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Test bench for determination of the pyrometric cone equivalent (refractoriness) PCE 428 (Pyrometric Cone Equivalent)

Because of the heterogeneity of their composition and structure, ceramic refractories do not exhibit a uniform melting point. The refractoriness is characterized by the optical determination of the pyrometric cone equivalent (according to Seger), i.e. the temperature at hich the tip of a cone made of the sample material softens to the point that it touches the base plate. !eference cones ith ell" established pyrometric cone equivalents at temperature intervals of #$%& and above (designated S' xx or (S) xxx) along ith the test cones made from the sample material are heated in the same furnace, so that it is possible to ma*e an accurate comparative temperature determination for the softening point of the refractory material to ithin approx. +$%&. The ,-T.S&/ 0&- 1+2 test bench has a mechanical lever, hich positions the base plate for the sample and reference cones in the hood furnace from belo 3 a vie ing indo in the furnace lid ith a radiation filter and surface mirror allo visual determination of the pyrometric cone equivalent. The maximum temperature for this melting point determination is #4$$%& (complies ith S' 5#, (S) #4$), in accordance ith 6(, -, 775"#+. The furnace is equipped ith a single temperature controller. 6in cauza eterogenit89ii a compozi9iei :i structurii lor, refractare ceramice nu prezint8 un punct de topire uniform. refractari este caracterizat prin determinarea optic8 a con pyrometric echivalent (;n conformitate cu Seger), adic8 temperatura la care v<rful de un con din material proba se ;nmoaie la punctul ;n care ea atinge placa de baz8. &onuri de referin98 echivalente cu bine"stabilite con pyrometric la intervale de temperatur8 de #$ % & :i mai sus (desemnat S' xx sau xxx (S)), ;mpreun8 cu conuri de testare confec9ionate din material e:antion sunt ;nc8lzite ;n acela:i cuptor, astfel c8 este posibil s8 se fac8 o determinare exact8 temperatur8 comparative pentru ;nmuiere a materialului refractar la termen de aprox. +$ % &. ,-T.S&/ 0&- 1+2 standul de ;ncercare are o maneta mecanic, care pozi9iile placa de baz8 pentru conurile de prob8 :i de referin98 ;n cuptor hota de mai =os, o fereastr8 de vizualizare ;n capac cuptor cu un filtru de radia9ii :i de suprafa98 oglind8 permite determinarea vizual8 a con pyrometric echivalent. Temperatura maxim8 pentru aceast8 determinare punctul de topire este de #4$$ % & (;n conformitate cu S' 5#, (S) #4$), ;n conformitate cu 6(, -, 775"#+. &uptorul este echipat cu un regulator de temperatura singur.

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