Lecture 5 - PN Junction and MOS Electrostatics (II)

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012 - Microelectronic Devices and Circuits - Spring 2003

Lecture 5-1

Lecture 5 - PN Junction and MOS Electrostatics (II) pn Junction in Thermal Equilibrium February 20, 2003 Contents: 1. Introduction to pn junction 2. Electrostatics of pn junction in thermal equilibrium 3. The depletion approximation 4. Contact potentials

Reading assignment: Howe and Sodini, Ch. 3, 3.3-3.4

6.012 - Microelectronic Devices and Circuits - Spring 2003

Lecture 5-2

Key questions What happens if the doping distribution in a semiconductor abruptly changes from n-type to p-type? Is there a simple description of the electrostatics of a pn junction?

6.012 - Microelectronic Devices and Circuits - Spring 2003

Lecture 5-3

1. Introduction to pn junction pn junction: p-region and n-region in intimate contact Why is the p-n junction worth studying? It is present in virtually every semiconductor device! Example: CMOS cross section




n+ p



Understanding p-n junction is essential to understanding transistor operation.

6.012 - Microelectronic Devices and Circuits - Spring 2003

Lecture 5-4

2. Electrostatics of p-n junction in equilibrium Focus on intrinsic region:

p type n type x p type (a) metal contact to p side


x=0 x (Nd) n metal contact to n side (b)

Doping distribution of abrupt p-n junction:

N p-region Na

n-region Nd

6.012 - Microelectronic Devices and Circuits - Spring 2003

Lecture 5-5

What is the carrier concentration distribution in thermal equilibrium? First think of two sides separately:
p-region majority carrier Na po log po, no no Nd n-region majority carrier

minority carrier ni2 Na no


minority carrier ni2 Nd x

Now bring them together. What happens? Diusion of electrons and holes from majority carrier side to minority carrier side until drift balances diusion.

6.012 - Microelectronic Devices and Circuits - Spring 2003

Lecture 5-6

Resulting carrier prole in thermal equilibrium:

log po, no Na po no Nd

ni2 Na 0

ni2 Nd x

Far away from metallurgical junction: nothing happens two quasi-neutral regions Around metallurgical junction: carrier drift must cancel diusion space-charge region

6.012 - Microelectronic Devices and Circuits - Spring 2003

Lecture 5-7

In a linear scale:

po, no Nd



Thermal equilibrium: balance between drift and diusion

Jhdiff Jhdrift Jediff Jedrift

Can divide semiconductor in three regions: two quasi-neutral n- and p-regions (QNRs) one space charge region (SCR) Now, want to know no(x), po(x), (x), E (x), and (x). Solve electrostatics using simple, powerful approximation.

6.012 - Microelectronic Devices and Circuits - Spring 2003

Lecture 5-8

3. The depletion approximation Assume QNRs perfectly charge neutral assume SCR depleted of carriers (depletion region) transition between SCR and QNRs sharp (must calculate where to place xpo and xno)
po, no Na exact po depletion approximation Nd


-xpo 0


x < xpo xpo < x < 0 0 < x < xno xno < x

po(x) = Na, no(x) = po(x), no(x) no(x), po(x) Na Nd

n2 i Na

no(x) = Nd, po(x) =

n2 i Nd

6.012 - Microelectronic Devices and Circuits - Spring 2003

Lecture 5-9

Space charge density

qNd 0 -xpo 0 -qNa xno

depletion approximation exact x

(x) = = = =

0 qNa qNd 0

x < xpo xpo < x < 0 0 < x < xno xno < x

6.012 - Microelectronic Devices and Circuits - Spring 2003

Lecture 5-10

Electric field Integrate Gauss equation: E (x2) E (x1) =

qNd 0 -xpo 0 -qNa E 0 -xpo 0 xno x xno x


x2 x1



x < xpo xpo < x < 0

E (x) = 0
x E (x) E (xpo) = 1s xpo qNa dx qNa x a = qN x | = (x + xpo) x po s s

0 < x < xno xno < x

E (x) =


(x xno)

E (x) = 0

6.012 - Microelectronic Devices and Circuits - Spring 2003

Lecture 5-11

Electrostatic potential (with = 0 @ no = po = ni): = kT no ln q ni = kT po ln q ni

In QNRs, no, po known can determine :

Na ln in p-QNR: po = Na p = kT q ni

in n-QNR: no = Nd n =

kT q

d ln N ni

n 0 p B -xpo 0 xno x

Built-in potential: kT NaNd ln 2 B = n p = q ni General expression: did not use depletion approximation.

6.012 - Microelectronic Devices and Circuits - Spring 2003

Lecture 5-12

To get (x) in between, integrate E (x): (x2) (x1) =

qNd 0 -xpo 0 -qNa E 0 -xpo 0 xno x xno x

x2 x1

E (x)dx

Eo n 0 p B -xpo 0 xno x

6.012 - Microelectronic Devices and Circuits - Spring 2003

Lecture 5-13

n 0 p B -xpo 0 xno x

x < xpo xpo < x < 0

(x) = p (x) (xpo) qNa x = xpo s (x + xpo )dx 2 a = qN ( x + x ) po 2s

2 a (x) = p + qN ( x + x ) po 2s

0 < x < xno xno < x Almost done...

d (x x )2 (x) = n qN no 2s

(x) = n

6.012 - Microelectronic Devices and Circuits - Spring 2003

Lecture 5-14

Still dont know xno and xpo need two more equations 1. Require overall charge neutrality: qNaxpo = qNdxno 2. Require (x) continuous at x = 0: p + qNa 2 qNd 2 xpo = n xno 2s 2s

Two equations with two unknowns. Solution: xno 2 sB Na = q ( Na + Nd ) Nd 2 sB Nd xpo = q ( Na + Nd ) Na

Now problem completely solved.

6.012 - Microelectronic Devices and Circuits - Spring 2003

Lecture 5-15

Other results: Total width of space charge region: xdo = xno + xpo = 2 sB (Na + Nd) qNaNd

Field at metallurgical junction: |Eo| = 2qB NaNd s ( Na + Nd )

6.012 - Microelectronic Devices and Circuits - Spring 2003

Lecture 5-16

Three cases: Symmetric junction: Na = Nd xpo = xno Asymmetric junction: Na > Nd xpo < xno Strongly asymmetric junction: i.e. p+n junction: Na Nd xpo xno xdo 2 sB 1 qNd Nd Nd


2qB Nd

The lowly-doped side controls the electrostatics of the pn junction.

qNd qNd x -qNa -qNa -qNa x qNd x

6.012 - Microelectronic Devices and Circuits - Spring 2003

Lecture 5-17

4. Contact potentials Potential distribution in thermal equilibrium so far:

p p-QNR



B -xpo


Question 1: If I apply a voltmeter across diode, do I measure B ? 2 yes 2 no 2 it depends

Question 2: If I short diode terminals, does current ow on outside circuit? 2 yes 2 no 2 sometimes

6.012 - Microelectronic Devices and Circuits - Spring 2003

Lecture 5-18

We are missing contact potential at metal-semiconductor contacts:




mn mp B -xpo 0 xno x

Metal-semiconductor contacts: junctions of dissimilar materials built-in potentials: mn, mp Potential dierence across structure must be zero cannot measure B ! B = mn + mp

6.012 - Microelectronic Devices and Circuits - Spring 2003

Lecture 5-19

Key conclusions Electrostatics of pn junction in equilibrium: a space-charge region surrounded by two quasi-neutral regions built-in potential across p-n junction To rst order, carrier concentrations in space-charge region are much smaller than doping level depletion approximation. Contact potential at metal-semiconductor junctions: from contact to contact, there is no potential buildup across pn junction

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