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Section Year Dates Content coverage Lesson by lesson Linked resources

1.1: 1
Healthy, outcomes
Topic Term Septemb The three categories 1+ 2 To be able to explain what Power point- 111- taking part
1.1.1: 1 Wk er- of a healthy, active constitutes a healthy, active Worksheet 1: Positive effects of exercise,
Healthy, 2-4 October lifestyle. lifestyle. Level A
active The benefits of taking To be able to classify the
3 Worksheet 1: Positive effects of exercise,
lifestyles part in physical benefits of a healthy, active Level B
and how activity. lifestyle as social, physical or
they could Influences on your Extension 1: Positive benefits of physical
mental activity
benefit you healthy, active
lifestyle. Extension 2: Different reasons for choosing
physical activity
Extension 3: A survey on reasons for
participation in physical activity
4+5 To be able to correctly classify
the benefits into the three
main categories.
To be able to identify the six
distinct benefits
Topic October Opportunities for 6 To be able to explain and PowerPoint- 112a- influences
1.1.2: Wk 5 getting involved in understand the influences on Worksheet 1: Parents, teachers and peers,
Influences sport- current people to participate in PE. Level A
on your initiatives Worksheet 1: Parents, teachers and peers,
healthy, The sports Level B
active participation Worksheet 2: Social reasons affecting
lifestyle pyramid. participation, Level A
Worksheet 2: Social reasons affecting
participation, Level B
Worksheet 3: Joining a club, Level A
Worksheet 3: Joining a club, Level B
PowerPoint- 112b-media
Worksheet 4: Terrestrial and subscription
television, Level A
Worksheet 4: Terrestrial and subscription
television, Level B
Worksheet 5: Experience different ways to
enjoy sport, Level A
Worksheet 5: Experience different ways to
enjoy sport, Level B
Homework 1: Female role models
Homework 2: Men and sport
Extension 2: Joining a sports club
Extension 3: Different roles in sport: clubs and
7+8 To be able to explain a Powerpoint-112c- opportunities
number of initiatives to get
and keep people involved in
9 To be able to explain the Extension 1: The sports participation pyramid
sports pyramid
Topic Novembe Exercise and fitness 10+ To be able to clearly PowerPoint- 113a health fitness and exercise
1.1.3: Wk r- — health-related 11 understand the aspects of Extension 1: Health-related exercise and
Exercise 6-10 Christma exercise- understand health-related fitness and sports
and fitness s the aspects of health- know how they relate.
as part of related fitness and 12+ Exercise and fitness — health- Power point- 113b health related exercise
your know how they relate 13 related exercise- relate with Worksheet 1: Sporting activities and health-
healthy, Exercise and fitness particular sporting role related exercise, Level A
active — health-related models Worksheet 1: Sporting activities and health-
lifestyle exercise- relate with related exercise, Level B
particular sporting Extension 2: Health-related exercise
role models components
Exercise and fitness 14+ To be able to identify the PowerPoint- 113c skill related exercise
— skill-related 15 importance of each of the Worksheet 2: Components of skill-related
fitness.- to different skill-related components to fitness, Level A
physical activities different physical activities. Worksheet 2: Components of skill-related
Exercise and fitness fitness, Level B
— skill-related 16 To be able to identify the Worksheet 3: Skilled performance, Level A
fitness.- related importance of each of the Worksheet 3: Skilled performance, Level B
components to skill-related components to Homework 1: Effects of health-related exercise
specific sporting role specific sporting role models. on skill-related fitness

Topic Term January- Assessing readiness 18 To be aware of PAR-Q and to
1.1.4: 2 May for exercise- be able to make general
Physical Wk Health-related assessments of levels of
activity as 1-13 exercise tests. fitness.
part of Skill-related fitness
your tests. 19+ To be aware of the
healthy, Principles of training. 20 component of health-related
active Principles of training fitness which is being tested.
lifestyle and SMART targets. To be able to relate this
Methods of training – aspect of HRE to a healthy,
continuous, interval, active lifestyle.
fartlek, circuit, 21+ To be aware of the
weight training 22 component of skill-related
Exercise sessions- fitness which is being tested.
warming up and To be able to relate this
cooling down aspect of SRF to a healthy,
compare different active lifestyle.
types of training 23+ To be aware of, and PowerPoint-114a principals of training
sessions 24 understand, the principles of Worksheet 1: Principles and planning, Level A
Aerobic and individual needs/differences, Worksheet 1: Principles and planning, Level B
anaerobic training progressive overload, Worksheet 2: Classifying principles, Level A
sessions specificity and rest and Worksheet 2: Classifying principles, Level B
Target zones and recovery. Homework 1: Principle of progressive overload
thresholds of training 25+ To be aware of, and PowerPoint-114b- the FITT principle
Planning of Personal 26 understand, the FITT principle Worksheet 3: The FITT principle, Level A
Exercise Programme and also the term Worksheet 3: The FITT principle, Level B
Performing and reversibility. Extension 1: Three principles
Monitoring of the Extension 2: Two principles
Personal Exercise 27+ To be aware of the principles PowerPoint-114c-goal setting
Programme 28 of setting SMART targets and Worksheet 4: SMART, Level A
Evaluating the PEP being able to apply these to a Worksheet 4: SMART, Level B
PEP. Extension 3: Short test
29 To be aware of the benefits PowerPoint- 114d methods of training
and implementation of Worksheet 1: Interval training, Level A
interval training as training Worksheet 1: Interval training, Level B
methods. Extension 1: Interval training

30 To be aware of the benefits PowerPoint-114d methods of training

and implementation of
continuous training a as
training method.

31 To be aware of the benefits PowerPoint- 114d methods of training

and implementation of Fartlek Worksheet 4: Fartlek training, Level A
training as a training Worksheet 4: Fartlek training, Level B
methods. Worksheet 5: Fartlek, cross and continuous
training, Level A
Worksheet 5: Fartlek, cross and continuous
training, Level B
Homework 2: Fartlek training
Extension 3: Fartlek training
32 To be aware of the benefits PowerPoint- 114d methods of training
and implementation of fitness Worksheet 2: Circuit training, Level A
circuit training as a training Worksheet 2: Circuit training, Level B
method. Homework 1: Circuit training
Extension 2: Circuit training
33 To be aware of the benefits PowerPoint- 114d methods of training
and implementation of skills
circuit training as a training

34 To be aware of the benefits PowerPoint- 114d methods of training

and implementation of weight Worksheet 3: Weight training, Level A
training as a training method. Worksheet 3: Weight training, Level B
35 To be aware of the benefits PowerPoint- 114d methods of training
and implementation of weight Homework 3: Cross training
training and cross training as
training methods.
36 To be able to explain a warm- Worksheet 7: Warm-up, Level A
up, main activity and cool- Worksheet 7: Warm-up, Level B
down and the importance of
each in connection with a
training session.
37 To be able to compare two PowerPoint- 114f the exercise session
different types of training

38 To be able to differentiate
between aerobic and
anaerobic fitness and
understand the role that heart
rate has to play in monitoring
fitness levels
39 To be able to understand, and PowerPoint-114e recovery rates
make use of, the various
zones which can be used to
monitor and inform training.
40 To understand the PEP and Worksheet 6: Personal Exercise Programme
how students will be expected (PEP), Level A
to plan, perform, monitor and Worksheet 6: Personal Exercise Programme
evaluate it. (PEP), Level B
41- To have completed planning, Worksheet 8: Testing protocol, Level A
45 testing, performing, re-testing Worksheet 8: Testing protocol, Level B
and monitoring their PEP and Worksheet 9: Testing and measuring, Level A
have all the information they Worksheet 9: Testing and measuring, Level B
need to evaluate it.
46 To be able to fully complete
the PEP in line with the
specification criteria outlined
in component 2.2.5 of the
Topic June To understand the 47- The topics which will need PowerPoint- 115a diet
1.1.5: Wk links between 50 coverage are: Worksheet 1: Nutrients, Level A 85
Your 14 exercise, diet, work Exercise, diet, work and Worksheet 1: Nutrients, Level B
personal and rest and to rest
health and consider the Worksheet 3: Sports and diet, Level B
The requirements of a Homework 1: Energy requirements
wellbeing relationship between
balanced diet
dietary intake and PowerPoint- 115b diet timing
performance. The factors of a balanced
Worksheet 2: Marathon runners and diet,
Level A 87
Diet in relation to exercise
Worksheet 2: Marathon runners and diet,
and the timing, and
Level B 88
reasons for dietary intake.
Worksheet 3: Sports and diet, Level A 89
Extension 1: Diet and the sportsperson 92
Extension 2: Diet test
Year 10
Mock exam

Year 11
Section Year
1.2: Your 2
active body
Topic Term Septemb Somatotypes 1-3 To be able to identify PowerPoint 121b somatotypes
1.2.1: 1 er- Optimum weight particular body types and Worksheet 1: Somatotypes: body
Physical Wk Christma Terms to do with consider the suitability to characteristics awareness, Level A
activity 1-9 s weight particular activities Worksheet 1: Somatotypes: body
and your Performance characteristics awareness, Level B
healthy enhancing and Extension 1: Somatotypes
mind and recreational drugs 4-5 To be aware of optimum PowerPoint 121a diet problems
body Risk assessment and weight and the reasons why it
preventing injury varies as well as the effect it
can have on performance
To be able to identify specific
terms to do with weight

6-9 To be able to explain the PowerPoint 121c Alcohol and smoking

effects of smoking and alcohol
on general health and
physical activity
10- To be able to explain the PowerPoint 121d drugs
14 effects of performance- Worksheet 2: Effects of drugs, Level A
enhancing drugs on wellbeing Worksheet 2: Effects of drugs, Level B
and performance Extension 2: Banned substances: the facts

15 Why some performers might Worksheet 3: Safety in sport, Level A

risk using them to enhance Worksheet 3: Safety in sport, Level B
16- To be able to identify the risks Worksheet 4: Outdoor and adventurous
18 associated with participation activities, Level A
in physical activities and Worksheet 4: Outdoor and adventurous
explain how to reduce these activities, Level B
risks Worksheet 5: Safety rules, Level A
Worksheet 5: Safety rules, Level B
Homework 1: Hazards and playing areas
Homework 2: Safety clothing and equipment
Extension 3: Safety and officiating
Extension 4: Rules for safety, order and

Yr 11 Mock

Topic Term January The cardiovascular 1 To be able to understand the PowerPoint 122a the heart
1.2.2: 2 system during impact of a healthy, active PowerPoint 122b blood vessels
A healthy, Wk exercise. lifestyle on the cardiovascular PowerPoint 122c blood
active 1-2 Regular exercise and system.
lifestyle the cardiovascular Worksheet 1: Learning the parts of the
and your system circulatory system, Level A
cardiovasc The effect of lifestyle Worksheet 1: Learning the parts of the
ular on the cardiovascular circulatory system, Level B
system system Worksheet 2: The pathway of blood in the
body, Level A
Worksheet 2: The pathway of blood in the
body, Level B
Worksheet 3: Three types of blood vessels,
Level A
Worksheet 3: Three types of blood vessels,
Level B
Worksheet 4: The composition of blood, Level
Worksheet 4: The composition of blood, Level
Blank Diagrams for labelling-
The heart
The heart and double circulatory system
2-3 To be able to understand the PowerPoint 122d effects of exercise on the CV
immediate and short-term system
effects of participation in Worksheet 5: Effects of exercise on the heart,
exercise and physical activity Level A
Worksheet 5: Effects of exercise on the heart,
Level B
Worksheet 6: Immediate effects of exercise on
the performer, Level A
Worksheet 6: Immediate effects of exercise on
the performer, Level B
Homework 1: Interpreting a graph
Homework 2: Questions on the circulatory
Extension 1: Effects of exercise on the heart
Extension 2: Interpreting a graph 1
Extension 3: Interpreting a graph 2
4 To be able to understand and
explain the need for rest and
recovery time

5 impact of diet on the

cardiovascular system
Topic February Exercise and physical 6-10 To be able to understand the PowerPoint 123b mechanisms of breathing
1.2.3: Wk 3 activity on the impact of your lifestyle on Worksheet 1: Air passages, Level A
A healthy, respiratory system your respiratory system in Worksheet 1: Air passages, Level B
active terms of immediate and short Worksheet 2: Mechanism of breathing, Level A
lifestyle term effects as well as the Worksheet 2: Mechanism of breathing, Level B
and your long term effects Homework 1: How breathing works
respiratory Blank diagrams for labelling
system Parts of the respiratory system
The alveoli

PowerPoint 123c respiration

Worksheet 3: Composition of inhaled and
exhaled air, Level A
Worksheet 3: Composition of inhaled and
exhaled air, Level B
Worksheet 4: Anaerobic respiration, Level A
Worksheet 4: Anaerobic respiration, Level B
Worksheet 5: Changes in the athlete during
exercise, Level A
Worksheet 5: Changes in the athlete during
exercise, Level B
Homework 2: Aerobic and anaerobic
Homework 3: Aerobic and anaerobic
respiration in various sports
Extension 1: Aerobic and anaerobic training
Extension 2: Exercise and the respiratory
Extension 3: Long-term effects of training
Blank diagram for labelling
Inspiration and expiration
Topic February- to understand the 11- Specific muscles — eleven in PowerPoint 123a muscles and exercise
1.2.4: Wk March structure and role of 13 total and their location and Homework 1: Functions of the muscles
A healthy, 4-5 the muscular system basic function as skeletal
active muscles
lifestyle PowerPoint 124a muscle types
Muscles and movement —
and your Worksheet 1: Types of muscle, Level A
antagonist movement
muscular Worksheet 1: Types of muscle, Level B
The major movements at
system Worksheet 2: Linking muscles to a sport, Level
specific muscles
Worksheet 2: Linking muscles to a sport, Level
Worksheet 3: Diagram of the arm, Level A
Worksheet 3: Diagram of the arm, Level B
Worksheet 4: Diagram of the leg, Level A
Worksheet 4: Diagram of the leg, Level B
Homework 2: Muscles of the body
Blank diagrams for labelling
Muscles of the body
Muscles of the arm
Muscles of the leg
PowerPoint 124b muscular function
Worksheet 5: Sport links and twitch muscle
fibres, Level A
Worksheet 5: Sport links and twitch muscle
fibres, Level
Homework 3: Multiple-choice questions
Extension 1: Posture
Extension 2: Fast and slow twitch muscle
Extension 3: Questions requiring short
to understand the 14- Soft tissue injuries
potential injuries to 17 The RICE treatment
the muscular system
The importance of the warm-
up and cool-down for injury
The link with diet and
performance enhancing drugs
ie anabolic steroids.
Topic March- To understand the 17- The basic functions of the PowerPoint 125a functions of the skeletal
1.2.5: Wk April structure and role of 18 skeletal system in terms of system
A healthy, 6-7 the skeletal system. movement, support and Worksheet 1: Protecting bones, Level A
active to understand the protection Worksheet 1: Protecting bones, Level B
lifestyle role of the skeletal The joints and bones which Worksheet 2: Functions of the skeleton, Level
and your system form them A
skeletal Worksheet 2: Functions of the skeleton, Level
system B
PowerPoint 125b bones
Worksheet 3: Grouping and classifying bones,
Level A
Worksheet 3: Grouping and classifying bones,
Level B
Worksheet 4: Bones that link with sporting
actions, Level A
Worksheet 4: Bones that link with sporting
actions, Level B
Homework 1: Naming bones
Homework 2: Interpreting information
Homework 3: Multiple-choice questions
Extension 1: Bones that protect
Extension 2: Bones and sport
Extension 3: Questions on bones
Blank diagrams for labelling
The skeleton
The synovial joint of the knee

PowerPoint 125c joints

Worksheet 5: Names and locations of synovial
joints, Level A
Worksheet 5: Names and locations of synovial
joints, Level B
Worksheet 6: Types of synovial joint, Level A
Worksheet 6: Types of synovial joint, Level B
Worksheet 7: Types of movement at a joint,
Level A
Worksheet 7: Types of movement at a joint,
Level B
Extension 4: Synovial joints and the
Blank diagrams for labelling
Joints of the body
19- The types and range of PowerPoint 125d movement terminology
20 movements which take place Worksheet 8: Action/movement/joint, Level A
(extension, flexion, adduction Worksheet 8: Action/movement/joint, Level B
and adduction, plantar and Worksheet 9: Linking muscles to sport, Level A
dorsi flexion). Worksheet 9: Linking muscles to sport, Level B
Homework 4: Description of movement at a
Homework 5: Multiple-choice questions on
Extension 5: Types of movement and sports
Extension 6: Questions requiring short
21 The effects of exercise and
physical activity upon the
skeletal system
22 Diet and the skeletal
23 Common injuries and basic PowerPoint 125e injuries
treatments Homework 6: Common injuries
Homework 7: Major injuries
Homework 8: Torn cartilage, dislocation and

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