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Keywords / Vocabulary

agreement (bereinkunft) = a negotiated and typically legally binding arrangement between parties as to a course of action.
o A verbal agreement to sell. Annual increments were slightly lower than expected for the first period.

annual increments (jhrliche Erhhungen) = series of regular, small increases.


bargaining (Feilschen) = The process of making and reacting to offers in a negotiation is often called bargaining.
o He bargained with the local council to rent the stadium. bargaining power (Verhandlungsmacht) = in negotiating, capacity of one party to dominate the other due to its influence, power, size, or status, or through a combination of different persuasion tactics. o A student looking for their first job probably won't have much bargaining power over pay, but other people might. blue-collar (Arbeiter) = relating to manual work or workers, particularly in industry. o A blue-collar neighbourhood. bonus (Prmie) = extra money that you're paid in addition to your usual salary, especially as a reward

for good performance.

o Big Christmas bonuses. WTO says it's made a 'breakthrough' in new customs negotiations. Keep within the household budget. Foreign banks may charge a commission.

a breakthrough (ein Durchbruch) = a sudden, dramatic, and important discovery or development.

o o o

budget (Etat) = an estimate of income and expenditure for a set period of time. commission (Provision) = an amount of money that is paid to somebody every time they sell a product. compensation package (Gesamtvergtung) = a combination of benefits that an employer offers to employees; this may include wages, insurance, vacation days, guaranteed raises, and other perks.
Retirement plans are another integral part of the compensation package offered by many employers. compliance (Regelbefolgung) = the practice of obeying a law. o All imports of timber (Holz) are in compliance with regulations. a compromise (Kompromiss) = a mid-position where both sides accept less than they really want. o To reach a compromise, both sides may have to make some concessions. a concession (Konzession / Zugestndnis) = something given by one side in order to reach an agreement o The business partner was unwilling to make any further concessions. contract of employment (Arbeitsvertrag) = an agreement between an employer and employee and is o

the basis of the employment relationship. o This contract of employment is entered into between Jason and Microsoft. deadline (Abgabetermin) = the latest time or date by which something should be completed. o The deadline for submissions is Friday 5th February. a deal (Deal / Geschft) = the final agreement at the end of a negotiation.
o The government was ready to do a deal with the opposition.

deferred payment (Zahlungsaufschub) = a loan arrangement in which the borrower is allowed to start making payments at some specified time in the future.
A deferred payment plan is available for fall and spring semesters. delivery (Lieferung) = the action of delivering letters, parcels, or goods. o Allow up to 28 days for delivery. delivery time (Lieferfrist) = how long the goods will take to arrive. o A delivery time can be too long or too short. disability (Behinderung) = a condition in which someone isn't able to use a part of their body properly. o People with severe (schweren) physical disabilities. dismissal (Abberufung) = officially stop someone from working because they have broken the rules. o The dismissal of an employee. employee benefits (Sozialleistungen) = include various types of non-wage compensation provided to o

employees in addition to their normal wages or salaries.

o VA offers a Federal employee benefits package that's unmatched in the private sector.

end-of-year bonus (Weihnachtsgeld) = a reward paid to an employee at the end of the year.

Many year-end bonuses are tied to performance metrics and the amount can vary depending whether certain milestones are met. exclusivity (Ausschlielichkeit / Exklusivitt) = sole rights (Alleinrechte) in a geographical area. o We do not offer exclusivity for any product or service. flexitime (gleitende Arbeitszeit) = a system of working a set number of hours with the starting and

finishing times chosen within agreed limits by the employee.

As our company has a weekly flexitimescheme, some weeks I only work 30 hours,while others I work 50. fringe benefits (besondere Sozialleistungen) = things that you get in addition to your basic compensation o

o Fringe benefits can really entice (locken) you into taking a job.

grievance procedure (Beschwerdeverfahren) = a complaint that an employee makes to an employer about unfair treatment.
Grievance Procedures must contain right to refer a grievance to a third party industrial relations institution. guarantee / warranty (Garantie) = a promise of quality, or that faults will be repaired. o We offer a 10-year guarantee against rusting. a head - on conflict (direkte Konfrontation)= one which is very direct. o There is no conceivable political coalition in sight that would be prepared to face a head-on conflict with the unions. incentive scheme (Anreizsystem) = a formal scheme for inducing (jmd. Dazu bewegen etw. zu tun) o

someone (as employees) to do something.

o Have an incentive scheme where part of the rise is a bonus based on performance, resu lts or profits.

income (Einkommen) = money earned by a person, an organization or a country.

Figures showed an overall increase in income this year. industrial relations (Beziehung zwischen Arbeitgebern und Gewerkschaften) = the relations between o

management and workers in industry.

o Lifetime employment tends to contribute to better industrial relations.

labour turnover (Personalfluktuation) = proportion of a firms workforce that leaves during the course of a year.
o It is important to remember that labour turnover levels vary between industries. Here you'll be able to filter deals by length of contract and cost. He has taken out life insurance.

length of contract (Vertragslaufzeit) = how long the business agreement will last.
o o

life insurance (Lebensversicherung) = money paid to your family when you die. lockout (Aussperrung) = the exclusion of employees by their employer from their place of work until certain terms are agreed to.
o The union took strike action and management responded with a lockout. No long-term relationship survives if the two parties aren't honest.

a long - term relationship (langfristige Partnerschaft) = one that lasts.


maternity leave (Mutterschaftsurlaub) = a period of absence from work granted to a mother before and after the birth of her child.
The Employee is entitled to maternity leave and maternity leave pay according to the provisions of the Employment Ordinance. minimum order (Mindestauftragsgre) = the smallest number of items that can be supplied. o Amazon raises the minimum order value for non-Prime free shipping. minimum wage (Mindestlohn) = an hourly rate for low-paid workers. o A national minimum wage would lead to job losses. negotiation (Verhandlung) = discussion aimed at reaching an agreement. o A worldwide ban is currently under negotiation. a one - off deal (einmaliges Geschft) = one that happens only once. o If you don't need campaigns at specific times, ask media sales teams to alert you when they have oneoff deals. an outcome (Ausgang) = a result, a consequence; the way a thing turns out. o It is the outcome of the vote that counts. overtime (berstunden) = time worked in addition to ones normal working hours; time-and-a-half' o

may be mandatory for some workers.

o Fewer opportunities for overtime. perk (Sozialleistungen / Sonderzulage) = something extra that you get from a job, very much like a fringe

benefit, but it can have no monetary value for example the chance to travel.
o Many agencies are helping to keep personnel at their jobs by providing perks.

penalty for late delivery (Strafe fr eine spte Lieferung) = an extra discount because the goods arrive at the customers premises (Gelnde) after the agreed time.
The penalty for late delivery, wrong delivery, wrong returning shall be at the discretion of the company. pension (Rente) = money that you receive regularly when you no longer work because of your age. o Men can draw a pension from the age of sixty-five. pension plan (Altersvorsorge) = An arrangement for paying a pension to an employee, especially one o

funded fully or in large part by an employer.

A traditional pension plan that defines a benefit for an employee upon that employee's retirement is a defined benefit plan. personnel consulting (Personalberatung) = the office or department that interviews, appoints, or keeps o

records of employees.
We are an owner-managed and independent personnel consulting agency with offices in Frankfurt am Main and Munich. personnel management (Personalfhrung) = Administrative discipline of hiring and developing o

employees so that they become more valuable to the organization.

o Good personnel management lies at the heart of success in business.

precedent (Przedenzfall) = an action in the past that is used as an example when someone wants to do the same thing again.
o There are substantial precedents for using interactive media in training. The standard procedure for informing new employees about conditions of work.

procedure (Verfahren / Ablauf) = the correct way of doing something.


promotion (Befrderung / Promotion) = 1) the action of promoting someone or something to a higher position or rank or the fact of being so promoted. 2) the publicizing of a product, organization, or venture so as to increase sales or public awareness.
o Godwin was promoted to the new role of people director. You may only purchase one unit of each product at the promotional discount.

promotional discount (Frderrabatt / Aktionsermigung) = a reduction to help launch a new line


prompt payment discount (Skonto) = a reduction available for pre-payment or payment soon after delivery.
This 1000 prompt payment discount may only be deducted if payment is received at our office no later than proposal (Angebot) = a plan or suggestion, especially a formal or written one, put forward for o

consideration by others.
o The customer made a proposal. A quantity discount of 20% is granted on orders for 250 or more units.

quantity discount (Mengenrabatt) = a reduction available for the purchase of large amounts.

rebate (Abschlag) = 1) a partial refund to someone who has paid too much for tax, rent, or a utility. 2) a deduction or discount on a sum of money due.
o You will be entitled to a 20 per cent rebate off each standard fare.

recruiting (Rekrutierung) = The process of finding and hiring the best-qualified candidate (from within or outside of an organization) for a job opening, in a timely and cost effective manner.
o As Head of HR, Im responsible for recruiting and dismissing staff. Units concentrated in Buenos Aires would be redeployed to the provinces.

redeployment (personelle Umbesetzung) = moving someone to a different place or a different job.


redundancy (Arbeitslosigkeit / Freisetzung) = the state of being no longer in employment because there is no more work available.
The factorys workers face redundancy. relationship building (Beziehungsarbeit) = getting to know the other person, exchanging information o

about the two companies, discussing the market, and generally building trust.
o Does your business focus on relationship building?

remuneration (Bezahlung; formal) = payment that you get for your work.

They work in excess of their contracted hours for no additional remuneration. retirement (Ruhestand) = the time after you permanently stop working. o The library has seen a large number of retirements this year. royalty (Honorar) = a payment that someone such as a writer or musician gets each time their work is

sold or performed.
o The royalties paid to writers for recorded music.

salary (Gehalt) = a regular amount of money that you earn - used for monthly payments and whitecollar jobs
o A 15 per cent salary increase.

a single - issue negotiation = one where one side wins what the other side loses.
In single-issue negotiation, the negotiation focuses on one aspect only (typically price) of the concept under negotiation. statutory (gesetzlich festgelegt) = fixed by law o It represents a breach of our statutory duties. strike (Streik) = a refusal to work organized by a body of employees as a form of protest, typically in an o

attempt to gain a concession or concessions from their employer.

In response to the strike, Pemsco has decided to shut down the factories affected by it pending a settlement of the dispute. terms (Bedingungen) = conditions under which an action may be undertaken or agreement reached; o

stipulated or agreed requirements.

o Negotiate the best terms. Terms of payment can be very strict or more flexible. She is taking time out from her hectic tour.

terms of payment (Zahlungsbedingungen) = financial conditions for a sale.

o o

time out (Auszeit) = time for rest or recreation away from ones usual work or studies. trade association (Arbeitgeberverband) = an association of organizations in the same trade formed to further their collective interests, esp in negotiating with governments, trade unions, etc.
An industry trade association participates in public relations activities such as advertising, education, political donations, lobbying and publishing, but its main focus is collaboration between companies, or standardization. trade union (Gewerkschaft) = an organized association of workers in a trade, group of trades, or o

profession, formed to protect and further their rights and interests.

o Most of our staff are members of a trade union which they have chosen voluntarily to join. Transport costs have escalated for manufacturing companies over the past few years.

transport costs (Transportkosten) = the cost of delivery

o o

union (Verband / Gewerkschaft) = an organization that represents the workers in a particular industry.
He was opposed to closer political or economic union with Europe. wage (Gehalt) = a fixed regular payment earned for work or services, typically paid on a daily or weekly

o We were struggling to get better wages.

wage systems (Lohnform) = system which compensates the employees with a fixed sum per piece, hour, day or another period of time, covering all compensations including salary.
Flexible wage systems benefits both employees and companies. whistle-blowing (ausplaudern, verraten) = a person who informs on a person or organization regarded o

as engaging in an unlawful or immoral activity.

On the surface, whistle-blowing entails a choice between silence and full-scale disclosure of collegial misconduct. white-collar (Broangestellter) = relating to the work done or the people who work in an office or other o

professional environment.
o Many white-collar workers, such as accountants, bankers, attorneys and real estate agents, provide professional services to clients. At the end of the day, it is a win-win situation for everyone.

a win - win situation = one from which both sides feel they've gained.

works council (Betriebsrat) = group of employees, often elected by fellow-workers, who are consulted by management in meetings.

Works councils shall be elected in all establishments that normally have five or more permanent employees with voting rights, including three who are eligible. work-life balance (Verhltnis zwischen Berufs- und Privatleben) = a comfortable state of equilibrium

achieved between an employee's primary priorities of their employment position and their private lifestyle.
o Work-life balance has been an important issue over the last decade.

worker participation (Arbeitnehmermitbestimmung) = a process by which subordinate employees, either individually or collectively, become involved in one or more aspects of organizational decision making within the enterprises in which they work.
o Worker participation is an important part of managing health and safety.

work-to-rule (Dienst nach Vorschrift) = follow official working rules and hours exactly in order to reduce output and efficiency, especially as a form of industrial action.
o Management urged cabin crew to call off their work-to-rule. In a zero-sum game, the wins are balanced by the losses.

a zero - sum game (Nullsummenspiel) = one where only one topic is being discussed.

Negotiating idioms
go round in circles (sich im Kreis bewegen) = to use a lot of time and effort trying to do something, without making any progress
We spent the whole day running around in circles looking for a document which everyone thought was lost but which wasn't. get bogged down (sich festfahren) = stuck; prevented from making progress o The students became bogged down with the algebra problems. The Smiths really got bogged down in decorating their house. give (some) ground ((einige) Zugestndnisse machen) = To change your opinions or your demands in a o

discussion or argument so that it becomes easier to make an agreement.

o The dispute is set to continue for some time as neither side seems willing to give ground. I still have a few tricks up my sleeve.

keep something up one's sleeve (etw. in petto haben) = Hidden but ready to be used

keep one's cards close to one's chest (sich nicht in die Karten sehen lassen) = to not tell anyone what you plan to do
o I never know what Martin's next move will be. He plays his cards close to his chest.

play it by ear (von Fall zu Fall entscheiden) = to decide how to deal with a situation as it develops rather than planning how you are going to react
I'm not sure how long I'll stay at the party. I'll just play it by ear. play hardball (mit harten Bandagen kmpfen) = to behave in an unpleasant, threatening way so that you o

get what you want

o Some of these religious groups play hardball with those who leave the faith. A great company with everyone pulling their weight, and a little bit more.

pulling their weight (seinen Beitrag leisten) = doing their share of the work.

stick to one's guns (auf seinem Standpunkt beharren) = to remain firm in one's convictions; to stand up for one's rights
I'll stick to my guns on this matter. I'm sure I'm right. Bob can be persuaded to do it our way. He probably won't stick to his guns on this point reach a stalemate (in eine Pattsituation geraten) = a situation in which no action can be taken or progress o

made; deadlock.
o The negotiation had again reached stalemate

reach deadlock (in eine Sackgasse geraten) = a state of affairs in which further action between two opposing forces is impossible; stalemate
o The meeting reached a deadlock

sticking point (Streitfrage) = a problem or point on which agreement cannot be reached, preventing progress from being made.
o Safety issues have been a sticking point in the negotiations

1. What are industrial relations? Who are the main actors involved in them? a. The term industrial relations refers to the system in which employers, workers and their representatives and, directly or indirectly, the government interact to set the ground rules for the governance (Betriebs-/Fhrung) of work relationships. How do these actors try to impose their demands? a. Workers and their Organisations: Trade unions and works councils are the main pillars (Hauptsulen) of employee representation. The main purpose of trade union is to protect the workers economic interest through collective bargaining and by bringing pressure on management through economic and political tactics. Trade union factors include leadership, finances, activities etc. b. Employers and their organization: Employers employee the worker, pays the wages and various allowances, regulates the working relations through various rules, regulations and by enforcing labour laws. He expects the worker to follow the rules, regulations and laws. The difference between the demands of worker and employer results in industrial conflicts. Normally employers have higher bargaining power than workers. But their bargaining power is undermined when compared that to trade unions. Employers from their organizations to equate (or excel) their bargaining power with that of trade unions. These organisations protect the interest of the employer by pressuring the trade unions and government. c. Government: Government plays a balancing role as a custodian (Aufseher) of the nation. Governments exerts its influence on industrial relations through its labour policy, industrial relations policy, implementing labour laws, the process of conciliation and adjudication by playing the role of both employees organisation and employers organisation. What are their relative advantages and disadvantages of the main types of wage system? a. Two types of wage systems (all other wage systems are combinations of these two methods of wage systems): i. Time based wage system: Wages are calculated on the basis of time worked irrespective (unabh. von) of the quality of work done. Pro: Simplest system and economical, workers can easily understand the calculation of their wage. Con: System doesnt differentiate between efficient and inefficient workers. As wages are paid in terms of time spent, it decreases the morale of efficient ones. ii. Piece based wage system: Under this system, the wages are paid to a worker on the basis of output produced by him without considering the time taken in performing the work. Pro: Work as an inducer for workers to produce more. All efficient workers are rewarded and inefficient workers are penalized (benachteiligt). Con: In an effort to produce more and more workers may exert themselves to fatigue (Mdigkeit). Workers feel insecure in this system because they will lose wages for the period of absence (Abwesenheit).



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