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Happy Birthday to Dawn Rich (2.9), Arthur Hall (2.14), and Linda Atkins (2.23)!

Happy 30th Wedding Anniversary to Greg & Lisa Oakley (2.11)!

A church with open arms, loving hearts, and a desire to bring glory to god

This Week: Sunday, February 16, 2014

10:00 Worship

Join us for Coffee & Doughnuts before worship service

Faith Christian Church News

Jacob and his father-in-law, Laban separateGenesis 31:1-21(you may also want to read Genesis 30:25-43)

Weekly Devotional

Jacob and Esau reunite-Genesis 33:1-20 Joseph and Dreams-Genesis 37:1-11 Joseph Sold Into Slavery-Genesis 37:12-36 If you are using The Story read pages 29-42(chapter 3) during the week.

New Audio-Visual Equipment Coming This Sunday!

Our Audio-Visual Team (Woody Cheek, Jonathan Gordon, Jeff Blanchard, Vonda Lewis) have been working to secure our new AV equipment it should be in place this coming Sunday, February 16th! The equipment will enhance our worship services and give us the capability to expand Gods kingdom to those outside the church.
Volume 2, Issue 7

We would like to hear from you! Starting this Sunday, you will have the opportunity to leave suggestions in the suggestion box, located at the informational table. Please write anything down that you would like to see the church do differently, love, or question. Please keep all suggestions appropriate.

Suggestion Box

Fruit Baskets
The Outreach Committee assembles fruit baskets on a monthly basis for those that are on the prayer list. If you know of someone that you would like to give a basket too and they are not on the prayer list; please let us know.
February 12, 2014

Whats in FCC News this week?

This Week: Sunday, February 16, 2014 Weekly Devotional Suggestion Box Fruit Baskets New Audio-Visual Equipment January Worship & Offering Stats Valentines Day Coffee & Doughnuts Prayer Concerns 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2
Sowing Generously! Thank You to the Churchs! Mens Fellowship in the Works! FCC Newsletter is now monthly! Deacon Nominations Church Committee Easter Thank You! Thought for the week 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2

Meeting place address:

4630 Blanchard Road Burlington NC 27217

Postal address: P. O. Box 1731 Burlington NC 27216 Church website:

January Worship & Offering Stats

Date January 5 January 12 January 19 January 26 Worship Attendance
58 69 68 71

Valentines Day Coffee & Doughnuts

Join us Sunday, February 16, 2014 for coffee and doughnuts just before worship service starts! A sweet treat for all the ones we love.
"We love because He first loved us." (1 John 4:19)
Have you liked our Facebook Page? Or checked out our website! Click on FCCs logo and Facebook icon to visit our page and website

$1,122.83 $1,478.00 $1,819.00 $1,400.00

Average Attendance 66 Average Offering $1,454.95

Contact Information for Pastor Reid Home Telephone(336) 447-4445 Cell Phone(336) 214-1065

Sowing Generously!
The cold and brown appearance of the ground gives me a sense of no life. As I look upward at the bare trees against a gray sky my faith and hope fade for a while. However, beneath the surface of the earth and within the branches of the trees there is life abounding. The life within is the result of a seed that was planted.

Prayer Concerns
Prayer Concerns in the Congregation
Gladys Oakley (C/O Teresa and Gary Jones (3059 Lowe Rd Elon NC 27244) (446-0360) Gladys has been sick with a fever and cough over the past few days. Edna Hall (2261 Carolina Rd. Burlington NC 27217) (227-0648) Edna is recovering from recent surgery. Becky Corbett (712 Jeffries Cross Rd. Burlington NC 27217 (421-9416) Joe Walters (C/O Blakey Hall 501 Blakey Hall Lane Elon NC 27244)

The Bible has something to say about seeds. Paul wrote to the church at Corinth, God supplies seed to the sower and bread for food God will also increase your store of seed and will enlarge the harvest of our righteousness. (2 Corinthians 9:10) Spiritually speaking there may be times when outwardly we appear like the landscape of the earth cold, barren, and bare. But on the inside God has planted a seed of eternity that will soon break out and blossom for the Lords glory! Galatians 3:29 records, If you belong to Christ then you are Abrahams seed and heirs according to the promise. The promise has been brought to us however now the seed of the promise is in our hands. I encourage you to sow generously. As you give of yourself for the sake of Jesus Christ our Lord will supply and increase the store of your seed. Gods Blessings! Pastor Reid

Thank you to Pastor Bruce & Lisa Church!

Their word in song and the message from Matthew 11:28 -30, Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am gentle and humble in heart and you will find rest for your souls. For my yoke is easy and my burden is light. Bruce and Lisa are a blessing to Gods kingdom. The church gives thanks for their ministry.

New Concerns Related to the Congregation

Barbara VincentTim and Pam OMalley, Eddie and Vonda Lewis are the contacts Kyle and Christopher OakleyLeon Oakley is the contact Tex RichDawn and Barry Rich are the contacts Caleb Brann FamilyWendy Oakley is the contact Elizabeth OakleyPastor Reid is the contact Victor Newcomb and Stephanie Hagers marriage Ellen Price is the contact Lucas BaldwinEllen Price is the contact Shannon GauzeKim Murray is the contact Keith JonesTeresa Jones is the contact

Mens Fellowship in the works!

Calling on all Men in the congregation! Are you interested in becoming a part of the Mens Fellowship? If so, let us know by leaving your contact information in the suggestion box located at the information table. More details to come...stay tuned.

Ongoing Concerns Related to the Congregation

Jolene Guthrie, Loretta MossJoyce and Tom Moore are the contacts Cathy ThompsonEddie Lewis is the contact Agnes BlanchardJeff Blanchards grandmother Lillian GerringerPriscilla Bell is the contact Baby AsherStephanie Gordon is the contact Mary DewDanny Langley is the contact John and Ann BeaslyFrank Warner is the contact Denny Hall, Estelle BransonEdna Hall is the contact
Ongoing Concerns Related to the Congregation are listed on the blue handout available for pickup each S u n d a y . To submit a prayer concern fill out a prayer card (yellow display at the entrance to the Venue) or contact Pastor Reid (336.447.4445), Greg & Lisa Oakley (336.229.9436) or Wilbur & Sandi Gordon (336.578.3533)

Beginning in March you will receive the FCC News once a month via email. This will allow time for each committee to meet and work on the items at hand and report back to you! Look for the FCC News in your inbox by the first Sunday of each month. Copies will also be available during worship service each Sunday. This publication will no longer be mailed. You may also find FCC News on our website or Facebook page.

FCC Newsletter is now Monthly!

Thank you for your nominations. Our deacons will contact the nominees in the coming weeks. We will vote in the deacons at our next business meeting on Sunday, March 30, 2014.
The CLT is actively looking for a location for a Good Friday event as The Venue will be in use. Easter Sunrise and breakfast is on Sunday, April 20th. We will also have our normal worship service at 10 A.M. Stay tuned for more details coming soon!

Deacon Nominations

Church Committee
Would you like to serve? We Need You! Sign up sheets available this Sunday or call Melissa Blanchard at 336.263.6373.


A huge thank you to Eddie & Vonda Lewis for donating a laptop for the church to use. The Computer Store next to Lowes Foods in Burlington is donating the hard drive for this laptop. Please support the Computer Store for your PC needs.


Thought for the Week

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