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1. 2. 3. 4. Introduction Causes that inspire carrying out the RN optimization Inputs for Radio Network optimization K I i. !ri"e test data ii. #racing ca$$ data iii. erformance measurement data i". Configuration data


Radio Network Optimization Activities

1. Flow Chart or Network Optimization !. Radio Network Optimization "tart #p
i. %rganization of Radio %ptimization team ii. !etermination of the %ptimization acceptance counters iii. reparation of Radio Network %ptimization too$

$. "ingle "ite %eri ication

i". reparation for &ing$e &ite #est ". &ing$e &ite #est and #rou'$eshooting

&. RF Optimization
"i. reparation for R( %ptimization #est "ii. Co$$ection of R( %ptimization data "iii. )na$ysis of R( %ptimization data 1. )na$ysis of Co"erage ro'$ems a. Common pro'$ems that affect co"erage '. arameters that affect co"erage areas 2. )na$ysis of Interference ro'$ems 3. )na$ysis of *ardware (au$ts 4. )na$ysis of end+to+end network e$ement interoperation. i,. Imp$ementation R( %ptimization

'. ()I Optimization

a. Collection o ()I data 1. 2. 3. 4. !ri"e #est data Ca$$ #racing data #raffic -easurement data Configuration data

*. Anal+sis o ()I data i. )na$ysis of )ccess Counter %ptimization Common )ccess pro'$em &o$utions to Common )ccess pro'$em

ii. )na$ysis of congestion Counter %ptimization 1. 2. 3. 4. 1. Congestion Caused 'y *igh #raffic .o$ume Congestion Caused 'y /urst #raffic Congestion Caused 'y #R0 (ai$ure Congestion Caused 'y Interference Congestion caused 'y Channe$ )ssignment (ai$ure due to Inconsistent Co"erage. 2. Congestion Caused 'y Inappropriate !ata Configuration iii. )na$ysis of *ando"er Counter %ptimization 1. 3nsuccessfu$ hando"er 2. *ando"er ro'$ems Caused 'y *ardware (ai$ure 3. *ando"er ro'$em Caused Inappropriate !ata Configuration i". )na$ysis of Ca$$ !rop Counter %ptimization Causes of Common Ca$$ !rops 1. 2. 3. 4. 1. 2. Co"erage Re$ated Ca$$ !rops *ando"er re$ated Ca$$ drops Interference+re$ated Ca$$ !rops )ntenna &ystem+ re$ated Ca$$ !rops #ransmission+re$ated Ca$$ !rops arameter re$ated Ca$$ !rops

c. Implementation o ()I Optimization

,. Optimization Reports
1. 2. 3. 4. 1. 2. 6. 7. ro4ect 'ackground Networking modes %ptimization process5 content and progress %ptimization counters Conc$usion R( %ptimization K I %ptimization Comparison of #raffic measurement K I 'efore and after optimization 8. Conc$usion and ana$ysis of K I optimization 19. )na$ysis of remaining pro'$ems 11. Network de"e$opment suggestion 12. )ppendi,

-. Optimization tools


I. Background

1. Introduction
Radio network optimization is carried out in order to impro"e the network performance with the e,isting resources. #he main purpose is to increase the uti$ization of the network resources5 so$"e the e,isting and potentia$ pro'$ems on the network and identify the pro'a'$e so$utions for future network p$anning. #hrough Radio Network %ptimization5 the ser"ice :ua$ity and resources usage of the network are great$y impro"ed and the 'a$ance among co"erage5 capacity and :ua$ity is achie"ed. In genera$5 the fo$$owing steps are fo$$owed during the Radio Network %ptimization; !ata Co$$ection and "erification !ata ana$ysis arameter and hardware ad4ustment %ptimization resu$t confirmation and reporting.

!ue to the mo'i$ity of su'scri'ers and comp$e,ity of the radio wa"e propagation5 most of network pro'$ems are caused 'y increasing su'scri'ers and the changing en"ironment. Radio Network %ptimization is a continuous process that is re:uired as the network e"o$"es.

!. Causes that inspire carr+ing out the RN optimization4

New network or e,pansion on the e,isting network #he network :ua$ity decreased serious$y and there are many comp$aints from su'scri'ers. )n e"ent occurs sudden$y which affects the network performance serious$y. #he num'er of su'scri'ers increased and affects the network performance gradua$$y.

$. Inputs or optimization
#raffic statistics !ri"e test Customer comp$aints

&. (e+ )er ormance Indicators ()I

#he K I indicates the o"era$$ ser"ice performance of the network o"er a period of time to meet the acceptance re:uirements. #he K I data is o'tained from; .rive test data

#his data co$$ected from the fi$ed and is associated with the -o'i$e &tation. #he fo$$owing aspects shou$d 'e taken into during the dri"e test; + + #est ser"ice; speech and data #est methods; continuous con"ersation5 ca$$ set up and network access 5 hando"er5 etc Call tracing data

#his data is co$$ected from the network e:uipment side. It consists of the fo$$owing; + + + + + 3ser signa$ing messages Ce$$ signa$ing messages &tandard interface signa$ing messages <)C data Rea$+time performance monitoring data. )er ormance measurement data

#he performance measurement data indicates the radio performance on the network $e"e$ and ce$$ $e"e$. /&& performance data consists of the fo$$owing; + + + + + )ccess data Ca$$ drop data *ando"er data #raffic "o$ume Congestion data Con iguration data

Configuration script fi$e co$$ected from the /&C are norma$$y used for pro'$em ana$ysis and $ocation.


Radio Network Optimization Activities

1. Flow chart or network optimization

Network &tatistics

!ri"e #est

Ca$$ tracing

K I target

ropose )ction $an

(re:uency5 parameter5 configuration and hardware changes

Imp$ement action p$an

)chie"ed K I


!. Radio optimization "tart up

Organization o radio Optimization team

#he team to carry out the Radio %ptimization acti"ities is shown 'e$ow 1 Radio Network %ptimization #eam <eader

2 Radio Network %ptimization =ngineers

1 (ie$d -easurement #echnician

1 (ie$d -easurement #echnicians

.etermination o optimization acceptance counters

#hese are targets for the Network optimization. #he key counters that indicate the network :ua$ity inc$ude the co"erage rate5 ca$$ drop rate5 ca$$ setup success rate5 congestion rate. #he counters are of two types; a> !ri"e test counters main$y for network with comparati"e$y few su'scri'ers '> #raffic measurement )reparation o radio network optimization tool #he too$s for RN optimization ha"e to 'e made ready. #he $ist of too$s is indicated on page 17

$. "ingle "ite %eri ication

#his is a se$f+test associated with e:uipment in each site and each ce$$. Its purpose is to "erify the 'asic functions such as access5 ca$$ and hando"er of each site and each ce$$ in the area to 'e optimized.

)reparation or single site test

&ite status and site configuration data are checked. #est p$aces or routines and de'ugs test instruments are a$so se$ected. "ingle site test and trou*leshooting

It aims to $ocate the pro'$ems associated with the insta$$ation and functiona$ity of e:uipment. It $ooks at the fo$$owing aspects; + + + Check whether the )R(CNs are the same as p$anned Check whether the <)I are the same as p$anned Check whether the configuration of neigh'or ce$$ is comp$ete and whether the hando"er parameters are norma$.

(or a'norma$ sites5 ad4ust the re$ated parameter or rectifying the hardware fau$ts to so$"e the pro'$em. + +

Check pro'$ems re$ated to power amp$ification5 improper antenna system connection5 and '$ockage due to en"ironmenta$ change5 inconsistent antenna ti$t and azimuth. erform Ca$$ ?ua$ity #est to check whether the access and con"ersation of the speech are norma$ through dia$ing test.

&. RF Optimization
It aims to optimize the signa$ co"erage5 mitigate the interference and ensure the e"en distri'ution and norma$ co"erage of the radio signa$ after the ser"ice parameters are optimized. (o$$owing aspects are fo$$owed; )reparation or RF optimization test

It in"o$"es the fo$$owing points; + + + !etermine the optimization target so that the network can operate as p$anned and the K Is meet the acceptance re:uirements. &ince the co"erage5 capacity and :ua$ity of the @&- network are re$ated to each other5 categorize the c$usters. R( optimization shou$d performed in c$uster instead of indi"idua$ /#&s !etermine the dri"e test route.

repare the documents and too$s

Collection o RF optimization data

#he R( optimization data can 'e co$$ected through; + + !ri"e test Ca$$ ?ua$ity #est for indoor areas and pre+se$ected re:uired areas.

#he co$$ected data together with the /&C ca$$ tracing data and configuration data pro"ide reference for the pro'$em $ocation. #his data he$ps to check whether the network operates in accordance with specifications. Anal+sis o RF optimization data

#hrough the ana$ysis of R( optimization data5 pro'$ems re$ated to co"erage5 interference5 hardware fai$ure5 and interopera'i$ity of network e$ements can 'e $ocated and then appropriate ad4ustments can 'e made. a> Anal+sis o coverage pro*lems It main$y focuses on signa$ distri'ution. Common items to 'e checked; 1. If the co"erage area 'ecomes sma$$er after the /#& starts ser"ices5 check the fo$$owing items; + )m'ient en"ironment of the /#& antennas + Changes in the propagation en"ironment + Ahether there are .&AR a$arms and di"ersity recei"e a$arms on the &ite -aintenance #ermina$ &ystem + Ahether .&AR is $ess than 1.1 + Ahether #-) is operationa$ + )ntenna ti$t and azimuth + /#& transmit power + Ahether /#& recei"e sensiti"ity is norma$ + Ahether the parameter associated to co"erage are set proper$y + Ahether noise f$oor is high due to interference and poor e$ectromagnetic en"ironment. 2. If the co"erage pro'$ems are caused 'y e,pansion of the /#& capacity5 check the fo$$owing items; + + + Ahether the configuration of com'iners changes after capacity e,pansion Ahether appropriate antennas are se$ected Ahether new antennas are insta$$ed in accordance with the re:uirements

+ + +

#he $ocation of the /CC* transmit antenna of the omnidirectiona$ dou'$e transmit antennas. (or directiona$ dou'$e transmit antennas5 whether the pitch and the azimuth of the antenna are consistent #he output power on top of the ca'inet for different #R0s when the ma,imum co"erage configuration is used.

3. If the co"erage pro'$ems are caused 'y swapping or new construction5 check the fo$$owing items; + + + + + + + + + + + + Ahether the azimuth and height of the antennas is the same as those 'efore swapping Ahether the ti$t of the directiona$ antenna is the same as that 'efore swapping Ahether the power on top of the ca'inet for the /#& 'efore and after swapping are consistent. Ahether the /#& recei"er sensiti"ity is norma$. Ahether the noise f$oor is high due interference and poor e$ectromagnetic en"ironment Ahether there are .&AR a$arms and main di"ersity recei"e a$arms on the &ite -aintenance #ermina$ &ystem Ahether the parameters associated with co"erage are set proper$y. Check whether the antennas are insta$$ed in accordance with the re:uirements after the /#& is put into operation or after new construction. Ahether appropriate antenna are se$ected #hat there are in"erse connections in the antenna system Ahether the #-) is operationa$ #he power on top of the ca'inet for different #R0s when ma,imum co"erage configuration is used.

Common pro*lems that a ect coverage 1. 2. 3. 4. 1. 2. 6. Aater running into antennas assi"e intermodu$ation antennas Inappropriate antenna types #ower inf$uence on the omnidirectiona$ antennas Inappropriate insta$$ation of the directiona$ antennas Inappropriate insta$$ation of the omnidirectiona$ antennas ro'$ems associated with connection of the antenna systems5 com'iners and di"iders5 and C!3. 7. #-) pro'$ems 8. /#& front+end modu$e fau$t BIso$ator5 dup$e,er5 fi$ters5C> )arameters that a ect coverage areas

#R0 power $e"e$5 #-) power attenuation factor5 -& ma,imum transmit power contro$ $e"e$5 -& minimum recei"e signa$ $e"e$5 and R)C* minimum access $e"e$ '> Anal+sis o Inter erence pro*lems It great$y affects the speech :ua$ity and hando"er. Ca$$ drop or congestion may 'e a$so caused. Its ana$ysis in"o$"es; + 3p$ink interference ana$ysis; when the traffic "o$ume is $ow compared with the interference 'and + !own$ink interference ana$ysis; If the Recei"ed &igna$ ?ua$ity is $ower BR0?3)<> than the predefined thresho$d and Recei"e &igna$ $e"e$ BR0<=.> is higher than the predefined thresho$d. If R0?3)< and R0<=. are $ower than the predefined thresho$ds. #he interference sources of the @&- network are; 1. Intra+network interference 2. interference from repeaters 3. interference from other high+power communication e:uipment 4. *ardware fau$ts. #he $ocation and trou'$eshooting are; 1. 2. 3. 4. 1. 2. !etermine the ce$$s that ha"e interference on the 'asis of K Is Check the %-C a$arms Check the fre:uency p$anning Check the ce$$ parameter setting erform dri"e test =$iminate the interference 'ased on ana$ysis and check the resu$ts.

c> Anal+sis o hardware aults *ardware fau$ts affect the norma$ operation of the network or disrupt the network. #hey consist of network e$ements fau$ts and transmission $ink fau$ts. #he type of the fau$ts can 'e determined 'y checking hardware a$arms and ana$yzing the traffic measurement resu$ts. d> Anal+sis o end5to5end network elements interoperation. Check the norma$ operation of /#&5 /&C5 and -&C. Interoperation pro'$em refer to pro'$ems in interface protoco$s5 "ersion matching5 ) and )'is interface data configuration5 and interface signa$ing compati'i$ity.

Implementation o RF optimization

#o meet the K I re:uirements5 ad4ust the ce$$ engineering parameters 'ased on the data ana$ysis. Consider the optimization cost when rep$acing the antennas5 adding #-) and adding /#&s. #he fo$$owing engineering parameters can 'e ad4usted; + + + + + + + + )ntenna ti$t )ntenna height )ntenna height )ntenna $ocation )dding #-) Rep$acing the site type )d4usting the site $ocation )dding sites.

'. ()I optimization

It in"o$"es finding and so$"ing the pro'$ems that do not meet the acceptance re:uirement through the ana$ysis of dri"e test data and the traffic measurement data. It a$so in"o$"es the counter such as ca$$ setup success rate5 ca$$ comp$etion rate5 ca$$ drop rate5 hando"er success rate and congestion rate.

'.1. Collection o ()I data

#he data consist of; a6 .rive 0est data It is associated with the -& and it has to 'e more detai$ed. It in"o$"es; + #est ser"ice; speech and data + #est methods; continuous con"ersation5 dia$ing test and automatic test. '> Call tracing .ata It is co$$ected from the network e$ement and contains; + + + + 3ser signa$ing messages Ce$$ signa$ing messages &tandard interface signa$ing messages <)C data

Rea$+time performance monitoring data

c6 0ra ic 2easurement data It indicates the radio performance on the network $e"e$ and ce$$ $e"e$. It consists; + )ccess data + Ca$$ drop data + *ando"er data + #raffic "o$ume + Congestion data d6 Con iguration data &cripts fi$es co$$ected in the /&C

'.!. Anal+sis ()I optimization data

#he ana$ysis of the K I optimization data he$ps so$"e the remaining e:uipment and co"erage pro'$ems after the pre"ious actions main$y associated with ca$$ access5 congestion5 hando"er5 and ca$$ drops. '.!.1. Anal+sis o Access Counter optimization + + )ccess specifications Bdri"e test>; ca$$ing part comp$etion rate5 ca$$ed part comp$etion rate and access de$ay of the C& and & ser"ices. )ccess specification Btraffic measurements>; paging success rate and ca$$ setup success rate.

Common access pro*lem are4 + + + + aging pro'$em )ssignment pro'$em )uthentication and encryption pro'$ems =:uipment pro'$ems

"olution to access pro*lems + + Ce$$ resection parameters; rese$ection start thresho$d5 rese$ection de$ay5 rese$ection hysteresis and ce$$ offset. Random access parameters; R)C* minimum access thresho$d5 -& minimum access $e"e$ and R)C* error thresho$d.

1.2.2. Anal+sis o Congestion Counter optimization #he congestion in the @&- network refers to the &!CC* congestion ant #C* congestion. Common congestion and trou'$eshooting; 16 Congestion caused *+ high tra ic volume Check from the performance measurement resu$ts whether the traffic "o$ume of &!CC* and #C* e,ceeds the specification. In this case capacity e,pansion or traffic sharing can 'e app$ied to mitigate congestion. !6 Congestion caused *+ *urst tra ic If the &!CC* congestion rate and the traffic "o$ume are high whi$e the #C* traffic "o$umes is norma$5 configure more &!CC* or ena'$e &!CC*+#C* dynamic con"ersation function. $6 Congestion caused *+ 0R7 ailure If there is a #R0 fau$t5 rep$ace the fau$ty unit. It is a$so important to check the ca'$es in the antennas systems and whether the .&AR &6 Congestion caused *+ inter erence Interference on 3m interference. '6 Congestion caused *+ channel assignment ailure due to inconsistent coverage #he causes are; + + + #he transmit power of the #R0s are not the same #he co"erage areas of the transmit antennas in a ce$$ are not the same #he transmit and recei"e antennas are not on the same horizonta$ p$ane or their ti$ts are not the same.

,6 Congestion caused *+ inappropriate data con iguration + + + $anning of $ocation areas reasona'$y to decrease the &!CC* congestion. =na'$e &!CC* dynamic a$$ocation function to decrease &!CC* congestion. (or dua$ dua$+'and network5 set the corresponding parameters appropriate$y to decrease &!CC* congestion; CR%5 C/)5 C/? and Ce$$ rese$ection *ysteresis

#imer setting; #31915 #31935 #31965 #31225 #3212 and #3111 1.2.3. Anal+sis o 8andover Counter optimization

It aims to make sure that the dri"e test and traffic measurement data meet specifications. Common hando"er pro'$ems; 16 #nsuccess ul handover #he -& fai$s to initiate a hando"er when the signa$ in the ce$$ is weak or signa$ :ua$ity is poor. #ake the fo$$owing into consideration; + *ando"er conditions are met + #here is a candidate ce$$ that meets the hando"er conditions. )d4ust the re$e"ant parameters 'ased on the fo$$owing causes; + #he hando"er thresho$ds are set too $ow + No neigh'oring ce$$ re$ation is set + *ando"er hysteresis is set inappropriate$y. + #he /#& c$ock e,pires !6 8andover pro*lems caused *+ hardware ailure Rep$ace the fau$ty hardware. 3> 8andover pro*lems caused *+ inappropriate data con iguration. + + + + In independent -&C networking mode5 check whether the signa$ing settings are consistent in the $oca$ and the peer -&Cs In the co+-&C networking mode5 check whether the signa$ing settings are consistent in the /&Cs from different manufacturers. If the hando"er fai$ure app$ies to on$y one ce$$5 then ana$yze the pro'$ems 'ase on the actua$ situation. Check the timers re$ated to the hando"er such as #31915Ny15 #3193 and #3124.

*ow to $ocate the hando"er pro'$ems 1> Check whether the fau$t $ies in one ce$$ or in a$$ ce$$s Bthe fau$ty ce$$s are neigh'oring ce$$s of a ce$$ or the fau$ty ce$$s a /&C or an -&C>. 2> Check whether the configuration data is ad4usted 'efore the pro'$em occurs 3> Check whether the pro'$em is caused 'y hardware fau$ts. 4> Register hando"er performance measurement counters and #C* performance measurement counters. 1> erform dri"e test in the fau$ty ce$$ and ana$yze the signa$ing.

'.!.&. Anal+sis o Call drop Counter optimization

Ca$$ drops are associated with co"erage5 hando"er5 interference5 antenna system5 transmission and parameter setting. 0he causes o common call drops are4 1> Co"erage re$ated ca$$ drops are caused 'y; + + + !iscontinuous co"erage with '$ind areas ; weak and poor :ua$ity signa$s at the edge of the iso$ated /#& which cause ca$$s to drop 'ecause they cannot 'e handed o"er to other ce$$s /ad indoor co"erage; dense$y distri'uted 'ui$dings and thick wa$$s cause great attenuation and $ow indoor $e"e$ which causes ca$$ drops. Cross+area co"erage. 2> 3> 4> 1> 2> + + + + *ando"er+re$ated ca$$ drop Interference+re$ated ca$$ drop )ntenna system+re$ated ca$$ drop #ransmission+re$ated ca$$ drops arameter+re$ated ca$$ drops

radio $ink timeout &)CC* mu$ti+frame )ccess contro$ parameters #imer #3191 and #3196

In addition5 check the fo$$owing; + + + ) interface fai$ure during the #C* seizure #C* a"ai$a'i$ity Ca$$ drops due to terrestria$ $ink interruption.

'.$. Implementation ()I optimization

Radio configuration parameters are ad4usted to enhance the ser"ice performance. /efore ad4usting the radio configuration parameter5 perform the fo$$owing; 1. -ake a detai$ed parameter ad4ustment p$an + )d4ustment o'4ecti"es + .ersion of the network e:uipment and instructions + )d4ustment procedures

+ + +

)d4ustment detai$s Bthe parameter "a$ues 'efore and after ad4ustment shou$d 'e recorder>. %peration time. #rou'$eshooting

2. Re"iew the ad4ustment p$an of the parameter in $arge size and that are of a high security $e"e$. 3. &u'mit the app$ication for the network operation to the customer with the fo$$owing items; + %peration content + %peration purpose + %perationa$ time + Re:uired resources such as persona$5 "ehic$es and &I- cards + )'norma$ resu$ts that may occur and their trou'$eshooting measures + %peration impacts on the ser"ices Bimpacts on traffic counters>. )fter ad4usting the radio configuration parameters5 perform the fo$$owing; 1. /ack up the $atest data fi$e and record the date 2. .erify that the /#&s and ce$$s are operating norma$$y after the ad4ustment. Conduct dia$ing test and ensure a$$ ser"ices are norma$. 3. Check the traffic measurement resu$ts such as access success rate5 congestion rate5 ca$$ drop rate and hando"er rate. 4. Record the ad4ustment and its effects for future check.

,. Optimization reports
#he optimization report shou$d content the fo$$owing; 1. 2. 3. 4. 1. 2. ro4ect 'ackground Networking modes %ptimization process5 content and progress %ptimization counters Bdri"e test counter and performance counters> Conc$usion R( %ptimization #est method Comparison of co"erage data 'efore and after optimization

6. K I optimization #est method Comparison of the dri"e test K I 'efore and after optimization

7. Comparison of the traffic measurement K I 'efore and after optimization )na$ysis of access counters

)na$ysis of retaina'i$ity counters )na$ysis of mo'i$ity counters

8. Conc$usion and ana$ysis of the KI optimization <ist of pro'$ems <ist of so$ution <ist of the remaining pro'$ems

19. )na$ysis of remaining pro'$em 11. Network de"e$opment suggestions 12. )ppendi,; <ist of the engineering parameters after optimization <ist of the system parameters optimization

-. Network optimization tools

Network optimization too$s are used for data co$$ection5 data ana$ysis5 and simu$ation ana$ysis. #hese are; 1. 2. 3. 4. 1. 2. 6. <) #% AI#* #=R-& IN.=&#I@)#I%N 7.9 or N=-% C)R to carry out the !ri"e #est (3<< !RI.= #=&# KI# !I@I#)< C)-=R) @ & R=C*)R@=)/<= /)##=RI=& and #*= C*)R@=R -) &

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