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Investigation of Magnetizing Inrush Current in a Single-phase Transformer



Abstract-The magnetizing inrush current which occurs at the time of energization of a transformer is due to temporary overfluxing in the transformer core. Its magnitude mainly depends on switching parameters such as the resistance of the primary winding, the point-on-voltage wave (switching angle), and the remanent flux density of the transformer at the instant of energization. This paper describes the development of a system for measuring the inrush current. The system is also capable of presetting various combinations of switching parameters for the energization of a transformer. The data sampling of the magnetizing inrush current has been achieved by using a microcomputer and a software package has been developed to perform harmonic analysis of each of the first few transient current cycles. The effects of the remanent flux density, the switching angle, and the primary winding resistance on the magnetizing inrush current of a 2.5-kVA single-phase transformer have also heen presented.

Nominal source voltage ( V ). Instantaneous magnetizing current ( A ) . Steady-state peak flux density ( T ) . Remanent flux density ( T ) . Magnetic field intensity ( A / M ) . Source resistance ( Q ) . Transformer primary winding resistance ( Q ) Source inductance ( Hy ). Transformer leakage inductance ( Hy ) Total primary circuit resistance ( R = R,$ R , )

Total primary circuit inductance ( L = L, (HY 1. Point-on-voltage wave (switching angle) (degree) Primary circuit decay time constant ( s ).

+ + L,)

I. INTRODUCTION HE PHENOMENON of magnetizing inrush current in transformers at energization has long been a problem in the design and performance of differential protective relays used in power transmission and distribution systems. The steady-state magnetizing current of a transformer may be only 1-2 percent of the rated current, but it may reach 10-20 times rated current when the transformer is switched on to a source. This transient effect may persist

Manuscript received December 12, 1986; revised April 2, 1988. The authors are with the Wolfson Centre for Magnetics Technology, Cardiff, CF2 3AD, U. K . IEEE Log Number 8822652.

for several seconds before the steady-state condition is reached and cause unnecessary tripping of a differential protective relay. Investigations in this field have been made by various research workers using analytical methods. The most comprehensive investigation was carried out by Blume et al. [ 11, who studied the problem using analytical models and derived methods to minimize the first peak of the magnetizing inrush current. Formulas for determining the shape of inrush current were derived by Specht [2] and Yacamini and Abu-Nasser [ 3 ] , [4]. These are useful in predetermining the specification of any protective devices and may be used to determine the desired levels of magnetizing inrush current for desensitizing a differential relay until the excessive inrush current ceases to flow. Unfortunately, this practice in some measures defeats the original purpose of differential relays since insulation failures in transformers have been known to occur at the instant of energization. Also, the assumption of linear B / H characteristic of the transformer core material produces significant errors. The electronically controlled point-on-voltage wave switching technique for transformer energization [5] has been developed with a view to minimize the magnitude of the magnetizing inrush current. It was found that switching at 90" of the voltage wave reduces the magnitude of the magnetizing inrush current. However, the amount of reduction may not be large enough due to the remanent flux density retained by the transformer core. Moreover, this approach is impractical in existing transformers since presetting the switching parameters of transformers has proved to be difficult. Due to the asymmetrical nature of the magnetizing inrush current, even harmonics appear to be the dominant ones in the harmonic spectrum, in particular the second harmonic. Because of this distinct characteristic, any internal fault and the magnetizing inrush current can be distinguished on the basis of the fundamental and the secondharmonic components, respectively. Digital filter techniques [6], [7] have been used in conjunction with microprocessors to suppress the unwanted tripping of the differential relay during the magnetizing inrush current period. However, the design of a differential relay still depends on the actual characteristic of the magnetizing inrush current, and the most important of all, on its second-harmonic content. In order to design a differential relay, the operation of

0018-9464/88/1100-3217$01.00 O 1988 IEEE

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which can be restrained during inrush current conditions, a detailed analysis of the magnetizing inrush current of a transformer under various switching conditions is needed. One can select different values of primary circuit resistance, point-on-voltage wave, and remanent flux density with the help of the measuring system described here. This system also incorporates with a microcomputer which performs the data sampling of the magnetizing inrush current for a period of 50 cycles. The magnitude and the harmonic content are then determined cycle by cycle using a computer program. The object of this paper is to provide a better understanding of the combinational effect of various switching parameters on the magnitude, duration, and harmonic content of the magnetizing inrush current of a transformer at the instant of energization.




CURRENT When a transformer is energized from a voltage source the peak magnetizing current may reach a very high value and cause a momentary dip in the voltage resulting in an unwanted tripping of the differential protective relay. The phenomenon of the inrush of the magnetizing current is due to the temporary overfluxing of the transformer core at the instant of energization. This temporary overfluxing effect is governed by the following factors: a) the point-on-voltage wave at the instant of energization; b) the magnitude and polarity of the remanent flux in the transformer core at the instant of energization; c) the total resistance of the primary winding circuit; d) the power source inductance; e) the inductance of the air core in between the energizing winding and the transformer core; f ) the geometry of the transformer core; g) the maximum flux-carrying capability of the core materials. Under steady-state conditions, the core flux density B lags behind the source voltage V by 90". In order to induce one half cycle of the required back EMF, a total change of flux density of 2B,, is needed. When the excitation of the transformer ceases, the magnetizing current follows the hysteresis loop to zero and the flux density remains at some residual value known as remanent flux density B,. If the transformer were to be switched in at the instant corresponding to a point on the flux density wave which had the same value and polarity as that of the remanent flux density, then no inrush current would occur. Fig. 1 shows the waveforms of a source voltage V , flux density B , and magnetizing current I at three different periods, a) steady state, b) interruption, and c) re-energization, respectively. It can be noticed that at the beginning of period c) the transformer is re-energized at 0" of the source voltage with the remanent flux density, B, and both the transient flux density and the inrush current are large. However, it is possible to prevent the transformer

Fig. 1 . Waveforms of source voltage, flux density and magnetizing current at periods of (a) steady state, (b) interruption, and (c) re-energization.

core overfluxing at energization thus eliminating the inrush current in the primary circuit of the transformer. In order to achieve this, the switching-off angle on the source-voltage wave must be precisely obtained. For example, in Fig. 1 , if the transformer is switched off at angle QoR, then the re-energization at Q = QoR will prevent the appearance of magnetizing inrush current because the switching-on point will coincide with the previous interruption point thus allowing the continuation of the steadystate condition. The decay of the magnetizing inrush current is in part a function of the impedance of the energizing circuit and can be regarded as a simple network of resistors and inductors connected in series to an infinite busbar. The time constant of the inrush curent decay can be expressed as shown in (1) and ( 2 ) .

V exp (UT,)

( L s + L,) (RS + 4 ) .




Under normal operating conditions, the leakage inductance of a transformer is small because of the B / H characteristic of the transformer core material. It has been found that the higher the circuit resistance, the less the number of transient cycles, the time constant and also the magnitude of the first cycle of the inrush current. In practice, the circuit resistance is very small compared with the power rating of a transformer, hence a power transformer has a large primary circuit time constant resulting in a long transient decay. At present, the use of improved electrical steels in

Authorized licensed use limited to: IMAG - Universite Joseph Fourrier. Downloaded on June 4, 2009 at 09:47 from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply.



transformer cores permits higher flux operation without any increase in the core loss, exciting current, and operating temperature. These advantages, however, have been compromised by the tendency for higher magnitudes of the first cycle of the inrush current.

2. C . D.






A measuring system has been developed using an electronic switch and a microcomputer with a view to minimizing the large number of calculations and measurement procedures. The system is illustrated schematically in Fig. 2 . The triggering circuit consists of a zero crossing detector (ZCD) and an adjustable phase shifting network. The output voltage of the latter, along with the primary voltage of the transformer, is fed into the summing point of the ZCD; as a result a train of pulses is produced. These pulses are phase-shifted from the zero-crossing point of the primary voltage wave. The phase shifting network is also connected to one of the triacs in such a way that as soon as the triacs are fired by the first pulse, the inputs to the phase shifter are short-circuited. This method allows the transformer to be energized at any predetermined point on the primary voltage wave and once it is energized, the full power is delivered to it as the trigger pulses shift back to the zero-crossing points of the voltage wave. A dc excitation coil is used to set up various levels of remanent flux density up to 1.7 T of either polarity. One of the components of the current sampling unit is a variable shunt resistor which provides various primary circuit resistances for investigating the effect of primary circuit resistance on magnetizing inrush currents. A variable-gain amplifier has been employed to ensure that an adequate voltage is fed into the analog-to-digital converter (ADC). The inrush current harmonics are evaluated using a software based on the Fourier series technique. Twenty two thousand data values of magnetizing inrush current are sampled over a period of fifty cycles and for each cycle of the inrush current, various harmonics are determined.
A . Point-on-Supply Voltage Wave Switching Circuit The main component of this circuit, shown in Fig. 3, is a multistage ZCD type CA3059 [8] which was designed to handle ac voltage inputs (typically 240 V) directly. The CA3059 features a self-powered dc supply, a protection circuit, and a Darlington output stage to provide sufficient gate current to trigger triac T , and hence triac T2. The values of R2 and R3 have been chosen to satisfy the condition given by 0.33 < R 3 / R z < 3.0, so as to enable an internal gate to generate trigger pulses at pin 4. The internal protection circuit is activated by connecting pins 13 and 14 together. This protection circuit, when alarmed by any unsatisfied conditions, removes power from the load by interrupting the gate current output to pin 4. In order to allow the energization of a transformer at different points on the voltage wave, an adjustable phase shifter has been employed. Its output voltage V , is fed


Fig. 2. Block diagram of the measuring system.

into pin 12 of the ZCD. A summing point is provided with the help of a 5-kQ resistor (not shown) connected internally between pins 5 and 12. Thus the actual zero crossing detection is based on the summed voltage at pin 12, and hence the voltage VI?has a phase shift with respect to the reference voltage Vs. An example of 90" phase shift is shown in Fig. 4. As soon as the triacs are turned on, the inputs to the phase shifter are short-circuited thus allowing trigger pulses produced at pin 4 shift back automatically to the zero-crossing points of the supply voltage wave. The full supply voltage wave is then recovered resulting in full power being delivered to the transformer.

B. Computational Work Software has been developed to obtain information on the magnetizing inrush current, in terms of magnitude, duration, and harmonic content of each cycle. This program performs two major functions. First, it carries out data sampling at a time interval of 47 ps over a period of first 50 cycles of the inrush current. Secondly, it evaluates cycle by cycle the magnitude, duration, and harmonic content of the inrush current. Determination of harmonic contents has been based on Fourier series. Close approximations of real-time integra-

Authorized licensed use limited to: IMAG - Universite Joseph Fourrier. Downloaded on June 4, 2009 at 09:47 from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply.







H &
E n t e r no.of c y c l e to be a n a l y s e d


R &
S e t counter f o r

Fig. 4. Oscillogram showing trigger pulses at 90" phase shift

Input i n i t i a l i s a t i o n

tion has been used to calculate numerically the Fourier coefficient of each harmonic component. If the inrush current can be represented by an analytical expression F ( t ) , i.e., the equation of F ( t ) is unknown except that its numerical data points are available, then a Fourier series can be applied to obtain a descriptive equation for F ( t ) , that is, harmonic contents of the magnetizing inrush current can then be determined. In order to interpret this, the following mathematical model is considered:
Ak =

routine corresponding locations

C a l c u l a t e sine and c o s i n e terms D a t a input routine

consecutive locations Calculate


F ( r ) cos ( k a t ) dt


where T = 20 ms, k is the order of harmonics, and w (the angular frequency) = 314.16 rad/s. If M is the number of data sampled in equal time space I , through one complete cycle, where I = T / M , then by using close approximated integrations, (3) can be written as
A, =

Print a n s w e r s


Fig. 5 . Flow chart of the harmonic analysis and assembly language subroutine.

2 M



F ( r ) COS ( k l m ) .


The sine terms of the Fourier series can also be expressed in the same manner as follows:

B~ =

2 M



F ( r ) sin ( k ~ m ) .


Using the following equation (6) in conjunction with (4) and ( 5 ) , the Fourier coefficient Hk of each harmonic is then evaluated.
HA = J ( A i

+ B;).


The flow chart shown in Fig. 5 illustrates the algorithm of (4)-(6). This analysis has been carried out for each individual cycle of the magnetizing inrush current and repeated for different switching conditions. IV. RESULTSA N D DISCUSSIONS The measuring system was used to obtain results, under various switching conditions, from a 2.5-kVA singlephase transformer, on no-load, operating at a peak flux density B of 1.7 T . The primary winding resistance was measured to be 0.91 Q . The peak of the first cycle of the magnetizing inrush current was measured for various switching angles with B, = 1.5 T and total primary circuit resistance R = 1.36

Q . The results are shown in Fig. 6. It can be noticed that the switching at 0" produced a first cycle of relatively large magnitude, whereas, a low peak current appeared when the switching took place at 180". The reason for this can be explained in terms of the lagging nature of the flux density waveform and the value of remanent flux density B,. As mentioned in Section 11, a total change of 2B, of the flux density is necessary to produce one half cycle of back EMF. If B, = 0, then the flux density will vary from zero to twice of Bin; thus the peak flux density of the first cycle will be 3.4 T. With B, = +1.5 T , the flux density will start at 1.5 T and its first peak will be at 4.9 T. However, from a practical point of view, such flux density levels cannot exist due to the limited flux-carrying capability of the transformer core and a considerable voltage drop due to the primary circuit resistance; nevertheless, extreme saturation of the transformer core results in an excessive inrush current. As discussed earlier, if the switching-on point on the flux density wave coincides with the point at which the transformer was interrupted, then the inrush current can be avoided (Fig. 1). Thus as the switching-on point advances from 0" towards 180", the value of the flux density at the instant of energization approaches the point at which the transformer operation was interrupted. Similarly, the first peak of the magnetizing inrush current reduces as the switching angle advances

Authorized licensed use limited to: IMAG - Universite Joseph Fourrier. Downloaded on June 4, 2009 at 09:47 from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply.


first Cycle of Inrush Current (A)

322 1



0 '





Point on voltage switching



Fig. 6. First peak of inrush current with various angles of switching at B,,, = 1 . 7 T , B r = + l . S T , a n d R = 1.36Q.



Circuit Resistance



I .7T/+1 .5T10deq


I .7Ti+l .5T,90deq 1 .7TI-I .STlBdeq



' "1

% , 2nd



Fig. 7 . Decay of magnetizing inrush with various primary resistance at B,,, = 1.7 T, B, = + 1 . S T. and Q = 0".


from 180" to 360" with a negative value of remanent flux density. It can also be noticed that the switching at 90" does not necessarily reduce the magnitude of inrush current as described by Digneffe [5] since the magnitude mainly depends upon the magnitude and polarity of the remanent flux density with respect to those of the steadystate flux density at the instant of energization. The decay of the magnetizing inrush current has also been investigated. Fig. 7 shows the decay for different primary circuit resistance R at the switching condition of B, = 1.7 T , B, = 1.5 T , and Q = 0 " . It can be observed that the higher the value of R the faster the decay of the magnetizing inrush current and also the lower the magnitude of the first cycle. This is due to the fact that the rate of decay is governed by the time constant L / R as in a simple R-L circuit. Since the source inductance is comparatively small, the total inductance of the primary circuit depends mainly on the leakage inductance of the transformer L,. The value of L, tends to be small in the region of saturation, whereas the resistance of the primary circuit is independent of the size of the transformer core and its induction levels. Hence, the resistance of the primary circuit becomes the main variable in determining the primary circuit time constant and the rate of decay of the magnetizing inrush current.

0 LL


Fig. 8. (a) Content of harmonics as the percentage of fundamental against cycle number at B,, = 1.7 T . E , = + I . S T. and Q = 0". (b) Content of harmonics as the percentage of fundamental against cycle number at B,,, = 1.7 T. B, = I .S T. and Q = 90". (c) Content of harmonics as the percentage of fundamental against cycle number at B,,, = 1.7 T , B, = -1.5 T . and Q = 0".

Harmonic analysis of an individual cycle of the magnetizing inrush current was carried out at various switching conditions. Fig. 8(a), (b), and (c) illustrates these for three different switching conditions. The oscillograms of

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tant, not only for the design of the harmonic restraint differential relay, but also for the effect of interference on other electrical networks. It may be concluded that a large reduction in magnetizing inrush current is possible with a given combination of switching parameters. Point-onvoltage wave switching is feasible provided the polarity and magnitude of remanent flux density are known. Preinsertion of resistors in the primary circuit has also been proved to be effective; however, the resistor must have a large value thus resulting in a large voltage dip in the transformer. The correlation of the switching parameters may be used to reduce magnetizing inrush currents, but the main argument still remains in the area of economical aspects and its applications in the existing power systems.

L. F. Blume, G. Camilli, S . B. Farnham, and H. A. Peterson, Transformer magnetizing inrush currents and influence on system operation, AIEE Trans. PowerApp. S y s f . , vol. 63, pp. 366-375, Jan. 1944. T. R. Specht, Transformer magnetizing inrush current, AIEE Trans. Power App. Sysf., vol. 70, pp. 323-327, Jan. 1951. R. Yacamini and A . Abu-Nasser, Numerical calculation of inrush current in single phase transformers. Proc. Inst. Elec. E n g . , vol. 128, pt. B, no. 6, pp. 327-334, Nov. 1981. -, The calculation of inrush current in three phase transformers, Proc. Inst. E k e . Eng., vol. 133, pt. B, no. I , pp, 31-40, Jan. 1986. H. Digneffe, Electronic control of power transformers, Electron. Eng.. vol. 55, pp. 53-60, Apr. 1983. J . A . Sykes and I. F . Morrison, A proposal method of harmonic restraint differential protection of transformer by digital computer, IEEE Trans. P o w e r A p p . S y s t . , vol. PAS-91, no. 3 , pp. 1266-1272. May/ June 1972. E. 0. Schweitzer, R . R. Larson, and A. J . Flechsig, J r . , An efficient inrush current dectection algorithm for digital computer, in Proc. IEEEPower Eng. Sue. Summer Meet. (Mexico), pt. A77, p. 510, July 1977. A . C. N. Sheng, and G . J. Granieri, J. Yellin, and T . McNulty, Features and applications RCA integrated circuit zero-voltage switches CA3059, RCA Solid State, Tech. Rep. ICAN-6182, Oct. 1973.

_ j 10 m s e c l c m


Fig. 9 . Oscillograms of magnetizing inrush current switching at (a) B,, = 1.7T.B,= +1.5T,andQ=Oo.(b)B,,,=1.7T,B,=+I.5T,and Q=9O0.(c)B,,,=1.7T,B,= -1.5T.andQ=O0.

the corresponding magnetizing inrush currents are shown in Fig. 9. The even-harmonics decay in the manner as the corresponding inrush current does, whereas, the odd harmonics stay relatively constant. These special properties result from the fact that the second harmonic is the dominant one. It can be noticed that the higher the magnitude of the magnetizing inrush current at any one cycle the higher the second harmonic content of that cycle. Thus the second harmonic content of the magnetizing inrush current can be used to differentiate between the magnetizing inrush current at the energization of a transformer and the transformer internal fault currents. V . CONCLUSION A microprocessor-based measurement system was used to determine the characteristics of magnetizing inrush currents in a single-phase transformer at predetermined switching conditions. This system has the advantage of efficient measurements of magnitude, duration, and harmonic content of each cycle of the magnetizing inrush current. Detailed analysis of harmonic contents of the magnetizing inrush current has been found to be impor-

Paul C. Y. Ling was born in Hong Kong in 1961. He received the B.Sc.
degree in electrical and electronic engineering from University College, Cardiff, UK. in 1984. In the same year he joined the university working in the Wolfson Centre for Magnetics Technology as a Research Assistant in the field of transient phenomena in power transformers. He is also working in the field of soft magnetic materials in particular the geometry effect of tape wound core on magnetic performances. Mr. Ling is an Associate member of the Institution of Electrical Engineers of the UK.

Amitava Basak was born in Calcutta. India. He received the B.E. degree
in electrical engineering from the University of Calcutta, in 1966 and the M.Sc. and Ph.D. degrees from the University of Wales, UK, in 1971 and 1975, respectively. From 1973 to 1979 he was a research fellow at the Wolfson Centre for Magnetic Technology, University College, Cardiff, UK. He is currently a Lecturer in the Department of Electrical and Electronic Engineering of the same college. His main research interests are the flux distribution and power loss in electrical machines and the use of permanent magnets in dc linear motors. Dr. Basak is a member of the Institution of Electrical Engineers and the Institute of Physics.

Authorized licensed use limited to: IMAG - Universite Joseph Fourrier. Downloaded on June 4, 2009 at 09:47 from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply.

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