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Design Visualization 101: Making the Most of the Autodesk Building Design Suite

Eddie Perlberg Autodesk


Our industry has always relied on the artistry of visualization to tell the design story, and with the introduction of the Autodesk Building Design uite, you now have the !ost "owerful design and visualization tools in the industry# $n this class, we will look at the intero"erability of our uite "layers and discuss when to use which "roduct# %e will also investigate co!"osition and so!e of the key ingredients to creating successful visualization i!agery# After this class, you will be ready to tackle your first visualization "ro&ect#

Learning Objectives
At the end of this class, you will be able to' Describe the intero"erability of the Autodesk Building Design uite visualization tools (o!"ose a co!"elling visualization i!age or ani!ation )everage the "resets and libraries built into the "roducts to s"eed u" workflow )ist the individual visualization a""lications and assess when to use each

About the Speaker

Eddie is a member of the Autodesk family representing Autodesk 3ds Max Design, Showcase and Autodesk e!it among other titles" #rior to this endea!or, Eddie has labored as a $AD manager where he successfully implemented Autodesk e!it and Autodesk Architectural Desktop for a number of firms in the Milwaukee area" Eddie has %& years of experience de!eloping architectural and !isuali'ation solutions" (e has taught a !ariety of classes and is a recogni'ed speaker at numerous seminars including siggraph, )*+ Masters, A*A and ,he -reenbuild Expo" Eddie is also a contributing animator for the .radley $enter, home of the Milwaukee .ucks, Admirals, and Mar/uette -olden Eagles" (e is experienced as a $AD manager, designer, and !isuali'ation artist"

Design Visualization 101: Making the Most of the Autodesk Building Design Suite


The Autodesk Building Design Suite

Autodesk Building Design uite is a co!"rehensive building software solution, co!bining the tools building "rofessionals need for both (AD and Building $nfor!ation +odeling ,B$+workflows in a single econo!ical and convenient "urchase# .he tandard version of the suite co!bines Auto(AD and the Auto(AD "roducts s"ecifically designed for building designers, drafters and detailers# .he Pre!iu! version of the suite contains everything in the tandard version but adds the "ower of Building $nfor!ation +odeling ,B$+- for architects and engineers while the /lti!ate version builds u"on the value of the Pre!iu! version by adding tools that are ideally suited for construction "rofessionals#

Autodesk Building Design uite hel"s you take advantage of co!"rehensive building software solution to' Design (reate better buildings with intelligent, 0D !odel1based design Analyze /se integrated analysis to infor! design and construction decisions Visualize Produce co!"elling visualizations to !arket ideas !ore successfully Do u!ent (reate !ore consistent, higher12uality construction docu!entation Deli"e# $!"rove control over "ro&ect outco!es with valuable insight across the building lifecycle

Design Visualization 101: Making the Most of the Autodesk Building Design Suite

Due to the de"th and breadth of a""lications in the Autodesk Building Design uite, you can choose the best tool for the &ob, hel"ing you to better "erfor! the tasks associated with your daily workflows# .he broad ca"abilities of each edition of the suite will allow you to easily e4"lore new ways to work and "rovides a "ath for you to easily learn new tools through the consistent look and feel of the "roducts in the suite, increasing "ersonal "roductivity and value to your "ro&ect tea!s# .he tandard Edition "rovides foundation tools that address your s"ecific (AD workflow needs including design, basic visualization, strong docu!entation and the ability to "roduce detail and fabrication drawings# .he Pre!iu! Edition "rovides an o"ti!ized set of tools that address both (AD and B$+ workflows and "rovides additional tools for design, strong visualization, basic analysis and also adds ca"abilities for B$+ based construction !odeling# .he /lti!ate Edition adds to the already strong task coverage of the tandard and Pre!iu! Editions advanced ca"abilities for !odel integration, clash detection, construction scheduling, and !aterial costing# .he Autodesk Building Design uite will hel" you design, docu!ent, visualize, si!ulate and build !ore effectively# $t re"resents e4cellent value and is a cost1effective way to access Autodesk5s leading design and visualization tools for building in a single econo!ical and convenient "urchase# 6ow let5s take a brief look at each of the different editions of the Autodesk Building Design uite and how you can benefit fro! the!# 0

Design Visualization 101: Making the Most of the Autodesk Building Design Suite

.he Autodesk Building Design uite tandard "rovides design, drafting and detailing custo!ers with a foundational set of tools to' %ork with the fa!iliarity of Auto(AD to hel" better Design, docu!ent and share drawings in the D%78 for!at %ork with 7reater Efficiency by taking advantage of the versions of Auto(AD that have been s"ecifically designed for building including Auto(AD Architecture, Auto(AD +EP and Auto(AD tructural Detailing how your ideas !ore effectively and !arket and "resent your designs with Autodesk howcase and Autodesk ketchBook Designer# .he Pre!iu! Edition builds u"on the benefits "rovided by the tandard Edition and adds an o"ti!ized set of tools to hel" architects, engineers and building "rofessionals to' (reate better buildings with intelligent 0D +odel Based Design by utilizing the 9evit fa!ily of "roducts including Autodesk 9evit Architecture, Autodesk 9evit +EP and Autodesk 9evit tructure Produce co!"elling visualizations to !arket ideas !ore successfully with Autodesk 0ds +a4 Design software which "rovides architects, engineers and builders with so"histicated 0D visualization tools, hel"ing the! to !ore ra"idly review design conce"ts, !ore accurately analyze daylight effects, and create high1i!"act !arketing visuals# /se integrated analysis to hel" infor! design and construction decisions by taking advantage of ca"abilities in Autodesk 9evit Architecture and Autodesk 0ds +a4 Design as well as benefits "rovided by subscri"tion such as 9evit E4tensions, 7reen Building tudio, and (once"tual Energy Analysis .he /lti!ate edition continues to build u"on the ca"abilities "rovided by both the tandard and Pre!iu! Edition while also offering design and construction custo!ers with an advanced set of tools to' $!"rove control over "re1construction and better integrate !ulti1for!at data with Autodesk 6avisworks +anage software for Design and construction "rofessionals who can better coordinate disci"lines, resolve conflicts, and "lan "ro&ects virtually before construction or renovation begins# +ore efficiently "erfor! building !aterial 2uantifications with Autodesk :uantity .akeoff software which hel"s cost esti!ators to !ore efficiently "erfor! !aterial 2uantifications fro! design data and high12uality i!ages while "roviding co!"rehensive su""ort and a s!oother design1to1cost workflow# (ollaborate !ore effectively with !anufacturers and fabricators with Autodesk $nventor software# $nventor "rovides the tools for architects and engineers to collaborate with the ;

Design Visualization 101: Making the Most of the Autodesk Building Design Suite

!anufacturers and fabricators that will "roduce building co!"onents, hel"ing enhance the ability to understand and ca"ture design intent for today5s de!anding buildings and structures#

The value of Design Visualization

$n the fall of 3<<=, cgarchitect conducted a survey a!ong >,?<< architects and designers# @AB of the! said they are !ore likely to win a co!"etitive bid based on i!agery created with hel" fro! Autodesk visualization tools# Al!ost 6inety "ercentC .hat is an incredible vote of confidence fro! custo!ers who are winning business today with visualization tools# i!ilarly, !ore than =< "ercent say they are !ore likely to win "ublic a""roval or co!!unity su""ort based on visualizations created with Autodesk visualization tools# .his shows the crucial role visualization can "lay in the "ublic outreach "rocess# %ith the e!"hasis on infrastructure s"end in our econo!y, a s!ooth a""roval "rocess with govern!ent agencies and the "ublic is no longer &ust a nice Dto haveE, but a necessity# %hat about the cost savingsF 6early G< "ercent say they save !ore than H3G,<<< a year by creating visualizations in1house# .hat nu!ber grows to al!ost AGB when the savings is re"orted to be !ore than H><,<<< "er year, still a considerable savings# G

Design Visualization 101: Making the Most of the Autodesk Building Design Suite

.his "oint alone can hel" you recou" your invest!ent in Autodesk 0ds +a4 Design software within a few !onths#

The visualization tools of the Autodesk Building Design Suite

Each of the design software in the Autodesk Building Design uite, Auto(AD and the Auto(AD based "roducts, Autodesk 9evit Architecture and the software based on it and Autodesk $nventor all have a substantial tools to assist you with seeing your design as your create# .he good news is that, thanks to develo"!ents in intero"erability, your invest!ents in visualizations in your design a""lications will be leveraged in the visualization tools of the suite# $n this session we will focus on those visualization tools#

Autodesk Building Design Suite Standard

Autodesk SketchBook Designer E4"lore 3D conce"ts and "roduce stunning 3D artwork with Autodesk ketchBook Designer software# %ithin its intuitive creative environ!ent, "rofessional designers and artists fro! all industries can utilize the hybrid "aint and vector workflow for design illustration and gra"hic co!!unication# O"ti!ized for "en and !ouse interaction, the dyna!ic user interface su""orts and enhances your freedo! of e4"ression# Engineers can take advantage of Autodesk ketchBook Designer functionality directly inside of Auto(AD software# Autodesk ketchBook Designer for Auto(AD was built s"ecifically for Auto(AD users to enhance their current workflow# $t adds fully integrated illustration, "ainting, and !ani"ulation ca"abilities directly into Auto(AD, !aking it a broader creative tool#

Design Visualization 101: Making the Most of the Autodesk Building Design Suite

Autodesk Sho case Autodesk howcase real1ti!e 0D "resentation and rendering software enables architects, designers, engineers, and !anagers to 2uickly and easily transfor! 0D (AD data into co!"elling i!agery, !ovies, and i!!ersive "resentations that can be used for interactive design reviews, !arketing i!agery, and sales "itches# Autodesk howcase users can bring their designs to life and e4"lore design variations in real ti!e, hel"ing to accelerate the a""roval loo"# .he 3<>3 release features accelerated raytracing, o"ti!ized su""ort for Autodesk $nventor 3<>3 softwareIincluding Autodesk +aterials and ani!ated $nventor constraintsI real1ti!e geo!etry1on1geo!etry shadows, non1"hotorealistic effects, Ds!artE walk1throughs, and task wizards hel"ing si!"lify co!!on workflows#

Autodesk Building Design Suite !re"iu"

Autodesk #ds $a% Design Autodesk 0ds +a4 Design 3<>3 software delivers "owerful new rendering toolsets, enhanced iterative workflows, and an accelerated gra"hics core that together hel" increase overall "roductivity# Jeaturing the "hysically accurate iray renderer fro! !ental i!ages, versatile "rocedural te4tures, and stylized rendering ca"abilities, 0ds +a4 Design 3<>3 hel"s designers "resent their creative vision !ore effectively# +oreover, with the 6itrous render1 2uality accelerated view"orts, designers can !ore ra"idly iterate on their ideas to achieve !ore co!"elling end results# And, with new intero"erability with Autodesk Alias industrial design a""lications and auto!ated workflows with Auto(AD (ivil 0D software, designers can !ore sea!lessly aggregate their (AD data into "owerful storytelling visualizations#

Design Visualization 101: Making the Most of the Autodesk Building Design Suite

Autodesk Building Design Suite &lti"ate

Autodesk 'avis orks $anage Autodesk 6avisworks +anage software is a co!"rehensive "ro&ect review solution that su""orts analysis, si!ulation, and co!!unication of design intent and constructability#

$!age courtesy of +c(arthy Building (o!"anies, $nc# @

Design Visualization 101: Making the Most of the Autodesk Building Design Suite

+ultidisci"linary design data created in a broad range of Building $nfor!ation +odeling ,B$+-, digital "rototy"e, and "rocess "lant design a""lications can be co!bined into a single integrated "ro&ect !odel# $nterference !anage!ent and clash detection tools hel" design and construction "rofessionals antici"ate and avoid "otential "roble!s before construction begins, !ini!izing e4"ensive delays and rework# Autodesk 6avisworks +anage co!bines s"atial coordination with the "ro&ect schedule to deliver ;D si!ulation and analysis# Entire "ro&ect !odels can be "ublished and freely viewed in 6%D and D%J8 file for!ats#

(hat product should ) ork in*

Auto+AD,-evit $nternal visualization (o!!unication within the working .ea!

Autodesk Sho case Kisualizations that are easy and fast Design review !eetings $nteractive "resentations Early "resentations to !anage!ent or direct custo!er

Autodesk #ds $a% Design o"histicated, nuanced ani!ation .ell a story and evoke an e!otional res"onse Presentations to the "ublic

Autodesk 'avis orks Associate visual and "ro&ect ti!eline# (oordinate design data fro! varied and uni2ue sources# ee "otential design conflicts and clash detection#

'e%t Steps
Jor !ore $nfor!ation about .he Autodesk Building Design uite 3<>3 software, visit www#autodesk#co!Lbuildingdesignsuite# Jor !ore infor!ation on e4tending the "ower of your design technology, visit www#autodesk#co!Lsubscri"tion#

Design Visualization 101: Making the Most of the Autodesk Building Design Suite

Jor !ore infor!ation on Autodesk AE( olutions, visit www#autodesk#co!Lbuilding# Jor 2uestions regarding todays "resentation or to ask !ore about the ca"abilities of the software you5ve seen, e!ail !e at Ask#Eddie*autodesk#co!#


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