Design of Machinery Definitions

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Chapter 2 Kinematics Fundamentals

Degree of Freedom (DOF): also known as a mechanical system's mobility (M), is the number of inputs that need to be provided in order to create a predictable output; also defined as: the number of independent coordinates required to define its position. o Any rigid body in three-space has six degrees of freedom. Pure Rotation: The body possesses one point (center of rotation) that has no motion with respect to the "stationary" frame of reference. All other points on the body describe arcs about the center. A reference line drawn on the body through the center changes only its angular orientation. Pure Translation: All points on the body describe parallel (curvilinear or rectilinear) paths. A reference line drawn on the body changes its linear position but does not change its angular orientation. Complex Motion: A simultaneous combination of rotation and translation. Any reference line drawn on the body will change both is linear position and its angular orientation. Points on the body will travel nonparallel paths, and there will be, at every instant, a center of rotation, which will continuously change location. Joints are classified by: 1. By the type of contact between the elements, line, point, or surface. 2. By the number of DOF allowed at the joint. 3. By the type of physical closure of the joint: force or form closed. 4. By the number of links joined (order of the joint). Form-Closed: joint is kept together or closed by its geometry. Force-Closed: such as a pin in a half-bearing or a slider on a surface, requires some external force to keep it together or closed. Kinematic Chain: an assemblage of links and joints, interconnected in a way to provide a controlled output motion in response to a supplied input motion. Mechanism: a kinematic chain in which at least one link has been "grounded," or attached, to the frame of reference (which itself may be in motion). Machine: a combination of resistant bodes arranged to compel the mechanical forces of nature to do work accompanied by determinate motions. Crank: a link that makes a complete revolution and is pivoted to ground. Rocker: a link that has oscillatory (back and forth) rotation and is pivoted to ground.

Coupler: (or connecting rod) is a link that has complex motion and is not pivoted to ground. Gruebler Condition: Any link in a plane has 3 DOF. Gruebler Equation: M = 3L - 2J - 3G Gruebler Equation becomes: M = 3(L - 1) - 2J Kutzbach's Modification of Gruebler's Equation: M = 3(L - 1) - 2J1 - J2 Inversion: is created by grounding a different link in the kinematic chain. Dwell: period in which the output link remains stationary while the input link continues to move. Grashof Condition: predicts the rotation behavior or rotatability of a fourbar linkage's inversions based only on the link lengths. Grashof Inequality:

Motors and Drivers

DC Motors: refer to direct current and are made in different electrical configurations, such as permanent magnet (PM), shunt-wound, series-wound, and compound-wound. The names refer to the manner in which the rotating armature coils are electrically connected to the stationary field coils---in parallel (shunt), in series or in combined series-parallel (compound). o Permanent Magnet: ex's- automotive engines. o Shunt-Wound: ex's- fans and blowers. o Series-Wound: ex's- sewing machines, portable grinders. o Compound-Wound: ex's- cranes, hoist. Permanent Magnet DC Motor: o power = torque x angular velocity o Torque is max at stall (zero velocity), which is typical of all electric motors. Is an advantage when starting heavy loads. o Torque is zero at maximum (no-load) speed. o Torque increases rather than decreases with increasing angular velocity. AC Motors: refer to alternating current and is the least expensive way to get continuous rotary motion. They can be had with a variety of torque-speed curves to suit various load applications. o Limited to an AC line frequency of 60 Hz in North America, 50 Hz elsewhere. o Types: gearmotors, servomotors, stepper motors

Chapter 4 Position Analysis

Translation: all points on the body have the same displacement.

Rotation: different points in the body undergo different displacements and thus there is a displacement difference between any two points chosen. Complex Motion: the sum of the translation and rotation components. Euler's Theorem: the general displacement of a rigid body with one point fixed is a rotation about some axis.

Chapter 6 Velocity Analysis

Instant Center: is a point, common to two bodies in plane motion, which point has the same instantaneous velocity in each body. Sometimes called centros or poles.

Kennedy's Rule: any three bodies in plane motion will have exactly three instant centers, and they will lie on the same straight line. Centrode: path, or locus, of the instant center. Cusp: at a cusp in a coupler curve, velocity is zero. Located at an extreme point of a moving centrode's path of motion. Axis of Slip: tangent to the slider motion and is the line along which all sliding occurs between links. Axis of Transmission: perpendicular to the axis of slip and passes through the slider joint. This axis of transmission is the only line along which we can transmit motion or force across the slider joint, except for friction.

The Fourbar Crank-Slider

Vector Loop Equation: R2 - R3 - R4 - R1 = 0 Position: Differentiated Equation (Velocity):

Substitute the Euler equivalent:


Real Part (x-component):

Imaginary Part (y-component):

These are two simultaneous equations in the two unknowns "d" and "w3"

Absolute Velocity of point A:

The Inverted Fourbar Crank-Slider

Vector Loop Equation: R2 - R3 - R4 - R1 = 0

Differentiated Equation:

Substitute the Euler equivalent:


Real Part (x-component):

Imaginary Part (y-component):

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