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Executive JCR Committee Meeting, 6th February 2014 Societies Room 1.

PRESIDENTS WELCOME: Phil says reassures us that the JCR hoodies are being sorted and should be ready by Freshers Week. 2. APOLOGIES : Kiana Thorpe (Ethical Affairs) Anna Kaye (Secretary) Will Marks is here instead 3. BLIND DATE: Eleanor is worried about Freshers that have still not made friends, wants some kind of event for people to meet each other. Alex agrees, thinks people made friends in blocks, not everyone got on with their block. Carl thinks that corridor swaps could work, could use corridor reps. This would be something we could do next year, difficult to arrange now. Phil asks what other events we could hold at Freshers. Speed dating seems to be a popular idea. Phil asks what other events we could put on this term. Eleanor suggests something which mixes the first and second years, Carl questions what would work and suggests a meet your corridor from last year style meeting would creating maximum mingle-factor. Rob likes the idea of speed dating to meet people. Phil advocates speed dating to meet friends, but dislikes the idea of romantic dating. Eleanor suggests doing it at the end of this term, and that it should be a non-drinking event. We agree that speed dating would be a good idea. Eleanor agrees to put this idea on Facebook for the whole JCR to discuss. 4. CUSU MEETING: Phil is meeting with Flick at CUSU. He asks us if there is anything that we want him to discuss with CUSU. Phil says that the college gets lots of support from CUSU that the students dont see. Nick says that they may have some suggestions for us for Freshers week events. Annie says that CUSU put on some international events a few days before the start of term, but these students were charged extra money from college for accommodation. Phil says that he has already discussed this with Paul and they are working on it. Annie says that there was no help with being shown around Cambridge etc. Phil says that they will review this. 5. RECIEPTS : Annie finally has a cheque book, so the JCR can bring receipts to her. Annie questions whether Carl wants any money in the budget, but he says that he doesnt need it, apart from perhaps 10 printing costs for others to use leaflets at events. Also says will need to put information in the Freshers handbook. Phil asks whether the JCR pay for the Freshers handbook. Annie said that we did last

year. Phil reasons that as college say that it is compulsory, we should not have to pay for it. Annie agrees to discuss this with college. Annie says that she would prefer to give the money to the Execs through cheques, and then the execs will pay the people in their team with cash. She explains that this would be easier, especially as Matteo does not have an English bank account so cannot accept cheques. Eleanor, Phil and Carl object, as this could create confusion and pressure on Execs. We agree that it would be easier if people go to Annie to get cheques, apart from Matteo who will get cash from Phil, who will be reimbursed. 6. FITZ U P: Alex says that everything is set to go and under control apart from lights. There was some confusion over who had ordered the lights, they are now waiting to hear from CREEM about whether they have lights. They should hear from CREEM tomorrow. That is currently the only potential problem. We discuss set-up times. Phil says that it would be best if Alex could tell the JCR tonight or early tomorrow morning what times we need to set up and clear up. Alex asks if we will be arranging the bops next week for halfway hall and Valentines hall. Phil says that we will be. Nick says that it would be nice to have photos taken of the Valentines couples, we agree that this is a good idea. 6. SURVEY: Phil says that we dont want to bombard students with repeated surveys because they will get bored. But, he says that a compact survey will be useful to find students opinions. He reminds us of the google doc which we have all seen, and asks us to submit questions. Rob asks when it needs to be filled in by, Phil says that he would like to finalise it next Thursday. Rob says that this is fine. Will asks if we can provide an incentive for students to fill in the survey. Phil says that this is a good idea, and asks if we would mind setting aside money for incentives for surveys. Annie says that we are under budget, so we can afford to. Rob says that it should probably be relatively small otherwise college would object, we agree that it does not need to be large amount. We ask if cheap formal tickets would be an incentive Will says that Paul has mentioned to him that not enough students go to formals. We agree that college may see this as a good idea. Carl says that we should ask if they can give cheaper formal tickets for events such as the corridor swap, this is a popular idea. Phil says that he will look into getting cheap formal tickets, and reminds us to send in questions. 7. WEBSITE HEADINGS: Phil asks if we agree with the idea of being more compact with our facebook posts and emails, in order to lure people onto the website where we provide more information. He worries that if people cant be bothered to click on the website link they will miss out on hearing information. Will says that this is worth a try for a short time, just to make people aware that the website is there. Carl agrees that although some people may then not look at the website, it may make more people see the website so would be worth it. Alex says that this is a

good idea for ents events. Phil says we should put more things on the calendar. Carl asks if it is worth emailing the heads of societies to see what they are putting on and adding this to the calendar. Will agrees that this is a good idea. Eleanor says that we have a problem with graduates using our website to request condoms she has too many requests coming through, they dont know who their welfare officer is. Phil says that he will talk to Sylvia about this and suggest that they use a similar form to ours on their website, as Eleanor says that ours has been popular. Rob suggests that we add an MCR button on our website so that grads use it as well. 8. LGBT+ Phil informs us that Jake Choules has been voted as LGBT officer. He says that he wants to change the way that we vote. At the moment we do it online, he wants to change the format so that anyone can potentially vote for any of the candidates, but that we state for minority officers only people that that position is relevant for vote for them. We would have to trust that people vote for the ones that they are supposed to. Annie questions whether people can only run for these posts if they are of that group she says that she was initially under the impression that anyone could run for international officer regardless of their nationality. Phil says that the LGBT role should really go to someone in that group, as they know the most about it. He asks if the international officer must be international. Will says not necessarily, Carl says that it would depend on what they are doing, some British students would be useful in helping integration. Rob points out that Ken last year was not entirely international, and he organized a lot of events to help students integrate. Phil says that this may be a topic to ask on the survey. He also questions whether only international students should vote for the international officer. Annie asks whether the womens officer needs to be a woman. Phil says that she should be (women are not allowed in the CUSU talks). Rob says that with the womens officer and LGBT officer he can see the benefits of just those specific groups, but international involves everyone because integration is involved. Phil reiterates that he would like to ask the people in a survey. Carl says that he will be able to see the offer figures for ethnic minorities and women soon, Rob agrees that this will be interesting to look at. Phil says that as part of the open meeting we will discuss having a male and female welfare officer, where one would then be voted as the exec. Eleanor objects, as she says that the womens role has so many things to take on with going to CUSU meetings that the mens officer would have to be the exec, which isnt fair. Phil agrees that that is an issue, they may have to keep a separate womens officer. Rob says that maybe a man and women should run together as a team, like they did before the constitution change. Annie says that Alice has said that there should be two roles for women, one who goes to CUSU meetings, and one that deals with inter-collegiate problems, as this is a large role. Eleanor points out that part of the CUSU meetings is working with college on the issues raised, this would become difficult with more people. Phil states that he does not want too many roles created. We agree to discuss this more at the open meeting.

7. ANY OTHER BUSINESS: CUSU Meeting on MondayPhil and Nick need someone to go to the CUSU council on this Monday. Phil explains that in the meetings you vote for various proposals that CUSU come up with, and we need someone to represent Fitz. We have two votes. The motions can be debated, they are usually not. Eleanor says that she will have to check if she is free, Annie says that she is busy but will go if no one else can. Phil says that we should let him know as soon as we can if we can make it. Nick points out that anyone from college can attend, but only him and Phil can vote, and they can pass on this right to others occasionally. ChequebookAnnie asks if anyone knows how to write a cheque. Carl explains to her how you fill in a cheque. Annie worries about how it may look as she is paying herself cheques, but we agree that as long as she is open about what she is paying herself and can justify it then there shouldnt be any trouble. 13. DATE OF NEXT MEETING: Whole JCR Meeting. Valentines formal means that we will have to move the usual time. We will use a doodle poll to decide when.

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