Dadra & Nagar Haveli: Visitors

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Vstors /71,- Daman, Diu, Dadra & Nagar Haveli 1

Located on tle western side o tle
ootlills o western glats
encompassing an area o 491 square
km, tle Union Territory (UT) o
Dadra s Nagar Haveli is tle land
o colourul tribals. Just 12 km
nortl west o Daman, a small part
o Gu}arat (\api) separates tle two.
It las seen many rulers, ranging
rom tle miglty Maratlas to tle
iery Portuguese. It was liberated
in 1954 rom Portuguese rule.
Dadra actually is mucl smaller
witl only two villages apart rom
Dadra itselt. Nagar Havcl consists
o o9 villages o wlicl Silvassa, tle
capital o Dadra and Nagar Haveli
is one. Dadra is separated rom tle
villages o Nagar Haveli by 3 km
o Gu}arat territory. Tle entire
union territory is rural in its
complexion witl tribals (adivasi)
constituting more tlan 75 percent
o tle population, and tle main
tribes are Dlodia, Kokna and \arli.
Tle reserved orests comprise 40
percent o tle UT providing a
labitat or all kind o lora and
auna. Because o proximity to tle
sea at Daman, tle summer
temperature is not overpowering.
Tle river Damanganga and
its tributaries like tle \arna,
Pipri and Sakartond criss cross tle
UT and drain into Arabian Sea
at Daman.
Tle nearness o Daman, wlicl is tle
sister UT, las common admini-
stration witl tle Administrator as
Head, las integrated tle two UT's to
orm a composite block or tle
purpose o tourism.
0-/- 1 n-- u-|
Vstors /71,- Daman, Diu, Dadra & Nagar Haveli
Tle colourul dances and curious
rituals o tlis tribal land, top class
resorts and complexes close to
nature, enclanting lills, tle well
manicured gardens at Dadra,
Silvassa and Lulari, lion saari at
\asona, water based tlrills at
Dudlni, trekking trails to tle
orests, wildlie sanctuary at
Satmalia and tle clarming
monsoon landscape o tle entire
area are tle visitors deliglt - tle
ideal place or a city dweller to
unwind in and to get close to
nature. A small sylvan place or
all seasons.
Tle network o tle road witlin
tle UT is good and \api (14 km)
and Blilad (12 km) on tle western
rail line are tle nearest rail leads.
Tle nearest international airport
is Mumbai (180 km). Silvassa, tle
capital las a variety o
accommodation and restaurants
witl well stocked bar. Vell
appointed cottages and camping
acility are also available to explore
tlis tranquil paradise. O late tlis
las also emerged as tle lub o
business tourism because o its
excellent acilities and services.
Surrounded on tle west nortl and
east by \alsad district o Gu}arat
and in tle soutl and soutl east
by Tlana and Nasik districts o
Malarasltra, tle union territory
o Dadra and Nagar Haveli is
situated between tle parallels o
and 20
25' o latitude nortl
and between tle meridian 72
and 73
15' o longitude. Tle vast
stretcl o tle total geograplical
area o 491 square km is lilly
terrain specially towards tle nortl
east and east wlere it is
surrounded by ranges o Salyadri
Mountains (western glats). Tle
river Damanganga rises in tle
Glat o4 km rom tle western coast
and disclarges itsel in tle Arabian
Sea at tle port o Daman. Tle
land under orest cover (20359
lectares) in tlis territory
constitutes about 40 percent o tle
geograplical area. Tle central
region o tle land is almost plain
and tle soil is ertile and ricl.
Tle climate is moderate and
generally lealtly in tle central
zone, tlougl lot and lumid
during tle summer montls but
less warm during tle monsoon
season rom June - September. Tle
area reerred to as Clerrapun}i o
tle Vest India receives an annual
rainall between 200-250 cm.
Tle Portuguese wlo entered India
at tle end o 15tl century, ater
occupying Goa also took some
areas on tle Bay o Klambat
(Cambay) i.e. Daman and later on
Diu on tle Saurasltra coast. In tle
18tl century, Marathas were a
ormidable orce and lad acquired
Vstors /71,- Daman, Diu, Dadra & Nagar Haveli 3
some areas o soutl Gu}arat rom
tle Dlarampur Ra}a and otler
principalities. Tle late 18tl
century, around 1779, records a
ierce sea battle between Portuguese
and Maratla orces in wlicl
Maratlas were compelled to cede
some territory close to Daman to
tle ormer. On 17tl December,
1779 Portuguese took territorial
control o tle 72 villages by virtue
o a riendslip treaty between
Portuguese and Maratlas. Tlis
group o 72 villages came to be
known as Dadra sNagar Haveli.
Vitl tle independence o India
in August, 1947, tle struggle by
tle reedom iglters o Goa to
liberate tlis territory intensiied.
In act, tle movement was
initiated by a Goan teacler, Carles
da Cruz, wlo got all
encouragement rom Goan
nationalist movement leaders like
T. B. Cunla and rulers o
ad}oining Gu}arat. Vitl tle
reedom o India, tle nationalist
leaders ound tlat Dadra s Nagar
Haveli was a good target against
Portuguese rule because tle
territory was landlocked unlike
Goa, Daman and Diu and was
now in tle midst o ree India.
At tlis time, Portugal was ruled by
Salazar wlo reused tle Indian
Government demand to end tle
colonial vestiges in India. Tlis
inuriated tle Goan nationalists
wlo moved in and took control o
tle Police Station o villages in
Dadra on July 22, 1954. Dadra was
captured in tle early lours witl tle
support o local tribals and by
aternoon tle Portuguese oicers
o otler two villages in Dadra
surrendered. Tle rigltened oices
o tle Portuguese administrator o
Nagar s Haveli souglt reuge in
The nature's delight
Vstors /71,- Daman, Diu, Dadra & Nagar Haveli
ad}oining Gu}arat and by August
2, 1954 tle entire territory was
conquered witlout a single slot
ired rom eitler side. In 19o1, tle
Indian army marcled into Goa,
Daman and Diu ousting
Portuguese rom tleir colonial
possessions on Indian soil.
Ater its liberation in 1954, tle
administration was carried on by
tle local body till its merger witl
tle Indian Union on August, 11,
19o1. Tle area was created as a
Union Territory and ormal
statutory administration leaded by
tle Administrator.
Tle population o Dadra s Nagar
Haveli is 2,20,451 (2001 census),
an increase o over o0 percent over
tle last census in 1991. More tlan
o2 percent o tle total population
is tribal. Tle population density
is 449 persons per square
kilometer, sex ratio (number o
emales per 1000 males) 811 and
tle literacy rate o0.03 percent. Tle
urbanites constitute about 23
percent o tle total population.
Tle urban Silvassa town is tle
most tlickly populated among tle
11 village Panclayats. Tle ma}ority
population is Hindu (over 95
percent). Tle main tribes are
\arlis, Dlodia and Kokna wlereas
tle otler constituents are a little
over 3 percent o tle total tribal
population. Tle main occupation
is agriculture, but due to paucity
o land loldings many o tlem
work as arm labourers or seek
employment in otler areas.
Tle sly and peace loving tribals
inlabiting tle UT attract tourists
witl tleir ricl and colourul tribal
culture. Tley retained tleir culture
altlougl tle territory las lad
many years o oreign rule, rom
tle Maratlas to tle Portuguese.
Tle Varls orm tle largest group
(o3 percent) and are ound
everywlere in tlis UT. \arlis are
a tribe o non Aryan origin, wlo
were concentrated in areas near tle
\indlyas and Satpuras rom wlere
tley came towards Konkan region.
At present, tley mainly inlabit
tle \alsad and Dang districts o
Gu}arat and Tlana and Nasik
districts o Malarasltra as well as
tlis UT, wlicl tley claim as tleir
original lome. A loin clotl, a
small waist coat and a turban
makes or tle traditional dress o
tle \arli men. \arli women use
knee lengtl Lugdcn (one yard
saree) around tle waist and a piece
o clotl locally called Padar. Silver
and wlite metal ornaments are
part o adornment. Tle \arli tribe
ollow orm o Hinduism.
Dhodas, tle second largest (about
17 percent) tribal population is
largely concentrated in area
around nortl part o tle UT,
soutl o Gu}arat and a ew
Vstors /71,- Daman, Diu, Dadra & Nagar Haveli 5
ad}oining areas o Malarasltra.
Tley live in small tlatcled luts
(locally called Dlundi) and are
cultivators and a ma}ority are land
owners. Tle traditional wardrobe
o tle Dlodia men is a wlite
dloti upto tle knees and a slirt
or waist coat witl a wlite cap and
tley wear ornaments sucl as
earrings and silver clains around
tle waist. Tle dress o a emale
consists o a dark blue saree worn
upto tle knees witl colourul bead
necklaces, metal bangles on wrists
and tlick metal kadas around
tleir ankles.
Tle well built Koknas constitute
about 17 percent o tle tribal
population and are settled along
tle ootlills o tle western glats.
Tleir lie mainly depends on
cultivation (paddy) or livelilood.
Tlis tribe is claracterized by
tattoos on tleir orelead and on
otler parts o tleir body. Tle men
wear dloti upto tle knees, a waist
coat or slirt and a turban on tleir
lead. Tle women wear colourul
knee lengtl or ull lengtl saree.
Otlers include Kathods, leading
a orest lie and engaged in tle
proession o cateclew (katla)
making, tle Dublas, scattered
along tle coast line, also called
lalpatis or tleir proession o
plougling (lal), Kolghas and
Nayakas being tle smaller groups
represent about 3 percent o tle
population togetler.
Vitl improved communication,
education, economy growtl o tle
region and tle steps initiated by
tle Administration, tle tribal's
way o living and tlinking is
clanging rom tleir original
agriculture based and gatlering
existence to near mainstream. Due
to ormal education, many o tlese
Simple, colourful tribal folks of Dadra & Nagar Haveli
Vstors /71,- Daman, Diu, Dadra & Nagar Haveli
tribes are striving lard to occupy
ligler positions in society.
Tle land locked union territory
is sandwitcled between Gu}arat
and Malarasltra, consequently
Hindi, Gu}arati and Maratli are
widely spoken. Tle local tribals
lave dialects o tleir own o wlicl
Bhl and Bhlod are
predominant. Englisl is tle
working language o Government
oices and Hindi is also airly well
understood. For tle people
engaged in lospitality and service
industry, Englisl is widely used.
One would see words o Englisl
used in milestones, signages and
Hinduism is tle religion o tle vast
ma}ority (95 percent) o tle
population tlougl religious
observances may dier. Tle
territory is least urbanised witl less
tlan 20 percent population living
in towns. Tle arming community
las very small land loldings and
most o tlem are agricultural
labourers as tlere is lardly any
meclanised arming. Tle louses
are generally tlatcled luts rooed
witl tiles near agricultural ields.
Tle people are simple lard working
class and a close knit community.
Tle rituals play a predominant role
in tle lie o tribal communities
o Dadra and Nagar Haveli,
particularly tle \arlis. Tle sun and
tle moon are regarded as two eyes
o God. Tle stone images o tlese
deities are ound in tle midst o
tree groves wlicl are considered
sacred. A blagat perorms rituals
singing prayers o deities wlile
playing Ghangal, a musical
instrument made rom gourd,
bamboo and iron strings. Almost
every village las a temple o
traditional God and a local deity.
Tle tribals lave distinct culture
o tleir own consisting o curious
rituals and colourul olklore.
Marriages, estivals, larvest are all
occasion or dances and tle tribal
olk lave a long tradition o
preserving tleir dance orms and
ricl and colourul culture. Tle
oot tapping dances o Tarpa,
Dlol, Blavada and Gleria create
a magical eect and relect tle
distinct identity o tlese simple
olks. Tle accompanying musical
instruments are innovated by tle
tribals tlemselves witl locally
available material like gourd,
bamboo, wood and leatler.
Tarpa Dancc
Tle Tarpa is tle most popular dance
orm o tle \arli, Kokna and Kolis,
and is perormed in celebration o
tle larvest in September upto tle
estival o Diwali.
Tle lead dancer o tle group taps
tle ground witl an ornamental
Vstors /71,- Daman, Diu, Dadra & Nagar Haveli 7
stick (ghol kanth) in a rlytlmic
beat. Tle otler perormers lold
eacl otler around tle waist and
wind tleir way round tle musician.
Tle man plays on tle Tarpa, a wind
instrument aslioned rom gourd
and bamboo sticks. Tle pace o
dance and steps clange witl tle
tune played by tle musician on tle
Tarpa. Tle music sounds mucl like
a snake clarmer's lypnotic tune.
Bohada Dancc
Tlis marvellous dance, Bolada, is
perormed by tle Kokna tribals
wearing masks in niglt by torcl
liglt. Tle masks are typical o its
villages and carved out o a single
piece o wood and tlen decorated
witl bamboo strips and coloured
papers. Tlese masks lave tle
igures o Gods like Pandavas,
Ravana, Ganesl and deities like
Kaloba, Mlasoba, Rangatai.
Eacl perormer dances steps tlat
are typical o tle claracter wlose
mask le las worn. Tle
instruments like Sur, Kalali and
Sambal orm tle basic rlytlm o
tle music.
Tur and Thal Dancc
Tur is a percussion instrument, a
cylindrical drum, made out o clay
witl careully tanned leatler
surace on botl sides and tle
central portion painted black. An
additional paste o rice and asl is
also applied to make it more
sensitive to tle toucl o tle
musician's ingers. Tlali is a
circular metal disl.
Tlis dance is perormed by Dlodi
and tle Dubla tribes mostly
during marriages and otler estive
occasions. Tle men and tle
women dance in semi circle to tle
rlytlms o Tur and Tlali.
Music, rhythm and celebration - Tarpa dance
Vstors /71,- Daman, Diu, Dadra & Nagar Haveli
Dhol Dancc
Dhol or drum is ormed out rom
tle lollow part o a tree trunk.
Tle lollow on eitler side las
leatler (skin parclment), stretcled
witl tle lelp o gut strips. A
tmk is a small version o tle
dlol witl tle skin parclment only
on one side.
Tle Dlol dance is a larvest dance
perormed by \arli and Kokna
tribes rom September till tle
estival o Holi. Perormed to
propitiate tle village deities at
niglt, tlis dance orm las
perormers dancing to tle
rlytlmic beats o dlols and timkis
accompanied by men singing solo.
Tle notable eature o tlis dance
orm is its several ormations
wlicl include acrobatics and
luman pyramids.
Ghcra Dancc
A group dance, Gleria, is perormed
by tle Dubla tribesmen directed by
a leader called, Kavo. Vitl an
elaborate leadgear, lolding a cluster
o peacock eatlers in lis riglt land,
le sings and otlers ollow suit in
clorus. Tle men dancers swirl and
using tle two small sticks in tleir
lands create a rlytlmic beat by
striking tlem against eacl otler. A
Bagalwala, also part o tle group,
lolds a long bamboo stick at
tle upper end o wlicl is tied a
small lorizontal stick rom wlicl a
bagali (swan) made up o wlite
clotl is lung.
Perormed mainly during tle
estival o Diwali (Oct. - Nov.), tle
dancers are colourully dressed as
tle emale devotees o tleir
goddesses. Tle lyrics recount tle
glories and eats o tle listory and
are descriptive in nature.
Normally all Hindu, Muslim and
Clristian estivals are celebrated
in tlis UT. However, tribal
estivities and celebrations are
traditional and distinct. \arli and
Koknas celebrate Diwali as Barash.
Akha Tj is an all woman estival
o Kokna tribe. Dvaso and
Raksha Bandhan is popular
among Dlodias. Tle good spirits
o Goddess Kali are invoked in
all villages beore and ater
larvesting o crops.
Here tle estivals lave origin in
religion, tley mark tle clange o
season and are a mix o social and
cultural panorama. Tlere are many
introduced by Dept. o Tourism at
Silvassa to slowcase tle ricl culture
and leritage o tle region.
Name of FestivaIs Date & Month
Monsoon Mag|c FasI|va| 1-18 Ju|y, 'O4
Cross Country Race,Geet and Rai n Dance
0h||dran's F||m FasI|va| 8-7 Augusl, 'O4
har|ya| Foorn|ma 8Ol| Augusl, 'O4
wor|d Tour|sm ay 27l| Sepl., 'O4
Tarpa FasI|va| & 0raII Ma|a 5-7 hov., 'O4
Shobha Yatra, Painting, Fancy Dress, Rangoli,
Mehndi, Folk Dance and Flower Arrangement
Competition, Cultural Programmes
k|Ia FasI|va| 15-1 Ju., 'O5
Vstors /71,- Daman, Diu, Dadra & Nagar Haveli 9
In tlis predominantly tribal area,
tle forcst cover is spread over 58
villages. Tle liglly priced teak and
klair are tle most predominant
species and tle area under reserved
orest is almost 20,000 lectares.
Since its integration witl tle Union
o India, tle number o
unctioning industrial units in tlis
UT las risen to 2033 running in
tle industrial estate at Masat,
Kladoli and Piparia. Tlis involves
a capital investment o about Rs.
3595 crores and an annual
production o Rs. 10,900 crores.
Tlese units primarily manuacture
textiles, plastics, engineering goods,
clemicals and plarmaceuticals and
quite a good number o national
and multinational giants lave
operations lere. Tle beneits like
tax loliday and sales tax
exemptions lave attracted lot o
enterpreneurs to set manuacturing
base lere.
As agrculturc is tle main
occupation o tlis territory,
Government sclemes lave been
instrumental in providing tle
irrigation and improved agriculture
acilities to tle tribal cultivators.
Tlis las signiicantly reduced tleir
dependence on nature and tle yield
las also improved. Paddy is tle
most important crop and total area
under paddy cultivation is about
10,000 lectares. Cereals, pulses,
sugarcane, oil seeds, vegetables and
ruits are also grown. Anmal
husbandary particularly dairy
development las also improved
signiicantly since 1954. Tle
lvcstock population constitutes
cattle, bualoes, goats etc.
Fast developing as a weekend
getaway or city dwellers, tlis
territory las varied clarms and las
recorded exponential growtl in
tourist arrivals since last one
decade. Tle area also las great
promise or development o
business tourism and can also be
used as a very convenient base to
explore tle lill resort and tle tribal
land o Saputara in Gu}arat (route
via Dlarampur), tle Parsi temple
at Udwada, tle pilgrimage sites o
Trambakeslwar, Nasik and Slirdi.
Tle beautiul gardens, lakes and
picturesque tourist complexes,
water sports, lora and wildlie and
tle colourul tribal culture o tle
place makes tlis a destination or
all. Tle easy accessibility and tle
proessionally managed
lospitability trade set up attracts
tle tourist rom ar and wide.
Directorate o Tourism 02o0-
2o41399 along witl tle
Administration las taken several
measures to develope tle required
insrastructure and tourist centres
and las earned kudos or
organising a series o estivals to
promote tle ricl culture and
leritage o tlis region.
Vstors /71,- Daman, Diu, Dadra & Nagar Haveli
Gcographcal arca: 491 square km.
Locaton : 20
and 20
25' o Latitude
nortl and between 72
50' and 73
15' o
Longitude east
Rvcrs : Tle terrain is intersected by
Damanganga river and its tlree
tributories \arna, Pipri and Sakartond
Populaton : 2,20,451. Male 1,21,731
Female 98,720. Tle population density
is 449 persons per square km. Silvassa is
tle most liglly populated Patelad witl
a population o o7,173 and Dadra is tle
least populated witl only 9175
Languagc : Hindi, Gu}arati, Maratli and
Englisl in urban town o Silvassa.
Admnstratvc sct up : Dadra s Nagar
Haveli comprises o 72 villages including
Silvassa and Amli, orms a single district
and single taluka Union Territory. All
tle villages lave been grouped under 11
Patelads and 11 village Panclayats witl
elected members. Tle UT las one Lok
Sabla seat and no legislature. Tle district
Panclayat comprising representatives
rom all viallage Panclayats en}oys
certain powers o administration at local
level under Panclayat Rules. Tle lead
o tlis centrally administered area under
tle Ministry o Home Aairs is tle
Administrator wlo is assisted by tle
Commissioner s Secretary (Finance),
Development Commissioner, A. I. G. P.
District Collector and otler executives
in day to day administration. Tle
Secretariat at Silvassa is tle lead quarter
o tle administration.
Communcaton : Tle acilities like
e-mail and internet are available at
Silvassa, wlereas STD, ISD and postal
acilities can be ound even in remote
corners o tle territory.
STD Codc : 02o0
Postal Codc : 39o230.
Transport : Tle total lengtl o roads in
tle territory is 580 km o wlicl 545.45
is suraced road. 70 out o 72 villages
are connected by all weatler road. Four
laning o tle road to Silvassa rom Atlal,
Piparia and Masat is under progress.
Gcttng Thcrc : Tle railway lead nearest
to tlis territory is \api, 1o km. Silvassa,
2o km. Tle otler rail lead, Blilad on
tle Mumbai-Almedabad route is 20 km
but \api is more convenient, wlere road
transport is easily available.
Autorickslaw Rs. 80-100 to Silvassa. Tle
lub o tourist activities, Silvassa is 180
km rom Mumbai and one can turn o
tle Mumbai-Almedabad NH 8 at
Talasri, Blilad or \api or Silvassa. Surat
120 km, Nasik 140 km, Almedabad
375 km.
Infrastructurc : Facilities like road and
communication are good. One can be
sure o tle uninterrupted power supply
and adeqaute water. Tle places o tourist
interests are very well and conveniently
connected to Silvassa. Tlere are plenty
o lotels, loliday resorts and
Government accommodations to cloose
rom. Banks, ATM's and medical
acilities are also adequate.
Amcntcs : Educaton 215 sclools
including middle, secondary and ligler
secondary sclools, 15 social welare
lostels, 10 libraries, 1 ITI and 1 college.
Mcdcal and Hcalth Tlere is a Civil
Hospital at Silvassa, 1 Community
Healtl Centre, 3 dispensaries, 1 mobile
lealtl dispensary and 3o sub centres.
Powcr and watcr All tle villages are
electriied and drinking water acilities
are extended to all villages.
Vstors /71,- Daman, Diu, Dadra & Nagar Haveli 11
STD Codc 02o0
Ranfall 200-250 cm
Dstancc \api 20 km, Blilad 12
km, Daman 30 km, Mumbai
180 km, Nasik 140 km, Surat
120 km, Almedabad 375 km,
Trambakeslwar 11o km., Pune
290 km.
Tcmpcraturc Generally moderate,
less warm during tle monsoon
and pleasant in winter.
Tourst Info Tourist Reception
Centre 2o41399
Silvassa, tle urbanized capital o
tle union territory o Dadra and
Nagar Haveli was a Portuguese
enclave during tle period 1779-
1954 and was integrated into India
in 19o1. Traces o Portuguese
inluence can still be ound, and
tle ruins o Our Lady o Piety
Clurcl and Bindrabin Temple are
evocative. Its name derives rom
tle Portuguese word, Slva
meaning woods. And tlis can be
seen wlen you visit Silvassa, tle
small sleepy capital townslip.
Tle roads are lined witl tall
ma}estic trees and Silvassa las
rivers, wateralls, verdant meadows,
gentle lills dotting tle lorizon,
all packed into a small area. O
tle beaten track, little cottages lie
in tle sladows o tle trees and
one can see tle simple, colourul
tribal olks, tle Silvassa monsoon
landscape, tle orests dressed in
green, lusl arms immersed in
water, little water alls and streams,
tle small animals coming out to
play in sleer magic.
;|-::- -~
Vstors /71,- Daman, Diu, Dadra & Nagar Haveli
Trbal Muscum
Start tle tour o tlis incredible
land witl a visit to Trbal
Cultural Muscum in tle leart o
Silvassa, close to tle tourist
inormation centre. Developed
witl tle sole ob}ective o
preserving tle rapidly vanisling
tribal culture, tlis depicts tle socio
cultural leritage o simple tribal
olks o tle UT. Tle museum
slowcases masks, lunting tools,
isling gear, musical instruments,
agricultural implements,
louselold and kitclen articles and
lie-size statues o local tribes.
Entry Free. Timing 1000-1700 lrs.
Silvassa is amous as a garden city -
tle sprawling well manicured
lawns, roaring wateralls, colourul
ountains, paved oot patls and
rustic wooden bridges lave eatured
in many Hindi ilm songs.
Tle Vanganga Lakc Gardcn,
Dadra, 5 km rom Silvassa witl
its well kept lusl green garden,
sea o lowers, }ogging patls,
tlatcled luts and paddle boats
would make anyone romantic.
Entry Rs. 5. Timing 1000-1800 lrs.
Tuesday closed.
Ral and Road Tle nearest railway
station is \api (2o km) and Blilad
(20 km) on tle western railway,
Mumbai-Almedabad route. See
train table pg 5o. From \api road
transport is easily available.
Autorickslaw Rs. 80-100. From
Mumbai-Almedabad our lane
NH 8, tle town o Silvassa about
180 km is approaclable rom a
turno at Talasari, Blilad or \api.
From Mumbai it is about 3 lours
drive wlile Surat (120 km) is
almost 2 lours drive away.
By Ar Mumbai is tle nearest
Airport, well connected to Silvassa
by road.
Local Transport
Unmetered autoriclslaws are tle
common mode o local transport.
Slare autorickslaws are available
wlereas liring o ull autorickslaw
locally termed as 'special' costs Rs.
5-7 per km. Finalise tle rates beore
you board it.
Vstors /71,- Daman, Diu, Dadra & Nagar Haveli 13
Tle Hrwa Van Gardcn, Piparia
on tle Silvassa - Dadra road is a
beautiul garden witl rustic stone
walls, misty cascades, twin arcles,
springy lawns interspersed witl
colourul lowers, roaring water
alls and tiny kiosks. Entry Rs. 2
Timing 1000-1800 lr. Tuesday
Tle Tourst Complcx, Lohar, 14
km rom Silvassa towards Naroli
is or visitors seeking a gentler and
more relaxed break close to tle
motler nature. It oers 'maclan'
style cottages amidst verdant lawns
and a orest o lowers. One can
also opt or tle treks and camps
riglt into tle leart o tle
surrounding orests.
Road to Dudhn
40 km soutl rom Silvassa to
Dudlni via Klanvel is a reresling
}ourney. Tlere is music in tle air
as you traverse tle road lined witl
tall trees, tle small luts adorned
witl tribal paintings and stone
images o tle various local deities
peeping tlrougl tle groves o trees
- an endless stretcl o orests and
woods. During tle monsoon and
tle winter, greenery and wateralls
lowing across tle lilly slopes, tle
allen blooms rom Gulmolar trees
bleed into tle edges o tle road.
20 km, Khanvcl is a verdant land
surrounded by lusl green lills,
verdant meadows and tle river
Sakartond lowing past it.
Vanvhar Tourst Complcx,
Clauda almost midway between
Silvassa and Dudlni oers
cottages in native style, tle deer
park, cactus louse and a green
louse. At tle wildlie sanctuary,
at Satmala visitors can spot
samblars, clitals and black bucks.
Tle animals all dressed up in best
Hirwa Van Garden, Piparia
Vstors /71,- Daman, Diu, Dadra & Nagar Haveli
o tleir attire, tle slining coats,
designer crowns and tleir ma}estic
walk on tle orest loor is no less
tlan any aslion parade. Tle
maclan (watcl tower) near tle
waterlole provides panoramic view
o tle sanctuary.
Drive tlrougl tle winding road,
anotler 20 km rom Klanvel is
Dudhn, a large waterront o river
Damanganga ringed all around by
tle ootlills o tle western glats.
Tle river lere is expansive enougl
to lost water scooters, rowing
boats, slikaras and or more
adventurous one can experience
tle tlrills o kayaks and canoes.
Tle luxurious tents pitcled riglt
near tle river bank provide a
countryside experience. One can
cook one's meals near tle camp
and also en}oy a bonire at niglt.
Across tle waterront is Hma
Van Hcalth Rcsort at Kauncha.
Tlis tranquil place oers tile
rooed cottages wlicl serve as a
base or trekking trails built in
tle surrounding orest dotted witl
tribal villages. Tle resort is named
ater one o tle principal deities
o tle region, Himai. Tle place
oers breatltaking views o tle
river Damanganga. Tle place goes
dead quite in tle niglt, gaze at
tle stars and tle moon liglting
up tle sky and tle gardens below
glow witl tle liglt rom irelies.
About 8-10 km rom Silvassa on
road to Klanvel, a turn o takes
one to Lon Safar at Vasona.
Spread over 20 lectares, tlis las
been recently created or tle
conservation o tle endangered
Asiatic Lion (Pantlera Leo) and to
raise stock or its relabilitation in
tle wild. One is driven around in
close velicles itted witl }alis
(screen) to watcl tle antics o tle
Boating at Dudhni
Vstors /71,- Daman, Diu, Dadra & Nagar Haveli 15
Useful Info / Support Services
Mcdcal Shop_________________
Maniba Medicals, Silvassa Clar Rasta
2o31537 Sagar Medical and
General Store, Below Ramaben
Hospital 2o42150 Blawani
Medical and General Store, Opposite
Bus Depot 9825o 91388 Seva
Medical, 24 hr. Scrvcc, Rabka
Slopping Centre, Kilvani Road
2o40o30 SlriKrislna Medical, Red
Cross House 2o4003o \aislnu
Medical, Mukta Hospital 2o3243o
Apna Medical, Solanki Complex,
Opp. Town Hall 2o31127
Ambulancc _______________ 102
Red Cross 2o40911 Swaminarayan
Mandir 2o42o50
amily o lion tle king, Kusl and
lis consorts, Silky and Sonal
brouglt rom Sakarbaug Zoo at
Junagarl in Gu}arat. Entry Adult
Rs. 25 Kids Rs. 10. Timing 1000-
1700 lr. Monday closed.
Tapovan Tourst Complcx,
Bindrabin witl its Sliva temple
is yet anotler ma}or tourist
attraction developed by tle UT
Ncarby attractons
Tle land o ascinating orests,
antastic monuments inlabited by
simple tribal olk, Saputara in
Gu}arat is easily approaclable rom
Silvassa via Dlarampur, \ansda,
Vagai covering a total distance o
about 120 km.. Silvassa to
Trambakeslwar, one o tle 12
Jyotirlingas is only 115 km. Tle
pilgrimage sites o Nasik, Slirdi
and Slaneslwar can also be reacled
rom Silvassa. Trambakeslwar to
Nasik is 25 km, tle road urtler
reacles to Nasik (75 km). Slirdi is
about 70 km rom Nasik. Tle entire
stretcl is comortable two lane state
Lion Safari, Vasona
Vstors /71,- Daman, Diu, Dadra & Nagar Haveli
Blood Bank___________________
Red Blood Bank, Opp. Bus Stop
Govcrnmcnt Hosptal __________
\inoba Blave Hospital 2o42120
Clie Medical Oicer : Dadra
2oo8228 Naroli 2o42527 and
Klanvel 2o47231
Prvatc Hosptals _____________
Ramaben Maternity s General
Hospital (Dr. J. S. Parmar, MD,
DGO), Blumica City Centre, Near
Jain Temple 2o40122 Gun}an
Clildren Clinic, Siddlartl Complex
2o31225 \ardlaman Hospital (Dr.
Hemant R. Slal, MD) Opp.
Development Credit Bank, Naroli
Road 2o307o9 Silvassa
Ortlopaedics s First Aid Centre (Dr.
Slublam Jain, MBBS) Opp. Patel
Petrol Pump 2o3235o Mukta
Hospital s Maternity Home, Jlanda
Clowk 2o3243o Yogi Hospital
(Dr. Mukul \yas, MD), Kilvani Road
Dagnostc Ccntrc_____________
Hansa Diagnostic, Opp. Civil
Hospital 98243 24324 Patel
Patlological Lab, Besides DCB,
Naroli Road 9825o 91125
\aiblavi Clinical Lab, Below
Ramaben Hospital 2o41029
Police Control Room 2o42130
Police Station 2o42033 AIG o
Police 2o42707 Additional
Superintendant o Police 2o42788
Police Sub Inspector : Dadra
2oo8233 Naroli 2o50533 and
Klanvel 2o77233
Frc Brgadc_______________101
Fire Station Oicer 2o40022
Bus-Roadways _________________
ST Depot and Enquiry 2o42830.
Tlere is express S.T. bus service or
places in Gu}arat, Klambat (0o00 lr),
Clota Udaipur (0o30 lr),
Madluban-Mandvi (1330 lr),
Madluban-Surat (1700 lr). Tle
Gu}arat ST buses to Aurangabad in
Malarasltra via Klanvel departs at
0900, 1000, 1o00 and 1800 lrs.
Car Tax / Travcl ______________
For AC, Non AC taxis, Sumo, Qualis
Rolil Travels 2o329o8, Harsidli
2o42981, Jay Travels 2o4203o
Ralways _____________________
OIDC Railway Computer
Reservation, Opposite Collector
Oice 2o32230
Ar __________________________
OIDC Airline ReservationCounter,
Opposite Collector Oice
Banks _______________________
Dena Bank, Kalyankun} 2o42188
Tle Bank o Ra}astlan Ltd., \api
Main Road 2o43590 Development
Credit Bank, Bala}i Complex, Naroli
Road 2o42188 Bank o Baroda,
Near Adivasi Blavan 2o42754
ATMs _______________________
Thc Bank of Rajasthan Ltd., Opp.
Jame Mas}id, \api Main Road.
Dcvclopmcnt Crcdt Bank, Naroli
Road. ICICI Bank, Hotel
\islwanatl Complex, UTI Bank,
Hotel \islwantl Complex, Naroli
Road. Dcna Bank, Kalyankun}, Near
Jlanda Clowk. HDFC, Opposite
Patel Petrol Pump.
Bar s Rcstaurant ______________
Surbli Family Restaurant s Bar,
Sayli Road, Tin Rasta 2o43520
Vstors /71,- Daman, Diu, Dadra & Nagar Haveli 17
Fast Food / Indan Swcct ________
Bri}wasi Sweets s Snacks Mart, Opp.
Town Hall, Main Road 2o40237.
Jain Sweets s Fast Food, Kilvani
Road 3120333. Man Molan
Mistlan Mart, Kilvani Road
2o42397. Swastik Fast Food, Gogbar
Building 2o42459
Bakcrs _______________________
Silvassa Bakery, Golden Point,
Kilvani Road 2o31253. Sabras
Bakery, Golden Point, Kilvani Road
2o43040 and Klanvel Road,
Tokarklada 98244 o2035
Courcr Scrvccs _______________
Slree Maruti Courier, Siddlartl
Complex, Opp. Police Station
2o41o9o. Overnite Express, Opp.
Town Hall 2o4401o. First Fliglt,
Solanki Complex, Opp. Town Hall
2o30o12. DTDC, Krislna Palace,
Opp. Police Station 2o4237o.
Blazelasl, B/l. Voodland Hotel,
Naroli Road 3091570. Tle
Proessional Couriers, Krislna
Palace, Opp. Police Station
2o41737. XPS Cargo, Near Fire
Station, \api Main Road 2o45128.
Gati, \api Main Road 2o44914
Supcr Markct _________________
Voodlands Super Market,
Voodlands Inn Complex
2o44258. Avanti Low Price Slop,
Near Dena Bank, Circuit House
Road 2o3015o
Ccllular Phonc/Customcr Carc ___
Hutcl 111/98250 98250 Idea
4444 / 98240 12345 Airtel 123 /
98980 12345 BSNL 942o0 243o5
333 /
Postal Informaton ____________
Postal Enquiry 2o40950 Head Post
Oice 2o413o0
Colour Lab ___________________
Prakasl Colour Lab s Sutdio, Near
Collector Oice 2o42719
Intcrnct / Cybcr Cafc ___________
Skynet Cyber Cae, Hotel Soublagya
Inn, \api Road 2o40244 Planet M
Cyber Cae, Tokarklada 2o41572
Sai Communication, Kilvani Naka
2o43140 Yaloo Cyber Corner,
Sayli Road 2o45424
Govcrnmcnt / Admnstraton ___
Administrator 2o42777
Development Commissioner
2o42303 Collector 2o41701,
2o41721 Deputy Collector
2o42340 Conservator o Forest
2o40283 Dy. Conservator o Forest
and Tourism 2o43594 Assistant
Collector, Excise 2o42818
Superintendant Central Excise s
Customs 2o43087 Executive
Engineer, PVD 2o42350 Deputy
Engineer, Damanganga Pro}ect
2o42292 Panclayat President
2o424o1 Superintendent Fisleries
2o44230 Directorate o Tourism
2o41399 Circuit House 2o4282o
Doordarslan 2o40020
Tari given lere are peak season one and
include all taxes. Vlen lotels are not ull, one
can negotiate around 10 percent discount on
room tari. STD Codc 0260
RAS RESORTS Advt on 80
Naroli Road 2o40373 Fax 2o40973
100 double rooms, studios and apartments.
Rooms Rs. 2500-5000. Apartment Rs. o000-7000.
Complimentary transport rom \api Station,
Restaurants, Bar, Forex, Swimming pool,
Healtl club, Ayurvedic massage, Lawn,
Conerence, Banquet
Vstors /71,- Daman, Diu, Dadra & Nagar Haveli
Silvassa Sayli Road 2o30801-05
o3 executive suites and rooms. Sgl Rs. 1800-
3000, Dbl Rs. 2000-3200
2 Restaurants, Bar, Landscaped garden and
ountains, Kids play park, Vater sports,
Discotleque, Gym, Party lawn, Travel desk.
Naroli Road 2o44444 Fax 2o41444 Advt on 81
22 aircon rooms.
Swimming pool s Healtl club, Restaurant and
Bar, Party plot, Conerence, Garden restaurant,
Indoor s outdoor games, Coee slop.
Naroli Road 2o40431 Fax 2o40582
31 aircon rooms. Sgl Rs. 1300 Dbl Rs. 1o00
Restaurant s Bar, Banquet and Conerence,
Swimming pool, Clildren's park, Indoor
games, Car rental
Clauda, Klanvel 2o77301
3o rooms, 8 Dlx / Super Dlx Cottages and 12
Std. Cottages Rs. 1000-15000
Bar and Restaurant, Swimming pool,
Conerence, Banquet, Beauty parlour, Healtl
club, Discotleque, Multiclannel T\, Kerala
ayurvedic massage
Clauda, Near Klanvel Garden
2o770oo Fax 2o77070
2o Suites s rooms Rs. 1200-1800
Multicuisine restaurant, Bar, Conerence,
Swimming pool, Fitness centre, Indoor game,
Discotleque, Sigltseeing, Internet
Opp. Bank o Baroda 2o41998 Fax 2o42o49
Aircon rooms
2 Speciality Restaurants, Conerence,
Swimming pool, Healtl club, Bar
Naroli Road 2o44733 Fax 2o444o5
20 rooms Rs. 800-1000.
Restaurant and Bar, Travel assistance,
Multiclannel T\, Conerence, Banquet,
Holiday packages
Naroli Road 2o40o99 Fax 2o42o49
AC and Non AC Rs. 500-1000
Restaurant and Bar, AC conerence lall, Green
lawn (1000 pax capacity)
Silvassa Main Road 2o4338o Fax 2o41o81
45 rooms and suite. Suite Rs. 1125 Non aircon
Rs. 395 Aircon Rs. 495-o95
Restaurant, Healtl club, Conerence, Steam and
sauna batl, Rerigerator in dlx and suite room,
Pool table, Room service
MG Road Teleax 2o40328, 2o44257
30 rooms. AC Rs. 400-700 Non AC Rs. 350
Multi clannel T\, H/C slower, Elevator,
Pure veg. restaurant, Conerence
Vstors /71,- Daman, Diu, Dadra & Nagar Haveli 19
MG Road 2o40707 Fax 2o40348
30 rooms. AC Rs. 400-500 Non AC Rs. 350
Pure veg restaurant, Centrally located,
Multi clannel T\, Room service, Car rental
Pritlvira} Claulan Road 2o40208
Fax 2o40324 natra}
25 rooms. AC Rs. 800-1000 Non AC Rs. 500-o00
Restaurant, Bar, Garden, Conerence, Direct
STD dialing in room
Slalid Clowk, Naroli Road 2o30431
Aircon room Rs. 400-500 Non aircon Rs. 350
Aircon veg restaurant, Bar, Centrally located,
Multi clannel T\
Tokarklada 2o42555
18 rooms. Aircon Rs. 440 Non aircon Rs. 340
Bar, Restaurant, CCT\, Laundry, Room service
\api Silvassa Main Road 2o40703
32 rooms. AC Rs. 400-500 Non AC Rs. 225-300
Rooms witl balcony, Restaurant, Intercom,
CCT\, Attacled batl, Laundry
Naroli Road 2o40050
10 rooms. Rs. 350-450
AC and garden restaurant (500 pax.)
Naroli Road 2o40o0o
12 rooms. AC Rs. 350 Non AC Rs. 200-300
CCT\, Running H/C water, Laundry
Near Dena Bank 2o42127
2o rooms. AC Rs. 400-700 Non AC Rs. 300
CCT\, Intercom, Restaurant, Gu}arati Tlali,
Attacled batl room
Opp. Bus Depot 2o40340
21 rooms. AC Rs. 350, Non AC Rs. 250
CCT\, Intercom, Attacled batl, Room service
Kilvani Road 2o42015
12 rooms. Rs. 125-275
AC and Non AC rooms, Restaurant, Bar
Bindrabin 2o47285
3 cottages Rs. 200
Non AC accommodation, Meals on order
Kauncla 2o47285
10 rooms Rs. 500
Aircon rooms, Meals on order, Vater sports
Damanganga \alley Resort 2o44442
$ 1800-2400 lrs. 70 Pax
Indian, Clinese Continental, Tlai, Mexican
and Soutl Indian cuisine
Pioneer Hotel, Opp. Bank o Baroda 2o42349
$ 1800-2400 lrs. 70 Pax
Multicuisine Restaurant and Bar
Pioneer Hotel, Opp. Bank o Baroda 2o42542
$ 1100-1530 s 1800-2400 lrs. 70 Pax
Multicuisine restaurant
Ras Resort, Naroli Road 2o40984
$ 1100-1500 s1900-2300 80 Pax Rs. 200-250
Meals-A-La-Carte and Buets
Kamats Silvassa Resort 2o40431
$ 0800-2230 lrs. 150 Pax Rs. 100-125
Open air restaurant witl rustic decor,
Pun}abi, Clinese and Soutl Indian
Kamats Silvassa Resort 2o40459
$ 0800-2230 lrs. 40 Pax Rs. 150-200
Airconditioned restaurant, \eg. and Nonveg.
Indian and Clinese
Hotel Greenwood, Naroli Road 2o444o4
$ 0700-2400 lrs 85 Pax Rs. 110
\eg., Nonveg. Indian, Clinese, Pun}abi,
Continental and Local cuisine
Vstors /71,- Daman, Diu, Dadra & Nagar Haveli
Naroli Road 2o40050
$ 0700-2400 lrs. 500 Pax Rs. 80
\eg. and non veg. Multicuisine, Garden
Hotel Voodlands, MG Road 2o40148
$ 0700-2230 lrs. 100 Pax Rs. 75
Pure veg. restaurant
Voodlands Inn, MG Road 2o43729
$ 0700-2230 lrs. 100 Pax Rs. o0
Pure veg. restaurant, Gu}arati Tlali (Rs. 45)
Hotel \islwanatl, Naroli Road 2o30431
$ 0700-2330 lrs 30 Pax Rs. 75-100
Pun}abi, Clinese and Soutl Indian
Most o tle resort and lotel restaurants lave a
Bar serving Indian Scotcl, IMFL (Indian Made
Foreign Liquor), exotic cocktails and mocktails.
Clarges or o0 ml Scotcl Vlisky peg Rs. 150-
200, Deluxe Vlisky Rs. o0-80, Premium Vlisky
Rs. 50-o0 and Regular Rs. 40-50. Beer Rs. 50-o0.
Sayli Road, Tin Rasta 2o43520
$ 0900-2300 lrs.
\eg., Non-veg. Indian, Clinese, Pun}abi ood
Vlisky (o0 ml) Rs. 20-70, Beer Rs. 30-35
Hotel Soublagya Inn 2o4338o
$ 1100-1500 s 1900-2300 lrs. o0 Pax
\eg. and Non veg. Food, 24 lrs. Coee Slop
Vlisky (o0 ml) Rs. 35-70, Beer Rs. 35-45
Hotel Natra} 2o40323
$ 0800-1500 s 1700-2400 lrs. 35 Pax
Clinese, Indian and Continental ood.
Vlisky (o0 ml) Rs. 45-80, Beer Rs. 45
Dan Tourist Hotel, Tokarklada 2o42272
$ 0900-2300 lrs. 100 300 Pax
Bar, Indian, Pun}abi and Clinese ood
Vlisky (o0 ml) Rs. 35-55, Beer Rs. 30-35
Eatng out
Chna Town, opp. Natra} Hotel 2o31934,
excellent ood, Clinese menu Rs. 40-50, 1100-
2300 lr. Bagcccha, Tokarklada 2o31528,
economically priced Pun}abi, Clinese and
Indian traditional ood, Rs. 30-50, 1100-2400
lr. Sa Bhojnalaya, Panclayat Market
2o32431, very popular Gu}arati Tlali Rs. 35,
1100-1500 and 1900-2200 lrs. Hotcl Paradsc,
Near HDFC Bank, good reasonably priced veg.
and non veg. ood, 0700-2300 lrs. Mysorc Cafc,
Near Bus Stand, Tokarklada 2o40825,
excellent and simple traditional Indian ood
and Tlali. Grccn Chlly (Clat Claupaty), Near
Bus Stand, Gokul Complex, Tokarklada
2o45885 oers Soutl Indian, Clat, Juices and
special Ra}astlani Dal Bati on Sunday.
Klvan Road tle main commercial lub o
tle town las slops lined on botl sides o tle
road selling readymades, watcles, ootwear,
wlite goods, electronics, grocery etc. witl some
small eateries oering ast ood and local mix.
Anotler road rom Silvassa Clar Rasta (Slalid
Clowk) to Tokarkhada towards Klanvel las
slops oering readymade, lardware, stationery,
computer periplerals, urniture along witl
STD, PCO bootls, ew oices and dealer
establislments and a good number o small
restaurants wlere Soutl Indian and Clinese
ood, }uices and ice-cream, clat and otler
snacks are good. On tle Vap Slvassa Man
Road tle business activities are centred around
automobile, lardware, engineering goods,
electricals and some banking institutions.
Jhanda Chowk area specialises in readymades.

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