General Studies (Mains) - Science & Technology: Space

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General Studies (Mains) Science & Technology

Space 1. What is PSLV? Describe its significance for Indias space programme. (199 !"#$ ". What are VS%&s? What are the' (sed for? (199 !)$ ). Describe ho* Indias space programme has he+ped in its socio,economic de-e+opment. (199.!/#$ /. Wh' does a +(nar ec+ipse occ(r on+' on a f(++ moon? (199.!!)$ . Wh' is %gni Pro0ect important for India? (1991!/#$ .. What is the difference bet*een a comet and a meteor? (1991!)$ 1. What is remote sensing? What are its (ses especia++' in the Indian conte2t? (1993!/#$ 3. What ne* t'pe of sate++ite is proposed to be ind(cted for bo+stering s(r-ei++ance on Indias border? 4o* does this t'pe of sate++ite compare *ith e2isting I5S sate++ites? (1999!1#$ 9. %ns*er the fo++o*ing6, (1999!)$ a. b. c. What is 7S*atch of no gro(nd? 8rom *here *as the most ad-anced commercia+ sate++ite of India I9S%&, ": +a(nched? What is ;+oba+ Positioning S'stem (;. P. S.$?

1#. What do the ;<5& stand for? (1999!1$ 11. Where is Vi=ram Sarabhai Space >entre +ocated? (1999!1$ 1". What is the significance of the geostationar' orbit? What *o(+d happen if it becomes too cro*ded? ("###!)#$ 1). Disc(ss the significance of ;SLV in space research. ("##1!)#$ 1/. Determine the (ti+it' of Direct to 4ome in broadcasting s'stem. ("##1!1#$ 1 . What does the so+ar s'stem consist of? Disc(ss the motion of the entire so+ar s'stem as a *ho+e and a+so the motion of most of the bodies forming the so+ar s'stem. ("##)!1 $ 1.. In *hich 'ear and b' *hich co(ntries *ere Inter-entiona+ Space Station (ISS$ +a(nched? 4o* man' co(ntries are participating in this program? What are the (ni?(e st(dies being made in the station *hich co(+d not be made so acc(rate+' on the earth? ("##)!1 $ 11. Detai+ the sa+ient feat(res of pro0ect 7%ntharee=sha. ("## !1 $ 13. What do 'o( =no* abo(t Indian 9ationa+ Sate++ite S'stems? Describe its important feat(res. ("##3!)#$ Defence 1. What *as the contro-ers' abo(t 7Prith-i? (1991!"$ Dream Dare Win Page 1

". Wh' is %gni Pro0ect important for India? (1991!/#$ ). 4o* does the de-e+opment of Pina=a benefit India? (1993!"#$ /. What do the I><5 stand for? (1993!1$ . What is a cr'ogenic engine? Disc(ss its significance in Indias space programme. ("##1!)#$ .. What is Stea+th &echno+og'? ("##1!1#$ 1. Disc(ss the missi+e techno+og' initiati-es (nderta=en b' India. ("##1!1 $ 3. Write abo(t Indias L.>.%. (&e0as$. ("##3!"$ Biotechnology 1. What are transgenic organisms? What are the' (sed for? (199.!"#$ ". What is tiss(e c(+t(re? (1991!)$ ). What is genetic engineering? Wh' is it getting increasing+' important these da's? (1993!/#$ /. Wh' are transgenic organisms important? (1993!)$ . What is the 4(man ;enome Pro0ect? Disc(ss brief+' its importance. (1999!"#$ .. What are biosensors? Describe their (ses. (1999!"#$ 1. Where is >entre for >e++(+ar and <o+ec(+ar @io+og' +ocated? (1999!+$ 3. 4o* do identica+ t*ins differ from each other genetica++'? (1999!)$ 9. Disc(ss 4(man ;enome. ("###!1#$ 1#. 4o* transgenic p+ants are different from h'brid p+ants and *hat is their re+e-ance in modern agric(+t(re? :+aborate. ("###!1 $ 11. What are stem ce++s? Wh' ha-e the' been in the ne*s recent+'? Disc(ss. ("##1!)#$ 1". A@iotechno+og' boom ma' pa-e a go+den path for India.B Disc(ss. ("##"!)#$ 1). What is 4(man >+oning? Is it dangero(s or beneficia+? Disc(ss. ("##"!1 $ 1/. Disc(ss the e+ements of 7froCen semen techno+og'. What are 7embr'o transfer 7&ransgenic anima+sD 7D9% recombinant techni?(e? ("##)!!1 $ 1 . What is @iotechno+og'? Disc(ss the important app+ications of @iotechno+og'.("##/!1 $ 1.. What is the therape(tic c+oning? Describe brief+' the method and its potentia+ app+ications. (# !1 $ Write a note on 7@io,refiner' -ers(s 8ossi+ f(e+s. ("##.!1 $ 11. What are norma+ osmosis and re-erse osmosis? Wh' has re-erse osmosis become pop(+ar in India toda'? ("##.!1 $ 13. Short note on ;enome. ("##1!"$ 19. :2p+ain the ob0ecti-es and the c(rrent achie-ements of h(man genome pro0ect. ("##1!1 $ "#. In *hat *a' 7<edica+ @iotechno+og' and 7@ioengineering are (sef(+ for techno+ogica+ de-e+opment of India? ("##3!)#$ Dream Dare Win Page "

Nuclear Energy / Alternati e Energy 1. What is n(c+ear medicine? Describe brief+' its different (ses. (199.!"#$ ". 4o* has Indias 9(c+ear Programme contrib(ted to the economic and defense re?(irements of the co(ntr'? (1991!/#$ ). What is a fast breeder reactor? >omment on its s(itabi+it' in the Indian conte2t. (1999!/#$ /. What is carbon dating? Describe its app+ications in archaeo+og'. (1999!"#$ . What do the I9<%S stand for? (1999!1$ .. Where is Indira ;andhi >entre for %tomic 5esearch +ocated? (1999!1$ 1. Write abo(t 5adiation E its effects. ("##)!"$ 3. Disc(ss in detai+ A%+ternati-e :nerg' So(rcesB. ("##/!)#$ 9. Wh' is h'drogen being acc+aimed as the f(e+ of the f(t(re? ("## !1 $ 1#. What are the a+ternati-e f(e+s a-ai+ab+e for the transport sector? Disc(ss their characteristicsD ad-antages and disad-antages in their (ti+iCation. ("##1!1 $ !nfor"ation Technology 1. What is -irt(a+ rea+it'? What is it (sed for? (199.!"#$ ". What do the fo++o*ing stand for? (1991!)$ a. &I85 b. D5DF c. 9::5I ). What are optica+ fibers? What are their ad-antages? (1993!"#$ /. State the importance of %ntri2 >orporation. (1993!)$ . What do the fo++o*ing stand for6 (1993!)$ a. >,D%> b. I><5 c. &5%I .. ;i-e the f(nctions of interferons. (1993!)$ 1. What is the difference bet*een :,mai+ and 8a2? (1993!)$ 3. What are the ma0or pro-isions of the 9e* &e+ecom Po+ic' appro-ed b' the ;o-ernment? What has been the decision of the De+hi 4igh >o(rt in this respect? (1999!1#$ 9. What is fibre optics? What ad-antages does it offer in te+ecomm(nications? :+aborate. ("##1!1 $ 1#. Write abo(t :,commerce. ("##1!"$ 11. Disc(ss in detai+ A&he Internet &e+ephon' as an a+ternati-eB. ("##"!)#$ 1". What is interacti-e te+e-ision? What specia+ ad-antages are deri-ed b' (sing VFD ser-ices? Dream Dare Win Page )

1). What are the components of a t'pica+ VFD s'stem? Which feat(re fi+m *as generated first entire+' on comp(ters and in *hich 'ear? ("##)!)#$ 1/. Disc(ss the (ti+it' of e,go-ernance in the Indian conte2t. ("##/!1#$ 1 . Write note on Gse of Information &echno+og' in hea+th management in India. ("## !1#$ 1.. 1 . What is digita+ con-ergence? :2amine its imp+ications for modern societ'. ("## !)#$ 11. Write short notes on P%>:. ("##1!"$ 13. :2p+ain 6 Internet Protoco+ &e+e-ision (IP&V$ ("##3!1 $ 19. :2p+ain 6 Wifi ("##3!1 $ "#. Write brief note on &I8%>. ("##3!"$ En iron"ental !ssues / Sustaina#le De elop"ent 1. What is 7greenho(se effect? What are its ad-erse effects on the :arths en-ironment? ". What steps are being ta=en to chec= the same? (199 !/#$ ). What is +ead,free petro+? What are its merits and demerits? (199 !"#$ /. What is :+ 9ino? What is its re+e-ance to India? (199 !)$ . What is oCone ho+e? 4o* is it ca(sed and *hat are its imp+ications for +ife on :arth? (1999!"#$ .. What is >9;? 4o* can it red(ce air po++(tion? (1999!)$ 1. What are greenho(se gases? What impact do the' ha-e on the :arths c+imate and *ith *hat conse?(ences? :+aborate. ("###!1 $ 3. 1. What does the <ontrea+ Protoco+ dea+ *ith? Disc(ss its ro+e in protecting :arths en-ironment.("##1!1 $ 9. P+astic haCards , Disc(ss. ("##"!)#$ 1#. Disc(ss abo(t 7:n-ironmentD its components and its a*areness. ("##"!1 $ 11. What do 'o( (nderstand b' dep+etion of oCone +a'er and *h' is it considered harmf(+? 9ame oCone dep+eting s(bstances and processes. What internationa+ ramifications too= p+ace to protect the oCone +a'er and *hat *as the target agreed (pon? ("##)!)#$ 1". A;+oba+ WarmingBD Disc(ss. ("##/!)#$ 9. Describe the so(rces of ioniCing and non,ioniCing radiations and their effects on the biotic components of the atmosphere.. ("## !)#$ 1#. Wh' do en-ironmenta+ists regard asbestos and po+'thene as po++(tants? ("## !1 $ 11. H(stif' *ith necessar' +ogic A@io+ogica+ c+ean,(p methods can be cheaper than the con-entiona+ ph'sica+ and chemica+ po++(tion treatmentsB. ("##.!)#$ 1). Differentiate bet*een 9at(ra+ and >(+t(ra+ heritage. ("##1!)#$ 1". Write abo(t6 &he G9 conference on :n-ironment and De-e+opment (&he :arth S(mmit$ ("##1!1 $ 1). %ns*er an' one of the fo++o*ing ?(estions6 ("##1!)#$ Dream Dare Win Page /

1/. :2p+ain the phenomenon of oCone dep+etionD its ca(ses and effects. What effects are needed to red(ce it? 1 . What do 'o( (nderstand b' the term 7biodi-ersit'? :2amine the ca(ses and conse?(ences of degeneration of biodi-ersit'. $ealth 1. ". ). /. . What is %IDS? Describe its sa+ient feat(res. (199 !/#$ What is :LIS%? What is it (sed for? (199 !)$ What is pacema=er? 4o* does it *or=? (199 !"$ What is bioremediation? (199 !"$ What is 4IV? What does it ca(se? (199.!)$

.. What is Po+io? 9ame its fe* feat(res and ho* it can be pre-ented. (1991!"#$ 1. Wh' the 4IV is considered so dangero(s? Wh' has the spread of the -ir(s pro-ed so diffic(+t to containD especia++' in the poorer co(ntries of the *or+d? ("###!)#$ 3. Write abo(t %nthra2. ("##)!"$ 9. Write brief note on %spartame. ("##3!"$ 1#. Write brief note on ;ene doping. ("##3!"$ %aser / Superconducti ity / Natotechnology / &o#otics 1. What is 7S(percond(cti-it'? ;i-e its (ses and app+ications. ("##/!1 $ ". Describe the importance of ALaserB in *ar and peace. ("##/!1 $ ). :2p+ain ho* 9anoscience and 9anotechno+og' ha-e re-o+(tioniCed modern a. &echno+og'. ("##.!)#$ /. :2p+ain6 >omponents of 5obots. ("##3!1 $ Agriculture 1. Disc(ss the ro+e of modern techno+ogica+ inp(ts on agric(+t(ra+ de-e+opment in India. . 4o* *o(+d it be he+pf(+ for food sec(rit' d(ring "1st cent(r'? (1999!/#$ ". What is *ater har-esting? Describe its re+e-ance in the Indian conte2t. ("###!1 $ ). What is -ermi composing? Disc(ss its importance in the Indian conte2t. ("##1!1 $ /. Write short note on genetica++' modified seeds. ("## !"$ . Write brief note on Sappan. ("##3!!"$ !ntellectual 'roperty &ights 1. What are Inte++ect(a+ Propert' 5ights? Wh' are Indian scientists concerned? %bo(t the ne* patent regimes? (199.!/#$ Dream Dare Win Page

". What are the f(ndamenta+ constants and their (se in the meas(rement s'stem? ("##"!1 $ ). Write brief note on >op'right and &rade,mar=. ("##3!"$ (o"puter 1. What do the fo++o*ing stand for? ( 1991 ! ) $ (i$ I5:D% (ii$ %PPL: (iii$ I9<%S ". What is :,mai+? (93!"#$ ". Describe the de-e+opment of S(per,comp(ter in India. (1993!"#$ ). /. . a. b. What is a modem? What is it (sed for? (1999!)$ What is a comp(ter -ir(s? 4o* does it infect s'stems? (1999!"$ %ns*er the fo++o*ing abo(t "# *ords each6 ("###!"$ What does the 7c+oc= speed of a comp(ter signif'? What do the fo++o*ing stand for? i. http ii. >PG iii. 5F< i-. @IFS What is a modem and *hat is it (sed for? What is spamming? 4o* does a comp(ter -ir(s destro' data?

c. d. e.

.. %ns*er the fo++o*ing in abo(t "# *ords each6 ("##1!"$ a. What is Ahandsha=eB in comp(ter +ang(age? b. What is AethernetB and *hat is it (sed for? c. What is Adigita+ signat(reB and *hat is it (sed for ? d. What do the fo++o*ing standD for? i. D5%< ii. HP:; iii. %S>II i-. I<%P 1. What is a W%P,enab+ed phone? 3. %ns*er the fo++o*ing in abo(t "# *ords each6 "##"!#" What is a digita+ camera? What is fire*a++ in >omp(ter Lang(age? What is m(+timedia? What do the fo++o*ing stand for? i. 4&<L ii. 8&P iii. <:LFPS i-. PL%9I& e. What is Pirac'? 9. %ns*er the fo++o*ing (in abo(t "# *ords each$6 ("##)!#"$ Dream Dare Win Page . a. b. c. d.


11. 1".

What, is 7S'mpathetic 4aptics? What are specia+ feat(res of Lin(2? What is an operating s'stem? List the basic ser-ices pro-ided b' an operating s'stem. d. What is an 7Internet Worm? :2p+ain DDoSD e. What do the fo++o*ing stand for? i. :P5F< ii. PFSII iii. <FD:< i-. >F@FL %ns*er the fo++o*ing (in abo(t "# *ords each$ ("##/!#"$ a. What do 'o( (nderstand b' :,go-ernance? b. What is a G5L? c. What do the fo++o*ing stand for? i. >D,5F< ii. GS@ iii. I&:S i-. 8F5&5%9 d. What do 'o( (nderstand b' <P)? e. What are c'ber crimes? 4o* are these protected? Write abo(t the fo++o*ing6 @+(etooth. ("## !!"$ %ns*er the fo++o*ing (in abo(t "# *ords each$("## !#"$ a. b. c. What is an e2ab'te? What is VI5GS? What do the fo++o*ing stand for? i. I<L ii. <%S:5 iii. S:>%< i-. &IPS What is a-atar? What is Wi=ipedia?

a. b. c.

d. e. 1). 1/.

What do 'o( (nderstand b' optica+ comp(ting? Wh' is optica+ comp(ting en-isaged to ha-e m(ch better performance than that of e+ectronic comp(ting? ("##.!1 $ %ns*er a++ the fi-e (in abo(t "# *ords each$ ("##.!#"$ a. b. What do 'o( (nderstand b' a 7search engine in comp(ting? :2pand the fo++o*ing6 i. >%D ii. >%< iii. >I< c. :2p+ain *hat &hin 8i+m <emor' is in comp(ters. d. Write a short note on 7%rtificia+ Inte++igence. e. Who are ca++ed 74ac=ers in comp(ter *or+d?

1 .

%ns*er a++ the fi-e (in abo(t "# *ords each$("##1!#"$ a. b. What is fire*a++? What is ma+*are?

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c. i. ii. iii. i-. d. e.

What do the fo++o*ing stand for? <P:; ISP 4&<L %S>II What is 5oot =it? What is comp(ter architect(re?


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