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Projected Extramarital Sexual Involvement in Unmarried College Students

Lee H. Bukstel; Gregory D. Roeder; Peter R. Kilmann; James Laughlin; Wayne M. Sotile

Journal of Marriage and the Family, Vol. 40, No. 2. (May, 1978), pp. 337-340.

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Thu Feb 7 19:20:36 2008
Projected Extramarital Sexual Involvement
in Unmarried College Students*



Universitji of South Carolina

Bowman Gray School of Medicine
Using auestionnaires administered to a samale o f 566 unmarn'ed students at the
G 1 x .l

University of South Carolina, a comparison was made between reported premarital

sexual (PMS) behavior and projected extramarital szxuaal (EMS) behavior. Individu-
als who were premaritally sexual(y active werejbund more likely to project that they
would be extramaritally sexually involved. Frequency of PMS behavior and percep-
tion of PMS norms were the variables most highly related to projected E M S involve-
ment. The findings supported the results of previous studies seeking to identzfi the
precursors of extramarital sexual behavior. Implications of thejindings.for premari-
tal counseling were noted.

Kinsey et al. (1948) and Kinsey et al. (1953) behavior continues to be a chsracteristic of
found that by the age of 40, approximately 50 the American marital institution.
percent of all married men and more than 25 A number of investigators have found that
percent of all married women had engaged in the premarital sexual (PMS) attitudes and
extramarital sexual (EMS) behavior. More behavior of college students gradually are
recent studies have found the percentages cf becoming more liberal (e.g., Croake and
males and females engaging in EMS behavior James, 1973; Robinson et al., 1968; Robin-
to be more equivalent. Cuber and Harroff son et al., 1972). This trend was most popu-
(1965) found EMS behavior reported roughly larly noticed during the late 1960's and early
as often by females as by males. Athanasiou 1970's when some segments of the college
et al. (1970) estimated that 40 percent of all student population began overtly challenging
husbands and 30 percent of all wives engage predominant cultural values regarding sexu-
in EMS behavior. Johnson (1970) reported ality, marriage and the nuclear family.
that the estimated percentages of husbands Recent studies have found that married
and wives engaging in EMS behavior were 20 individuals who report EMS involvement
percent and 10 percent, respectively. Hunt remember having had considerable PMS
(1973) found that 24 percent of wives under experience (Athanasiou and Sarkin, 1974).
25 and 32 percent of husbands under 25 These studies also found that premarital
admitted having had EMS relationships. Col- chastity predicts more successful marriage.
lectively, these reports suggest that EMS The purposes of the present study were:
(1) to determine whether or not unmarried
*This research was conducted in January, 1974. Re- college students would project future EMS
quests for reprints should be sent to Peter R. Kilmann. behavior; and (2) to identify the variables
which might influence such projections.
**Department of Psychology, University of South Previolls investigations of extramarital sexual
Carolina, Columbia, South Carolina 29208,
involvement have obtained reflective reports.
***Department of Medical Social Sciences. Bowman By contrast, the present study attempted to
Gray ~ c h o o l of Medicine, winston-sale&, North determine whether or not the relationships
Carolina 27103. between PMS behavior, EMS behavior, and


other variables (e.g., expectations about and other related variables are listed in Table
EMS behavior) found in prior studies would 1. Correlations of .12 or greater are signifi-
exist when unmarried individuals prgjected cant ( p < .001) but since correlations of this
their future EMS behavior. If such relation- size represent a negligible degree of associa-
ships exist, the findings could have implica- tion, only those of .20 or above are listed.
tions for premarital counseling. Additionally, a principle components analysis
was carried out to determine how many com-
METHOD ponents accounted for the major variability in
Subjects the item responses. From this analysis it was
determined that an overall index of PMS
The Ss were 566 (289 males, 277 females) behavior and projected EMS behavior could
undergraduate and graduate students at the be justified.
University of South Carolina. The mean age As mentioned earlier, recent studies have
of the Ss was 20.43, ranging from 17 to 35. found a positive correlation between EMS
The breakdown of the sample by race was involvement of married individuals and their
90.4 percent White, 8.6 percent Black, 0.2 reports of PMS involvement. Table 1 shows
percent Mexican-American, 0.2 percent that the same relationship existed when
Oriental, and 0.6 percent Other. With regard individuals reported on their past and current
to religion, 61.6 percent were Protestant, 11.0 PMS involvement and projected future EMS
percent Catholic, 3.5 percent Jewish, 12.4 involvement. The findings indicated an
percent Other and 11.5 percent None. overall positive correlation betweeu past and
Forty-four percent of the Ss stated that they current PMS behavior and projected EMS
actively practiced their religion. For region of behavior. The reported number of PMS
birth, 79.2 percent were born in the South, intercourse and petting partners and the
13.1 percent in the Northeast, 1.9 percent in perception of greater PMS involvement
the Midwest, 1.3 percent in the Southwest relative to others of the same age were the
and 4.5 percent in the Northwest. None of the variables most highly related to projected
Ss had ever been married. EMS behavior (see Table 1). Although not as
Procedure highly correlated, the same relationship
existed between the reported frequency of
A 52-item multiple choice questionnaire1 PMS intercourse and petting. The results of
was group administered to students in day the present study suggest that PMS behavior
and evening classes. The questionnaire took and the perception of norms for PMS
about 25 minutes to complete and was behavior are more positively related to pro-
administered under voluntary, anonymous jected EMS behavior than are other possible
testing conditions. The areas tapped by the precursors of EMS behavior (e.g., perceived
questionnaire included: (a) premarital sexual parental EMS involvement).
experience; (b) attitudes toward premarital Promiscuity can be culturally defined by
sexual experience; (c) perceived premarital society as sexual relations with a variety of
sexual experience of others the same age; partners. It is interesting to note that the
(d) attitudes toward projected extramarital number of PMS partners was more strongly
sexual experience; (e) projected desire for related to projected EMS behavior than any
extramarital sexual experience; (f) perceived other variable. After doing a partial correla-
parental involvement in extramarital sexual tion, it was determined that the results
experience; and (g) other miscellaneous areas distinguished between frequency of sexual
(e.g., religious activity, psychological help, behavior within meaningful PMS relation-
satisfaction with social life). ships and frequency of sexual behavior with a
RESULTS AND DISCUSSION variety of PMS partners. After all, there is a
big difference between having intercourse 100
The product-moment correlations of pre- times with one partner as opposed to inter-
marital sexual behavior and attitudes, course one time with 100 partners. The
projected extramarital sexual involvement, results suggest that individuals who seek a
variety of PMS partners are more likely to
project that they will seek a variety of sexual
'The entire questionnaire can be obtained from the
partners after marriage.


It has been suggested that EMS behavior

O l
3 ,z evolves from situational factors such as separ-
z c+0 g;

ation of spouses (e.g., Cuber, 1969) and the

0 perceived opportunity for EMS involvement
8 8
12 (e.g., Johnson, 1972). In the present study,
0 adding the influence of factors such as per-
5yvl mission of spouse, the opportunity for EMS
;r; g.22 behavior, and secrecy, increased the relation-
2 A0 Ex +o-
ship between PMS and projected EMS
behaviors, but only slightly (not statistically
+ u m
H mag significant). Based on these results, it is diffi-
; EZ

cult to determine to what extent these vari-
ables influenced the projected occurence of
4 w z
EMS behavior.
E l. s-g
Many other explanations of EMS behavior

a are given in the literature. Some authors note
that people engage in EMS behavior due to
W Si z
GC an immature unreadiness for marriage (e.g.,
Ci m g g Ellis, 1968) or the inability to handle the
2X z z2 c*
5! -
c a
natural stresses of marriage (e.g., Bowman,
1960). Astley and Royden (1957), Cavan
(1963) and McCary (1973) suggest that EMS
Ci 00
" involvement is used to increase self-esteem
Kim (1969) suggested that a desire to attain
higher social status is a cause of EMS involve-
ment. The desire for a new emotional satis-
E g Y,
faction, a variety of sexual experiences,
8 a se and adventure have all been suggested
2 2 as nonpathological reasons for engaging
9 in EMS (Bell, 1963; Ellis, 1968; Kim,
a 1969; Neubeck, 1969; McCary, 1973). The

"2 a
' 5 results of the present study lend support


to the above mentioned hypotheses. Specif-

ically, Table 1 shows that the more certain
individuals were that they would engage in
EMS behavior, the more they expected EMS
involvement to have rewarding consequences.

r Individuals who expected to engage in EMS

i. behavior expected to find EMS involvement
3 more emotionally and sexually satisfying than
marital relations. They expected that EMS
behavior would be more adventurous and
would increase feelings of inner security. The
subjects also expected that EMS involvement
@ would increase their social status and afford
gz them the opportunity to feel very indepen-
zci dent. Nevertheless, it is important to point
out that these projections of positive conse-
b W s
4 quences (as opposed to reasons given retro-
d: spectively in past studies) may function to


reduce the dissonance between the Ss'

decisions and possible negative outcomes
-;r c


(e.g., divorce, deindividuation). This ten-

2 dency to rationalize projected EMS behavior
b X

may be due largely to a lack of foresight

about the possible negative outcomes.
In summary, the present study found rela- Croake, J . W., and B. James
tionships between PMS behavior, projected 1973 "A four year comparison of premarital sexual
EMS behavior, and rationalizations for pro- attitudes." Journal of Sex Research 9 (May):
jected EMS involvement in unmarried college Cuber, J. S.
students. The findings lend themselves to the 1969 "Reality versus stereotype." Pp. 190-196 in
speculation that these subjects' expectations Gerhard Neubeck (Ed.), Extramarital Rela-
of their future sexual behavior outside of the tions. Englewood Cliffs, New Jersey:Prentice-
marital interaction may not coincide with the Hall.
monogamous commitment usually made at Cuber, J . S.. and P. B. Harroff
1965 The Significant Americans: A Study of Sexual
the time of marriage. If longitudinal studies Behavior Among the Affluent. New York:
show a positive correlation between subjects' Appleton-Century-Crofts, Inc.
premarital expectations of their future EMS Ellis, A.
behavior with their actual EMS behavior once 1968 "Healthy and disturbed reasons for having
married, then it would seem reasonable to extramarital relations." Journal of Human
recommend t h a t premarital counseling Relations 16:490-501.
Hunt, M.
should address couple members' expectations 1973 Sexual Behavior in the 1970's. New York:Play-
of extramarital sexual involvement. These boy Press.
expectations should be discussed within the Johnson, R. E.
context of potential marital difficulties re- 1970 "Extramarital sexual intercourse: A method-
sulting from EMS behavior. The findings ological note." Journal of Marriage and the
suggest that a discussion of this nature would Family 32 (August):279-282,
1972 "Attitudes towards extramarital relation-
be most relevant for individuals who have had ships." Medical Aspects of Human Sexuality 6
extensive premarital sexual experiences. (April): 168-191.
Kim, Y. H.
1969 "The Kinsey tindings." Pp. 65-73 in Gerhard
Nzubeck (Ed.), Extramarital Relations. Engle-
REFERENCES wood Cliffs, New Jersey:Prentice-Hall.
Kinsey, A. C.. W. B. Pomeroy, and C. E. Martin
Astley, M., and C. Royden 1948 Sexual Behavior in the Hgman Male. Phila-
1957 "Fidelity and infidelity." Pp. 80-96 in Man and de1phia:Saunders.
Wife, New York:W. W. Norton and Company, Kinsey, A. C., W . B. Pomeroy, C. E. Martin, and P. H .
Inc. Gebhard
Athanasiou, R., and R. Sarkin 1953 Sexual Behavior in the Human Female. Phila-
1974 "Premarital sexual behavior and postmarital de1phia:Saundes.
adjustment." Archives of Sexual Behavior 3 McCary, J. L.
(May):207-225. 1973 Human Sexuality (2nd ed.). New York:D. Van
Athanasiou, R., P. Shaver, a.nd C. Tavris Nostrand Company.
1970 "Sex." Psychology Today 4 (July):37-52. Neubeck, G.
Bell, R. R. 1969 Extramarital Relations. Englewood Cliffs, New
1963 Marriage aad Family Interaction. Homewood, Jersey:Prentice Hall.
1llinois:The Dorsey Press. Robinson, I. E.. K . King and J. 0 . Ralswick
Bowman, H. A: 1972 "The premarital sexual revolution among
1960 Marriage for Moderns (5th ed.). New York: college females." Family Coordinator 21
McGraw-Hill. (April): 189-194.
Cavan, R. S. Robinson, I. E., K. King, C. J. Dudley, and F. J. Clune
1963 The American Family (3rd ed.). New York:T. 1968 "Change in sexual behavior and attitudes of
Y. Crowell. college students." Family Coordinatcr 17
(April): 119-123.


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Projected Extramarital Sexual Involvement in Unmarried College Students
Lee H. Bukstel; Gregory D. Roeder; Peter R. Kilmann; James Laughlin; Wayne M. Sotile
Journal of Marriage and the Family, Vol. 40, No. 2. (May, 1978), pp. 337-340.
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A Four Year Comparison of Premarital Sexual Attitudes

James W. Croake; Barbara James
The Journal of Sex Research, Vol. 9, No. 2, Adolescents in the 1970s. (May, 1973), pp. 91-96.
Stable URL:

Extramarital Sexual Intercourse: A Methodological Note

Ralph E. Johnson
Journal of Marriage and the Family, Vol. 32, No. 2. (May, 1970), pp. 279-282.
Stable URL:

The Premarital Sexual Revolution among College Females

Ira E. Robinson; Karl King; Jack O. Balswick
The Family Coordinator, Vol. 21, No. 2, Aging and the Family. (Apr., 1972), pp. 189-194.
Stable URL:

Change in Sexual Behavior and Attitudes of College Students

Ira E. Robinson; Karl King; Charles J. Dudley; Francis J. Clune
The Family Coordinator, Vol. 17, No. 2. (Apr., 1968), pp. 119-123.
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