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Analysis of a Mixture of Carbonate and Bicarbonate

2 The total alkalinity (defined as total base concentration in this case [ HCO3 ] + 2[CO3 ] ) is measured by titrating the mixture with standard HCl to a bromocresol green end oint! HCO3 + H + H 2CO3

CO32 + 2 H + H 2CO3 "ssuming all the carbonate comes from sodium carbonate and all the bicarbonate comes from sodium bicarbonate# calculate the original ercent com osition of these two substances in your unknown mixture$ REAGENTS Standard 0.1 M HCl (note you must standardize it yourself): CO2-free water: %oil &'(( m) of distilled water to ex el C* 2 and our the water into a +(((,m) lastic bottle$ -crew the ca on tightly and allow the water to cool to room tem erature$ .ee tightly ca ed when not in use$ Bromo resol !reen (-ee Table ++,/ in the textbook$) "n#nowns: -olid unknowns (2$0 g1student) re ared from reagent,grade sodium carbonate and sodium bicarbonate$ 2nknowns should be stored in a desiccator and should not be heated$ Heating at 0(34+((3C con5erts 6aHC*3 to 6a2C*3$ Sodium carbonate ("C- grade) &2 g1student for standardi7ation of HCl PROCEDURE ! "ccurately weigh 2$(42$0 g of -odium carbonate standard into a 20(,m) 5olumetric flask by weighing the sam le in a ca ed weighing bottle# deli5ering some to a funnel in the 5olumetric flask# and reweighing the bottle$ Continue this rocess until the desired mass of reagent has been transferred to the funnel$ 8inse the funnel re eatedly with small ortions of C*2,free water to dissol5e the sam le$ 8emo5e the funnel# dilute to the mark# and mix well (with C*2 free water)$ 9i et a 20$((,m) ali:uot of standard solution into a 20(,m) flask and titrate with &($+ ; HCl# using bromocresol green indicator$ 8e eat this rocedure with three more 20$((,m) ali:uots$ <x ress your ;olarity of your standardi7ed HCl as x s $ "! "ccurately weigh 2$(42$0 g of unknown into a 20(,m) 5olumetric flask by weighing the sam le in a ca ed weighing bottle# deli5ering some to a funnel in the 5olumetric flask# and reweighing the bottle$ Continue this rocess until the desired mass of reagent has been transferred to the funnel$ 8inse the funnel re eatedly with small ortions of C*2,free water to dissol5e the sam le$ 8emo5e the funnel# dilute to the mark# and mix well (with C*2 free water)$

#! $otal al#alinity: 9i et a 20$((,m) ali:uot of unknown solution into a 20(,m) flask and titrate with standard ($+ ; HCl# using bromocresol green indicator 8e eat this rocedure with three more 20$((,m) ali:uots$ $! =rom the results of ste 3# calculate the total amount of carbonate and its standard de5iation$ Then calculate the bicarbonate concentration by sol5ing the simultaneous e:uations$ <x ress the com osition of the solid unknown in a form such as '3$/ (>($0) wt? 6a2C*3 and 3'$' (>($2) wt? 6aHC*3$

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