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INTRODUCTION Vermiculture and Vermicomposting through Earthworm Eco-Technology is indigenous, economic and easy technology to con ert all !io-degrada!le waste into !est "uality organic manure #Vermicasting !ased humus !io-$ertili%er&' In Earthworm EcoTechnology all types o$ !ene$icial earthworms and micro!es are cultured and all types o$ !io-degrada!le materials either ur!an solid waste or rural solid wastes or $ood processing industries( wastes are used to produce organic manure' N)TURE )ND *CO+E O, T-E +RO.ECT This pro/ect is Eco-$riendly and one stro0e solution o$ most o$ the !urning pro!lems li0e pollution, unemployment, upli$tment o$ rural poor, poor soil $ertility, wasteland de elopment, poor health, declining yield, more re"uirement o$ irrigation o$ water, more re"uirement o$ power and more use o$ chemical $ertili%ers and pesticides' 1y Earthworm Eco-Technology we can sol e all the a!o e pro!lems, total a aila!le !iodegrada!le wastes can !e con erted into money i'e' !est "uality organic manure, employment to unemployed youth and rural poor !y esta!lishing Vermicomposting pro/ect, impro ement o$ soil structure, porosity and o erall $ertility o$ the soil and wasteland de elopment !y use o$ humus !io-$ertili%er produced !y these pro/ects' The use o$ chemical $ertili%er, pesticides can !e reduced in integrated sustaina!le agriculture and completely replaced in organic $arming and healthy and more yields can !e produced' The irrigation water re"uirement can !e reduced !y 234 !y impro ement o$ porosity o$ soil and more rain water a!sorption is there and hence underground water ta!le is impro ed so there is less erosion o$ upper $ertile soil there!y reducing the incoming o$ $loods' The power re"uired $or irrigation water pumping is also reduced' There$ore 234 power consumption is sa ed' The health o$ soil and plants is impro ed so the produces li0e grain, egeta!le and $ruits are tasty and healthy, so health o$ la!ourers, $armers and the consumers is impro ed' 5ost o$ the ha%ardous diseases li0e Cancer and )ID* can !e eradicated at the grass root le el' The use o$ chemical $ertili%ers is reduced hence ,oreign E6change is also sa ed' The re"uirement o$ irrigation water is reduced, so more agriculture can !e done in same amount o$ water' *o the scope o$ this pro/ect is ery ast and i$ it is adopted and supported !y the 7o ernment then Organic $arming can !e done success$ully with high yield at low cost, la0hs o$ the unemployed youth and rural poor can !e employed and total !io-degrada!le waste material can !e con erted into humus !io-$ertili%er, so all the cities and illages can !ecome clean and huge sum o$ money is generated $rom wastes and cow dung and prosperous illages can !e de eloped' -ence the economy o$ the nation can !e changed and a clean, healthy, *el$ Reliant, prosperous, wealthy and Organic Nation can !e !uilt'

Economics of Vermic !" re #n$ Vermicom%os"in& Pro'ec" "(ro &( E#r"()orm Eco-Tec(no!o&*
8' T(is %ro'ec" c#n +e s"#r"e$ from #n* #,#i!#+!e f n$ 9 In this pro/ect there is no constraint o$ $unds as it can !e started !y in estment o$ Rs 83,333 :-only or can range $rom Rs 8 ;a0h to Rs 83 Crore or more' <' R#) m#"eri#!s #,#i!#+!e e#si!* #n$ !oc#!!* in #+ n$#nce 9 Raw materials are all type o$ !io-degrada!le waste li0e cow dung and agro waste, so easily a aila!le locally in a!undance' =' S ccessf ! Or&#nic -#rmin& #n$ no M#r.e"in& %ro+!em - The end product Vermicasting !ased humus 1io-,ertili%er has multiple utility i'e' can !e used in own $arms $or seasonal crops, horticulture crops, tea gardens, $or wea0 soil impro ement, wasteland de elopment and puri$ication o$ salty, acidic or al0aline water !y ermi-$ilteration $or irrigation and as !io-saniti%er $or Organic ,arming' *o there is huge demand $or the product' In integrated sustaina!le agriculture 234 chemical $ertili%ers are reduced and 234 Organic manure is to !e used $or more and tasty sustaina!le yield and impro ement o$ soil $ertility' In organic $arming only organic manure is used, so there will !e huge demand !ut the support o$ 7o t' is re"uired $or local transport su!sidy and other mar0eting support and populari%ation through agriculture Dept' *o i$ strong representation gi en to go t' then 234 sale o$ chemical $ertili%ers can !e switched o er to organic manure and at the same time health o$ soil, plants, la!ourers, $armers and consumers can !e impro ed and $armers can pro ide us tasty and healthy grains, $ruits and egeta!les' >' No C(#nce of f#i! re 9 ,irstly it is an Eco-Technology and the pro/ect is installed on the soil in its natural conditions, so there is no chance o$ death o$ the earthworms e en the pro/ect is not running $or sometime' *econdly the product is easily sold locally hence there is no chance o$ any loss' 2' No re/ iremen" of e!ec"rici"* 9 This is an industry which can !e started without electricity, so it can !e started without electricity hence it can !e started in remote areas' -ence 23 4 o$ chemical $ertili%er can !e replaced !y this organic manure, so sa ing o$ power used $or production o$ that "uantity o$ chemical $ertili%ers' ?' A$$i"ion#! Income form co) $ n&0 #&ro )#s"e #n$ )#s"es #,#i!#+!e - ,or small pro/ects cost o$ raw materials is almost nil to the $armers as they ha e their own raw materials li0e cow dung and agro wastes a aila!le with them' ,rom cow dung o$ one cow or cattle, < tons o$ organic manure can !e produced, so additional income o$ Rs'@333 to Rs 83,333 can !e made' A' Less in,es"men" #n$ &oo$ income or more %rofi"#+i!i"* 9 The initial motherculture and li e worms re"uired at the time o$ starting o$ a particular pro/ect is a one time e6penditure' ,rom ne6t year onwards only raw materials( cost is in ol ed so !ene$it $rom ne6t year is more than 234 i'e' $rom a pro/ect o$ Rs'83,333 income is Rs' 83,333 per year and $rom pro/ect o$ one la0h Rs'8,33,333:- e ery year and i$ raw material is a aila!le $ree with them then income is increased again'

@' More Em%!o*men" 9 It is la!our intensi e industry, so more employment is generated and raw material is also locally purchased $orm local suppliers there!y gi ing e ery!ody some /o!' B' More Pros%eri"* 9 The locally a aila!le 1iodegrada!le waste is con erted into money $rom cow dung o$ one cow < Tons o$ organic manure is produced which can !e sold in Rs' @,333 to 83,333 so $rom 833 cows Rs' Ten ;a0hs can !e generated or cost o$ <33 Tons o$ Chemical $ertili%ers can !e sa ed !ecause 234 chemical $ertili%ers can !e replaced !y this organic manure, *o a huge sum o$ money can !e sa ed and prosperity will come to $armers, illagers and nation as a whole' 83' No S#!es T#1 #n$ Income T#1 9 On organic manure there is no *tate or Central *ales ta6' Income Ta6 is also e6empted $or 83 Cears $or industry which is producing organic manure $rom wastes' 88' S +si$ies 9 23 4 su!sidy is pro ided to *el$ -elp 7roups $rom D'R'D')' Dept', and to indi idual persons running **I unit ==4 su!sidy pro ided !y DIC $or purchase o$ land $or pro/ect, construction o$ pucca !ins, o$$ice, godown and other machineries etc', B34 su!sidy on generators in remote areas where electricity is not a aila!le and B34 transport su!sidy i$ organic manure is sold outside the state' 8<' More Yie!$ #n$ (e#!"(* %ro$ ce 9 I$ all $armers install Vermicomposting pro/ect o$ their re"uirement minimum 234 o$ chemical $ertili%ers and ma6imum8 Ton $or complete replacement o$ chemical $ertili%ers $or one 1igha land in their $arms then !y application o$ the same they can produce more tasty, healthy and more yields o$ grains, $ruits and egeta!les' *o they can get more prices $or their produce' The soil !ecomes more porous so 234 irrigation water is sa ed, 234 electricity is sa ed ,at the same time underground water ta!le is maintained, erosion o$ top $ertile soil is reduced and chances o$ $lood is also reduced, and health o$ soil, plants, animals, la!ourers, $armers and consumers is maintained and less disease and ma/or diseases li0e )ID* and Cancer can !e eradicated at the grass root le el !y reducing non protein nitrates and residual e$$ects o$ pesticides $rom soil, plants and human !eings' 8=' Po!! "ion Con"ro! -)ll !iodegrada!les are con erted into organic manure, so all illages and towns can !e 0ept clean' The use o$ chemical $ertili%ers, pesticides, and weedicides can !e reduced to 234 so pollution o$ water and air can !e reduced Pro'ec" Re%or" %re%#re$ +* 2 Dinesh +aree0 #Vermiculture Consultant& Cashowati 1io-5ultitechs Tulsiram Road, Tinsu0ia, )ssam +h ' 3=A>-<=>8>>A#R & : <==BB2@ #O&

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