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ACAAI Annual Meeting Nov.

7 - 11 2013, Baltimore

Workshop 1: A Practical Approach to Aeroallergen Identification

How to Set Up a Sampling Station

Estelle Levetin, PhD

Learning Objectives and Disclosure Information

Upon completion of this workshop, participants should be able to:

Set up a sampling station to collect airborne pollen and fungal spore Recognize the most common types of pollen found in the atmosphere Recognize the most common types of fungal spores found in the atmosphere

No conflicts to disclose

Aerobiological Sampling

Sampling plan or objective Choosing samplers: Rotorod, Burkard Spore Trap, Lanzoni, Allergenco One day head or 7-day head for Burkard or Lanzoni Location Preparing the samples Slide Analysis and Identification Data Analysis

ACAAI Annual Meeting Nov. 7 - 11 2013, Baltimore

Sampling Objective

Pollen only or both pollen and spores Sampling frequency

7 days a week 5 days a week 3 days a week

Time commitment

Rotorod Samplers

Rotorod Samplers

Models most often used by allergists have retracting rods for intermittent operation Standard is 10% sampling time Head rotates at 2400 rpm Leading edge of rod coated with grease Pollen and spores impacted on greased surface Efficient for pollen and spores >10 m

ACAAI Annual Meeting Nov. 7 - 11 2013, Baltimore

Rotorod Samplers

Older Model Rotorod Sampler

Rotorod Analysis

Collector rods placed in a special adapter for microscopic examination Rods stained with Calberlas pollen stain Entire surface of each rod counted unless pollen/spore load very high (then a subset of the surface is analyzed) Atmospheric concentrations determined

ACAAI Annual Meeting Nov. 7 - 11 2013, Baltimore

Rotorod Calculations
C is concentration, N is the total number of pollen or spores counted on both rods, V is the volume of air sampled by the rods

V = Rod area (m2) x D x x RPM x t

Rod area = width of rod (1.52 mm = 0.00152m) x length of the rod (23 mm = 0.023m) x 2 (both rods), D is the diameter of the Rotorod head (8.5 cm = 0.085m), RPM is 2400, t is minutes sampled per day With a 5% sampling time (72 min) V = 3.226 m3

Concentration = N/3.226 m3
With a 10% sampling time (144 min) V = 6.452 m3

Concentration = N/6.452 m3

Hirst Spore Trap

Burkard Spore Trap Lanzoni Spore Trap Allergenco

Burkard and Lanzoni Spore Traps

ACAAI Annual Meeting Nov. 7 - 11 2013, Baltimore

Allergenco Samplair MK-3

Advantages of Burkard Spore Trap

High efficiency down to less than 5 m

Allows for greater accuracy for small fungal spores Permits analysis for diurnal rhythms

Time discrimination

Permanent slides for future reference


Roof of a building - ideal 3 to 6 stories above ground (30 to 60 ft) Not close to overhanging vegetation Air flow not obstructed by nearby buildings or other structural features

ACAAI Annual Meeting Nov. 7 - 11 2013, Baltimore

Telescoping mast elevates sampler above local vegetation.

Parapet around roof requires platform to elevate the orifice above the wall

Burkard 7-day sampler head

Standard is the 7-day sampling head Sampler drum mounted on 7-day clock Drum moves by orifice at 2 mm per hr Melenex tape mounted on drum and greased (Lubriseal, High Vacuum Grease, other) Air is brought in at 10 l/min and impacts on greased Melenex tape Drum changed each week

Seven Day Sampling Head

ACAAI Annual Meeting Nov. 7 - 11 2013, Baltimore

Processing the 7-day drum

Melenex tape removed from drum Tape cut into seven 24 hour segments each 48 mm long Segments mounted on microscope slides in 10% gelvatol (polyvinyl alcohol) and dried Glycerin-jelly mounting medium added and a 50 mm cover slip Mounting medium contains pollen stain - either basic fuchsin or phenosafarin

Melenex tape on cutting board

One-day sampling head

Alternate head is the 24 hour head Standard glass microscope slide is greased and placed on the head

Alternatively Melenex tape can be fixed on the slide and greased

Slide is changed daily, carrier realigned Mounting medium with stain and coverslip are added

ACAAI Annual Meeting Nov. 7 - 11 2013, Baltimore

24 hour sampling head

Outdoor air sample from Tulsa


Microscopy - 400X for pollen; 1000X for fungal spores Different methods of microscopic analysis are used to obtain

Average daily concentration - Single longitudinal traverse Hourly or bihourly concentrations which can then be averaged to obtain a daily average - 12 transverse traverses

ACAAI Annual Meeting Nov. 7 - 11 2013, Baltimore

Burkard Counting Methods

The Single Longitudinal Traverse Method

The Twelve Transverse Traverse Method

Comparison of methods

Single Longitudinal Traverse

12 Transverse Traverses

Quicker Produces average daily concentration Good for routine monitoring 3 or 4 longitudinal traverses can increase accuracy

Takes longer Can determine diurnal rhythm of airborne allergens All traverses can be averaged to determine average daily concentration

Conversion to Concentrations

Microscope counts are entered into a database such as Excel Formulas added to convert counts into concentrations Information needed

Field diameter of objective lens - Variable Flow rate (10 liters/minute) and exposure time (normally 24 hrs) for a total volume of air sampled of 14.4 m3

ACAAI Annual Meeting Nov. 7 - 11 2013, Baltimore

Calculating Concentrations for Single Longitudinal Traverse

C = Concentration - pollen grains/m3 N = number of pollen counted on traverse W = Width of entire sample - 14 mm F = field diameter of objective lens - 0.48 mm V = total volume of air sampled- 14.4 m3 C = N x W/F x 1/V

C = N x 14mm/0.48mm x 1/14.4m3 C = N x 2.025

Example of an Excel Spreadsheet with 15 Days of Pollen Data

Cushing Daily Pollen concentrations Date Cupress Ulmus Ambrosia Artemisia Cheno/AmCompositaCyperacea Poaceae 0 0 181 4 4 34 0 13 1-Oct-01 0 0 170 8 2 42 0 17 2-Oct-01 0 2 284 13 6 48 0 27 3-Oct-01 0 0 269 2 6 21 0 36 4-Oct-01 6 6 231 48 8 19 0 8 5-Oct-01 0 0 19 0 0 19 0 2 6-Oct-01 0 0 57 4 2 4 0 13 7-Oct-01 0 0 164 0 8 27 0 17 8-Oct-01 0 0 189 0 0 6 2 8 9-Oct-01 2 0 80 8 6 2 0 8 10-Oct-01 2 0 27 2 2 2 0 6 11-Oct-01 4 0 50 4 0 17 0 2 12-Oct-01 19 0 29 2 6 21 0 13 13-Oct-01 2 0 36 2 2 6 0 4 14-Oct-01 95 0 63 6 4 15 0 4 15-Oct-01


AAAAI and ACAAI Aeroallergen courses Other aerobiology courses Reference slides

NAB/AAAAI Pollen Slide Library Reference slides from local specimens Consult a botanist at a local university

Identification Manuals


ACAAI Annual Meeting Nov. 7 - 11 2013, Baltimore

Identification Manuals

Grant Smith. 2000. Sampling and Identifying Allergenic Pollens and Molds, AAAAI, Milwaukee R.O. Kapp, How to Know Pollen and Spores - originally published in 1950s - new edition Richard Weber. 1998. Pollen Identification Ann Allergy Asthma Immunol 80:1417. Lewis WH, Vinay P, Zenger VE. 1983. Airborne and Allergenic Pollen of North America. Johns Hopkins University Press, Baltimore, MD. Aeroallergen Photo Library, Steve Kagan, Lacey M and West J. 2006. The Air Spora: A manual for catching and identifying airborne biological particles. Springer.

Essential Reference

Grant Smiths Sampling and Identifying Allergenic Pollen and Molds

Sample Pages


ACAAI Annual Meeting Nov. 7 - 11 2013, Baltimore

How the data can be used

Average daily concentrations can be graphed to look at the seasonal and yearly pollen levels Develop regional pollen calendar Data can be compared with patient symptoms, peak flow readings, office visits, emergency room visits Prepare for peak seasons - staffing, etc


ACAAI Annual Meeting Nov. 7 - 11 2013, Baltimore

Average Daily Pollen Concentration in the Tulsa Atmosphere - 2011

4000 3500
Pollen grains/cubic meter of air

3000 2500 2000 1500 1000 500 0 J J F F M M A A M M J J J J A A S S O O N N D D

Airborne Ambrosia pollen in Tulsa Fall 1999

700 600 Pollen grains/m3 500 400 300 200 100 0 8/15 8/29 9/12 9/26 10/10 10/24

Multiple Years of Data

Data from several years can be averaged to produce a graph of the pollen season Smoothing techniques such as 5 day running mean can be used to generate a smoother curve and better estimate of the typical peak period


ACAAI Annual Meeting Nov. 7 - 11 2013, Baltimore

Airborne Ambrosia pollen in Tulsa: 20 year mean

600 500

Pollen grains/m 3





5Se p 22 -A ug 12 -S ep 15 -A ug 29 -A ug 19 -S ep 26 -S ep 3O ct 17 -O ct 24 -O ct 10 -O ct 31 -O ct

Five day running mean of airborne Ambrosia pollen in Tulsa: 20 year mean
Peak on or about Sept 10
500 450 400 350 300 250 200 150 100 50 0
31 -A ug 7Se p 24 -A ug 14 -S ep 17 -A ug 21 -S ep 28 -S ep 5O ct 12 -O ct 19 -O ct 26 -O ct


Air sampling allows the allergist to get a first hand understanding of the local aeroallergens, their concentration, and season occurrence Several years of sampling will allow for the development of a pollen calendar which can benefit the physician and his or her patients


ACAAI Annual Meeting Nov. 7 - 11 2013, Baltimore

Introduction to the Fungi

Learning Objectives and Disclosure Information

Upon completion of this workshop, participants should be able to:

Set up a sampling station to collect airborne pollen and fungal spore Recognize the most common types of pollen found in the atmosphere Recognize the most common types of fungal spores found in the atmosphere

No conflicts to disclose


ACAAI Annual Meeting Nov. 7 - 11 2013, Baltimore

Fungi are eukaryotic organisms that are neither plant nor animal

Fungi include molds



ACAAI Annual Meeting Nov. 7 - 11 2013, Baltimore


Bracket Fungi

Fungi can be unicellular such as yeast


ACAAI Annual Meeting Nov. 7 - 11 2013, Baltimore

Fungi usually have a thread like body made up of hyphae

Hyphae make up the mycelium

Hyphae also make up the structure of fruiting bodies such as mushrooms


ACAAI Annual Meeting Nov. 7 - 11 2013, Baltimore

Fungal Life Styles

Fungi are absorptive heterotrophs As absorptive heterotrophs they exist as

Pathogens Mutualistic symbionts Saprobes

Common Human Pathogen


ACAAI Annual Meeting Nov. 7 - 11 2013, Baltimore

Apple-Cedar Rust A Destructive Plant Pathogen

Lichens are symbiotic organisms composed of an alga and a fungus

The Majority of Fungi Are Saprobes


ACAAI Annual Meeting Nov. 7 - 11 2013, Baltimore

Most of the common airborne fungi are saprobes naturally occurring on leaf surfaces, decaying plant material, or in soil

Fungi reproduce by spores

Spores can result from sexual or asexual reproduction


Sexual Spores Asexual Spores



ACAAI Annual Meeting Nov. 7 - 11 2013, Baltimore

Spore Release Mechanisms

PASSIVE: Frequently related to wind speed and turbulence include members of the Dry Air Spora which peak in the afternoon ACTIVE: Generally require moisture common mechanism for ascospores and basidiospores

Basidiospores most abundant in predawn hours Ascospores most abundant during or following rain; however, a number of ascospores only require high humidity and are abundant in predawn hours

Types of Asexual Spores

Sporangium Conidia on hyphae

Sporangiospore or just spore


Conidiophore Sporangiophore

Rhizopus Sporangium


ACAAI Annual Meeting Nov. 7 - 11 2013, Baltimore

Chains of Conidia

Fungal Classification

Mycologist recognize 8 phyla in the Kingdom Fungi based phylogenetic analysis of DNA Three of these phyla contain important allergens

Zygomycota Ascomycota Basidiomycota

ZYGOMYCOTA -- Zygospores

ASCOMYCOTA -- Ascospores



ACAAI Annual Meeting Nov. 7 - 11 2013, Baltimore

Asexual /Anamorphic Fungi

Most are members of the Ascomycota with a small percent members of the Basidiomycota Formerly called

Deuteromycetes Imperfect Fungi (Fungi Imperfecti) Mitosporic Fungi Mold Spores

Also called


ACAAI Annual Meeting Nov. 7 - 11 2013, Baltimore

Members of the Zygomycota produce asexual spores in a sporangium

The zygospore (zygosporangium) is the characteristic sexual structure of the Zygomycota

Characteristic sexual structure of the Ascomycota is the ascus containing 8 ascospores


ACAAI Annual Meeting Nov. 7 - 11 2013, Baltimore


Many members of the Ascomycota develop asci within a fruiting body Asexual spores are called conidia Fruiting bodies often called ascocarps Ascocarps can be

Flask-shaped Cup-shaped Other

Cup-shaped fruiting body

Morels are also cup-shaped fruiting body


ACAAI Annual Meeting Nov. 7 - 11 2013, Baltimore

Asci with ascospores from a morel

Abundant Airborne Ascospores Following Rain

Airborne Ascospores Still in Group of 8


ACAAI Annual Meeting Nov. 7 - 11 2013, Baltimore

Majority of Asexual Fungi Are Ascomycota


The most conspicuous fungi in the environment Basidiospores are typically produced in a large fruiting body such as

Mushrooms Bracket Fungi Puffballs

Characteristic spores are basidiospores and four basidiospores are produced externally on basidia


ACAAI Annual Meeting Nov. 7 - 11 2013, Baltimore

Basidia line the pores of bracket fungi and the gills of mushrooms

Single basidium with 4 basidiospores

Basidiospores are small and single-celled often with an asymmetric attachment peg


ACAAI Annual Meeting Nov. 7 - 11 2013, Baltimore

Rusts and Smuts

Basidiomycota also includes two groups of fungi that lack fruiting bodies Rust fungi and smut fungi Important pathogens on both native and cultivated plants

Stem Rust of Wheat

Loose Smut of Wheat


ACAAI Annual Meeting Nov. 7 - 11 2013, Baltimore

Common Fungal Spores

Estelle Levetin, PhD

Learning Objectives and Disclosure Information

Upon completion of this workshop, participants should be able to:

Set up a sampling station to collect airborne pollen and fungal spore Recognize the most common types of pollen found in the atmosphere Recognize the most common types of fungal spores found in the atmosphere

No conflicts to disclose


ACAAI Annual Meeting Nov. 7 - 11 2013, Baltimore

Fungal Spore Characteristics

Spore size Spore shape Number of cells Attachment Scars Wall characteristics Spore color

Spore Size, Shape, and Septation

SIZE: 2m to 100 mm SHAPE: Globose, elliptical, fusiform, asymmetric, lemon-shaped, barrel-shaped, curved SEPTATION: Non-septate (one cell), single septum, transverse septa, transverse and longitudinal septa, random septa, pseudoseptate

Other Characteristics

ATTACHMENTS: Attachment scars, attachment pegs APPENDAGES WALL CHARACTERISTICS: Smooth, granular, reticulate, spines, warts, wall thickness COLOR: Hyaline (colorless) to deeply pigmented


ACAAI Annual Meeting Nov. 7 - 11 2013, Baltimore




Random septa



Transverse septa

Attachment scars



Transverse and Longitudinal septa

Ornaments: spines

Asymmetric and germ pore




Spore color

Asexual Spores in the Ascomycota

Also known as Deuteromycetes, Fungi Imperfecti (imperfect fungi), or Mitospores


ACAAI Annual Meeting Nov. 7 - 11 2013, Baltimore

Asexual Spores

Typically the most abundant spores in the atmosphere Asexual stage of ascomycetes Conidia often formed on specialized hyphae called conidiophores Look for attachment scars where the spores were attached to the conidiophore



Note the septum


ACAAI Annual Meeting Nov. 7 - 11 2013, Baltimore

Several species of Cladosporium are common in the atmosphere

Note the prominent attachment scars on Cladosporium conidia



ACAAI Annual Meeting Nov. 7 - 11 2013, Baltimore



Nigrospora Curvularia



ACAAI Annual Meeting Nov. 7 - 11 2013, Baltimore

Drechslera-type spores

Several genera of fungi have similar cylindrical spores

Drechslera Bipolaris Exserohilum Helminthosporium

Drechslera-type spores



ACAAI Annual Meeting Nov. 7 - 11 2013, Baltimore

Note the colorless attachment at the base of Pithomyces spores


Penicillium species

Produce distinctive conidiophores (spore bearing structures) Spores are usually spherical to oval and form in chains


ACAAI Annual Meeting Nov. 7 - 11 2013, Baltimore

Aspergillus species

Produce distinctive conidiophores (spore bearing structures) Spores are usually spherical to oval and form in chains

Penicillium-Aspergillus type spores



ACAAI Annual Meeting Nov. 7 - 11 2013, Baltimore




Nigrospora Culture

Air Sample


ACAAI Annual Meeting Nov. 7 - 11 2013, Baltimore






ACAAI Annual Meeting Nov. 7 - 11 2013, Baltimore





ACAAI Annual Meeting Nov. 7 - 11 2013, Baltimore



Phylum Ascomycota: Sexual Stage


ACAAI Annual Meeting Nov. 7 - 11 2013, Baltimore

Ascospores are produced in an ascus. Eight ascospores are found in each ascus without any attachment scars

Ascospores are sometimes found in groups of eight in air samples

Chaetomium ascospores


ACAAI Annual Meeting Nov. 7 - 11 2013, Baltimore

Leptosphaeria ascospores

Pleospora ascospores

Diatrypella ascospores


ACAAI Annual Meeting Nov. 7 - 11 2013, Baltimore

Sporomiella ascospores

Venturia ascospores

Many ascospores on a rainy day


ACAAI Annual Meeting Nov. 7 - 11 2013, Baltimore

Phylum Basidiomycota



Ganoderma basidiospores


ACAAI Annual Meeting Nov. 7 - 11 2013, Baltimore

Other basidiospores that are easy to recognize


Agrocybe - type

Coprinus and Ganoderma basidiospores


Psathyrella velutina




ACAAI Annual Meeting Nov. 7 - 11 2013, Baltimore





Mixed Basidiospores

Other Spores in the Basidiomycota

Rusts and Smuts


ACAAI Annual Meeting Nov. 7 - 11 2013, Baltimore

Rust spores: Puccinia

Puccinia uredospores

Puccinia teliospores

Smut Spores

Smut Spores


ACAAI Annual Meeting Nov. 7 - 11 2013, Baltimore

Other Fungal-like Spores

Myxomycetes Slime Molds

Myxomycete (slime mold) spores

Other slime mold spores


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