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Issue 0

The Blue and Gold Bullion of Knowledge, Gears of Time November 2007

Are We Losing the

SMU Culture?
A student shares his thoughts
Sentill Ananthan
It could be said that SMU could be a victim
“If you don’t know where you come from, of her own success.
you don’t know where you are going.”
As SMU grew and evolved to become a
And that is why the latest episode of place that is very desirable for students to
SMUBE’s Campus TV on “SMU Culture” pursue their tertiary education, it is only
hit me. natural for an influx of the “traditional”
high-flying students.
What exactly is the SMU culture? Or is
it too much to expect from an institution By that term, I mean the students who
which has only be around for seven years? are in the top percentile of their JC and
Polytechnic batches, and with them you are
In my opinion, while it takes years for a bound to see a change in the culture.
culture to be established, we very certainly
do have a culture at present albeit one that is The never-ending race
much evolved from the beginning few years A significant number would not see the other
and one that is still rapidly changing. side of SMU or that grades and academic
results are not everything, they would bring
SMU can be likened to young punks blazing with them their culture complete with
a trail of glory in being different and not flawless score sheets.
being just academic-centric.
The most disappointing thing is that as we
Also it was purportedly an institution of bring in the best Singapore has to offer we
family where everyone knew you and you may end up losing more of our vibrancy and
knew everyone. freshness - something that is more than just
the academic spectre.
Nowadays we see in school in a blur of
faces as undergraduates are always rushing The workload in our school is astounding.
A simple comparison with friends in the
It can be assumed that the campus has a lot other two universities strengthens this fact -
to do with the culture. weekly readings, class participation, projects,
presentations and write-ups are all part of
Seniors have commented that back at the the equation.
Bukit Timah Campus, the culture was more
about being relaxed and working smart Put all of that together with the bell curve
instead of hard and much more like a laid and you get a cut-throat system, in which
back campus lifestyle. you must work hard all the way from start to
finish, every second of class to get ahead.
But at this city campus, the culture has Where has the spirit of SMU gone? Or did culture is down to the very aggressive and
shifted towards a mugger-culture. we even have one? successful marketing campaign to attract At the same time, the bell-curve so
I had expected and believed that SMU the top students. discourages one from helping another.
It is a mad rat race in a bid to outdo each would be a place we could call our own but This is because SMU is advertised as the
other when we actually should be enjoying this has sadly been missing. institution for all-rounders and all-rounded Much of this could be attributed of the
and learning the actual process of it all. wannabes. Singapore system, in which we always desire
I recall the first few advertising campaigns of to be the top.
I have been to the Bukit Timah Campus, SMU promoting the diversity, the vibrancy Each year our freshmen, who get the
and I fell in love with the place, not because of the place more than anything else. coveted place in SMU, get the impression Are we all becoming mere slaves to this
of the beauty of being in Orchard without that it is absolutely vital to do anything and never-ending race?
being in Orchard, but more so from the It was about how different our students everything to bulk up their resume.
bond and camaraderie amongst the students were. Let’s look at ourselves and see what we
there, which one could experience in less Remember, it is us who give the freshmen want.
than a day. Now it is all about how many straight A the impression and the image and it us who
students we have in our intake and how choose to conform to the herd. Ultimately we are responsible for our own
well-paid our graduates are and I would actions - not our parents, not our institution
have to say that a lot of our difference in Is this what SMU is about? and not our friends.
Issue 0,Page II
From The Blue and Gold Exco
The Blue and Gold
November 2007

The Birth of the New Voice

The launch of The Blue and Gold
Dear Friends, And with that in mind, The Blue and Gold others could very well be a news snippet Bonuses like these do not come that
was born. that’s happening in the class right next to fortuitously, and we strongly urge everyone
As we cross over into the second half of yours. to take advantage of this.
the term and prepare for our finals, a whole As you browse through your copy of this Additionally, there are columns that
different set of surprises await us; from brand new publication, many unfamiliar We have also chosen to devote a section to serve as a supplement to regular reading
internship offers and exchange programme columns may raise more than just a few showcase the work of our professors outside material such as The Business Times or The
acceptances, to competition winners and eyebrows. of the classroom. Economist.
even mid-term results.
However, every idea that has been included You’ll be interested to find in Higher We will attempt to feature additional
This campus publication, too, is a deviation in The Blue and Gold has been carefully Learning the many research projects and resources spanning all fields of study – from
from school magazines that we have come planned and developed in a manner to external affiliations our academics have that Political Science to Portfolio Management,
to know over the past six years. maximise our intellectual resource, as well truly make them an asset to the school. Statistics to Strategy, and Marketing
as capitalise on the contributions of our to Music: East and West – so that the
Why the change? academics. SMUdge gives you a rundown on school masses will benefit from multiple reading
activities, past and present. recommendations. No chick lit here, we
Early this semester, the newly appointed Our front page will feature the latest promise.
members of the Vié Exco, together with happenings in school with an impact on all Many of the students who matriculated
key officers of SMUSA reflected on the of us. after 2005 are involved in the organization We’ve also introduced a segment on
relevance of the magazine to its readers. and execution of these events, such as photojournalism because sometimes, great
We may not have been in existence to Freshman Orientation and Sports Fiesta, ideas (and embarrassing moments) are best
Is the publication indicative of the level of cover the unveiling of the School of Law or and it would be a great oversight to ignore conveyed through a picture.
sophistication of undergraduates? SMUve, but we certainly will be around for their efforts, or the success of the events. So there you have it – our very first issue
new developments in SMU. of The Blue and Gold. And in order to
Are students intellectually challenged by its The Bulletin Board is perhaps by far the improve, we need your help.
content? The sections to this newspaper have been proudest of our contributions to The Blue
extensively planned as well. and Gold. Drop us your news nuggets, feedback or
Is the material adequately representative of even opinions on school-related affairs at
what SMU undergraduates had to offer? School news is a segment which focuses on The six faculties in SMU may point to a our email,
the goings-on in any of the schools. myriad of ideologies, but underlying news
The answer for all of the above questions binds all the units of our management There are many avenues for exploration that
was a resounding ‘no’. However, if you want to find out who the university intrinsically. we have yet to touch on, and it will be most
new Queen of the ASOC bash is, you may unfortunate to miss out on the great ideas
Moreover, the concept of a publication that be sorely disappointed – this column is Furthermore, how often do we hear of that you may have for subsequent issues.
was meant to cater to the ‘SMU community’ meant to draw attention to new offerings in buzz-words in the news whose concept we
was tremendously skewed toward the Majors, collaborations between the school have absolutely no clue about; words that In the meantime, thank you for picking
undergraduate population. and prominent external organisations, and could very well pop up in class discussion? up this copy of The Blue and Gold, and on
even cross-college activities and academic behalf of the Exco, we hope you enjoy this
In doing so, several key units of the school programmes. This section gives you the low-down on read as a first of many more to come.
are omitted from this classification – the matters that have been making the globe
professors, visitors, prospective students What’s Up @ SMU features a variety of spin, and more: professors specialising in Best Regards,
and support staff. informative articles. those areas have also generously agreed Alicia Ng
to share their opinions and expertise with Managing Director
Some serve as discussion points while you. The Blue and Gold

The Blue and Gold

Tell us
EDITOR-IN-CHIEF Ephraim Loy Suan Je Have an exciting event you want us to cover? Spotted any campus trends recently? Email us
EDITORS Anirban Datta Gupta
Uday Rao
Join us
MARKETING DIRECTOR Cheong En Min Do you have the passion for the written word? Think you can spin up a poetic headline in
seconds? Do you think you can tell stories in a photo? Can you lay a newspaper page like a
ART DIRECTORS Michael Ng Wai Ting pro? We are recruiting! If you are an aspiring writer, photographer or designer and keen to
Oh Zhen Yang Aaron be part of our team, email us at


CONTRIBUTING WRITERS Sentil Anathan To be seen in Singapore Management University’s first (and only) campus thought-
Jeremy Wang provoking newspaper, email us at
Alexis Eu
Debbie Lam


Issue 0,Page III
What’s Up @ SMU
The Blue and Gold
November 2007

Wanderlust Brought
Down To Earth
Demand for foreign language classes shoots sky high
Jeremy Wang Rajan Rishyakaran,a second-year Economics
student feels that he would learn more by
Presently, SMU has 136 overseas exchange learning the language outside of school, and
agreements with universities from all over that it is worth the extra money spent if he
the world. is spending an entire term overseas.

Many of these partnerships are in countries But picking up another language isn’t just
where English is not the primary language of for exchange students.
communication, such as Spain and Japan.

Business Study Missions With more and more MNCs to choose from
This has never proven to be a barrier, with an in the job marketplace, it’s quite likely that
increasing number of SMU undergraduates you’ll be closing a deal in Japan one week

head to the Middle East embarking on these exchanges each term. and meeting German clients the next.

Despite the growing popularity of overseas The inter-connectivity of the world is

A detailed journal of a journey to the East study, a disturbing fact is that the university such that sticking to English may get the
doesn’t seem to offer enough language job done, but it won’t do anything for your
Sentill Ananthan classes to support this trend. network of business contacts.
As preparatory work for this exciting foray
Many a time, we hear of students embarking into the rapidly-developing Middle East, This term, the only European languages on The Government seems to recognise this.

on Business Study Missions (BSMs) to students are required to attend a series of offer are Italian and Spanish.
various destinations - from the common to core seminars which introduce to the myriad
the exotic. of theoretical concepts and ideologies which
are prevalent in the UAE and Bahrain in a Language courses are gernally hot in demand with
But how many of us actually comprehend bid to facilitate a speedy understanding
the sheer enormity of the entire journey of on the critical success factors behind the minimum bids soaring as high as 70 e-dollars in

a BSM? region’s accelerated development.
BOSS 1 alone
BSMs are modules unique to SMU in the Distinguished guests from different
sense that it gives every undergraduate industries in the region will also drop by In his National Day Rally speech this
an opportunity to meet and mingle with the university to deliver speeches and hold Japanese, a traditionally popular course at year, Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong
business delegates and dignitaries in the dialogues with students on the various key SMU, is offered as only one session instead emphasised the need to address language
different countries on a business platform. elements in ensuring business prosperity of two. skills in schools, particularly Malay.

in the Middle East and share personal
On top of all that, despite the Middle Also, the Ministry of Education’s Language
This overseas field trip is the highlight of our BSM East being the new hotspot for exchange Centre is making plans to offer Arabic as a
opportunities, the school doesn’t even offer third language next year.
module which is a potent mixture of intensive any courses in the relevant languages.
It’s not just like an outcry to demand that
seminars, workshops, networking sessions and Language courses are generally in hot the administration give in to every whim

demand with minimum bids soaring as high and fancy of students.
guest speaker appearances as 70 e-dollars in BOSS 1 alone.
If we had our way all modules would
It gives students valuable insight into how experiences and anecdotes. And as long as I’ve been here, demand for have either a pass or fail and there would
the business culture works in a particular these courses has never wavered. be modules on card sharking and pool
country and how we can learn from others. The major goal is to arm students with a hustling.
practical understanding of the situation. The question we ought to be asking is why
“It should prove to be a fun, educational the school is not forthcoming in offering But it is only fair that if the school’s ultimate
and thought-provoking cultural exchange,” As part of the course requirement, students support for those who wish to embrace the aim is for every other student to undergo at
quips Roshni Prabhu, a fourth-year business are expected to do two projects to enhance available opportunities to go overseas but least one overseas experience, then more
student, when asked why she would go for of educational journey. lack the fundamental language skills. should be done to equip students with the
a BSM. necessary survival tools, like a rudimentary
In the first project, groups would be If you’re going on exchange and the language understanding of the language.
Leveraging on a successful initial foray by expected to analyse socio-cultural settings you need to learn is not offered in school,
Professor Caroline Yeoh and her team last and economic conditions in UAE and the alternatives are costly. Furthermore, there are some modules, in
April with BSM Middle East, the second Bahrain – both successful business models comparison to language classes and other
team has begun their preparations for their - or look into aspects of entrepreneurship A comparable language course conducted by GE (Arts) modules, that do not enjoy as
trip in April 2008. and entrepreneurial opportunities. a commercial centre can easily set you back much popularity.
by a couple of hundred dollars – no small
This overseas field trip is the highlight of our The objective is to make the students aware sum for someone who’s already spending Perhaps the powers-that-be should consider
BSM module which is a potent mixture of of the diverse nature of the two countries thousands on an exchange programme. re-examining the courses on offer - they
intensive seminars, workshops, networking and impress upon them the wealth of are likely to find one or two courses that no
sessions and guest speaker appearances. business and employment opportunities in Surely, one can take the self-study route and one really gives a hoot about (compulsory
Bahrain and UAE. pick up a dictionary at Booklink but it’s a lot courses nonwithstanding, of course).
The eight-day long programme, which has more effort for fewer gains.
been put together from the experiences A major project will focus on the We’re all set to head out into the brave new
and networking done by the inaugural internationalisation of Singapore companies You probably wouldn’t even learn enough to world. We’ve been packaged nicely into our
batch, includes meetings and networking into UAE and Bahrain with the teams being get by in a foreign land anyway. skirts and suits. We’ve been encouraged to
dinners with UAE government officials expected to analyse the implications of speak up and be heard. But what good is all
and diplomats, site visits to very reputable contextual knowledge on the actual practice However for some, it doesn’t matter whether that if we’re labeled “For English-speaking
real-estate establishments and major of business. the language is offered in SMU or not. Regions Only”?
development projects.
Issue 0,Page IV
What’s Up @ SMU
The Blue and Gold
November 2007

MTV ups cool factor in Photojournalism

research tie-up
Learning about research in the real world
Ephraim Loy And the top teams with the best insights get
cool prizes too.
Student-industry collaborations have just
been upped in the cool factor. Members from the winning teams will each
be given invites to the MTV Asia Awards in
Studying youth behaviour in creating, Singapore next year.
sharing and consuming digital content are
what a group of 30 students are doing in a The element of having real-life clients is not
project for MTV Networks Asia – by no new.
means a leader in creative and intriguing
content. It is the third time a real-life client is roped
in according to Prof Chong.

Clients are carefully picked on the basis of

their willingness and deep interest in the
learning development of SMU students.

The findings from all teams will be brought

in-house and shared with all internal Sailing takes a splash
stakeholders said Mr Nas Kassim, 
Media The 10th Western Circuit Sailing Regatta set sail over three weekends in Au-
Planning Manager, 
MTV Networks Asia. gust. Some 50 boats competed in Singapore’s largest keelboat sailing regatta
with waves of fun as SMU undergraduates injected vibrancy and enthusiasm
“Elements that fit MTV’s overall strategy in the first-ever collaboration with Raffles Marina. A Memorandum of Agree-
moving forward, and are realistically ment was also signed between Raffles Marina and SMU. This will allow the
actionable, will be adapted accordingly. SMU Sailing Club use of Raffles Marina’s boats and clubhouse facilities to pro-
mote a sailing culture within the SMU community through the SMU S.A.I.L
“We would like the findings to give us a programme and training.
clearer indication of the current and future
Mr Nas Kassim, 
Media Planning digital landscape as well as how we can best
MTV Networks Asia take advantage of it.”

“ I wanted communication research to come alive

for my students, and there is no better way to
do that than pair them with a committed client
who gives them a real-life problem to solve.

-Practice Assistant Professor Mark Chong

They will be discovering how Chinese,

Indian and Singaporean youth relate to On the other hand, another group are dealing
social media content using various research with a different pack of cards – research on
methods – as fulfillment of their Foundations what global warming means to youth in
in Communication Research course. Singapore using visual ethnography.

Practice Assistant Professor Mark Chong Findings from this group could help Chevron
wanted to bring a new dimension into the develop insight-based communication that
classroom through such a partnership. brings about important behavioral changes.
An exciting new start
“I wanted communication research to The ultimate aim is for the students to SMU welcomed its first batch of 117 law students during Convocation 2007.
come alive for my students, and there is no appreciate the excitement and usefulness of Held on 18 August 2007, some 1,550 undergraduates were admitted this year.
better way to do that than pair them with a qualitative research. At the ceremony, some 200 scholarships were given out including the newly
committed client who gives them a real-life introduced SMU Study Award.
problem to solve.” “I hope the experience will give them a
more intimate understanding of the crucial
Said Lim Zhimin, a third-year business role research can play in strategic decision
student: “It is interesting and gives an making.”
insight about what it is like to do research
in the real world.” Learning beyond the classroom has always
been a key focus and through these projects,
“Field work is more interesting,” added his both Chevron and MTV show their belief
team mate Jonathan Wong, a third-year that SMU student researchers can help
Business student. discover valuable insights into youth-related
Issue 0,Page V
What’s Up @ SMU
The Blue and Gold
November 2007

Snippets of SMU student life The Viability of Student Leadership

In it just for the fame and glory?
Alexis Eu But apart from that, the crux of the issue is
the underlying issue of the purpose of being
Student leadership, a topic that is close to a student leader in a club.
our hearts, is a double-edged sword.
Another ex-student leader, however, who
Apart from the ad-hoc events like declined to be named, commented that
Convocation, Patron’s Day and the yearly there are many student leaders “who step
sporting hits another area that students can up to the positions simply because they
hone their leadership skills lies in clubs and want something that will look good on
societies. their resumes, but once they land the
positions, they are lacklustre towards their
However, increasingly, the practicality of responsibilities”.
student leadership has been thrown into
question, with many having doubts as to Concerned with whether this observation
whether student leadership is able to achieve was true, I asked other students if they were
what it purports to. satisfied with their student leaders or if they
felt that their student leaders had personal
Clubs and societies in SMU are organised hidden agendas and did not contribute
and managed by student leaders, who enough towards their responsibilities.

have generally landed themselves in these General consensus points towards the view

Peace for Myanmar Ultimately, student leadership is only viable

SMU’s Myanmar student community garnered support and created awareness
of the violence against protests in Myanmar by distributing red ribbons, to the extent that the student is motivated and
armbands and flyers amongst their peers. A peace pillar, initially designed to
mark the United Nations’ International Day of Peace, was modified to convey committed towards his duties and responsibilities

their thoughts about those who lost their lives in the recent protests.
to the club.
positions through elections by the other that such uncommitted leaders certainly do
members. exist, but are unlikely to be re-elected once
the club members become aware of their
Once in these positions, they are expected incompetence.
to develop their leadership skills and grow
into figures capable of leading the clubs into Ultimately, student leadership is only viable
better directions. to the extent that the student is motivated
and committed towards his duties and
The roles of the student leaders differ across responsibilities to the club.
the various clubs and societies.
While an enthusiastic and committed
Generally, they are expected to organise student leader will take appropriate actions
the club activities and make decisions that necessary to advance the direction of his club
will enable to club to grow in its desired and realise his leadership potential along the
direction. way, there have been cases of abuses where
uncommitted student leaders have been
In some clubs, especially sports groups, elected.
student leaders have the extra privilege of
being sent for specialty courses that are Even though this inadequacy will eventually
relevant to their CCA. be found out, this adds an additional
roadblock to the progression of the club.
Becoming a student leader is also a
designation that allows one to beef up his So while it seems that student leadership is
resume. viable and should be encouraged, members
should be careful and exercise more critical
Consequently, it is obvious that student judgement when electing their leaders in
leaders are being put in a position of great order to minimise the cases of abuses.
responsibility and privilege.
Hey Gorgeous! Editor’s note: I once overheard a conversation
It was a celeb-filled day as MediaCorp’s Hey Gorgeous crew made its routine Mr Calvin Thng, who recently stepped in the library where some students wanted to
visit to SMU. Apart from checking out the good-looking guys and pretty babes, down as Chairman of the SMU Climbing get into leadership positions for the prestige and
the afternoon was topped with a showcase of SMU contestants and their tal- Club, maintains that during his tenure, he the direct access to people in the various school
ents. Oh Jin Rui and Wu Jia Hui emerged tops and will represent SMU in the has “been able to develop leadership skills offices to get an edge over students.
finals in November. and is proud of what he has achieved with
the club”. Surprisingly, the student mentioned being able
to receive special treatment from staff in offices
From personal experience, he is convinced in SMU with regard to exchange programmes
that student leadership is a good avenue for and the like.
students to become more involved in the
school community, and also allows them
to develop management skills which they
otherwise would not have.
Issue 0,Page VI

The Blue and Gold What’s Up @ SMU

November 2007

Singapore announces plans for a

fourth university
What sets SMU apart?
Ephraim Loy There have been cases where university
graduates found it difficult to get employed.
When plans for the fourth state-funded
university were announced during the More graduates landing in the workforce
Prime Minister’s National Day Rally this may not be much of a good thing then.
year, I felt excited for students who have yet
to enter their undergraduate phase of study. But should the increased competition be a
source of worry for SMU students then?
For them, this would mean more choices
as a newly formed government panel sets What currently sets SMU apart from the
out to examine a new university model for other institutions is not its broad-based
Singapore. learning since other local universities also
allow diversification in the choice of modules
A tech university, liberal arts college and and degree choices.
specialised-degree institution are some of
the possibilities. In terms of our curriculum,class participation,
a pedagogy that SMU preaches, has received
One could read the forum pages of local brickbats from students on exchange from
papers to have an indication of the demand local institutions.
for another state-funded university.
Citing the “no action talk only” mentality,
From what has been written to date, signs they say that SMU students are good at

seem to show that there is indeed a demand talking shop and do pretty well at that too.
for university places.
But on the contrary, employers add
Top scorers are unable to enter into their What currently sets SMU apart from the other that SMU graduates are articulate, can
course of choice and head overseas. present themselves very well and are good
institutions is not its broad-based learning since communicators.
This begs the question whether the one true
solution is to increase the number of local other local universities also allow diversification Perhaps another difference not related
university places. to curriculum is SMU’s strong emphasis
in the choice of modules and degree choices.

on corporate social responsibility and
At a time where spirits have been dampened community service.
by the pull out of UNSW from Singapore
because of the lack of foresight, it worries the number has snowballed to 46,479 in the average of 10,027 over the last six years. But the main draw would still be the city
me if a scenario of such magnitude would last 10 years (an increase of 55%). campus lifestyle that is uniquely SMU.
plague us once again should the sums on the A source of concern then would be whether
demand be over-predicted. And the figures are set to swell by an this supply would likely to meet demands of Unless of course the fourth state-funded
additional 2,000 places a year say the a growing economy. university finds its humble abode in the
Enrolment figures in local universities have government. heart of the city.
showed an increasing trend over the years. If it does, well and good, but should there be
Further, graduation rates in 2006 hit a high an oversupply, competition for jobs among
With an enrolment of just 29,855 in 1996, note of 10,428 in the last year – with an graduates gets intense.

No Water By David Lau

Issue 0,Page VII
What’s Up @ SMU
The Blue and Gold
November 2007

SMU’s Centre for

Counseling & Guidance
Get in sync with your life today
Alicia Ng Final-year accountancy student Alexis Eu Eric Tan, a third-year information systems What if the issues are beyond the scope of
points out that some courses have too many student, is feeling the competition. the SMU Peer Helpers to handle?
Since its inception in 2006, SMU’s Centre projects.
for Counseling & Guidance (CCG) has “Everyone around me is too caught up with With the permission of the student, the case
been a modest department with minimal Moreover, in an attempt for students to getting A’s, and even working on a project is referred to either one of the counselors at
publicity to its name. express their ideas freely, “some lecturers are with them is not easy. CCG.
not clear with instructions and expectations
This is all about to change. for projects… and this inevitably causes “Just take a look around the campus and you There have also been referrals to professional
more stress for us.” will know what I mean,” he adds. medical practitioners and other professionals
This semester, the CCG is stepping out in the helping profession who have had
to actively market its services to the SMU It may be her last semester in school, but the This is one of the key areas that the CCG more expertise with respect to particular
community. Why now? workload does not show any signs of easing targets – how to strike a healthy balance issues (with client’s permission), but such
up. between academic demands and personal occurrences are quite rare.
The counselors at the Centre, Mr Timothy interests.
Hsi and Ms Kuek Poh Tian observe the And there are other reasons for studies- Adjustment problems also arise frequently
growing trend of students who approach the related troubles too. One important point brought up was that in the cases they have seen.
Centre for help. counselors are trained not to give advice.
For instance, courses that require intensive While it used to be more prevalent among
Says Ms Kuek, “Many students have the reading and qualitative analyses such as Clients have to learn how to take ownership international students, the CCG has seen a
preconceived notion that counseling services Business Law may come easier for local of their issues while the counselors are there number of local students who have difficulties
are strictly for people with serious emotional students. to help the clients help themselves. in making the transition from junior college
issues, but that is hardly the case.” or polytechnic to varsity culture.
Unfortunately for some of the foreign Sometimes, students may feel more
Most of the cases she oversees revolve undergraduates, grasping the nature of the comfortable talking to their peers. Additionally, not many realise the challenges
around academic issues, adjustment issues subject is twice the challenge since English involved in making the change from teen-
and relationship pitfalls. is not their first language. This is when you may like to approach the hood to early adult years.
SMU Peer Helpers at the SMU Wellness
Academic struggles can arise from a variety Expectations to out-perform one’s peers also Centre. The SMU Peer Helpers are trained As with all counseling cases, the strictest of
of sources. impose negative pressure on students. in basic counseling skills and understand confidentiality is maintained in accordance
the importance of confidentiality. with the code of ethics of the Singapore
Association for Counseling.

So what are the aims of the CCG, and how

can the rest of SMU benefit from these

“The goal is to create a network of support

within SMU community, beginning with
the SMU Peer Helpers.

“From there, the support keeps growing as

we get more people engaged in what we do,”
explains Mr Hsi.

And the network is growing.

Every term, about 70 undergraduates take

module MGMT226 – a course that is
designed to inculcate skills such as active
listening and facilitation.

The number of SMU Peer Helpers has

increased to 60 this year, and the CCG
also provides referrals to other departments
such as the Centre for Student Financial
Assistance and the Office of Career Services
(OCS) who are better equipped to handle
cases on Financial Assistance and Career

Is this enough to rid the stereotype of counseling,

or should the CCG try something else instead?
Let us know – send your opinions in to
Issue 0,Page VIII
Higher Learning
The Blue and Gold
November 2007

UOB-SMU Understanding how

Entrepreneurship Alliance students learn
Real world, real consequences An offering from TE@CTL
Debbie Lam Projects are available throughout the year, Alicia Ng learning approach would suggest that
during school term and vacation. students can take a structured initiative
If you have been checking your emails, you Many of us know her as the bubbly professor in preparing for classes and engaging in
must recognise the term “UOB-SMU”. Students are selected based on their majors for Introductory Economics. independent self-study.
and priority will be given to Year 3 and 4
For those of you looking for an internship students who would have completed some But aside from her classes every semester, This indirectly makes class discussion more
or looking for a job you can take on during courses of their majors by then. one may be pleasantly surprised to find productive, hence further suggesting that the
the school term, turn your attention to the out that she is also the Co-Director of the role of educators is to “provide the scaffold
UOB-SMU Entrepreneurship Alliance. These projects are funded by the Alliance and Centre for Teaching & Learning (CTL) for students to learn proactively.”
each approved project will receive a subsidy right here in SMU.
The Alliance offers very challenging and of up to 90% of the cost of the project. Together with her colleague, Ms Lee
interesting job scopes, giving interns real Practice Assistant Professor Tan Swee Liang Siang Hwee, Manager for TE@CTL, and
experiences as student consultants to The SME is only required to fork out 10% - kindly agreed to share what she has been assistance from CIT, they have spent the past
companies in the areas of market research, 30% of the total bill. working on over the summer. few months working in stages to get VARK
human resources, business planning and technically operational for the students.
others. These projects are embedded in the real The Teaching Excellence unit at the CTL,
world, and are real in their consequences. or the TE@CTL, has acquired a learning- Students are invited to try out the application
This SME consulting programme offers profile tool called VARK, which is an on OASIS.
SMU students hands-on experiences With a basic salary of about $500 per month, acronym for four basic modes of learning:
working with local small and medium and a possible incentive bonus of $200, the Visual, Aural, Read/Write and Kinesthetic. As a separate questionnaire must be
enterprises (SMEs). programme far from shortchanges you, and completed per module, this software also
may even be a much better internship ‘deal’ Consisting of a simple questionnaire, this helps to segregate responses by class,
While business projects mandated by SMEs than others. profiling tool is particularly advantageous for hence allowing professors to observe
are undertaken by SMU teams, they are students to properly identify their learning the predominant learning style of their
managed very much independently as each Apart from the real experience that the preference, in addition to understanding students.
team is guided by a project adviser who is UOB-SMU Entrepreneurship Alliance has more of other learning strategies.
either a faculty member of SMU or an to offer, it is one of the best places to get If you would like to try VARK, visit http://
affiliate of the Alliance. your hands dirty while learning. For instance, a student who takes in
information through observation (i.e. Visual) and click on the link to the VARK tool on
as opposed to listening (i.e. Aural) will find OASIS.
it more useful to learn from visual aids such
as graphs or pictorial explanations. For more information on VARK, please visit
the official website for VARK at http://www.
Furthermore, he is able to identify the areas
of improvement in learning modes, and
then compensate for the ‘weakness’ through The Teaching
a variety of ways – through engaging in Excellence unit
group discussions outside of class, or even at the CTL, or
preparing self-made notes. the TE@CTL,
oversees a variety
Similarly, kinesthetic students will enjoy of programmes
interactive class activities such as role-play that are aimed at enhancing teaching
more so than a student who is more receptive effectiveness.
to reading and writing instead.
Some of the services that the TE@CTL
In fact, individuals could possibly have more provides include a support network for
than one preferred learning mode. faculty, and projects targeted at improving
Does being multi-modal or uni-modal the standards of bringing about teaching
impact the learning process? excellence at in SMU.

There has been little evidence to suggest The TE@CTL also provides consultation
the implications of having more than one services in videotaping of classes and
learning preference, especially since VARK observation of protocols, student
is structured to assist users in finding a evaluation of teaching, focus groups and
Types of assistance provided by the SMU Interested parties may contact the Alliance balance across all learning modes. understanding how students learn (of
Student Consultant teams: at which the VARK tool can be found)
However, it is noted that males tend to be
Business planning The UOB-SMU Entrepreneurship Alliance more kinesthetic whereas females prefer In addition, the TE@CTL administers the
Market research Centre is located at #B1-33, Concourse reading and writing. SMU Annual Teaching Excellence Awards
Evaluation of business opportunities Level, School of Accountancy/School of for the categories of Most Inspiring
Organisation climate analysis Law. Prof. Tan emphasizes the usefulness of Teacher, Most Innovative Teacher, Most
Business research the tool because of the independent role Promising Teacher and Most Outstanding
Industry studies Special thanks to Prof. Ang Ser Keng for students play in determining their ideal Adjunct.
International business research assisting in this article. learning style.
More information on the TE@CTL can
Furthermore, knowing one’s preferred be found on their website at http://www.
Issue 0,Page IX
Bulletin Board
The Blue and Gold
November 2007

Sub-prime: What is it and Minority Rising:

what you should know Is America ready?
The lowdown on the recent banking crisis Why you should know who Bobby Jindal is
Alicia Ng tThe Fed has reduced key lending rates by Uday Rao
0.5% to 4.75% on 18 September.
‘Sub-prime’ has been the new buzzword As of 20 October, Bobby Jindal was voted This has led to some negative tactics taken
rocking the financial markets of late. This was followed by another quarter percent to become the next Governor elect of by some universities.
cut to 4.5% on 31 October. Louisiana.
Financial downturns in the US were As reported in articles, it was mentioned
the result of high-risk loans by banks to Whatever the case, financial institutions There are quite a few special achievements that UC Berkley employ a higher admission
customers. alike are resorting to alternative measures to that have come along with this election. requirement level for Asian Americans.
hedge again impending declines.
Normally, this would not be a precursor for Bobby Jindal is the youngest Governor elect No doubt UC Berkley is an individual case of
a market crunch, unless the borrowers did For now, Asia may be the safe haven from at the age of 36. high profile, would we see the same reception
not have good credit. sub-prime scares. towards Asian American politicians?
More importantly he has achieved to become
This was particularly prevalent across Or are we? Nomura Bank, one of Japan’s the first Asian American in modern era to The general consensus is that America is
mortgage lending practices in America. largest banks, has taken a loss of $621 million hold the title of Governor elect especially in a land made up of immigrants and there
on write – downs of residential mortgages. the Southern State of Louisiana, which is wouldn’t be such a severe racial backlash as
An overwhelming default rate ensued, and deemed to be very conservative. such.
the sub-prime mortgage lending crisis Furthermore, the Hong Kong dollar is
threatens a market recession. pegged to the declining US dollar. Born in America, son to Indian Immigrants Furthermore, non-whites have taken up
Bobby Jindal studied at Brown University many key posts with no reported racial
As a result, major banks such as Citigroup Throw in the cut rate by the Fed, and while majoring in Biology and Public Policy. issues – most notably Col Colin Powell,
and JPMorgan Chase started to borrow American markets become rosy (for a while), Condoleezza Rice and Antonio Ramon
from the US Federal Reserve, or the Fed. this threatens expansionary consequences After graduating he persuaded further Villaraigosa who is the Mayor of the City
for Hong Kong. studies at Oxford in the field of Political of Los Angeles.
That wasn’t enough to keep things afloat. Science as a Rhodes Scholar.
On the flipside, Asia may be what the rest of Many would even state that having more
Up to now, numerous financial institutions the world needs in this fledgling market. He went on to work later on at Mckinsey & Asian Americans, Hispanics and Blacks as
are experiencing major losses in the third Company. part of the political make up would improve
quarter, with many firms firing staff and Prominent US securities firm, Bear Stearns, political relationships with many countries
closing down specific operating units. was hit hardest with a reduced third quarter The rise of Bobby Jindal from relative especially with the rise to dominance of
net income and the collapse of two hedge obscurity to become Republic Governor Asia and emergence of Latin America and
Bank of America registered a 32% decline funds controlled by its fund management elect of Louisiana is the first of the wave of Africa.
in earnings and Merrill Lynch has written unit. Individuals with Asian roots that will be ever
down approximately $8 billion in mortgage- present in the American Political scene. Politicians of the above mentioned
backed securities. One factor contributing to its higher backgrounds would find common linkages
exposure to the sub-prime turbulence was This is a big and brave frontier that America in multiple areas and would have an accurate
This has led to Stan O’Neal stepping down its predominant presence in the US. must embrace with acceptance. understanding of its fellow delegates.
from his position as CEO and Chairman.
It has sought to Asia to resurrect its business It is a known fact that for the past two It sounds like a better proposition than
The US isn’t just the only ones exposed to prowess. decades, Asian Americans have been the having the good ol’ American steamroller-
this crisis. beacon of academic success at all levels of esque attitude, which we all are exposed to.
Recently Bear Sterns struck a landmark deal education.
In September, Northern Rock, the 5th with China’s largest listed brokerage, Citic

7 6 5 4
largest mortgage-lender in Britain, had to Securities.
be rescued by the Bank of England.
Both the companies have decided to invest

Worried customers surged to its branches $1 billion in each other as part of a strategic
and an estimated £1 billion worth of alliance that will also set up an Asian
withdrawals was made in one day. investment banking joint venture.

More recently, the Chairman of Northern

Rock has also stepped down.
With Asia being the interest of many
investors, it may be the ideal tonic for the
1 3 4 8
Investment firms have also laid off
employees and, as in the case of Lehman
sub prime mess in terms of an alternative
venue for investments. 5 6 7
Brothers, closed off its sub-prime unit BNC Due to constant re-packaging and selling
Mortgage LLC, laying off in excess of 1,000 of mortgage backed securities, it is actually
employees and absorbing more than US$50 difficult to pin down how big the sub-prime
million in charges. problem is.
6 5 4
7 3 2 9
Furthermore, plunging stock indices and a It makes it equally difficult for banks to
decline in consumer confidence has caused measure their financial involvement.
price inflation.

No doubt, many banks have written down
What has been done to alleviate these losses due to the sub prime fiasco, we are
economic conditions? seeing same banks booking further losses or
even bigger losses than the public expected.
3 4 5 6
Issue 0,Page X
Bulletin Board
The Blue and Gold
November 2007

The Last Tycoons:

The Secret History of Lazard Frères & Co.
A definite read in the long line of investment banking books available
Uday Rao The book goes on to describe the mystique will immerse you into one of the titans of
and reputation of the “Great Men” who investment banking.
The Last Tycoons by William D Cohan is an worked there. These “Great Men” made The Last Tycoons is a tale of vaulting
insightful look into the world of investment unimaginable profits, social cachet, and ambitions, whispered advice, worldly
banking titans Lazard. outsised influence in the halls of power. mistresses, fabulous art collections, and
enormous wealth - a story of high drama in
Converted from a dry goods store to private William D. Cohan, takes the reader into the the world of high finance.
partnership to a diversified, publicly traded mysterious and secretive world of Lazard
company in 2005, it was the last great and presents a compelling portrait of Wall The Last Tycoons is the winner of the
American investment bank to do so. Street through the tumultuous history of 2007 Financial Times and Goldman Sachs
this exalted and fascinating company. Business Book of the Year Award.
Wall Street investment banks move trillions
of dollars a year and pay their executives in Cohan reenacts with great detail the
the millions of dollars. explosive feuds between Felix Rohatyn and
Steve Rattner, superstar investment bankers
But even among the most respectable firms, and between the men who controlled
Lazard. stood in a class apart from the rest. Lazard,
Discretion, secrecy, and subtle strategy were
its weapons of choice. For those budding Investment Bankers
among us, this is a must read book that
Issue 0,Page XI
The Blue and Gold
November 2007

An Eventful Term So Far

Anirban Datta Gupta files this report on the events
that celebrate the spirit and culture of SMU
Street Soccer, Floor Ball, a new variation of
Frisbee and Volleyball.

An Inter-CCA Jousting Competition and

other peripheral events such as rodeo bull
were some of the attractions as well.

It captured the vibrancy and essence of

student life in SMU, as everyone had a great
time, played hard, and definitely managed to
make school their playground.

International Peace Day

The UN designated International Day of
Peace on 21 September was recognised by
the SMU community with great nobility
and spirit.

The event was inaugurated by of the

customary Peace Ceremony, where
international students recited the peace
As the term draws to a close and as project For those who were new to this country, this pledge in their respective native languages,
submission deadlines and presentations was a perfect way to get initiated into the and by observing a one-minute silence
loom over our heads, let’s take a moment to culture here. for those who are in the midst of turmoil
take a look back at the plethora of events throughout the world.
that have happened this term. Even though the games were approached No description of this year’s peace day
with the motive to win, the most important This year, a benevolent gesture on the part would be complete without mentioning
Freshman Team Building Camp takeaway was the strong friendships that of the SMU community was a 24-hour fast the fabulous alteration of ten pillars at the
This event, which serves as an introduction were forged. for world peace, which culminated on Peace first level of Li Ka Shing library to the now
to SMU life, was bigger than ever this year. Day. magnificent “Peace Pillars”.
It was a transition into the new semester
1400 freshmen were divided into four runs, and in tune with the facets of student life “Is Peace in Singapore blinding us to Two weeks of hard work by some 60 students
with the runs being conducted within the at SMU. Social Injustice?” was the title of a forum resulted in works of art which represented
period of end July to mid August. conducted after the breaking of the fast, with multifarious conceptions of peace, ranging
EVE - ACF Nite distinguished panelists including famous from doves, peace symbols, war posters,
The camp was held amidst the sun and sand Conducted by the Arts and Cultural proponent of anti-slavery, Bridget Lew, bandages, blossoms, and national flags.
of Outward Bound East Coast. Fraternity (ACF) on 7 September, EVE Non-Constituency Member of Parliament
was an event to commemorate the efforts and Worker’s Party Chairman Sylvia Lim One cannot take a walk through campus,
There were many team-based events of ACF members, whose consistent and and prominent blogger Mr Brown. without stopping to gaze at the powerful
throughout the 3-day, 2-night camp which valuable contributions personify the spirit beauty of these structures.
emphasised the SMU CIRCLE values - of the fraternity. The discussion revolved around important
Commitment, Integrity, Responsibility, This event was a chance for members to issues such as human rights and equality in This year’s Peace Day celebrations definitely
Collegiality, Leadership and Excellence. intermingle and familiarise themselves the aftermath of tumultuous times. struck a chord and made everyone realise
with each other, cultivate strong bonds that that world peace is a paradise we can reach, if
will help them work together towards the Wrapping up the series of events was the we all work together and spread the message
common cause of the fraternity. screening of Feet Unbound, the work of of brotherhood.
local filmmaker Ng Khee Jin.
The venue for this occasion was the scenic
Wild Oats bar on Mount Emily.

The night featured performances by SMU

Chamber Choir, and InDanCity.

Sports Fiesta
Since its inception in 2005, Sports Fiesta
has been a platform for sports enthusiasts
and newbies alike to showcase their skills,
and compete with each other in the spirit
of sports.

This annual event conducted by the SMU

Sports Union was held on 28 September
2007. This year the organisers positioned
Sports Fiesta as a carnival like celebration
which allowed SMU students to take a
break from their intense workload.

Campus Green played host to Dodge Ball,

Issue 0,Page XII
SA’s Message
The Blue and Gold
November 2007

What’s up with the SAC?

Reflecting on the soon-to-be-gone term
This year, like every other year, eight students This term, the outgoing committee has help ensure that the collected revenue will The SAC has also directed the massive
take up the challenge to run for office to contributed with their dealings with CIT be channeled back into school activities to cleanup and major revamp of the CCA
serve the student community. (improving spam mail control, constantly benefit student life. room.
managing additional bandwidth, printing
Enter the SMU Students’ Association services) and OFM (providing dusters in The committee is also working with the Do also look out for the “What’s Your
Executive Committee. GSRs, increasing power points in open areas school administration to review the current Problem Forum” – an initiative during
and benches, in the process of requesting Student Financial Procedures and to draft SMUSA week to understand students’
Well, many a time, we don’t get to see what 24/7 air-conditioning). Standard Operating Procedures governing complaints.
they do behind the scenes but certainly these fund release (from administration, handover – EPHRAIM LOY
help the student community in one way or The Financial Committee has also procedures and club and societies’ reserve
the other. introduced SMUSA receipts to track the guidelines) to help facilitate handovers
revenues earned by clubs and societies to within the student body.

The Things We Think About But Do Not Say

Thoughts from the SA president
It is difficult to be honest with people that I I remember the sense of adventure that I think about the direction set by the I think that while most of us do not talk
have not met yet. enthused our SMU seniors to get involved university administration and if it helps openly about it, we still care.
in all sorts of different things. our student community. We receive a lot of
However, I realised that I did not want to financial and staff support for our pursuits Most of all, I think of the reasons why I
belong to a community that I was not ready I think about us really daring to do things outside the classroom. However, we have would not talk about these things that I
to be honest with. and seeking forgiveness later rather than lost many slots within the week, previously think about and I realised that there were
permission. allocated for our co-curricular interests, to no good reasons why I should not talk about
So, allow me to be honest and to share some make-up lessons. Are students becoming them.
of the things that I think about but do not I think about doing less and doing better. more inefficient or is the workload
say. increasing? So, I hope you talk about them too.
I think that while we should always be
I think about the kind of community we optimistic about what we can achieve, we I think about the kind of experience that I Yours Sincerely,
should be. It is more fulfilling if we all should not condemn ourselves to never expect to come away with after being part of Ahmad Firdaus
belong to a bigger picture, a family. achieving enough. this community. Students’ Association Council

I think we can be a tight-knit community I think about being able to talk about I think it should not just be about getting a
with a strong school spirit and camaraderie anything with anyone in my community. I job. We should be learning something about
if we all worked towards it together. We believe that we need to communicate with ourselves that we would not be able to learn
should offer support and friendship, and one another with honesty and enthusiasm. from anywhere else.
leave no one behind. There should not be any barriers between
any SMU student. Such an open culture I think about how many in our community
I think about a sense of daring to experiment. helps us build spirit. still think about these things.

The 4th Student’s Association Council

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