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C Pocket theatre

Participant continue a theatre № 273

performance, by acting according to the Time:
feelings and behaviours written on their 90 minutes
pack of cards
with feelings
Step by step and behaviours,
1. Before the session, write on cards behaviours and feelings involved by a particular costume and
situation, one idea per card. other props
as necessary,
2. During the session, distribute the cards to participants. markers,
flipchart paper
3. Ask for the first person to start the performance.
4. Tell the other participants to contribute gradually to the performance, by acting according Instructions:
to what is written on their cards. □ Individual
□ Team
5. After the performance initiate a discussion about the learning points of the theater. Record □ Group
these ideas on a flipchart paper. ● Plenary
● Trainer
□ Participant
action learning,
skill rehearsal

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