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Here is what a day might look like at our house: 8:00 breakfast (we are not super early

y risers ahem), kids get dressed, brush teeth, make beds, and tidy rooms 8:45 Bible time all together 9:15 History for Aidan I read his Sonlight lesson out loud to him. resham and !wen playupstairs. "onathan (age #) plays in the room where Aidan and I are reading. 9:45 resham $omes down and does handwriting, phoni$s, and spelling at the s$hool table. Aidan pra$ti$es %iolin. I go ba$k and forth between the two while also helping !wen do his pres$hool work and getting "onathan out of a hundred no&no's. After Aidan finishes %iolin, he works on language, handwriting, or spelling. (hate%er he doesn't finish he $an do in the afternoon. 10:30 Break and sna$k time. 11:00 )$ien$e all together. (e are going through the Exploring reation series !rom "pologia. *his year, we're doing Astronomy+ (e don't do s$ien$e e%ery day, so if it's not a s$ien$e day we might run to the library to return books or do another errand during this time. 1#:15ish ,un$h, followed by after lun$h $lean up $o%s. resham (-) loads the dishwasher, Aidan (#.) $lears and wipes the table and sweeps the floor. !wen (/) puts away food with help. I $lean up "onathan, put away food, help resham not make a huge mess while loading the dishwasher, wash the high$hair tray, et$. 1:15ish 0eading time all together. I usually read "onathan a $ouple toddler books, and then read a $hapter book to the older boys. 1:45 1aps for !wen and "onathan. Aidan and on blogging. #:30 2uiet playing or reading time for Aidan and are not allowed to talk to me either+ resham do math at the s$hool table while I work resham, separate from ea$h other. And they

3:30&4:00 3ounger boys up from naps. )na$k time. 4:00ish 4hore time. Aidan %a$uums (different rooms on different days) and $leans the %an, resham pi$ks up dog poop in the yard, puts toys away, helps with dusting, et$. !wen slides under the radar and tries to be as la5y as possible (I'm onto him and working on making sure he helps with toy pi$k&up). 5:00 *6 time while I make dinner. 'ate a!ternoon or e(ening 7inish any sub8e$ts with Aidan that are not finished. 9sually spelling is on this list. resham pra$ti$es %iolin if he hasn't fit that in already. 8:15 I read Aidan's )onlight read&aloud books to whoe%er wants to listen (this is usually e%eryone, e%en if the book is o%er their heads). (e are always hopelessly behind on the read&alouds+ In fa$t, we ha%en't finished last year's yet+ )ow that *+(e shared our pattern !or the day, here are a !ew things to remem%er:

-eep in mind that you are .homes/hooling0 all o! your kids and not $ust the ones who ha(e rea/hed s/hool age1 I ha%e found that if I do not ha%e at least one or two planned a$ti%ities ea$h day for the younger two boys, the day does not go %ery well+ :uring the ;</= time slot, I try to plan pres$hool a$ti%ities for !wen su$h as a /rayon ru%%ing /enter, a $raft, play dough, or play with our large ri/e tu%. 7or more ideas, you $an %iew my entire pres/hool /ategory. !wen also has some pres$hool workbooks. 4he$k out my post aboutgetting started with pres/hool at home for work book re$ommendations. *nterruptions are not the end o! the world1 I work to keep interruptions to a minimum, but let's fa$e it homes$hooling happens in a home. *he phone rings, appointments need to be set up, laundry needs to be mo%ed from the washer to the dryer Homes$hooling is not neat rows of desks with >uietly working $hildren. But honestly, going to s$hool does not guarantee fo$us either. *here are plenty of interruptions in a $lassroom, and the great part about homes$hooling is that the $lo$k does not $ut us off on$e we ha%e finally settled down for learning+ (e ha%e a lifestyle of learning, and it's okay if interruptions happen. 2ost importantly 3 4 3 5he %est s/hedule is the one that works !or 6781 "nd your !amily1

Homes/hoolers 3 9hat tip /an you share a%out planning your homes/hool day:

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