WK 3 Common Suffixes

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Common Suffixes (Medical & Health Care Terminology)

Suffixes of Condition, Diagnosis or Symptom

Suffix Meaning Example Pronunciation* Brief Explanation

-ac pertaining to cardiac karcdT-ak pertaining to the heart
-al pertaining to natal nQct^l pertaining to birth
-algia pain neuralgia noo-ralcjT-^ pain of a nerve
-ar pertaining to muscular m\sckyu-l^r pertaining to muscles
-ary pertaining to dietary dUc_-tQr-T pertaining to diet
-ate make, subject to impregnate im-pregcnQt to make pregnant
-cele protrusion (hernia) cystocele sisctb-sTl bladder hernia
-dynia pain myodynia mUcb-dincT-^ pain of the muscles
-ectopy displacement splenectopy splT-nekctb-pT displacement of the spleen
-emesis vomit hyperemesis hU-p_r-emc_-sis excessive vomiting
-emia blood condition leukemia loo-kTcmT-^ abnormal increase of white cells in the blood
-esis state or condition paresis p^-rTcsis Partial paralysis
-form resembling muciform myucsi-fbrm like or resembling mucus
-genesis beginning, origin pathogenesis path-b-jenc_-sis origin of disease
-genic causing, producing pathogenic path-b-jencik causing disease
-gram diagram, recording cardiogram karcdT-b-gram graphic tracing made by the cardiograph
-graph instrument that records cardiograph karcdT-b-graf instrument for recording graphically movements of the heart
-graphy use of recording cardiography kar-dT-ogcr^-fT the use of the cardiograph
-iasis condition, state psoriasis sb-rUc^-sis kind of chronic, itchy skin disease
-ic pertaining to hemorrhagic hem-[-rajcik related to bleeding
-ical pertaining to biological bUcb-lojci-k^l pertaining to biology
-ile capable, able to contractile kon-trakctUl able to contract

William Tsang 2007 1

Suffix Meaning Example Pronunciation* Brief Explanation
-ism process, state of being alcoholism alckb-hol-izm persistent alcohol abuse, dependence, or addiction
-itis inflammation bronchitis brong-kUctis inflammation of the bronchial tubes.
-ity state, condition acidity a-sidci-tT state of being acid
-lepsy seizure narcolepsy narckb-lep-sT abnormal tendency to fall asleep
-logy study of physiology fiz-T-olcb-jT study of the function of a living organism
-malacia softening osteomalacia osctT-b-m^-lQcshT-^ a disease characterized by the softening of bones
-oid resembling toxoid tokcsoyd resembling toxin (poison)
-oma growth, tumor hepatoma hep-^-tbcm^ kind of malignant growth in the liver
-ory pertaining to respiratory rescpi-r^-tbr-T pertaining to respiration
-osis state or condition narcosis nar-kbcsis drug-induced state of reduced consciousness
-ous pertaining to delirious dT-lircT-\s pertaining to mental disturbances
-parous bearing, giving birth multiparous m\l-tipc^-r\s of woman who has given birth at least two times
-partum birth, delivery postpartum pbst-parct\m after childbirth
-pathy disease, suffering neuropathy noo-ropc^-thT disorder affecting the nerve system
-penia deficiency, lack of leukopenia loo-kb-pTcnT-^ less than normal white blood cells
-phagia, - swallow, eat aerophagia Qr-b-fQcjT-^ abnormal swallowing of air
-phasia of speech aphasia ^-fQczT-^ disorder of impaired speech abilities, etc.
-phobia abnormal fear or dread photophobia fb-tb-fbcbT-^ fear of light
-phoresis carry through, transmit diaphoresis Uc^-fb-rTcsis excretion of fluid through the skin, perspiration
-phyll leaf chlorophyll klbrcb-fil any of a group of light-absorbing green pigments
-pnea breath, breathing apnea apcnT-^ absence of breathing
-ptosis downward nephroptosis nef-rop-tbcsis downward displacement of the kidney
-ptysis act of spitting hemoptysis hT-mopcti-sis spitting of blood from lungs or bronchial tubes
-rrhage bursting forth hemorrhage hemc[-rij excessive bleeding
-rrhea flow or discharge rhinorrhea rU-nb-rTc^ nasal discharge
-rrhexis rupture cardiorrhexis kar-dT-b-rekcsis rupture, or bursting apart, of the heart wall

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Suffix Meaning Example Pronunciation* Brief Explanation
-scope instrument for microscope mUckrb-skbp instrument for examining minute objects
-scopy act of examining endoscopy en-dosck[-pT examination of the interior of a canal, etc.
-sis condition, process acidosis as-i-dbcsis abnormally high acidity of body fluids
-stasis pooling, stagnation hemostasis hTcmb-stQ-sis arrest of bleeding
-tic related to acoustic ^-koosctik related to sound
-trophy food, nutrition atrophy atcrb-fT wasting of tissues, organs, or entire body due to under-
nourishment, etc.
-uria condition of urine hematuria hT-m^t-yurcT-^ condition in which the urine contains blood

Suffixes of Size

Suffix Meaning Example Pronunciation* Brief Explanation

-cle small follicle folci-kl mass of cells usually containing a cavity
-cule small molecule molc_-kyul smallest possible quantity of a substance that retains its
chemical properties
-megaly exceptional cardiomegaly kar-dT-b-megc^-lT enlargement of the heart
-ola small arteriola ar-tTr-T-bcl^ small artery
-ole small arteriole ar-tTrcT-bl small artery
-ule small nodule nodcyul small node (swelling)
-ulum small ovulum ovcyu-l\m small egg-like structure
-ulus small homunculus hb-m\ngkcyu-l\s small man figure

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Suffixes of Treatment, Repair or Surgery

Suffix Meaning Example Pronunciation* Brief Explanation

-centesis puncture to withdraw pleurocentesis ploorcb-sen-tTcsis puncture to withdraw content from pleural cavity (chest)
-desis process/act of binding arthrodesis ar-throdc_-sis stiffening of a joint by operative means
-ectasis extension, dilation bronchiectasis brong-kT-ekct^-sis dilation (enlargement) of bronchi
-ectomy surgical removal of appendectomy ap-pen-dekctb-mT cutting out of the appendix
-ize use, subject to vaporize vQcper-Uz to convert a solid or liquid into a vapor
-ostomy surgical opening, gastrostomy gas-trosctb-mT opening into the stomach
-otomy cutting, incision into cystotomy sis-totcb-mT incision into the bladder
-pexy surgical fix sigmoidopexy sig-moycdb-pek-sT Fixation of large intestine

-plasty surgical repair, molding rhinoplasty rUcnb-plas-tT repair of a defect of the nose
or forming
-rrhapy closure by suturing cystorrhaphy sis-tbrc^-fT suture of a wound or defect in the bladder

Suffixes of Medical Specialists

Suffix Meaning Example Pronunciation* Brief Explanation

-ian specialist physician fi-zishc\n practitioner of medicine, doctor
-iatrics medical specialty geriatrics jer-T-atcriks study and treatment of the aged
-iatry medical specialty podiatry pb-dUc^-trT study and treatment of the foot
-ics medical specialty dietetics dU-_-tetciks study of diet and nutrition, to prevent and cure disease
-ist specialist cardiologist kar-dT-olcb-jist specialist in diseases of the heart
* Pronunciation quoted from: Dirckx, John H., editor, Stedman's Concise Medical Dictionary for the Health Professions, Baltimore, MD: Lippincott Williams & Wilkins, 4th Edition, 2001

In case of the slightest doubt, consult a medical and health care dictionary!

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