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Wayland Reporter

The Wayland Reporter Page 1 ~ January 30, 2008

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Sponsor of WACO’s “CHECK US OUT”

January 30, 2008 Volume 5, Number 7 Wayland, Iowa FREE To WACO School District

Wayland’s Changing Skyline

Recent construction on both ends of town have resulted in a changing skyline. To the north are two new homes. The one to the left was completed in 2007
and the owners, Laverne and Linda Messer, blessed our community this past Christmas with beautiful holiday lights & decorations. Next door neighbors
will soon be Kevin and Sheila Fort, whose new home is nearing completion despite the frigid temperatures. At the far right are the enormous Eichelberger
Milling bins north of town that house the bounty of Wayland area’s corn crop. The south, east and west portions of Wayland are also showing growth,
with the addition of new homes, duplexes, the completion of Parkview Home Expansion Project, and of course the east Wayland water project. New busi-
nesses in the form of Wagler Woodcraft is also taking shape in the Wayland Industrial Park. PROGRESS … It’s happening right here in WAYLAND!

Living on the Edge … Harpist at

Living on the Edge … of a Four Lane Highway Church
A Life experience story by Helen Imhoff, Crawfordsville
We have a lot of adventures just living here on the edge of 218. Mostly we have people with car troubles that stop at Wayland Mennonite
our place in Crawfordsville. But recently one was a little more exciting. will be having a very
It was last month, Saturday, December 22, you probably remember what the weather was like—it snowed … it special guest on
blowed and the mess outside made it next to impossible to see to drive. Sunday morning
I watch the highway traffic a lot from my kitchen window, but that night I was messing with the computer and look-
February 17th at
ing out the window, too. It looked awful outside and I was thankful we were warm inside. One time when I looked out,
a car came from the south and crossed the highway into Crawfordsville, made a loop and went back across the highway, 10:30. Eduard
Klassen is a harpist,
made another loop and crossed the highway again onto our street. If the weather had not been so awful, that would have Parkview
seemed normal around here. Note: I won’t even mention the day a couple years ago when a car stopped to change speaker, and folk
drivers and a young guy got out of the passenger side of the car wearing a beautiful emerald green bridesmaid dress. Visitor artist. He was born
He had a bit of trouble keeping the dress on his shoulders, but otherwise he looked lovely. Anyway...back to my story. On February 5, 2008 and raised in
I went to the west window and watched as this small car stopped next to our driveway and under a street light. I kept KCRG-TV Meteorologist
watching, expecting someone to come to the door, but instead, they turned the car off. A man and his dog got out briefly
Paraguay, South
Kaj O’Mara (above) and
and the man retrieved some blankets from the trunk. Retreating back into the car, it seemed that he and his passengers his camera crew will be
America. Playing the
were settling in for the night—outside! It was supposed to reach 9 degrees that night. coming to Parkview harp has been his
I told my husband Jerry that he better go see if they needed anything. It took him for-ever to get “bungled” up (4- Home at 4:00 p.m. passion since a young
year-old granddaughter Lindsey’s word) to go outside. Our pup had chewed the ends off Jerry’s shoe strings and he They will be doing a age. His tours have
couldn’t get them back through the holes, and these were the only shoes that fit inside his overshoes. Finally, he had to live weather segment taken him to over 20
go out with the shoe tongues flapping as well as listening to my tongue flapping about hurrying up. Once outside he saw
from our new dining countries. He has
that the car had Tennessee license plates. He tapped on the window and the man was very reluctant to roll the window
down. Finally he did—just a little—and Jerry asked if they wanted to come in the house. They said no. They were
room/lounge. inspired people
Kaj wants to do a
going to wait a few hours for the storm to be over and then go on. Yeah, right! Maybe in Tennessee, but not this win- through his music in
question and answer
ter—not in Iowa. churches, schools,
segment during the
Jerry came back in alone. I paced and paced. I couldn’t stand to think of those southern people out in that car— colleges, concert
broadcast. We would like
freezing. I couldn’t handle the stress any longer so at 10:00 p.m., I said, “I’m going to bed.” Jerry must have shared my
fears, because he said, “We can’t leave them out there in this weather!” He stated that he was going back out and tell
to invite the community halls, and has been
to join us for an on radio and TV.
them that they had to come in. We had no idea how many were in the car, but that didn’t matter. So, he went through
afternoon/evening of This is one you won't
the shoe-overshoe ritual again, got “bungled” up, and went back out. He implored them to come in. He showed them
were our drive usually is and they drove in. Jerry made a path with his tongue-flapping shoes for them to walk behind. want to miss!
In the back door, entered a smiling forty-ish couple, Frank and Judy, daughter Megan, age 26, Grandma Thelma 89, and Plus maybe you will
even get to be on TV! Come to be blessed!
Sam age 13—the family dog. They were so glad to get inside where it was warm and where there was a bathroom. We
learned that they were on their way to Waterloo to spend Christmas with another daughter and family. They were such
nice people. Their story: Frank and Judy live in Vicksburg, Mississippi and are moving to Memphis, Tennessee.
Megan, lives and works in New York City and had flown to St. Louis where they picked her up. Grandma Thelma lives (Advertising Deadline)
in Shreveport, Louisiana, and was making her first trip to Iowa. Since we love dogs, it was fine for Sam to come inside THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 21st, 2008
also. (Articles, photos, submissions)
After visiting a short while, I started making beds for all. Thank goodness for an air mattress, an extra bed, and a (Publishing Date) WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 27th, 2008
couch. They slept well and were up bright and early Sunday morning. (It doesn’t take long when you sleep in your
clothes.) After a bite of breakfast, they started on their way. Frank said, “Of all the places we could have pulled into, the E-MAIL: AND
Lord led us to your house.”
Since the incident we have received the nicest note from Frank and Judy. They related how they have enjoyed telling MAIL: 2561 320th Street, Wayland, IA 52654
TOLL-FREE Fax: 1-866-316-5821
people of their “near disaster” and as Frank puts it, “the good Samaritans that insisted upon rescuing us!” Then one day
DROP OFF: The Wayland Reporter or
in the mail we received a heavy box filled with pecans from Thelma’s back yard. What a treat! The Computer Gig at 217B W. Main, Wayland or with
Some people think we were crazy for taking a chance like that, but you get used to such experiences when you Live
Bev Conrad at
on the Edge — of a four lane. Wayland’s City Hall!
The Wayland Reporter Page 2 ~ January 30, 2008
Main Street Update
Answers to “What’s Going on The Wayland Reporter
for $15.00 year!
By Myrna Joy Wenger in the Old Grocery Store?” WACO-SCHOOL AREA RESIDENTS ARE
Subscription are only needed if you are a
Non-Waco Area Resident
If you’re interested...just stop in when the doors are
open and take a quick peek at the construction and
DE-struction that is taking place. It’s quite fascinat- To subscribe, please
and mail it to:
Meanwhile… The Wayland Reporter
Myrna and Roger keep right on working in their
Editor: Myrna Joy Wenger
current office space at 217B W. Main. 2561 320th Street; Wayland, Iowa 52654
Name __________________________________

Address ________________________________

City ___________________________________

State, Zip code___________________________

Telephone ______________________________

Please enclose a check made out to

The Wayland Reporter for
$15.00 per year.
For questions call 319-256-7772.
Above & top below: Seth at work in the “deli” side of the store. Below, center: The old tin ceiling will be sand-blasted back to its original
beauty. Below: Store manager’s desk has become a tool-table. Bottom right: Another worker, Michelle Wade shows off her work clothes.
Serving northern Henry, southern Washington and
northeastern Jefferson Counties.
First of all: Thank you for your questions about
“What’s happenin’ in the ol’ Grocery Store?” Wayland Reporter
Secondly: Those horrific noises you hear coming Designed & Published By Published the last
out through the metal siding at the store are NOT Graphics Plus
Wednesday of each
month, unless
screech owls or someone screaming “bloody mur- Located At: 217 West Main St., otherwise noted.
der.” Neither are they rocks falling from the heav- Wayland, IA 52654 Mailed in bulk from
ens (as one youngster put it). These are the sounds the Wayland Post
Mailing Address: 2561 320th Street Office, Wayland, IA.
of PROGRESS. Construction to be exact. Wenger
Wayland, IA 52654 Subscription rates are
Builders—alias my son, Seth Wenger, along with $15 per year for
TOLL-FREE Fax: 1-866-316-5821 papers mailed out of
his buddy Steven Rhoades, and a few friends that
Phone: 319-256-7772 the bulk mail area
we’ve drafted to the cause, are the ones making all
the racket. The screaming of the saws, the distinct DEADLINE DATES The Editor is
“phunk” of the air-nailer, the ripping of paneling Article & Advertising Submission not
nails pulling Deadline is NOON on the FRIDAY responsible for
loose from the before the Last Wednesday of Each
any news/ads
studs, the submitted
CRASH that Editor is not responsible for any
items submitted after the deadline. following the
occurs once in
awhile. They are (Breaking News still accepted deadlines
Monday) stated.
all signs that it’s
“out with the TWReporter welcomes letters to the Editor. Please submit them to
old and in with the address at left. Note: Only signed letters will be published.
the new”.
Publisher’s Liability For Error: TEAM MEMBERS
The result: An The publisher shall not be liable Beverly Conrad, Journalist/
apartment and an for slight changes or typographical Photographer, Wayland
office are taking errors that do not lessen the value Ashley Brooks, WACO,
of an advertisement. The
shape! And it’s a publisher’s liability for other
Marlys Fear, Olds
good thing! errors or omissions in connection Billie Jo Rose, Crawfordsville
with an advertisement in any
J. Duwaine Hirschy, Wayland
subsequent issue will be to correct
or refund any moneys paid for the
Jana Miller, Wayland
NOTICE ~ Submitted photos, articles & miscellaneous may be advertisement. Carol Davis, Wayland Brad
picked up at The Wayland Reporter, 217 West Main. There are “left- Indemnification: The advertiser Roth, Wayland
overs” from past issues. If you would like to claim them please stop and/or advertising agency agrees Bill Asenjo, Crawfordsville
by. If you want to have items returned to you, please include a self- to defend and indemnify the Deb Roth, Wayland
addressed, stamped envelope. publisher against any and all Judy Williams, Wayland
liability, loss or expenses arising David Schlatter, Wayland
TO SUBMIT ITEMS FOR THE WAYLAND REPORTER from claims of libel, unfair Dr. Darrell Smith, Wayland
E-mail: or competition, unfair trade practices, WACO Teachers & Staff
Mail to: 2561 320th Street, Wayland, IA 52654 infringement of trademarks, All Advertisers!
TOLL-FREE FAX: 1-866-316-5821 copyrights, trade names, patents or Editor/Pre-Press
Call Myrna: 319-256-7772 (office) 7771 (home) proprietary rights or violation of Photographer/Journalist
Drop Off: The Wayland Reporter Office at 217 West Main St., rights of privacy resulting from the Myrna Joy Wenger, Wayland
Wayland (Friday 9-5) publication of the advertiser’s
Submissions Accepted upon
Drop Off: City Hall Offices with Beverly Conrad, Main Street, advertisement.
Wayland (M-F) Editor’s Pre-Approval
In Our Little Town . . .
The Wayland Reporter Page 3 ~ January 30, 2008

Wayland Says “Good-bye” to Mail Carrier This Month’s Queries:
1) Where was the Wayland News printed in
From The Wayland News the 40’s and 50’s?
Through rain and snow, heat and humidity, rural Wayland residence can al-
ways count on one thing, their mail. 2) Where was Dr. Bud Wyse’s first dental of-
For 21 years, Joe Kauffman has driven from the wrong side of the car while fice?
delivering mail to the people of Wayland. Monday, December 31st, however, 3) What stood in lot across from Methodist
Kauffman said “so-long” to the postal service life and “Hello” to retirement. Church?
Kauffman’s career with the United States Postal Service began in 1974, when
he was a substitute carrier. Then in 1986 he took over as the full-time rural car-
rier out of the Wayland Post Office. Send in your answers to:
While there are no plans for Kauffman to leave Wayland, he is planning to The Wayland Reporter
spend lots of time with his wife Laurie and go “fishin’, fishin’, fishin’”. Big con-
gratulations to Joe on his retirement and best wishes for future catches in the
2561 320th St.
years ahead. Wayland, IA 52654
Thank you Joe for all your years of dedicated service. OR
E-mail: AND
Oath of Office at
Wayland City Hall
Photo by Beverly Conrad

City Council members (left to

right): Kevin Fort, Greg Rich (re-
elected) and Josh Miller (newly
elected) were administered the oath of
office by Mayor Brad Roth on De-
cember 19, 2007. Their 4 year term of
office began January 2nd, 2008.
Congratulations to these three. May
your time of service be enjoyable and
a benefit to our community.

LAST month’s query

Birth Announcements Thank You Notes Wayland 1948 Girl’s Glee Club
Alas, no one answered the QUESTIONS:
Chris and Gina Petersen of This poem was sent to me during Anna's hospitali-
Reagan Lynn Johnston, Iowa proud parents zation and touched me deeply. Life is short and we
1) Can anyone fill in the blanks of missing names?
2) How many of these are current readers of The Way-
Petersen of their first child, Reagan can't take it for granted. Share your love with land Reporter?
Lynn, born December 30, someone today. Thanks and keep those replies coming!
2007. She weighed 6 lb 11 oz. and was 20 inches in “The Sacred Address on Page 2 of each issue.
length. Reagan was born at Mercy Hospital in Des is in the ordinary...
Moines. Grandparents are Greg and Carol Graber in one's daily life...
Crawfordsville; Dean and Mary Petersen, Audubon, in friends, family, neighbors...
Iowa. Great Grandparents are Dwight and Mary on one's own backyard.”
Graber Crawfordsville; Delmar and Alice Nitzsche
West Point, Nebraska; Ernie Petersen, Kimballton, Thank you for all the support we have received
Iowa. Gina and Chris’s address is 4909 Prairie through Anna's hospitalization and recovery. The
Place, Johnston Iowa 50131. words seem so small, but it comes from the bottom
of our hearts. There is no way I can express the
Italian Translator Nearby???? gratitude I feel toward my community, friends and
In October, 2007, a special visitor came to Way- co-workers. You have all done so much.
land to prepare a Swiss-Italian documentary about Anna is recovering great. She is a strong little girl
the USA and the upcoming election. The 25 minute and definitely a miracle. God has something special
show, which featured many from Wayland area, was planned for her.
shown on Swiss TV, and then posted to the Internet Thank you.
on the television’s website. In God's love, Kelly, Alden & Anna Hartzler
VASCO DONES, producer and independent film-
maker, of Dones Media LLC, sent the following link where
the documentary can be Italian. However, ATTENTION LITTLE TYKES FAMILIES
he is working on producing an English-speaking version OLD AND NEW
just for us to view. Until that arrives, if you want to view I would like to send out a BIG THANK YOU to
this production, go on the web at: all the families that have supported me over the
falo/welcome.cfm?idg=0&ids=0&idc=24768 . It’s interest- years. Each and every one of you have touched my
ing to see familiar faces on the web...even if they’re life on so many different levels. Watching your chil-
“speaking” in Italian. dren grow and getting to know each and every fam-
ily has been a blessing for me. I can't express how
BAKE SALE much it means to me that you allowed me to be a
February 1st at Graphics part of your lives. Again thank you soooooooo
Plus, 217B W. Main, Wayland much for all you support and every please take care.
For special orders contact I will hope to see you all soon.
Jodi at 254-2366 Sincerely Yours, Chastity Darts
or Lora at 256-2855
The Wayland Reporter Page 4 ~ January 30, 2008 Olds City Hall at 7:00 There was initial
PM. Others present: Rus- work done on the
Olds Community News sell Conrad. Budget.
by Marlys Fear The Council approved The next regular
the agenda and the previ- meeting of the Olds
ous meeting minutes. The City Council will be
OLDS Rob Zeglen took the oath Treasurer’s report from held Wednesday
CITY of Council members. Gay- Gaylon Fear was as fol- January 2, 2008 at
COUNCIL lon Fear accepted the po- lows. The Water Fund 7:00 PM at the Olds
sition as city Clerk notify- receipts were $6,601.40 City Hall.
Swearing ing the Council it will be with disbursements of Photos by Marlys
in of ad- his final two year term. $6,287.72. The Sewer Fear
ditional Mayor gave Gaylon the Fund had receipts of Right: Mayor
officers to final oath of office to $3,586.07 and disburse- swears in City
the city council was pre- which he has held since ments of $1,273.56. The Clerk.
formed by Mayor Mike 1974. The Olds City City fund had receipts of Right below: Coun-
Reschly December 28th at Council held their regular $4,778.49 and disburse- cil Members of
5:30. Brian Shelman and meeting January 2 at the ments of $5,780.14. Olds.

hurch Page sponsored by Eichelberger Farms & Milling, Wayland, Iowa

CHURCH Reverend Jim Stott Southern Baptist Church Pastor ~ Jeff McPheron
Pastor ~ Phil Slabaugh 319-385-9016 Sunday service 10:30 a.m. Worship, 9:00 a.m.
Sunday School Sunday School 10:30 a.m.
319-256-8531 1474 Franklin Ave.
9:30 -10:00 AM Fellowship after worship.
EVERYONE WELCOME! Worship Service-10 AM. Wayland
Sunday Worship Services Everyone Welcome To Youth Group, Wed.7:00 EVERYONE
OLDS COMMUNITY The next meeting will
at 9:30 a.m. with Church vans can pick WELCOME!
Attend! NEWS continued: not be until March of
Children’s Church K-6 you up 2008. Members will re-
Contact numbers
UNITED CHURCH OF Chapter L of the
Sunday School at CHURCH CRAWFORDSVILLE ceive a call informing
10:45 a.m. Robert Wolf ~ Pastor Greg & Kathy Stacy at Presbyterian & United
National T.T.T. them of the upcoming
Sunday Evening Services 9:30Sunday Services 319-461-0576 or Methodist Churches Society event.
a.m. Sunday School 319-256-2463
at 7 p.m. Pastor ~ Nancy Oehler Love Chapter L of the T.T.T. WACO
10:30 a.m. Church
(319) 658-2366 Society met Wednesday,
WEEKLY PRAYER 6:00 p.m. Choir
Women’s Club
6:30 p.m. Prayer Time SUGAR CREEK Choir 8:30 a.m. January 5th at the Olds
MEETINGS Children’s Choir 9:15 a.m. The WACO Women’s
7:00 Bible Study MENNONITE CHURCH UCC Church at 7:00 PM
Sunday, 8:30 a.m. Wednesdays, 7:00 p.m. Teens, Pastor ~Nathan Luitjens Sunday School 9:30 a.m. Club met at Betty
for their Christmas Party.
Monday, 6 a.m. Adventure Club and Adult Bible 256-6061 Worship 10:30 a.m. Canby’s Winfield home
Karolyn Crawford, Viola
Everyone welcome! Study Christmas Open House 2-4 p.m. Tuesday, January 15 for
SUNDAY WORSHIP Monday, December 24— Crawford and Wilma
DOVE FELLOWSHIP 9:15 a.m.- Sunday School Christmas Eve Worship Service McAllister hosted the their regular meeting.
Pastor ~ Richard White evening of events. Pizza was ordered first.
METHODIST 10:10 a.m.- Fellowship 7:00 p.m.
Prayer Request Line Pat King called the meet-
PARISH 10:30 a.m. Worship Everyone was asked to
319-254-2333 WAYLAND attend wearing a Christ- ing to order immediately
Wednesdays Cottonwood, Finley
SWEDESBURG MENNONITE mas pin/brooch. following calling for roll
7:30 pm Bible Study Chapel, Wayland
LUTHERAN CHURCH Ruth Klopfenstein was call. Each of the 9 mem-
7:00 pm Youth Group Cottonwood bers answered if they
Sundays 9 a.m. Worship CHURCH ELCA Pastor ~ Pam Gerig invited to share her col-
Unruh lection and knowledge of planned a winter vacation
10 am Sunday School 10 a.m. Sunday School Pastor Steven and if so where.
11 am Worship Service Wayland SUNDAY WORSHIP Christmas Pins. Mem-
Zittergruen bers found it to be very The minutes and treas-
6 pm Evangelistic 9 a.m. Sunday School 254-2216 9:30 a.m. Sunday urer reports were given.
Service interesting and all proba-
10 a.m. Worship Sunday Schedule: School Preparations were made
bly went home to check
EICHER EMMANUEL Finley Chapel 9:30 AM Sunday School 10:30 a.m. Worship out the jewelry they have for the Easter Egg Hunt
MENNONITE 10 a.m. Sunday School 10:45 AM Worship Services in their possession. to be held March 22 at
CHURCH 11 a.m. Worship Community Men’s The hostesses then 1:30 at the Olds City
Service Holy Communion
Pastor ~ OLDS Prayer Breakfast served a beautiful Christ- Park. A poster will be
1st, 3rd & 5th Sunday made by Marlys Fear for
Herb Yoder UNITED CHURCH First Thursday of mas Poinsettia decorated
Feb. 6 Ash Wednesday, the Post Office to adver-
Sunday Schedule OF CHRIST Every Month cake made by Karolyn for
Pastors ~ Carl and
7 PM Service refreshments. tise the event. Each
Sunday School 7 PM Service each 6:30 a.m. at Wayland member will bring candy
Elaine Vass Midway through the
9:30 a.m. Wednesday during Lent Methodist in Wayland treats to the next meeting
Sunday School refreshments it was an-
Worship 10:30 a.m. Everyone is nounced to check the bot- at Pat Kings where the
9:30 AM WELCOME to
TRENTON tom of the plate their cake Easter Eggs will be filled.
FERN CLIFF Sunday Worship MISSIONARY attend! Meeting adjourned.
EVANGELICAL FREE 10:30 AM was served on. If it had a
CHURCH Poinsettia on it they were The President retrieved
CHURCH Sunday School 9:30 AM Olds Community
Pastor David Forrester to take home the Poinset- the Pizza that was or-
Pastor ~ Duane Sherman Worship 10:30 Calendar dered and all collected
202 1st Street, Trenton tia plant that decorated
Fellowship Time 8:45 a.m. Thursday, February 7 City Council February 5 around Betty’s dinning
(319) 986-2213 the serving table. Marie
Sunday School 9:10 a.m. 3:00 PM-Bingo with Lions Club February 12 room table to feast and
Morning Worship 10:15 Sunday School 9:30 a.m. Lowe was that special
Park Place LTCC Worship 10:30 a.m. First Responders socialize.
a.m. person.
Tuesday, February 12 Wednesday Night Bible February 12
Evening Worship 6:00 p.m. WACO Women’s Club
1:30 PM- Faith, Hope &
AWANA’s 7-8:30 p.m
WEDNESDAY Charity Circle
Study & Prayer, 7 p.m.
Sunday Evening Services February 19 Ads Pay!
Firemen’s Meeting
Prayer & Bible Study
7:30 p.m.
Wednesday February 27
7:00-Church Council
held on the 2nd + 4th Sun-
days of the month at 6 pm February 26 Call 256-7772
Swedesburg Lutheran Church The Wayland Reporter Page 5 ~ January 30, 2008

Calls New Pastor Minister’s

Swedesburg Lutheran Church, a congregation
just North of Mount Pleasant on Highway 218, an- Moments
By Jana Miller nounced that they have called Steven Zittergruen to
be their new pastor. Zittergruen's first Sunday at Humble Pie waiting for her order.
Swedesburg was January 27, where he was in- However, where she

Picture Perfect
By Pastor Dave Forrester
stalled at the congregation's worship at 10:45 a.m. parked caused her to hold
Pastor of Trenton
This is Zittergruen's first call as a pastor, and the up the cars directly behind
Missionary Church
people of Swedesburg are excited about his passion her, including a police
Whenever the kid’s birthdays roll What kind of pie do
for preaching and teaching as well as his youthful- car. The officer in the
around, I start thinking "picture tak- you like? There are so
ness and energy. squad-car flicked his
ing" time. I made the mistake of hav- many variations of this
Zittergruen is enthusiastic about ministering at lights, and when she did
ing a professional picture taken at a portrait studio of wonderful desert. There
Swedesburg Lutheran: "My wife, Lisa, and I can't not respond he arrested
my oldest child, Whitney, every three months until she are apple, raisin, mince-
wait to join this community. I look forward to help- the lady for dementia.
turned two, and then at the half and full year marks un- meat, banana cream,
ing Swedesburg Lutheran grow as the people of Later, after her story was
til she reached school age. The problem with doing this peach, pecan, and the list
God. I'm also excited about developing my own checked out, a greatly
with the first one, then obligated me to do it with each goes on and on. I used to
pastoral gifts in the midst of this strong congrega- humbled officer released
subsequent child. I would not have classified that as a tell people that there isn’t
tion." her.
problem if I had only had one more subsequent child. a kind of pie that I do not
However, it became a bit of an aggravation after two The Zittergruens live in Iowa City, where Lisa is I, myself, was greatly
enjoy. However, I have
more and a downright major annoyance after four more a student at the Carver College of Medicine. embarrassed recently
discovered there is a fla-
"subsequent children." Zittergruen grew up in Monona, graduated from when I was confronted by
vor that I do not particu-
It wasn’t that I didn’t want beautiful pictures of my MFL MarMac in 1998, and attended college at an authority figure while
larly enjoy; in fact, it is
beautiful children - quite the contrary in fact. I love pic- Valparaiso University, in Indiana, where he ma- going about my pastoral
very unpleasant. It is a
tures of them and I have a fortune wrapped up in candid jored in theology and philosophy and graduated duties. I had been given
type of pie very few peo-
camera pictures and photo albums of all of them. The with honors in 2002. After college he attended Lu- false information.
ple will ask for by name.
difficulties arose because of the policies and restrictions theran Theological Southern Seminary in Colum- Humble pie does not
You will never find it in a
that portrait studios have on their package deals to en- bia, South Carolina. He was awarded a Master of taste good at the moment;
recipe book. It is unlikely
sure they squeeze the most amounts of money possible Divinity degree in 2006. yet when properly di-
to be displayed on the
out of their unsuspecting, (or in my case, very suspect- gested it can allow us to
food network, and it usu-
ing) customers. her arms and announced, "Well, I think it’s a cute put on a virtue.
smile." ally will not be found in a
Only one coupon can be used per family per visit. If I Proverbs 11:2 says,
"Yes," I agreed, "It is a cute smile, it just isn’t her restaurant.
wanted to get a package deal for each of them, I would “When pride comes, then
smile. I don’t want the picture." The type of pie I am
have to make five separate trips. Since the three young- comes disgrace, but with
"Well, I think you should take it, it’s just fine, and referring to is humble pie.
est have close birthdays, I would like to have all their humility comes wisdom.”
then we can do the other six pictures. We’ve already Humble pie is never en-
pictures taken at the same time. I have already gone to Colossians 3:12 says,
been at this for twenty minutes." She replied and joyable at the time; yet, it
two different studios in the same day in order to get the “As God’s chosen people,
then had the nerve to check her watch, snap her gum can be beneficial for us as
best price. Gas prices make that ineffective as a way to holy and dearly loved,
in my face and start tapping her foot. My hackles followers of Christ.
save money. clothe yourselves with
rose. I don’t usually even have hackles, whatever There was an incident I
Now studios are completely computerized, so as soon compassion, kindness,
they are, but that day, I had them plenty, and that heard about on the radio
as they snap a photo, you have to look at the monitor humility, gentleness and
comment stood them all on end. that was embarrassing and
and decide if you want it or not, right on the spot. If you patience.”
"I do not like that picture. I will not buy that pic- humbling for the people
say no, it’s deleted, and they snap another one. If you
involved. A senior lady The flowers of Chris-
say yes, this will be the "package deal" portrait that you ture! She looks like she sat on a porcupine, that’s not
all right, that is not fine, that is a grimace, not a driving through tian graces grow only
will get. Usually this means one or two of the sizes you under the shade of the
smile, I’m the paying customer, we will be here McDonalds ordered salt-
really want, and eighty-five you don’t want or need. cross, and the root of
quite awhile, if that’s what it takes-" I stopped be- free French fries. She
The difficulty here is in deciding if you really like the
fake smile they’ve given you in that picture or what the cause I realized I was sounding like Dr. Seuss on too pulled over in front of the them all is humility.
much caffeine. The end result was that I bundled up drive-thru window while
odds are of getting a better one. It all relies on chance,
and a few other factors like, how tired the child is, how the kids, left the studio with no pictures at all and the
hungry the child is getting, how impatient the other kids grim determination that it would be candid shots Crooked Creek Christian Camp
are, how unhelpful the photographer is, and how from that day forth. Program Schedule 2008
stressed I am by this time. I was thrilled with the purchase of my first digital March 15: Lenten Quiet Day
A great photographer actually likes children, works camera about five years ago, and now, two cameras June 2-6: Staff Orientation
with the child, does silly things to get them to smile and and about fifteen hundred pictures later, it has been June 9-10: 1st-2nd Grade
has good suggestions for poses and is quick with the well worth the money. I have to smile and shake my June 11-13: 3rd-4th Grade
trigger button. A good photographer will do some goofy head when I pass by portrait studios, so happy I no June 15-20: 4th-5th Grade
things, but is more concerned how that looks to by- longer feel obligated to frequent them. June 22-27: 5th-6th Grade
standers than how it’s affecting the child, and while I may not have the polished pictures of perfection, June 29-July 4: 6th-7th Grade
they move along, they’re not too invested in the out- showing impeccably groomed, stiffly posed children July 6-11: 7th-9th Grade
come. A bad photographer on the other hand, sighs a with big smiles on their faces, but not reflected in August 1: Grandfolk & Littlefolk Day
lot, doesn’t do any interacting with the subject whatso- their eyes. The candid shots I have might show the August 1-3: Family Camp
ever, and waits too long to take the picture, even when scratches received from the kitties the day before, October 3: Senior Day
the mom is yelling, "Snap it, snap it now!" the raw areas where they picked off a scab when I December 6: Come to the Table
I seemed to get stuck with the latter more than the told them not to, the dirt on the clothes they weren’t
former. I think there were even a few that whipped out careful with, the hair that was finger-combed instead
the "Back in One Hour" sign and left work for the rest of brushed out, but it also shows the cheeky smile
that says they are up to something, the body lan-
Is the stress of
of the day when they saw me coming.
I remember getting in a somewhat heated argument guage that says they love me and the twinkle in the Winter Cold
eyes showing a little glimpse of their innocent souls.
with one photographer over a shot taken of a then two-
And I wouldn’t trade those pictures for a thousand
Causing you pain?
year-old, Delaney. She insisted it was a good smile, and
I needed to accept that picture as my package deal and professional portraits. Call
then continue with the six required remaining poses. I Nothing makes me smile more than when three- Dr. Timothy Wilbanks
told her that the smile was not a natural smile of De- year-old Jaicey shoves my camera in my hand with a
laney’s, and it didn’t look anything big smile and says "Mommy, take a ‘cheese’ of me."
like her. The photographer folded Copyright @ 2008 Jana Miller 1-888-343-3236
his column is sponsored by Delong Construction, Washington, Iowa Washington Chiropractic
109 N. Marion Ave.
Fun at Mayor’s Musings
The Wayland Reporter Page 6 ~ January 30, 2008

Parkview Mayor Brad Writes

Jan. 7, 2008: Zero to 60 is a term used in the
auto industry, usually of how many seconds it
takes for an automobile to get from 0 to 60 mph.
We are going to use the term in a different per-
spective today. The temperature went from 0 to
60 degrees in a matter of a few days. The snow
reserve we had also ran down the drain. During
the couple of weeks over Christmas and New
Years we had a lot of winter. It’s much more
bearable now.
The Railroad street project is now completed.
The street has a lot of mush on it; snow removal
removed some of it but there is still plenty left.
Hopefully the rain will work some more of it off.
The City will be adding rock from time to time
to the low spots where the street was dug up.
The actual street construction will probably be-
gin in May. The City wants to thank everyone
for enduring the inconvenience over the last few
The City received some very nice comments
on how well the snow was cleared off the streets
on weekends let alone over Christmas and New
Years. Thanks to Barry and Randy and the vol-
unteers that helped them in wee hours of the
morning when there was no traffic. They all did
a super job. It’s great to get positive comments.
Its seems like its always easier to make negative
comments than positive ones. We accept the
negative comments and thank you greatly for the
positive ones.
Jan. 14, 2008: It’s kind of pleasant to watch
During the Christmas Holidays the TV at night now after all the politicians have
staff and residents at Parkview Home moved to other states. There is a lot less com-
enjoyed various parties and celebrations mercials, and it’s even a pleasure to answer the
of the seasons. A visit from Wayland’s
phone again without a recording wanting you to
own Santa (Doc Rugg) was the high-
light for young and old who enjoyed
endorse a certain candidate.
whispering their Christmas wishes in Mother Nature left the door open again. The
his patient, listening ear. cold weather is here hopefully it won’t get a mi-
Santa’s #1 Elf, Melinda (above on Santa’s lap) was there to hand out treats. nus in front of the temperature, even though the
Generations of Santa’s elves (above right) gather for a fun-day family reunion. weatherman says it going to. I think most farm
At right: youngsters shirt states, “WARNING: allergic to lame gifts!” related people will be glad to see a little colder
weather to freeze the ground up. I understand
it’s very muddy. Even the gravel roads are soft.
In fact, Washington County banned its school
buses from running on county gravel roads for a
few days.
VOLUNTEER Jan. 21, 2008: The City’s natural gas con-
sumption was high for December and it looks
HELP NEEDED like January will also be above average usage.
AT The City will have to purchase some extra gas to
PARKVIEW cover the demand this heating season. I’m think-
Parkview Home is ing the price of the extra gas will be in the range
in need of that we will let us continue at the current $11 per
VOLUNTEERS to mcf rate for the season.
Our weekend temperatures were below the
come in and read to
goose egg (of zero). The Green Bay Packers and
residents several the New York Giants ballgame at Green Bay
times during each showed temperatures below zero and the fans
week. If you would were complaining that their drinks would freeze
be interested in in the bottle before they could drink it. Also, I
making life a little would think the spectators would be so cold after
more enjoyable for the ballgame that they couldn’t walk out of the
our residents, please stadium. If you happened to be watching this on
contact Judy TV, the players, fans and even the commentators
made a quick exit looking for heat. Super Bowl
Williams, Activity Sunday is coming soon, but Arizona tempera-
Director at 256-2775. tures will be much warmer.
OOPS! In last month’s Jest for Fun-
The Wayland Reporter Page 7 ~ January 30, 2008

An Engineering Calculation— the answer came before the

QUESTION. This month we THINK we’ve got it right.
Have a
Jest for Fun — An Engineering Calculation
Problem: A backhoe weighing 8 tons is on top of a flatbed trailer heading
east on Interstate 70 near Hays, Kansas. The extended shovel arm is made
of hardened refined steel and the approaching overpass is made of commer-
cial-grade concrete, reinforced with 1 1/2 inch steel rebar spaced at 6-inch
intervals in a criss-cross pattern, layered with 1-foot vertical spacing.
2008! (Including
Antiques &
Solve: When the shovel arm hits the overpass, how fast does the trailer with Furniture)
the backhoe have to be going to slice the overpass in half? (Assume no BEAUTIFUL OAK BEDROOM SET includes
headwind and no braking by the driver, who is oblivious of the situation...) 5 piece Mission Oak
For Extra Credit: Solve for the time and distance required for the entire
rig to come to a complete stop after hitting the overpass at the speed calcu- styling —
lated above. Commode/Wash Stand
Have you solved it? See below: With marble top and
shelf (right); King or
(2) Twin Bed Frames—
head & foot boards; 2
Nights Stands (below)
with marble tops and
beveled glass. HUGE SELECTION
Call 319-256-7771 or of FURNITURE!
Nice Collection of
319-461-6644 Antiques!

Old Hwy 218 in


ANSWER: According to pictures above the only answer is

that “It doesn’t really matter.” The point is that the truck-
ing company just bought themselves an overpass in Kansas!

Washington County Extension

Receives $500 Wal-Mart Grant

The Washington Wal-Mart store recently awarded a $500 grant to the Washing-
ton County Extension Office. The grant will be used to purchase equipment for
the Washington County 4-H program. Pictured are Chris Sieren, Personnel Man-
ager of Wal-Mart, and Kati Peiffer, 4-H/Youth Coordinator.
The Wayland Reporter Page 8 ~ January 30, 2008
Tenacity Translates into Health The Wayland
Songbird Exhibit By Anita Swartzendruber Reporter
By Pamela Holz Disappointed but not to be counted out describes fitness enthusiasts in Way- wants
Save our Songbirds land, a town of approximately 1000, after the local exercise center called it quits
Are you fascinated by our backyard birds? Do you
on April 1st of ’07.
Small-towners sometimes have to settle for driving out of town for what they
want to know more about them as well as ways to
make a difference? Then come to the Washington
County Conservation Board’s program, Saving our
want—but not this time! Approximately 20 former members of the now defunct
business met to discuss their options and pool ideas. A good set of exercise NEWS!
equipment was spotted for $7200. More research turned up an unused basement
Songbirds. This program will be on Thursday, Janu-
room at the local nursing home. Figuring 36 people paying $200 each for one
ary 31 beginning at 6:00 in the Conservation Educa-
year membership would produce $7200, it looked possible to start a fitness cen- Family
tion Center at Marr Park.
During this program, you’ll learn about the song-
ter in town. Gatherings
Negotiations with the nursing home board went smoothly. The equipment
birds of Iowa through a naturalist-led tour of the trav-
would be purchased by the new group and donated to The Parkview Home. The
eling Salute to Songbirds exhibit and then through a
presentation. We’ll cover what makes a bird a song-
fitness center would pay $200 per month for utilities and the use of the room. Church
(The estimated coast of utilities is $100-$125.) With administration, bookkeep-
bird, the hobbies of bird feeding and bird watching,
ing, and cleaning services done by volunteers, costs could be kept low. Members
the dangers these birds face today, and ways to help
would pay $200 per year, $100 for six months, or $20 per month. Maintenance
our feathered friends.
Marr Park is located one mile west of Ainsworth
and replacement costs would be up to the group, and basic decisions have been Club News
made by the Board of Volunteers.
and 7 miles east of Washington on Highway 92. The
A sizable contribution was made by one couple and an interest free loan by
Conservation Education Center is located in the south
another, making it possible to move forward quickly. By June 1st, 45 paid mem- Community
end of the park, across from the mini-lake.
bers celebrated opening day and Parkview Fitness Center was born! The center
For more information, contact the Conservation
boasts a total of 17 American machines including leg and arm extension, rotating Fundraisers
Center at 319/657-2400.
torso, abs, inner thigh, and elliptical machines, a recumbent bike, gazelle, and
Time is running out to view the Salute to Song-
treadmill. Other accessories like free weights, ab ball, recovery pads, TV sets,
birds Exhibit at the Conservation Education Center
CD player, and fans were added. School News
at Marr Park. This exciting traveling exhibit will be
Soon word got around. Membership soared to almost 50, and currently fluctu-
ending on Sunday, February 3. The Washington
ates between 40 and 50, with as many as 100 have used the center at some point.
County Conservation Board is honored to be the sec-
Outside entrance through an empty connecting apartment gives members access
If it’s
ond county in the state to host these fun, informative,
and exciting displays.
to restrooms and shower facilities. One early bird member opens at 5:00 AM important to
and another member living in the next apartment closes at 10:00 PM Monday
The Exhibit features many interactive panels and
through Friday. Saturday hours are 7:00 – 3:00. New members are given a short
activities on songbird habitat, nesting, bird calls and It’s important
introduction on the use of the machines by a veteran member.
songs, migratory habits and problems associated with,
and much more. One portion even includes a large,
“Feeling good” is important. A good workout and knowing you have contrib- to US!
uted toward health of your community are both good feelings to those who
cloth nest into which children can climb. Visit this
worked on the committee and those using the center. Let others
Exhibit and be educated about our backyard birds.
Visiting the Center and the Exhibit is free.
For more information call: 319-256-7200 or 319-256-7171. know by
The Center’s open hours are: Monday, Thursday, and submitting
Friday: 8:00 -4:30; Saturday: 8:00-4:00 and Sunday:
1:00-5:00. Great River Friends to Hold Jewelry Fair YOUR NEWS:
The Conservation Center is located in the south end E-mail, send to:
of Marr Park, on Highway 92, one mile west of Ains- West Burlington, Iowa, Jan. 21, 2008 — In keeping with its mission to support
worth and seven miles east of Washington. Great River Medical Center, Great River Friends is having a two-day jewelry AND
For more information, contact the Washington fair. Thousands of items from Masquerade Jewelry will be available for $5.
County Conservation Board at 319/657-2400 or
The sale is scheduled from 11 a.m. to 6 p.m. Thursday, February 7, and 8 a.m.
to 4 p.m. Friday, February 8, in the lobby of Mercy Plaza, 1225 S. Gear Ave.,
West Burlington. 319-256-7772
BAKE SALE IS BACK Great River Friends is a community of donors and volunteers who support
Great River Medical Center with their gifts of time, talent and treasure. For more Toll-FREE Fax:
February 1st at Graphics
Plus 217B W. Main,
information, please call Great River Medical Center Volunteer Services at (319)


He has extensive ag lending BLOOMINGTON, IL - A thundering storm sweeps the Sea of Galilee. Rain
experience to help area farmers pours down on a tiny fishing boat. A solitary figure steps out to calm the foaming
with loans. sea -- and a wonder for the ages takes shape. For its 85th Easter season, the
♦ Operating Loans American Passion Play shares a story of spiritual majesty in an ornate Blooming-
ton, Ill., edifice built almost solely for its telling.
♦ Livestock
"The American Passion Play takes us on a spiritual journey to Palestine, 30
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♦ Building meet his Apostles and follow his ministry from the Sermon on the Mount to His
♦ Land Purchases resurrection and ascension."
The play features live music, live voices and even live animals and rain. Ac-
Stop in and visit with Greg for competitive rates and cording to Crouch, the play is biblically accurate and is the oldest continuously
fast friendly service. performed passion play in the United States.
8:00-12 Noon at Wayland Performance dates for the 2008 season are March 8, March 15, March 16,
1:30-4:30 at Mt. Pleasant March 29, April 5, April 6 and April 12. All performances begin promptly at 2
p.m., prevailing Illinois time.
Other times, call Greg for an appointment at: To order tickets call 309-829-3903 or 800-354-9640. All tickets are $20. A
Wayland 319-256-5000, or Mt. Pleasant 319-385-8189 buffet lunch or table seating space is available by reservation. Call for availabil-
Fax: 319-385-8234 ity. A complimentary planner's packet is available for overnight tours.
Bloomington-Normal is located in the center of Illinois and is a convenient, all-
ayland State Bank Interstate distance from Chicago, St. Louis, Quad Cities and Indianapolis. Addi-
tional information about the play can be found at:
The Wayland Reporter Page 9 ~ January 30, 2008
The Write Way HALL OF
Writing for a
The Northwestern Col-
Cause Monday, Tuesday
lege Red Raider Club will
induct a former alumni & Thursday 8-5 Dr. Robert D. Pusey
There are events and incidents Wednesday &
that may motivate you to write
into its Athletic Hall of
Friday 8-2
Fame on Saturday, Febru-
for a cause. You may want to ary 2. Honored at the Ath- Wayland
right a wrong, educate and in- letic Recognition Lunch- 256-4065
form, help others avoid a situa- eon at 12 noon in the Ver-
tion that's happened to you, or raise funds.
You may be moved to do this as an individual. Or
meer Dining Room and at
halftime of the men’s basketball game against Ne-
Wayland Auto
you may work with a group, helping them in various braska Wesleyan, which starts at 4 p.m., will be for-
ways with your writing talents. Sometimes you'll get mer Wayland resident Melinda (Leichty) Engelmann
When Your Car Needs A
paid for what you write, while other times you write of Ames, Iowa. These and other inductees will bring Friend...Call Rod at
simply because you want to share and help others. the number of Hall of Famers to 85. 319-256-3181
What’s Your Cause? The daughter of Leland and Esther Leichty of ru-
Causes encompass almost anything that af- ral Wayland, Iowa, Melinda graduated from Iowa
fects your life or the lives of others. They include Mennonite School in 1996. Engelmann’s husband, Main Street
Barry, is a 2000 Northwestern alumnus.
issues such as: Alzheimer's, cancer, environmental
concerns, political issues, organ donation, literacy, Engelmann, a 2000 Northwestern graduate, earned Cut-Off
preserving historic sites, rights for handicapped per- NAIA All-American honors four times during her For Appointments ~ Call Janice Wenger
sons, campaigns against drunk driving, etc. Red Raider track career. The middle distance runner
was named an All-American at the national indoor
3376 WAYLAND RD. 319-256-4901
Here are some ways to spread the word about your
cause: meet in 1997 by placing fourth in the 600, at the na-
tional indoor meet in 1999 by placing third in the Wayland Guest
•Letters to the editor
•Op Ed Articles
600, at the national outdoor championships in 1999 House
by finishing third in the 800, and at the indoor na-
•Essays (many magazines reserve their back page for tional meet in 2000 by placing second in the 600. Bed & Breakfast
•Investigative reporting
Engelmann was also on 4x800 relay teams that (319) 256-5218
placed eighth at both the national indoor and outdoor
•Newsletters for an organization meets in her junior year. GET YOUR BUSINESS
•Press releases Engelmann set three individual school records in
•Speeches for yourself and others 2000: 1:25.61 in the indoor 600-yard run, 1:33.59 in RECOGNIZED!
the indoor 600-meter run, and 2:13.22 in the outdoor List in the Professional Business Directory as
•Booklets/pamphlets (writing or editing)
800. She was also part of the 1600-meter relay team Low As $9.00/Issue
•Grant proposals that set an indoor school record with a 3:58.06 clock-
•Fundraising ing in her senior year. In 1999, her 3200-meter relay Call Myrna at 256-7772
•Books squad set an outdoor school mark with a 9:19.13
How Are You Most Effective? time. In 1997, she was on the sprint medley relay
team that set an outdoor school record of 4:09.44.
•Write without anger and name-calling. When you
A social work graduate, Engelmann is a school-
write with obvious anger, perhaps even stooping to
based children’s therapist at the Orchard Place Child
name-calling, you'll likely be considered a fanatic,
Guidance Center in Des Moines.
one whose writing others will ignore or not want to be The Waco Warrior Shoppe
associated with. Instead of anger, demonstrate your
point of view through examples and facts the argu- The Rewards! GREAT STUFF
ments that prove your point or that help others see for Kids & Adults
Your rewards are many and may even be
another side to a topic. monetary. You know you're using your writing OPEN
•Check your facts. Whether you're writing articles, to help a cause dear to your heart and promote at
grant proposals, booklets, a speech — in fact, for any awareness, information as well as comfort others.
project — make sure your facts and figures are accu- As you draw attention to yourself and your writing, BANNER
rate. Don't simply write "off the top of your head". you may be asked to write more about your topic Auto & Hardware
You'll lose credibility quickly this way. and even to speak about it. From writing for free to Hwy 78 East, Wayland
•Appeal to emotions. You do want to appeal to peo- further a cause, you may receive payment for your Mon-Fri 8-5, Sat 8-Noon
ple's emotions, not in a maudlin or insincere way, but articles from other publications and talks before 256-8600
in a manner that enables them to relate to other people groups.
or situations. Often they'll recall something similar Don’t underestimate your power to reach out to people to do
they — or a friend — encountered and thus better un- good, to comfort, and encourage. You need not be a profes-
derstand what you're trying to say. sional writer, simply someone with a cause.
•Use clear, short sentences – don’t ramble. Keep Award-winning and internationally-published freelance
your writing precise, even when using a conversa- writer, Bill Asenjo, PhD writes for numerous publications.
Bill has conducted writing workshops for Barnes & Noble,
tional tone. While rambling pieces or scholarly tomes
UI, Loras College, Grinnell Medical Center and Kirk-
have their place, generally you need to keep your wood. Contact Bill about his workshops, coaching (in-
writing simple, yet clear and concise. person, phone and online), or for professional writing and
•Know your audience. Know the people whose at- editing services:; 319-658-
tention you’re trying to attract. Naturally, you’ll use a 2016; Award-winning and internation-
different tone for a humorous essay than a grant or ally-published freelance writer, Bill Asenjo, PhD writes for
investigative report. numerous publications. Bill has conducted writing workshops
for Barnes & Noble, UI, Loras College and Kirkwood. Con-
•Use humor to make a point. Most readers are re-
Join The Club!
tact Bill about his workshops, coaching (in-person, phone and
ceptive to humor. One or two humorous references, online), to order his booklets, or for professional writing and
even within a serious piece, help keep your reader/ editing services:; 319-658-2016;
attention. Buy 5 Oil Change Services
•Use case histories and examples. Relating your, or Freelance copywriter Bill Asenjo, PhD, CRC Web: & Get the 6th FREE!
others', experiences enhances credibility when writing; Phone: 319-658-2016. E-mail: (With the NEW Oil Club Card)
about a cause.
The Wayland Reporter Page 10 ~ January 30, 2008
Henry County recommendations to try to objects, and avoid carry- If an injury would oc-
Winter Walking
Health Center’s Safety Tips avoid injuries: ing items when possible. cur, prompt evaluation
Outreach Clinics… -Practice safe walking- -Be alert for icy patches and treatment is necessary
By Micki Gerdes-Boelens,
Take short steps, walk – These areas can be by a physician. In the
DPM, Seymour Foot and
with feet pointed slightly found under snow, and meantime, immediately
Ankle Center
Serving the primary healthcare needs outward, make wide make sure to pay attention use the “R.I.C.E.” method
This winter’s been
turns, and walk slowly. to the surfaces one is – rest, ice, compression
of the Wayland and tough already, and with
multiple months still left
-Wear slip resistant shoes walking on. and elevation – to help
– Ensure that shoes have -Pay special attention to reduce swelling, pain and
Winfield Communities of snow and ice, it is im-
adequate traction by uneven surfaces – In- further injury. Delaying
Wayland Community Clinic portant to remember to be
scuffing the soles of new clines and stairs warrant treatment can result in
safe when walking. Falls
Sylvia Graber, ARNP shoes or purchasing adhe- extra attention and try to long-term complications
on ice and snow can lead
227 W. Main St., Wayland sive rubber soles to pro- hold hand rails on stairs at such as chronic ankle in-
to a number of injuries,
vide greater traction on all times. stability and pain, arthri-
319.256.7100 including sprains, frac-
shoes. -Keep soles of shoes tis, or deformity.
Clinic held on Mondays and Thursdays tures, and tendon tears.
-Keep one hand free for clean – Take time to Please remember these
8:30 a.m. – Noon & 1 p.m. – 5 p.m. Walking during the win-
balance – One hand properly wipe soles once safety tips when walking
ter requires special atten-
Winfield Community Clinic tion to avoid slipping and
should be used for rail- indoors to provide better for the winter months
ings or balancing against traction. ahead.
Tess Judge-Ellis, ARNP falling. Here are a few
110 W. Pine, Winfield
Clinic held on Tuesdays and Fridays
8:30 a.m. – Noon & 1 p.m. – 5 p.m.

This Pastor Has

“Intestinal Fortitude”
(a fancy word for GUTS!)
Submitted by Jana Miller
It seems prayer still upsets some people.
When Minister Joe Wright was asked to open the
new session of the Kansas Senate, everyone was ex-
pecting the usual generalities, but this is what they
Heavenly Father, We come before you today to
ask your forgiveness and to seek your direction and
guidance. We know Your Word says, "Woe to those
who call evil good," but that is exactly what we have
done. We have lost our spiritual equilibrium and re-
versed our values.
We have exploited the poor and called it the lot-
We have rewarded laziness and called it welfare.
We have killed our unborn and called it choice.
We have shot abortionists and called it justifiable.
We have neglected to discipline rur children and
called it building self esteem.
We have abused power and called it politics.
We have coveted our neighbor's possessions and
called it ambition.
We have polluted the air with profanity and
pornography and called it freedom of speech
and expression.
We have ridiculed the time honored values of our
forefathers and called it enlightenment.

Search us, Oh, God, and know our hearts today;

Cleanse us from every sin and set us free.

The response was immediate. Some walked out

during the prayer in protest.
In 6 short weeks Central Christian Church, where
Reverend Wright is pastor, logged more than 5,000
phone calls with only 47of those calls responding
negatively. The church is now receiving international
requests for copies of this prayer.
With the Lord's help, may this prayer sweep over
our nation and wholeheartedly become our desire so
that we again can be called "one nation under God."

May God bless you today.

The Wayland Reporter
Page 11
January 30, 2008
Closing out 2007 &
Looking into the new year with
Articles this page by Michelle Wade, J. H. Wrestlers Close Out 2007 going 2-2 from the floor,
while Ashley Brooks
TWR Sports Writer with Success dropped in 19 of 41 on the
Miscellaneous photos this issue by Beverly Coach Carl Hudson is very proud of his
season for a 46.3 scoring
Conrad; Boys Basketball, Cheerleaders- junior high wrestlers from the 2007 season.
percentage. Amber Davis
Ashley Brooks; Girls Basketball-Madison And January approached quickly, Coach Hud-
led rebounders with 45 on the
Roth and Fred Haberer. son took a moment to talk with me about the
season while Sutton added
Michelle writes, season.
43, and Michaela Kremer
With a ten member roster, excitement was
The Webster Dictionary specialty defi- roped in 36. Sutton topped
never in short supply.
nition for the word “January” is: “the the steals category with 25,
There were three seventh graders; Kevin
month dedicated by the Romans to while point-guard Kayla
Anderson (11-8), Jerald Thompson (1-17), and
Janus.” This god had two faces and Conwell tallied 16 steals and
Tommy Morris (4-15), while Zane Marrow (5-
could look back into the past year, and dished out 14 assists.
0), Alan Hesseltine (10-7), Christian Roth (out-
With the 2007 season in the
forward into the current year. injured), Justin Freyenberger (9-11), Tim
books, the eighth graders will
Though writers of The Wayland Re- Morozov (11-8), Zeke Nebel (10-0), and
look to acquire new skills
porter don’t have two faces, for a brief Kendall Leichty (8-1) provided the experience
before making the jump to
introduction into 2008, I’m going to and leadership in the eight grade class.
the high school level, while
look back at sports in 2007. Coach Hudson was very proud of the way
the seventh grade girls solid-
his men competed this year, as he boasted often
Right: Bev ify the techniques and teach-
of the way their “never-give-up” attitude made
Conrad ings they already have for
for interesting and intense matches. A mental-
caught this success in next years season.
ity that I’m sure didn’t go unnoticed by the high
sports fan as Congratulations to all the
school coaches. Mentioning two major high
he paused a junior high basketball players
points was easy for Coach Hudson, stating, “…
on their success and accom-
second in his everyone wrestling a close and exciting match
plishments this season.
side-line for a win.” as one, while watching Marrow win
While J.H. Wrestling and
sprinting to five matches and the teams’ full support is an-
Girl’s Basketball concluded
flash her a other. WACO SPIRIT! Lidia Hihn pumps up the crowd as
their seasons before the
The Warrior wrestlers would like to thank
winning Christmas hiatus, the Varsity her fellow cheerleaders, Allison Martin, Rebekah Ken-
everyone who helped and/or supported the
smile. Boy’s and Girl’s basketball nelly, and Grace Grieser lift her into the air.
team throughout the season.
Below: What season rolled on.
sport is Speaking of being on a roll, the WACO Boy’s will send the Warriors into the SEISC tourna-
J.H. Girl’s Basketball Show basketball team continues their winning streak, ment peaking at the appropriate time.
Improvement pushing to a 16-1 record (as of Jan. 28, 2008), The girl’s start tournament play Tuesday,
The seventh grade team boasted a 12 mem- with their last loss coming on December18, January 29, then face the Harmony Rockets in
ber team, consisting of eight seventh and four 2007 to Pekin in a barn-burning 44-57 loss. their last regular season game on the fourth day
eighth grade girls. A season record of 1-9 The Warrior men begin to close out their of February. The Warrior cagers will have to
showed much improvement for a young group regular season Monday January 28 with a 7:30 wait to see who they will face in the first round
of student-athletes. game at Wapello. In the previous match-up, of the conference tournament, and where ex-
The eighth grade in turn had 13 players and WACO escaped with a 62-58 overtime win actly the two teams will clash.
finished with a 3-7 record. Each player contrib- against the Arrows at home. This time, the Check back in The Wayland Reporter Febru-
uted to the season, both with their skills and men of the hardwood will have to travel to a ary edition to find out how both teams faired as
their personalities. hostile Wapello gymnasium. Then, on Febru- their tournament dreams take flight. And for a
The seventh grade had 22 percent scoring with ary 1, take center stage in the first round of the recap of the WACO Varsity wrestling season.
major assistance from Kristine Williams Southeast Iowa Super Conference tournament.
(37.5%), Nikki Godsey (30%), Sara Conwell The place is yet to be determined.
(27.7%), and Kailey Gibbs (27.3%). Defen- The Varsity girl’s team has continued to Below (left): Drill Team lines up to
sively, Cherakee Poland and Grace Lutovsky improve throughout the season, coming close show off their spirit.
led the way with 48 and 42 respectively. in many games, despite their 4-12 season.
Below (right): Isaac Stauffer de-
For the eighth grade, Samiyyah Brown and Consecutive victories over Columbus Junction
Brooke Hammond each tallied 100% scoring, and Van Buren in the last full week of January lights crowds with his dance routine.
The Wayland Reporter
Page 12
January 30, 2008

Guys Javan Freyenberger, Austin McBeth, Chayse Roth, Isaiah Stauffer, Conrad
Yutzy, and Tad Morrow relax after securing another win against Winfield on the 18th.

Stauffer and
Conrad Yutzy
pressure the
ball as
Winfield tries
to break the
stiff press.

Tad Morrow
stays low on

Javan Freyenberger
steals the ball dur-
ing the Lone Tree
game and takes
flight for a lay-up.

Junior High ball players battle just

as hard as their elders in JV &

A few candid shots by photographers Beverly Conrad and Ashley Brooks.

Center top: Nathan Shelman.
Center below: Bryce Shelman.
Bottom right: Isaiah Stauffer lines up the ball from the line.
The Wayland Reporter Page 13
Warriors January 30,
January 30,2008

Top left: Rachel Miller brings the ball up the court. Who says posts can’t
Top right: Abbey Roth focuses on the rim as she prepares to shoot a free
throw as Kiley Hudson watches.
Above left: Kara Lowe dribbles the ball down the court.
Above right: Chelsea Jepson fights for a rebound against Pekin.
Below: Chelsea Jepson seeks out a teammate for the throw.

Photos this page by Beverly Conrad, Madison Roth and Fred Haberer.
Top & Center: Wayland Reporter photographer Ashley Brooks takes time off
from shooting photos to shooting hoops!
Above: Sabrina Jepson gives a fake as she waits for Kara Lowe and Rachel
Miller to start the offense.
WACO Receives Humanities Grant
The Wayland Reporter Page 14 Submitted by Bert Miller
January 30, 2008 WACO has been selected to January 30, 2008
receive a NEH (National
Endowment for the Humani-
Poetry ties) Picturing America
Winner Grant. This grant includes a
Submitted by large portfolio of 40 lami-
Kristine Kliewer nated reproductions of
Congratulations American art masterpieces
to Isaac Black for along with teaching materials
winning 1st place in to provide students with the
the Tri-Area Read- opportunity to learn about
ing Council Poetry our nation’s history and cul-
Contest for 6th ture in a fresh and engaging
Grade. Students in way. The Picturing Amer-
Mrs. Kliewer's class ica project uses art from each
studied Haiku po- historical period ranging
etry this fall. from Native American to
Generally Haiku poems follow a specific pattern of three modern day as a catalyst for
lines with 5 syllables in the first line, 7 syllables in the sec- the study of American history—the cultural, political, and historical threads woven into our nation's fabric over time. Picturing
ond line, and 5 syllables in the final line. Since many America is designed to encourage interdisciplinary partnerships between librarians, artists and classroom teachers. Shown above
Haiku poems are focused on nature, the class went on a are Mr. Brad Shetler, Mr. Robert Donkersloot, Mrs. Jean Caboth, Mr. Bert Miller holding a few of the classic art.
"Haiku hike" around the city of Crawfordsville. They took
notes on what they observed in nature and later wrote sev- WACO Students in
eral Haiku poems. Isaac will have the opportunity to share
his winning poem with other winners across the area on
Honor Choir
February 12 at the Mount Pleasant Library. Submitted by Millie Youngquist
On Friday, January 25, eight mem-
Isaac's winning poem:
Lovely autumn leaves bers of the WACO Junior High Chorus
fall delicately to earth participated in the Southeast Iowa Jun-
ior High Honor Choir in Mt. Pleasant.
in their own soft way.
They joined approximately 80 other
junior high singers from this area of the
WACO Recycles state for a day of rehearsal under the
direction of guest conductor, Matt Huth
of Waukee Community Schools.
They presented a concert at 7:00
PM on Friday evening, January 25, in
the Chapel Auditorium of Iowa
Wesleyan College.
WACO participants pictured
are: Front Row: Ashley Sutton, Mi-
kaela Kremer, Kathryn Pusey, Allison
Kennelly. Back Row: Justin Allison, Connor Ferguson, Tim Morozov, Gerald Thompson.

WACO Orchestra
Submitted by Denise Freyenberger
WACO Orchestra students joined others from throughout southeast Iowa to participate in the Southeast Iowa Sym-
phony Youth String Festival on January 16th. They rehearsed throughout the day and performed at a 4:00 concert in front
of a large audience of family members and friends. Waco students who were selected to participate included: Braden
Blake, Leah McElhinney, Darren Rickheim, Katelyn Thomson, Aaliyah Brown, Emma Eubanks, Jennie Greene, Jalyssa
Jepson, Erika Leichty, Corbin Schultz, Kaila Leichty, Colin Poe, Cey Saeugling, Koltyn Welker, Klinton Garrett, Kayleigh
Applegate, Morgan Dugger, Brenda McArtor, Kristine Williams, Justina Anderson, Brooke Hammond, Kathryn Pusey
and Connor Ferguson. Chaperones for the event were Karen Garrett and Jennifer McElhinney and the orchestra instructor
Submitted by Bert Miller is Denise Freyenberger.
Students in Mr. Meyer's Environmental Science class
have been studying recycling. The students have placed At the January 14, 2008 Regular meeting the WACO “WALL OF FAME” NOMINATIONS
boxes in teacher's rooms to recycle office paper. The students WACO Board took the following action: The WACO Foundation has created the WACO
collect the boxes every week. The paper is then loaded into ♦ Approved the minutes of the December 17 Wall of Fame Award .The Wall of Fame award was
Mr. Miller's station wagon and taken to City Carton in Mt. 2007 meetings as presented. created to honor graduates of WACO, Crawfordsville,
Pleasant to be recycled. Future plans include expanding the ♦ Approved the financial statements as pre- Olds, and Wayland who have made significant contri-
program to include newsprint and the glossy paper used in sented. butions in their fields or professions. If you would
magazines and catalogs. The program has gone well - so well ♦ Approved the open enrollment requests. like to nominate someone for a Wall of Fame award,
in fact that we now have more paper than will fit in the sta- please contact the WACO Superintendent's Office
♦ Approved the contracts as presented.
tion wagon. (319-256-6200) for a nomination form. Awards will
♦ Tabled action on the approval of an E-Rate be awarded semi-annually in the spring and fall.
Students are investigating the possibility of having Mr.
provider until the January 21, 2008 board
Dugger's construction class build a recycling shed. Then pa-
meeting. WACO Community Schools
per could be stored up and City Carton would come and col-
lect the paper with a forklift. One advantage to this would be ♦ Approved the 2008-2009 certificated staff as Nondiscrimination Statement
presented. The WACO Community Schools will not discriminate in
that City Carton would pay WACO for the paper it picks up.
♦ Approved the 2008-2009 classified staff as pre- its educational programs, activities or employment
Photo above: (left to right) Donovan Swift, Trace Nebel and practices based on race, color, national origin, gender, age
Uriah Rugg loading paper for recycling. sented.
religion, ancestry, sexual orientation or any legally
♦ Approved Michelle Miller as part-time teacher protected class. If you have any questions or concerns
assistant a the elementary for four (4) hours please contact:
per day at the compensation of $7.75 per hour. Dr. Darrell Smith, Superintendent of Schools; 706 North
♦ Approved the position of a part-time teacher Pearl, Wayland, Iowa 52654
assistant. 319-256-6201 or
The Wayland Reporter Page 15 ~ January 30, 2008
The Class Reunion’s Lesson
A group of graduates, well established in their careers, were talking at a reunion and decided to go visit
their old university professor, now retired. During their visit, the conversation turned to complaints
about stress in their work and lives. Offering his guests hot chocolate, the professor went into the kitchen and
returned with a large pot of hot chocolate and an assortment of cups - porcelain, glass, crystal, some plain AFFORDABLE HOUSING
looking, some expensive, some exquisite - telling them to help themselves to the hot chocolate. For Qualified Renter
When they all had a cup of hot chocolate in hand, the professor said, “Notice that all the nice looking, ex- 1 bedroom apartments w/stove and
pensive cups were taken, leaving behind the plain and cheap ones. While it is normal for you to want only refrigerator, on-site laundry, water, sewer,
the best for yourselves, that is the source of your problems and stress. The cup that you're drinking from garbage pick up included.
adds nothing to the quality of the hot chocolate. In most cases it is just more expensive and in some cases Must be 62 or Older or Handicapped
even hides what we drink. What all of you really wanted was hot chocolate, not the cup; but you consciously Way-Mar Apartments
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are just tools to hold and contain life. The cup you have does not define, nor change the quality of life you Tired of High Interest Rate
have. Sometimes, by concentrating only on the cup, we fail to enjoy the hot chocolate God has provided us.
God makes the hot chocolate, man chooses the cups. The happiest people don't have the best of every- Payments & Debts?
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newspapers are mailed once a month to every home within the district and are paid for by ADVERTISING in each issue. This along
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COMMUNITY PROJECT. Thank you to our ADVERTISERS & SPONSORS who keep The Wayland Reporter running!
The Wayland Reporter Page 16 ~ January 30, 2008
Southeast Iowa Symphony News

WWII Memories
James Dixon was a strong, positive influence on
many musicians, and I’m included in that group. He
was my role model for maintaining high standards of HAPPY 80th
World War II came performance as a conductor. SEISO’s winter concert BIRTHDAY
series is dedicated to the memory of Iowa’s re-
to life at a recent MARSHAL
event at Swedesburg spected music man. By setting the highest standards
of performance, the impact of his life’s work has Celebrating 80th
Lutheran Church La- Birthday
dies and Guest Night been clearly felt throughout the state and the country.
He was a great admirer of Gustav Mahler, and the Marshal W. Rose of
on January 22, 2007.
Guest speakers, Gerry SEISO is proud to present Mahler’s 1st symphony in Donnellson, formerly
Klopfenstein of Way- honor of James Dixon. of Crawfordsville,
land and Bob Lindell Saturday – February 16, 2008 will be celebrating his
of New London were 7:30 PM – Memorial Auditorium – Burlington 80th birthday with an
Sunday – February 17, 2008
on hand to tell the OPEN HOUSE on
stories of two of their 3:00 PM – Bridge View Center – Ottumwa
7:30 PM – IWC Chapel Auditorium – Mt. Pleasant Saturday, February 2,
late relatives’ experi- 2008 from 2:00-4:00
ences relating to Pearl
Harbor, Europe and Master Gardeners Plan PM at the Donnellson
United Methodist
Japan. They began Rose Program
Above: Gerry Klopfenstein was with the dropping of Church. All family
Fifteen Master Gardeners met on Tuesday, Janu-
one of the guest speakers at bombs on Pearl Har- ary 22, 2008, at 7:00 p.m. at the Washington Public and friends are invited. No gifts, please.
Swedesburg . bor. Klopfenstein told Library. Sheila Gerot presided over the business Marshal was born on February 2, 1928 near
this and more about meeting. The 2008 programs were handed out to Crawfordsville and spent much of his life
his Uncle Allen Goff’s experiences with a B-29 crew each member. Roll call was what is your favorite there. Cards may be sent to Marshal Rose at
over Japan. Lindell shared stories from the life of his bulb. The minutes from the previous meeting were P.O. Box 178, Donnellson, IA 52625.
father-in-law Keith Haight and a B-17 Europe ground read and approved.
crew, as well as Pearl Harbor. The February meeting will be a presentation by
Allen Goff is a well-known artist from the area who Deb Walser, Linn County Master Gardener, on per-
kept a detailed journal of the missions that his crew ennials in her garden. She has over sixty slides in
flew each day. Lindy Chrisinger, accounts that Goff her presentation. This meeting is open to the public
sketched with colored pencils during those days and and will be held at 7:00 p.m. on February 26, 2008 at
his sketches depicted aircraft and captured sights from the Farm Bureau Office in Washington. There will
each day’s missions. Chrisinger noted that some have be no charge for the public to attend.
stated that Goff’s journals should be in the Smith- Additional program ideas were discussed. Vicki
sonian Institute. “I wouldn’t be surprised if they did Gonterman will look into finding another pond gar- To our Alicia Joy -
end up there,” Chrisinger stated. den to tour for the August meeting. Sheila Gerot
Shot down over Holland (the Netherlands), Keith will contact Joyce Gauger of West Liberty about
World’s Best
Haight was sheltered by the Dutch, who hid him dur- scheduling a tour of her gardens in June. Daughter!
ing his time of evading the Nazi’s. His son-in-law The Master Gardeners annual plant sale will be
stressed how the Europeans appreciated the Allies and held at the schoolhouse at the fairgrounds. The ten-
American intervention that led to Liberation from the tative date is Saturday, May 17. Advertising and
Nazi regime. posters will be distributed.
Lindy Chrisinger noted that both Goff and Haight Kirkwood Community College 2008 Winter Gar-
were in their early teens and early 20’s when they dening Fair – February 2, 2008 Muscatine County
served in the war. It is hard to realize how young the “Art of Gardening” – March 15, 2008 Project Green
soldiers were and still are! “When the war started,” Sunday Garden Forums at the Iowa City Public Li-
Chrisinger said, “not many troops were on active duty. brary Iowa City Landscaping Winter Class Schedule
They had just enough time to train before being sent Iowa State University Master Gardener Summer
off to learn in the field.” Session – July 11-12, 2008 Horticulture in the Heart-
Chrisinger encouraged people of all ages to talk to land at Clinton – March 1, 2008 Polk County MG’s
Veterans about their first hand war experiences, stat- bus trip to the Tri-State MG Conference in Milwau-
ing, “WWII vets are living history.” It’s a learning kee on July 16-19, 2008.
experience for listeners and a way of dealing with Shirley Pfeifer presented the program on “Dutch
their experiences for veterans. Bulbs” and told about her trip to the Keukenhof Gar-
dens in Holland.

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E-mail news worthy items to
The Wayland Reporter Page 17 ~ January 30, 2008
Upcoming IMS Events serve the county. I have lance writer.
County found that working with
the other committee
As an advocate for young
people, Conwell was ap-
Supervisor members in dealing with
the county assessor and
pointed by the Commis-
sion on Children, Youth,
MOUNT PLEASANT -- his office, and dealing and Families to serve for
Joy Lynn Conwell, of with their annual budget, eight years as the advisor
rural Salem, announced as well as the county ex- of the Iowa Youth Cau-
her intention on Wednes- amining board, has cus, a youth-directed leg-
day, January 16, to run as helped prepare me to un- islative advocacy
a candidate for the derstand the responsibili- group. Conwell is the
County Board of Supervi- ties of a supervisor,” recipient of the prestig-
sor at Large position for Conwell stated. ious national Spurgeon
Henry County. A Repub- Conwell is completing Award that honors the
lican, Conwell will run in six years on the Mount efforts of individuals who
the June 2008 primary. Pleasant Board of Educa- provide career education
Conwell lived in tion, representing the Sa- experiences for young
Mount Pleasant for over lem district, and has people. Conwell was
21 years before moving served as the Mount also recognized for her
to Atlantic, Iowa where Pleasant School District’s work in the founding and
she served as the interim Legislative Advo- development of Explorer
newspaper editor before cate. She also has been a Post 1846, a youth mu-
going to work for the At- member of the Southeast seum studies program
lantic Community School Iowa Council Boy Scouts sponsored by Midwest
District from 1996 to of America Board of Di- Old Settlers and Thresh-
2001. In September rectors; Mississippi Val- ers.
SINGING VALENTINES 2001, Conwell with her ley Council Boy Scouts “With the Board of Su-
The Iowa Mennonite School Chamber Singers will provide “Singing Valen- husband, Ed, returned to of America LDS Rela- pervisors having both
tines” on the 14th of February. southeast Iowa and live tionship Commissioner; legislative and adminis-
Reservations may be made by contacting the school office (656-2073 or 683- on a small farm west of Henry County Tourism trative powers and as the
2586). Cost is $35 to sing for an individual, or $60 for a group. Payment must be Salem. Currently, Con- Board of Directors; and policy-making body for
made upon making the reservation. well is employed at the Midwest Old Settlers county government, it is
Singers shown above are Allison Yoder, Evelyn Charles, Collin Gingerich, Chadwick Library, Iowa and Threshers Associa- imperative that the Board
Maria Davis, Samantha Beachy, Asenath Libby, Brooks Miller, Todd Hooley Wesleyan College. tion Board of Directors. keeps in mind that it
(Wayland), Isaac Fox-Poulsen, Amanda Drish, and Alex Dehogues. The group is “I have always be- She was recently in- represents all the people
directed by Karenza Yoder.. lieved that citizens should ducted as a member of of Henry County. It must
step up and take an active the Delta Kappa Gamma set priorities, allocate
HESSTON COLLEGE PRESENTS: roll in their commu- Society International, a resources and maintain
The Bel Canto Singers of Hesston College, Hesston, Kansas, will present a ser- nity. These last 4 years professional honor soci- budgetary control, all the
vice of choral music entitled Out of the Depths, Saturday, February 16 in IMS’ of serving as the Mount ety for women educa- while remembering it
Celebration Hall. The 7:00 p.m. program features an eclectic body of work, organ- Pleasant Community tors. Conwell is also a exists to for the purpose
ized around the season of Lent. All are warmly invited. The 18-member, mixed School District’s repre- member of AARP and the of improving the quality
ensemble is directed by Bradley Kauffman, former Music Director at IMS. The sentative on the Henry Salem American Legion of life for Henry County
group of singers is pictured below. County Conference Auxiliary. A recognized residents. It would be my
Board and working with local historian, Conwell privilege to serve on the
the current mayors and is involved with Henry Board of Supervisors”,
Henry County Board of County Heritage Trust stated Conwell.
Supervisors has only and is a requested local E-mail:
strengthened my desire to history speaker and free-

Give your “angels” a

taste of HOME!

Heaton Votes to Protect Military Members’ Jobs

(DES MOINES) – Thursday, the Iowa House unanimously passed House File 2065, a bill
which protects the jobs of reservists and National Guard members who are called to service.
The approved legislation ensures that when a military member has completed their service,
they are able to return to their job.
While most businesses have been very supportive and understanding of Iowa service men
and women, there have been a few reported incidents. This bill tightens the current law to
ensure that our military members are fully protected.
Rep. Dave Heaton (R-Mount Pleasant) supported the legislation. A Gift of The Wayland Reporter
“It’s important to protect the jobs of our service men and women while they are away pro-
tecting our freedoms,” said Rep. Heaton. “I voted in favor of this legislation as it ensures our keeps giving all year long!
commitment to them.” The bill becomes effective upon enactment. (See page 2 for Subscription Form)
The Wayland Reporter Page 18 ~ January 30, 2008 Mediapolis and Andrew and Kelly Finke of Dubuque.
Christmas dinner guests in the home of Victoria Griffith Thoughts of Mine
Crawfordsville News were: Doris, Larry and Lisa Price, Lorna and Jeff Hood, Jakob,
Linzie and Liam, all of Mt. Pleasant; Susan Griffith and Larry in Words and Rhyme
By Billie Jo Rose Bruse of Iowa City and Ron Griffith of Crawfordsville. Visitors
News from December 12, 2007
later in the day were Betsy Griffith and Nathan Fisher of Rock By J. Duwaine Hirschy
Island, IL, and Mandy and Jessie Griffith of Iowa City.
The White Cloud Club met Wednesday, December 5, 2007 Arlene Fletcher hosted a Christmas dinner for her family on
for a 12:30 PM luncheon at the home of Jolene Colthurst in Christmas Day. Those attending were: Larry and Donna New Year’s Edition
Washington with eleven present. Pat Miller, President, gave Fletcher, Crawfordsville, Brad and Carol Fletcher, Clint and Written at: 9 p.m. 12-21-07
the reading “Gift of a Child.” Roll call was answered with Emma of Cedar Rapids; Steve and Pam Green, Fletcher and
members bringing a special Christmas ornament to share or tell Jacob of Washington; Mick and Kathy Garris of Winfield; Mi- O God, I believe that I just might
about. The secretary and treasurer’s reports were read and ap- chelle Garris and friend, Shannon McMurrin of Waterloo; Jen- For the rest of the year do what is right.
proved. The club will not meet in January, but will meet at nifer and Charlie Dill, Aliyah and Garrison of St. Louis, MO; Today’s the last of “2007”
9:30 a.m. on Wednesday, February 6, 2008 for a sewing day at Erik and Leah Garris of Cedar Rapids; Robin Fletcher of Eddy- This year I’ve asked and you’ve forgiven.
the church. One Mystery Sister Gift was received. A Christ- ville, Amy and Corey Mellis of Ames, Linsey Fletcher of Cedar
mas gift exchange was enjoyed.
So many times I can’t relate.
Falls and fiancé Kaleb Zimmerman of Aredale. Now I’m approaching “2008”
Those present were: Lennis Beichter, Julia Bletscher, Jolene News from January 2, 2008
Colthurst, Joyce Huff, Frieda Finke, Betty Lintz, Betty Lucas, Mistakes I’ve made and yes a plenty,
Dean and Ruth Slater drove to Ft. Smith, Arkansas recently Not one or two, or ten or twenty;
Pat Miller, Pauline Richardson, Mildred Sands, and Carrie to visit their daughter Rhonda and Anthony Caton and grand-
Coble. But a new year is coming, it won’t be late
children, James and Jenna Palmer. They went especially to see
On December 8, 2007, fifteen members of the Crawfords- And we’ll start with a brand new slate.
James graduate from Arkansas Tech in Russellville, AK on De-
ville Wednesday Study Club met at the Hays’ Tea Room for a cember 15th. He graduated Magna Cum Laude with a B.A. de-
9:00 a.m. breakfast. Marie Dare planned the event. John Hays gree in Music Education. Written at: 8 a.m. 1-1-08
gave the program, speaking about the time he has spent in Af- The Slaters had most of their family visit over Christmas. Sometimes ideas I cannot keep,
rica and other 3rd World countries helping those people get Sharon, Rob, and Ryan Fontaine flew out from Hopkinton, Yes that is right, I fell asleep.
pure drinking water. Many people die every year from the Massachusetts for a week and Rhonda Caton, James and Jenna And now we’re in a brand new year.
contaminated water they drink daily. John belongs to an or- Palmer visited five days from Ft. Smith, AK. On Christmas God please help me my load to bear.
ganization called International Water Management Systems. Eve and Christmas Day, Vicki and Terry Simester from I ask for help now right away,
John has built a means of purifying the water in these remote Muscatine and Brandon and Machelle Hubbs from Marietta, Your guidance I will need each day.
regions. John and his wife, Mary Jo, will be going to Mexico Georgia visited also. I can’t do much alone that’s right,
in the near future on another humanitarian mission. Rotary The family of Dwight and Mary Frances Graber enjoyed a Like even finish a poem last night.
Clubs have been very generous in helping fund several of these belated Christmas dinner and gift exchange on Saturday De- I know I’m slow, that’s one of my fears,
missions. cember 29th at the home of Rick and Joanne Shelman and fam- To write this poem took part of two years.
The Club’s Christmas giving went to the International Wa- ily at rural Solon. Attending along with the Graber’s were:
ter Management Systems to help in their funding. The next Greg and Carol Graber of Crawfordsville; Darin and Emily
meeting will be January 16, 2008 with Ruth Erwin as hostess. ness meeting. The Opening Creed was read in unison. Pat
Graber, Garrett, Gabe and Riley of Wayland; Doug and Eliza- Miller gave the treasurer’s report.
News from December 19, 2007 beth Graber and Anne of Swedesburg; Annette and Paul Von
A Christmas recital was held at the United Church of Craw- Correspondence included several “Thank You” cards from
Tersch, Jackie and Jenae Boshart and Christopher Boshart and people who had received goody boxes in November. Also,
fordsville on the evening of Sunday, December 9, 2007. Eight- daughter Hadley of Wayland; Mark and Lori Graber, Jill and
een piano students who take lessons from Susan Mitchell per- “Thank You” notes from donations to missions and from the
Justin of Crawfordsville and the hosts, Rick and Joanne Shel- families of Ella Fisher and Jean Fletcher for serving funeral
formed a variety of Christmas music. There were many duets man, James and Jennifer, Nicholas and Kristina.
and several students also performed vocally. The evening be- lunches. “The Prayer of Least Coin” was read in unison.
Dinner guests of Merl and Frieda Finke on Sunday enjoyed a Offerings were taken for the Least Coin, call to prayer and
gan with the whole audience singing “Deck the Halls”. belated Christmas were: Bill and Cindy Finke of Winfield;
The students that participated were Nayra Lujano, Allison self denial and local. It was decided to purchase two new
Kiley Finke of Cedar Rapids; Phil and Barb Deats of Clive; items for use in the church kitchen. The February work com-
Schantz, Kristen Twinam, Christian Lovan, Elizabeth Butler, Nate and Aly Miller and Nataly of Mediapolis; Andrew and
Noah Mueller, Erika Leichty, Addie Pacha, Landon Hinkley, mittee is Janet Whiting and Nancy Rugg.
Kelly Finke of Dubuque; David, Tiffany and Carter Finke of The meeting concluded with the closing creed and prayer.
Maggie Smith, MeKenna Goodwin, Melissa Hinkley, Janelle Bristow, IA; Kathy and Cisco Hill of Panama City, Florida;
Erwin, Madison Roth, Kelli Miller, Abbey Roth, Allison Mar- Pat Miller served delicious refreshments.
Debbie Finke and Mona Rowe of Kauai, Hawaii and Cheryl
tin and Kalen Boshart. Stagner of Mt. Union.
There was a group of seventy-five in attendance, who The Crawfordsville Lions met for the monthly dinner
News from January 9, 2008 meeting on Monday, January 14, 2008. Lion President Gene
braved the weather. Chris and Gina Petersen of Johnston, IA became the parents
On Monday evening, December 10, 2007 fourteen mem- LIntz called the meeting to order with twelve members and
of a daughter, Reagan Lynn on December 30, 2007. She one guest, Jennie Greene present. Lion President, Gene led
bers of the Crawfordsville Lions Club and ten guests held their weighed in at 6 lbs., 11 oz. and was 20 in. long. She is their first
annual Christmas dinner at Shirley’s Café in Crawfordsville. the Pledge of the Flag and Lion Larry Fletcher offered prayer.
child. Everyone enjoyed a delicious meal prepared by Alice
Everyone had a choice of roast beef, ham or pork chops, with Grandparents of Reagan are Greg and Carol Graber of Craw-
all the trimmings. Hochstetler.
fordsville and Dean and Mary Petersen of Audubon, IA. “Thank You” notes were read from people receiving gifts
Lion President Gene Lintz called the meeting to order. Fol- Dwight and Mary Frances Graber of Crawfordsville, Delmar
lowing the meal, the Lions sang Happy Birthday to Merl at the Lions Christmas drawing. The upcoming pancake sup-
and Alice Nitzsche of West Point, Nebraska, and Ernie Petersen per set for February 9, 2008 was discussed. Ticket costs will
Finke. A while elephant gift exchange was also enjoyed. of Kimballton, IA are great-grandparents.
Guests in attendance were Glenda Egli, Ruth Erwin, Frieda be $6.00 in advance and $7.00 at the door. Eleven and under
The Wyman Community Club met Monday January 7, 2008 are $2.50 and pre-schoolers are free. Tickets may be pur-
Finke, Linda Finke, Donna Fletcher, Lisa Jewell, Diane Johns- at the Ainsworth Four Corners for lunch. Those enjoying the
ton, Betty Lintz, Marjorie Massey and Pat Miller. chased from any Lion member.
time together were: Robert and Lucille Humphreys and Merl A motion was made to have the Leo Club help at the pan-
The Lions Club had another successful Christmas drawing, and Frieda Finke of Crawfordsville; Jim and Lorrine Frame of
Saturday, December 15th with around 158 prizes handed out cake supper. The meeting concluded with Lion Fletcher
Winfield; Joann Love, Wilma Arthur, Audrey Finke and Don twisting tails.
from local and area merchants. Desi Mathews was the Grand and Alice Davis of Washington. Alice treated everyone to
Prize winner of $100.00 cash. Prior to the drawing the Ruth Erwim was hostess in her farm to twelve members of
birthday cake. the Crawfordsville Wednesday Study Club on January 16,
Crooked Creek 4-h Club held a bake sale and Santa also made The next meeting will be February 4, 2008 at 11:30 AM at
an appearance and handed out candy to the children. 2008 at 2:00 p.m. Joan Anderson served as co-hostess. Len-
Ainsworth Four Corners. nis Beichter, President, presided at the business meeting after
News from December 26, 2007 2nd Lieutenant Doug Marsh, from Schofield Barracks in Ha-
On Saturday, December 15, 2007, the family of Greg and leading the Flag Salute and the reading of the Club Collect.
waii, his wife Crystal and children: Breeannah, Tiarrah, Colten, The program of the afternoon was a group effort. At the
Carol Graber enjoyed Christmas together in the parental and Brennan arrived last week in Crawfordsville. Doug left
Graber home. Those attending were Tim and Lisa Graber, last meeting each member drew slips of paper that had either
Thursday to go to Ft. Sill, Oklahoma for an additional six weeks the name of an interesting place in Iowa or the name of a fa-
Morgan and Cody of Wayland, Darin and Emily Graber, of Officer’s Training. He will then return to Ft. Leonard Wood,
Garrett, Gabe and Riley of Wayland and Chris and Gina Peter- mous person either in Iowa or had some connection to the
Missouri for three more months of training, before going to Ft. state. The members were to do research on their place or per-
son of Johnston, IA. Drum, New York where he will be stationed with his family.
Jack and Ruth Erwin entertained their children, Sharon and son and make a brief report to the other members. People re-
The family will reside in Crawfordsville for the next six months. ported on were: Tom Brokaw, Bob Feller, Norman Borloug,
Tom Boring of Shueyville, IA and David and Tammy Erwin News from January 16, 2008
and their families at a Christmas gathering on Saturday, De- Kat Megrew, Mary Louise Leonard (Lillian Russell), Robert
The United Church Women met at 2:00 PM on Tuesday, Schuler and Gary Cooper. It made for a most interesting pro-
cember 22nd. January 8, 2008 at the Fellowship Hall with seven members
Dinner guests on Sunday at the home of Frieda and Mel gram. The program will continue at the February 20th meet-
present. ing to be held in the home of Helen Lease. Some brief book
Finke were Bill and Cindy Finke, Jabe Finke of Winfield, Phil Julia Bletscher gave the devotions, reading from the book
and Barb Deats of Clive, Nate and Aly Miller and Nataly of reviews were also given.
“Together with Jesus.” Pauline Richardson presided at the busi-
PHOTO EXHIBIT at Henry County Relay for Life The Wayland Reporter Page 19 ~ January 30, 2008

Community Kick-Off
Washington Public Library
Photographers Nancy Rash and Lyle Moen invite
Submitted by Judy Hueholt, Wayland News
It is a brand new year with brand new possibili-
Jest for Fun!
the community to view their photography exhibit,
“9 Seasons of Washington,” now on display in the
ties. By now many of us have made New Year’s
resolutions that we have not kept. Why not make
Neologisms: alternate meanings
Helen Wilson Gallery at the Washington Public Li-
brary. Moen has created additional seasons of snow,
one that you can keep and help others while you for common words
are doing it? Decide this is the year to help out the Submitted by Bill Asenjo:
ice and rain and night to show the beauty of many American Cancer Society by participating in their Once again, The Washington Post has published the
weather and climate conditions that we sometimes signature activity at the Henry County Relay For winning submissions to its yearly neologisms, in
think are inconvenient. Come view local Washington Life on Saturday, July 12, 2008! Relay For Life is which readers are asked to supply alternate meanings
sites in different conditions. The display will be re- a unique opportunity to come together as a commu- for common words.
placed on February 1st. nity in the fight against cancer. Many of the partici-
In February the couple will display photos of Mt. pants are cancer survivors, which serves as a re-
Whitney, Death Valley, Joshua Tree, Great Sand minder that our communities are not immune to The winners are:
Dunes, Painted Dessert and Petrified Forest National this disease and we can actually help our friends, 1. Coffee (n.), the person upon whom one coughs.
Parks as part of their annual photography exhibit at families and neighbors that have been touched by 2. Flabbergasted (adj.), appalled over how much
the Library. Rash and Moen vacation in national cancer. weight you have gained.
parks and hiking the great parks affords them some Are you not sure what it is all about or who Re- 3. Abdicate (v.), to give up all hope of ever having a
vistas and wildlife that others may not have an oppor- lay is for? Well, here is your chance to learn all flat stomach.
tunity to view. At each exhibit, viewers are encour- about Relay For Life and what it stands for and 4. Esplanade (v.), to attempt an explanation while
aged to "vote" for their favorite photo. what it offers. Relay is for everyone from busi- drunk.
nesses, clubs, families, friends, hospitals, places of 5. Negligent (adj.), describes a condition in which you
The Arc News worship, schools and service organizations.
Meet with us on Wednesday, February 13, 2008
absentmindedly answer the door in your nightgown.
6. Lymph (v.), to walk with a lisp.
The Arc wishes to share with others that another suc- at the Mt. Pleasant Civic Center (in the new li- 7. Gargoyle (n.), olive-flavored mouthwash.
cessful year and Christmas season has been credited to brary) at 6:00 p.m. During this time you can learn 8. Flatulence (n.) emergency vehicle that picks you up
the outstanding support of the media, businesses, school all about Relay For Life. Also, there will be door after you are run over by a steamroller.
staff and administration, organizations, Foundations and prizes and if you are interested in starting your own 9. Balderdash (n.), a rapidly receding hairline.
individuals in Jefferson and nearby counties. Due to this team, you can earn incentives just for showing 10. Oyster (n.), a person who sprinkles his conversa-
support, following is some (but not all) of the activities/ up!!! tion with Yiddishisms.
services provided by The Arc in 2007: Celebrate-Remember-Fight Back is the theme 11. Frisbeetarianism (n.), The belief that, when you
for this years’ relay Celebrate the lives of people die, your Soul flies up onto the roof and gets stuck
Donated $200 so that individuals with disabilities can who have battled cancer. Remember loved ones there.
play billiards at the Fairfield Park & Rec without lost to the disease and Fight Back! These words say
Gave two $500 scholarships—one in memory of
it all.
We are very excited about introducing this Com- Other New Definitions
Susan Presley to an individual with a developmental The Washington Post's Style Invitational also asked
munity Kick-Off because Relay is all about com-
disability to attend a community college, and one in readers to take any word from the dictionary, alter it
munity. Henry County will have 117 people diag-
memory of former and now deceased Arc Board by adding, subtracting, or changing one letter, and
nosed with cancer this year. Because of community
member Jim Horan to an individual who has com- supply a new definition.
pleted the equivalent of a third year in college and still support, we had a record number of cancer survi-
directing his/her education toward involvement with vors attend the 2007 Relay For Life Celebration.
Without the community and all the participants,
individuals with disabilities;
Provided funding as needed for local participation in Relay For Life would not be able to raise an esti- Here are this year's winners:
mated $407 million annually. In 2007, all of the 1. Bozone (n.): The substance surrounding stupid peo-
several Special Olympics competitive sport events;
Both donated and loaned money to an individual to communities in Henry County raised an astounding ple that stops bright ideas from penetrating. The bo-
assist with the purchase of a scooter; $85,000 for cancer research!!! zone layer, unfortunately, shows little sign of break-
Helped fund the Challenge Little League team to at- Lastly, anyone who has steeped foot onto a track ing down in the near future.
tend an Iowa Cubs Game and provided pizzas for the at Relay For Life has felt the impact that this single 2. Cashtration (n.): The act of buying a house, which
Challenge Little League team end-of-year pizza party; event can have on a community. Imagine the power renders the subject financially impotent for an indefi-
Paid for camperships for students in the Fairfield of nearly 4,800 communities across the nation nite period.
Community School District and donated assistance on united in a single cause. Lets be one of those com- 3. Giraffiti (n): Vandalism spray-painted very, very
camperships in one adjoining county, plus provided munities who takes charge and makes a difference! high.
money as needed for several adults to attend Camp Please join us on Wednesday, February 13th at 4. Sarchasm (n): The gulf between the author of sar-
Courageous and/or Camp Reece; 6:00 p.m., at the Civic Center. For more informa- castic wit and the person who doesn't get it.
The Arc also gave Christmas gifts to 29 special educa- tion please contact Danielle Davidson at 319-385- 5. Inoculatte (v): To take coffee intravenously when
tion classrooms as follows: $25 checks to all Middle 9744 or e-mail Danielle at you are running late.
School and High School special classrooms in the 6. Hipatitis (n): Terminal coolness.
Fairfield and Pekin School Districts, $15 checks to 7. Osteopornosis (n): A degenerate disease.
special elementary classrooms in Fairfield, Pekin and 8. Karmageddon (n): Its like, when everybody is
Van Buren Community School Districts plus two new

sending off all these really bad vibes, right? And then,
$1 bills to each of the students of those elementary like, the Earth explodes and it's like, a serious bum-
classrooms. In addition, Thanksgiving or Christmas mer.
donations of up to $50 each were made to eight facili-
9. Decafalon (n.): The grueling event of getting

ties serving individuals with mental or physical dis-
through the day consuming only things that are good
abilities in Jefferson and Van Buren County, and sent
for you.
a card and $2 to 60 adult individuals with disabilities
in and from Jefferson County. 10. Glibido (v): All talk and no action.
11. Dopeler effect (n): The tendency of stupid ideas to

The Arc was also able to publish and mail three news-
letters called The Eye Opener; around 300 people get seem smarter when they come at you rapidly.
a copy of it, some by delivery through the schools and 12. Arachnoleptic fit (n.): The frantic dance per-
the rest by first class mail. formed just after you've accidentally walked through a

Fax: 1-866-
spider web.
For all of the support that allowed The Arc to do all of 13. Beelzebug (n.): Satan in the form of a mosquito
the above and more, we are so very grateful for living in that gets into your bedroom at three in the morning
a community, County and area that is so generous. and cannot be cast out.
Darlene Vorhies for The Arc of Jefferson &
Nearby Counties
316-5821 14. Caterpallor (n.): The color you turn after finding
half a grub in the fruit you're eating.
reasons other than as a sav- option of a fixed interest
The Wayland Reporter Page 20 ~ January 30, 2008
ings vehicle, but the reality rate if things get really Southeast Iowa Area
is that it works very well for
this job also. For a rela-
dicey and some offer bonus
dollars as a dump in to your
Development Notes
tively small investment you account. Keep in mind with By Dave Jennings
By Deb Roth spending. Iowa Tourism Office released a group tour schedule
are guaranteeing that your this choice that not all vari-
Who do you believe? family will have a large able annuities are created with international travel and meetings/conventions na-
The tough part about all of sum of money to rely on in equal. Some of the features tional trade events that their staff will be attending.
this is, of course, the fact the event of your death even I have mentioned may not Iowa Tourism is promoted all across our country! In
that we all want what we during a down market or be available in all products. April and June the group will be at Chicago, in May
are saving to grow at the
RECESSION fastest rate possible. A
poor economic times. With Know your financial ad- and August in Las Vegas; in November in Pittsburgh at
the added advantage of long visor and get a product with National Tour Association; in January 2009 they will
DISCUSSION downturn in the market term savings that can be all the features mentioned travel to Corpus Christi, Texas. Their 2008 Iowa Travel
If you have been watch- means less growth and used during your life it above. Guide is now available online at:
ing or listening to the news possible losses in our in- makes a great SAFE invest- These are just my opin- or by calling 800-345-IOWA. All Iowa Welcome Cen-
at all for the past two vestments and savings ment no matter what the ions and I’ll let you know ters stock the guide and the tourism office is promoting
months you know that the accounts. So the questions economy or markets are when I get my crystal ball it. The themes of Pamper Yourself, Spend More Time
word “recession” has been on everyone’s mind is doing. so I can give you exact pre- with Your Family, Get Back to Nature, Get Off the
on the lips of plenty of where should I have my The second option is a dictions for the future. If Beaten Path, and Learn More About Your Heritage
newscasters. But then if money invested now so variable annuity. You get you have questions or com- will hopefully encourage people to use the guide.
you have listened carefully that I avoid the losses? the opportunity to invest in ments please feel free to The Travel Federation of Iowa’s Legislative Show-
and extensively enough There are no clear cut the market with a guarantee contact me at 319-256- case will be held February 5th at the Iowa State Fair-
you have also heard oppo- answers obviously since that your principal is pro- 7200, email us at de- grounds. A luncheon and seminar will be held as well.
nents to that view say “no even the big dogs listed tected. You can move Burlington Chamber will be attending Great River
recession” is headed our above do not agree on the among the market choices or stop in to see me at 203 Days in Des Moines and Washington D.C. These an-
way. What should the future picture. I think as the economy changes. West Main, Wayland, IA nual legislative trips address interests and the effects of
average American be- there are very good viable You may even have the state and federal legislation on local businesses and
lieve? options available, how- communities.
The truth is, of course, ever. For starters, now is Plans are underway for the 4th annual new rural re-
that no one has a crystal not the time to be investing alities summit to be held from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. March
ball and can accurately in individual stocks for the 11th. Topics will range from rural entrepreneurship to
predict the future. Some midsize to small investor. Toll-Free:
of the financial industry Unless you have plenty of
BENCHMARK 1-877-956-4505 retaining businesses in rural areas. Mark Pearson will
www.benchmark- be the key speaker.
leaders such as Merrill money to “play” with indi- REAL ESTATE The 2008 Burlington Community Guide will soon
Lynch, Goldman Sachs vidual stocks are probably be released. It will consist of 64 color-coded pages.
and Morgan Stanley have more risk than you want to Call Us! 319-256-7200 or 319-256-7031
60,000 issues are ordered with distribution at local ho-
predicted that the 2008 take. Even investing in GREAT BUY!! tels, motels, bed and breakfast, area attractions, local
economy will be cloudy stand alone mutual funds *NEW LISTING—2 BR, 1 Bath, 1 car attached garage, 2 car businesses, health care and educational facilities and
with a mix of mild reces- would not be my first detached, TWO LOTS with alley access! New paint, floor cover-
ing and bath. Immediate Possession! Front Street, Wayland. Priced
Welcome Centers. The guide will also be placed along
sion. Still other big name choice at this point. Interstates and offered on the internet.
to Sell—Only $69,500!
industry leaders such as Again, the risk of the The Burlington Chamber will be taking field trips
LPL, Bear Stearns, Leh- downside with no protec- *GREAT STARTER HOME—3 BR, 1 bath located in Craw- sponsored by Department of Economic Development
man Brothers and tion of your principal in- fordsville. Tons of storage space, including 2 garages on extra large to Las Vega, California, Texas, Minneapolis and Chi-
Deutsche Bank think the vestment is probably lot! At only $65,500, this house has tons of potential!! cago.
risk of recession and infla- greater than you want to *BEAUTIFUL—1 acre lot on rural lakefront. Utilities already on Morning Sun is looking into a grocery co-cop to
tion are being vastly over- take. property and dock is included!! Located near Crawfordsville with
quick access to Hwy 218!!
keep the grocery story running. It has been for sale for
blown. They believe the There are still two 8 months and it may still have to close. It takes more
2008 economy will show choices that are great op- *ALMOST NEW—3 BR, 2 ½ bath with Master BR/bath. Main money to buy supplies than it used to. An article about
gains of 6 to 8 percent for tions, however. The first floor laundry, full basement ready to finish, deck, and large back- a teenager in Minnesota has purchased a couple of
the year and that’s enough one is life insurance. Ob- yard. Located in Olds, and only $135,500. A must see!! stores in southern Minnesota and northern Iowa and is
for reasonable returns and viously you should have *TOTALLY RENOVATED—4 BR, 1 ½ bath. NEW windows, have great success with them.
respectable consumer life insurance for many roof, plumbing wiring, foundation, siding, appliances, and more!! The Washington Chamber building burned with
Includes extra large garage/workspace! Located in Crawfordsville,
and now priced at $139,000, this house won’t be available long!!
some of their files and supplies still stored in the build-
PHOENIX QUICK SHOP ing. Their planned move to the Bryson Block building
was delayed due to renovations.
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The Wayland Reporter Page 21 ~ January 30, 2008
Cattle producers in eastern Iowa are invited to a day that focuses on the costs of maintaining the cow herd Commercial Pesticide
on Thursday, February 14, at Marengo. It will be held on Thursday, February 14, at 1:30 pm at Zentmire
Hall on the Iowa County Fairgrounds in Marengo. Applicator Training
High feed costs force cattlemen to look at alternatives for winter feed, but what about their cropping pro- CEDAR RAPIDS, Iowa -- All commercial pesticide
gram? This program will help you look at the potential economic impact of using fewer acres to support the applicators must take exams in order to become ini-
cow herd. tially certified and some choose to become re-certified
Bob Wells and Denise Schwab, ISU Extension specialists, will share a study nicknamed “Cows or Plows” by exam rather than by attending continuing instruc-
where they examined how to keep cows on pasture land in Iowa despite the high grain prices. What can we tional courses. With the arrival of Asian soybean rust
do to get more forage from our pastures, produce more winter feed from fewer acres, and keep our cows in this country, many commercial applicators are con-
economical? In addition, Steve Johnson, Iowa County NRCS director, will discuss cost share opportunities sidering adding agricultural diseases (Category 1C) to
for pasture programs and Bob Wells will share a cattle outlook for 2008. their certification so that they can apply fungicides.
Pre-registration is due Tuesday, Feb. 12. The event is free, but they would like to know if you plan to at-
tend. Please preregister by calling the Iowa County Extension office at 319-642-5504 or the Iowa County Two training sessions designed to help prepare indi-
NRCS office at 319-668-2359. The event is being sponsored by the Iowa County NRCS; the Iowa County viduals for the commercial pesticide applicator exami-
Extension and Iowa State University Extension. nations will be offered in southeast Iowa. One session
is in Marion on Monday, Feb. 18, in the Linn County
Extension Office at 3279 7th Ave. A second session
ISU Horticulture Producer Workshop will be offered in Bettendorf on Tuesday, Feb. 26, in
Iowa State University Extension will have a Horticulture Producer Workshop on Wednesday, February 6, the Scott County Extension Office, 875 Tanglefoot
at the Kalona Chamber of Commerce Building, 514 B Avenue, Kalona from 10am-3pm. Lane. Training will begin at 9 a.m. at both locations.
Topics include: aphid control, pollination, greenhouse climate control, trends in floriculture, and produce
auction marketing techniques. The training sessions will cover the Iowa Core Manual
There is no registration fee and pre-registration is not required, although encouraged, and can be made by and Categories 1A (Agricultural Weed Management),
calling ISU Extension Johnson County office at 319-337-2145 or emailing 1B (Agricultural Insect Control), 1C (Agricultural Crop
The workshop is targeted for Amish and Mennonite producers but is open to any interested producers. This Disease Management), 3O,T, and G (Ornamental, Turf,
meeting is sponsored by a grant from the USDA Risk Management Agency. and Greenhouse Pest Management), 4 (Seed Treat-
ment) and 6 (Right-of-Way). Training on the Iowa
Core Manual will be from 9 to 10:45 a.m. Training on
the other categories will begin at approximately 10:45
a.m. and conclude in early afternoon.

There is a $20 fee per person at each training session.

These training sessions do NOT qualify as continuing
instructional courses. For more information, please
contact Jim Fawcett at (319) 337-2145 or Virgil
Schmitt at (563) 263-5701.

Motors New Homes
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New & Used Peck Augers On Hand
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Check These 150 Pre-Owned Lawn &
Items Out For Garden Tractors On Hand
Huge Savings! 1-Year Factory
Warranty Remaining
John D. Reneger Phillip W. Marshall
The Wayland Reporter Page 22 ~ January 30, 2008

Obituaries & Funeral John D. Reneger, Phil Marshal, age 99, of Winfield died January 9,
Notices age 83, died Monday
December 24, 2007 at
2008 in Rogers, Minnesota.
Phillip W. Marshall was born in Swedesburg on
the Washington Care
Cloyd Dwight Watson Center following a
November 2, 1908, the fourth child of Adeline
(Conrad) and James A. Marshall. He graduated
short illness. from Olds High School in 1925.
Cloyd Dwight Watson, 84, of Wayland, IA died Monday Celebration of Life After six months of business school he worked for
December 17, 2007 at Washington County Hospital in services were held
Washington following a lengthy illness. Funeral services
a time in Chicago. Then he returned to Winfield to
10:30 am Thursday help out at home. For a time during the depression
were held at 10:30 A.M. Thursday, December 20, 2007 at December 27, 2007 at
Hope Lutheran Church in Germanville with Rev. Wayne he helped build the original Highway 218 from Mt.
the Jones – Eden Fu- Pleasant to Crawfordsville. On January 29, 1936 he
Wilkin officiating. Burial was in Hope Lutheran Cemetery.
Visitation at Gould Funeral Home in Richland was at 4:00 neral Home in Wash- married Shasta Lucille Spangler of Winfield. He
P.M. Wednesday with the family present from 6:00 to 7:30 ington with Pastor Julie Poulsen officiating. Visitation was passionately in love with her for 69 years until
P.M. In lieu of flowers, the family requests memorials to began at 12:00 pm Wednesday at the Jones – Eden Funeral her death in April 2005.
either Hope Lutheran Church or the Wayland First Re- Home where the family received friends from 6:00 until They were wonderful parents to their three chil-
sponders. These may be mailed to the family at 301 West 8:00. Interment with Military Honors conducted by Wash- dren: Ellie (Lennie) Tompkins of Cedar Falls, IA,
3rd Street, Wayland, IA 52654. ington American Legion Post 29 will take place at Colum- Phil Jr. Norma of Altus, OK, and Barb (Denny)
Mr. Watson was born at Fremont, IA June 1, 1923, the bus City Cemetery. A general memorial has been estab-
son of Carl R. and Charlotte Lottie (Martin) Watson. He
Longnecker of Brooklyn Park, MN.
lished. Online condolences may be sent for John’s family Phil farmed in the Winfield area until his retire-
grew up in the Richland/Rubio area and attended area through the Web at .
schools. Mr. Watson married Lois Eshelman November ment in 1959. He also worked in town at the eleva-
John was born on July 1, 1924 in Toledo, Ohio to C.F. tor and lumber yard for a number of years while he
16, 1948 at Hope Lutheran Church in Germanville. He
worked as a mechanic for 35 years and as a road grader for and Pearl (Henning) Reneger. He graduated from Wood- was farming and after he retired from farming. Phil
Jefferson County Road Maintenance for 14 years. During ward High School in Toledo, Ohio. John served in the was active in the community his entire life.
his career as a mechanic, he became the ‘go to’ mechanic United States Army during World War II and during the He was especially active in the Lions Club and
for AC tractor problems. Mr. Watson was a long time Korean Conflict. His completed military schooling at the First Presbyterian Church of Winfield. He was an
member of Hope Lutheran Church, was a member of the Sea Coast Artillery School at Fort Scott, California, and athlete, who played softball until he was 50 years of
church council and served on the Rubio School Board. He Radar School at Camp Moore in Japan. He served in Ja- age. Then the Twin Lakes Country Club opened and
and his wife lived in Rubio for 53 years then moved to pan from 1948-1949, in Korea from 1949-1951 and again
Wayland in 2001.
he switched to the gentleman’s game of golf, where
in England from 1954-1955. Before his last overseas tour, he shot his age on at least two occasions, with a
Mr. Watson is survived by his wife Lois of Wayland, he was the AAOC Operations Sergeant at the Chicago
one son Ricky Watson and his wife Loni of Richland and hole-in-one in 1994 at the age of 86.
Gary Defense Headquarters. John holds a Bronze Star, 2 Phil was preceded in death by his wife, his parents
one daughter Cindy Guy and her husband Danny Joe of
Brighton, and two grandsons: Andy and Adam Guy. He Purple Hearts with an Oak Leaf Cluster, and Good Con- and eight siblings: Thelma, Gilbert, Blanche,
was preceded in death by his parents, three brothers: Law- duct Medals. Lucille, George, Inez, James, and Doris. He is sur-
rence, Derral, Delano (Bun) Watson and three sisters: John was united in marriage to Ruth Wagenknecht on vived by his children, eight grandchildren and 12
Wanita Derby, Lailla Ash and Winniefred Watson. October 23, 1954 at the United Methodist Church in great grandchildren and one sister; Lorna. His body
Washington. John retired from the United States Army in has been cremated and there will be a memorial ser-
1967. Later he worked for McCleery – Cummings Com- vice and an inurnment ceremony for Phil and Shasta
Naomi Opal Bowen pany, Washington County Sheriff’s Department as a dep-
uty, Washington County Assessor’s Office, Thompson
Memorial Day weekend.
Phil was a very friendly person who was loved by
1929 at the Little Brown Auto, and Washington Manufacturing until his retirement all. One of his greatest assets was that he treated
Church in Nashua, Iowa. Opal in 1986. John was a member of the Odd Fellows, and the everyone with the same respectful consideration and
was a lifelong homemaker and American Legion. Christian love.
farm wife who loved the out- John is survived by his wife, Ruth Reneger of Washing- Memorials can be directed to the Lions Club Eye
doors, flowers, and gardening. ton; daughters, Nancy Smith and husband Arnie of Wash- Bank directly or sent to Ellie Tompkins at 127 51st
She was a leader of the Dutch- ington; Barb Grieser and husband Doyle of Wayland; Sue
ettes 4-H club for several years. Street, Holmes Beach, FL 34217.
Widmer and husband Dan of Washington; 9 grandchil-
She served on the Washington
dren; and 3 sisters, Mildred Peatry of Milton, Florida;
County Historical Board. Opal
Catherine Gladuix of Newport Richie, Florida; and
Naomi Opal Bowen, age 97,
volunteered for the county task
force of Heritage Agency on Geraldine Paupard of Toledo, Ohio. GREAT
He was preceded in death by his parents, and 1 brother,
of Wayland died Friday, De-
cember 28 at Parkview Nursing
Aging in Cedar Rapids. She
was a member of the United Clarence Reneger. GIFT IDEA
Home in Wayland, Iowa fol- Methodist Church in West
Give a gift subscription to
Olletha Marguerite
lowing a short illness. Chester, served on the Dublin
Celebration of Life services Community Center Board of The Wayland Reporter!
were held 1:30 pm Friday Directors, and was a life long Only $15.00 a year to keep in touch with
January 4, 2008 at the
Jones – Eden Funeral Home in
member of W.R.C. in Keota.
She belonged to various social Waterhouse HOMETOWN HAPPENINGS!
The Wayland Reporter
Washington officiated by Rev. clubs in the community. 2561 320th St., Wayland, IA 52654
Marlene Janssen. The family Opal is survived by one son, Olletha Marguerite Waterhouse,
received friends at the Jones- J. Victor Bowen and wife 86 of the Grace Hill community, in marriage to Robert Allen Waterhouse Sr. at the Brighton
Eden Funeral Home from 12:30 Nancy of Keota; two grandchil- west of Washington, died, Mon- Presbyterian Church.
– 1:30 Friday. Interment took dren, Robin Potts and husband day, January 21, 2008 at her She was a faithful member of the First Church of God in
place at the Keota Cemetery in Tracy of Kingwood, Texas; Brighton. She was a housewife and mother. Her faith and
Keota. Memorials may be Jeffrey Bowen of Keota; four
Funeral Services were at 11:00 family is what she treasured most.
made to the West Chester great grandchildren, Eric Potts Survivors include her son, James and wife Berna of
United Methodist Church or and Michelle Potts of King- A.M. Friday, January 25, 2008 at
the First Church of God in Brigh- Keota, Iowa, daughter, Joy Miller and husband Dennis of
Hospice. Online condolences wood, Texas; Brian Bowen and
may be sent for Opal’s family Nichole Bowen of Washington; ton with Pastor Kevin Dice offici- Keota; brothers Gail Zickefoose and wife Karen of Brigh-
through the Web at sister, Bonny Kempf of Pres- ating. Burial was in the Grace ton, Leslie Zickefoose and wife Joelyn of Brighton; sisters, cott, Arizona; 4 nephews, and Hill Cemetery. Visitation began at Jean Dunbar and husband James of Brighton and Darlene
Opal was born November 8, one sister-in-law Mrs. Robert Noon Thursday at the Beatty Fu- Reighard and husband Gailen of Willard, MO; brother in
1910 near West Chester the Bowen of California. neral Home in Washington with family receiving friends law, Joe Ricks Sr. of Wayland; sister in law Dorothy Zicke-
daughter of Noah Everett and She was preceded in death from 6-8:00 P.M. Memorials may be designated to the foose of Washington; nine grandchildren, thirty-eight great-
Martha (Baker) West. She by her parents, brother Rex in grandchildren and one great-great-grandson
attended school in rural near 1947, husband James in 1990,
American Heart Association or the First Church of God in
Brighton in the name of Olletha Marguerite Waterhouse. She was preceded in death by her parents, husband
West Chester and also attended sister Marie in 2006, two sisters Robert Sr. April 10, 2003, sons David Lynn and Robert
West Chester High School. in infancy, and one nephew Ray Olletha was born January 2, 1922 on the family farm,
north of Olds, Iowa the daughter of William Earnest and Allen Jr., brother Leonard, sister June Ricks, grandsons Ja-
Opal was united in marriage to Jones in 2007.
James C. Bowen on June 29, Bessie (Neff) Zickefoose. On June 23, 1940 she was united son and Jon, and two great-grandchildren.
The Wayland Reporter Page 23 ~ January 30, 2008
Obituaries & Funeral Notices (continued)
Michael L. Kaufman
Bernice Barbara Roth Evelyn Neff Michael L. Kaufman, age
Evelyn Neff, age 83, of 51, of Wayland, Iowa died
Bernice Barbara Roth, 89 of Wednesday January 9, 2008
Wayland, died Tuesday, January Washington died Thursday
January 3, 2008 in Washing- at the Henry County Health
1, 2008 at the Parkview Home in Center in Mt. Pleasant fol-
Wayland following a lengthy ill- ton following a
sudden illness. lowing a five year battle
ness. with cancer.
Funeral Services were held at Celebration of Life ser-
vices were held 10:30 am Celebration of life ser-
10:30 AM Saturday, January 5, vices were held 10:30 am
2008 at the Sugar Creek Mennon- Tuesday January 8, 2008 at
the Jones – Eden Funeral Saturday, January 12, 2008
ite Church with Pastor Nathan at the Jones-Eden Funeral
Luitjens officiating. Burial was in Home in Washington with
Rev. Bob Wollenberg officiat- Home in Washington, Iowa
the Sugar Creek Cemetery. There with Rev. Don Lowe offici-
was no visitation. Beatty Funeral Home in Wayland han- ing. Visitation was at 12:00 husband Chuck of Burlington,
pm Monday at the Jones – Iowa; son, Donald Neff and ating. Visitation was at noon
dled arrangements. Memorials in the name of Bernice Bar- Friday at the Jones-Eden
bara Roth have been designated to the Parkview Home or Eden Funeral Home where wife Karen of Wayland, Iowa;
the family received friends daughter, Linda Sinn of Way- Funeral Home where the Zachary. Mike last worked
Sugar Creek Cemetery. family received friends from at Veyance Tech Incorpo-
Bernice was born November 21, 1918 in Albany, Oregon from 6:00 until 8:00 Monday land, Iowa; daughter, Sandy
evening. Interment took Flood and husband Bear of 6:00 to 8:00 Friday evening. rated in Mt. Pleasant, Iowa.
the daughter of Daniel and Lydia (Leichty) Steckly. She Interment with military hon- He is survived by his wife
was united in marriage to Gilbert F. Roth February 16, 1939 place at the Cottonwood Raytown, Missouri; 12 grand-
Cemetery in Wayland. A children; 21 great grandchil- ors conducted by Washing- Donna Kaufman of Way-
at her parent’s home in Albany, Oregon. ton American Legion Post land, Iowa; son Joseph Kauf-
She was a member of the Sugar Creek Mennonite Church general memorial has been dren; 3 great, great grandchil-
established. Online condo- dren; sister, Aileen Shull of #29 will take place at the man of Wayland, Iowa;
and the Women’s sewing group. Bernice was a housewife Elm Grove Cemetery in son Michael “Bubba” Kauf-
and worked at cleaning houses in Washington and Iowa lences may be sent for Eve- Washington; brother, Dale
lyn’s family through the Web Smith and wife Mary of Washington, Iowa. Memo- man and wife Abbe and their
City for many years. She enjoyed helping Gilbert on the rials have been established son Zachary of Wayland,
farm, sewing and spending time with friends and grandchil- at . Washington; sister, Ruth La-
Evelyn was born on June mansky of Washington; sister, for the American Cancer Iowa; Mother Luella Miller
dren. Society. Online condolences and stepfather Roy of Way-
Survivors include sons, Lynn G. Roth and wife Linda of 25, 1924 in Lexington, Iowa Shirley Barwick of Daven-
the daughter of Milton and port; brother, Stanley Smith of may be sent for Mike’s fam- land, Iowa; and father Ray-
Mt. Pleasant and Rodrick D. Roth and wife Kathy of Mt. ily through the Web at mond Kaufman and step-
Pleasant; daughter Karen Swartzendruber of Wayland; Eva (Ramsey) Smith. She Denver, Colorado; brother,
attended rural school in Wash- Harold Smith of Murrieta, . mother Bonnie of Mt. Pleas-
brothers Allen Steckly and wife Anna Mae of Madris, OR Mike was born June 7, ant, Iowa. He is also sur-
and Kenneth Steckly and wife Carole of Corvallis, OR; ington County. Evelyn was California; and son-in-law,
united in marriage to Don H. Eugene Boock of Washing- 1956 in Washington, Iowa vived by brother Terry Kauf-
sister Florence Graber of Wayland; seven grandchildren and the son of Raymond and man and wife Bonnie of
five great-grandchildren. Neff on July 20, 1941 in Ka- ton.
hoka, Missouri. Evelyn was a Evelyn was preceded in Luella (Alliman) Kaufman. Fairfield, Iowa; brother
She was preceded in death by her parents, Husband Gil- He attended school in Way- Kenny Kaufman and wife
bert in July of 1994, brothers Harold and Max. life long resident of Washing- death by her parents; husband
ton County. She worked at in 1975; daughter, Nancy land, Iowa and graduated Diana of Wayland, Iowa;
Advance Ross, The Box Fac- Boock in 1985; 2 grandchil- from WACO High School. brother Dennis Kaufman of
Ruth Mary Goldsmith tory, and later at the Washing- dren, Pamela Ray and Kathy Following high school, Mike
served in the United States
Wayland, Iowa; sister Sherry
Iccarino-Kaufman of Daven-
ton Care Center until her re- Boock; and siblings, Donald
Ruth Mary Goldsmith, 92 of tirement. Evelyn enjoyed Smith; Donna Wilson; Air Force from 1974 – 1978. port, Iowa; sister Lynne
Washington, formally of Wayland, spending time with her fam- Charles Smith; Norma Brin- On April 30, 1976 Mike was Reighard and husband Rick
died Friday, January 11, 2008 at ily. Evelyn especially enjoyed ning; and 1 son-in-law, Ed united in marriage to Donna of Topeka, Kansas; as well
Halcyon House in Washington fol- her grandchildren. Sinn. Peiffer in Riverside, Califor- as half sisters Lori, Crystal,
lowing a short illness. Evelyn is survived by her nia. Mike and Donna moved Carmen, and Holly and nu-
Funeral Services were held at daughter, Joyce Forde and to Wayland, Iowa in 1978. merous step brothers and
10:30 AM Saturday, January 19, After returning to Iowa, sisters.
2008 at the Beatty Funeral Home in Mike worked at the Good- He was preceded in death
Washington with Pastor Linda Ren- year Rubber and Tire Com- by his brother Danny Kauf-
ken officiating. Burial was at the Thoughts … “There is surely a future hope pany in Mt. Pleasant, Iowa. man and grandparents
Finley Cemetery south of Wayland. He loved to read science Blanche &Lester Alliman
Open visitation was from 9:00 AM for you, and your hope will not be cut off” fiction books and go mush- and Andy Kaufman.
till 5:00 PM Friday at the Beatty ~ Proverbs 23:13 NIV rooming. He was a jokester
Funeral Home. Memorials in the name of Ruth Mary Gold- and lived for his grandson,
smith may be designated to the Wayland Methodist Church or
Hospice of Washington Co.
Ruth was born August 29, 1915 on a farm, near Trenton,
Iowa the daughter of Frank M. and Mary M. (Zuhn) Gold-
She attended Maple Grove School until moving to Wayland,
when she was seven. She graduated from Wayland High
School and the College of Commerce in Burlington. She also
attended North Texas State University and El Centro College
in Dallas, Texas.
Ruth was active in community and church affairs. Through
the years she served as Jefferson Township Clerk, District
Treasurer of the Untied Methodist Women, District President
of American Legion Auxiliary, President of Business and Pro-
fessional Women, President of United Methodist Women,
Treasurer of Ladies Auxiliary to VFW, and served in many
other offices. She was honored for naming the official publica-
tion of the Iowa American Legion Auxiliary, “ALA Commu-
For eighteen years she served as organist of the United
Methodist Church in Wayland, where she was a member since
her youth. She was a long time member of the United Method-
ist Women, VIP member of the American Legion Auxiliary,
life member of the Ladies Auxiliary to Veterans of Foreign Beatty Funeral Home is here for you!
Wars, TTT, Alpha Iota Sorority, and former member of the
National Secretaries Association. She enjoyed music, crafts, Contact Mark Beatty at 319-256-4081, or
the arts, and cooking.
In 1995 Ruth moved to Halcyon House in Washington. She 319-653-2164; Website:
is the last of her immediate family. Survivors include many
cousins and friends. She was preceded in death by her parents
and brother Clarence.
Serving Wayland & Washington area for over 30 years!
The Wayland Reporter Page 24 ~ January 30, 2008 by the DeWitt Veterinary

Clinic, of DeWitt, Iowa;
Professional for 2008, receive updates
on animal health issues, the Iowa Beef Center at
Cattle learn more about the costs Iowa State University;
and Iowa State Univer-
of expanding operations, Southwestern Black Bean Soup
Feeders Day receive updates on envi- sity Extension.
The Iowa Beef Center 2 cans Black Beans 1 (11 oz.) can Mexicorn (corn with
ronmental issues, and hear
set for tips on management and at Iowa State University 2 (10.5 oz.) cans condensed beef broth
2 cans water
green & red sweet peppers) undrained
controlling costs. in Ames, Iowa, was es-
February 8 Pre-registration is due tablished in 1996. Its 1 large carrot (diced small) TOPPING:
Event to provide tips on Wednesday, Feb. 6. The goal is to support the 2 T. taco seasoning mix 1/3 c. plain low-fat yogurt
management, controlling event is free, and a meal is growth and vitality of the 1 lb. cased Chorizo sausage 3 T. dairy sour cream
costs; pre-registration due provided. To register, state’s beef cattle indus- 2 (14.5 oz) cans (2 c.) stewed tomatoes 1 green onion (finely chopped)
February 6 contact the DeWitt Veteri- try. As part of Iowa State
Ames, Iowa — Cattle University Extension, the Drain beans and rinse well. Pour beef broth, 2 cans of water, diced carrot,
nary Clinic at 563-659-
feeders in eastern Iowa 5231 or the Iowa County Iowa Beef Center serves beans and taco seasoning into a stew kettle. Bring to a boil and
are invited to a day that Extension Office at 319- as a central access point immediately reduce the heat. Cover and simmer until heated through
focuses on improving 642-5504. for all ISU programs and (about 10-15 minutes).
their operations Friday, Speakers for the day research related to the Meanwhile: Pierce Chorizo sausages and brown in large heavy skillet
Feb. 8, in Welton, Iowa. include Dr. John Law- beef industry. over medium, heat, turning often. Drain on paper towel, cut into thin
“Professional Cattle rence from the Iowa Beef For more information slices. Add to soup, along with stew tomatoes and corn. Stire. Cover
Feeders Day” will be from Center, Dr. Phil Reem- about the Iowa Beef partially, simmer 20 minutes.
10 a.m. to 2 p.m. at tsma from the DeWitt Vet Center, visit their web- In a small bowl, combine all topping ingredients. Mix well.
Buzzy’s in Welton. Cattle Clinic and Rick Martens site at:
Pour soup into individual serving bowls, the spoon 1 T. topping over
feeders will receive an from the Iowa DNR. The
each serving.
outlook on their industry event is being sponsored
Makes 8, 1 1/2 cup servings. Delicious on a cold, winter evening!

Jest for Fun

The Ultimate Insult ecipe Corner sponsored by MD Orthopaedics
(as relayed to me by an anonymous friend) Wayland, Iowa
“I received a rejection letter in the mail
one day for a job that I’d never even The Final Say… “When I look back at where I’ve been, I see
applied for!” that what I am becoming is a whole lot further down the road from
Not THAT’S Rejection! where I was!” Gloria Gaither


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