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Generation Y and Online Recruitment whitepaper by Nabarun, Rock Star Correspondent, India

Generation Y, the latest deciders of the majority of the demographic zones are the most dominant group in Australia, as per the latest research by Craig James, the economist (2 !2". #he fast e$pansion of this section of the society has compelled massi%e changes of a number of economic and global business strategies. #his includes recruitment. According to James, the data, gathered in 2 !2, goes against the accepted &isdom that Australia's population is declining, &ith seniors ta(ing the lion)s share of go%ernment ser%ices and a %ast, untapped source of business opportunities. #he e%olution of Australian society means businesses ha%e to be prepared to ser%e the needs, &ants and desires of the younger consumer. *resent scenario stands on the ground that younger consumers + the t&enty)s and thirty+something)s, the ne& spenders, the ne& money, the ne$t generation needing employment + rule the &orld. #he online recruiting industry is the one &here the Gen Y has ta(en the charge. ,ut is it ready to meet their needs-

Online Recruitment
#he process of recruitment has undergone a sea of change &ith the ad%ent of technology. #hose days no longer e$ist &hen one had to search through the classifieds in the local ne&spapers for job opportunities. .ith the &orld becoming a global %illage, the trend has changed, and ho&/ 0o&, one can apply for a job on the go (mobility is (ey/" and potential candidates can %ie& millions of job opportunities across the globe. #he recruiters too can choose the best amongst the millions of options that they ha%e in front of them.

#imes are changing and for the better. .ith e$posure to unlimited options of employers as &ell as employees, both get to choose the option that suits the best. .ith each year, there are changing trends in recruitment and the year 2 !1 is no e$ception. #he area &here the C23s e$pect a major change is talent management and this &ill affect e%ery sector as talent management is the bac(bone of e%ery professional sector that deals &ith multiple employees. #he 4ne&5 talent that enters the mar(et is nothing but the face of future and hence so much thought is put into recruitment. 6or this, the C23s carry out an assessment named 7.3# (strengths, &ea(ness, opportunities and threats". #his gi%es them a fair idea about the future.

The instant! generation"

Gen Y is an uneasy lot &hich belie%es in e%erything that is 4fast and furious5. 8ight from their coffee to their jobs, they lust for e%erything that comes in zero time, instantaneous gratification, if you &ill. #he (ey&ord that they s&ear by is 4instant5. #his generation is no longer bound to the reins of responsibilities that they ha%e to shoulder and hence they settle for nothing but the best for themsel%es. #hey ha%e the talent that ma(es them a &inner but retaining them is a big issue for the companies &ho &ish to tap these talents.

Gen Y are al&ays on the loo(out for something that is better than the present one and this %ery &ell applies to their jobs too. Grass is al&ays greener for them on the other side and hence one is more li(ely to find them s&itching from one job to another &ithin a short span of time. Armed &ith the latest technology in their palms, they head to&ards unlimited &orld of opportunities that lies in front of them.

Re#uirements o$ %en &"

Gen Y can be defined as the present breed of employees &ho are headfast, fic(le+minded and restless. Anything that gets instant result appeals to them. 9ence it goes &ithout saying that they loo( for instant results &hen it comes to jobs too. #hey find it difficult to stic( to one place for a long stretch of time and jump at any better opportunity that is presented before them. As this generation is not deterred by tra%elling to far a&ay countries, global job opportunities are &elcome.

#hey find it difficult to get the job done &ithin rigid time limit and in unfriendly en%ironment. 9ence this &ell of talent must be tapped &ith care. 9ere are some steps that are ta(en in the process of recruitment, especially &ith Gen Y:

'ccording to the latest sur(ey in the ).S"

2009 2030 Gen Y Males 39,180,752 41,801,406 Gen Y Females 37,189,278 41,718,574 Total: 76,370,030 83,519,980

Source: U.S. Census ureau, !a"#onal $o%ula"#on &s"#ma"es ' $ro(ec"#ons

#he Gen Y in the ;7 < Australia are: = 7elf+confident = 3ptimistic = >uestioning Generally, this generation)s &orld is shaped by the e$tensi%e use of communication technology? raised on a complete diet of 21@A connecti%ity, they are all used to multi+tas(ing, li(e juggling &ith emails, playing games and also simultaneously tal(ing on their mobile phones.

*obile plat$orm $or employees as well as employers"

Bnternet gi%es the employers as &ell as the employees, a mobile platform &here they can interact symbiotically. #hough internet had been &ith us since a long time, tablet de%ices and smartphones are changing the face of internet usage. #his trend of a%ailability of internet 2A$A has made things easier and the users get ample time to bro&se through millions of opportunities and to choose the best amongst them. Cobile platform pro%ides a single place for e+mails, te$t messages, social messages, %ideo messages and %oice messages. 2%ery facet of professional life is managed digitally e%ery professional &ill be depend on mobile platform to get employee or employment. 7martphones ha%e the reDuired ability to pro%ide a person &ith unlimited opportunities e%en &hile one is tra%elling. #his ad%antage of getting job opportunity any&here and anytime has made mobile platform %ery popular among Gen Y. Bn the age of instant results, instant job opportunities are more than &elcome. 7martphones as &ell as tablet de%ices pro%ide the solution for this.

The part played by recruiting websites"

#o cater to the e%er gro&ing demand from employees as &ell as from employers, &ebsites dedicated to recruitment ha%e sprung up. #here are countless &ebsites that are dedicated to recruitment. #hey offer their ser%ices to both employees as &ell as to the employers because they pro%ide a platform &here both can meet and choose the best option for themsel%es. #here are countless &ebsites that are based on job recruitment and the number is gro&ing day by day. #here are big game players in the field li(e #&itter, Apple, 6aceboo(, Eyngal, etc. &hich ha%e inno%ated the %ery idea. #he mar(et is rampant &ith the small players as &ell. 2ach year countless ne&er &ebsites are seeing the light of the day. #he demand is e%ery increasing than(s to the ne%er ending zeal of humans for perfection. Year 2 !2 is no less as it pro%ides a host of opportunities for the job see(ers.

Remote work+an answer to talent management"

Bn the &orld of technology, remote &or( is possible and &ith this comes an ans&er to issues concerned &ith retention. #he gro&th in technology, ease of communication and social media ma(e remote &or( %ery easy. 8emote &or( is %ery easy in today)s times? so much so that e%en team&or( can be carried out using remote &or(. .ith the &orld becoming a global %illage, distances are subliming and no distance is too far for communication. #op talents in each company can be gi%en the freedom or fle$ibility to &or( from &here%er they &ant. #his ma(es retention easier. .hen the employees get the freedom to do remote &or(, they can easily get their &or( done &ithout &orrying about office hours or the place from &here they &or(ing. .hen this (ind of fle$ibility is gi%en in the hands of employees, &or( gets done in no time. 8emote &or( gi%es fle$ibility &hich increases producti%ity. Gi%ing fle$ibility allo&s the employees to &or( &ith satisfaction. #his &or( culture is &ell suited for Gen Y as they prefer fle$ible timings. .hen gi%en fle$ible timings and an option to &or( from any&here, they can ma(e the best use of their time &hich allo&s them to get the &or( completed &ithout any hassles. Bn this &ay they can balance &or( and fun in an orderly &ay. #his sol%es the problem of retention to a great e$tend.

,here online recruitment works"

3nline recruitment has become an important &ay through &hich major numbers of candidates are recruited. Bt has left other medium li(e ne&spapers, ad%ertisements, magazines, tele%ision, etc far behind. ,ut it is important to stop and thin( for once: is online recruitment &orth the importance that it gi%en to it,asically, online recruitment refers to &eb based method of recruitment &here online technology is used as a media by employees as &ell as by recruiters. A recent study of online mar(eting for professional ser%ices firms sho&s that about FFG of firms recruit at least some employees online.

Cillions of employees, as &ell as recruiters, meet at this %ast and global platform so that they can find their best match. Bn online recruitment, &ebsites dedicated to online recruiting and search engines play the part of the third party. 3nline recruitment scores in many areas o%er other methods. #he first and foremost ad%antage that many recruiters find is that this method is free of cost. Bt is cost effecti%e for the recruiters to flash their ad%ertisement in the online recruiting &ebsites. #here is no problem of cost no matter ho& many ad%ertisements they gi%e. #his may not be a matter for indi%idual ad%ertisement but &hen a company or organisation has to gi%e multiple ad%ertisements it sa%es a lot of money. Ad%ertising in ne&spaper, tele%ision or magazines costs a significant amount. ,eing a cost effecti%e method of recruitment is al&ays an added ad%antage. Another ad%antage that online recruitment gi%es is the fact that it is by far the Duic(est method of recruiting. Bf the job %acancy is ad%ertised in the morning, one an easily e$pect the first application to arri%e by lunch time and the first inter%ie& can be easily started by e%ening. 0o other method gi%es such Duic( results. #his is the main reason for the popularity of online recruiting &ebsites among Gen Y. Gen Y loo(s for anything that is Duic( and yields instant results and online recruitment does just that. 3nline recruitment reaches out to a &ider range of audience. #hat means, &hen you gi%e an ad%ertisement in online recruitment &ebsites, your ad%ertisement get global audience. Bt can be %ie&ed by candidates from all across the globe. #his gi%es the recruiters as &ell as employees a more options to choose the best and increases the rate of success. Bt gi%es a global platform to the recruiters as &ell as to the employees. 3nline recruitment is open on e%eryday of the year and hence it gi%es unstoppable ser%ices to the recruiters as &ell as to the employee. .hen one has unlimited options at hand, things become easier and one can choose the best instead of settling for just anything. Another ad%antage that online recruitment has is that this method is %ery easy to apply. #he

recruiters find it %ery easy to gi%e ad%ertisement of the job %acancy &hile the candidates find it %ery easy to apply online. #here is no hassle of printing the CH or posting it. Applying for the job is instantaneous and the candidates can apply to as many jobs as they &ant. 3nline recruitment &ebsites, on the &hole, are %ery user+friendly and hence the candidates face no problems &hile applying to the jobs. 9ence, it is seen that there are many reasons that ha%e helped online recruiting change the face of recruitment through other methods. #his method has turned the recruiting business topsy+tur%y. Bt has increased the opportunities and has helped millions of candidates find their dream job.

%en &-s appetite.take on In(

9all beautifully puts the current Gen Y)s trend: 4Gen Ys looking to invest are currently finding it hard; while they appear motivated to enter the investment market, the added strain of meeting extra repayments can be a burden ..5 7ince 2 1, it has been noted that Gen Y in%estors &ith in%estment loans ha%e been gradually on the decline. Bn fact in 2 A, as per official figures, only !I percent of loans sanctioned for Gen Y &ere actually for in%estment on properties. 9all further adds: 4 Looking at the data, what becomes clear is that, like previous generations, the ma ority of Gen Y is focused on achieving home ownership first, and effectively servicing that debt!.5

Their Occupation %roup"

*roduction, #ransportation and Caterial Co%ing Construction, 2$traction and Caintenance 6arming, 6ishing, and 6orestry 7ales and 3ffice 7er%ice Canagement, *rofessional and 8elated

%en & in numbers

1.2 million is the size of Gen Y demographic as compared to F.J million ,aby ,oomers and 1.1 million Gen K. L1G of Gen Y tends to use less than J G of their total income to ser%ice debts. FAG of Gen Y state that paying off debt is their number one priority as compared to buying a home, buying a ne& car, and going on holiday, in%esting in property or in%esting in the stoc( mar(et. ;7M L, is the a%erage credit card debt in dollars for Gen Y? FLG of Gen Y's ha%e credit card debt. A1G of Gen Y prefers Ngoing to a party) as one of their fa%orite recreational pursuits

/resent scenario o$ online recruiting websites"

#he present scenario is that Gen Y depends majorly on &ebsites that are dedicated to online recruiting. #hey find it easy to use and yielding instant results. #his helps a lot as they are al&ays loo(ing for better job opportunities. Gen Y finds solace in the instant &orld of online recruitment and these help them to e$plore more job opportunities. #here are millions of &ebsites that are dedicated to online recruitment and the candidates are ma(ing the best use of e%ery chance that they are getting. #hough online recruitment has its share of disad%antages but it should be admitted that its ad%antages are far too many as compared to its disad%antages. 3nline recruitment has been an ans&er to the prayers of job see(ing candidates. Bf managed &ell, it can change the destiny of the candidate as &ell as that of the organisation. #hough there are uncountable online recruiting &ebsites there are top game players in the field that ha%e changed the &ay things &or( and for the better. *rint media lags far behind online recruiting media due to its super fast speed and the ability to go global. You ha%e &ebsites that can be globally accessed but if an organisation &ants its ad%ertisements to go global, print media is a big no+no. Bt is here &here online recruitment scores o%er print media.

0ist o$ top ten company recruiting websites across the globe"

Bn Bndia, online media is catching on li(e forest fire. 2%ery candidate gi%es preference to online recruitment as compared to print media. .ith the ad%ent of technology and internet becoming %ery accessible, online recruitment scores &ell more than print media for see(ing job %acancy. #he Gen Y belie%es in yielding faster results and online recruiting &ebsites offer a host of job opportunities at lightning speed. Job supplements in print media is slo&ly losing its sheen as more and more Gen Y candidates turn to online recruiting &ebsites for see(ing jobs as &ell as for applying to them. #his method is preferred because it gi%es instant results and the &hole process of job hunting and applying ta(es only a fe& minutes. 9ence due to its Duic( speed and the number of options it gi%es, online recruitment is preferred by Gen Y. #hough there are uncountable &ebsites but &ith time there are some online recruiting &ebsites &hich ha%e become more popular than the rest. #he online recruiting &ebsites ha%e deli%ered good results and ha%e gained the trust of job see(ers and employers ali(e. #hese company &ebsites offer the best of opportunities and candidates too. #hese company &ebsites ha%e gro&n &ith time and can be easily depended upon. 9ere is a list of top ten online recruiting &ebsites:

!. *i$ar: this is the leading &ebsite &hen it comes to online recruiting all across the globe. Bt leads in e%ery respect be it employees satisfaction or employer)s desires. 2. Google: Google leads in e%ery sphere and that includes online recruiting too. Bt has helped millions change their career graph and that too for the better.

J. 2d&ard Jones: this financial ser%ice company has all the solutions for your recruiting needs. #heir guidance helps the job see(ers pee( into the major job categories. Bt helps the fresher candidates interact &ith the real employees of the company so that they can get a feel of the company. 1. #arget Corporation: #his is another leader in online recruiting as it has gained the trust f millions of employees as &ell as employers across the globe. F. Campbell recruiting company: #his Company is multi+dimensional and has been leading recruitment industry too. Bt has placed millions of candidates in the right path. L. 2nterprise 8ent+A+Car: #his Company has college recruiting program in ;.7. Bt has helped tap the ra& talent in the country.

A. .hole 6oods Car(et: #his has numerous employees and it has the best tips of trade to (eep its employees satisfied. I. Cicrosoft: .ho does not (no& about the recruiting giant- Bt has been recruiting numerous candidates for its multi+purpose facilities. O. Peo ,urnett: #his &ebsite is put for&ard by s leading agency from ad%ertising &orld. ! . Jonson and Jonson: #his is also a %ery famous recruiting &ebsites. Bt has many facilities &hich the employees can use for their ad%antage. ' sample o$ some o$ the leading recruiting websites in India" !. &&&.nau( #his has become the most comprehensi%e of them all. .ith a &ide range of job searched and a &hole &orld of opportunities, this &ebsite has become a fa%ourite among Gen Y candidates. 0o matter &hat category you are searching for, this &ebsite portal has it all. Bt co%ers a &ide range of categories and due to this reason candidates from almost e%ery sector are hoo(ed on to this &ebsite. #he interface is clean and it pro%ides %ery good results. .hat more- Bt also offer many ser%ices li(e resume building &hich help the candidates in building the resume properly so that they do not get stuc( or are let do&n by a &rongly formatted resume. Bt offers its candidates, sms alerts too. #his helps them a lot in trac(ing the best jobs for themsel%es. 2. &&& #his is the second best online recruiting &ebsite in Bndia. Bt offers a &ide range of categories for its candidates and helps them get the job that they ha%e al&ays co%eted for. #his &ebsite belongs to the house of Conster .orld&ide Bnc. And hence it carries for&ard the trust that this company deli%ers. #he main aim of the &ebsite is to cater the best results so that the candidates find their dream job and the recruiting organisations find the best talent in the sector. #his &ebsite has become %ery popular &ithin a short time and numerous candidates and organizations turn to this &ebsite &hen they need a good job and talent respecti%ely. #his &ebsite too offers many helpful ser%ices to its candidates and the results are %ery Duic(.

J. &&& #his &ebsite has a &hole spectrum of job opportunities, co%ering e%ery sector. Bt has a separate portal for the candidates residing in Ciddle 2ast. #his &ebsite has all the right (inds of jobs so that the candidates do not ha%e to toil o%er getting the job of their choice. #his online recruiting portal is a much trusted one in the mar(et. Bt is a platform &here the best talents and the best opportunities meet.

1uture 2obs o$ the world"

9a%ing said all, the only thing remains is that it is a sad story to see unemployment rate still as high as IG across the globe. #he main reason behind is the mismatch that happens bet&een an employee and his s(ills and the job that is a%ailable to him. A hotchpotch of all these three things results in unemployment and lessening of producti%ity day by day. #he students &ho are fresh out of the college find themsel%es under the debt of education loan and search haphazardly for a job, grabbing the first opportunity that comes their &ay. After this, the unemployed ones ha%e to undergo training to different courses &hich are considered 4hot5 and &hich has better chances of pro%iding employment. 9o&e%er, as per the ;7 department of Pabour, these are some ne&er jobs that are becoming hot property in the ;7 mar(et. 9ere belo& is an indicati%e list of some of them &hich is e$pected to set ne&er benchmar(s and mar(et trends &ith time. Home Health and Personal Care Aide 9ome health care is an upcoming industry in%ol%ing people@nurses to help the sic( for mundane or regular acti%ities li(e for e$ample getting in and out of bed, bathing, dressing and eating. As per figures of 2 ! , there &ere about !.O million home health and personal care aides in the ;.7. Manielle 6eris, the national director of an organisation named 9and in 9and, says: 4people want to live at home longer, participate in their communities and stay independent, and one of the ways they do that is through home health care..5. #his industry is e$pected to boom up to LOG in 2 2 as compared to 2 ! especially in the ;7. Biomedical Engineer ,iomedical engineers are the ones &ho ma(e instruments, de%ices and soft&are in the medical field? they are also the ones &ho design artificial organs and body parts. 2mployment for biomedical engineers is supposed to gro& by L2G from 2 ! to 2 2 . Veterinary Tech #his is a gro&ing field catering to first aid of animals, more precisely pets? authentic data released by the American go%ernment states that people in the ;7 spend around QF billion on pets and about AJ million homes ha%e pets. #hese figures are e$pected to shoot up by F2G from 2 ! to 2 2 . Physical Therapist Assistant #he demand for physical therapists and assistants are e$pected to gro& big time, as due to our food habits, socio+cultural hazards there are many une$pected illnesses &hich stri(e us at a much younger age, say for e$ample cerebral stro(e, causing partial paralysis+ this automatically induces the need for physical rehabilitation.

Interpreter, Translator Culti language s(ills are in demand places li(e schools, hospitals and courtrooms. Cany Bnterpreters and translators are self+employed. 2mployment per se in this field is e$pected to gro& by 12G from 2 ! to 2 2 . Glazier Glaziers &ould be also in high demand as commercial buildings are increasingly using glass e$teriors. Bt)s all about energy efficiency. Glass buildings, in today)s times decrease the need for artificial lighting. 2mployment in this %ery interesting sector is e$pected to gro&th by 12G by the time &e step into 2 2 . Market esearch Analyst 2mployment for mar(et research analysts is projected to gro& by 1!G from 2 ! to 2 2 as companies are increasingly using research methods in studying the customer beha%ior in order to reach their target audiences more effecti%ely. #here aren)t just pri%ate organisations &hich are into this? research firms, social and ci%ic organizations, uni%ersities and go%ernment agencies are also using mar(et research e$tensi%ely to see &hether they are effecti%ely doing their jobs. 9ere belo&, you)d find some interesting data for the Job mar(ets in Australia:

Location selection and job counts


Jobs 611 10118 450 5162 1992 324 4591

Location selection and job counts

State WA

Jobs 4198

)o*s +rom o",er (o* *oar-s #n ",#s area 26413


#he online recruiting &ebsites ha%e helped millions of candidates get hold of job opportunities. Cillions of candidates ha%e found their dream job than(s to these &ebsites. #hey ha%e the best jobs in the mar(et at hand. #he candidates %isit these &ebsites for the best job opportunities. #hese &ebsites ha%e changed the &hole process of job hunting across the globe. 3nline recruiting is the best option a%ailable to the candidates these days and these &ebsites allo& the candidates to reap the ma$imum benefit. #hough this system has gi%en birth to problems of talent management and retention issues, these come &ith their o&n set of benefits &hich cannot be o%erloo(ed anyho&. #hese &ebsites ha%e opened ne& doors for the candidates as there are unlimited opportunities in front of them. #hese &ebsites ha%e helped millions of candidates find the most suitable jobs for themsel%es &ithout any limitations. #hey can also go global &ith online recruiting portals. 9ence, it can be concluded that these online recruiting portal ha%e done more good than harm and hea%e catered to Gen Y just the &ay they &ant.

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