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<html> <head><title>Illuminus Stadium</title></head> <body background="C:\Documents and Settings\asma\Desktop\Zain\USB\tile.jpeg"> <h1><center align><Font color=yellow face="Lucida Handwriting">Illuminus Stadium <h1></align></font><font size="3.

5" color=lime green><b><pre> last updated :22/4/07 </font></b></pre><image src="C:\Documents and Settings\asma\Desktop\Zain\School\ Misc\images.jpg" width =107 height =107><align=bottom><hr/><marquee scrollamount =20><font color="red" face="Papyrus">Welcome to the Illuminus Stadium website. I lluminus Stadium, the soon-to-be home of<font color=white> Liverpool FC!<font co lor=blue></align></marquee></font></font></font><font color="green" size=8><a hr ef="">click here for liverpool fc</a></font><align=lef t><image width=300 length=300 src="C:\Documents and Settings\asma\Desktop\Zain\S chool\Science\anfield_aerial_view.jpg"</align><u><h2><font color ="orange" size = 6.5 face= "Alien League">The Stadium </u></h2></font><center align><font size= 4 color ="aqua" face="comic sans MS"><p><font color=white>Illuminus Stadium</fo nt> hosts a variety of features representing the latest technology-the technolog y of AthleteX,the most advanced stadium technology available in today's mouth dr opping<font color=red> market.</font></align></font></p><align=left><image width =200 length=200 src="C:\Documents and Settings\asma\Desktop\Zain\School\Misc\anf ield.jpg"></align><u><h3><font size=6.5 color = 'orange' face= 'Alien league'><c enter align>The Pitch</u></h3></font><p><center align><font size="4" color="aqua " face= "comic sans MS"><p><center align><font size="4" color="aqua" face= "comi c sans MS">The pitch is as unique as anything else in the Stadium, with ThermOSo il that helps the planted grass to grow to its maximum by sensing the humidity a nd temperature(h & t) of the air. This is what ThermOSoil can do to natural gras s. What it can do to artificial grass,however,is even more impressive. It can se nse the h & t and in cold weather,strengthen the grass since players will sprint more to warm up and more grass is likely to be torn out.</p></align> </font><im age width=200 length=200 src="C:\Documents and Settings\asma\Desktop\Zain\School \Misc\Liverpool010.jpg"><u><h2><font color ="orange" size = 6.5 face= "Alien Lea gue"><center alien>The Space</u></h2></font></align><p><font color= aqua size=4 face"comic sans MS><center align>Illuminus Stadium has an amazing seating capaci ty of 110,679 . This excels the capacity of every stadium in Great Britain apart from Wembley Stadium.</p></font></align><image width=200 length=200 src="C:\Doc uments and Settings\asma\Desktop\Zain\School\Misc\Liverpool-Museum_tcm21-58112.j pg"><center align><font color=orange face="alien league"size=6.5><u>The Museum</ align></font></u><font color=aqua size=4 face="comic sans MS"><p><center align>T he Stadium has an amazing museum on one side, which has all the cups,of course,t hat Liverpool has won in its history and all the shirts of the liver-stars of ol d that stayed through great events in their careers such as Baros,because of who m Liverpool managed to win the'05-'06 Champions League.Also included are the med als won by players and a complete timeline of the club. </font></p></align><imag e src="C:\Documents and Settings\asma\Desktop\Zain\School\Misc\250px-Emirates_St adium_Interior_June_2006_1.jpg"><font color=orange size=6.5 face="alien league"> <center align><u>The Roof</font></align></u><font color=aqua size=4 face="comic sans MS"><p><center align>The roof of the stadium is spectacular. It is converti ble,being able to fully slide open in a timespan of 30 seconds.Also,it is lined with rows of the latest and most eco-friendly energy savers</font></p></align></ body</html>

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