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Lisa Addie

LinkedIn: Address: Boat1502U, The hore, !din"ur#h, !$% %&' !mail: lisaaddie(three" Tel: 0)*0+,125+1

Personal Profile
I am a con-ident, moti.ated indi.idual, currentl/ "ased in !din"ur#h. I -eel that m/ e0perience to date, has allo1ed me to success-ull/ de.elop and "uild upon e0istin# skills conduci.e to 1orkin# in an a#enc/ "ased 23 and/or pro4ect mana#ement role. 5ore speci-icall/ I "elie.e I ha.e a #ood kno1led#e o- cottish and 6ational media, "oth print and online, can 1rite appropriatel/, conduct m/sel- in a pro-essional manner and success-ull/ mana#e a pro4ect -rom initial concepts to completion.

&ueen 5ar#aret Uni.ersit/, !din"ur#h BA (Hons) PR & Marketing First Class BA (Hons) 7arnock Academ/, 8il"irnie 7 Higher Grades A C

Employment E!perience
PR & Brand E!ecuti"e three"rand desi#n, !din"ur#h 9cto"er 2012 : ;urrent ;lient and pro4ect mana#ement ;ampai#n < internal and e0ternal 29 , outdoor, print, T= and radio production 2rint mana#ement 5arketin# mana#ement 23 : #eneratin# client co.era#e, 1ritin# press releases, #eneratin# tar#eted media lists, -or1ard -eatures, mail out and photocalls, proacti.e/reacti.e media liaison, social media account mana#ement #unior Account E!ecuti"e $ol/rood 23, !din"ur#h 2roacti.e/reacti.e media liaison 'ritin# client press releases 'ritin# and uploadin# content to $ol/rood 23 1e"site ;lient research Use o- 5ediaA#ilit/ 5ail outs / photocalls Marketing $ntern >o""ies 7arden ;entres, !din"ur#h 2roduction o- marketin# communications -or The 7arden ;lu" 3esearchin# and implementin# e.ents ;op/1ritin# !<ne1sletter production 9r#anisin# photoshoots Liaisin# 1ith B@5 and creati.e a#enc/ %afety %te&ard 7A , !din"ur#h !nsurin# the sa-et/ o- patrons at .arious e.ents Assistin# 1ith enCuiries/complaints 5a/ 2012 / ep : 9ct 2012

?anuar/ 2012 : 5arch 2012

Be"ruar/ 2011 : eptem"er 2012

'orkin# as part o- a lar#e team 3e#ular use o- initiati.e o-ten in demandin# situations 9cto"er 200* : eptem"er 2011

PR Assistant 2ro-ile 2lus DBresh1aterE, Leith 2roacti.e/reacti.e media liaison 'ritin# press releases and cop/ ;ompilin# client co.era#e reports ;reation o- media lists/searchin# usin# 7orkana Use o- social media as part o- a 23 2lan Administrati.e duties ;reati.e "rainstormin# 3esearch 'orkin# cooperati.el/ as part o- a small team

%kills Ac'ie"ements
I am e0perienced in the use o- 5icroso-t 9--ice packa#es such as 'ord, !0cel, 2o1er2oint and 5icroso-t 9utlook. I also ha.e e0perience usin# Ado"e 2hotoshop, Ado"e Acro"at, a#e Act and "oth 7orkana and 5edia>isk. In 6o.em"er 201, I raised F+00 -or the 5 ociet/ "/ runnin# 108, this sparked a runnin# "u# and I ha.e no1 si#ned up to run the !din"ur#h $al- 5arathon in 5a/ this /earG I hope to continue to raise mone/ -or charities close to m/ heart. At Uni.ersit/ I carried out the role o- ;lass 3epresentati.e and at hi#h school I 1as appointed >eput/ $ead 7irl as 1ell as $ouse ;aptain.

Additional $nformation
I hold a -ull, clean U8 licence.

3e-erences are a.aila"le on reCuest

Lisa Addie
Tel: 0)*0+,125+1

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