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Marketing Plan for the fictitious product.

The Fictitious product being marketed is

ECO MULTI-PURPOSE TABLET that can be used for various cleaning purposes.

Punch Line: Do Goli Total safaai

Product Type: Multi purpose tablets for all your needs.

U.S.P of Supreme Eco-Washing Tablets:

True eco friendly tablets which can be used for all purposes like washing hair,
removing hair, washing clothes, car, utensils etc

Form: In tablets form.

Size of Tablet:

1.5 cm

2 cm
Colour: Light sky blue

Shelf Life:
In normal room temperature, 1 year from the date of packing. Always store it in its
package or air tight container away from moisture when not in use


Ecomark from The Bureau of Indian Standards (BIS) for detergent labeling.

Product Features:

Supreme eco tablets are ecological tablets which are most suitable and safe product
with great performance of the new generation.
A natural eco friendly and user friendly economic and effective product
A very safe soothing non irritant natural effect on the skin
As it is in tablets form where two tablets are sufficient to wash bucketful of clothes
etc, it is not needed to measure the detergent and eliminates the possibility of excess
use and wastage.
Its tablets form and ease of use expected to be very popular in bachelor men.
Improved dissolvability & dispensability – leaves no residues on the laundry.
Without any kind of chemicals, artificial colors, artificial surfactants, perfumes, dyes,
preservatives or animal by-products.

Product Design:

Supreme Eco tablets are least polluting , as it is phosphate-free

environment-friendly detergent
This is an environmentally superior tablets that uses fewer chemical ingredients.
The full product biodegrades quickly and completely.
The toxicity of detergents is removed by avoiding additives like Foam Regulators and
brightening agents.

The product will be available in two packages:

This package is for one month which contains 70 tablets.
Package of 35 tablets.
This one is a small packet for trial containing 2 tablets for one use.
Market Coverage

Our objective is to cover both urban and rural areas. Initially we are concentrating on
metro cities like Mumbai, Delhi, Calcutta and Chennai as we are having more scope
than rural areas to get more customers, through media. We are also covering those
people who stay away from their house for job and education purpose.

Distribution Channel
Middlemen are essential elements of marketing channel. While designing the
marketing channel, services provided by the middlemen, availability of the desired
middlemen are to be considered.
So that we have selected three tier structure.
Middlemen are essential elements of marketing channel. While designing the
marketing channel, services provided by the middlemen, availability of the desired
middlemen are to be considered.
So that we have selected two tier structure. Frequently there may be a chain of
intermediaries; each passing the product down the chain to the next organization,
before it finally reaches the consumer or end-user. This process is known as the
'distribution chain' or the 'channel.' Each of the elements in these chains will have
their own specific needs, which the producer must take into account, along with those
of the all-important end-user.

Channel members:
Distribution channels can thus havoc a number of levels. Kotler defined the simplest
level that of direct contact with no intermediaries involved, as the 'zero-level' channel.
The next level, the 'one-level' channel, features just one intermediary; in consumer
goods a retailer, for industrial goods a distributor. In small markets (such as small
countries) it is practical to reach the whole market using just one- and zero-level
channels. In large markets (such as larger countries) a second level, a wholesaler for
example, is now mainly used to extend distribution to the large number of small.





We will be considering 4 regional distributors for the north, east, south and west
Zone. Each regional distributor will be assigned the responsibilities of handling the
key urban and sub- urban areas in their respective zones while covering the vital cities
and towns in particular.

Wholesaling is concerned with the activities of those persons or establishments which
sell to retailers and other merchants, and/or to industrial, institutional and commercial
users, but who don’t sell in significant amount to ultimate consumers.

Retailing consists of the activities involved in selling goods and services to ultimate
consumers. We want to make sure that people have easy accessibility to our product.
We have selected major supermarkets, food bazaars, fig bazaars and small retailers.


Exclusive: Distributing through company outlets or franchisee.

Intensive: Placing the products in as many outlets as possible.

Selective: Here companies select a combination of Exclusive distribution (only
company’s products) & Intensive Distribution (some important outlets which are
multibrand outlets.)

Push: A push strategy makes use of a company's sales force and trade promotion
money to induce intermediaries to carry, promote and sell the product to end users.
Push strategy is used where there is low brand loyalty in a category, brand choice is
made in the stores, the product is impulsive item and product benefits promotes the
product to wholesalers, the wholesalers promote it to retailers, and the retailers
promote it to consumers.

Pull: A pull strategy is one that requires high spending on advertising and consumer
promotion to build up consumer demand for a product. It is appropriate where there is
high brand loyalty and high involvement in the category, when people perceive
difference between brands and when people choose the brand before they go to stores.
If the strategy is successful, consumers will ask their retailers for the product, the
retailers will ask the wholesalers, and the wholesalers will ask the producers.

We are using INTENSIVE STRATEGY as it is suitable for our product.And we are

also using PUSH STRATEGY for that we will push our dealers by providing them
different schemes if they met the sales target at the right time.

Following are the some of the offers we give to our wholesalers and retailers:

15% discount on the product if the retailer sells 500 Packets per month.
A holiday package to wholesaler if he meets sales target of 5 lakhs packets in a period
of 6 months
Pricing is another big part of the marketing mix. Choosing the right price and the
right pricing strategy is crucial to the marketing process.
The price of the product is not something that is fixed. On the other hand the price of
the product depends on many other factors. Some times the price of the product has
got nothing to do with the actual product itself. The price may act as a way to attract
target customers.
Penetration pricing involves the setting of lower, rather than higher prices in order
to achieve a large, if not dominant market share. This strategy is most often used by
businesses wishing to enter a new market or build on a relatively small market share.
This will only be possible where demand for the product is believed to be highly
elastic, i.e. demand is price-sensitive and either new buyers will be attracted, or
existing buyers will buy more of the product as a result of a low price.
A successful penetration pricing strategy may lead to large sales volumes/market
shares and therefore lower costs per unit. The effects of economies of both scale and
experience lead to lower production costs, which justify the use of penetration pricing
strategies to gain market share. Penetration strategies are often used by businesses that
need to use up spare resources (e.g. factory capacity).
A penetration pricing strategy may also promote complimentary and captive
products. The main product may be priced with a low mark-up to attract sales (it may
even be a loss-leader). Customers are then sold accessories (which often only fit the
manufacturer’s main product) which are sold at higher mark-ups.
Before implementing a penetration pricing strategy, a supplier must be certain that it
has the production and distribution capabilities to meet the anticipated increase in

The most obvious potential disadvantage of implementing a penetration pricing

strategy is the likelihood of competing suppliers following suit by reducing their
prices also, thus nullifying any advantage of the reduced price (if prices are
sufficiently differentiated the impact of this disadvantage may be diminished). A
second potential disadvantage is the impact of the reduced price on the image of the
offering, particularly where buyers associate price with quality.

Rapid penetration pricing strategies is in the introduction stage and is related to low
price with high promotion. This mix of pricing and promotion encourages rapid
acceptance by a wider number of segments in the market place. The strategy attempts
to go after a large share of the market quickly. The market for these services is
generally large and is aware of the services rendered.


Large Market Size: As our product is a FMCG so there is going to be a large market
for our product.
Market is unaware of the product: As our product is a substitute for the washing
powder and being an innovative one so the customers are unaware of our product i.e.
washing tablets. Hence to reach the target audience we have undertaken high
Strong competition in near future: As well-known branded Companies have a well
established market in international market so there is a possibility that they might
enter into the market after our product is launched.
Five M’s of advertisement:

Advertising objective of our product is to make users aware about the product the
amount they should use for washing cloths. They are being guided by this advertising
how this is to be used and how we can make optimum utilization of the product. The
mission is to target everyone especially women and students staying away from home.

“DO GOLI TOTAL DHULAI”. This is the message by our product. This is the
product which gives total protection for the body and young generation things about
the hygiene 1st and then money. Our product is also socially responsible because we
don’t harm the environment and hence this makes our product a unique product.

Media is the most important factor which will makes our product aware and known to
the users. The media which we are using is television, newspaper, magazine,
hoarding, billboards radio. These are the media which we will use to make product
known to users.
Television channel which are mostly seen by ladies which is our target customers and
also seen by the students who stay away from home will be a major source for our
promotion. Newspapers is one way where we are going to give samples free with
newspaper i.e.; 2 sachet.We are also using mobile vans which will be educating
customers about the product and in initial stage will also give free samples which will
give us best promotion.

Our product is new and innovative product so customers are not aware about how to
use so the media which we have used is costly but this will always increase our sales
and make our product best in the market. We are concentrating on the television 1 st
and then newspaper by giving them sachet. Money places a major role because here it
has to keep in mind many aspects of the product. Estimated cost is 2 crores which is
perfect for our media which we have chosen. We have non competitive market at
present because we are 1st to innovate this product. Even though our product is priced
high we can capture market because young generation they think about environment
and there own safety. Our product is free from harmful a chemical that is eco-friendly
which makes it unique and which is a great advantage to us.

Our product is measured by the increase in sales we have noticed that our sales has an
increasing sales graph this positive response of customer has showed us that our
product has reached to people within there mind and heart. We have traced the sales
which are giving us positive result. Invite the sample of customers show them the
advertisement for initial measurement of effectiveness in communication.

Promotional objectives
To support sales increases
To encourage trial
To create awareness
To inform about a feature or benefit
To remind
To reassure
To create an image
To modify attitudes

Promotion Mix

Direct Advertising


Personal Sales
Selling Promotion



A product cannot be promoted or made well-known unless it is marketed properly and

in the right manner. Thus, concept marketing basically tries to inform the consumers
in the market about the launching of the new product cum service, its features, merits,
utility, usage, etc… Thus, the concept marketing is given more emphasis and
importance in order to promote a fictitious product. All the major modifications and
diversifications in this service will be made keeping in view the wants and needs of
the target consumers. The features and characteristics of this website should go hand
in hand with the likings and interest of the consumers.

Concept marketing includes the following processes and activities:

1. Understanding the needs of the customers: The product will be designed as per the
needs of the customers. The target consumers such as housewives, teenagers, fast life
people, hostellers, college students, etc are usually interested in trying out new and
innovative product which they won’t be able to practically make it possible. The
college students staying in hostel will also be benefited by this product. Thus, the
major aim of this product will be to fulfill the wants and needs of the consumers in the
best possible manner.

2. Creating Awareness: Even, if the product is produced using the latest machinery or
equipments, with better scientific techniques and manufacturing operations, the
marketer won’t be able and succeed in increasing the sales of that particular product
unless the product is known to the customers. Thus, creating awareness among the
consumers regarding your product and its features is an important step which has to
be taken in promoting the product. In order to create awareness among the target
consumers about the launching of this product and its features, merits, utility, how to
access it, etc… Various seminars and workshops will be conducted . Many bill
boards, hoardings, posters, etc… will be placed at various strategic locations in order
to promote this product/service.

3. Initiate the product/service as solution: This product will be initiated to solve the
problems faced by the consumers. Keeping in view the difficulties and problems
faced by the consumers, this product is launched and activated. Through workshops
and seminars, the consumers should be made aware that the problems they are facing
currently will be solved if they make use of this product. This product will help the
consumers in the following ways:-
It will save much of their time which is otherwise wasted if they go on to do such
things themselves at their home.
They don’t have to wait for long as our product aims to deliver the work done at a
faster speed.
They don’t even have to bother about the ingredients which can harm there skin
because our product is eco friendly.

4. Creating satisfaction in consumers mind: The major aim and goal of this particular
product is to take the consumers into confidence by making them realize that they will
gain complete satisfaction after using this product. They will have no discontentment
regarding the product and if they do have, they can very well give their opinion by
way of feedbacks. They can also give any suggestions if necessary and that will be
implemented if it is logical and approved by the committee members. Their
suggestions and point of view will be given due consideration as the consumer is
considered as the king of the market. The existence of a product/service highly
depends upon the likes, dislikes and reactions of the consumers towards the product
and the level of satisfaction gained by them using the product


Strengths Weakness

Pollution free wash Difficult to switch consumers from their

Environment friendly current brand
Health friendly Requires high promotion
Effective washing capability
Easy to use
Competitive pricing

Opportunities Threats

Increasing demand for the product New entrants like HUL, P&G may come
Subsidies from Govt. as product is Eco- within a very little span of time .
Friendly Beauty parlours using traditional
General lack of awareness about adverse waxing,manicure,pedicure methods.
effects on environment & health


Introduction Stage:
In this stage the market will be low as it is newly introduced in market. It will take
some time initially for the product to get much attention from customers. The
competitors are none as it is an innovative concept first time to be commercialized in
India. But it is necessary to make customers aware of the innovative change and
environmental as well as health safety of using this product. Strategy used in this
stage would be Rapid Penetration, done through advertisements and promotional
events and personnel selling. The profits are as good as none as product will just
maintain the BEP.

Growth Stage:
Here the market starts growing we will undertake mass production to enjoy the
economies of scale then with reduced direct cost, company will offer discounts to the
intermediaries like retailers for pushing them to pull customer to enjoy the more
profits. Sales are increasing very rapidly, profits margins are improved, pricing for the
final product is kept constant.

Maturity Stage:
The sales were rapidly increasing and the competition to stand is getting tougher. The
profits were high as it very much acceptable in the market. The competitors had come
up with various offers. The supreme eco-multi purpose tablets product is newly
introduced with different natural and ecological fragrances. Also new improved
packaging will be adopted to renovate the product.

Decline Stage:
In this stage we will launch fabric and skin brighter tablets which will be as ecological
as supreme but at the same time keep on marketing the supreme multi purpose tablets
with a slightly reduced pricing.


Demographic segmentation involves analyzing the observable and measurable

features of the population. Such features or variables include age, sex and
family size, stage of the family lifecycle, income, occupation, education,
religion race and nationality. Segmentation by reference to demographic
variables will pay a major role in focusing on the target market and consumer’s
need’s, preferences and usage rate are directly related to these variables. The
main demographic variables which affect our product are expanded below.

Income: Incomes can be grouped to give rise to target markets for given
Age and Life-Cycle Stage: Consumer needs and wants change with age. The
segmentation would be between people of the age 20-45. Family lifecycle refers
to the progress of life through its various stages, which can be classified and
used as a useful method of segmenting markets for such products and services.

Age and Life-Cycle Stage: Consumer needs and wants change with age. The
segmentation would be between people of the age 20-45. Family lifecycle refers
to the progress of life through its various stages, which can be classified and
used as a useful method of segmenting markets for such products and services.


Segmentation by reference to customer’s psychographics involves sub-dividing

the market on the basis of how they live rather then on how much they earn. The
maintenance of quality or standard of living is determined by social class and

Social class: There is, of course, a strong correlation between social class and
income. Social class can be used by us in conjunction with age and income to
provide a strong base for targeting of our products

Lifestyle: Lifestyle aspirations influence individual choices about consumption

and buying lifestyle refers to the patterns and modes of living that have been
adopted by people as their approach to life. Our markets segments are formed on
the basis of differences in which products facilitate and improve the lifestyle of
people. In order to identify lifestyle segments, we have to measure consumer’s
interest, activities and opinions. Therefore following are the segments:

a. The conservative consumer

b. The outgoing consumer
c. The price oriented consumer
d. The fashionable consumer

Now, this will vary according to the product type. This can be particularly
advantages to investigate prior to moving to promoting our product.
Understanding this can help us assess the appropriateness of the product
channels and enable us to customize the product according brand image which
the customer will find more attractive.

Behavior segmentation involves dividing people into sub-groups on the basis of
their knowledge, attitudes and use of a product or service. These behavioral
characteristics can be used to analyze customers and group them according to
User status
Usage rate
Buying habits
Motivational factors

User status: The user status of customers makes a big difference to way you
approach them. They can be non-users, ex-users, potential users, first-time users
and regular users of a product or service. Attracting non-users and first time
users would be a challenge which could be met by persistent awareness among
people about internet and our service. As our product is aimed at regular users
might be very cut down, offering instant response and choice because it didn’t
have to worry about losing new customers. Understanding the user status of our
customers therefore is important. It is most likely in the first decade of the
launch; our priority will be attracting regular users or non-users and helping
new users.

Usage rate: Markets can be segmented into light, medium and heavy usage
groups. Heavy use of a product tends to go with greater price sensitivity, or
demands for a higher level of service.

Converting a heavy user into our customer will save on customer acquisition
costs- marketing – and should be a priority. Lots of light users are going to cost
more per head to attract and consequently will deliver poorer margins.

Buying habits: Buying varies by product and within products. Some products
require regular repeat purchasing, while others are bought infrequently. Some
customers will buy regularly, while others only occasionally. Understanding the
customer’s attitude to purchasing our product will help us tailor the process to
suit his or her needs. Evidence is emerging abut some categories of customers
willingness to buy online.

Motivational factors: What people do on the internet reveals what motivates

them. If we able to appreciate what motivates our potential customers we can
attract attention and so have a good chance of eliciting action. Many companies
promote themselves online without the first understanding of who it it is they
are trying to attract and what motivates them.



We have identified our market segment opportunities, we now have to decide
how many and which one to target by evaluating the segments. Segmentation
and targeting help the firm understand not only the characteristics of each of the
segments but also the distinctive excellence that is required for catering to the
specific needs of the consumers in each of them.

Among the 5 patterns of target market selection, Product Specialization is

the one which we would be concentrating on. To elaborate:
As our product is a basic necessity of an individual we are offering our services
to customers at different locations within the city covering the prime locations
where our target customers are situated. The only thing that we expect from our
customers is that they should try our product once. To be specific, our target or
market segmentation is huge. At the launching period would be metro cities and
the urban people. People between the ages of 20-45 with an average income and

Further, our next target market is the group of people who have a previous
category criteria but their lifestyle influences or has a major impact on the
buying habits of the consumer. People who spend minimum 1 hr on washing
clothes, cooking, maintaining themselves, people who like to talk about their
purchases etc are going to be very unique and we would categorize them as
fashionable customers.

Next would be people who have a very fast life like the Global workers who
may be entering their office at 9 a.m. in the morning but don’t know when they
leave the office or do they even leave the office the whole night. These are the
people who want things to come to them, so our product welcomes such people
The next market target is similar to the first one but the only difference is that
these people are single parents or Our product has stringent quality control
measures at each level of processing. The best and our ultimate target market
are the people who are living away from home and need one stop shop for all
there basic needs. The above mentioned target markets do have the purchasing
power because we are focusing at people who have an income below Rs.10000
and above.

Our target market is not restricted to a particular age group or sex but is catering
to different markets with initially one product which is of any variety. But later
on adding to it and supplementing the product whereby we will be diversifying
our products on the demand of customers for such product rises.
This will help us cover the full market gradually as we will be catering to
different market segments with different products. We will also gain mileage as
we were the 1 st one to establish such a concept. This aspect or point will
increase total sales, it might also increase the costs but as we look forward to
gradual and profitable growth rate, the cost factor would be taken into constant
check. For which, proper allocation of resources and positive and favorable
budgeting is a solution to control costs.
Positioning is not what you do to a product. Positioning is what you do to the mind of
the customer with your product.


Understanding the customer need:

During analysis of our customer need we came across that the basic customer
requirement was that they need a product which is harmless (chemical free), is eco-
friendly (personal care with environmental friendly), cost effective & less wastage.

Understanding the current occupant in the minds of a customer for their need:
During analysis no one in the category of harmless or eco friendly positioned brand
were found but many cost effective in different categories like cost effective and for
middle class women(working & non-working) were found.

As now-a-days health and personal care being a very important factor, we are
positioning our product keeping the former in mind. Ranges of products are available
in the market which are more focused on cost, but our strategy brand positioning
targets “Women” (home makers, working women)-health & “eco friendly” .
The reason being as mentioned above that more & more women today focus on
internal as well external health, which includes skin etc. which gets affected largely
due to the use of harmful chemical products. We thus are positioning our brand in this

We have tried to give our best to the project. We have incorporated all the
relevant marketing principles which could be associate with are product and has
made our fictitious product look so realistic that it could be turned into a full-
fledged plan and implemented to offer such a unique service.
We express our gratitude to our Respected Prof. Mrs. Pallavi Mathre. She very
keenly showed interest in our idea and has been our beacon throughout the
project. We were highly motivated by the interest she’s shown in our project.

We have dealt with this project very conscientiously and sincerely. We hope to
keep doing such interesting projects in the future.

Thank you.





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