de0elo+ed ability. b/t -(ie)ly be-a/se o) a di))erent 0ision6 t(ere will e0en a++ear in so,e o) t(e +aintin*s a de-ided +sy-(i- 0ariation. bot( in *eneral ,ood and in treat,ent o) -olo/r and )or,. /-( </alities betray a ,ore or less in)l/ential -o4o+eration o) t(e s/b5e-ti0e )a-tor. T(e s/b5e-ti0e )a-tor o) sensation is essentially t(e sa,e as in t(e ot(er )/n-tions already s+o7en o). "t is an /n-ons-io/s dis+osition. w(i-( alters 8+. 999: t(e sense4+er-e+tion at its 0ery so/r-e. t(/s de+ri0in* it o) t(e -(ara-ter o) a +/rely ob5e-ti0e in)l/en-e. "n t(is -ase. sensation is related +ri,arily to t(e s/b5e-t. and only se-ondarily to t(e ob5e-t. How e1traordinarily stron* t(e s/b5e-ti0e )a-tor -an be is s(own ,ost -learly in art. T(e as-endan-y o) t(e s/b5e-ti0e )a-tor o--asionally a-(ie0es a -o,+lete s/++ression o) t(e ,ere in)l/en-e o) t(e ob5e-t6 b/t none t(e less sensation re,ains sensation. alt(o/*( it (as -o,e to be a +er-e+tion o) t(e s/b5e-ti0e )a-tor. and t(e e))e-t o) t(e ob5e-t (as s/n7 to t(e le0el o) a ,ere sti,/lant. "ntro0erted sensation de0elo+s in a--ordan-e wit( t(is s/b5e-ti0e dire-tion. A tr/e sense4+er-e+tion -ertainly e1ists. b/t it always loo7s as t(o/*( ob5e-ts were not so ,/-( )or-in* t(eir way into t(e s/b5e-t in t(eir own ri*(t as t(at t(e s/b5e-t were seein* t(in*s </ite di))erently. or saw </ite ot(er t(in*s t(an t(e rest o) ,an7ind. As a ,atter o) )a-t. t(e s/b5e-t +er-ei0es t(e sa,e t(in*s as e0erybody

else. only. (e ne0er sto+s at t(e +/rely ob5e-ti0e e))e-t. b/t -on-erns (i,sel) wit( t(e s/b5e-ti0e +er-e+tion released by t(e ob5e-ti0e sti,/l/s. /b5e-ti0e +er-e+tion di))ers re,ar7ably )ro, t(e ob5e-ti0e. "t is eit(er not )o/nd at all in t(e ob5e-t. or. at ,ost. ,erely s/**ested by it6 it -an. (owe0er. be si,ilar to t(e sensation o) ot(er ,en. alt(o/*( not i,,ediately deri0ed )ro, t(e ob5e-ti0e be(a0io/r o) t(in*s. "t does not i,+ress one as a ,ere +rod/-t o) -ons-io/sness 44 it is too *en/ine )or t(at. B/t it ,a7es a de)inite +sy-(i- i,+ression. sin-e ele,ents o) a (i*(er +sy-(i- order are +er-e+tible to it. T(is order. (owe0er. does not -oin-ide wit( t(e -ontents o) -ons-io/sness. "t is -on-erned wit( +res/++ositions. or dis+ositions o) t(e -olle-ti0e /n-ons-io/s. wit( ,yt(olo*i-al i,a*es. wit( +ri,al +ossibilities o) ideas. T(e -(ara-ter o) si*ni)i-an-e and ,eanin* -lin*s to s/b5e-ti0e +er-e+tion. "t says ,ore t(an t(e ,ere i,a*e o) t(e ob5e-t. t(o/*( nat/rally only to (i, )or w(o, t(e 8+. >DD: s/b5e-ti0e )a-tor (as so,e ,eanin*. To anot(er. a re+rod/-ed s/b5e-ti0e i,+ression see,s to s/))er )ro, t(e de)e-t o) +ossessin* ins/))i-ient si,ilarity wit( t(e ob5e-t6 it see,s. t(ere)ore. to (a0e )ailed in its +/r+ose. /b5e-ti0e sensation a++re(ends t(e ba-7*ro/nd o) t(e +(ysi-al world rat(er t(an its s/r)a-e. T(e de-isi0e t(in* is not t(e reality o) t(e ob5e-t. b/t t(e reality o) t(e s/b5e-ti0e )a-tor. i.e. t(e +ri,ordial i,a*es. w(i-( in t(eir totality re+resent a +sy-(i- ,irror4world. "t is a ,irror. (owe0er. wit( t(e +e-/liar -a+a-ity o) re+resentin* t(e +resent -ontents o) -ons-io/sness not in t(eir 7nown and -/sto,ary )or, b/t in a -ertain sense s/b s+e-ie aeternitatis. so,ew(at as a ,illion4 year old -ons-io/sness ,i*(t see t(e,. /-( a -ons-io/sness wo/ld see t(e be-o,in* and t(e +assin* o) t(in*s beside t(eir +resent and ,o,entary e1isten-e. and not only t(at. b/t at t(e sa,e ti,e it wo/ld also see t(at $t(er. w(i-( was be)ore t(eir be-o,in* and will be a)ter t(eir +assin* (en-e. To t(is -ons-io/sness t(e +resent ,o,ent is i,+robable. T(is is. o) -o/rse. only a si,ile. o) w(i-(. (owe0er. " (ad need to *i0e so,e sort o) ill/stration o) t(e +e-/liar nat/re o) intro0erted sensation. "ntro0erted sensation -on0eys an i,a*e w(ose e))e-t is not so ,/-( to re+rod/-e t(e ob5e-t as to t(row o0er it a wra++in* w(ose l/stre is deri0ed )ro, a*e4old s/b5e-ti0e e1+erien-e and t(e still /nborn )/t/re e0ent. T(/s. ,ere sense i,+ression de0elo+s into t(e de+t( o) t(e ,eanin*)/l. w(ile e1tra0erted sensation sei2es only t(e ,o,entary and ,ani)est e1isten-e o) t(in*s. .. The 0n!"o#e"!e$ -ensa!ion Type T(e +riority o) intro0erted sensation +rod/-es a de)inite ty+e. w(i-( is -(ara-teri2ed by -ertain +e-/liarities. "t is an irrational ty+e. inas,/-( as its sele-tion a,on* o--/rren-es is not +ri,arily rational. b/t is */ided rat(er 8+. >D1: by w(at 5/st (a++ens. ;(ereas. t(e e1tra0erted sensation4ty+e is deter,ined by t(e intensity o) t(e ob5e-ti0e in)l/en-e. t(e intro0erted ty+e is orientated by t(e intensity o) t(e s/b5e-ti0e sensation4-onstit/ent released by t(e ob5e-ti0e sti,/l/s. $b0io/sly. t(ere)ore. no sort o) +ro+ortional relation e1ists between ob5e-t and sensation. b/t so,et(in* t(at is a++arently </ite irre*/lar and arbitrary 5/d*in* )ro, wit(o/t. t(ere)ore. it is +ra-ti-ally i,+ossible to )oretell w(at will ,a7e an i,+ression and w(at will not. ") t(ere were +resent a -a+a-ity and readiness )or e1+ression in any way -o,,ens/rate wit( t(e stren*t( o) sensation. t(e irrationality o) t(is ty+e wo/ld be e1tre,ely e0ident. T(is is t(e -ase. )or instan-e. w(en t(e indi0id/al is a -reati0e artist. B/t. sin-e t(is is t(e e1-e+tion. it /s/ally (a++ens t(at t(e -(ara-teristi- intro0erted di))i-/lty o) e1+ression also -on-eals (is irrationality. $n t(e -ontrary. (e ,ay a-t/ally stand o/t by t(e 0ery -al,ness and +assi0ity o) (is de,eano/r. or by (is rational sel)4-ontrol. T(is +e-/liarity. w(i-( o)ten leads t(e s/+er)i-ial 5/d*,ent astray. is really d/e to (is /nrelatedness to ob5e-ts. Nor,ally t(e

ob5e-t is not -ons-io/sly de+re-iated in t(e least. b/t its sti,/l/s is re,o0ed )ro, it. be-a/se it is i,,ediately re+la-ed by a s/b5e-ti0e rea-tion. w(i-( is no lon*er related to t(e reality o) t(e ob5e-t. T(is. o) -o/rse. (as t(e sa,e e))e-t as a de+re-iation o) t(e ob5e-t. /-( a ty+e -an easily ,a7e one </estion w(y one s(o/ld e1ist at all6 or w(y ob5e-ts in *eneral s(o/ld (a0e any ri*(t to e1isten-e. sin-e e0eryt(in* essential (a++ens wit(o/t t(e ob5e-t. T(is do/bt ,ay be 5/sti)ied in e1tre,e -ases. t(o/*( not in t(e nor,al. sin-e t(e ob5e-ti0e sti,/l/s is indis+ensable to (is sensation. only it +rod/-es so,et(in* di))erent )ro, w(at was to be s/r,ised )ro, t(e e1ternal state o) a))airs. !onsidered )ro, wit(o/t. it loo7s as t(o/*( t(e e))e-t o) t(e ob5e-t 8+. >D2: did not obtr/de itsel) /+on t(e s/b5e-t. T(is i,+ression is so )ar -orre-t inas,/-( as a s/b5e-ti0e -ontent does. in )a-t. inter0ene )ro, t(e /n-ons-io/s. t(/s snat-(in* away t(e e))e-t o) t(e ob5e-t. T(is inter0ention ,ay be so abr/+t t(at t(e indi0id/al a++ears to s(ield (i,sel) dire-tly )ro, any +ossible in)l/en-e o) t(e ob5e-t. "n any a**ra0ated or well4,ar7ed -ase. s/-( a +rote-ti0e */ard is also a-t/ally +resent. E0en wit( only a sli*(t rein)or-e,ent o) t(e /n-ons-io/s. t(e s/b5e-ti0e -onstit/ent o) sensation be-o,es so ali0e t(at it al,ost -o,+letely obs-/res t(e ob5e-ti0e in)l/en-e. T(e res/lts o) t(is are. on t(e one (and. a )eelin* o) -o,+lete de+re-iation on t(e +art o) t(e ob5e-t. and. on t(e ot(er. an ill/sory -on-e+tion o) reality on t(e +art o) t(e s/b5e-t. w(i-( in ,orbid -ases ,ay e0en rea-( t(e +oint o) a -o,+lete inability to dis-ri,inate between t(e real ob5e-t and t(e s/b5e-ti0e +er-e+tion. Alt(o/*( so 0ital a distin-tion 0anis(es -o,+letely only in a +ra-ti-ally +sy-(oti- state. yet lon* be)ore t(at +oint is rea-(ed s/b5e-ti0e +er-e+tion ,ay in)l/en-e t(o/*(t. )eelin*. and a-tion to an e1tre,e de*ree. in s+ite o) t(e )a-t t(at t(e ob5e-t is -learly seen in its )/llest reality. ;(ene0er t(e ob5e-ti0e in)l/en-e does s/--eed in )or-in* its way into t(e s/b5e-t 44 as t(e res/lt o) +arti-/lar -ir-/,stan-es o) s+e-ial intensity. or be-a/se o) a ,ore +er)e-t analo*y wit( t(e /n-ons-io/s i,a*e 44 e0en t(e nor,al e1a,+le o) t(is ty+e is ind/-ed to act in a--ordan-e wit( (is /n-ons-io/s ,odel. /-( a-tion (as an ill/sory </ality in relation to ob5e-ti0e reality. and t(ere)ore (as a 0ery odd and stran*e -(ara-ter. "t instantly re0eals t(e anti4real s/b5e-ti0ity o) t(e ty+e. B/t. w(ere t(e in)l/en-e o) t(e ob5e-t does not entirely s/--eed. it en-o/nters a bene0olent ne/trality. dis-losin* little sy,+at(y. yet -onstantly stri0in* to reass/re and ad5/st. T(e too4low is raised a little. t(e too4(i*( is ,ade a little lower6 t(e ent(/siasti- is da,+ed. t(e 8+. >D3: e1tra0a*ant restrained6 and t(e /n/s/al bro/*(t wit(in t(e 3-orre-t3 )or,/laB all t(is in order to 7ee+ t(e in)l/en-e o) t(e ob5e-t wit(in t(e ne-essary bo/nds. T(/s. t(is ty+e be-o,es an a))li-tion to (is -ir-le. 5/st in so )ar as (is entire (ar,lessness is no lon*er abo0e s/s+i-ion. B/t. i) t(e latter s(o/ld be t(e -ase. t(e indi0id/al readily be-o,es a 0i-ti, to t(e a**ressi0eness and a,bitions o) ot(ers. /-( ,en allow t(e,sel0es to be ab/sed. )or w(i-( t(ey /s/ally ta7e 0en*ean-e at t(e ,ost /ns/itable o--asions wit( redo/bled st/bbornness and resistan-e. ;(en t(ere e1ists no -a+a-ity )or artisti- e1+ression. all i,+ressions sin7 into t(e inner de+t(s. w(en-e t(ey (old -ons-io/sness /nder a s+ell. re,o0in* any +ossibility it ,i*(t (a0e (ad o) ,asterin* t(e )as-inatin* i,+ression by ,eans o) -ons-io/s e1+ression. Relati0ely s+ea7in*. t(is ty+e (as only ar-(ai+ossibilities o) e1+ression )or t(e dis+osal o) (is i,+ressions6 t(o/*(t and )eelin* are relati0ely /n-ons-io/s. and. in so )ar as t(ey (a0e a -ertain -ons-io/sness. t(ey only ser0e in t(e ne-essary. banal. e0ery4day e1+ressions. Hen-e as -ons-io/s )/n-tions. t(ey are w(olly /n)itted to *i0e any ade</ate renderin* o) t(e s/b5e-ti0e +er-e+tions. T(is ty+e. t(ere)ore. is /n-o,,only ina--essible to an ob5e-ti0e /nderstandin* and (e )ares no better in t(e /nderstandin* o) (i,sel).

Abo0e all. (is de0elo+,ent estran*es (i, )ro, t(e reality o) t(e ob5e-t. (andin* (i, o0er to (is s/b5e-ti0e +er-e+tions. w(i-( orientate (is -ons-io/sness in a--ordan-e wit( an ar-(ai- reality. alt(o/*( (is de)i-ien-y in -o,+arati0e 5/d*,ent 7ee+s (i, w(olly /naware o) t(is )a-t. A-t/ally (e ,o0es in a ,yt(olo*i-al world. w(ere ,en ani,als. railways. (o/ses. ri0ers. and ,o/ntains a++ear +artly as bene0olent deities and +artly as ,ale0olent de,ons. T(at t(/s t(ey. a++ear to (i, ne0er enters (is ,ind. alt(o/*( t(eir e))e-t /+on (is 5/d*,ents and a-ts -an bear no ot(er inter+retation. He 5/d*es and a-ts as 8+. >D9: t(o/*( (e (ad s/-( +owers to deal wit(6 b/t t(is be*ins to stri7e (i, only w(en (e dis-o0ers t(at (is sensations are totally di))erent )ro, reality. ") (is tenden-y is to reason ob5e-ti0ely. (e will sense t(is di))eren-e as ,orbid6 b/t i). on t(e ot(er (and. (e re,ains )ait()/l to (is irrationality. and is +re+ared to *rant (is sensation reality 0al/e. t(e ob5e-ti0e world will a++ear a ,ere ,a7e4belie) and a -o,edy. $nly in e1tre,e -ases. (owe0er. is t(is dile,,a rea-(ed. As a r/le. t(e indi0id/al a-</ies-es in (is isolation and in t(e banality o) t(e reality. w(i-(. (owe0er. (e /n-ons-io/sly treats ar-(ai-ally. His /n-ons-io/s is distin*/is(ed -(ie)ly by t(e re+ression o) int/ition. w(i-( t(ereby a-</ires an e1tra0erted and ar-(ai- -(ara-ter. ;(ereas tr/e e1tra0erted int/ition (as a -(ara-teristi- reso/r-e)/lness. and a 3*ood nose3 )or e0ery +ossibility in ob5e-ti0e reality. t(is ar-(ai-. e1tra0erted int/ition (as an a,a2in* )lair )or e0ery a,bi*/o/s. *loo,y. dirty. and dan*ero/s +ossibility in t(e ba-7*ro/nd o) reality. "n t(e +resen-e o) t(is int/ition t(e real and -ons-io/s intention o) t(e ob5e-t (as no si*ni)i-an-e6 it will +eer be(ind e0ery +ossible ar-(ai- ante-edent o) s/-( an intention. "t +ossesses. t(ere)ore. so,et(in* dan*ero/s. so,et(in* a-t/ally /nder,inin*. w(i-( o)ten stands in ,ost 0i0id -ontrast to t(e *entle bene0olen-e o) -ons-io/sness. o lon* as t(e indi0id/al is not too aloo) )ro, t(e ob5e-t. t(e /n-ons-io/s int/ition e))e-ts a w(oleso,e -o,+ensation to t(e rat(er )antasti- and o0er -red/lo/s attit/de o) -ons-io/sness. B/t as soon as t(e /n-ons-io/s be-o,es anta*onisti- to -ons-io/sness. s/-( int/itions -o,e to t(e s/r)a-e and e1+and t(eir ne)ario/s in)l/en-eB t(ey )or-e t(e,sel0es -o,+ellin*ly /+on t(e indi0id/al. releasin* -o,+/lsi0e ideas abo/t ob5e-ts o) t(e ,ost +er0erse 7ind. T(e ne/rosis arisin* )ro, t(is se</en-e o) e0ents is /s/ally a -o,+/lsion ne/rosis. in w(i-( t(e (ysteri-al -(ara-ters re-ede and are obs-/red by sy,+to,s o) e1(a/stion. 8+. >D>: /. 0n!ui!ion "nt/ition. in t(e intro0erted attit/de. is dire-ted /+on t(e inner ob5e-t. a ter, we ,i*(t 5/stly a++ly to t(e ele,ents o) t(e /n-ons-io/s. %or t(e relation o) inner ob5e-ts to -ons-io/sness is entirely analo*o/s to t(at o) o/ter ob5e-ts. alt(o/*( t(eirs is a +sy-(olo*i-al and not a +(ysi-al reality. "nner ob5e-ts a++ear to t(e int/iti0e +er-e+tion as s/b5e-ti0e i,a*es o) t(in*s. w(i-(. t(o/*( not ,et wit( in e1ternal e1+erien-e. really deter,ine t(e -ontents o) t(e /n-ons-io/s. i.e. t(e -olle-ti0e /n-ons-io/s. in t(e last resort. Nat/rally. in t(eir +er se -(ara-ter. t(ese -ontents are. not a--essible to e1+erien-e. a </ality w(i-( t(ey (a0e in -o,,on wit( t(e o/ter ob5e-t. %or 5/st as o/ter ob5e-ts -orres+ond only relati0ely wit( o/r +er-e+tions o) t(e,. so t(e +(eno,enal )or,s o) t(e inner ob5e-t are also relati0e6 +rod/-ts o) t(eir (to /s) ina--essible essen-e and o) t(e +e-/liar nat/re o) t(e int/iti0e )/n-tion. Li7e sensation. int/ition also (as its s/b5e-ti0e )a-tor. w(i-( is s/++ressed to t(e )art(est li,it in t(e e1tra0erted int/ition. b/t w(i-( be-o,es t(e de-isi0e )a-tor in t(e int/ition o) t(e intro0ert. Alt(o/*( t(is

int/ition ,ay re-ei0e its i,+et/s )ro, o/ter ob5e-ts. it is ne0er arrested by t(e e1ternal +ossibilities. b/t stays wit( t(at )a-tor w(i-( t(e o/ter ob5e-t releases wit(in. ;(ereas intro0erted sensation is ,ainly -on)ined to t(e +er-e+tion o) +arti-/lar inner0ation +(eno,ena by way o) t(e /n-ons-io/s. and does not *o beyond t(e,. int/ition re+resses t(is side o) t(e s/b5e-ti0e )a-tor and +er-ei0es t(e i,a*e w(i-( (as really o--asioned t(e inner0ation. /++osin*. )or instan-e. a ,an is o0erta7en by a +sy-(o*eni- atta-7 o) *iddiness. ensation is arrested by t(e +e-/liar -(ara-ter o) t(is inner0ationdist/rban-e. +er-ei0in* all its </alities. its intensity. its transient -o/rse. t(e nat/re o) its ori*in and disa++earan-e 8+. >D?: in t(eir e0ery detail. wit(o/t raisin* t(e s,allest in</iry -on-ernin* t(e nat/re o) t(e t(in* w(i-( +rod/-ed t(e dist/rban-e. or ad0an-in* anyt(in* as to its -ontent. "nt/ition. on t(e ot(er (and. re-ei0es )ro, t(e sensation only t(e i,+et/s to i,,ediate a-ti0ity6 it +eers be(ind t(e s-enes. </i-7ly +er-ei0in* t(e inner i,a*e t(at *a0e rise to t(e s+e-i)i- +(eno,enon. i.e. t(e atta-7 o) 0erti*o. in t(e +resent -ase. "t sees t(e i,a*e o) a totterin* ,an +ier-ed t(ro/*( t(e (eart by an arrow. T(is i,a*e )as-inates t(e int/iti0e a-ti0ity6 it is arrested by it. and see7s to e1+lore e0ery detail o) it. "t (olds )ast to t(e 0ision. obser0in* wit( t(e li0eliest interest (ow t(e +i-t/re -(an*es. /n)olds )/rt(er. and )inally )ades. "n t(is way intro0erted int/ition +er-ei0es all t(e ba-7*ro/nd +ro-esses o) -ons-io/sness wit( al,ost t(e sa,e distin-tness as e1tra0erted sensation senses o/ter ob5e-ts. %or int/ition. t(ere)ore. t(e /n-ons-io/s i,a*es attain to t(e di*nity o) t(in*s or ob5e-ts. B/t. be-a/se int/ition e1-l/des t(e -o4o+eration o) sensation. it obtains eit(er no 7nowled*e at all or at t(e best a 0ery inade</ate awareness o) t(e inner0ation4dist/rban-es or o) t(e +(ysi-al e))e-ts +rod/-ed by t(e /n-ons-io/s i,a*es. A--ordin*ly. t(e i,a*es a++ear as t(o/*( deta-(ed )ro, t(e s/b5e-t. as t(o/*( e1istin* in t(e,sel0es wit(o/t relation to t(e +erson. !onse</ently. in t(e abo0e4,entioned e1a,+le. t(e intro0erted int/iti0e. w(en a))e-ted by t(e *iddiness. wo/ld not i,a*ine t(at t(e +er-ei0ed i,a*e ,i*(t also in so,e way re)er to (i,sel). Nat/rally. to one w(o is rationally orientated. s/-( a t(in* see,s al,ost /nt(in7able. b/t it is none t(e less a )a-t. and " (a0e o)ten e1+erien-ed it in ,y dealin*s wit( t(is ty+e. T(e re,ar7able indi))eren-e o) t(e e1tra0erted int/iti0e in res+e-t to o/ter ob5e-ts is s(ared by t(e intro0erted int/iti0e in relation to t(e inner ob5e-ts. G/st as t(e e1tra0erted int/iti0e is -ontin/ally s-entin* o/t new 8+. >D@: +ossibilities. w(i-( (e +/rs/es wit( an e</al /n-on-ern bot( )or (is own wel)are and )or t(at o) ot(ers. +ressin* on </ite (eedless o) (/,an -onsiderations. tearin* down w(at (as only 5/st been establis(ed in (is e0erlastin* sear-( )or -(an*e. so t(e intro0erted int/iti0e ,o0es )ro, i,a*e to i,a*e. -(asin* a)ter e0ery +ossibility in t(e tee,in* wo,b o) t(e /n-ons-io/s. wit(o/t establis(in* any -onne-tion between t(e +(eno,enon and (i,sel). G/st as t(e world -an ne0er be-o,e a ,oral +roble, )or t(e ,an w(o ,erely senses it. so t(e world o) i,a*es is ne0er a ,oral +roble, to t(e int/iti0e. To t(e one 5/st as ,/-( as to t(e ot(er. it is an ae67sthenic pro3lem, a </estion o) +er-e+tion. a 3sensation3. "n t(is way. t(e -ons-io/sness o) (is own bodily e1isten-e )ades )ro, t(e intro0erted int/iti0e3s 0iew. as does its e))e-t /+on ot(ers. T(e e1tra0erted stand+oint wo/ld say o) (i,B 3Reality (as no e1isten-e )or (i,6 (e *i0es (i,sel) /+ to )r/itless +(antasies3. A +er-e+tion o) t(e /n-ons-io/s i,a*es. +rod/-ed in s/-( ine1(a/stible ab/ndan-e by t(e -reati0e ener*y o) li)e. is o) -o/rse )r/itless )ro, t(e stand+oint o) i,,ediate /tility. B/t. sin-e t(ese i,a*es re+resent +ossible ways o) 0iewin* li)e. w(i-( in *i0en -ir-/,stan-es (a0e t(e

+ower to +ro0ide a new ener*i- +otential. t(is )/n-tion. w(i-( to t(e o/ter world is t(e stran*est o) all. is as indis+ensable to t(e total +sy-(i- e-ono,y as is t(e -orres+ondin* (/,an ty+e to t(e +sy-(i- li)e o) a +eo+le. Had t(is ty+e not e1isted. t(ere wo/ld (a0e been no +ro+(ets in "srael. "ntro0erted int/ition a++re(ends t(e i,a*es w(i-( arise )ro, t(e a +riori. i.e. t(e in(erited )o/ndations o) t(e /n-ons-io/s ,ind. T(ese ar-(ety+es. w(ose inner,ost nat/re is ina--essible to e1+erien-e. re+resent t(e +re-i+itate o) +sy-(i- )/n-tionin* o) t(e w(ole an-estral line. i.e. t(e (ea+ed4/+. or +ooled. e1+erien-es o) or*ani- e1isten-e in *eneral. a ,illion ti,es re+eated. and -ondensed into ty+es. Hen-e. in t(ese ar-(ety+es all e1+erien-es are 8+. >DA: re+resented w(i-( sin-e +ri,e0al ti,e (a0e (a++ened on t(is +lanet. T(eir ar-(ety+al distin-tness is t(e ,ore ,ar7ed. t(e ,ore )re</ently and intensely t(ey (a0e been e1+erien-ed. T(e ar-(ety+e wo/ld be 44 to borrow )ro, Lant 44 t(e no/,enon o) t(e i,a*e w(i-( int/ition +er-ei0es and. in +er-ei0in*. -reates. in-e t(e /n-ons-io/s is not 5/st so,et(in* t(at lies t(ere. li7e a +sy-(i- -a+/t ,ort//,. b/t is so,et(in* t(at -oe1ists and e1+erien-es inner trans)or,ations w(i-( are in(erently related to *eneral e0ents. intro0erted int/ition. t(ro/*( its +er-e+tion o) inner +ro-esses. *i0es -ertain data w(i-( ,ay +ossess s/+re,e i,+ortan-e )or t(e -o,+re(ension o) *eneral o--/rren-esB it -an e0en )oresee new +ossibilities in ,ore or less -lear o/tline. as well as t(e e0ent w(i-( later a-t/ally trans+ires. "ts +ro+(eti+re0ision is to be e1+lained )ro, its relation to t(e ar-(ety+es w(i-( re+resent t(e law4 deter,ined -o/rse o) all e1+erien-eable t(in*s. 9. The 0n!"o#e"!e$ 0n!ui!i#e Type T(e +e-/liar nat/re o) intro0erted int/ition. w(en *i0en t(e +riority. also +rod/-es a +e-/liar ty+e o) ,an. 0i2. t(e ,ysti-al drea,er and seer on t(e one (and. or t(e )antasti-al -ran7 and artist on t(e ot(er. T(e latter ,i*(t be re*arded as t(e nor,al -ase. sin-e t(ere is a *eneral tenden-y o) t(is ty+e to -on)ine (i,sel) to t(e +er-e+ti0e -(ara-ter o) int/ition. As a r/le. t(e int/iti0e sto+s at +er-e+tion6 +er-e+tion is (is +rin-i+al +roble,. and 44 in t(e -ase o) a +rod/-ti0e artist4t(e s(a+in* o) +er-e+tion. B/t t(e -ran7 -ontents (i,sel) wit( t(e int/ition by w(i-( (e (i,sel) is s(a+ed and deter,ined. "ntensi)i-ation o) int/ition nat/rally o)ten res/lts in an e1traordinary aloo)ness o) t(e indi0id/al )ro, tan*ible reality6 (e ,ay e0en be-o,e a -o,+lete eni*,a to (is own i,,ediate -ir-le. 8+. >D9: ") an artist. (e re0eals e1traordinary. re,ote t(in*s in (is art. w(i-( in irides-ent +ro)/sion e,bra-e bot( t(e si*ni)i-ant and t(e banal. t(e lo0ely and t(e *rotes</e. t(e w(i,si-al and t(e s/bli,e. ") not an artist. (e is )re</ently an /na++re-iated *eni/s. a *reat ,an 3*one wron*3. a sort o) wise si,+leton. a )i*/re )or 3+sy-(olo*i-al3 no0els. Alt(o/*( it is not alto*et(er in t(e line o) t(e intro0erted int/iti0e ty+e to ,a7e o) +er-e+tion a ,oral +roble,. sin-e a -ertain rein)or-e,ent o) t(e rational )/n-tions is re</ired )or t(is. yet e0en a relati0ely sli*(t di))erentiation o) 5/d*,ent wo/ld s/))i-e to trans)er int/iti0e +er-e+tion )ro, t(e +/rely Ist(eti- into t(e ,oral s+(ere. A 0ariety o) t(is ty+e is t(/s +rod/-ed w(i-( di))ers essentially )ro, its Ist(eti- )or,. alt(o/*( none t(e less -(ara-teristi- o) t(e intro0erted int/iti0e. T(e ,oral +roble, -o,es into bein* w(en t(e int/iti0e tries to relate (i,sel) to (is 0ision. w(en (e is no lon*er

satis)ied wit( ,ere +er-e+tion and its Ist(eti- s(a+in* and esti,ation. b/t -on)ronts t(e </estionB ;(at does t(is ,ean )or ,e and )or t(e worldF ;(at e,er*es )ro, t(is 0ision in t(e way o) a d/ty or tas7. eit(er )or ,e or )or t(e worldF T(e +/re int/iti0e w(o re+resses 5/d*,ent or +ossesses it only /nder t(e s+ell o) +er-e+tion ne0er ,eets t(is </estion )/nda,entally. sin-e (is only +roble, is t(e How o) +er-e+tion. He. t(ere)ore. )inds t(e ,oral +roble, /nintelli*ible. e0en abs/rd. and as )ar as +ossible )orbids (is t(o/*(ts to dwell /+on t(e dis-on-ertin* 0ision. "t is di))erent wit( t(e ,orally orientated int/iti0e. He -on-erns (i,sel) wit( t(e ,eanin* o) (is 0ision6 (e tro/bles less abo/t its )/rt(er Ist(eti- +ossibilities t(an abo/t t(e +ossible ,oral e))e-ts w(i-( e,er*e )ro, its intrinsi- si*ni)i-an-e. His 5/d*,ent allows (i, to dis-ern. t(o/*( o)ten only dar7ly. t(at (e. as a ,an and as a totality. is in so,e way inter4related wit( (is 0ision. t(at 8+. >1D: it is so,et(in* w(i-( -annot 5/st be +er-ei0ed b/t w(i-( also wo/ld )ain be-o,e t(e li)e o) t(e s/b5e-t. T(ro/*( t(is reali2ation (e )eels bo/nd to trans)or, (is 0ision into (is own li)e. B/t. sin-e (e tends to rely e1-l/si0ely /+on (is 0ision. (is ,oral e))ort be-o,es one4sided6 (e ,a7es (i,sel) and (is li)e sy,boli-. ada+ted. it is tr/e. to t(e inner and eternal ,eanin* o) e0ents. b/t /nada+ted to t(e a-t/al +resent4day reality. T(erewit( (e also de+ri0es (i,sel) o) any in)l/en-e /+on it. be-a/se (e re,ains /nintelli*ible. His lan*/a*e is not t(at w(i-( is -o,,only s+o7en 44 it be-o,es too s/b5e-ti0e. His ar*/,ent la-7s -on0in-in* reason. He -an only -on)ess or +rono/n-e. His is t(e 30oi-e o) one -ryin* in t(e wilderness3. T(e intro0erted int/iti0e3s -(ie) re+ression )alls /+on t(e sensation o) t(e ob5e-t. His /n-ons-io/s is -(ara-teri2ed by t(is )a-t. %or we )ind in (is /n-ons-io/s a -o,+ensatory e1tra0erted sensation )/n-tion o) an ar-(ai- -(ara-ter. T(e /n-ons-io/s +ersonality ,ay. t(ere)ore. best be des-ribed as an e1tra0erted sensation4ty+e o) a rat(er low and +ri,iti0e order. ",+/lsi0eness and /nrestraint are t(e -(ara-ters o) t(is sensation. -o,bined wit( an e1traordinary de+enden-e /+on t(e sense i,+ression. T(is latter </ality is a -o,+ensation to t(e t(in /++er air o) t(e -ons-io/s attit/de. *i0in* it a -ertain wei*(t. so t(at -o,+lete 3s/bli,ation3 is +re0ented. B/t i). t(ro/*( a )or-ed e1a**eration o) t(e -ons-io/s attit/de. a -o,+lete s/bordination to t(e inner +er-e+tion s(o/ld de0elo+. t(e /n-ons-io/s be-o,es an o++osition. *i0in* rise to -o,+/lsi0e sensations w(ose e1-essi0e de+enden-e /+on t(e ob5e-t is in )ran7 -on)li-t wit( t(e -ons-io/s attit/de. T(e )or, o) ne/rosis is a -o,+/lsion4ne/rosis. e1(ibitin* sy,+to,s t(at are +artly (y+o-(ondria-al ,ani)estations. +artly (y+ersensibility o) t(e sense or*ans and +artly -o,+/lsi0e ties to de)inite +ersons or ot(er ob5e-ts. 8+. >11: 11. Recapi!ula!ion o+ 0n!"o#e"!e$ 0""a!ional Types T(e two ty+es 5/st de+i-ted are al,ost ina--essible to e1ternal 5/d*,ent. Be-a/se t(ey are intro0erted and (a0e in -onse</en-e a so,ew(at ,ea*re -a+a-ity or willin*ness )or e1+ression. t(ey o))er b/t a )rail (andle )or a tellin* -riti-is,. in-e t(eir ,ain a-ti0ity is dire-ted wit(in. not(in* is o/twardly 0isible b/t reser0e. se-reti0eness. la-7 o) sy,+at(y. or /n-ertainty. and an a++arently *ro/ndless +er+le1ity. ;(en anyt(in* does -o,e to t(e s/r)a-e. it /s/ally -onsists in indire-t ,ani)estations o) in)erior and relati0ely /n-ons-io/s )/n-tions. Cani)estations o) s/-( a nat/re nat/rally e1-ite a -ertain en0iron,ental +re5/di-e a*ainst t(ese ty+es. A--ordin*ly t(ey are ,ostly /nderesti,ated. or at least ,is/nderstood. To t(e sa,e de*ree as t(ey )ail to /nderstand t(e,sel0es 44 be-a/se t(ey 0ery lar*ely la-7 5/d*,ent 44 t(ey are also +owerless to /nderstand w(y t(ey are so -onstantly /nder0al/ed by +/bli- o+inion. T(ey -annot see t(at t(eir o/tward4*oin* e1+ression is. as a ,atter o) )a-t. also o) an in)erior -(ara-ter.

T(eir 0ision is en-(anted by t(e ab/ndan-e o) s/b5e-ti0e e0ents. ;(at (a++ens t(ere is so -a+ti0atin*. and o) s/-( ine1(a/stible attra-tion. t(at t(ey do not a++re-iate t(e )a-t t(at t(eir (abit/al -o,,/ni-ations to t(eir -ir-le e1+ress 0ery. little o) t(at real e1+erien-e in w(i-( t(ey t(e,sel0es are. as it were. -a/*(t /+. T(e )ra*,entary and. as a r/le. </ite e+isodi- -(ara-ter o) t(eir -o,,/ni-ations ,a7e too *reat a de,and /+on t(e /nderstandin* and *ood will o) t(eir -ir-le6 )/rt(er,ore. t(eir ,ode o) e1+ression la-7s t(at )lowin* war,t( to t(e ob5e-t w(i-( alone -an (a0e -on0in-in* )or-e. $n t(e -ontrary. t(ese ty+es s(ow 0ery o)ten a br/s</e. re+ellin* de,eano/r towards t(e o/ter world. alt(o/*( o) t(is t(ey are </ite /naware. and (a0e not t(e least intention o) s(owin* it. ;e s(all )or, a 8+. >12: )airer 5/d*,ent o) s/-( ,en and *rant t(e, a *reater ind/l*en-e. w(en we be*in to reali2e (ow (ard it is to translate into intelli*ible lan*/a*e w(at is +er-ei0ed wit(in. &et t(is ind/l*en-e ,/st not be so liberal as to e1e,+t t(e, alto*et(er )ro, t(e ne-essity o) s/-( e1+ression. T(is -o/ld be only detri,ental )or s/-( ty+es. %ate itsel) +re+ares )or t(e,. +er(a+s e0en ,ore t(an )or ot(er ,en. o0erw(el,in* e1ternal di))i-/lties. w(i-( (a0e a 0ery soberin* e))e-t /+on t(e into1i-ation o) t(e inner 0ision. B/t )re</ently only an intense +ersonal need -an wrin* )ro, t(e, a (/,an e1+ression. %ro, an e1tra0erted and rationalisti- stand+oint. s/-( ty+es are indeed t(e ,ost )r/itless o) ,en. B/t. 0iewed )ro, a (i*(er stand+oint. s/-( ,en are li0in* e0iden-e o) t(e )a-t t(at t(is ri-( and 0aried world wit( its o0er)lowin* and into1i-atin* li)e is not +/rely e1ternal. b/t also e1ists wit(in. T(ese ty+es are ad,ittedly one sided de,onstrations o) Nat/re. b/t t(ey are an ed/-ational e1+erien-e )or t(e ,an w(o re)/ses to be blinded by t(e intelle-t/al ,ode o) t(e day. "n t(eir own way. ,en wit( s/-( an attit/de are ed/-ators and +ro,oters o) -/lt/re. T(eir li)e tea-(es ,ore t(an t(eir words. %ro, t(eir li0es. and not t(e least )ro, w(at is 5/st t(eir *reatest )a/lt. 0i2. t(eir in-o,,/ni-ability. we ,ay /nderstand one o) t(e *reatest errors o) o/r -i0ili2ation. t(at is. t(e s/+erstitio/s belie) in state,ent and +resentation. t(e i,,oderate o0er+ri2in* o) instr/-tion by ,eans o) word and ,et(od. A -(ild -ertainly allows (i,sel) to be i,+ressed by t(e *rand tal7 o) its +arents. B/t is it really i,a*ined t(at t(e -(ild is t(ereby ed/-atedF A-t/ally it is t(e +arents3 li0es t(at ed/-ate t(e -(ild 44 w(at t(ey add t(ereto by word and *est/re at best ser0es only to -on)/se (i,. T(e sa,e (olds *ood )or t(e tea-(er. B/t we (a0e s/-( a belie) in ,et(od t(at. i) only t(e ,et(od be *ood. t(e +ra-ti-e o) it see,s to (allow t(e tea-(er. An in)erior 8+. >13: ,an is ne0er. a *ood tea-(er. B/t (e -an -on-eal (is in5/rio/s in)eriority. w(i-( se-retly +oisons t(e +/+il. be(ind an e1-ellent ,et(od or. an e</ally brilliant intelle-t/al -a+a-ity. Nat/rally t(e +/+il o) ri+er years desires not(in* better t(an t(e 7nowled*e o) /se)/l ,et(ods. be-a/se (e is already de)eated by t(e *eneral attit/de. w(i-( belie0es in t(e 0i-torio/s ,et(od. He (as already learnt t(at t(e e,+tiest (ead. -orre-tly e-(oin* a ,et(od. is t(e best +/+il. His w(ole en0iron,ent not only /r*es b/t e1e,+li)ies t(e do-trine t(at all s/--ess and (a++iness are e1ternal. and t(at only t(e ri*(t ,et(od is needed to attain t(e (a0en o) one3s desires. $r is t(e li)e o) (is reli*io/s instr/-tor li7ely to de,onstrate t(at (a++iness w(i-( radiates )ro, t(e treas/re o) t(e inner 0isionF T(e irrational intro0erted ty+es are -ertainly no instr/-tors o) a ,ore -o,+lete (/,anity. T(ey la-7 reason and t(e et(i-s o) reason. b/t t(eir li0es tea-( t(e ot(er +ossibility. in w(i-( o/r -i0ili2ation is so de+lorably wantin*. 11. The P"incipal an$ Au ilia"y 'unc!ions

"n t(e )ore*oin* des-ri+tions " (a0e no desire to *i0e ,y readers t(e i,+ression t(at s/-( +/re ty+es o--/r at all )re</ently in a-t/al +ra-ti-e. T(e are. as it were. only Galtones</e )a,ily4+ortraits. w(i-( s/, /+ in a -/,/lati0e i,a*e t(e -o,,on and t(ere)ore ty+i-al -(ara-ters. stressin* t(ese dis+ro+ortionately. w(ile t(e indi0id/al )eat/res are 5/st as dis+ro+ortionately e))a-ed. A--/rate in0esti*ation o) t(e indi0id/al -ase -onsistently re0eals t(e )a-t t(at. in -on5/n-tion wit( t(e ,ost di))erentiated )/n-tion. anot(er )/n-tion o) se-ondary i,+ortan-e. and t(ere)ore o) in)erior di))erentiation in -ons-io/sness. is -onstantly +resent. and is a 44 relati0ely deter,inin* )a-tor. 8+. >19: %or t(e sa7e o) -larity let /s a*ain re-a+it/lateB T(e +rod/-ts o) all t(e )/n-tions -an be -ons-io/s. b/t we s+ea7 o) t(e -ons-io/sness o) a )/n-tion only w(en not ,erely its a++li-ation is at t(e dis+osal o) t(e will. b/t w(en at t(e sa,e ti,e its +rin-i+le is de-isi0e )or t(e orientation o) -ons-io/sness. T(e latter e0ent is tr/e w(en. )or instan-e. t(in7in* is not a ,ere es+rit de l3es-alier. or r/,ination. b/t w(en its de-isions +ossess an absol/te 0alidity. so t(at t(e lo*i-al -on-l/sion in a *i0en -ase (olds *ood. w(et(er as ,oti0e or as */arantee o) +ra-ti-al a-tion. wit(o/t t(e ba-7in* o) any )/rt(er e0iden-e. T(is absol/te so0erei*nty always belon*s. e,+iri-ally. to one )/n-tion alone. and can belon* only to one )/n-tion. sin-e t(e e</ally inde+endent inter0ention o) anot(er )/n-tion wo/ld ne-essarily yield a di))erent orientation. w(i-( wo/ld at least +artially -ontradi-t t(e )irst. B/t. sin-e it is a 0ital -ondition )or t(e -ons-io/s ada+tation4+ro-ess t(at -onstantly -lear and /na,bi*/o/s ai,s s(o/ld be in e0iden-e. t(e +resen-e o) a se-ond )/n-tion o) e</i0alent +ower is nat/rally )orbidden3 T(is ot(er )/n-tion. t(ere)ore. -an (a0e only a se-ondary i,+ortan-e. a )a-t w(i-( is also establis(ed e,+iri-ally. "ts se-ondary i,+ortan-e -onsists in t(e )a-t t(at. in a *i0en -ase. it is not 0alid in its own ri*(t. as is t(e +ri,ary )/n-tion. as an absol/tely reliable and de-isi0e )a-tor. b/t -o,es into +lay ,ore as an a/1iliary or -o,+le,entary )/n-tion. Nat/rally only t(ose )/n-tions -an a++ear as a/1iliary w(ose nat/re is not o++osed to t(e leadin* )/n-tion. %or instan-e. )eelin* -an ne0er a-t as t(e se-ond )/n-tion by t(e side o) t(in7in*. be-a/se its nat/re stands in too stron* a -ontrast to t(in7in*. T(in7in*. i) it is to be real t(in7in* and tr/e to its own +rin-i+le. ,/st s-r/+/lo/sly e1-l/de )eelin*. T(is. o) -o/rse. does not e1-l/de t(e )a-t t(at indi0id/als -ertainly e1ist in w(o, t(in7in* and )eelin* stand /+on t(e sa,e 8+. >1>: le0el. w(ereby bot( (a0e e</al ,oti0e +ower in -onMsdo/sness. B/t. in s/-( a -ase. t(ere is also no </estion o) a di))erentiated ty+e. b/t ,erely o) a relati0ely /nde0elo+ed t(in7in* and )eelin*. 'ni)or, -ons-io/sness and /n-ons-io/sness o) )/n-tions is. t(ere)ore. a distin*/is(in* ,ar7 o) a +ri,iti0e ,entality. E1+erien-e s(ows t(at t(e se-ondary )/n-tion is always one w(ose nat/re is di))erent )ro,. t(o/*( not anta*onisti- to. t(e leadin* )/n-tion B t(/s. )or e1a,+le. t(in7in*. as +ri,ary )/n-tion. -an readily +air wit( int/ition as a/1iliary. or indeed e</ally well wit( sensation. b/t. as already obser0ed. ne0er wit( )eelin*. Neit(er int/ition nor sensation are anta*onisti- to t(in7in*. i.e. t(ey (a0e not to be /n-onditionally e1-l/ded. sin-e t(ey are not. li7e )eelin*. o) si,ilar nat/re. t(o/*( o) o++osite +/r+ose. to t(in7in* 44 )or as a 5/d*in* )/n-tion )eelin* s/--ess)/lly -o,+etes wit( t(in7in* 44 b/t are )/n-tions o) +er-e+tion. a))ordin* wel-o,e assistan-e to t(o/*(t. As soon as t(ey rea-(ed t(e sa,e le0el o) di))erentiation as t(in7in*. t(ey wo/ld -a/se a -(an*e o) attit/de. w(i-( wo/ld -ontradi-t t(e tenden-y o) t(in7in*. %or t(ey wo/ld -on0ert t(e 5/d*in* attit/de into a +er-ei0in* one6 w(ere/+on t(e +rin-i+le o) rationality indis+ensable to t(o/*(t wo/ld be s/++ressed in )a0o/r o) t(e irrationality o) ,ere

+er-e+tion. Hen-e t(e a/1iliary )/n-tion is +ossible and /se)/l only in so )ar as it ser)es t(e leadin* )/n-tion. wit(o/t ,a7in* any -lai, to t(e a/tono,y o) its own +rin-i+le. %or all t(e ty+es a++earin* in +ra-ti-e. t(e +rin-i+le (olds *ood t(at besides t(e -ons-io/s ,ain )/n-tion t(ere is also a relati0ely /n-ons-io/s. a/1iliary )/n-tion w(i-( is in e0ery res+e-t di))erent )ro, t(e nat/re o) t(e ,ain )/n-tion. %ro, t(ese -o,binations well47nown +i-t/res arise. t(e +ra-ti-al intelle-t )or instan-e +aired wit( sensation. t(e s+e-/lati0e intelle-t brea7in* t(ro/*( 8+. >1?: wit( int/ition. t(e artistiint/ition w(i-( sele-ts. and +resents its i,a*es by ,eans o) )eelin* 5/d*,ent. t(e +(iloso+(i-al int/ition w(i-(. in lea*/e wit( a 0i*oro/s intelle-t. translates its 0ision into t(e s+(ere o) -o,+re(ensible t(o/*(t. and so )ort(. A *ro/+in* o) t(e /n-ons-io/s )/n-tions also ta7es +la-e in a--ordan-e wit( t(e relations(i+ o) t(e -ons-io/s )/n-tions. T(/s. )or instan-e. an /n-ons-io/s int/iti0e )eelin* attit/de ,ay -orres+ond wit( a -ons-io/s +ra-ti-al intelle-t. w(ereby t(e )/n-tion o) )eelin* s/))ers a relati0ely stron*er in(ibition t(an int/ition. T(is +e-/liarity. (owe0er. is o) interest only )or one w(o is -on-erned wit( t(e +ra-ti-al +sy-(olo*i-al treat,ent o) s/-( -ases. B/t )or s/-( a ,an it is i,+ortant to 7now abo/t it. %or " (a0e )re</ently obser0ed t(e way in w(i-( a +(ysi-ian. in t(e -ase )or instan-e o) an e1-l/si0ely intelle-t/al s/b5e-t. will do (is /t,ost to de0elo+ t(e )eelin* )/n-tion dire-tly o/t o) t(e /n-ons-io/s. T(is atte,+t ,/st always -o,e to *rie). sin-e it in0ol0es too *reat a 0iolation o) t(e -ons-io/s stand+oint. (o/ld s/-( a 0iolation s/--eed. t(ere ens/es a really -o,+/lsi0e de+enden-e o) t(e +atient /+on t(e +(ysi-ian. a 3trans)eren-e3 w(i-( -an be a,+/tated only by br/tality. be-a/se s/-( a 0iolation robs t(e +atient o) a stand+oint 44 (is +(ysi-ian be-o,es (is stand+oint. B/t t(e a++roa-( to t(e /n-ons-io/s and to t(e ,ost re+ressed )/n-tion is dis-losed. as it were. o) itsel). and wit( ,ore ade</ate +rote-tion o) t(e -ons-io/s stand+oint. w(en t(e way o) de0elo+,ent is )ia t(e se-ondary )/n-tion4t(/s in t(e -ase o) a rational ty+e by way o) t(e irrational )/n-tion. %or t(is lends t(e -ons-io/s stand+oint s/-( a ran*e and +ros+e-t o0er w(at is +ossible and i,,inent t(at -ons-io/sness *ains an ade</ate +rote-tion a*ainst t(e destr/-ti0e e))e-t o) t(e /n-ons-io/s. !on0ersely. an irrational ty+e de,ands a stron*er de0elo+,ent o) t(e rational a/1iliary )/n-tion 8+. >1@: re+resented in -ons-io/sness. in order to be s/))i-iently +re+ared to re-ei0e t(e i,+a-t o) t(e /n-ons-io/s. T(e /n-ons-io/s )/n-tions are in an ar-(ai-. ani,al state. T(eir sy,boli-al a++earan-es in drea,s and +(antasies /s/ally re+resent t(e battle or -o,in* en-o/nter o) two ani,als or ,onsters.

81: ;illia, Bla7e. 8arriage of Hea)en and Hell 82: e,on. 8neme. translated by Lo/is i,on (LondonB Allen N 'nwin).

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